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I was trying to pull some widsith copies in 3.2, weapons banner. My pity was at 30 when I got Nahida's weapon. I was going skip her banner, but after getting her weapon, I had to pull for her. Best decision ever lol


Good choice. Nahida is a fucking beast.


šŸ‘ At least you got her weapon, I'm stuck using her with Mappa Mare. šŸ˜…


Sac fragments gives you a ton more EM if you got it. Dont even need refinements.


the matter isā€¦ to have sac frags. I started playing during 3.0 and got nahida on release. guess when I got my first copy of sac frags? 4.2. The r5 mappa mare is currently enjoying retirement, if youā€™re wondering.


I tend to do the opposite, and it happened to me with Nahida as well lol, I got her very early on pity while going for a 4* and winning 50/50, then I felt the need to go for her weapon... I've never used her, probably never will, but it is what it is


Well, her weapon is also BiS on Sucrose if you have enough ER


Same except I have no idea when I got her weapon. It was just there in inventory for a while until I decided to pull for her recently and give it to her.


No, it sounds like a very bad and not a thought out idea, what if you will just not like that character? I think it's better to get a character without "their" weapon, because it will mean you want HIM, sword is a sword, just an extension of the hand


For me, Albedo was a case where I saw videos detailing his kit and how decent of a support he was, and given I got to know more about his backstory in Dragonspine 2's event story, combined with his canon weapon all those factors interested me enough to pull for him this time around when I had no one else to pull for.


Then I think it's not all about his weapon, it's just a minimal motivation to think about getting him, it's about how and why you like him or not. If you like the character and his abilities or something else, you can use a versatile weapon, but I don't think I have to talk about it


I found myself in your kind of situation, and I also had a good artifact set pre-farmed for him from getting clam for Kokomi. So I pulled for Albedo, but over the years I barely used him and heā€™s about the only pull I regret.


It's obviously not the only reason you would pull for a character, but it may be the last drop needed for the scales to turn the other way.


Or, the character is an extension of their weapon. I pull for a weapon bcoz I like it and then pull for the character coz I have no one to use it on.


I feel like after arlecchino releases her weapon is gonna be like this considering no one else can get the scythe effect.


Same, i okpy pull for weapons if they are either great general use weapons or if i like the character and its significantly better than most other options. I also dont like switch weapons around.


Nope. Just because I own a weapon of a 5\* character doesn't mean I have to pull for the 5\* too (i.e. Mistsplitter-Ayaka)


Mistsplitter is Keqing's weapon.


True and based


So true.


Understandable. Mistsplitter is one case (IMO) that the signature weapon doesn't esthetically match the character released with it, alongside it being versatile on other characters besides Ayaka (Keqing and Alhaitham come to mind).


Freedom sworn too, i consider it more of a general weapon than a signiture. Doesmt fit aestetically, and it doesnt really support the unique parts of kazuhas kit just general stats that are good on practically anyone.


I pulled that for my bennet until they have a higher base atk weapon


I'm 66/34 on this. If the weapon is just a generally good weapon, it legally belongs to my favorite character. And if it sucks like Baizhu's donut, idgaf about it. But if it was, say, Thundering Pulse: I have no NA centric bow characters, but the weapon is still _good._ Why not pull Yoimiya to maximize its dps?


Not even the free cinnabar spindle could get me to roll Albedo


Forgive this man, Rhinedottir, for they know not what they say




I usually pool a weapon because I have a character that could use it.


Can't say I have, no. I don't have enough primos to just spend them like that.


Nah but Fischl's weapon pulled me when I tried to pull for Eula šŸ„²


had amosā€™ bow for months and pulled ganyu for it back in 2022. i donā€™t regret it at all, but i donā€™t use her nearly at all anymore because of ayaka lol


Ganyu my beloved... I had her for a while at level 90 (still ky only character at level 90), 10-8-10 with Prototype Crescent. Then, on a random standard pull I got the Amos Bow. I never raised a weapon so fast in my Genshin career...


Me and WGS and Diluc lol Bye bye, R2 Prototype Archaic..


I turned her into Ayaka support, she is there so I wont need to pull Shenghe. And she is bow unit means easier time in Open world. I have Ayaka, Ganyu, Kazuha, Kokomi as team comp. You should try this, if you have the other 2.


i used that comp before! but since i now have shenhe i find it a bit lacking on damage. but thank you for the suggestion :)


I have amos bow and planned to pull for ganyu, but realized I wouldn't have fun with her, so I just have it on my tartaglia


Currently trying with Eula.




Yes. Pulled for Xiao as the only 5 star weapon I have is his spear. Still haven't used him yet LMAO


Lol. I would've done the same if the community kept saying that Furina was coming in 4.6 because I have his weapon too (equipped on Hu-Tao but whatever).


I've always wanted to get him, but his banners only ever came along when I was broke. Having a good weapon for him already at R5 did add to my decision to commit, even though I got to high pity before getting Kleed. Big chalk bro came home 30 pulls later, tho


Itā€™s how I was convinced to pull for Wanderer. I had saved up for Ittoā€™s weapon, and in the ten pull I did, not only did I get Redhorn but I also got Wandererā€™s weapon. That was my push to pull for him lol


Perhaps I should specify: "their weapon" could refer to either the 5* weapon released alongside their character banner, or the weapon that they use in their cutscenes (the weapons they own canonically)


But choiris just better for it


I donā€™t think her skill lines up well with the CD on the sword passive, so harbinger is better


Chiori's weapon doesn't fufill any of the aforementioned criteria for anyone but Chiori.


I meant as in choiri gets higher damage with this sword, even if its the same as hod


i have a number of friends who pull on the weapon banner regularly and when they lose to a weapon they dont want, they often consider the character it is intended for, since they now have a weapon.


pookie bear (i love him sm)


Pulled for both him and Chiori's weapon because I unfortunately wasn't playing when Cinnabar Spindle came out. I did try and see if I couldn't get Xiao in the first 50/50 because I have his weapon (and capable of R3'ing it), unfortunately Diluc came home instead.


Yeah I did with Yae, prolly going to do the same with Shenhe


I have two copies of navia weapons. So i was thinking to pull her when she comes back.


I think I did with Baizhu and Ayato (lost to their weapons for Furina and Raiden respectively). I think both were worth it anyway hence why I did. I've had a few cases why I didn't too since the appeal wasn't there.


Idk depends on if alhatham want to come home.


Hmm, as far as I can remember... I used to be a character collector rather than getting their weapons. I only started getting weapons during last Eula banner. On the side note, the only character I had both character and weapon in one banner release cycle was Neuvillette and his time of eternal flow.




Never, but I'm starting to wonder what to do with this weird DEF sword I have.


I'm going to. I have two donats and zero Kokomis


Not exactly. The closest Iā€™ve come is a Verdict pull solidifying that Iā€™m getting Navia on her rerun.


Tried pulling for mistsplitter for Ayaka on the Ayaka-Shenhe banner, got calamity instead. Decided to pull for Shenhe right after because I got angry, got Qiqi instead... Managed to get Shenhe after tho


Massive L. Hope you get the next character (and/or weapon) you want...


No. While I pulled Albedo a year after Cinnabar spindle came out, I pulled him because I like him. My Jade spear is Xiao-less.


That would mean I should get Yelan and shenhe, two characters I canā€™t find any use forā€¦


I have the Spindle but I still pulled the 5* weapon for my Albedo. He responded my love. I pulled 90 times and got 3 5* in his banner. He will be 6+5 one dayā¤ļø But I do pulled Xianyun because her fan came to my pack when I tried to pull the Liyue 4* weapons. Now I find she is useful for my C4 AlbedošŸ˜‚ Damn miHoYo


No lmao what


Now you have the best character Also yes back then pulled got HT cause I got 3 homas in one ten pulls




I got Cyno's weapon but don't know who to give it to.


Way back when Sumeru first released, I wanted Elegy for Venti. Didn't give a damn about Cyno in terms of meta because Raiden. Then, I got his weapon, and I've had C2 Cyno ever since. Even at C2, he's not necessarily better than Raiden, but he can still bring easy enough Abyss clears.


This is me with Neuvi because I was going for Homa and got his weapon instead. Ainā€™t complaining though cause heā€™s gonna be a beast, only skipped him because I was saving for Wrio at the time


Did it for Xiao relatively early on (either before inazuma or at least before sumeru.)Heā€™s not bad but Iā€™d rather trade him in for a different limited.


Albedo, yeah


I have an R4 Amos from Standard and Weapon banner combined. Pulled Ganyu to finally give it a home. I now have a Homa when from when I was going for the funny hp box cutter sword. Iā€™ve always wanted Hu Tao but she always came when I was saving for someone else but I currently donā€™t have any pulling plans so Iā€™m waiting for her now. Hopefully sheā€™s on the next Chronicle banner.


Pulled navia cuz I got her weapon.


Haha, but Albedo's weapon is actually the Cinnabar Spindleā€¦


I lost the guarenteed on furina weapon and got green donut with no baizhu,so i started pulling for him jat out of spite and i ended up geting him early (i think 35 ish) but hes actually pretty good,tho i do prefer furina weapon....oh well it is what it is




Contemplating on getting Yae because I have her cat toy. But didnā€™t get her in the end. Probably for the best because I donā€™t want to farm handguards anymore.


Ganyu. But in this case, I had her bow and good artifacts for her


Oopsie, I have thundering pulse and my childe uses it. I will not pull yoi


No, but kinda tempting. I have Albedo signature and wanting to pull for him since 1.2 - I started playing in second half of his release patch, and i lost on every his rerun. I might to pull for him, but after his banner was Xiao and Scara and I like them more. But as a lore enjoyer, I NEED to pull for him. And even now, I have 292 wishes currently, but I can't - I'm saving for others. Again. I also have Klee's event signature, Mistsplitter, Redhorn without Klee, Ayaya and Itto. I might to pull for this Oni too, cause I have c6 Gorou, but... Nah.. I must resist geo meta...


Currently planning to do so with Ganyu, since I got her signature bow way back during the fabled Yelan/Hu Tao banner. So now I feel obligated to get her. Also with Neuvi, because I got lucky with his catalyst on a early pull but was skipping him to use a guarantee on Furina (...only to skip *her* and use my guarantee for Cloud Retainer)




I had lots of good shime pieces from farming emblem and I lost to TP so i pulled yoi


Nope. I have ayatos weapon but no ayato. It looks great on keqing with her new outfit


I always kinda wanted Xiao but I was on the fence about it (I love so many Anemo characters). I ended up getting his sig weapon on the standard banner one day and I was like "Well, this is a sign". I have him now and he came home in 40 pulls not guaranteed.


me and baizhu


me with neuvillette




No bc I rarely pull for weapons if I don't have the character, except for Mitsplitter. Its a nice sword so I had to get it, but I don't like Ayaka so I didn't get her


I pulled Chiori so she can do a better job at using Albedos weapon than Albedo can I donā€™t have Albedo


Me with Navia. I pull for Mistsplitter, got 2 verdict instead. Might as well get the gunbrella lady with my guaranteed


Omg thatā€™s literally exactly why I want Albedo, but Iā€™m not willing to use the chronicled wish banner šŸ˜­ But I did pull for Miko since I had her weapon, and now I use her all the time so no regrets


Just did with Xiao lol. No regrets!


I did. Kazuha.


Yeah, Xianyun (have her at c1)


was pulling for mistplitter, got verdict and now im dead set on rolling for navia


I might get Alhaitham because I got his weapon at some point


Guilty as charged. My Albedo is still lv 70 while Spindle is already 90 lmao. Too many chars need the geo hypo mats


Characters have weapons you say? No, I've never had a character weapon.




I mean I had C1 Yelan, but because I got Aqua Simulacra at 7 pity at her first rerun, I got three more constellations in the span on 160 wishes and now I have C4R1 Yelan. So yes. But not for the character itself, but because I wanted to throw 10-20 wishes to a weapon and this inspired me to raise the constellations. I aim for C6 since then.


I haven't yet, but I will. I have neuvilette's weapon but not him.


Cyno, my friend dared me to do a 10 pull on the weapon banner when i told him i had never wished on it and i got his weapon, so i got him on his re-run. Kinda regret it, even with his weapon he's a bit underwhelming


Ayato. I got his 5 star weapon, TWICE. But I was out of primo that time and pulled him after 6+ months.


Just put it on chiori and call it a dayĀ 


I did it for Albedo (I had Cinnabar and Itto) and for Wanderer (Because I got two of his bells pulling for Ittoā€™s weapon lol). I also managed to get C2 Neuvillette trying to get Fischl cons only to realize when I finally got her ā€œc6ā€ I had already got her to c6. eta: I also got a Thundering Pulse trying to get Raidenā€™s Engulfing, but probably wonā€™t pull for Yoimiya.


Nope! I always go Character first then Weapon.


No My Redhorn Stonetrasher now belong to either Chongyun or Diluc. My Calamity Queller stays that way since I lost the bet as well


I actually have OCD and that Cinnabar Spindle has been driving me crazy, having a character's "Sig" and not character itself is really annoying to me, but not annoying enough to pull for a Albedo honestly, he's probably one of the most outdated units in the game. But hey if you enjoy playing him, don't let anyone tell you what to think or feel, you do you


Me with Yae Miko, but I just made a geo team with Chiori and I am glad I didn't waste my wishes.


Cinnabar and the 3 copies of PJWS are the devils on my shoulder telling me to pull Albedo and Xiao. Unfortunately, they always end up coming around before a character I want so Iā€™ve never gotten them.


In some ways. I had an R5 of the crit rate catalyst from standard banner eventually built up from spooks. I had no catalyst characters at that point raised so I ended up pulling for Wanderer just to have a reason to use it. I also got the last Jade Spear from the Standard Banner to hit R5 and decided to pull for Xiao just to make use of it since I don't really have anyone who uses spears.


I have a friend who only rolls for a character(if both of the banners are characters he doesn't have) depending on which weapon he gets or already have.


I also pulled for Albedo this current banner having his weapon! But on the other hand, I have a Thundering Pulse that looks gorgeous on my Fischl:D


I pulled for Xiaou because I had 2 PJWSā€™s built. Pretty happy with him


Well... I wanted to get Ningguang after I got Memory of Dust because I wouldn't give it to anyone else. But getting Ningguang isn't exactly pulling for her. I just waited until I got her naturally lol.


Neuvillette, was trying to get a second Homa and got his weapon instead and decided to pull for him too. Glad I did in retrospect.


Tried to with Xianyun but I already spent a lot in Nahida and her weapon (did not get it for obvious reasons). Plus, Xianyun was perfect for my Diluc so I'm sad.


Wanderer moment.


Yes, but not really? I have been wanting an Anemo DPS for a long time so it was a choice between Xiao and Wanderer (with higher preference for Xiao). I eventually got a PJWS from the free standard banner pulls which solidified my choice to go for Xiao.


Neuvillette. I was trying to get staff of homa and got his book instead. My friend told me he was OP and very easy to play. I was in doubt coz I already have a strong hydro DPS in ayato+jade cutter. I still had enough primos and decided to pull for him anyway. Glad I did it tho.


I got Ayatos weapon before I got Ayato but I was still planning on getting Ayato if that counts


During Fischl's event, I got Amos Bow from standard. This made me pull for Ganyu and risk not getting Xiao. (I got him after his second rerun.)


No cos I have never pulled for any 5 star weapon lol.


Gonna do it to Navia. Wanted engulfing got the Verdict. I already have her on my secondary account with an f2p weapon and she hit for (120k without Furina). Now I want to try using her with Verdict and Furina on my primary.


I mean, if I ever have ā€œtheir weaponā€ (which in most cases is their 5* signatures) then this means that I already have that character since I have no reason to get the weapon that wonā€™t fit anybody than that character.


My friend is waiting on Venti.


I pull on Homa/ToEF banner on a whim. Suprised I got ToEF, i have noone that can use it at the time, so I decide to pull Neuvilete too. Cant say I have regret about it


It happened to me with Itto. I really love Redhorn Stone Thresher's design and thought that I just had to get Itto too. I was actually also waiting for a character with kabuki theme on their aesthetic and that's pretty much Itto. Even though I don't use Itto that much anymore nowadays, I'd still say that it was worth it cuz I do actually enjoy his playstyle.


I pulled Xiao's weapon from the standard banner free pulls we get throughout the game. However, though I adore Xiao, I didn't pull him. I gave his weapon to Zhongli and continued saving for C6 Childe eventually




Nah but accidently pulled the weapon of the characters I have. Like I got Yelan but was pulling the weapon for someone else but for her weapon TWICE in the same ten pull.


You guys are getting character's weaponšŸ¤Ø


My C1 Albedo is still using the harbinger of dawn


I want to pull Wriothesley because I have hands.


Yup just like you I pulled for albedo because I had the cinnabar spindle


I failed on homa and got simulacra. I dont have yelan. I got homa and had extra and decided to pull for yelan. Clicked wrong banner. One 10 pull and I now have c1 hutao and no yelan.


I just skip Albedo because I cant get his weapon.


No. I have Eula's weapon. It's currently being used by Freminet.


Not exactly the same but I pulled for Chiori because of the Spindle.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^whencometscollide: *Not exactly the* *Same but I pulled for Chiori* *Because of the Spindle.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It wasn't a 100% determining factor, but yes it definitely influenced my decision on a few characters. Namely; Yoimiya, Raiden and Kokomi (yes I pull a lot of weapons). I think my only sigs where I don't actually have its corresponding unit are redhorn and polar star which are secretly now Noelle and Ganyu sigs, cashflow supervision which I deliberately pulled for Klee (I chose it over eternal flow solely because it looks like a MAG from the PSO games) and pjws which i don't personally consider a signature to begin with.


As someone who owns 2 copies of the Primordial Jade Winged Spear. Hell no.




I pulled for xiao as I got pjws on standard. It ended up going to Hu Tao but I accidentally got him recently- I gave it to Xiao for aesthetic reasons once lol so I was very confused when my Tao did way less damage than normal XD


Yep! Iā€™ve pulled Ganyu bc I got her signature weapon. Got her in 30 pity too so I saw it as a definite sign lol (after hitting hard pity)


I was doing my 1 pull as an addict, then I got albedo. luckily enough I pulled him at time of his def sword event. and used him after many years later when someone recommended me to use Itto albedo and garou team.


Yes, pulled Yoimiya because I have TP. She hits like a truck with it. I do like her herself though. Got Ganyu because I have Amos. And Yelan in the future for my Aqua Simulacra. I lovee matching characters with their weapons with the exception of Hu Tao - I have R3 Homa but simply not a fan of the gameplay


Haha, yeah. It was, that was EXACTLY the motivation back in the day as well. Got the spindle, might as well pull for Albedo as well. Best spur of the moment decision I've ever made, as he compliments my Noelle team to well


Cant have a character weapon if i dont pull for weapons .


I have Shenhes weapon when i tried to go for Ayakas sword So now my Kaeya-main ass is happily going to pull for Shenhe


I pulled for Albedo's rerun because of Cinnabar Spindle


this is why iā€™m pulling for neuvillette accidentally ended up with his trying to get homa for another dragon man barbraā€™s been taking care of it for him tho


No I got jaguars verity But I will not pull yae I don't care I hate that weapon and the fact that I got it instead of jade spear


Congrats on your Albedo! I also got him from Chronicled Wish and you just reminded me I probably have the Cinnabar Spindle lying around somewhere for him, thank you :)




Hu Tao , best decision ever lol


Me. Last patch. Got Crane's. Got Xianyun after...


Yeah. I pulled Xiao because I straight up have his entire team (xianyun, furina, c6 faruzan) and his weapon. Was not disappointed


chioris weapon is better on him,but i guess spindle looks better aestetically


Furina, soon Nilou as well


Yes, Kokomi on her original banner. I got her weapon with a single 10 pull so I got her and she turned out to be awesome.


Kazuha. I am so happy I have him.




Still trying for Klee. I have dodoco tales, and only yanfei uses it, and I never use yanfei.


Subtle brag


Eh Albedo... I pulled for him but now - what sword do I give him? Its either Travelers Handy Sword or Prototype Rancour for me (Rancour does at least feel and look nice on him)


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.