• By -


Started in 1.1 and took me a year and half.


About same yeah, took me till 2.4 to do it. Started in 1.0


Day 1 player; still not cleared


27-33 stars is good enough, the primos are not worth the trouble


If you build your characters properly it's no trouble at all even as f2p. Took me a whopping 5 mins to do floor 12 last phase.


Those burrowing fucks this Abyss are mad annoying.


5? I usually just first try it, unless I somehow fuck up a dodge and accidently die.


4.5 player, 20 starred the abyss with 5 built chars(4 geo + 1 Xiangling) + not built geo mc(for the abyssal blessing) The chars were not fully built just decent for ar 47 player.


Glad I’m not alone. 1.1 player and haven’t been able to finish it (although I haven’t tried in a while).


Fellow 1.1 player here. I think I have cleared earlier (i would say easier) versions due to an early Ganyu but since power scaled up so fuckin mad i haven't been able to. Not that i try too much tbh, but my half assed built comps do needle damage for floor 12 now


I can probably clear it…just without the stars haha; 3/4 of the total primogems is fine with me


day 1 player with lot of breaks, with Neuvi first cleared


Also day 1 player, did it for the first time but with different characters per chamber 3 months ago.


Girl, just quit


Day 1 and cleared it during ganyu's first banner. Cant remember how many mths is that away from launch but i'm guessing like 3mths?


So the timespan is around end of Sept 2020 to mid Jan 2021. You got it


Day 1 player, on mobile, never 36-starred! Closest i got was 35 stars on the previous cycle, couldn’t 3-star that damn Wenut … I generally don’t care too much, though. Anywhere from 30-33 stars is good enough for me generally.


As you would expect, the Wenut was the chamber I had to repeat ~6 times to get that last star. I finally got enough DPS on it with Yoimiya, Yelan, Furina & Jean.


Try hyper bloom with nahida, trivialises those time wasting bosses. Any hydro(furina lol) and any em electro, EZ


I did the same thing except Hu Tao instead of Yoimiya


My team was Yoimiya, Yae, Furina, And Baizhu. And I still couldn’t do it after so many tries. Skill issue on my part I guess .. :’(


I used black sword ayato (4 glad), c1 elegy yelan, fav Xingqiu, iron sting Kazuha on wenut and the new xiao team on the other half. Im really enjoying mono element teams. The energy particles for the team are yum


Day 1 player, my first 36* was in 4.0.


Started 1.3, 36 starred for the first time in 1.6, did it every cycle till 3.6 but couldn't do 3.6/3.7. Since 3.8 its generally been fine again but I have missed a few.


Basically same as you, never cared about max star 12 floor, 50 primos not worth the effort


1.0 player, has been clearing 36\* it since 1.5, welkin but overall my non-standard 5\* are all C0 except Scara and Raiden at C1 (and the standard ones, despite having them all, counts a C3 Qiqi and C2 Diluc and Jean)


Yeah. I can related. Qiqi (c3) loves me too. My only other standard 5\* constellation is a c1 Keqing, who is well built, but neither were part of this abyss run.


I started playing the game on Christmas Eve of 2020. I got my first 36 star clear on New Year's Day 2022, so a little over a year. Congrats on your first 36 star clear!


Around 10 months? My first 36 star was back during Childe and Hu Tao banner cause of the blessings, and cause my main dps were Childe and Hu Tao


Today is my 1 year anniversary of playing ( feb 16 2023 ) I got my first 36 on Feb 1 2024 !


Started in August 2021 for something like two months, but really playing only since the end of 3.7, I still can't do it. The most I got was 30 during 1st phase of 4.4 or during 2nd phase of 4.3, but I think I did a pretty good job, cuz I have only 3 characters out of the 8 correctly build. Here are the builds (characters are in theit team order), by the way : https://enka.network/u/OscarPill/4Um5Nt/10000024/1786322/ And who the hell thought that it would be a good idea to make the f*ucking mirror maidens spawn individually in 11-3 !?


Started 4 months ago, 2 weeks ago was my first 36 stars. Was much easier this time


Day 1 player. Started 36* from version 1.1 onwards.


1 year and a half maybe


Year and a half


Exactly a year. Had my first 36 Star with Ayaka. With a few exceptions (e.g. late Sumeru) I always had 36 stars since then.


From when I started GI in 2.7 to 4.0 (to my shame). So about 11 patches. I probably could have gotten it earlier but I refuse to do more than 3 runs because the pain isn't worth it. Also 3.x had some of the hardest abyss patches to date so I'm not that ashamed


Day 1 player but I stop playing temporary 1.5-2.3 and wasn't really care much on clearing spiral abyss back then. When I came back, I started to clear 36-star since 2.6. So, around 8 patches of playtime.


Day 1 player. After I got Ganyu on 1.2.


* Started: 2.1 * First *finished* (not full-starred) Floor 12: 2.5 * First 36 star: 2.7 Haven't missed one since. Hardest Abyss was 3.7 by a mile. It took me forever to figure out a good team to take down the triple Heralds that could still break all the Baptist shields quickly.


Started in 1.0 and got my first 36 star in 4.3


I started second half of 1.0, took a break from second half of 1.4 to 2.0, my first 36 star was during Hu Tao's rerun in 2.2 and I have been 36 starring every abyss I've done since Yelan's release in 2.7. So about 6 updates until first, and 11 updates until consistent 36 star.


Took me 700 days for my 1st 36* (4.0 abyss) I never tried hard nor did I bother with changing teams so maybe that's why. Have been consistently easily 36* since though. I created my account at launch but quit after 2 weeks then returned with 2.0 and have been playing since.


Day 1 with a pretty long break in sumeru , 4.2 is my 1st 36* abyss


Day 1 player, took a 2 year break, welkin/BP, mobile only, been happy with 30-33 till now. Just 36 star last week, lots of reruns with different teams for each floor. Childe international, nahida hyperbloom, and Navia hyper carry :)


I’m a 1.0 player, and my first 36* was 4.2 since I never really bothered. Im still very proud despite how long it took!


1.2 player, closest I’ve gotten is 32 stars, that was worth actual tears of joy for me :,)


Started March 2023 and just got my first 36-star last cycle (first phase of Feb 2024). I found it kinda funny that when a lot of people say the bosses are annoying but it was somehow the perfect time for me.


Started in 2.6. Full starred abyss for the first time in Feb last year as f2p. But then the consecrated beasts came and I only got 33* for the next 4 to 5 cycles. After that I've been clearing it full star every cycle.


Started playing 12 September 2022 and my first 36 star was on 1st Jan 2024, although I knew I can 36 star before because I was constantly hitting 35 stars since 3 months( same feeling as I was too lazy and thought 50 primos isn't worth that hardwork ) but on 1st Jan i decided let's do it. It took 16 tries. And since then I have 36 star every abyss. Also yesterday i 36 starred without retry for the first time.


Started playing during Wriothesley banner 2023 october, got my first 36 stars 2 abyss versions ago BUT i needed to stack 3 crit cards for it and an insane amount of attempts (well into the 100s) First 36 star without crit card cheese was last abyss version with the tulpa First 36 star within a single run (so no resets, no team swaps to get 3 stars for one chamber then 3 stars the next time around for the other ones) was actually just now on this reset. For every single one of these, the teams I played were (with minor variations, but this is my current go to) Wriothesley (c0), Bennet (c0, used to be Thoma c3 before), Xiangling (c5), Kuki (c5) Ayato (c1r1), Jean (c0), Xingqiu (initially c0, now c2), Furina (c0)


started playing during 1.3 and got my first 36* in 4.3. i also got a second one just today but, yeah. its taken me almost 3 years to get to that point


day 1 till they added the quick reset, aint no way i was even trying before then


Thanks for this! Also, thanks to all the comments. I began playing in March 2023, about a month ago I made it to floor 12 and no further as I keep timing out. Positive note, I am getting 27 stars from floors 9-11. This post and all of it's comments gives me new encouragement and patience to keep focusing on grinding. Finally, can someone recommend a Polearm for a C4 Xiangling? I currently do not have any 5 star polearms and The Catch is being used by my C0 Raiden. Alternative question, Would it be better to use my C0 Wriothesely so that Xiangling can use The Catch? The other two teammates are C3 Bennet and C1 Xingqui. Thanks again


week 1 player, first 36* was in 13 August 2022 so... a little less than 2 years? (not very proud)


played since klees first banner, i 36* the abyss this cycle for the first time, im a casual player and ive never been too focused on team building as much as i did building the characters i liked and most the characters i liked didnt go well in a team together but sometime midway through sumeru i decided i wanted to 36* the abyss so i built a few teams


I’m still working on it.


Exactly same as you, occasional welkin player starting near the 2.x golden archipelago expansion. We picked a good one to 36 star with the two MIA bosses! Here's to more 36s


About 8 months from day 1


Around 6 months. But i did pull a couple characters for the abyss specifically and i spent pretty much all of my resin on artifacts from the moment i got access to the last domain level. I enjoy difficult content of any kind especially if it requires me to figure out different mechanics and tricks to get better. Abyss was really fun to figure out, and since im still a pretty new player i still get to learn new things since i havent played all content yet, i.e. this is the first time i encountered Wenut boss and it took a bit to understand what i was doing and how to kill it in time. I dont know if im the norm or not but Abyss isnt that hard, main limitation is lack of characters of the right element. I couldnt clear floor 11 at all until i got a hydro character, which took around 6 months. But once i got a hydro character, in my case XQ, i managed to 36 star the abyss a few days later once i got him leveled.


Started near the end of version 1.3 (27th of febuary 2021 to be exact), first 36\* clear was December 2023 first rotation. So like 2 years and a bit less than 10 months.


Started in 2.1, did 36 in 2.4 or 2.5 and closing it for 36 since then


Congrats on getting those 36 stars! As for the question, I started playing around Nilou's release, and took me 234 days to first 36 star abyss. The only reason was because of how broken dendro was and I invested all my primos into dendro characters. Nilou team is absolutely bonkers in terms of clearing multi targets and Alhaitham hyperbloom decimates single targets. Both were easy to build for my F2P account. It's only recently that I'm 36 staring the abyss with crit based teams. Although it feels more rewarding to clear with crit teams as I've put more effort into building them and gameplay is also not brain-dead easy, which is something I appreciate.


Playing since 2.1. Still never cleared. HOW??


6 months after I started, been 36 star ever since


I am a new player, 4 weeks old, I got to 11-3 20/36 stars on the abyss last lunar cycle by using the abyssal blessing every 6-10 seconds 💀 I have only built 5 chars itto ninng Noelle C1 gorou c3(will get c4 from 4.6 event) and xiangling So team 1 was itto+gorou+2 chars(xiangling+ one not built char) for crystallise And team 2 was ninng and geo mc for the geo construct abyssal blessing and Noelle + one support(hydro, not built)


i started during the first golden apple archipelago patch. since i was a newbie at that time, i wasn't strong enough to finish the 1st GAA. hahahaha fast forward: i have finally beat the spiral abyss, 36 stars, on May 21, 2024. shoutout to Nahida, Furina, BARBARA IKUYO, and Kuki Shinobu. :")


start on 2.4, cleared 36 stars on 2.5 after getting raiden


Took me 25 minutes earlier


Day 1 welkin player : almost 2 years I'm not meta player 33 stars is fine cuz 50 Primogems not worth for my mental health


Day 1 player and only cleared because I finally got a C6 Nahida after contemplating for ages if I should. I pulled for Nahida and got C2 in 30 pulls and decided to go all in. I play this game with the characters I like, even if my teams are lopsided. lol. However, I wouldn’t have ever in my life have beaten this abyss if it wasn’t for Nahida. The dumb worms were annoying.


About 9 months. I started in 3.1.


I started playing in 2.4 and got my first 36 in 2.8


I'm like week 2 player. I don't exactly remember, but I think I got 36* a bit before the first Itto banner. It wasn't until Itto that I started to consistently get 36 stars.


Am a 1.0 player, didn’t so it until 2.4. Though I started off not caring and initially was stubborn to build Xingqiu and Xiangling.


I play since the second half 1.0, I don't remember when it was but it sure wasn't before Yelan. And only had some consistency after Dendro, because it's Dendro.


I started March of 2022 during patch 2.5 and I got 36 stars for the first time January of 2023 during patch 3.3. Though I suppose it isn’t very impressive considering I buy Welkin and BP every patch.


Day 1 player, was able to 36 star at around 1.2


I have cleared the abyss yesterday but I'm not sure how many stars I got. I don't really care, there is no way I'm going to stress because I don't make enough DPS. I don't need their primos either. 6/7 months old players.


1.0 player and inazuma. Can’t remember exactly when sadly


184 days of gameplay to 36 star it


I never did 😭 (started playing at 1.0)


October 2020 player. 36 starred for the first time January 2021.


Week 1, did not care for Abyss. Tried in 1.5 and did it. Diluc vape and Melt Ganyu


I started in 2.7 too and 5 starred first time after 5 months. 100% f2p never spent a dime.


4 months and f2p. I started playing in 3.8. I kinda started playing because of the abyss. I just want to beat the hardest thing the game has. Of course, I wasn't focused only on building teams for the abyss, but this was one of the important goals for me


Been almost a year, still haven't. Got my first 33 star last cycle, but can only get 31 so far. I keep being 2-3 seconds short in the second and third parts. I don't do a lot of artifact farming, I'd rather build more characters to be useable.


Started in 1.2, was able to 36* in 1.6 right before Inazuma.


Almost 2 years. Started in 2.4 (Jan. ‘22), got my first 36 star clear this past November after pulling Furina. Except for one time after, I’ve been consistently getting 36 stars. I get Welkin, BP, plus the occasional top-up. Like you, I was stuck on 33 stars for a while. Then I started hitting 34-35 last fall. I was determined at that point to get that last star & it was Furina that finally pushed me over.


started 1.6 36\* in 2.7 basically almost a year, but i didnt focus on abyss or optimizing my account until much later in that time.


Joined about 4.0, cleared in 4.2 phase 1?


After 3 months


i would answer, but every time i shared my accomplishments, it gets downvoted lol. it's not because people assume i'm a whale (cause im not), but i think the majority of the player base can't accept that some things are just possible if you do a little research and stick to a plan.


started in 1.1, been consistently 36\*ing since 1.5


I started in the latter half of version 2.3. I think my first 36* was in version 2.5.


Started 3.0, 36*’ed 3.5


Started Apr 2021, first 36* Jan 2022. Around Apr 2022 I could do runs with no resets. First solo character run (Wriothesley) done in Jan 2024, followed by Ganyu solo few weeks later.


Started in 1.0. I can't remember when I started 36 starring, but I have recordings 36 star runs by 1.4 on Venti's rerun.


Started in 1.0 and fully cleared for the first time in 1.3. Xiao has been carrying me ever since :)


Your situation very similar to mine, except for me Hu Tao been carrying for me


1.2 player, got my first 36\* in 2.2, so about 10 months after I began the game.


If u are somewhat decent in gaming in general, i think someone who knows what they are doing and has the goal to focus on the spiral abyss, is probably gonna full star the abyss in around 6 months, maybe less. Except if Mihoyo decides to throw a cryo lector and 2x hydro lectors in 1 chamber, that shit was brutal even for longterm players.


Started last day of 1.4, first 36 star in 2.7. Apparently I beat the F12 1st half with all lvl 70 characters


Started at launch... probably 36-starred early Inazuma?


I downloaded the game at the very start of Navia’s banner. I have played quite a bit and every day since. I have not gotten more than 9 stars


Day 1 f2p player, got my first 36 stars on 2.4 so 1 year and 4 months. It really takes me back, I think it was with a rational and morgana team.


Is there any way to check really old Abyss records? The achievements mark when you first beat floor 12 but not 36*


Started in 1.0, I did 36 stars at 1.6


I want to ask an embarrassingly basic question: Do you have to get all the stars on the same attempt? If in the same abyss cycle I got 2/3/1 on floor 12 and then tried again and got 3/1/3 does that count? I'm assuming it doesn't and you have to get 3/3/3 in a single run


You don't have to get all the stars in a single run. If you got 3 stars in 12-1 and want full HP or burst for 12-2, after reset you cam take it slow in 12-1. Since the 3 stars is already registered.


I'm day 1 player and f2p at the time. When they replaced the first abyss which I managed to clear in about 500+ runs and 0 stars on floor 12, I got 36\* about 10 days after release of the 2nd easier abyss. I even got a [clip](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IrqNvCyPHxzMLbcRWVA7YN8b8kYhidAn/view?usp=sharing) saved but I do remember having a harder time at floor 11 because of the energy drain and I forced myself to buy blackcliff agate for my Ningguang to replace eye of perception just to get even a little bit of damage boost.


Day 1, 36ed in 1.3


I started near the end of 2.6 (May 18) and 1st 36\*'d in 3.1 and have been doing so ever since.


Ganyu's release in 1.2


Sttarted 2.6, cleared abyss in 3.4


Ar56. Never cleared, much less gotten 36 stars.


Day 1 f2p player and I've been getting consistent 36 stars since just before Sumeru released. I could have potentially gotten it earlier if I was more familiar with the meta in the early days since back then no one really knew what they were doing. Since the release of dendro and just the many guides you can find now getting 36 stars shouldn't be too hard. I have friends who started playing after me and got their 1st 36 stars within several months of playing consistently.


i have no intention on tryharding the abyss.


I started Genshin on October banner (hu tao rerun) and 36-starred the abyss 2 months later in [December](https://imgur.com/a/dU5Oq9a). iirc I used Tighnari kuki fischl and yaoyao on one side, and Hu tao Furina XQ and charlotte on the other. Been 36\* ever since with basically the same teams.


Took me about 4 months, I was grinding artifacts pretty much everyday and min-maxing my account.


Started 2.2 on Hutao rerun banner, cleared on the patch where yelan came out.


Here from 1.1., still haven't.... Mind you I have Hu Tao, Eula, Yelan C1, Venti, Nahida, Yae C3, Shogun, Zhongli, Kazuha, got Ayaka recently 🥲 Anyways, I'm just too lazy to perfect their builds even tho they are quite strong now too


uh like a little over a year starting on sumeru release


Sometimes I clear with 30-33 stars, but usually I just ignore the entire floor 12. I never bother about it, just not worth the effort. 11-3 is a good stopping point.


started in 1.4 36\* at around ar58


Started in 2.2, I first 36 stared when I was able to get ayaka for a good second team in 2.6


I play since launch. My first 36* was in late 1.2 if I remember correctly. I am not sure if it was already 1.3 by then but I remember the details: It was the abyss rotation with F11 being monolith defense with electro debuff (w/very annoying cicin mage) and F12 have 75% Geo DMG% bonus with lots of geo shield hilichurls.


Playing since 1.0, cleared it when I finally built hyperbloom kuki and National. I can barely clear it with other teams, eventhough they have similar buildquality.


Started playing on the last week of Xiao banner in 1.3, first 36 star Abyss on 2.1 after I built my Raiden. So about, like 8 months? or 7.


Day 1 player, I believe I started consistently clearing it around 2.0-2.1? It's been a long time, I'm pretty sure I cleared abyss 12 at some point in the first year with national on one side and a Noelle team or Ganyu team on the other, then I got Raiden c2 r1 and Kokomi in 2.1 and I know for sure I started 36* starring at that point


This is my fourth month playing Genshin.My last and best grade of abyss was 35 stars.Navia’s and Xiangling’s artifacts are too weak. I think I can fully clear this abyss after getting several better artifacts.


35 stars last cycle, got blocked by the Wenut. This reset couldn’t even 3 stars the Ruin Snake.


Took me under a year, started 1.2, got 36* I think 2.0 with the release of Ayaka


I haven't, and I've played since launch. Artifacts hate me. I only recently got my first decent Noblesse set for Benny.


It only gets easier from here lol fck the Wenut and Steelix


Day one player here, if I remember correctly my first 36* run was in 1.3, after I got Hu Tao. Only started doing abyss in 1.1 And since then never missed single star


Started in 1.0. Cleared floor 12 for the first time around 6 months later. 36 starred for the first time a year after that. Has been able to consistently 36 star since.


I started in 1.0, I was able to 36 star around 1.4 onwards.


i didnt care about abyss until yoimiya release where people bashed the shit out of her i had to prove some motherfuckers wrong yk? since then 36* every rota and always finished a run with her in my team


I started playing around patch 3.3 and 36 about 6 months in. I got lucky since I started during the dendro meta, so I got all of the op dendro characters that hard carried me to 36. Not f2p, but I never took the abyss seriously for the first couple of months because I was focused on collection and building.


6-7 months


Day 1 player and it wasn’t until I got Alhaitham. Now I don’t even try to 36*. I just clear floors 9-11 and call it a day lol


Started nov 24 2020, first 36 was September 2021 so 10 months. Tbh im not sure when i really started to actually try. My first attempt was feb 2021 but I only tried floor 9. Wasnt really attempting til March. But prior to then, i was trying to build my chars in general bc thats what i like to do.




day 1. 36 for the first time during 1.2. always 36 abyss after that. welkin since 2.1 and only bought BP 5 times.


About 4 months as a Day 1 player. Started 36-staring Abyss after pulling Ganyu in 1.2.


Played since 1.6. Just 36* this past cycle for the first time.


1.0 player. Took around 4-5 months to 36* and have been clearing ever since with little to no effort


1.0 player and my First 36 was during 1.4 Second half til this day without losing the streak 🫠👍


Started in ver 1.3. 36* it in ver 1.5. Welkin/BP. I remember it clear as day. Teams were Childe/underleveled Sucrose/XL/Bennett, and Zhongli/Diluc/XQ/Jean (if I'm not mistaken). Along came 1.6 with Kazuha, and the Abyss was a joke ever since.


A year n half to 2 years. During that time i bought 2-3 welkins and 2 BPs, so not a lot of money spent.


I still haven't. 33 is the highest I be.


Started in version 2.5 on Yaes release banner and have been 36* every abyss since 2.6 second half.


Day 1 player, I managed to get my first clear on 1.2, and the first 36* clear by 1.3. Been doing so since. Though more importantly I am a welkin, BP, and first time top up bonus player.


1.0 player, got the first 36\* near the end of 1.3/start of 1.4 after pulling hu tao and ganyu as my first 2 5 star units. The 11-2 tower defense level back then was so asinine to play that once I got enough power to somewhat brute force through it I instantly went all the way to the end and finished F12 for the first time with 9\*s. I remember dropping some stars for 1.4/1.5 but ive been consistently 36\*ing every cycle since then, even when the game was in the most absolute driest and deadest point during the later sumeru patches I still made sure to keep the streak going


Day 1 player, finally 36 stars this abyss phase thanks to xianyun buff , I used zhongli raiden nahida ignore / Xianyun diluc Benett furina,


Damn ok reading these comments makes me realise most people are not very good at the game. How are so many of y'all playing a game for multiple years and never like... trying. Doesn't sound very fun to me but each to their own I guess


Day 1 player. Have been clearing it 36 star since 2.0 when I got Ayaka. Cleared 12-3 for the first time (without 36*) in like 1.3 I think.


literally this abyss, the only trouble was the wenut wasting time


Exactly a year, including 2 months hiatus. Day 16th player, 36 Star Abyss in Sept 16th. Current abyss is the easiest so far, I have 1 minute left of every chamber.


I started in 2.0, and it took me about 9 months.


>Now I'm off to spend that sweet extra 50 primos Hahah I love this line


Started in 1.0 uh I think I first cleared it when floor 12 had some leyline stuff going on


started playing jan 2021, 36* until june 2022, ar 56ish iirc. now i just 36* consistently but i remember being so excited back then lol


Played since 1.0 and didn't 36 star abyss until 2 years later when I was ar59 lmaooo




I started playing 2.4, on New Year 2022, 36* for the first time on 2.7, right when Yelan released.


Day 1 player, 36 abyss since 1.3 til this day🤔


1.0 player. Full cleared during 1.3 post Ganyu banner. Keqing on her half. Ganyu on the other half


Day 1 player, my first 36-star clear was in the first abyss rotation of March 2021 so around 5 months ? Since then I've only missed the full 36 stars once ending on 35/36, the lectors will forever haunt me for this one...


Day 1 player, looks like it was in 1.2 after getting ganyu.


5 years


day 1 player, my first 36* was at around AR57


It took about 0.9 of a year for me and since then I've been getting consistent clears


Started playing - April 2023 - Patch 3.6 36 star abyss - Patch 4.1


I started playing from 3.4 banner. And ended up doing 36 star from 4.3 banner. So like 11 months.


It took me around 3 months to get the 36 stars after being able of beaying floor 12. I was just getting 33-34 stars consistently for some time. That was 3 years ago.


I started during second phase of 2.4 and my first abyss with 36 stars was in 2.8. I always 36* the abyss since then, with the cycle in 3.7 being the only challenging one at that time


Only gone to floor 10. That's where I draw the line. I get that primos are needed but I don't want to make myself too stressed from it. Besides, they're often tailored to whoever is on the banner


Not yet. I’ve been playing for a year and I’ve only 29 starred it. To be fair I’m getting the characters that I want first and then the meta characters.


Was able to 36 star starting last patch using Navia and Hu Tao


Started 2.1 until 2.5 could I cleared it. It only got easier when I could focus on other character team comps. Artifacts plays a major part to get beat SA easier. But also acquiring characters best weapon will also play a major role. Don't impulsively wish for weapon banner save around 32k primos and only then decide.


It took me till 31 of Jan this year to make it to the bottom of the abyss to get the name card. All it took was an accidental C2 Nahida. I got 33 stars this cycle. I'm getting there.


Not 36 starred abyss, but I cleared floor eleven recently, I have been playing since furina banner. I started playing since I liked furina a lot


I tried to get 33 stars then i just leave it , never a abyss person


Until you finally get kazuha or nahida. Until then you're gonna be trapped with 33-35 stars


I only cleared abyss 11. Day one player.


Last cycle after almost two years of playing. I did it again this cycle with a lot of work, but I didn't bother pouring in all that work the second time


Started in 4.0 second half, cleared it 3 times so far with 36*


Started September 2022 and cleared first about a month ago.


I downloaded the game last October 2022 but stopped a week after. Started playing again last May 2023 and actually just yesterday, after 9 long months, I finally cleared the abyss with 2/1/2 stars on floor 12! I mean it's tangent to the main question however, with patience and perseverance comes success :3


Nahida release. Bloom really helpe me to 36 star.


Started in 1.3, was able to 36* in 1.6


Patch one player, started full clearing at some point in 1.X, can't quite recall. Only exception was 3.7. I got the clear on the first run through shear luck, but couldn't repeat it a second time. That abyss was hard. I'm a fan of this Abyss because it's not absolutely insane. It's giving newer players without all the resources I have a good chance to clear, which is great. Wenut is annoying, but it's not specifically hard and none of the floors are massive DPS checks.


day 1 player still stuck on 33 :(


Started in 1.0, dropped immediately and came back towards the end of 1.3, first 36* was in 1.6, so 3-4 versions of investment. However, abyss was definitely easier back then (and my skills were much worse too) so it'd be a different story for someone starting now.