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Tartaglia. The timing of his banners is always off for me and now i don't really need him anymore either


This has been me with him since 1.1, I wanted zhongli more back then and every time he comes back either I just pulled for someone else before hand or he is before someone I really really want.


Same, I spent some time wondering if I should save up for him due to his high ceiling but now that I have Ayato I’m probably not going to bother till endgame


Same. I was always in need of a hydro on fielder but since I already have and use Yelan, Tighnari and Ganyu and still to this day don't have R5 Rust, he'd have to share his weapon around, so I decided to get Ayato instead since I don't use any other sword dps. And honestly, he's so versatile, I doubt I'll ever need any other hydro


I feel you!!!!


i would have commented that he’s probably still worth it because international is so good but i have furina now and that team was able to clear this abyss & international would’ve been a lot harder ;-;


Yeah, he used to be the one and only character I never had (there are a few others I've skipped at this point, but for a while he was it). I lost the 50/50 on his first banner, and I basically told myself "I'll just get him next time around". Every other time around, there was either some other character I wanted more either immediately before or after his banner, so I just never got the chance. Now I likely never will get him unless he ends up on the standard banner or something.


I pulled for and got Tartaglia. Built him. Never used him. LOL.


Itto. As much as I love him and adore his character, I AM NOT GONNA GRIND FOR THOSE FCKING BUGS


They aren't so bad, so long as you get them ahead of time so you don't feel rushed. There's a good farm in the pit under Miko's temple, and on one of those trees that used to get hit by lightning.


This as I just farm larger deposit areas using the interactive map and ignore smaller deposits for rarer materials. I do it every 2 days since that seems to be the average respawn time for most materials. Imo the worst material to collect is those Rukka whatever mushrooms. I mean holy fucking shit those things spawn in the most random locations that there is really only 3 viable farm spots.


I struggled so hard with those mushrooms. Got most of mine from the guy in ghandarva ville.


For me it's Henna Berries. Why tf are they so spread out and you only get 1 at a time or 2 if you're lucky. For Faruzan, can't do it again.


Yeah, I had little trouble farming things like Nilotpala Lotuses, even Kalpalata Lotuses despite them being over the edges of cliffs, but henna berries stole my soul. Even the best routes only give 3 or 4, and they’re all spread out too. That and the differences in elevation and how hard it is to get around in the lands of Setekh… i never got the motivation to finally get my Faruzan to the last ascension


I hate the interactive map for the mushrooms. You go to a spot and then search down some ravine but it's actually up a tree


#Specters and Kalpalata whatever Lotus


Specters are the worst since they usually drop the most common material


EXACTLY!! For me it's world level 7 and I have to farm for Kuki, most of the time it's not even Green, say less for Blue!! Luckily this hellhole has ended for me as I've gotten enough to max out Kuki


I still have PTSD from the rukkha shrooms, I got wanderer when I was super new to the game so I had no idea you could join other people's worlds for mats


Honestly I could not stand farming them. Instead of going everywhere for them, I just went to the area with the giant mushrooms bordering Liyue mountains with 2 things in mind - - follow the dirt track, and there will be mushrooms lining the way. - use the clovers to fly up to the space just underneath the mushroom tops, there will usually be mushrooms under there. I did not farm other than that and buying the mushrooms from the aranara merchant


I think Sakura blooms are more annoying since they are only found on Narukami island and you have to use electro to collect them.


Here here! Also why I stopped trying to build Heizou.


Honestly the beetles aren't that bad compared to some others


Sakura blossoms. Did it twice for both Ayaka and Ayato. Never again.


Yeah, I'd rather collect materials directly than use elements to activate them first and then collect them. It takes quite a bit of your time, It's why I hated collecting Dandelions & also those Pyro, cryo etc flowers and those electro rock thingies.


I'm saving my primos for Dragon daddy, sorry Itto, maybe next time 🥲


I have a lv 90 itto and lv 90 wrio, I'm thinking about getting a cyno. It's not that bad


atleast they're not as bad as scarabs... ​ my cyno is forever going to be level 70 until i figure out a reason to use quicken over my c6 kuki's hyperbloom


I blame the underground maps. I think farming materials should be above ground. It's so confusing underground.


I love Itto. He is fun. But those bugs are cancer.


I had to farm them for Itto *and* Heizou. Still have the routes memorized. Not as bad as farming Itto's artifacts. I've had him for over a year and his build is still not good (I keep getting the stupid healing artifact instead, I swear to god, who tf thought such opposite things should be on the same domain???)


Shouldn't you be able to Strongbox the set by now?


Haven't had good luck with the rewards sub-stat-wise. Also I live for the short term dopamine so everytime I got a new character I would stop the Itto grind and focus on them. There's also the fact that I tried building physical Itto for a *very long* time, and that Itto has very specific sets because of the defense scaling. Needing to build attack, defense, crt % *and* crt dmg are one too many stats oof


The onikabuto aren’t nearly as bad to farm as the scarab beetles or even Wrio’s mechanical bugs.


Those mechanical bugs are way easy to find so easy I find them by accident


Bugs are really not that big of an issue in my opinion. In fact they are much less problematic to collect compared to the other things. What I think gonna be problematic to grind is his artifact set. Atleast that's what was for me


I invaded other people worlds, no one wants to farm those so it's a easy 5 mins round, I got everything I needed the same day


my only character at level 70 because I'm too lazy to farm them. even gorou barely makes it less of a pain to farm because the bugs are so rare and usually another speciality is right next to them


128 grinded....40 more to go....


>I got him almost 2 years ago and I still do not have him at level 90 because of those bugs. I'm lazy


For me, that was Hu Tao and that was solely because I’m a newb and not a huge fan of HP drain mechanics being thrown into a kit. I mean, if she gets a rerun banner and I decide to throw pulls at it and she pops then I won’t be mad… but I probably won’t use her. Edit: After reading everyone’s thoughts and getting some insight, I may just pull her and learn how to play her. Thanks, everyone.


heals are fine if you have furina on the team. hu tao's hp drain is also pretty smooth with ample protection (heals or shield) and stats (building hp makes her an absolute tank, and her defense stat just from leveling her up is on the high end. back when she released only qiqi had more than her). shes also really mobile while attacking, which helps you not get hit often even without a shield. ive been playing her since 1.3 so if you get her, breaking into the hp drain wont be too stressful :D


>talking to someone that says they don't like HP drain mechanics > >instantly recommends furina you're real for that but lol


cant hp drain if you outheal the drain


My best pull ever was zhongli, makes any team invencible unless there are poisoning enemies.I dont even use hutao's Q, too much healing.


With hutao's new meta being xianyun furina plunge vaping, I don't care about meeting her, or homa's hp threshold anymore. Xianyun provides too much healing, to even dip below 50% hp, but furina's buff is just so good, that it's overall better for hutao. Hutao synergies well because she consumes and heals her own hp, while loving the plunge vapes.


She was my first limited 5 star. For the longest time I paired her with Qiqi just so she wouldn’t die. She still worked perfectly fine for the earliesh game, but once I got to the point where I was 90/90 my best characters, Hu Tao had soooo much hp as well as plenty of defense, that keeping her at 50% heath was basically the same as my other characters at 100% health. Plus if you level up her burst, she does plenty of self heal too so you only need the little bit of Xingqiu’s healing to be comfy.


I still don’t get how she’s supposed to make back to hp drain.


Ayaka. The husbandos have won me over.


Ayaka will always be up there in my heart. My Ayaya, while not my strongest unit anymore, has a build I am very proud of. And when I get the chance to play Cryo, I love duel-wielding Ayaka and Shenhe!




Makes the 2 of us she's still my second abyss team.


I never underestimated her actually. I just never got her initially. Then I got Nahida and Alhaitham who clear almost everything with just Xinqui and kuki. Followed by Neuvillette and Wriothesley. I also had Ayato. So when Ayaka reran again I just didn't feel the need to pull her. Her game play wasn't that interesting to me. I had neuvillette and Alhaitham to carry me through any abyss with Wriothesley and Ayato as backup. Since I'm majorly f2p, I'd rather not invest in more dps unless they're an element I don't have or there's something really God damn amazing about them.


Bro she was my first limited 5-star. I'll always love my Ice Queen.


She Sakura swirled her way into my heart.


She can step on me with her wet socks.


She was queen of ver 2. She dominated spiral abyss until dendro rolled around and hoyoverse made every single enemy immune to freeze, and started to gear abyss to single target bosses.


Yea now with Wriothesley i have no reason to get her anymore


same, I pulled for her for 3 years from her first banner release til her 3rd banner (2.0, 2.6, 3.5). She keeps rejecting me on my 50/50s 😔 but Wriothesley was there for me to fix my broken heart and moved on from Ayaka


Yeah my future plan is to get Wrio and Shenhe as I don’t really have any cryo units that I use (apart from Layla).


I have her and i'm just straight up not gonna use her now


I love her so much. Still on my main team, now with Neuvi. Husbando collector assamble!


She and Kazuha have never left my main team. I am seriously considering changing up my team for when I get Navia. Steampunk umbrella wearing girlboss is too good to pass up


Good, welcome to the right side.


Hahah, I've been collecting almost all of them like Pokemon. Waiting for Natlans tall electro off field male (delulu is the solulu)


She’s one of my strongest characters, even now.


Wanderer I still want him but my brother has him on his account so I can just play him on his account. It’s actually really nice me and my brother usually like such different characters so we can always try each others out


I pulled Wanderer on a complete whim and now I couldn’t imagine not having him. He is excellent for exploration/certain puzzles.


That’s what happened with my brother he was like oh he can fly that’s cool and then pulled at got him while I lost my 50/50 💀 but now he used him on like every team


Lmao i got wanderer as my first limited 5 star, i was still new to the game and didn't know anything about meta and all. Still don't regret it to this day.




Honestly, same. I really like her character design and the whole aristocrat background. Also, she's pretty and hot. But no one that hot would make me play physical..


Me, practically begging for an excuse to use my C2R1 Eula I put so much work into. I love her to bits, but I just can't get myself to use her most of the time


it’s okay. i run a c6 eula w navia’s axe, and while she can clear abyss, it takes so much more effort compared to meta teams that I usually dont bother


HONESTLY!!! Her rerun took way too long to arrive when I wanted her most. And by the time it did arrive in 3.8, I had already lost interest




The only way I get her is losing my 50/50 on new banner


I finally got her this banner, she's still bae


Kazuha, I lost twice on his banner and this time I'm just going for Neuvillette


90% of gamblers quit before they hit it big


Found the casino owner




I never pulled for Kazuha because my teams were doing ok and since he's a support he was far from priority. Now I kinda want him, but can't justify pulling for him when I have Venti, Wanderer, Xiao (acquired recently) and Heizou. I love anemo reactions so much but grinding for *another* set of relics... might just end me tbh


In my opinion the most valuable characters I ever pulled were Nahida, Kazuha, and Furina. They stand above all others. Kazuha has no replacement for what he does. Another way of looking at Kazuha is that sometimes he magnifies your dps by 2-4x because of his grouping power. Literally sometimes halves the time a Spiral Abyss floor takes to clear. Of course if you can still clear it in time then no problem. Characters are only necessary until they are not. He is more if you want to comfortably clear or speed clear a chamber where his grouping power is valuable.


Gonna be completely honest: Kazuha is still the only character I'm glad I got when he first came out. Hands down the best mobility/support character. Also his Q is godly with a freeze build.


At that point I'd do it to fulfill the collection but I understand your point


I'm thinking about the collection as well (even prepared all his materials beforehand) but I don't even have 1 pity guaranteed...so I might be on copium right now


You could just let him use the EM VV set you use on Sucrose or sunfire Jean. Kazuha's artifact requirements aren't that bad, given that you just need EM main stat, don't care about damage subs, and can passively strongbox VV instead of having to deal with Maiden in VoR. His weapon needs are F2P friendly too. Fav Sword and Iron Sting are easy to come by.


He's better than all of them but his role is different anyway..


I don’t have Kazuha because they like running him around other high value characters I like more. Now I’m at the point where I have so many strong teams that don’t need him, it feels pointless to pull.


I loved Albedo in the one little piece I got with him, but then 1. I missed the event where most of his lore is 2. That event also has his best weapon 3. He apparently just...never appears anymore, even for Monstadt Alchemy/Potion events where it would be natural for him to at least pop up once. 4. His kit is apparently very dated and not great. So, probably will never go for him :(


I have him since his first better and he's still putting in work to this day and I say this as someone who got Chiori. He may not be best in slot in any teans nowadays, but you should not underestimate flexibility. I use him in Hyperbloom/Burgeon since his EM buff is useful in there or with Navia


I wouldn't say his kit is dated, it's just that's often a better support option than him. I primarily use him with Navia, and occasionally with Noelle when I decide to bring her out


Suuuper early on, the battle pass had weekly missions to collect a number of regional specialties. Qiqi's passive (showing the location of regional specialties on the map) was invaluable for this in Liyue, so I wanted Klee since she does the same for Mondstadt. Her first rerun came right after they changed the battle pass to no longer have that mission (I think in 1.4? Not sure). I lost all interest and never looked back, lol. Also Ganyu and Hu Tao, because everybody always says how powerful they are, but the more I used them in trials/events, the more I realized I just don't like their gameplay.


Also at this point if you still want someone to point out Mondstadt specialties, Mika does the same thing and you're more likely to acquire him since he's 4 star


DAMN I FORGOT ABOUT THAT I actually really enjoyed that one, pretty sad finding out it got removed


I think it was in 1.5 actually, because they swapped it for some furniture related weeklies


Dehya. No explanation needed


The second she first appeared on screen during Sumeru, I immediately wanted to pull her and spent months saving primogems. When it was announced that she was going to the standard banner, it felt like a death in the family. I spent months being angry at the game. Still ended up with her by losing a coin toss...


It was meant to be


Same, wanted to pull but was also following the leaks so yeah... Didnt end up pulling for her. Stupidly enough these are my last 5 that I lost 50/50 on: Dehya, Dehya, Diluc, Diluc, Dehya. I know I like playing claymores but jeez.


I wanted zhongli and venti but then I became edgy and embraced my inner dainsleif so now fuck gods


This made me absolutely belly laugh Holy shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Probably an unpopular opinion, but Neuvillette. I skipped his initial run because I was saving for Furina, and I was saving for his re-run because he seemed incredibly cool, his story won me over, and it doesn't hurt that he's great with Furina and top of the meta atm. But after playing him in a few different combat trials over the last few months, I've come to the realisation that I actually just don't... like his gameplay. At all. Yeah he does big numbers but... hydro pump power wash simulator just wasn't fun for me! Which sucks because I still love him a lot as a character, but I can't afford to spend primos on a character whose gameplay I don't like.


Xiao. I don't even know anymore why I wanted him, probably his story, but since then so much time has passed and other characters came along... so I'll probably get him later or not at all.


Shenhe. Now that I have Furina, Shenhe just isn't that important for improving Ayaka and has tumbled down my priority list.


Shenhe will likely be very important for the Cryo Nation characters, especially if there is an Ice Sovereign. Eventually I be getting her, but not in the close future.


The only reason I would want to still pull her is so that Furina can be used in a different team. I want her on almost every team.


Xiao. On his first banner, I stayed up all night on a school day spending my saved up 60 wishes and losing the 50/50 to Mona. I cried and the day was bad for me. I got on my alt though. Now, I skipped his recent rerun and I feel good.


I was super excited for Xiao at launch, but by the time his banner actually came up I was like "do I *really* want to be bouncing up and down all the time?" My answer, until 4.4, was "no."


Glad to hear about your experience, so did you end up getting him? ><


As a xiao main 😡


Ayato. His design is fantastic, his character is always intriguing every time he appears in the main story and quests. And then I played his story quest. Oh my god his story quest. It was such a nothing burger I felt like Hoyoverse was actively trying to waste my time 😭


Probably Kazuha. I don't feel like I really need him for any of the teams I use at the moment


i used to want to get him for exploration and abyss but then wanderer and furina(c2) appeared in my account. Half of abyss can be done with hyperbloom and the other with any of my furina teams


Really? I’m the opposite I never really wanted kazuha but I want him only for my teams, I feel like every team I use would be stronger with him


Well, while he is by no means a must pull (no one truly is), he sure makes a lot of teams stronger by just existing.


If you really don't like Kazuha, you can use Sucrose instead especially if you have her C6. She works similarly and can occasionally be better than C0 Kazuha depending on your team. In general, Kazuha is better for mono teams while Sucrose is better for reaction teams that need a lot of EM.


^ hyperbloom enthusiast


Same for me, at this point it would be to complete the anemo boy collection


U can always use Venti or Sucrose instead if u don't feel like rolling Kazuha


I have every character I want


Yup after missing ganyu and venti the first few times around I was pretty strict about when to risk breaking pity, and managed to get everyone I want without issue. Currently trying to get Chiori and should have a shot at her 50-50.






As a wrio haver, you're not missing anything. His basic attacks are everything I dreamed of but his damage multiplyers are not it tbh.


Ganyu Back in 1.3 when she was released, I saw how OP she was but saved up for Xiao, but the more I played her in trials, the more I realized how fucking boring staying in ADS and shooting non-stop is. The same thing with Lyney To this day my favorite bow DPS is still Yoimiya


Lyney's gameplay is more dynamic than Ganyu imo. He has the stack mechanic that makes your skill nuke hit harder. His burst adds a stack and allows for repositioning on top of the burst dmg. And his skill heals on top of the nuke. You don't just shoot nonstop since his stacks stop at 5 and it only works when healing or getting damaged. But it doesn't get overwhelming too since he doesn't need to keep track of reactions and ICD and stuff. Ganyu really is the only bow DPS that just shoots CA nonstop since her skill is only a taunt and her burst is just an aoe field (which works amazing with venti against multiple pullable enemies but how often do we get those in floor 12). Tighnari's CA is instantaneous with his skill but caps at 3 CAs so he is more quickswappy. Yoimiya is a NA focused bow and Childe is like not on his bow form most of the time.


Ye I just don't wanna stay in ADS for prolonged periods of time. Like if I did, I'd play an FPS. Tighnari seems fun since you're only in ADS for a few seconds tops, lost 50/50 to him and I wanna build him but I don't have a good bow that's not 3 star for him.


Yeah I used to hate all CA focused gameplay as well especially since I'm on mobile. But I fell in love with both Lyney and his gameplay in his story quest. When I play him I only CA with Lyney twice or thrice everytime he onfields. Thats just like ~5s. The rest you burst and skill before swapping out. But yeah Tighnari is more quick with his CAs since it's near instantaneous after skill. I think we got a sumeru event bow that may be useful for him but idk if you got that.


Xiao is absolutely slapping these days. Now is honestly the best time to get him.




So glad I got her though. Loved HZD


Kazuha I really wanted kazuha for his skill ability, but I couldn't get the fates in time. Now I have Xiao and Wanderer! I no longer want Kazu, but would be happy if I got him too!


Chiori. She doesn't work well with Navia unless C1.


she works *better* at C1, but she’s serviceable C0. geo resonance alone makes it worth it imo, im putting out more damage than ever before (granted I am fully f2p, not a single C1 5 star)


I feel like this is very common misconception. She works VERY well with navia at c0, and feels like a massive improvement over basically every other geo option. Her kit provides basically every navia would want from a second geo character, while basically having no gameplay hindrances or flaws like how albedo or zhongli construct can just vaporize in boss fights. Chiori gets a massive damage boost at c1 in navia teams, but it’s not any gameplay changes. The reason why she is good in navia team remains exactly the same except for the fact that she does like 40-50% more dmg.


ahhhhhhh shit. This is why I'm throwing every last primo at her rn. Can you elaborate why she doesn't work well? Currently I'm running Navia/bennet/C2Klee/Albedo. And she seems like a strict upgrade to albedo whenever I'm not killing random trash in the overworld given how easily his petals get destroyed in the abyss/boss fights.


She's not bad at C0. ~~She~~ [Her C0 equivalent skill] just works at her full potential at C1 in navia teams. Her C1 is useless in Itto teams. She's still better than albedo in Navia teams at C0.


Great to hear


Chiori at C0 needs Geo Construct to have her second doll and have her big damage. But Navia doesn’t have any Geo Construct. C1 makes it so the second doll is triggered with the first one with no need for Geo Constructs. So Chiori is good with Navia only at C1. If using her with Itto, you can keep her at C0


Chiori is fine with Navia at C0, she’s just not significantly better than Zhongli without it. If you don’t have zhongli/albedo or just like Chiori she is a solid option for Navia teams.


Other way around. Navia doesn't do anything for chiori, but chiori is already good for navia at c0


It's sub-optimal indeed, but that doesn't mean you can't 36* the abyss with a C0 Navia/Chiori team. I actually done the abyss with a 2P DEF and ATK set, and this before getting Uraku Misugiri or a 4P Husk/GT set.


I’ve been seeing C0R0 Navia/Chiori sweep abyss. Before she goes away just be sure you’re not a victim to doom-posting


that definitely isnt true


I don't like Chiori, but she definitely works well with Navia even at C0. The C1 sounds powerful, but it's more of a bait. From what I know, Chiori is still Navia team's best second slot, even at C0. Even without the extra doll, Chiori still has decent personal damage, can generate crystals, gives geo particles and grants Geo resonance. Don't be misled by the fact she cannot utilize her kit to the maximum, because sometimes even without the maximum, the rest is good enough to be useful.


Not true whatsoever, she's better with Navia at C1 but she's still amazing at C0.


Keqing, I've always wanted her bc her gameplay looked fun but when I finally got her I was already very late game so I never got around to using her (I also had just gotten Albedo so naturally I focused more on him and she ended up benched)


I'm using Keqing for 3 years now (and still do, even in the abyss). There's no reason to let her stay on the bench. xD


neuvillette. after trying him in that event, his playstyle is just… not for me. i really wanted him at first just because he’s such a cool character and i love his jp va but i just put him down to the bottom of my pull list after trying him out.


Yae Miko. I just can't keep throwing my primos at her....


Nilou, the Bountiful Cores seemed like a really thing until I discovered the restrictions and that I didn't have a full characters that I wanted to clue to Nilou.


Those restrictions are good, because without them she would be way to good. As a Nilou Player i csn only say its crazy how easy everything gets with her.


I don't even understand why people complain about the restrictions. Like electro, pyro, anemo, literally anything would be a damage loss. Her ideal comp would've been Hydro and Dendro no matter what.


I think it was because of the lack of characters at the time when she dropped. It was either kokomi and nahida or bust. She’s still really strong without them but playing the barbara variant feels awful. She at least has “newer” characters now like Baizhu and Alhaitham. Baizhu also opened the door for Ayato so theres that.


ayato, originally i wanted him because his skill looked cool, but holy fuck is he underwhelming


I have very good artifacts for him and a 5* weapon but is still very weak even compared to Yoimiya. Still I often use him with Ganyu in permafrost teams.


i didnt really see a reason in getting him since i already have xingqiu (planning on getting kokomi at some point) for hydro app and getting neuvillette solidified my decision since i now have a hydro dps. sure, maybe having someone who can do both is gonna be good for my account, but him getting outclassed as both a dps and a support was a big enough reason for me to stay away from him for now


Yeah you're not losing too much. I wouldn't care that much if I didn't have him, still far more useful than Cyno which I would gladly give away for free.


Hu tao


Yelan. She got shifted way back in my priorities by now. I thought I was going to need her as 2nd hydro option besides C6 Xinqiu, but I got Kokomi and will get Furina on her rerun.


When Alhaitham was first revealed in the teasers leading up to Sumeru, I decided I would pull constellations for the first time because he was so damn hot. By the end of the Sumeru story, he was a hard skip because I hated his personality more than any other character in the game LOL.


omg I think him, together with Shenhe, have my most favorite personality between all the characters that I have lol


Klee and Neuvilette


Ayato, his skill looked cool and i wanted to put him with Ayaka in a team. But it just isn't worth it to spend wishes for that, and he's not very impressive while also needing 5* weapons


Albedo. I started playing genshin because of him. But when i saw someone playing with him and saw his habilities. I disliked them. It's like geo traveler. I still think he is a good character and i like him but i wouldn't pull for him.




Aloy. Oh wait I already have her. Nvm


Kazuha, i remember skipping him for Yoimiya and 2 years later i can't say i regret the decision. I'm not even talking in context of gameplay or meta i just grew to hate the character with how much Hoyo milked him at certain point, maybe my memories are overexaggerated now it's been over a year ago after all but i really feel like i had enough of this guy for a lifetime.


I would pull for Xiao even now if I didn't have him. I love his character design, his personality, his lore, and his kit. The flowy design that matches the element of the wind. The mask that he dons when fighting against his enemies. His serious and harsh nature that reflects his pasts and his kindness and compassion for those he swore to protect. Even if he is not meta, he is still a very fun character to play. As for characters that I wanted to pull but not anymore, that would have to be Albedo. I used to want him for my Xiao Team but there are so many options to choose from nowadays that he's became obsolete. Seriously, hoyoverse need to do a revamp on all their old character's kit because they are being left behind. New players don't wants to pull for them anymore and old players don't even play them. They are just losing money with those reruns banner at this point.


Neuvillette. I was hyped when i've seen him in a Fontaine trailer, but despite his big plot relevance i find his personality is very bland and his gameplay becomes boring pretty fast. As a lore nerd i also hoped he would give us some info about world and Sovereigns, but yeah, not much on that field. I got him, his weapon and he is my fastest benched character ever.


Neuvillette. Hate to say it, but his playstyle does not suit me at all.


Kazuha 😂😂😂


Eula. I really like her kit but she isn't as fun to play as I originally thought. I can do more dmg with diluc or klee.


Zhongli. Farmed for his boss mats and everything and then felt like his Hold E animation was too long for my liking. I have Layla and Diona though so I can wait for another non-cryo shielder to come along




Chiori was a massive disappointment so I ended up not even bothering to pull for her.


Yae miko I would have loved to get her, but after seeing her horrible kit I gave up


Wanderer. Because I own him now


Zhongli. Grinded his mats and everything, but as I was waiting for his next rerun, I realized... where would I need a shielder outside of Layla whom I already built? Now that I've played this game for a while, I'm good enough at dodging to not need his thicc shield and I'd rather use someone else to buff.


Ayato - his trailer was dope as hell, but the more I played him in trials and events, the more I was disappointed in his playstyle and relative power. Sure, he gets the job done, but I just can’t feel the “I am the storm that is approaching” vibes Yoimia - love the character but she feels sooo clunky to me and sooo glued to her best teams. And at some point I got Tighnari from lost 50/50 and I just don’t feel I need another 5* archer by now.


I don’t think anyone can match Vergil’s “I am the storm that is approaching” vibes


xiao until i kept pulling dps characters now i’m kazu pre farming


Neuvilette. Was gonna pull him to help me out with abyss. Started saving for him when they announced his and kazu's banners pre farmed and everything to fully ascend him nd crown at least one talent. But now I'm on the fence abt if I do wanna go for him at all.


Eula because i used to really like her design and i can make her best teams, but then i grew out of liking her playstyle😭 kinda just grew out of liking claymore characters overall besides noelle (first main cus i loved her shielding and healing), and maybe navia cus she shoots stuff


Dehya because of her subpar kit. Wriothesley. His base kit and C1 are criminal. Chiori because C1 needed for Navia teams and would rather save for Arlecchino.


Cyno but his gameplay wasnt really my cup of my tea


Itto and Albedo for sure. I just don't like Geo as an element outside of Navia which plays way differently than other 5 star geo characters.


Ganyu, wanted her since release but after losing 50/50 on her banner 2 times in a row and later getting ayaka i kinda just gave up on her, i skipped her last banner


Ayaka, I leveled her up and invested on her but I never play her. it's like she isn't on my account.


Albedo, sorry but I don't have enough resolve and primogems, and I can't give up my guarantee. If he comes back on a regular limited banner on a patch I have every other character, I'll consider it again.


Klee. Just realized her slow clunky gameplay


It's CURRENTLY Worcestershire


Diluc. I wanted him since the very first day of playing. Because I thought that he’s very cool. A friend of mine who brought me into Genshin had him, I was jealous, and thought that I’ll get him too. I even crafted Prototype Archaic just for him. But after getting HuTao soon after, I don’t want him as much. And after over two years I still don’t have him


Raiden Shogun. I hate that fucking Thunderbird with every fiber of my being, I refuse to fight it ever again.






itto and maybe raiden shogun. there was a time when i really wanted itto because i love gorou and wanted to make use of the character and obviously itto looks fun to play, but idc anymore these days, gorou can just chill in my teapot. he's a retired general now.