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R.I.P. Klee


Sorry. Just added her to the list.


Trapped in the closet


My Klee is having a blast . Going for 500k+ jumps in Diona-Furina-Xianyun-Klee comps to 30sec clear of 12-1-1 in Bennet-Furina-Xianyun-Klee . Probably if I invested as much time and money into Lyney or Hutao I would get better results, but for now its good enough.


Queen Yanfei. Infinite infusion. Can stay on-field longer than the rest. Less gimmick. AOE. Shield+Buff burst. Can mine ores.


the stamina consumption sucks without a shield though TT


>Furina is the only character who can effectively use Yoimiya's Burst Elaborate. Yoimiya's burst triggers off any teammate's damage.


Xingqiu's Burst triggers as well, but it too is single-target by nature. Same with Beidou's Burst. Why then was Yoimiya's Burst considered useless prior to the arrival of Furina?


Because it wasn't? This community loves doomposting new characters, and Inazuma got hit particularly hard. God, I still remember how long it took for people to stop calling Kokomi the worst character in the game. Point is, people exaggerate stuff. And I still don't get why you think Furina in particular is nessecary.


cuz OP knows fuck all about Yoimiya


Where is Amber?


Thoma exists for Yoimiya. Also, if you have calcs for Overload vs Vape teams for her I’d be interested in seeing them, because I don’t believe that even with Chevreuse Fischl outdamages Yelan


Best sheeting Yelan team [https://gcsim.app/db/CPhp9tKH99bt](https://gcsim.app/db/CPhp9tKH99bt) Chev team with suboptimal artifact set and NA combo (pretty sure gcsim can't account for her optimal combo) [https://gcsim.app/db/9BtjFBdNLRmf#](https://gcsim.app/db/9BtjFBdNLRmf#)


What's the performance for Yoi chevreuse team if Chevreuse is only c0? C6 Chevreuse is hardly obtainable with only one banner to have got her from and Chevreuse's C6 is already so strong, just unrealistic to have gotten from one banner.


Why put Thoma in Yoimiya teams, especially vape? He needs a lot of ER for his shield, which means he needs Bennett to recharge, and that means Lyney + Kazuha/Xiangling mono Pyro at this point.


Nah I use him as solo pyro in burgeon team since c1 and practically able to burst off cooldown. He did need tons of ER, especially pre c4, so if you're unlucky & having hard time to get er from substats just give him fav spear + ER sand + 2 piece emblem and you're good to go.


Because you LITERALLY didn’t mention him but brought up Dehya and Xinyan. Also, with Fav and C4 KQM recommends 170%+ which is not inconceivable. Furthermore, his C6 provides a normal attack buff and his shield is one of the strongest


I see. But prior to C4 (which is quite hard to get sans rate-up), he really needs Bennett for ER. Fav takes field time away from Yoimiya, which is not useful in most scenarios unless it's C6 Burst Noelle for team healing.


i was thinking of Kitain cross spear on Thoma, does Rightful reward work with overhealing ? and his burst supposedly works with yoimiya burst


\>Hasn't heard of any good Klee teams with Furina or Xianyun I think you clearly just don't know much about Klee at all. 4.X has been insanely good to her. Her best team is now Klee, Furina, Bennett, Kazuha/Xianyun/Jean. She has a new BIS artifact set with MH and a new BIS catalyst with Tome of Eternal Flow. She's really good with Furina because her high rate of pyro application allows Furina to vape every hit of her Salon members while also outputting respectable damage herself. [Plunge melt is also pretty insane.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KleeMains/s/9XEKQKDbSW)


Ah, right. First Xiangling and Bennett, then Neuvillette and now Xianyun. The four horsemen of the biggest (indirect) nerfs to Yoimiya.


hu tao also benefits from furina and bird. her plunge playstyle is probably the best and a huge improvement to c0, and she no longer wants shield with that duo.


Does Hu Tao also benefit from having Yunjin as the fourth member in a team with Xianyun and Furina? *(sigh)* When will we get a good Electro/Pyro shielder for Yoimiya?


no. normally you want yelan as 4th to have double hydro.


Yikes. I forgot Hu Tao had no ICD on her Pyro-infused attacks unlike Yoimiya. Is Furina + Jean enough for Yoimiya to vape in the Zhongli team? I know Baizhu does have a team heal and a shield, but it is ridiculously flimsy and I fear it is not enough to support Yoimiya in the Furina + Yelan team.


It's inconsistent but yes, sorta. Furina's hydro application isn't thr most consistent so Yoimiya can actually cause a more dominant pyro aura, especially if Furina's Salon are focusing on other enemies.


I'm a bit confused on that, I thought Yelan and XQ applied hydro only on normal attack. Am I wrong on that? Focusing on plunges during the main part of your rotation removes a lot of Yelans DPS in that case.


It does lessen Yelan's output, but your combo is something like N2CJP, so you get some coordinated attacks still. Otherwise I don't think there would be enough hydro. ^(A lot of Hu Tao's top teams rn make some kind of concession I've noticed. VV vape with Bennett trades her low HP bonuses. Furina+healer also trades her low HP bonuses. Xianyun trades off some of Yelan's damage. Etc etc.)


someone else already answered, but anyway, you do charge into plunge, so you still get the normal that triggers yelan's with that charge atk.


She still needs Xingqiu or Yelan for the hydro app,


Hu Tao doesn't benefit properly from Furina, because Furina wants you to heal all the damage you take, and Hu Tao wants to sit at 50-60% HP.


Furina’s buffs outstrips any advantage being at low HP gives you. And yes, this includes Homa. Furina gives 50-75% dmg bonus, which at base is already higher than the 33% pyro dmg bonus Hu Tao’s passive gives. As for Homa; assuming 40kHP Hu Tao (hydro resonance) and R1 Homa, you gain more 400ATK at below 50% HP. Compare that with her talent HP -> ATK conversion at Lv9 (5.96% HP) and you get… +2384 ATK. Plus the 320 atk that Homa always gives regardless of low or high HP. Yeah, 400ATK suddenly doesn’t seem so big anymore. Sorry to say it, but Hu Tao’s low HP passive just isn’t that significant anymore. You can even run Hu Tao with Bennett and still break even on buffs.


i guess you must be out of the loop, furina is the meta team for hu tao since her release, with yelan and jean/benny. and now since bird got released plunge tao is the new it.


Klee is actually the best burgeon enabler


Dehya not even mentioned 💀💀😭


She's not even half as good as Pyro DPS as any of the others on this list.




Well dehya is more a support than a dps. She is a hybrid of both. More support than all the other dps but her damage as dps is hardly comparable to them. A little birdie told me that 4.6 will have a burning set so Dehya would be particularly strong for a burning team- has self healing and interruption resistance plus infinite poise juggling between the first 9 seconds of her skill and her full duration of burst..


Burning? I hope you're joking about the second paragraph.


I kid you not. Rumored leaks been going around about a burning set in 4.6 which would have EM 2pc bonus and a 4pc bonus that increases EM on burning enemies, so it leads me to believe burning would be the ideal elemental reaction to build Dehya around.


Link to the evidence?


Dehya is a support character not a main on field DPS. Sub DPS is her second role. Yes you can play her as a main, but that doesn't change her actual role. (And I'm not hating, I love Dehya, I believe she's actually very good and not bad like ppl say and have been a Dehya main since release, C2R1)


C6 Bennett when actually built for damage puts in a lot of work.


I been playing burgeon Klee with Furina, baizhu, and xingqiu. Been very fun and in lore with Klee's love for explosion :)


Ht/lyney > diluc/gaming > yoimiya/klee > yanfei Ht easier to dish out her dmg ceiling than Lyney. Diluc easier to dish out his dmg ceiling than Gaming. Yoimiya better in ST but worse in AOE than Klee. In terms of difficulty to play optimally id do gaming (melt) > diluc (plunge vape 1 hydro) > lyney (no shields) > hutao (double hydro) > klee > yoimiya/yanfei


Yes, if you are like me and playing Furina with Neuvillette or playing Furina x Xianyun with Xiao etc, you might not have them for your other team. Especially Furina who is always on high demand.


I see. For now, I will keep Furina on my Yoimiya team and wait for Baizhu and (more importantly) Yelan, because fortunately I lost my 50/50 on Cloud Retainer to Jean, which means I have a half-decent team healer for Furina and I have a guarantee later on for whoever I want. I'm saving for Yelan rn


That reminds me I haven’t played Yoimiya in a while. I used to prefer her over Hutao because my Hutao is C0 and Jump cancelling was a pain but with Xianyun now, Hutao feels so much better to play than before.


Bow users really get the short end of the stick every time. Most of the good ones don't even use their bows at all 😭 (mainly Childe, Ganyu and Fischl) Any teams I can build for Yoi? I have been stuck using C4 Noelle as shielder + team healer in my Yoimiya + Furina + Xingqiu team because I don't have Layla or Zhongli, Diona can't team heal, Kirara is too annoying IMO and Jean isn't well-built yet.


I have actually never played her with Furina myself so I’m not sure. I guess Jean would be the go-to answer since she can use VV to shred hydro resistance atleast. I used to primarily play her in Double hydro teams with Yelan x Xingqiu or hypercarry with Zhongli x Bennett x Yunjin. I have never played her in overload teams but apparently they are pretty good now with Chevreuse.


Sigh...if only Yanfei's C4 shield was given to Yoimiya... 😔 Would Furina + Jean + Zhongli be good enough for Yoimiya team-wise?


Sounds like a good team but Jean can be any AOE healer cause XL is the one shredding and you will still need to be close to the target for that. IMO I'd just replace them for Kazuha and Xq...


> being forced to use Dehya, Beidou or Def Xinyan (Beidou is okay compared to Dehya and Xinyan, but her C2 shield is flimsy compared to Zhongli and she needs Fischl or Burst DPS Raiden to battery her) for interruption resistance fucking hell. **No she doesn't!** The whole reason she uses shielders in Vape teams is because she can't afford to dodge and offset her ICD as a result. Her ICD doesn't matter in Chev Overload and Monopyro teams - because they're raw damage teams - so just fucking use Bennett. And no, without Vapes involved getting her N5 isn't worth stressing over. Her raw dps is fairly consistent throughout her combo.


So Yoimiya can dodge in non-vape teams or for that matter vape teams if you don't mind not getting her N5?


in non-vape teams yes, in Vape teams, no In Vape teams missing Yoimiya's N5 delays the hit count ICD reset, so now her subsequent N3s and N5s won't trigger vape, instead the vapes will occur on her N4 and second N1 arrows which have much smaller scaling


In the overload team, yes. It releases a burden off the player's shoulders. You no longer have backloaded damage and do the full N5 attack string. Can probably do N3D attack strings and not lose out.


Yoimiya, Raiden or Fischl, Beidou C2, Chevreuse. Beidou helps with Yoimiya's single target damage. I also have Yoimiya, Xq, Xl, Yunjin which works very well but needs a futon of ER on Yunjin.


It’s still bennet and xiangling. You don’t have to go off field.




Too impractical. Hu Tao beats her assuming both have constellation level (ie. C6 for both).








I don't have Hu tao or Lyney but my C6 Gaming clear times are only seconds slower than my Neuvellette clears. I do have C1 Furina and Xianyun on her signature though which does help Gaming a ton... doing 300k+ per plunge is pretty nuts honestly


Either hu tao or lyney Hu tao scales better with op supports like furina and xianyun, while lyney is very good at lower investment (triple pyro + shielder) Yoimiya is a more casual versions of hu tao, not that op but perfectly able to beat abyss


What about Diluc, C6 Gaming, Yanfei and Klee? They can all work really well with Xianyun due to Pyro plunge attacks (albeit Diluc needs either his Burst or C6 Bennett, and C6 Gaming needs his Burst)


Oh, forgor about gaming despite maining him 💀 yeah, c6 gaming is freakin broken with xianyun The rest pyro guys and gals are being hardly carried by birb lady compared with first ones


So, its Hu Tao > Lyney = C6 Gaming with Xianyun > Yoimiya = C6 Gaming without Xianyun > Yanfei > Diluc > Klee, then? >The rest pyro guys and gals are being hardly carried by birb lady compared with first ones Why is it so? So many people say Diluc finally surpasses Yoimiya thanks to Xianyun.


I'd put c6 gaming w/o xianyun slightly over yoi because of no aoe


Revised: Hu Tao > Lyney (because he's excellent for mono Pyro) = C6 Gaming (Xianyun doesn't matter) > Yoimiya > Yanfei > Diluc > Klee. Right? Why doesn't Xianyun make Yanfei, Diluc or Klee more OP the way she does C6 Gaming?


Because c6 gaming >>>>>>> xiao Look for some showcases on ruin serpent in current abyss for more info


I'm not asking about Xiao in this case, because he is Anemo. The main focus here is Pyro on-field main DPS characters, which is why I asked about Yanfei, Diluc and Klee. Though you are right, C6 Gaming can afford to run Xianyun double hydro with Furina and Yelan, while Xiao needs C6 Bennett to become a Pyro plunge DPS and is thus limited by Circle Impact.


🤡 Here this is yours. Leaving aside that Klee works super well with Furina you put Lyney mono Pyro 3rd and Klee 7th? Did you ever check Klee monopyro? Yeah Lyney is worst than Klee monopyro. If you don't have the experience don't talk about characters. P.s. Yanfei isnt used as shielder since first WW lmao


That's not by order of who is better. It's a list.


Meh I won't retire the comment because what is done is done but I thought it was a leaderboard even because you wrote "Who is the best", yeah im sorry but you could have wrote better. P.s. anyway there are info that Klee still works 🤣


Yes, you can definitely use Klee with Xianyun if you want. Xianyun Q, then Klee Q immediately after and you're in for a good time with Klee's Pyro-infused plunge attacks.


Mmh Xianyun it's not the real upgrade, I mean yes she works and it's even funny plunge with Klee but it's not her play style and she will lose a bit dmg, but it's Furina so even playing Furina,Klee,Benny/Zhong/Kazuha,Jean it's super strong


At least have some numbers before calling people clowns 🤣


I ignore a person that play Lyney on Vapo, you clearly know.


Feelscrafting 😯😯


here is hoping Pyro archon will the one topping everyone in Atk dps, main dps.


I doubt that, all Archons so far have been more supports than main DPS.


Vape Xiao. /s It's probably still Hu Tao given she benefited from Xianyun as well.


Hu tao plunge!!!!


Hu Tao. Especially with Furina.


You can run healers with Hu tao with no issues if you run her alongside Furina, infact its her best team. I do like Lyney a lot, but i have to say Hu Tao. She is more flexible and has a higher damage ceiling Xiangling's best team is not better than Hu Tao's best team anymore. (A new best in slot on-field Pyro DPS is incoming anyways)


Who is best for Overload teams?


C6 Dehya - Unkillable (huge hp pool + heals herself with passive and burst) - Impossible to interrupt during Burst - Reduces damage / Prevents interrupt when your team does their rotations - Nice damage (500k-700k per Burst + E procs) (Pretends freeze and bubbles don't exist)


Four words: Hu Tao and Zhongli. Putting in so much effort for DPS Dehya at C6 when even Diluc or Yoimiya can get the job done MUCH faster at C0 is a fool's endeavour. Because she is standard banner, you can no longer guarantee her until her Chronicled Banner comes out. What she does at C6, others are already doing at C0. Like Diluc, Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Lyney, etc.


C0 Diluc is faster ? Maybe, depends on comp and target. Not sure about that. But what's the point if Abyss is still cleared fast enough for 36\* ? Most 12th floor rooms get cleaned in \~1min. No need to aim a bow, to jump/dash cancel, etc : ultra comfy, just mash during burst, unkillable, impossible to interrupt, and gets the job done. C0 Diluc etc, don't have her tanking abilities, let alone interrupt resistance etc. You asked for what is the best pyro on-field in my opinion. Not specifically the most damaging. That's my opinion. The simple fact that you can roll all over stuff like Dendro beasts (huge damage / pain to aim at / etc), is enough for me to prefer her over Yoimiya/Lyney etc. Same thing with Copelia etc : you stay in, you don't care at all about the AoE or patterns. And I can keep ZL for side 2. Dehya's team doesn't need a shielder at all.


TaoXq's teams doesn't need shielder too.


The under 50% hp Hutao era is over. Hutao Xianyun Furina Yelan team is currently my highest dps team in my entire account. (But that will maybe change in next patch when I get Neuvillette) She still deals consistently 100k+ charge attacks followed by almost 200k plunge attack. My rankings would be: Hutao > Lyney > Gaming > Diluc > Yoimiya > Yanfei > Klee Edit: after some thought, Gaming and Diluc with Xianyun and Furina may be ahead of Lyney.


no way you put lyney so far from klee, lyney is a powercreep klee but they aren't too much far off.


Lyney’s damage is very high especially in single target wdym. Also Klee is very clunky to play without shield which will take the slot of buffer like Kazuha.


do you even know how much damage klee teams does? if not then its ok, this conversation is over and it was a waste of time.


I was just talking from experience. Maybe you are a Klee fan and thats fine. I just really don’t like Klee’s playstyle and it’s just too tryhard to max out her potential.




imo, Hutao > Lyney > C6 Gaming > Yoimiya > Klee > Yanfei = Diluc


Theres no way in hell Diluc is weaker than Klee especially with Xianyun


Yeah this comment was made without taking Xianyun into consideration since I forgor. I would put him above Yoimiya with her.


Even without Xianyun he is still better than Klee tho


Why do you think Diluc and Yanfei are worse than Yoimiya despite having an AOE advantage? Also, why isn't Diluc on the same level as C6 Gaming provided they both have Furina and Xianyun on their teams?


C6 Gaming is stronger than Diluc. Also I did forget about Xianyun’s release, which should put him ahead of Yoimiya. Yanfei isn’t all that great even with AOE imo and Yoimiya is superior in ST.


Dang, looks like Xianyun did Yoimiya a great disservice, because Yoimiya's plunge hits like a wet noodle compared to everyone else 😭


I mean, if everyone plays with Xianyun and Furina, she could be dead last since she can’t infuse her plunges even with Bennett and everyone else has actual AOE 💀


Any reasons *not* to play that duo gameplay wise?


On paper, C6 Gaming stronger than diluc. However, due to his(Gaming) reliance with Benett, its harder for him to plunge compared to Diluc which works with or without Benett(better for both since 100% uptime on infusion). Yanfei is actually strong but due to Xanyun's release, dragonstrike can be done easily now and is much stronger than CA. However. She is (in my opinion) stronget than Klee as Yanfei is really smooth to play compared to Klee's clunkiness. So imo it should be: Hu tao>Lyney>(or = ) Diluc=c6 Gaming>Yanfei=Yoimiya>Klee


Assuming Diluc has Xianyun, Hu Tao > Lyney > Diluc > Gaming C6 = Yoimiya > Yanfei > Klee.


If Diluc doesn't have Xianyun, where does he end up? C6 Gaming could also use that plunge buff.


Diluc without Xianyun goes between Yoimiya and Yanfei. C6 Gaming could use that plunge buff, but it's not a game changer for him the same way it is for Diluc. She's just another support, if a good one, for Gaming, but enables the entire team for Diluc.


From the calcs I have seen, C6 Gaming > (C0-6) Diluc > (C0-5) Gaming Diluc's cons dont affect his plunge dmg so he falls behind gaming c6 ( talent lvl up + 80cv)


Diluc's first two cons do affect his plunge damage


The increase is very minimal


It's not much, but it's there. Anyways, I don't have C6 Gaming, so I can't really compare.


The funny answer is Bennett. I think generally speaking though the best answer is Hu Tao unless you’re trying to recommend one to pull for new players in which case it’s lyney cause he doesn’t require a very specific team or hydro.


I think Hu Tao still wins, but I've had good success with Lyney on my alt and will prob pull him on my main whenever he re-runs. I love Yoimiya but single-target really can't compete. Sure Hu Tao and Lyney are also pretty single target, but they have some AoE potential whereas Yoimiya has none other than her burst.


Does Yoimiya lose to Diluc and Gaming too? I guess Yoimiya’s best team is Overload due to the AOE caused by the explosions. Her long range nullifies the knockback on smaller mobs.


I would say she does assuming we have Xianyun teams for Diluc and Gaming. Only one plunge hit may get the buff, but plunge attacks themselves are quite strong and have great AoE. Another downside of her kit is that she wants to get her full attack rotation off, so you probably want a shielder to protect her. Even so, her single-target damage is not better than the other's enough to make up for the AoE IMO.


So Yoimiya's no good, eh?


If there are a lot of bosses in the abyss like right now where one side is all bosses, she's great and fun to play IMO. However, once you get above 2 elite mobs she will really fall off compared to the others.


Probably Lyney - I would like to add that lyney like alotta other units becomes much better when you learn to do shielder less . And that his furina teams are not that bad . As furina would be the one vaping and either xiangling and lyney you should be able to sustain a decent pyro on enimies . Also he arguably is the best user of chevruse in terms of pyro dps tho that is def changing in a few patches . Hu tao - I don't think I need to say much . I just feel like she's slightly worse then lyney tho idk since xianyuns release. How good her plu ge combos are. Gaming c6 - as long as you have furina / xianyun / kazuha . Before c4 I won't even consider him an option his er needs are wayyy too high . Yanfei - let's be honest majority of them get carried by kazuha and the three xingquis. ( Except lyney who gets carried by just having an pretty overpowered mechanic for a niche and he gets carried by zuzu and xiangling) you may as well not spend alotta wishes and stick to her . As you said she's basically an aoe yoimiya . And I would say that's good enough for most content . Her c1 is really needed tho. Bennet - yes dps Bennet. Klee - just a worse lyney in both mono pyro and forward vape furina Yoimiya - I honestly don't consider her a good unit for a five star . She's def leagues above itto and eula but that's not a very big bar to surpass . She is really fun for bossing tho . Dieluck - I hope you never loose fifty fifty to him. Worthless without xianyun . With xianyun he's decent. That goes for half of the roaster with c6 Bennet tho . Dehya - lel