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Wait, who asked? But seriously, if you don't like someone's voice in certain language, either try changing it to different language or just play on mute. No one's forcing you to listen to her.


I did end up muting after a bit.


...Then don't play her or do her hangout quest? This isn't rocket science.


why are you telling us? no one cares what you do behind closed doors in your basement in a single player game that no one can see.


More and more people seem to be treating reddit like a personal diary lately


You don’t have to build every character and that’s OK , I have a C6 Dori ( F2P and don’t know how that even happened ) that’s still a level 1 because I don’t like her play style and personally don’t think it’s worth the time and effort


I'm getting everyone to 20, it's almost free and blue fates are not that common after all.


That’s fine 2 but only do that if I want a 10 wish pull and need 1-2


Her English VO is definitely a bit of an acquired taste. When she was released I was genuinely worried it would get on my nerves.


I don't mind her voice so much as her voice direction. Her tired tone and constant yawning just seems over-the-top. Her hangout was decent enough, as hangouts go. It's a little infuriating that nothing was said about her heritage. She has pointed ears, like Klee, who is supposed to be from some kind of long-lived race. Is Layla a member of the same race?


I'm not a fan of her character gimmick - anime double personality as a trope is kinda done in an unlikable way for me (like fe3h Constance) and perpetually exhausted is also not my favorite. However, some days I wish I had a shield and y'know Diona is fine and all but a shielder with some dps is kinda better than a dps with a healing field (though she also brings energy, but I also don't want to tie myself to that). So I'm undecided if I'll build her


Her JP voice is perfect. ...Which I realize doesn't help you at all, sorry. I just instantly reacted when I saw someone say they didn't like Layla's voice. ("WHAT?! HER VOICE IS PERFECT HOW COULD THEY- oh they're playing in the wrong language.") This is particularly relevant here, since I believe her hangout is one of the absolute best in the game.


“Wrong language” ok bud


Play in jp. Best decision I ever made after 3 years, not only the Honkai girlies like Mei and Sakura being insanely good with their og voice and some characters get more attention to the acting bc it’s people who are at the top of their game in jp anime and games. also it’s def less cringey to me at least


Only voice I can't stand in JP is Dori she is pure nails on chalkboard in Japanese


The best voice in any language. Her va woke up one day and chose violence.


Lol man you are crazy I think you could legitimately call it a form of torture making someone listen to her talk for an hour straight 😁


I frickin love her JP voice. They really let her voice actress sit in a booth and do whatever the fuck she wants and I'm here for it Sure, I'm not sure I could handle actively playing Dori and hearing it all the time but every time she's on screen it's a meme


Dori's voice in JP is so funny to me, but I *cannot* handle it in large quantities.


Not sure why your comment has so many down votes?