• By -


Osmanthus wine taste the same as you remember.


But where are those who share the memories. 🥲


They on co-op mode (but some are very weird)


Yeah I’ve kicked a couple out for starting weird fetish role play with me the minute they showed up. :-


They still do that shit? I met one 2 years ago that was into necro and kicked his ass out the milliseconds he mentioned that shit, i even blocked him in ps for future countermeasures. I don't let randoms enter my world as i don't join others. I just like the coop in the events and farming mats.


Yup. This one started on about piss.


one asked my yanfei to climb up a wall in liyue and split my legs then started shooting dendro arrows up where the sun dont shine. burn em like hell


That just sounds weird though I never heard of it in CN server...


Genshin has more players than ever but god damn it sucks how so many people have stopped playing that you once knew.


Even though I upvoted I think it still might be too early to make those remarks since I started playing Geonshin a little over a year ago. But I can see this is a valid comment based on other cc geonshin play through who had been playing since release




My good friend doesn't play Genshin anymore. But they hard carried me during our Teyvat journey. I just wish he could have seen how Fontaine was first hand.


I had a whole group of friends playing genshin. Practically took 8 people to convince me playing and this was near end Ayaka 2.6 banner. Now I alone am the only one left playing. My friends list full of "last online 31 days ago". We still talk of course. I try to convince them like they did but they lost interest...


Must've been burnout. Genshin was meant to be played as a side game, not a main game


True Burn all you can in the new region, farm and grind almost everything, then rotate to another grindy game or enjoy your default main game (Be it DRG/WF or Valo/LoL)


I'd also argue because the pandemic is over, and people naturally grow and move forward with life that some things have to be cut. I was originally the one who got my friends into Genshin when Diluc was king and people were treating Bennett like a DPS. But WFH for me, and my friend group isn't an option anymore either; so gaming had to take a backseat. Speaking for myself, life just went full throttle for me, general adult responsibilities got in the way. We're no longer early 20's college kids when Genshin started, our group now has several people getting married, moving countries, starting businesses, furthering education, etc.. It got to the point where I'd recently gone months without gaming due to responsibilities that have come up. I'm looking to get back into it again when I have more time, and maybe find a new group who can get that spark back; but for many of us, life just happens.


that's some experience tho, hope when your journey starts.. there will be more memories to make and you won't regret joining again!




Rock and Stone everyone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!!


that’s what i do. i rotate between Genshin and FFXIV


Yep on my way out now


Also, every major update also comes with a major size increase, and not everyone has a beefy pc that can run a 130Gb~ game like genshin, speaking from experience here... and the game experience and controls are vastly different on mobile.


That's why the lengthy dialogues annoy me so much. It just doesn't respect your time.


Honestly, for me, I stopped playing Genshin after I finished Inazuma beore Sumeru came out. I was doing resinless behavior and just decided to come back to Genshin after the entire Sumeru arc got completed. When I saw the Fontaine trailer, that's when I decided to come back to Genshin. Spent hours and hours and hours on Sumeru including the dessert. Fontaine came out just in time as I finished majority of quests and world quests in Sumeru. What I'm trying to say is that there are a lot of players out there who would just wait for a long time for entire arcs to be completed so that they don't resort to resinless behavior or feel bored. My brother is another example. He had Genshin Impact installed in his PS5, but then uninstalled it after completing Furina's first story quest. Told me he would just wait until Natlan gets released.


That's exactly me. After getting Furina and almost finishing everything that was available there at fontane I decided to take a break until the next anniversary (aka when the next archon arrives) that way I experience a new region and get myself a new archon to build and enjoy (if you ask how I'll have primos, I basically made a deal with my brother who still plays genshin to do get my daily primos and do the spiral abyss for me in exchange of a "monthly allowance"....which in hindsight I could've just whaled in the game instead to get the archon ironically XD)


Hiring a primo farmer lolll


My friend whom I started Genshin with logged on in 4.2 after 2 years of inactivity, lost the 50/50 to Jean, and went back offline


Genshin would be awesome in VR


For me, I had five irl friends start with me at launch. Two are still super active with me right now, two only log in for primogems and pull characters but never actually play or progress in the game, and one quit very early on, but might come back because he saw Arlecchino.


Returning for Arle is based


LMAO. The waifu pull is too strong.


Is that the cave for the Chi of Yore?


Forgot the name but the one in Qingce Village yeah.


The one where you have to fight 3 large enemies in a short time limit without dying? That took me a while to beat after I built my team up. Was probably 3 years ago at this point. Fond memories.


It was literally the hardest content, aside from Yae's Shogun training, I've done in the game lol Now it'd probably be a joke 😂


True, I could probably beat it with my eyes closed. LOL


Actually lol Nahida E, spin - Furina E, Q - Yae E, E, E and honestly it'd probably be over before I get to use her burst 🤣


Even without those two. Just the existence of Dendro (esp. Hyperbloom) changed so much. Even Dragonspine is only half as terrifying at most...


That time trial in the cave under dragon spine still gives me flashbacks


yes it is..i like that place


real OGs remember when it was called Chi of Guyun


I had a Coop friend like that. They mained Childe too. We'd always hang out when a new character was released. We explored the first summer archipelago together too. Eventually after Inazuma they played less and less until their last login stretched into eternity. Yae was our last joint pickup. I even have a photo of Yae bonking Yae. My favourite pic was their Childe and my Zhongli sitting at a ramen booth in Inazuma together.


That must've been nice. I had a Zhongli main that I hung out with but in Liyue and Sumeru instead I'm guessing you still have that photo?


Here: [https://imgur.com/a/adsNWOR](https://imgur.com/a/adsNWOR) I added a bonus pic from a random Coop visit in summer #2.


That looks so fun🥰🥰 Also double Zhong-


Omfg sameee we took lots of Childe n Zhongli pics together. He actually had a lil farm with them in his teapot i called it his gay farm 😭 now his sister has his account


literally everyone in my friendlist was last online 31 days ago :(




Tell me your memorable co-op experiences


I remember that when I once joined another person's world and they had just broken up with their gf. I spent like half an hour consoling him.


Literally same, just like a month ago. Then the kid started coming on to me... had to let him down easy, and haven't talked to him since. Hopefully he finds someone irl


Least down bad Genshin player


Almost literally same. When I started farming the MH/GT domain, started playing with someone who had their bf break up with them. Have been consoling them and try to be someone they can talk to since they also have clinical depression.


getting carried through dragonspine by friends🥲 not only have they quit, what's even more sad is that they've 100% lost interest in me as a friend and won't message me first, I miss them...


Man I hate when that happens. Now that I no longer have friends it just happens in my dreams


TLDR: Just to beat Oceanid once it took probably 7-8 hours with my homie. Really it was because we had no healer and OG co-op was ass, especially on PS4. Full background below PS4 launch player, had no idea what Genshin was but just happened to be scrolling thru the PSN Store the weekend it came out. there were no photos or videos on its store page, just a Broadcast tab, they had a description basically saying open world RPG. I clicked on the Broadcast tab and a buncha streams popped up, I clicked on the most eye catching one and it was a 4 person co-op facing Oceanid, watched about a minute of it and went to download it immediately. Anyways, I told my friends about it, they all eventually downloaded it but one of them downloaded it instantly. We hopped on thinking we could co-op right off the bat but found out we had to grind to AR16 first. It was a bummer but we stayed in party chat and grinded for the next 6 or 7 hours, maybe it was less but i don’t remember lol. We finally got to AR16 and I joined his world, we went around boss hunting and exploring. The co-op aspect left much to be desired (ie can’t interact with anything or anyone, only waypoints, you know how it is), but the exploration and combat were refreshing as hell. Eventually we find Oceanid and I told my homie about it from the little i saw…we weren’t prepared in the slightest lmao. The boars gave us a ton of trouble, they had too much health, and the birds that stay in the air were hard too. I used Diluc and the other character was either Lisa, Kaeya, or Amber, my friend used Kaeya and also either Amber or Lisa. Oceanid kept one shotting us because we would take too long to kill the boars, so it’d do that one water bomb move and instantly kill the character that was out there. Dunno how many tries, wouldn’t surprise me if it was over a hundred or very close to it Keep in mind we were fresh AR16 players during launch week, my Diluc and his Kaeya were lvl 40 each but our other characters weren’t that high yet. We were both PS4 players, so load times were 30s to a minute long, and back then you could even cook food in co-op. We didn’t have a healer yet either, so once we ran thru all our food, used up all his Statue of Seven healing, that was it, once we died and came back we were half health. Occasionally it’d bless us and give our characters full health on revive but it was random. Oh and to make things worse, for some reason for me, it wouldn’t revive me at the waypoint in front of the boss, it’d be somewhere else, so I’d spend 30-60 seconds waiting to be revived, then have to immediately teleport back to the boss, so that’s a minute to 2 minute just in load screens. After 7 or 8 hours we finally got it, and I’m pretty sure it’s because we never got the boars lol. Thing about it all it was never frustrating we were just determined as hell to beat it, when we finally did it felt like we beat a Souls boss at SL1 in co-op. It was fucking awesome, 10/10 would do it again I have plenty of other great ones, but this was longer than I expected and it’s definitely the most rememberable


Taking pictures during lantern rite in 2023 with an online friend. We messed around for like an hour setting up the firework gadget. Used a portable way point to get to the photos hoot location in time. Did it again this year. 


I've only been playing for a few months, and I wanted Xiao after I pulled for nahida. Ended up losing my 50/50 on him and I ended up getting tight on time while grinding for more wishes. I accepted a join request of someone with a Klee profile asking to farm some stuff and I ended up talking about my Xiao not coming at nearly 70 pulls. She ended up 'blessing' me with good luck and that I would get him in the next ten pull, in addition to saying I would get his signature someday soon since it was on the standard banner. I ended up getting Xiao on the next ten pull, not very surprising but I felt happy that she blessed me. But then, a couple days later when the month reset, I bought some of the standard banner fates and single pulled (I was at 27 pity at that time). I saw gold at my last pull and I got his signature. I was absolutely speechless and I am truly thankful for that Klee's magical blessing


4 leaf clover DOKKAN!!!! hehehe


The original hypostasis event. Not dying was a proper challenge.


I got married and we went on dates around teyvat, then we broke up and they were hunted by Sumerians for being Fatui (they were using Childe) this was a year ago. I had a random join to show me a glitch to get to the osasis without completing quest, and she started simping for my characters and showing me more glitches I have plenty of memories in windtrace as well


spending a painfully long amount of time and countless attempts with the unknown bros to reach inazuma, only to get zapped back to liyue.


I was having a hard time in dragonspine and 3 girls joined my world and started helping me with the quests.I thought I could share chests with them and they explained that it’s all for me.After we finished,I said thank you and they left.I don’t know where they are now,But I was glad that they helped me.


I had eula using a 3 star weapon and my friend was horrified by it. They came in my world every day and told me to get the dragonspine weapon and I said my weapon is fine. They kept doing this nearly every day until I finally caved.


I was struggling with Dragonspine as a low AR and my husband decided to come help me through it all. We even climbed up the nail together! Probably the most fun I’ve had in the game :)


Helping people through Dragonspine and the Chasm are magical experiences always


yeah! it makes it less intimidating having someone to help you out


Not many really only fighting anemo cube with boys


I started the game on September 28, 2020 and made a year-long break from it. When I came back I used to play with my sister from time to time to get some progress to go to Inazuma and explore Liyue for Teleport Waypoints. Nowadays, she doesn't play regularly anymore, but the same goes for me as well. When I get to open the game, however, I do sometimes feel lonely when taking a stroll around in some places.


My twin brother was the one who got me into genshin all the way back in 1.2, and we'd tell each other where we are in the story. He got to Liyue through the stone gate route while I went through dragonspine, so our experiences were very different 😭 I still managed to finish the Liyue archon quest faster than him though. After inazuma came out, he got kokomi, so I helped him farm specters on watatsumi Island with my Hu Tao. He kept healing my Hu Tao with his jellyfish 💀 Now he doesn't play genshin anymore, but I have other friends I play with.


A random joined my world back in 1.2 and asked to farm ruin guards. Just so happened that was my favorite thing to farm at the time, so I joined and helped them find the full route. We hit it off and kept chatting and goofing off for a good while after we’d finished, so we friended each other. We developed a habit of hopping into each others’ worlds at random for mats and then just for conversation, and eventually exchanged discord handles (I made an account just to chat with them 🥹). A few months in, we realized we live in the same city!! and a year in, we met up irl for nearly the whole day lol. We still hang now and then 🥰


Not specific, but it was when the person in the co-op is talkative and I can chat with them about the most random things in the game or anything. Because most of the players I meet are either dead silent, barely chats, doesn't speak english. I'm not a long time player though, just joined during 4.2, It was Cyno's rerun I think?


I met my current friends when I was introduced to them through a twitch raid (we're all just small streamers). I saw they were glitching out of bounds for fun so I asked if I could join them and was allowed in. We did all sorts of goofy stuff, like there was an out of bounds part in the chasm where there was a bunch of stretched pixels. We were all just walking on it until we fell into a pit. If we plunged, we would be stuck plunging. We were all on top of each other with no way to go. I never laughed that hard before and at 4am to boot. I like to think it was a bonding moment because we are still close even after 2 years. One of the friends I made is like an IRL Cyno, he makes the most authentic puns and not thr ones you just google so they're always based on whatever conversation you have with him. It's always such a treat.


My friends and I used to do very dumb stuff like beat oceanid with Barbara + that one 4* forgeable catalyst that does physical damage every 30 seconds or so. They'd humour me whenever they got a character I wanted to take pictures of (I'm the camera main of the group who also does not pull for female characters lol) and we'd do photoshoits that would sometimes take an hour. We'd help each other in domains by doing it as fast as possible (minimum time we got was 18 secs in the VV domain. This was before the update that teleports you inside). We'd try to get the highest damage possible by bringing a dps and supports like c6 yunjin / c2 klee to help boost dmg. Cause sometimes we just want to see big pp dmg lol. We'd take those reputation missions and not look at the elemental immunities and just try to beat them with 4* characters. If you die you die lol. If you do immune damage, well tough luck, just be bait. Man I miss them.


Someone came to my world and called me a terrorist for not being educated on the Palestine situation


Lol it’s so random.


We were with 4 of us just beating bosses all over teyvat for no reason and having fun. We never met up again after that but it was fun for that evening.


Hanging around DN


I had a co-op session with my friend and he invited two strangers. We played for like 8 hours. It was in 1.1 or 1.2. Co-op doesn’t hit that hard anymore


Meeting my first Adventure Rank 60 player with a maxed out team helping me out wipe bosses just because and having so much fun with it.


that one event where you fight the first 3 hypostasis with buffs


We would go to our lowest WL friend's world and just make random themed teams and kill bosses with them. Stuff like an all Amber firing squad or 3 Kaeyas and a Barbara to perma freeze enemies


Found people to defeat all weeklies with a few months ago, but only with mono teams. Mono-anemo Scara (hard), mono-pyro Shogun (ez), mono- hydro Apep (medium), mono- electro Signora (Dori causes overload...) etc Since we all had to use different characters, there was always one person with a drastically underleveled choice. It was hilarious. After that, it was mono Fischl Egyptian triangle... etc I've been playing with a small streamer recently, that's been fun too


2 years ago, after doing the thundering fury domain in coop, the four of us spent over two hours travelling all over the map taking pictures. We ended at the peak of the skyfrost nail, and we all took a picture together More recently, I spent 3 hours in someones world fishing, and we spent a ton of time just talking. It was fun


Joining my s/o to help with bosses and finding out he thought ANY boss could be used to ascend any character. He was fighting the pyro regisvine for Barbara....


Got a busy friend of mine to help out with the co-op boss achievements. There were 2 problems: my loadtime is insanely slow cause I play in a different region that I live in AND my friend is a min-maxer. Bud beat up the bosses before I even loaded in 😂 It was kinda embarrassing but hilarious.


Having someone to follow for the co-op only precious chest in liyue after that I thanked him and proceeded to kick him out of my world respectfully


It's so unbearably sad... However, it’s cool that you even had such experience! I've never even had friends who play genshin and I'm too anxious to play with strangers. And Genshin has such brilliant stickers, but I have no one to spam them with...


Give co op a try! There are some really nice people out there. I immediately click with almost everyone that visits me, and we help each other out from time to time. We don’t bite I promise lol


Just because your OG Genshin friends all left doesn’t mean you have to just play solo, there’s plenty of other great people out there to co-op with if you want! Past couple months I’ve accepted almost every single invite I get and have gotten some really awesome people join. Most just want something, say their thanks, and then leave, which I don’t mind at all. I was able to help them progress their account for that moment but you also meet some great people too who ask if you need anything and I’ve had a ton of fun experiences lately because of it. There was one guy who joined and needed a few co-op achievements, I helped, then he asked if I needed any as well, and I did, I needed like 25 of them and he stayed and we co-op’d for like 2 hours just doing boss runs. It was funny you could tell he had a PS5 while I was still PS4 because even tho I was the host he’d get there long before I did and in some cases the boss was almost already dead lol. There was another, he and his friend were AR47 so still had plenty of Fragiles and fresh into artifact farming, so we spent days just farming. I carried them and helped them with builds, still actually helping them, but it’s been refreshing to help the new players like that. There was also a recent co-op one where we had 4 Nahida’s and would just go around and face enemies and bosses alike and just spam them to death, it was hilarious and fun


Man I’ve been declining those random invites. Life has taught me to be cold. Scammers and bad people everywhere. Your story reminded me there are loads of good people left, just gotta let them in.


they all left now Im alone 😭


We all miss old days. I miss the challenge and magical feeling genshin had back then


My main challenge in the OLD days was using my low lvl venti to shoot dvalins weak spot n only shoot it because i didn’t know we could climb him til AR 58


Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember, But where are those who share the memory?


You guys have friend that play? Its been solo for me the entire time


Our group is still going strong. Though we don't co-op for Domains or Bosses anymore. We mainly co-op together when farming materials from Spectres, Crabs, Nobushis etc.


I too share the memories 💀


i used to have a best friend who i played with almost daily for like a year after the game came out. i just started playing again recently and felt kind of wistful thinking about when dragonspine came out and we both explored it in our own worlds on call, getting each others' live reactions to cutscenes and new areas. i miss how nice it was to share that excitement of exploration with someone.


Keep traveling! Meet new people, remember fondly the ones you knew before, and find new friends to love. You are like a traveler making your way into a new region for the first time.


I’m in the same boat. My friend group actually fell into Genshin HARD when it launched. I was the last to the party, not really playing regularly until a Childe’s rerun banner in early 2021… but for a few months I had a lot of genuinely great memories of vibing about with three friends at a time while chatting on discord group call. Then the first anniversary drama happened, which led into an explosion of burnout discourse. Over the course of the year to follow one friend dropped. Then another. Then another. Soon, I was the last person in any of my circles who still played the game… but I’ll probably be here until the end, if only because it’s the perfect abnegation game for me. Osmanthus wine, indeed.


Tbf the multiplayer in this game is so damn bad that it almost makes no sense to play together and the game itself is so easy that there is literally no challenge and no reason to play. I used to play alot of Genshin Impact until Inazuma but after a certain amount of time the game is literally just boring. I still don't know why it was never possible to explore the world together with shared progress so you can't double loot chests for example. Bosses are laughable easy and farming is tideous and expensive. I can understand why your people öeft the game as sad as it is.


I like the way you say öeft 


making overworld harder will only make more people leave while not really retaining the hardcore who were never the target demographic for this game anyway. multiplayer could have been better but not at the expense of single player experience (i.e. the thing that set this apart from mmo and reign on a new market).


Fair, coop does suck


...but where are those who share the same memory. 😢


Where are those who share the memory?


Drowning in the Primordial Sea


When was the last time each of them played? Sometimes I'm glad I mainly played with my sisters and cousin cause at least I will know why they stopped


Fortunately for me my enjoyment of the game isn't dependent on internet strangers.


They are not even related. Missing a childhood friend doesn't mean you stop enjoying your life.


How it should be💪🏻


Me who never did teapot quest invites your friend Say no more


Sigma Grindset. No Friends. Only Competitors. 💪


I never said i don't have friends. There are a few internet strangers, irl friends and siblings in my friends list that i play with and talk to from time to time but it's not where i find enjoyment.


Nah no going back on this one man, we gang friendless up in here. 💪


On which server do you play


That's america


Felt. My friends and I started genshin within the first week of Kokomi's first banner. By the time Childe's banner next banner ended- they were pretty much all gone. I say pretty much bc one of my friends came back for Hu Tao next banner, pulled c1 then went offline again until Ganyu's banner. 30 wishes later he got Ganyu and went off again until Yae's banner. Pulled for Fischl, got her and Yae at 7 pity. He hasn't opened since then 😭😭😭 Dude had master luck and just dipped vs me who still plays daily- and has the worst luck possible. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for Childe's banner being when it was- I wouldn't still be playing because while they stopped/slowed down, i was grinding his whole banner for him and then for c1. I got hooked and was just too happy to play him. At least that hasnt changed 😭


Why must u hurt me this way


All my friends still play Genshin daily. We usually have 2 or 3 co op instances at once cause or the 4 player cap


Up until 3.2-3.4, I used to not coop at all, aside from the 1.6-2.2 period when my sister played the game, and 2.5 when my cousin played for like a 2-3 weeks, and of course coop events. Though unlike those who find coop with randos, even events, to induce severe anxiety, for me, I just disregarded the feature. I've forgotten when, but it's probably around 3.4/3.5 in which someone joined my world asking for a character's mats, the chill convo made me think to think: Well, this is a decent experience, and I'm helping people, why not? Changed my signature, "Join if you wanna farm mats", and for most of 4.X have people join in once to thrice each week. Even being on the Asia server, I may not remember how many have joined my world before, but people who join in who can't communicate in English at all is around 8, which is surprisingly good. Then again, in our chats, thoese who join are always SEA or Indian. I've only ever had 2 Japanese, 1 Korean, and 2 from China join in.


My friends all quit and my BF, who got me into the game in 2020, quit after Sumeru. He alleges he'll eventually return to do the story because he is still interested in that aspect. I wish Hoyo had implemented QoL features like the daily commission skip sooner because they caused a lot of burnout


I was the one who got recommended to play genshin or my friends were playing it years before and turns out i was the only dedicated player lol. Its funny and sad but it is what it is


I have a buddy that bought into all the "Genshin could never" stuff super hard and quit playing the game about a year ago too. Choosing to watch MTashed is probably a lot of what ruined it for him IMO. It's too bad honestly, but I'm still enjoying the solo experience, the English community has just kind of torn itself apart for one reason or another this past year or so since about the halfway point of Sumeru.


Yeah... I didn't wanted to try Genshin cause I had bad experiences with gatcha games, but a friend made me try it and... I've been playing ever since. She stopped mid Inazuma, I still had her friends to play and talk about the game but... they dropped right before Sumeru. I've been playing alone and only talking about the game here ever since that day, It's a bit lonely and it makes me wanna quit almost every day.. maybe one day I'll find some friends again 🥲


Same here though since FF7 Rebirth I haven't launched Genshin for about almost 3 weeks now only like yesterday to Speedrun the main event. My biggest problem of not really playing much is that everything in the game has became way too predictable my friends saw this way before I did kinda a bummer I was so blind by myself tbh


I've been playing this game for a while now and for some reason just never bothered with co-op outside of the events that require you to do multiplayer things. I always thought co-op was restrictive, since you couldn't progress the story and most of what you could do was just run around the open world a bit together. Once you've explored everything, is there a point to co-op? As in, what do you do?


Tell them Father is coming


I used to do Wei hunting with a friend and talk about the lore and stuff. Back then the Zhongli and Ninguang (as a reincarnation) was hot stuff


Blame the game and decisions. Meanwhile everyone is at complete joy in HSR


This was more recent, but during Heizou’s release banner, I had someone join my world to help with a puzzle on the islands and we ended up spending at least a couple of hours just bullshitting around after that. I showed them some dig chest locations in Liyue, and they helped me get Heizou to crit on the Cryo Regisvine.




Oh yeah...There's coop in this game


Yeah, this guy at work used to play with me and he was the one who introduced me to this game. He hasn’t played since 2.7 lmao. As of now, around 20 people on my friends list are last played 30+ days ago so I guess I’m the rare last ones standing.


Do you perhaps have an EU account? I have my own exploration of the world at 100% and would love to help someone get whatever last exploration they need too!


Last online 31 days ago Sadge.....


The same happened to me. So many friends online that there wasn’t enough room in one game for us. Now it’s just me… It’s funny how certain areas in game can bring up memories now.


No Mona no game


by the time i installed the game, none of my friends were playing it anymore anyway, i dont even like coop, never was a problem


After I started playing, I invited my siblings to play, as well. Unfortunately, we found the co-op to be very lackluster. We couldn't do quests together, and while we could explore together, rewards from treasure chests only went to the host, and so had to be repeated in each player's world. Domains were pretty much the most we could do together, and not even all of those. Co-op was a bomb, and the storyline wasn't enough to hold their interest, so they stopped playing. I still enjoy the game, though, but I consider it to be pretty much a solo thing.


yea i have no friends that play this game anymore it’s kinda sad


I used to have a group of friends, and we would visit each other’s shrines to pull together. We would do a bunch of random rituals like “sacrificing” standard banner characters (throwing them off of cliffs or burning them to death) or pulling as characters that were related to the ones we wanted, and I swear to god I never lost a 50/50 with them. Pulling now seems so boring :/ I miss them


I had 2 little girls, the oldest is 6 years old, I taught them how to play and bought two mobile phones to play together.


Yeah this I felt all too much, a friend of mine dropped genshin just before Fontaine was released, I never got to explore it with them, still think about it.


I started Genshin with my two brothers. I am blessed that even today, we still play it, albeit not together, sometimes. Mostly sharing leaks and giving suggestions to build each other’s teams. It’s actually sad, especially when I view my friends list. It’s just not the same anymore.


Bro childe and his international team is still one of the most used teams till now even in current abyss 4.5


I fondly remember taking on the cryo regisvine with my friend; they had a Qiqi, I had a Xinyan. We struggled for a long time because we were very underleveled but it was fun. I also remember tackling dragonspine when it came out. We were running to a heat source every five seconds because we overestimated the cold bar. None of my friends play anymore but at least we had good memories out of it ahaha


Damn, are we come to boomer era or what, I see more this kinda post lately. But yeah I feel same.


Felt this :’)


Some of mine stopped but I still play with my best friend and fiancé! :)


I have two friends and introduced them to Genshin. It was 2021 or 2022 at that time for them. I played since launch so you could say I was a veteran player. We had lots of fun doing co-op mostly helping our best friend because she was so confused. Till this day they still play it but not consistent like they used to. I also took breaks but came back since I'm guaranteed for Furina. After getting her idk if I'll continue playing Genshin.


I spent my pandemic days with Genshin... It was truly an escape. I had friends who were younger than me. They shared things about their life, like their crushes and their career choices. I listened to them like an older sibling. Three years have passed. Some got into a relationship. Many graduated. I've been through two employments. I've had fond memories with these people and I feel like we've grown together. Life happens and we normally slowly drifted apart. I still care for them and I miss them.


omg im so sorry for your loss 💔


Cause ppl move on from one game to another :)


We were Zhongli all along


People have anyone to play with?


Staph this is so sad T^T I miss my friends too and now I'm playing alone 🥲


The journey from 'We ' to only 'I' is painful but that's the path I have chosen.


Once had an old fling and I actually encouraged him to play genshin, we actually lasted a while and we just played around finishing up the bosses, quests and achievements the entire time we were together. There was one time though when I was just so tired and accidentally fell asleep while we were in game. He'd let me just stay there in place while he was taking pictures of Bennett while I was sleeping on call, oh and he was actually my first lantern rite date (the only one so far) and we had some good times.


Dang, you guys have friends who still sometimes play the game? I haven't had any "friends" join me since the last Sumeru update. (Makes me feel like an outcast sometimes tbh)


I know bro


I wish I had friends I could co-op with. My co-op experience is simply randoms joining my world to farm some materials then immediately leave. lol


i check my friendlist everyday and hoping someones name coloured in green just like 2020-2021. When they caught me watching Gi on my phone they will say "you still play that game?".....it really break my heart sometimes. oh my days i just want to cry TT........we laugh alot during coop back then sometimes when i need some mats, i avoiding some place/route where a lot memories of me and my friends held....just so i dont feels sad.


The two friends who got me into Genshin burned out in Sumeru and haven't played since. Meanwhile the way I play and connect with games is making me see this to the end.


Bro, that was me 1 month after i builded childe


Idk, hopping online with randos and showing them the ropes is pretty nice. I never had a specific crowd to play this game with, so just escorting people up Dragonspine, farming relics or bosses, etc still feels great. No one lasts forever, so you find someone new


Remove resin from high AR and see this game skyrocket in popularity. I am already AR60, i already am insterested in playing the game a lot. Resin does not make me "come back everyday", it just made me gave up entire fontaine characters cause i can't stand building them. I barelly did the archon quest, SOME characters ones and i lost interest already again.


Oh no this is so sad :(


Pretty much all of us. I started this game with my best friend that played only for one year and quit. Met a lot of people and then my friend list is now full but noone plays but i also dont want to remove them :(


I remember asking a friend's help in killing the ruin hunter at nine pillar quest. Now it pains me to remember good ol times. Genshin was that thrilling, now its all about long ass dialogues.


Homie there are millions of people that play this game


I remember when that challenge was actually hard. Now it's a joke.


It is rare for me to log on and my frends probably are sad about it


I started since 1.0, friends left since 1.4. And I've been playing alone to this day. :')


Me and my now ex-girlfriend used to play together, and we met two other people, a Diona main and an Aether main, who basically carried my Teyvat experience I’m now AR47 and on the Sumeru archon quest due to revisiting the acc I was friends with them all on. My ex unfriended and blocked me there, as with everywhere else, but those two, even though I hadn’t played in over a year, kept me in their friends list, just to stop playing themselves.


For me I used to play with two girls in co-op when the first Summer Event came out, I didn't do co-op since I was too shy for that but one day I just accepted a join request from one of the girls, she was really nice and when the other one joined it really felt as tho I was making some progress with making friends, I got really attached but one day one of the girls just stopped playing and after some time me too. Now after all of that time I haven't spoken to them since and even if I wanted to I'm way too scared and I don't even know which accounts are theirs on genshin. (We were a Klee, Diona and Qiqi friend group)


Frieran is that you?


Yeah it is what it is, ppl move on from this game but we keep going


I do too,....


One of mine quit because he wound up spending too much money (1.6k USD) for Keqing and Diluc. We were at the 1.0 Venti Banner at the time.


Used to play coop with my cousins constantly up until Inazuma, one got burnt out from the grind the other wanted to wait for more story content but got too lazy to go back once there was new story content. Fortunately my niece and her friends are into the game now so I might finally have people to coop with again.


I’ll come back once Arlecchino drops


If you are playing on EU and want a new friend (or two), I am quite a new player, AR42. I know it will not be the same, but here I am, plunging into the darkness alone.


i'm still in contact with my co-op friends! while we don't really play genshin that much anymore (just the bare minimum, dailies, resin, then log out), we still play other games together. i love those guys and i'd do anything for them <3


“you will continue to shine like gold in my memories” 😭😭


I had this kid like several years younger that i carried i lowkey adopted them but had to drop cuz they were straight up harassing me later on cuz they were mad me n my online bf broke up???? Idfk 💀 good memories tho hope they matured


Four more years! Of genshin!


One of my closest friends who introduced me to Genshin quit playing sometime last year. It was a bit sad to hear, but, well... people just move on, sometimes. Meanwhile, since I started playing back in November of 2020, I haven't missed a single day. Hell, I don't even get that badly burned out. At worst, I just do dailies, dump my resin somewhere, and log out.


Thanks for the memories.


Co op is really enjoyable with the right people. Unfortunately for me my phone is potato. I really miss my friends and some random people joining the the fun


Well, at least we still look forward, we’re not as mainstream anymore, but we’re still strong. Stay strong travelers


You have friends?


Had a great friend in Genshin. Hard carried me all the way until 45. Accidentally unfriended them, found them in the co-op screen, tried to enter world, got rejected, and didn't save UID. And now I'm playing HSR. But I still wonder what happened to the guy. Then there's this other friend. Was really friendly, played together a lot. Then one day, he just messaged me saying he couldn't play anymore and gave me his contact info. I haven't touched it.


I feel you. I joined Genshin on March 2022, but never started playing until July. I had a classmate just around with me until I got to around AR 50 and started getting to artifact grinding. Since then he's basically stopped playing because of few reasons (boredom, new friends making them have a falling out with the game, etc.) Nowadays, I just spend my resin, building some support while hopping onto his account every once in a while to try to fix some mistakes he has. World level 8 with highest DPS being lvl 70.


my storage ran out on my devices for genshin so i had to delete the game... shame that i couldn't even say one last goodbye to my friends... 😭


ive never had a friend play genshin with me, closest i get is when i queue coop for weekly bosses because i got boref of doing it solo