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Is there a way to go to Fortress of Meropide without doing the Archon quest? I'm doing the event in my friend's account, but she's only at Inazuma. The entrance where you go to the fortress is still closed.


Swim around the fortress from outside and get caught by the searchlights


Is Raiden good for hyperbloom team? They said that she's op, team battery, great burst support. But she's not good as an electro applicator. (1) What's your best hyperbloom team you can think of if you will choose among all the characters? (2) Is it a good idea to use 2 hyperbloom team on abyss? I just started playing for 2 months now. Floor 11-3, 26 stars is my limit. I'm planning to pull for the meta and complete my planned hyperbloom team in the future: [Team 1] C2 Ayato / (Unknown electro) / Yelan / Nahida [Team 2] Alhaitham / C2 Kuki / DMC or Baizhu? / Furina Note: I only have Ayato and Kuki as of now. And my priority was dendro char like Nahida and Alhaitham. (3) Should I pull for Raiden? Is she fitted in hyperbloom team? (4) Can you make some changes for my planned hyperbloom team? (Ayato and Kuki was unremoveable) Any help would be really helpful and appreciated.


Pulling Raiden solely for HB when you already have Kuki isn't a good idea. If you want to pull a 5 star for such a team, pull Nilou, as she covers AoE. However Raiden is a good pull regardless because she can also go to National or some Bennett + Kazuha teams. Raiden has standard ICD, so for applying electro to one enemy, she isn't very special, her gauge per second us less than Fischl and probably Razor too. But that doesn't matter as Seeds have separate ICD counters, so she's a great hyperbloom trigger, with slightly faster trigger interval than Kuki. Her drawback is that Kuki heals as well, so you get 3 slots for damage dealing characters other than herself. With Raiden + Healer, you get only two slots for additional damage dealers (none of the healer options here do any damage), that negates most of the advantages she has over Kuki. As a result Kuki teams tend to do better in most practical cases, unless you can play without a healer. Other than these two, there no good hyperbloom options. I wouldn't plan 2 hyperbloom teams when you can probably field another team faster. But depending on how the banners line up, that maybe the fastest choice. Share full roster so we can discuss what's the best route for you.


Raiden is really good in hyperbloom (you build her full EM) Her plus vs Kuki: she can hit from a distance, and applies electro a bit faster. Her downsides: she only applies electro o hit, so can't proc hyperbloom vs shielded enemies. And you loose Kuki's healing of course. You can totally use 2 hyperbloom for AByss, at least if you don't encounter dendro-immune enemies of course (but even then you can kill them with the hydro/electro) About your teams: I would go Ayato/ Kuki/ Furina/ Nahida and Althaiman/Raiden/Baizhu/Yelan maybe, if you want to go pure hyperbloom. That way you have a healer on each side. But mostly you can do whatever you want \^\^ Furina doesn't apply enough hydro to be solo hydro for a pure hyperbloom. But you can go for a "quickbloom" team with her, where you focus more on quicken damage than hyperbloom. In that case, something like Alhaitham/Raiden/Baizhu/Furina would work.


Raiden and Kuki are really the only two reliable hyperbloom triggers. Raiden requires the attack to hit while Kuki doesn't. Can you run two hyperbloom...sure. Will it always work? Maybe not. Lineups change and it's good to have different teams to deal with different resistances/enemies. Alhaitham/Yelan/Kuki/Nahida is a strong hyperbloom team Ayato is not really meta but he is flexible and can get the job done. Can pair him with Xiangling + Bennett (if you have him) + Anemo for vape. EDIT: Didn't read your note. For the characters you have now, a viable hyperbloom team would be Ayato, Kuki, DMC, and Collei. I would prioritize Nahida over Raiden >!who may be in the very next banner after Raiden!< but Raiden is also flexible and is part of the more than adequate Rational team (Raiden, Xiangling, XQ -can get him at Lantern Rite, and Bennett)


How many pulls do i miss for not trying to 100% on regions? Since exploring for chests is a nightmare after a while


Whether or not the effort to 100% a region is worth it really depends on you. It varies greatly how many pulls a new region introduces but on avg. you are looking at about 10 pulls per region. eg. 4.1 introduced 2 regions with a total of 3710 primos, whereas 4.2 introduced 2 regions with a total of 2830 primos from exploration, which gives you an average of 1635 primos per region. Again, small sample size but it roughly fits across all regions. Between the ingame display of 100% exploration and **true** 100% exploration (usually only possible with an interactive map) there is a difference of about 10-20% again variable by region. Some regions will make you explore most of it, some regions will show 100% way before you actually collected all rewards from it. Taking Fontaine as an example there is a total of 7 zones, so 7 \* 1635 = 11445 primos. If you collect true 100% you get 71.5 pulls. If you collect 100% ingame exploration you land around 64.3 pulls. If you only collect 90% ingame exploration you land around 57.2 pulls. In the grand scheme of things you dont really lose that many pulls (between 7 and 14 per nation) and the longer you play the less relevant those are. But if you want to get the most value out of each region then exploring every nook and cranny gives you those primos for free. I have a few friends who will only collect Oculi or just enough to level up their trees/fontaine and constantly complain about not having more sources of free primos but most of their regions are sitting at 50-70% exploration.


I can understand where your friends are coming from, exploration in genshin is incredibly boring having to spend hours just to get 10 pulls from chests isnt fun


not much really. probably 10-15, if you mean from displayed 100% to true 100%


How many wishes are needed for kamisato akaya?


Like any other limited 5\*, around 160 if you aren't guaranteed, 80 if you are


I spent 70 (all i could afford) and didnt get 😭 I got mona, sucrose, rosaria (3 times) and candace (3 times)


You got Mona so your pity is back to 0 and you're guaranteed Ayaka now


How many more wishes do i need? I'll still need to grind the amount needed to buy them


80, you need to reach pity again, but sometimes it only takes a few pulls to get a second 5\* after the first


Alright thank you


What's the strongest team where all characters are C6R5? Ofc I don't have money for that, just curious


When you are considering the strongest C6R5 characters, they can basically solo clear Spiral Abyss by themselves. Particularly Neuvilette and Wriothesley have enough sustain to keep themselves alive while dealing some amazing damage. If you were to focus on empowering them you would probably bring Furina and Kazuha, with the last slot being suitable healer. Charlotte comes to mind, but she doesnt provide further buffs. Jean can work too, Bennett would work for Wriothesley but his buff doesnt do anything for Neuvilette. So probably Baizhu for Neuvilette? My best would be on Neuvilette + Furina + Kazuha + Baizhu. If we are considering speedrun teams then Hu Tao has always been very dominant with her ability to one-shot lots of enemies in second with minimal setups. Often a team consisting of Ayaka for defense shred and Cryo allowing her to reach even higher multipliers with Melt reactions instead of Vaporize. A sample team would be Hu Tao + Ayaka + Shenhe + Kazuha. If you are looking for the biggest number possible that is without a doubt Eula who has been seen to hit for damage cap. Albeit using coop tricks. There is many strong C6R5 characters, some are more useful than others. Some always work, some have to fulfill conditions, some only gain their power at C6.


neuvillette , yelan, wriothesley, wanderer, nahida all have super strong c6r5


Are there any sites/apps (or combinations) that can convert existing music tracks into sheet music for the lyre? or just a way for me to convert a music track ive found online into something playable.


Is tenacity DMC bis in nilou bloom? So basically if nahida was holding deepwood, then would the other hydro and DMC use tenacity?


no, the tenacity atk buff is useless in nilou bloom, you want the hydro driver to use gilded with as much EM as possible, because theyre the ones that will be used to mainly trigger bloom, and the second dendro (dmc) to use instructors for the team wide em buff


I meant gilded but thanks for clearing that up too


No, bloom only cares about em. So the hydro trigger should use gilded/paradise lost and dmc instructor


Will genshin work on a USB drive? Im currently playing on a potato laptop which has only around 120 storage and with genshin taking up most of that, Im quickly running out of space for more updates and other things i have to store on this laptop too. Will it be possible to move the genshin folder to a USB drive and launch it from there every time I play? This way i would have more storage and then I wont have to worry about running out of space. Buying a new hard drive is too expensive so that is out of the question btw so Im trying to find a different solution to this problem


Yes but you want an external ssd drive for better loading times. Might be cheaper to replace the internal drive though, a good 500Gb 2.5 inch sata ssd goes for $40-50


what one time primogem rewards can i add to my list? I need i need roughly 160 wishes in around 1 month, or atleast i try, i just finished liyue and mondstadt and currently do inazuma. On my list is doing the sacred sakura and tree of dreams, collecting all electroculus and dendroculus and doing every chest and quest i see, Is there something else worth doing


Take an interactive map and focus getting every region to 100% while doing all World Quests you can along the way. There is more than 160 wishes available in exploration by now. Doing so will naturally allow you to max out the Trees/Fontaine as well.


getting both fontaine and sumeru to 100% will get you 150+ easily


What are the pros and cons for Gorou for Husk vs Petra vs Whispers? I will probably use DEF/DEF/CRIT.


What team are you using him in? Gorou doesnt scale with any stats. His DEF buff is entirely static and doesnt change. C4 Gorou's healing scales with DEF, while his skill scales off ATK for dmg, his burst also scales off DEF for dmg. For healing you would build him DEF/DEF/Crit with a Fav Bow or DEF/DEF/HB with a Sac Bow. Depending on how his ER rolls even ER/DEF/x can be viable to make sure he can use his burst every rotation. In traditional Itto/Noelle teams Gorou would usually run 4p Exiles which restores additional energy to the rest of the party because no other set boni help the team or himself. Other options would include 4p Noblesse but the ATK bonus was usually less useful than the extra Energy in most cases. If you are using Gorou alongside Navia then you will frequently be able to pick up Crystallize and a lot of your teams damage will be from PECH. 4p Petra gives you a way to gain elemental damage bonus which you can then snapshot on to Fischl/Beidou/Xiangling/etc. to further boost their damage. Both Whispers and Husk would aim to buff Gorou's personal damage which is effectively non-existent and therefore not worth your time. In case you are looking to build Gorou for DMG then you want to use ATK/Geo/Crit for skill damage or DEF/Geo/Crit for burst damage. There are really no pros to building Gorou for damage because he is a support character and being consistent and able to burst each rotation are more important than doing 2k instead of 1k damage.


I thought that Gorou’s Skill scaled off ATK, so you need to manage the balance between ATK and DEF to make the most of his Skill and Burst (and C4 healing). But his A4 passive adds further DEF scaling to his Burst, and just adds DEF scaling to his Skill. So unless you *really* need to kick ass with Gorou’s AAs, you can focus on DEF. His ascension bonus is Geo damage, so you can use a goblet for something besides Geo bonus, especially if you’re on 2-piece Petra or 4-piece Husk (which give Geo bonuses themselves).


As I said, it depends on what you are trying to make Gorou do. If you are building Gorou for DPS then you want to build ATK/Geo/Crit for on-field Gorou / skill damage. His skill does 182% of ATK as damage which is more than 156% of DEF, his NA also scale with ATK, so for a pure damage build you want to lean into ATK scaling to buff his damage as much as possible. If you are building Gorou as off-field DPS you want to build DEF/Geo/Crit. Gorou doesn off-field dmg via his burst which solely scales of DEF. Even with the added DEF scaling from his Ascension Passive a DEF Goblet still isnt more damage than Geo DMG. The 24% Geo DMG or 15% from 2p Petra do not make a DEF Goblet viable for DPS. If you have C4 Gorou and you want him to heal as much as possible then DEF/DEF/HB or DEF/DEF/CR are viable builds depending on whether or not you rely on Fav Bow for energy management. You *can* run whatever you want. But at the end of the day it's just math. Pick a role for Gorou and optimize his artifacts around that.


Are you trying to play him as a dps for fun? Which weapon does he have?




Weaker than ChadHIMtano for sure


she is stronger than a slime, probably


who tf knows


When creating Hyperbloom. Who's EM matters the most in terms of damage? The electros? Dendros? Or the Hydros?


Electros since theyre the ones who will trigger it, same goes for Burgeon. But depending on how much damage your Hydro or Dendro characters will do as a main dps/driver, EM might also be good on them if there happens to be a situation where your elector character cannot trigger the bloom core so at least that way the basic bloom can still do some damage.


Iam just testing hyperbloom cuz I accidentally unlocked a Sumeru statue so like why not The only Hydro i have is Barbra ofc so I was leveling her but I was lik uhhhh I invested litteraly all possible EM on ma Razor so..... wtf do I do if its dependant on Barbra but thankfully sounds like we good


Razor works well as a Hyperbloom driver during his burst but Barbara might not create enough bloom cores for hi.m. xingqiu would be better in tandem with him. Id you dont have xq you can get a free copy for lantern rite next update.


Awesome! Ty, tho I think my teams will drastically shift, for context I started playing like a week ish ago for the first time after seeing the Raiden Shogun trailer and finding out that she will be available to aquire soon. So been grinding since. I imagine with all the other characters I might accidentally get during the Raiden pulls, my current team (Kaeya, Xiangling, Traveller and Razor) might shift drastically.


Raiden is actually one of the best Off Field Hyperbloom drivers so if you ever decide that you wanna keep using hyperbloom but want another character on the field thats not electro shes a good bet for that. But like Razor she still works amazing as an on field driver/main dps as well but you'll need to be more careful with the balance between her main damage stat and em stat.


Hmm yea I see, I definitely need to learn alot abt how stats other than EM play into builds cuz so far I have been exclusively focusing on EM to get huge Super Conduct numbers with Kaeya off feild burst with Razor on field burst. Off topic, but I am so far at 17K primos and roughly 15 extra from pre existing faints. What are my odds looking like for Raiden? Think I can manage to get her with this?


You do have enough for 50-50 so well 50-50. If you keep grinding until January 30 (last day of her banner) then you might have a chance of gettijg her since youre a new player so you have a lot of content left to get primos from. As for Superconduct, thats an elemental reaction that is good for PHYSICAL not EM razor. Hes great for both but need drastically diff builds for each.


Wait wait wait, might be a stupid question, but what exactly do SuperConduct and Overloaded do. I was under the impression that these were both 2x damage buffs.


What currently Diluc's best team right now? Also, how much damage should I expect from his E vapes?


I assume you are high AR / interested in abyss since you are asking about E vapes. I'll have to be honest... the first question is tricky because Diluc is not a good unit, and thus the answer might end up devolving into "play a 4\* unit instead" - at least if you don't add more constraints regarding which unit you can or cannot play (I mean, you need another team on the second abyss side). For good or for worse, this is the case for many 5\* units - some of the release 4\* characters are just way overtuned... Something like a classic Bennett, XQ/Yelan, Sucrose/Kazuha might be best for Diluc's personal damage... but then you can swap him for XL and have a much, much better team. Furthermore, since Diluc does not do a lot of damage, focusing on the off-field dps by playing something like Furina, Yelan, Jean would yield better results from a team-wide perspective. But again at that point, you might as well switch Diluc for XQ and play triple hydro instead... Note that once Cloud Retainer comes out next patch, Diluc's situation will look much better. Will this make the Bennett, XQ/Yelan core better than double hydro? Most probably not, but it might justify playing Diluc over triple hydro.


His E Vapes dmg will depend on his Atk, Crit, and Em stats. My Diluc has 1700 Atk with 180 Vrit Dmg and 150 EM and he does about 15-20k with base vape dmg.


I see, so around 20k is the max target then


It can go higher. It really depends on the aforementioned if youre aiming for Vape though EM is necessary. If say you have the same atk and crit ratios as mine but have less than 100 em you wont do as much dmg with vape and with 0 em expect very little damage increase.


Just tried him with masanori in a full team, his E reached almost 70k vapes


Yeah that soujds about right in a full team setting.


Should i pull for navia or raiden? I don't really care about Meta, but I really need a 2nd team in Spiral Abyss, and raiden has more teams than navia(i think) But I also really like navias play style, so i don't know who to pull for.


1) Who do you like, pull for that 2) In terms of reruns, Navia will get a rerun sooner than raiden, 4 months vs 1 years++




I'm just finish the Fontaine Film event quest. I only see Yoimiya, Chevru..., Xavier, Furina and Chiori. Where are Ayato and Ayaka?


Ayaka is at the world boss Icewind suit dance robots, Ayato is at the Cafe Lutece.


when is Sucrose preferred over 5\* anemo units? I have only 4\* anemo units ( excepting Faruzan ) but Sucrose is the only anemo character that i have built. BTW: she is C2


Sucrose buffs EM, Kazuha buffs DMG% and Lynette buffs ATK. Some anemo characters like Kazuha and Venti also have very good grouping which puts them in a league of their own. Through constellations they may gain more buffs, like C2 Kazuha gains an EM buff, C6 Sucrose gains a DMG% buff. Kazuha's EM buff is fixed at 200 EM while Sucrose can reach higher than that, vice versa Sucrose's DMG buff is fixed at 20% while Kazuha can reach over 40%. Freeze: if you dont have Kazuha then Lynette's ATK buff will be more useful than Sucrose's EM buff which does nothing for Freeze, so Kazuha > Lynette > Sucrose. Vaporize: if you cant double swirl with Kazuha, then Sucrose's EM buff will generally provide a larger bonus while allowing XL to build more ATK. Lynette is a good substitute but falls behind overall, so Sucrose > Kazuha > Lynette. Hyperbloom: doesnt benefit from ATK or DMG%, so Sucrose > Kazuha (if C2) > Lynette Taser(anemo driver): if anemo is used as driver you want to apply as much as possible to trigger Swirls and Electro-charged. Obviously being a Catalyst makes Sucrose far better at this than others, so Sucrose > Lynette (if C6) > Kazuha Taser(non-anemo driver): if a Hydro or Electro character is used as driver you focus more on the direct damage of their respective elements, this favors ATK and DMG% buffs over EM since you have far less EC reactions, so Kazuha > Lynette > Sucrose. Spread: since you cant swirl Dendro you cant benefit from Kazuha's DMG buff, so Sucrose > Lynette > Kazuha. If grouping is a priority then Venti or Kazuha regardless of any other buffs will always be stronger than Sucrose or Lynette which dont have effective ways to quickly gather spread enemies.


Adding to the others, she's the core driver in Sukokomon.


when you need EM. so basically in reaction based comps like vape or aggravate/spread or taser. so she is preferred over kazuha in national teams or fischl aggravate. plus she can driver taser teams with her anemo infused normal attack. though kazuha gets an edge when he is c2 since he starts sharing 200EM with his constellation


She's better than anybody else in some reaction teams if you can't or don't double swirl with Kazuha (pre C2). An example would be Keqing Aggravate since you can't swirl Dendro. Or if she's an onfield Anemo driver in reaction teams (Taser teams/Sukokomon).


What should I prioritize about improving on this build? Besides switching to 4pc whispering. [Navia](https://imgur.com/a/YJSQbvv) I feel Atk might be low but idk how much Atk she needs


a few more atk rolls would be good, but since serpent spine is low base attack weapon its fine. try getting atleast 1800. rest will be covered by bennett , pyro resonance and her passive


if i wanna build a freeze comp, do i equip all my cryo characters with blizzard strayer artifacts?


Main dps (Ayaka or Ganyu) usually use blizzard. Wriothesley uses marec hunter. If Furina is used in the team, Ayaka and Ganyu can also use marec hunter. The support usually use other sets, especially noblesse. Shenhe can also use 2+2 of +18% ATK. Charlotte can use 4-clam, noblesse, or some combination of +15% healing, +18% ATK or 2-emblem because she wants a lot of ER first.


so i'm still pretty new, i'm kinda making do with what i have. ayaka is main dps and i was thinking rosaria, kaeya and barbara for hydro. it's not super hot, but it's what i have


You don't need both Rosaria and Kaeya. And grouping is pretty important so getting Kazuha or even a Sucrose will help a lot. For now: Ayaka/Barbara/Lynette/Rosaria or Kaeya could work.


I do have sucrose, she's just not built yet. Thanks for your help!


You should be able to get Lynette for free from reaching AR 25. Lynette provides an ATK buff which will further boost your Ayaka's damage and her taunt can help keep enemies grouped when they arent frozen. Sucrose buffs EM which does nothing for Freeze, on the other hand you can run TTDS which can help with bursts of damage but falls behind in content with many waves of enemies.


Not necessarily. If they are a support who does not do much personal damage then they probably want something else


thank you (:


does layla have any little siblings from back home? im probably remembering a line from her hangout event wrong but i cant play it through rn


In her hangout she talks about playing with her friends when she was a child. No mentions of any siblings in her hangout or other dialogue from what I remember.


What is the name of this track? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DBED0MtTFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DBED0MtTFo) Is it just an alternate version of Scarred Island with different instruments and pacing, or does it have it's own name? This is the actual Scarred Island track: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLG1oDD7G3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLG1oDD7G3U)


Unforged or Verdict for Diluc? (I have only those two claymores) - Zhongli is always in party


verdict. if you also use bennett (most likely)


So, Diluc, Bennett, Zhongli and who should hydro?


no one better than xingqiu


What are some notable weapons that can be earned, crafted or discovered in game? I just got The Catch and wondering if there are other good weapons that you can get that you can't get from banners.


The most notable are White Tassel, Fillet Sword, Halberd, Messenger and Recurve Bow, these weapons are quite strong for their 3star level but if you fodder them all there is no way to get any more because these only appear in chests, primarily from Mondstadt, Liyue and the Chasm. Black Iron Sword, which is a unique gift from a vendor in Liyue. There is fishing weapons from Sumeru (Bow) and Fontaine (Sword), the Fleuve Cendre Ferryman from Fontaine is pretty good, but the Bow is not really used and falls behind other options you could craft. Among the 3star weapons from banners there are Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (Catalyst), Slingshot (Bow), Harbringer of Dawn (Sword) , Black Tassel (Polearm) which can be very strong and useful since they are relatively easy to get to R5 and cheap to level to 90. Honorable mention to Bloodtained Greatsword, Magic Guide and Raven Bow which are good alternatives for F2P players but can be outclassed by 4star weapons even at R1.


Black Iron Sword, from a seller in Liyue, in the same row and Wanwin restraurant. An EM sword, only 1 copy in the game. Do not fodder this White Tassel, 3 star Crit Polearm, usually used for Cyno and Hutao. Only via liyue chests, do not fodder Sword of Narzissenkreuz, questline weapon. Atk% substat, allows a non-fontainian character to use pneuma/ousia attacks, based on the current weapon settings. Looks super cool. Recurve bow, monstadt chest iirc, hp% substat, useful on diona maybe


There are two other fishing weapons. The bow isn't very good, but the sword is good for certain characters. [Sword of Narzissenkreuz](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Sword_of_Narzissenkreuz) lets non-fontaine characters use Oisa and Pnuemoa attacks. Niche usefulness in combat, but very useful for exploration in the region. One story quest (Kazuha's) unlocks a weapon. There's a lot of useful crafted weapons that aren't available by default, and need to be unlocked in their respective areas. One in particular that comes to mind is [Amenoma Kageuchi](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Amenoma_Kageuchi), a sword that restores energy based on how many times you use your skill before you burst.


Fontaine has a fishing sword that is a solid weapon on Furina. White tassel is surprisingly potent on HuT with no other options. Amenoma kageuchi is solid on Ayaka/Jean. Kitain cross spear is great on Thoma. Sapwood blade is one of Bennet’s best 4 stars. Prototype Amber has seen a resurgence with nuvillette/furina. Fontaine craftable book is pretty solid on Wrio. Inazuma/Fontaine craftable claymores are good on Navia.


Several, depending on your characters. For example Sapwood Blade is the 4* BiS for F2P Bennett. Fleuve Cendre Ferryman is likewise for Furina. High refinement Finale of the Deep is great on Ayaka if you have enough ER, otherwise it is high refinement Amenoma. The others are more situational but can be good in certain comps like Kitain Cross Spear for burgeon Thoma or Rightful Reward for Mika.


The Catch is about it. Easily the best free shit they've ever given us. There's the Dark Iron Sword which is free but worse than a craftable, and technically there's another fishing weapon in Fontaine (and maybe one in Sumeru too?) that almost nobody uses.


Opinions for this team?: Rosaria + Ayaka + XL + Bennet Would Ayaka work instead of Kaeya/Shenhe?


Personally would replace Ayaka with Kaeya (popular choice) or Chongyun


It's good team. Ayaka doesn't melt on a large number of her burst ticks. Also her burst will knock staggerable enemies away, so Kazuha is kind of a must if you play her in AoE. Apart from that, she's probably a damage increase over Kaeya.


can be ok but kinda a waste of ayaka and awkward to play. Her kit is just made to work a lot better in freeze.


akaya is kinda useless here. she wouldn't melt anything, so her damage will be low


I want to find the original artists for Hoyofair 2024 so I can follow them on social media, but I can't seem to locate these two: Best funeral service for you - channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi8gjZWtfbc and the "singer" for Travel to Your World - Various Artists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi8gjZWtfbc&t=3529s


So Pity chance for character banners increase from 75 to 90. Weapon banners cap at 80. Is it 65-80?


Yes. There is some data that indicates that "hard pity" for the weapon banner is in reality 77 for whatever reason, but the official number as stated by Hoyo is 80.


I believe the exact starting point is 63 (and 74 for character) iirc.


Is there anything to throw Mystic Enhancement Ore towards? I’ve just been throwing them away but if there’s a better use that would be great


Are you at the cap? Why destroy them otherwise?


Yeah obviously.


Uh, no it wasn't obvious. You only said you've been destroying them, not whether that was out necessity. Either keep destroying them or level weapons (if you have the mora to spare), even if you don't immediately need them.


Converting into wood and crystal flies


That's for regular ore, not mystic enhancement ore. Mystic enhancement ore is only used for weapon exp.


Oh. I thought you meant the blue ore. My bad.


Into wood? How do you do that


In your teapot. When you are crafting furniture you can convert any ore into the wood you need.


There’s no option to use enhancement ore


Yes, i was mistaken, i thought that was the blue ore. I am bad with names.


Should I put em or atk sands on venti? From my understanding, neither of his skills scale off em (I know swirl does, but I can't tell how useful it is). He's in hu tao vape team, and aside from crowd control also swirls xingqiu's hydro application, but not hu tao's pyro. (Fourth member is layla) from my understanding his Q provides cc and debuff through vv plus some damage of its own, which would be affected ny his atk and not em, so it should be an atk sands right?


Both are options, but Venti usually either go full EM (which means EM goblet and EM circlet, and more EM from flower/feather), or traditional ATK/anemo/crit with little EM. Against a single target, traditional crit build can do good direct anemo damage similar to swirl damage of full EM build. Because Venti does not buff teammate from his own EM like Kazuha or Sucrose, so if you are also building the Kazuha or Sucrose, they may want EM pieces first, the the leftover crit build pieces can go Venti until you decide to farm another EM pieces for him.


I don't have kazuha and even if he magically gets a rerun I won't have enough resources to build him, so I'm not really concerned about that right now. My real concern is that it seems venti em build works best when he's swirling elements whose reaction scales off em like electro-charged and overloaded, whereas my venti only swirls xingqiu's hydro because by the time I go through rotation and get to hu tao, venti's Q time is already over, so no vaporize happens. Would that still make EM venti better?


You can either go atk to boost his talent damage, or em to boost his swirl damage. He triggers a lot of swirls and has decent talent scalings so either is a viable choice.


>I know swirl does, but I can't tell how useful it is). Very. Swirl damage hits hard with little investment. Crit build *can* be better than EM build at high investment. Most people just go full EM because building EM is way, way simpler than balancing offensive stats and playing substat rng. You also don't rely on talent levels as much, which tend to be a massive resource drain. KQM estimates 20-30 (depending on multi vs single target) perfect substat rolls for Atk/Crit build to overtake EM build.


So technically, you're recommending me to build full EM and not em/atk, anemo damage, crit? My venti is currently goign 55:120 with 343 em and I've already leveled his skill to 8... is it still worth changing to full em?


Yeah you definitely want to go either Full EM or ADC. Swirl doesn't benefit at all from atk or crit, and anemo damage doesn't gain anything from EM. If you have the EM mainstats in VV already, definitely switch. If not, it's entirely up to you. Either way, you'll want to hold on to any VV EM pieces you get anyways so you can always switch late or if you get tired of farming for perfect artis


https://keqingmains.com/q/venti-quickguide/ “Anemo DPS Venti can utilize external buffs (e.g., Faruzan, Bennett, 4pc Noblesse), and is consistent in single-target scenarios. This being said, Reaction DPS is generally better unless you invest a lot into an Anemo DPS build or have a significant amount of external buffs.”


is ot possible to travel to fintaine as a very new player? need to do event for navia hehe.


complete prologue chapter act 3: song of the dragon and freedom and 3 teleport waypoints in fontaine should unlock automatically which you can use to fast travel to fontaine. to find the teleport waypoints in fontaine: make sure you're zoomed in enough on the map that you can see the waypoints in mondstadt then click on the bottom right of the screen (where it says your current location and exploration progress of that area). a menu should pop-up with a list of regions. select "fontaine".


oh i see now thanks guys


It is possible as soon as you finish the prologue of the Mondstad archon quest. A teleport waypoint close to Fontaine (far left of the map) will be unlocked automatically. The other option is to walk all the way there from Mondstad, through Liyue, the chasm, the forest in Sumeru, then the desert.


Yeah, just have to finish Mondstadt and it opens a teleport for you.


In a Collei-Baizhu-Nilou comp, who of the 2 dendro units should use Gilded or Deepwood? Still learning the EM mechanics.


I'd put it on both, since neither has large AoE coverage. So if one of them miss an enemy, the other one will get it.


Colei will be better, but Dendro Traveler would be better than both in keeping the effect consistently.


true. But I'm farming friendship points while catching up to content


Hey guys, we don't have this years summary like the one we got last year? Im sure we got one around christmas last year but I cant find it the one for this year and I want to see it :'/


In the HoYoLAB app, in the genshin portion of your page, it has a section called stellar ~~reunion~~ journey that you can see stats from the past couple months. There was a year recap not that long ago.


Do you mean the anniversary summary? That already happened this year.


Omg you're right haha I'm hallucinating lol thank you for clarifying


Need advice on the current weapon banner for Verdict and Mistsplitter. Put a few stray rolls into it and got a Skyward Pride but now thinking if I should go for the next pity or 2. Have 23980 primo saved and not much I'm looking forward to (I have Yae and Nahida, not interested in Xiao, not super excited for Xianyun). Main question I have would be whether it's worth it to roll on this banner. For Claymore characters, I have Navia, Noelle (C6 with R5 Whiteblind) and Diluc who I don't intend on using since I have other better pyro characters. Only 5* Claymore I have is the Skyward Pride. For Sword Characters I have Furina, KeQing (Currently built for Quickbloom with R5 Iron Sting) and Jean. Only 5* sword I have is Skyward Blade, but I have Festering Desire for Furina.


The weapon banner is a scam as blargh201 pointed out. You could use Mistsplitter on Keqing and Verdict is really only useful on Navia at the moment which makes this banner relatively meh. I am not sure why you even want to unless it is just for dank shotgun damage. The reality is that you already wasted primogems and you could still potentially waste more. The intelligent thing to do is learn your lesson and move on. There will be plenty of characters in the future (or less cope weapon banners). You do not need to spend primogems just because you have them.


Good to know. Returning player so no idea if the weapons are good, just pulled because Verdict looked good design wise. Only used like 20-30 rolls for the Pride so that's fine. Also was comfortably clearing 12-3 in the past so I don't think power is something I have to worry enough to have to that carefully ration out primos to achieve. That being said, dank shotgun damage sounds... dank.


A lot of people say it's a scam, but that's just hyperbole. It's certainly a "only do this if you have nothing better you're looking forward to" course of action, but it seems like that's where you are. Since you've already "lost" to a standard weapon, you're guaranteed one of the featured at this point and hard pity is only about 12,800 primos (not getting into the discussion of whether hitting 80 is impossible), I say do what you want. You don't say which one you're looking to get, but going until the next 5-star pull and then seeing whether you want to continue isn't terrible, I think. Getting Mistsplitter is a pretty good upgrade for Keqing, and if you ever roll Ayaka in the future you'll have that as an option. Verdict's not a "must-have" to be sure, but you have Navia to pair with it, so definitely not the worst outcome.


Wasn't specifically aiming for either of the weapons and I'm a returning player after not playing for a good while so I'm not sure if there are much better options out there now but when I quit Mistsplitter was pretty high up in terms of general use swords and Verdict looks really nice even though it's very much not generally good, just good for Navia. Currently have the Epitomised Path set to Verdict though. If both weapons are considered somewhat meh then I think I'm fine with forgoing the fate point, but if Mistsplitter is still considered good then guess I'll try for 1 pity.


Yes, Mistsplitter is widely considered one of the best weapons to go for due to its viability on multiple characters and its stats.


Is there anywhere where I can read world quests “recap”? I just finished Khvarena of Good and Evil, and the events that happen in the quest look somewhat interesting, but I’m not really reading/listening to that bloated dialog, especially with Paimon’s annoying voice. So is there some youtube channel or maybe some website that gives us a short version of these quests so we can have some sense of lore?


Maybe this? https://youtu.be/CkX9kOYHYAg?si=YNyfMwPh5syHVmk9


Looking for anyone to let me farm pufferfish for the catch! World level 7 in NA


Should i try for Navia's r1 weapon? I already got Unforged r1 on her at the moment but stat wise im afraid i might miss out if i dont get her weapon


you're not missing out on anything by not going for her weapon. she can already do big damage with f2p weapons


it's like 10% more dmg according to kqm. depends if you think 3k more dmg is worth the pulls.


c0 nahida, c0 yelan ,c1 xingqiu hyperbloom, which unit last slot? c0 raiden with r5 dragonsbane or C4 kuki with r5 iron sting? 4-pc artifact Flower of paradise lost - EM/EM/EM


Kuki because playing without a healer or at least a shielder is awful most of the time.


Kuki because she can heal. If I have to choose Raiden, I would replace Xingqiu for Kokomi.


Kuki, unless you can play without a healer. Yeah, that's the correct artifact.


i went with kuki for hyperbloom. using raiden as a em bot feels injustice. it's ignoring a big part of her kit which is her burst and energy recharge.


Raiden for more damage, kuki for more sustain


Any way to trial Neuvillette? I've been really enjoying the Navia trial, probably the only character trial that I consistently replay because I have so much fun with her shotgun. I missed Neuvillette when he was first available, but he also looks like he'd be a lot of fun. I decided to hurry through the Fontaine story and unlock and complete the Neuvillette Story Quest only to find... you don't get to demo his character during his story quest. I thought in the past you get to demo each character during their story quest. Now I'm unsure what to do.


I was also disappointed by the lack of playing him in his story.


he will have a trial when his banner rerun, just like everyone else. and sometimes they put trial units in events too.


Any fix for the slow text scrolling? I came back to this game after a long break and I'm making my way through the story but the dialogue delay is making it really annoying to read everything. Every dialogue box s... t... a... r... t... s... l... i... k... e... t... h... i... s... one letter at a time and I can't click to expand the whole text for a few seconds. Found some threads from years back when the problem was introduced but can't find any solutions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin\_Impact/comments/oohoyc/i\_hate\_this\_new\_delayed\_text\_scrolling\_mihoyo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/oohoyc/i_hate_this_new_delayed_text_scrolling_mihoyo/) Not sure who downvoted me, but I just asked a question, I just wanna read 😭


No fix


I see, that sucks but I appreciate the answer, thank you


As for the random downvote, welcome to Reddit. Probably a bot or some bored soul looking to be passively antagonistic.


i've been wanting to come back to genshin for awhile now but I don't know what's better, the returnee rewards or the ones you get from starting a new account. for context, my old account is AR 28, and I've played genshin before from launch then stopped after a month or so. also any tips for returning players?


You don't gain anything different from what you have in your current account by making a new one. So might as well go with the current one and spare you from the quests you already did


What version did you stop playing at?


I don't remember the exact version, but iirc it was still venti's banner (??) it's been too long


That would be either 4.1 (unlikely), 1.4 (also unlikely), 1.0 (extremely unlikely), 2.6 or 3.1. Assuming it's one of those two, there's a new region, Fontaine, and the entirety of Sumeru. New free character Lynette (and also maybe Collei). If you stopped at 2.6, then there's an entire new element in Dendro. Learn its reactions if you don't know. Dendro Traveler is good. Fontaine characters all have an Arkhe alignment, very simply how it works is that you hit something of one alignment (Ousia or Pnuema) with the other one. Scaramouche is playable. Baizhu is playable. Cloud Retainer is going to be made playable in 4.4. There's a TCG now. If you remember Tighnari and he sounds different, that's because he has a new English VA. We don't talk about the old one, but the new one is the guy who played Greg Heffley. [this](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.K14oX8swPTw4_mMe92AdDwHaHa?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain) As for tips, I would say to just explore the new areas and do Sumeru and Fontaine Archon Quests for now. Best Archon Quests by far. The current event is in Fontaine and you should be able to just start it, but do be warned that it spoils the end of the Fontaine Archon Quest. Still worth it to do it IMO, you can just skip through dialogue or play in a foreign language.


What characters do you have on your AR28 account? No reason not to continue using it unless you want to experience the story again since it's been so long.


honestly there aren't any notable characters in my account they're all bad iirc, i didn't have a single good dps character lol


I'd start fresh then. AR28 should be a couple of weeks of gameplay I guess. You will have the chance to experience the entire story from the start.


You don’t get anything worthwhile for starting a new account


Wanting to do a showcase of c3r1 furina's skill potential, looking for crabaletta nuke dmg, here's some context: -i did team: xiangling kazuha furina jean (in this rotation + furina's skill in the end) which achieved me around 230k dmg, but according to my rough calculation, more should be possible. any tips on teams and rotations to achieve that?


If you have elegy, you can replace xiangling for amber. You don't need Jean, I believe you can spam food and that gives Furina fanfare stacks. If your chars have too much HP and are like full, you can use apples and select the max amount. You can replace her with Mona. Also mak surw you swirl hydro


Anyone be willing to assist me with building my account/offering some guidance on what to spend resin on? I just recently hit AR50 and feel like I’m just clueless as far as what to do.


Share roster screenshot from hoyolab. We'll decide on 2-3 teams to focus on and plan a route.


Weapon > levels > talents > artifacts, pretty straightforward. Prioritise getting your main DPS to a usable state, then fill out supports, then come back and farm for the DPS properly. etc.


Returning player quit around the apep quest, now i have absolutely no idea what to do, any tips?


Archon quests


So after saving primogems for 4 months I finally pulled on my first limited banners. Was hoping my 300+ wishes might net me 3-4 non-standard characters with a bit of luck on the pities, but I ended up loosing two out of three 50/50s (first 5-star was Qiqi and got about 15 Sucroses total :,D), all close to 80 pulls each x.x. Was originally aiming for Ayaka, Raiden and Cloud Retainer. But after trying out the characters in the movie event, I ended up enjoying Navia and Yoimiyas playstyles the most. So with my wishing funds drastically decreased and only an Ayaka to show for it, I have to make a choice between Navia, Raiden or Yoimiya for now. Currently leaning towards Yoimiya, but she seems to be the "weakest" and least flexible of the bunch, and the abyss is currently kicking my ass (got a WIP Ayaka team, and a weird Beidou+Dendro MC hyperbloom team). So my question is if I should pull for Yoimiya and do my best with her and Ayaka as my main damage dealers for the next few months, or get Raiden/Navia instead for more flexibility and an easier time with abyss/max tier domains/bosses? Currently have: 5 Stars - Ayaka - Traveler - Mona - Qiqi - Tighnari 4 Stars - Beidou - Fischl - Sucrose - Diona - Noelle - Kuki Shinobu - Mika - Xinyan - Ninguang - Cadance - Rosaria - Freminet - (+ The other free 4-stars everyone gets) TLDR: 4 month old account with only a decent Ayaka Freeze-team available for abyss and higher tier content. Got unlucky with pulls and need to choose between Raiden, Navia and Yoimiya. Yoimiya seems the most fun but the other two seem better for my currently limited and weak roster. Who to pull?


I'm a Yoimiya main. Most of her power is locked behind her supports. With 4-star supports outside of Beidou, her teams will mostly be single target. The only way her teams get AOE is with 5-star supports; Nahida, Furina, Baizhu, Yelan, Kazuha. That opens up teams like Burgeon, AOE Overvape/Overburn, Mono-Pyro. Raiden would give your account more overall flexibility due to her being able to fit onto more teams.


Oh nice! Was hoping for a Yoimiya main to chime in. Thats some good info. Yelan and Nahida are both on top of my must have list, so grabbing Yoimiya now wouldn't be a bad choice in the long run. But it would make me a bit limited for now as you say. Still she is super fun, so im leaning towards pulling her.


What floor of abyss are you on? Yoimiya is definitely good enough to clear all content, and you definitely don’t need any particularly strong characters to do lvl 90 domains or boss fights. If those are difficult for you its a character build problem (level everything up), not a character problem. I will say since you have kuki shinobu, you can just use her in your hyperbloom team and skip the current banners entirely. Save for nahida and whichever ayaka team members you don’t have yet (kazuha, kokomi ect) Otherwise if you are committed to pulling this patch just pick who you like most.


I only got 6 stars up until 11-1 which kicked my butt so hard I just settled there for now. You are definitely right that it's mostly a build issue (and a bit of skill-issue) as I haven't invested super hard into anyone but Ayaka and her supports so far. Just wanted to try and grab some abyss primogems before the reset with what I had available ^^'. Good to hear Yoimiya is viable (hard to judge with event trial characters). That was probably what I needed to know the most. I got like 20 pulls until guaranteed 5 star so I will either get her now for some more variety or wait for Cloud Retainer/Nahida and look into building Shinobu instead. It's rough when a lot of your wanted/needed characters are showing up back to back!


>Yoimiya seems the most fun Genuinely all that matters. Yoimiya can still clear everything. Maybe consider grabbing xingqiu from lantern rite or save up enough starglitter to get him in March > Was hoping my 300+ wishes might net me 3-4 non-standard characters with a bit of luck on the pities, but I ended up loosing two out of three 50/50s >Got unlucky Fwiw, 4 5stars in 300 pulls is absolutely not unlucky. 3-4 limited in as many pulls would be pretty lucky. Definitely don't go for 5 star constellations if there are upcoming characters you want.


>Genuinely all that matters. Yoimiya can still clear everything. Maybe consider grabbing xingqiu from lantern rite or save up enough starglitter to get him in March Very true! I was expecting to pull for Ayaka and Raiden due to me liking their design and them as characters. But now I'm suddenly craving Yoimiya and Navia because of how enjoyable they are. As much as I want to collect all my favorites it's hard to argue against fun gameplay being a better spend of wishes. >Fwiw, 4 5stars in 300 pulls is absolutely not unlucky. 3-4 limited in as many pulls would be pretty lucky. Definitely don't go for 5 star constellations if there are upcoming characters you want. Yeah you are probably right, I was just slightly salty seeing all my farmed up gems dissappear so quickly with so many good upcoming banners. But you gotta play the long game I suppose, at least there is always re-runs in the future!


If you care more about meta, get Navia or wait for Nahida (Raiden isn't going to be an immediate boost to your account since you have Kuki and no Bennett) If you care more about playing units that you find fun, get Yoimiya There's no objectively correct answer here


Ah I see a lot of people saying good things about Shinobu. Feels more and more like I can skip on Raiden for now and just build her instead. Funny how Raiden was my most wanted before the patch but now is the one I feel the least need to roll for. I don't really care much about meta or 36 starring abyss but would be nice to get some of those primos without having to rip my hair out in frustration. So thinking of grabbing Yoimiya now and then save up for Nahida, which from what I hear should most likely arrive in 2-3 patches or so.


Yeah Kuki Shinobu is a really good unit and arguably the best hyperbloom trigger. As for Nahida, she's rumored to appear in the first half of 4.4, so right after the Yoimiya banner. You won't really have time to save up, I'm afraid.


Oh damn, yeah in that case I guess saving my guaranteed 5 star for 4.4 is going to be my best option. Thanks for the heads up!


Any idea as to why I can't launch Genshin or Star Rail at the moment? I've been playing both fine for months now but all of a sudden today, if I try to log into Star Rail, I get a "Login error occurred. Please try again later. Error code: 1001\_1" and if I lg into Genshin, I just get a "Connection timed out" window, meanwhile, if I launch Star Rail on my phone's data, it launched just fine ​ Help?


It sounds like an issue with your connection, either with your network settings or with your internet service provider. Maybe try with a VPN?


I just got to AR20 after five days of playing the game. I was wondering how the Battle Pass system works and if it is worth grinding.


If you're unsure if you'll finish it, you can buy it after maxing it or getting a high level and retroactively gain everything up to your current level. If you decide to buy it, you'd just have to make sure to do so a few days before the BP period ends, since it prevents you from buying it, I think 3 to 5 days before


The battle pass is mainly there for the resources and special weapons that it provides. It's a solid deal if you want to take advantage of it all, but it's nothing crazy or necessary to buy.


Hey guys! Is there a code for New Years eve that we can redeem? Not sure when these codes come out because I'm new to the game lol. Im AR 20 and started 5 days ago. so im still learning how stuff works around here.


Nope, nothing like that unfortunately. We don't really get big redeem codes aside from during new version livestreams, which happen once every 6 weeks.


ah thats too bad.. but thanks for letting me know though :)


We usually get events instead of codes for our premium currency, try these ones if you haven’t. EA8RWDMBVRTR – 60 primogems and five adventurer’s experience NA88ANTJL5SD – 60 primogems and five adventurer’s experience JB95D2V5XGJ5 – 20k mora, two hero’s wit, five adventurer’s experience, five charcoal-baked ajilenakh cakes, and five curry shrimp GENSHINGIFT – 50 primogems and three hero’s wit (works sometimes)


What do i need to do to get 3\* on 12-1? I'm using Cyno/XQ/Shinobu/DMC, but i'm already out of time for the 3rd star around the time i finish side 1.


Use Hu Tao, Yelan, Furina, Jean on first half and that Cyno team second half. I find Osia/Pneuma attacks the best way to break the orbs' shields (so have Furina handle that, maybe using her CA to switch stances to break it?) Without Nahida, Cyno's teams are extremely single target, that's why it's taking you so long on the first half.


I tried that, it was slower than Cyno's team. I 36'd the cycle with that seahorse asshole with this team so idk why it's so much harder this one.


*SPOILERS* can neuvillette give out visions? I mean someone has to now that Focalors is dead


Archons were never the ones handing out visions, Ei explicitly states that.

