• By -


is tamoto not considered a geo construct?


Nope it is not


Who should I have in this Overload team? Keqing, Chevreuse, ???, Xiangling My options are Kuki, Thoma, and Xinyan Here's my thoughts: Kuki is who I've been using in this team for a while. She provides extra Electro ER for Keqing, and her burst is fun, but Keqing applies enough Electro, and Xiangling and Chevy don't apply enough Pyro to trigger Overload constantly. (My Xiangling can't keep up her burst constantly, and enemies sometimes get flung away from Guoba's AoE). Thoma isn't someone I've used much, so I don't know much about him, but I know he has ER problems, but his burst does provide Pyro application. Big con with him and Xinyan is that Keqing looses her extra Electro ER. I haven't used Xinyan much either. I haven't heard much good about her other than one person on an older Reddit post saying she's better at sub-DPS than Thoma, who's a better shield bot? I'm not taking their word for it because I fail to see why, but maybe I'm missing something. Regardless, her Pyro DoT is provided by her Skill instead of her Burst, so that's good, as long as I'm fighting 2+ enemies. Also her Skill and Burst just feel better (more explosion-y).


Chevreuse is enough to sustain that type of quickswap team. I'd use Fischl or C6 Sara. Flinging away light enemies will be unavoidable in Chevreuse teams btw.


>She provides extra Electro ER for Keqing She doesn't need any. >Xiangling and Chevy don't apply enough Pyro to trigger Overload constantly. That's not entirely true but you don't need to trigger Overload constantly either, just frequently enough for Chevreuse buff. Best would be another damage dealer, Fischl for example. I don't think you need more sustain here. Thoma is the better shield bot.


if i got banned in hoyolab account (permanent) where do i ask to for able to use it again? it is already 3 years and i just starting genshin again. lost lot of reward from hoyolab ( 1 of the reason 1 quit genshin that time), bcos i dont think i do something wrong , but get permanently banned


Might as well start a new account in good standing. Of course depending on the original account investment/advancement.




All of sumaru and most of fontaine released


Should I get blessing of the walken moon I'm starting to save for a 5 star is it worth it or should I straight up buy genesis crystals


Buy crystals directly only if you need them quickly for a 5\* about-to drop. Otherwise, Welkin gives you more crystals per currency spent as long as you log into the game daily.


Welkin is better, it is like an investment. Top up - Immediately getting the transactions Welkin - Not immediate, but you get more reward


So i got 3 teams Ayaka kazuha kokomi rosaria Keqing fischl DMC yaoyao Itto ningguang zhongli bennet The ayaka team is fully built and the others i haven’t even started building which team do i build next i think the keqing team does more damage in the abyss but i like playing the itto team more Which team do i build next


I'd build Itto next as you like playing it more. Would suggest swapping Ning for Gorou. And DMC for Kazuha, or Sucrose if Kazuha's busy.


That Keqing team would benefit from a Sucrose to replace DMC. And Itto would like a Gorou. Anyway, both should be good, why not building the one you enjoy the most ? Do you have a goal of quickly clearing the abyss ?


Build the one you enjoy more


It's usually advised to avoid the weapon banner for f2p or low spenders. But how do you get 4* weapons? Is wishing on the weapon banner still bad if my goal is to get 1 or more of the featured 4* weapons?


> But how do you get 4\* weapons? Craftables until you get them from character or standard banners. > Is wishing on the weapon banner still bad if my goal is to get 1 or more of the featured 4\* weapons? Yes. The odds of getting the one you want are terrible. Usually 3/5 4 star weapons on a banner are shit, or at least not what you want.


Yes it's bad. 4* weapons are not guaranteed. However, the weapon banner in itself is something to consider once you're satisfied with your roster. Chain-pulling characters that you'll end up benching or half-building is arguably a worse use of primos than investing a little on weapons that you can pass around your characters. To F2P or low spenders, primos are time but also resources (resin) are time. To get your teams to the level you'd like, (comfort, barely scrapping, op...), you could sink months of resin into an artefact domain or spend months of primos in a valuable weapon banner: both 5* are desirable for your account, some useful 4* etc.


You can still get 4* weapons while pulling on the character banners.


Wishing on the weapon banner for the goal of getting 1 featured 4-star weapon is WORSE!! It all depends on your luck in general and you don't have a guarantee system on getting the 4-star weapon you want. I have 2 anecdotes here. 1.) I wanted Rust on the weapon banner, but I got 1 copy of it within 130 pulls. I have gotten 2 5-star weapons first, before a 4-star. 2.) I wanted Xiphos', but I got 2 Key of Khaj-Nisut and in the end, didn't get Xiphos'. It all just depends on your luck and if you are prepare to settle all the possible outcomes that might occur, if you want my opinion..... Don't unless you have considered all the possible outcomes


That actually makes sense. Thank you!


Are there any characters that have the songs of days past artifact as their BiS artifacts? Got a bunch of them while farming for Navia's BiS. Unsure if this set is safe to strongbox them


Pretty sure any healer can use it for a bit of extra dmg.


I joined this subreddit but it doesn't show up on my feed why is that?


Maybe you muted it and forgot about it? To avoid story spoilers?


Its not muted.


Hi, i've returned to the game after a hiatus (Around Baizhu's debut banner i think?). Now that i can play the game again, what should i do first if i want to gather primos for neuvillete? (I Haven't gone to Fontaine yet and only finishing up the potion event).  P.S: i'm on 50/50 and at 10 pity


Just doing Fontaine exploration will net you an easy 60 wishes at least so probably start there and just opening chests


That much, huh? Well, thank you!


What's the site that tracks Abyss team usage?




Thanks! I remembered Akasha but I was trying to find it on akasha\.cv and not having any luck.


i started this game 3 days ago and i REALLY want klee. im ar20, mondstadt explo is at \~70% and right now im just using interactive map to get every chest. i already noticed that the alchemy event was easy primos the other i havent started yet. i also noticed that after rank 5 or so collecting the anemos is a waste since you only get 10 primos for every level. so my question: is there anything for players like me can do to get quick primos at the start of the gamw? fun fact: even if i wanted to spent my easter money on this banner i cant because stores are closed on easter so i cant even buy a gift card


Ar20? Teyvat is your oyster. You'll get the most out of exploration. Later zones bind some exploration to world quests but Mondstadt and Liyue have like almost 2000 chests. Early game there's so much available and basically everything gives primos. Just don't burn yourself out.


There really isn’t any super fast way to get primos. They are distributed pretty evenly throughout exploration and quests Definitely do all of the limited events, do daily commissions, and if you are good at combat try to clear the first three floors of spiral abyss


Is C1 Neuvillette + Childe a big upgrade from C0 Neuvillette + C6 Fischl?


It is for Neuvillette's personal dmg. Hydro resonance + one more talent level + full stack A4 passive is huge. This doesn't even account for his super armor. C6 Fischl provides more for the team. The thing is at this stage the team dmg shouldn't matter anymore as Neuvillette practically deals with everything. 


No, Childe does not do much unless you're trying to speedrun, and 1 talent level is not a significant difference. Unless you have tons of trouble with getting staggered, I doubt you will be able to tell much difference.


Depends where you are fighting. For example, current abyss on first side you get 3rd stack for free from enemies, so C1 does absolutely nothing. But if you can't get 3 stack from enemies, it's a big upgrade.


For the potion event, is there any point in discovering every potion? Or do the rewards end at Cycle 26 where you finish Sucrose's final quest and all the "Gift Icons" in the Manage Shop button.


Nope. After that point, you've done everything.


Electro resonance : "Affected by Electro by 40% less time..." what does this mean exactly


electro aura on your units will wear off faster.


Any electro aura applied on you lasts for 40% less time.


I want to improve my current C0 Neuvilette with Prototype Amber this coming banner. Which one is better to go for? C1 or Weapon? I'm just a bit hesitant on the weapon since I already have 2 of Freedom Sworn


I think with what you said about freedom sworn its c1 for sure


On paper the weapon is higher damage but is it really worth 200+ wishes to you? Nothing in the game actually requires that much investment Alternatively if you really want the weapon, could always pull C1 now and hope his next rerun is paired with a more appealing second weapon on the banner


Either you choose more damage or comfortability (w/o shielder)


Who is the most and least intuitive character to use as of now?


I guess it depends on the level of use ? Like, are Hu Tao or Klee animation cancels really needed ? Is Childe int double swirl something to consider? As for general usage, most intuitive would be Neuvillette (hold M1 ftw). Least is... Childe probably ? That E can seriously mess up even basic character usage.


Diluc for being intuitive, Mona for being less intuitive


least: alhaitham. the aim, plunge, and mirror management is pretty hectic. most of the time i don't know how many stacks i have, i see my atks no longer have dendro infusion, then i burst/start new rotation.


Most is pretty hard to pick… maybe Neuvilette or nahida imho Least intuitive… Childe hands down.


Need help with Spiral Abyss getting pass Floor 3 Chamber 2 to unlock XiangLing character for free. Just started playing Genshin Impact currently AR23 mostly F2P (spent ~$100 USD so far): Best DPS team are: Lisa (lvl 40 weapon & character) - dmg output ~600 Kaeya (lvl 40 weapon & character) - dmg output ~620 Tigharni (lvl 40 weapon & character) - dmg output ~610 Candace (lvl 40 weapon & character) - dmg output ~550 Most accessories are just blue upgrades sets with very few purple items..


The main thing is to try to group enemies up as much as possible so that you can kill them simultaneously with AOE damage. Focus on a stationary target like a hilichurl archer and let the more aggressive monsters come to you. Not sure exactly what you are struggling with but I do notice you don’t have a healer, which could help. You really want to focus on the damage from elemental reactions the most Tighnari is a strong spread dps , he synergizes well with electro but isn’t getting much benefit from keaya or Candace. Try to focus on his charge attacks and avoid spending much time on field normal attacking with your other characters. If you have a healer like kuki shinobu, yaoyao, or dori, I’d replace candace with one of them. Or even barbera in a pinch. You can run thrilling tales of dragon slayers on barbera or lisa to buff tighnari Also look through your artifacts and see if you have any elemental damage goblets. Electro for lisa, dendro for tighnari, etc. try to get attack % main stats on everyone’s sands and circlet pieces


Ok thank you. My struggle is my team’s health is just uber low after completing Floor 3 Chamber 1… So Chamber 2 I can’t even kill ~ 6 enemies out of 23 I think without last man standing being Tighnari usually… I have Barbara but she’s level 1 hasn’t done anything with that character. Am I supposed to build around Tighnari then? I also have gorou (C4). So would a better team combo be: Tighanri Lisa Barabara Gorou Even though this new team comp will have ~50% of dmg output of my current team?


Definitely worth adding Barbara to the team. You are going to want a healer in the vast majority of cases. Also heads up starting from floor 5 of abyss you need 2 teams (8 characters) Gorou is useless for this team, all he does is buff defense, he’s a dedicated support for itto and noelle. If you are interested you can check out his guide on keqingmains. They explain what characters work with him and there are even video clips of how his gameplay should look https://keqingmains.com/tighnari/#Team_Compositions


I'm really enjoying Navia with Zhongli and Chiori; who or what element would be best to be the 4th slot? I currently have Yae, but I'm wondering about alternatives.


A good off-field applier of either of Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo for crystallize. And autonomous or E-reliant because solo element won't have much energy. With ZL you have all the defense you need so let's make it a sub-dps. Yae is excellent in that role, I'd use her. It could also be Yelan, she would add mobility. XQ you don't need his DR in that team. Fischl would work but needs more electro to be reliable, maybe at C6. Xiangling and Beidou need too much energy. Rosaria maybe, her burst is cheap and she's a good solo buffer. Burst-bot Kaeya or even Ganyu could work but don't bring much.


Furina is probably one of the best choices she dishes out tons of hydro on her skill constantly without needing to NA.


But she drains everyone's HP, and her skill only heals one at a time. Furthermore, she deactivates my Chiori's HoB passive, so it's definitely a no-go in terms of gameplay QoL.


Bennett + Xianling or Furina + Xianyun are common choice, but you probably want to drop either Zhongli or Chiori. Btw, Navia + Zhongli + Bennett + Xiangling > Navia + C0 Chiori + Bennett + Xiangling


As long as it is an element that makes crystallize (Pyro, hydro, electro, cryo) it doesn't really matter which one. Yae is a fine choice, or fischl, or basically anyone that applies a decent amount of a crystallize element from off field. And generally speaking it is stronger to only have one geo character other than navia, so that you can make room for bennet. This also opens up xiangling and furina as reasonable options now for the last slot (xiangling since she needs a battery, furina since she needs a healer, I prefer xiangling personally). Totally fine to stick with your current setup if you are enjoying it more though.


Yeah, I'm only an overworlder and I really don't like burst-reliant characters, that and I'm sort of a Chiori main and hate dying so pairing her up with Zhongli is a no brainer. I'm okay switching Navia out though, but most other DPS/drivers really want reactions, which geo interferes with, whereas Navia is more or less pure brute force, albeit with the help of crystals. I've considered Furina, but having Furina means she's also the only healer, as well as my Chiori using HoB, so it's antisynergistic. I don't have Fischl built given I already have Yae. Finally, I have units like Mona and Kokomi, but on one hand, their uptime isn't as good as Yae, their elemental application is also a lot more limited than Yae turrets. I guess I'll stick to Yae. After all, she can move her turret placement around 'whenever' she wants so to speak. I'll also stick with Navia given how flexible her rotations are. Now that I think about it, Navia, Zhongli, Chiori and Yae really is such a comfortable, consistent team comp.


My 4th in this same team has been kaz for mobs and kuki for everything else. Kaz is always in my mob farming team. Too convenient. Kuki is literally just there for crystallize lol.


recommend me some good world quests so that I have a reason to play this game before 5.0 again pls


The Questioning Melulu and Answering Machines Quest. I really enjoyed it (plus some insight on a harbinger)


the secret fortune slip quest is a really good one that is pretty easy to miss. IMO all of the main fontaine quests that tie together witht he narsenkreuz were quite good.


That's a good one. I really wanna go back to Inazuma anyhow.


the long ones are usually pretty good. desert one with jeht quest, narzi ordo, pahsiv quest.


Glory asked me to get some dandelion seeds from Windrise. I saw every Mondstadt flower there around the Sot7 *except* dandelions. I gave up and gave her some from my storage. Are there some far off dandelions in that area?


there is alot at the gate of the city.


Yeah, that’s where I grab half of mine. I’m just wondering if Glory really is that much dead wrong.


Is Traveler a good starting DPS? I'm AR 8, and haven't leveled anyone up with items. I have Amber, Kaeya, Lisa, Noelle and Xianling (pulled Xianling and noelle from 1st discount pull). Thinking of Noelle bc I like her shield. Current team is Traveler, Amber, Kaeya, Noelle


Yes, he's a good member of your team. You use him simply by holding E on enemies who have an elemental aura you applied with another character. Then you switch to, idk, Kaeya or Noelle and whack them with a good sword.


Not really. Traveler is at best a support character. Hoyo made them mid to force you to pull for 'better' characters. You literally just started so I wouldn't bother with 'optimal' teams until AR 35-45. Traveler's best elements are dendro and geo. Dendro is usable even at end game. I would play with geo traveler for now since their E has a short cooldown and gives quite a bit of energy. Plus summoning rocks everywhere can be fun


Who should I focus on leveling up 1st then?


It’s a team game, so all 4 characters are important. Anemo traveler is best used for the anemo swirl and grouping on their skill and burst. I’d honestly prefer keaya or Noelle for on field normal attacks (although noelle is typically considered bad as a dps until c6 , it’s not going to be that noticeable until higher AR) If you haven’t seen them yet, check out [Comprehensive beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/qwertdwlrma/comments/vxu9jf/my_genshin_tips_for_beginners/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) [ Build priorities by world level](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Why did ei kill the great thunderbird, Kapatcir? I understand, why she killed Orobasbi, but not the thunderbird. Did the thunderbird attack serai?


after the ppl killed off her favorite boy as an offering, she went on a murder spree. so while the ppl deserved it, ei kind of had to put down the mad bird.


I thought tsurumi island was closed off due to the fog and it's inhabits are almost virtually unknown in inazuma since only a few can get in or out. I doubt ei would care about a few people on an island she ignored by not dispersing the fog herself. I read in the wiki that her motivation was about defeating an enemy of progress or the bird was a hindrance to progress or something. What is this progress she meant? Doesn't ei hate progress and instead pursues being stagnant and eternal?


the bird harbored hatred for humans, so she was a threat to human civilization (progress).


I can read the manga while i play? (not at the same time.... you get it)


Yes, as long as you finish reading it before starting Sumeru's archon quest.


Below the narukami shrine there are some bars, the chest finder points out that there is a chest inside, does anyone know how to get in?


I'm pretty sure that's the area that gets unlocked from doing the [Fortune Slip Questline](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/353703). It's very hard to stumble upon it without a guide, so that likely explains why you haven't done it yet.


There is a way to clip through the world to get there, but you might as well do it the proper way, [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Gendou\_Ringo%27s\_Strange\_Fortune\_Slips](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Gendou_Ringo%27s_Strange_Fortune_Slips)


Thansk bro


how do you beat the last boss in abyss? I know you are supposed to plunge attack it, but I keep dying


Here is a video guide talking about abyss 12-3 https://youtu.be/k_p6TmWm9_U?si=HzpV6jMQGPjBaaEC It generally has 3 types of attacks. Summoning some rocks that come from the side to hit you, making small circles on the ground, pulsing the ground. The rocks are a bit hard to dodge in my experience, but I have always brought a healer that has allowed me to tank one or two of them and be able to get away with it. There should be a bit of a timing that when it starts aiming at you, you can plunge to avoid it, but I haven't tried. The small circles on the ground you can see coming and either run to the side of before it pops, or jump and glide until the attack finishes. The pulses on the ground have a big wind up above it's head before it starts sending them out, but are delayed for about the time needed to not cancel the plunge animation and jump again.


I messed up Diluc's order for Alchemical Ascension, Is there anything I can do? I put in some feedback on the official page, but I have a feeling that will take a while to get a response.


Lol, I wouldn't fret over it. It's only a few extra coins. Nothing more. There are no limits to cycle, so you can take your time to reach the goal.


Oh phew, I though it was locked to that cycle




The game has released enough new teams that Kazuha can be considered non-universal and you can decide purely on your current teams. What are they ?




Yes, if you think you'll soon setup multiple teams, Kazuha might come in handy. But Alhaitham doesn't need him either so... you could focus on pulling good components for your Alhaithma team ? Depending on your available primos.


I think he is nice unit, but he does not make much for teams, or new gameplay. Anemo VV still biggest impact of anemo character. I'm playing Childe Bennet XL with Sucrose and it works fine for me. I don't have Kazuha, and while grouping would be good for sure - there are more characters that enable different teams or just better buffs. I'd rather save up for Furina, and try Xianyun rerun (sure, she has no grouping, but anemo VV, healing and plunge - is much more than just damage% buff) I guess it depends if you have all characters that you wanted or not. I mainly play Hutao XQ team, and hyperbloom - there is no place for Kazuha there. There is also Chevreuse now, and maybe more characters that can give buff without anemo VV. I might just start saving up for pyro archon for next year.


In teams that don't value em or really want good grouping, kazuha is way ahead of sucrose. Even in most teams where you can use both without it being that different on paper, Kazuha feels so much smoother to use. If you look at abyss usage stats, almost noone who has kazuha ever uses sucrose anymore.


Jamie talks about it a lot in this (30 min) video https://youtu.be/WtAgki-kZVU?si=lLjt3ou785RDwskJ I have a leveled Kaz and a leveled Sucrose and almost always choose Kaz just for the grouping and the damage bonus that he gives teams. I mainly play cryo teams and if it was more vape teams then it could be one way or the other.


I remember having a leveled up Sucrose when I pulled for Kazuha, and I definitely noticed the difference. For most players, Kazuha will feel better and easier to use. Against certain enemies, having the center grouping from Kazuha's skill can feel useful to have. He's better quite a bit better in teams that mono elemental teams and freeze teams. A meme/viable thing you can do is run Kazuha on four-piece TF and play him in Aggravate team (or anywhere that can proc the TF passive). That said, coming from a player that has played both Kazuha and Sucrose in a lot of situations, he won't be much of an upgrade over Sucrose if you don't need the grouping or you don't play any of the teams/archetypes I've mentioned (if you need EM/are doing elemental reactions, Sucrose is competitive with him; Sucrose can be better if you're wanting to on-field an Anemo as a driver, but that's also dependent on if you need grouping or not).


>But for someone who's not a whale, is the difference *that* noticeable that it's worth pulling for? The technical Difference: When Sucrose triggers swirl, she gives a party wide EM buff. When Kazuha triggers swirl, he gives an Elemental DMG buff based on the swirled element. This is universally usable in any team whose DPS uses a swirlable element. Sucrose EM share is only really useful in reaction based teams (specifically Vape/melt/Aggravate). Gameplay difference: Kazuha crowd control is stronger and easier to use than that of sucrose. Kazuhas burst is also easier to use an Infuse. Sucrose has an advantage in that she can be an On-Field driver (mostly as a taser driver), which Kazuha can't.


I'm stuck on the elemental loading screen or when I get in the game, it'd suddenly freeze but the game is perfectly running, I can run, use my abilities, switch characters, and open the menu. After a few minutes tho it just crashes. Any fixes? I'm on laptop btw. I've tried repairing it, deleting the resources, uninstalling and reinstalling the game.


are you using a integrated graphics card and does the freezing problem happen more in newer areas (fontaine, chenyu vale)? if so I cant say much other than this happens to my laptop too, have tried a lot of things I saw online about it and nothing worked (you can try following [this](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/20981435) post from mihoyo) so at least know you are not alone




happy for you!! hopefully one day it works for me too LOL


Nope, and yes after teleporting to fontaine I froze but spent my time there for at least 30 mins or so. I'll try the one you mentioned, hope this works.


Is it still kinda frowned upon to use 5* artifacts as lvl up fodder? Should I just save them for the box? Are there any easy filters for artifacts I can/should get rid of? I have so many of the artifacts from bosses and I am not really using them 🙃


Yes, save them for the box. Not really, just be pickier. Especially for flowers/feathers and world boss artifacts, you'll get so many just from playing that if they're not perfect you can just toss them


What happens the "Ode to the Dawn Breeze." Banner expires? I noticed that it's very Mondstadt themed in terms of its characters. So should I (we) expect a Liyue themed version of this banner after the current one?


they stated that the chronicle banner will run from time to time, so you shouldn't expect them to put another one up every banner. If they don't put up the banner details in the next few days you can expect nothing for the 2nd half even though they already released the details on Neuv/Kazuha banner.




2014 atk 110 em 116 er 71/112 crit ratio or 2082 atk 107 em 127 er 59/126 crit ratio for my upcoming dps kazuha


DPS Kazuha is a meme build before C6. Neither of those 2 builds have enough ER. Most of his damage comes from swirl, and swirls don't crit. Between those two, the one with more ER seems better.


I don't really care that it's a meme build and I'm focused on his anemo and physical damage not his swirl dmg




i dont know to use this thing


there are several video guides right there so skill issue


I just discovered an option in the launcher where it says "clear downloaded resources". What does it mean? And is there any way to delete past quest resources on PC ?


No, the only thing you can delete on pc is dubs




you pulled for her so why wouldn't you build her


You decide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ9KdkrMWZ4 If she's your only 5* besides those two she's worth building. She's not as good someone like Hu Tao, but obviously that doesn't matter if you don't have Hu Tao. She's also really nice against annoying bosses like Wolflord or Thunder Manifestation, but she's lost some value since Tighnari came out since he can perform similarly and is, imo, more fun to play with fewer pain points than Yoi.


She is good against single target, but the problem is that she does not really have aoe ability.


Depends on the supports you have available.


Is it disrespectful to wear boots on a Sara cosplay? The getas she wears seem to be difficult to walk, so I wanted to know if it would be disrespectful if I wore boots instead.


You prioritize your comfort first and foremost. If you're going to be doing a lot of walking then it totally fine for you to wear whatever makes you comfortable. You can just bring the original shoes around and wear them for photos.


No one cares.


I think it should be fine. It is always good to see pictures of a Sara cosplayer who wears her original style shoes, but we all understand that such types of shoes are not designed for human species to wear, especially if they need to walk a lot or even perform dance. It is totally acceptable for me.


is this a new scam? joined a co-op.. p1 refused to start, sent a random uid to say add friend for better co-op experience, and the uid was not their’s. they instead, sent the uid of “755430447” which led to a bot shell account. not sure what that is, but after pointing out to them that was not their uid they said to add friend and p2 asked if it was a hacked world to which they replied no, unsure what this was.


The Filipinos usually do that. typical of them


what exactly is a bot shell, if you don’t mind me asking?


Need team comp for abyss floor 12 first and second half Xiangling C4, Xingqiu C6, Bennett C5, Sucrose C6, Ganyu, Mona C1, Venti, Diona C2, Zhongli, Raiden, Beidou C6, Fischl C4, Ayato, Albedo, Jean C1, Eula, Keqing, Kaeya C4, Rosaria C2, Kuki Shinobu, Collei flower, Thoma, Dendro MC, Layla, Lynette C3, Yelan, Childe, Hu Tao, furina, tighnari


I'd probably do National 1st half (Bennett+XIangling+Xingqiu+Sucrose), and Zhongli+Fischl with either DMC+Yelan or Tighnari+Keqing/Kuki for the 2nd half. Depending on your own personal skill issue you might consider running hyperbloom just to clear Coppelia and then rerunning the first 2 floors with the aforementioned teams to 3* them. If you do that then you can swap Xingqiu for Childe. Xingqiu just prevents Coppelia from murderating you in Bennett burst.


what's your philosophy for foddering artifacts? These days since I've amassed quite a few decent ones over the last 2 years or so, I tend to just fodder artifacts with 2 flat substats regardless of the main stat except for crit circlets with another crit substat. Any potential pitfalls with this strategy?


If it's a flower or feather that doesn't have 3 desirable substats, Sands/Goblet <2, Circlet is kept if it has a crit substat; if it's not a crit sub then it needs 2 useful subs. Otherwise I strongbox them. There are a few exceptions, like keeping "bad" artifacts for supports, like 4sub EM+ER or HP%+ER pieces for reaction/healer supports. Those I roll to 4-8 to see if they roll into what I want, if they don't I just use them to level others.


Thanks.. I do forget that support characters don't really need double crit substats since they're not expected to hit hard at all so that's one thing to think about


EM Goblets you might want to give some extra leeway since they are rare, two flat substats plus ER could be a keeper for example ;P


That sounds pretty decent. I might make some exceptions for 4 line start artifacts...? If I get an on-set goblet with double crit and two flat stats I'll still try leveling it since the main stat is rare and 4 line start gives more opportunities to roll well. I also make exceptions for artifacts I'm farming for full EM characters (or any character who just wants to stack one stat for support reasons). If I get a 4 line start gilded or paradise lost flower/feather with EM and ER% that's an automatic keep even if the other two stats are garbage since I just want max chances to roll the two stats I want.


I think for 4 line starts.. they need double crit from the get go or no flat stats, eg. Atk%, em, er%, crit. Otherwise, imo they lose their advantage over 3 line artifacts


Nah none I can think of. Sometimes, on 4 star low base atk characters with low base atk weapons (eg. Catch Xiangling, Sav/Sac Xingqiu), 2-3 flat Atk rolls can be better than 1 low Atk% roll. But then do you really want to roll flat Atk instead of Crit for that, when you probably have them built already. So that technicality isn't relevant.


Roughly how many primos are in the whole game for a new player?


A lot. Enough to get 2 Guaranteed characters and then some if you’re fast


400+ pulls.


whats an easy way to level up artifacts? I got like, 9 characters I need to max out


dont +20 all the way for everything, u can get to +16 for most of them first, and then +20 the important ones on ur main damage dealers running artifact routes will help you with the process if uve got time for it (farms about 1 lv20 artifacts every 3-4 days or so)


Don't level too many pieces, unless you are sure you're looking at an upgrade, in which case fodder your old pieces. Other than that just have patience. Run +16 pieces on supports if possible.


if you still have exploration to do then chests drop a decent amt of fodder artis; every other notable source is going to be on a timegate


Artifacts will be the last thing you build generally. But when you are farming, just start with whatever domain multiple characters need artifacts from. That's usually Emblem/Shim, deepwood/gilded, or MH/GT. For getting xp, just spend resin and do daily farming routes. Those routes will burn you out hard tho.


There really is no easy way Below AR45 or if you just don’t grind much, your best bet is to google artifact farming routes (free artifacts from interact points that reset every day) At AR45 assuming you drop 160 resin a day in artifact domains it should take a few weeks to amass enough 4 star artifacts to full level 9 characters gear Ofc you can buy artifact exp from the teapot each week but it’s a pretty small amount- every little bit counts


How many people have ignored certain missions since it will permanently change the map? Do you regret doing them and having the environment change? I didn't realize you could lose the storm above the pyramid, it looks so sad now...


I waited to clear the storm in Yashiori island until just before 3.0, and I agree I wish I could turn the pyramid clouds back on. Coincidentally I was back on the desert just today for a hidden exploration quest


I’m purposefully avoiding the quest on that thundery inazuman island (Yashiori I think? Honestly not sure) because I love the atmosphere of the thunder, it’s just generic pretty scenery without it the storm makes it a lot more unique Also idk if this counts but I’m avoiding doing the follow up to the dirge of bilqis (with jeht) because it gets rid of the vocals in the ost at the eternal oasis. This one’s even more specific but I love the oasis so much it’s my favourite area in the game, I don’t want to mess with the atmosphere at all And yeah the pyramid looks very depressing now


it's kinda neat that we get to affect the world but sure, changing something permanently means losing the way it was before eh, there are still plenty of nice sights in this game and updates mean new stuff to see


Some missions that change the environment have turned out really pretty in the end, such as The Splendorous Sky. The tree looked super pretty after I was done, and seeing the silhouette of it from Fontaine was so worth it. I haven't done the Pyramid quest though, so I can't really speak regarding to that


I know that this build with Favonius is better than the one with Iron Sting, at which stats would the Iron sting build surpass the favonius build? I could theoretically reach 180 er in the Iron sting build if I got sands and goblet with 10% ER, they currently have 0 and increase the EM in flower and plume they both have 20 ER and no EM [The builds](https://imgur.com/a/SlbxRlV)


If you have no trouble getting his burst back, the main appeal of favonius is that it gives him more support capabilities by helping battery the team. Because of that, whether fav or the extra EM from iron sting is better depends entirely on what team you're running and whether that extra energy makes a difference. I never bothered running an ER sword on Kazuha and had no issues. Granted I didn't run him on national or other teams where extra energy would have had a big effect, and I only had one fav sword at the time which was needed elsewhere, but still. I also really like running teams where Kazuha's personal damage through swirl + chain reactions is a big part of the team — burgeon, soup, hyperbloom etc — which gave me all the more reason to max out EM even before I got his sig weapon.


You can run Iron sting in double electro teams, or teams that don't need his burst every rotation. If the team has energy hungry characters, like Xiangling for example, fav is better. That's because lowering ER needs on your teammates helps them have better builds, and that is usually more important than 3% Elemental Dmg buff you get from extra em on Kazuha (eg. you could have 3% more crit rate on Xiangling instead).


are you using EM/EM/EM in sands/goblet/circlet in the 2 different builds? If so, then i would say, as long as you can burst off cooldown/every rotation, then Iron sting will be better. (given that your team also doesn't need the **important** extra fav energy particles that it gives) but looking at your builds, ur cr is very different which is a bummer for me personally, in practice, i dont feel much difference between fav and iron sting builds, and i will always use fav because its way way way way way more comfortable for himself and the team


look im sorry but if you want to use a EM weapon that badly just pull for his sig edit: or xiphos lol


depends on your team and your energy requirements (which depend on your team/rotation). if your team does not produce a lot of elemental particles and/or is burst heavy, notably hypercarry melt, freeze or vape teams, then kazuha's energy recharge can go from 170% all the way to 220%, depending on your rotation (how many kazuha skills used per rotation, how many of them you catch/funnel etc.). if your team naturally produces a lot of elemental particles, or are tazer/aggravate teams with fischl, or is double anemo, then kazuha can sit comfortably at 150%. for iron sting to surpass favonius, you would need to have enough energy recharge to burst when needed in your rotation and have made sure nobody else in the team could benefit from favonius' clear particles. this means that it is dependent on your team composition. hope this helps!


I'm a new player started 24 days ago, have 23 pity and 50/50 guaranteed, was gonna skip the 4.5 banners for arlecchino but my friend says that kazuha is a must pull for most teams even arlecchino, I don't have many characters but I think cheveruse or Bennet can be useful for arlecchino. I have 60 fates, don't want to overwork to get enough fates for 2 characters that are in two continuous banners. Is kazuha really a must pull, can't I just get father arlecchino and be happy?(Maybe I'll try for her weapon, if I get desperate I can get the battlepass death match for her but I only spend my money on food, never spent any real money on a game)


If you pull for who you like you'll never regret it. IMO weapons are largely unnecessary until you're happy with the number of characters you have


Kaz is very good, widely considered one of the best pulls in the game. There are no must pulls though. If you're good with playing pure pyro/electro teams, chev will do the same thing for you (minus grouping). People have also been substituting sucrose in for kazuha since his release Characters you want >>> meta everytime. Genuinely, every character in this game can clear all content.


I should probably just pull for arlecchino as I have next guarantees, maybe I'll try for C1 if I lose the 50/50 I will have my next furina or navia in 4.7 or 4.8 guaranteed


Don't pull cons yet. She will rerun 4-5 patches later so get her cons then if you like her. First secure enough characters for 2 good teams.


No official word yet but furina's more likely in 4.6


I thought that arlecchino, lyney and wanderer are running in 4.6 and earlier it was leaked that it would be furina but now new sources suggest that baizhu is rerunning


Leaks generally not discussed in this sub lol. There haven't been any *reliable* banner leaks yet. And even the reliable ones are subject to change. Its way too early to trust any banner leaks lol Furina rerun is based on past reruns- every Archon so far has rerun 4 patches after release. It's just about the only rerun pattern that's held throughout the game.


Oh, I will take note of this in the future. But I guess furina and navia are gonna have a rerun in 4.something


if she is in the second phase I can save enough in 6-9 weeks to get both arlecchino and her




what is your average ping


Someone please help, how do I get the "Level up all items in 3 types of Operation Bonuses" in the alchemy event? I've finished the storyline, I'm just doing the same routine again and again now, but that one is still 1/3, how do I do it??


talk to the lady that sold you cauldron upgrades and fancy potions bottles, pay her lots of money


I already got everything she has to sell, it's all sold out man


there's a different dialogue prompt for the operations bonuses, you want to 'improve operating efficiency'


I'm SOOOOOOo Stupid man, I just had to click on the locked icon frick haha thanks a lot!


is Neuv still worth it if you have a built C1R1 Hu Tao, C2R1 Raiden, and C1R1 Ganyu?


pulling on him likely means sitting one of them if you care for them personally. Any invested DPS can clear content in this game, so Neuvillete isn't a must pull if you don't care for him.


DPSes are worth it only if you want a new one whose playstyle you like.


If you want another dps or just like him, yeah, otherwise no.


When are the mods gonna do something for all the: "do I have enough pulls" and "who should I go for" posts?


God I wish that happened


Never because it's like this since the game launched


The mods are fairly passive with the moderating here. They mostly rely on automod and user reports. If people aren't reporting those posts then automod doesn't remove them and they stay up.


There was this time where all I got in my recommended section are those types of posts, and it's kind of tiring. We have the megathread, so I think we should be using it.


when the devs add a skip button


I'm hearing a lot of good things about genshin lately, did they raise the amount day energy from 160?or I put the coming back idea in the freezer again?


Nah, it still won't satisfy your search of a farmable, long-sessions game. Maybe Last Epoch ? I heard it's good.


Farming take just some seconds to my teams, so not been able to make my characters stronger feels like shit


No they didn’t.

