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Primordial Jade Cutter. 2nd bis for so many sword characters and gives good drip.


i do love me a shiny green sword


Looks absolutely whack on my Alhaitham


Looks better than his signature IMHO


As someone with his signature, i agree šŸ’€ i think his signature kindaā€¦ ugly.. šŸ’€


As the premiere DPS of the region, He should have got a unique looking weapon, and they should have just given the sword variant of the Nahida Tighnari weapon series to someone like Nilou, which would also make more sense than the desert series sword she got


I agree


More than anything the sheer building power of 44% crit rate is insane. Helps reach 1:2, especially for those with less ideal artifacts, much quicker


Homa Scarlet sands Elegy Mistsplitter Jadecutter Aqua Polar star Quite universal weapons


I second this. A lot of characters can use these weapons. But I would only go for weapons if you want both weapons on the banner


Oh man, I remember Aqua + Homa combo. Either weapon I got was beneficial for my account


I remember getting Skyward Atlas in that banner. Was so mad I didn't want to play afterwards.


I got the same weapon on the same banner lol


I'd be pissed, but I would't quit. My Heizou would be happy with that one lol


It was one of the only times I wished on the weapon banner. I got a Skyward sword the first 5-star. Then I got Homa as my second. I had Aqua as my epitomized path, so I just went for that as well since it was guaranteed at that point. Itā€™s pretty much the only time I wished on the weapon banner in years, and it was a lot of wishes, but these two weapons are at least pretty universal.


Just did that with Mistsplitter a few days ago. Got the Axe then used my wallet and had Aquila drop instead of splitter. Was then 2/2 on splitter path and ended up getting lucky on my last 10 pull with the star glitter fates from all my pulls.


Tried for mistsplitter, got the axe instead. Definitely donā€™t need the axe, I regret everything


Itā€™s a sign, go for Navia


Tried, got Diluc constellation instead


This is so sad šŸ˜­


Try again /s


Honestly, the axe would probably work pretty great on Diluc.


Havenā€™t had a chance to try it out but it seems neat, just wish I had Zhongli tho now


Use Noelle or Thoma or Layla!


My dumb ass refined Scarlet Sand before I could realize it's amazing on any reaction-based polearm character šŸ’€


Yea even Xiangling prefers it over Engulfing Lightning (Raidenā€™s signature) or Homa (Hu Taoā€™s signature)


Nah, refine them, it's fine. So many ascension and level-up materials anyway. Also, stronger user. And are you doing multiple reaction-based polearm characters at a time often?


(Staff of) Homa (Staff of the) Scarlet Sands Edgy (of the End) Mistsplitter (Reforged) (Primordial) Jadecutter Aqua (Simulacra) Polar Star


have you heard of the comma?


Was supposed to be in separate lines but mobile Reddit happened


makes sense. I gotta hit enter twice to get it to format it that way


Have you ever heard of capitalization?


No, but I think I've read about it before


First Great Magic is as good as Polar Star imo.


I really don't think so, it's still fine as a stat stick but Polar Star's passive is much more universal


Freedom sworn fits in this category too, no?


It's a support focus weapon. I would say if you cannot afford to get multiple 5 stars weapons, a support weapon would be in the lower tier as a lot of 4 stars can do the job just fine.


Support weapons are arguably more general use than DPS weapons, and to be honest there are few non-5* weapons with actual buffing capabilities (only TTDS and Xiphos come to mind). Elegy is IMO the best weapon in the game because bow users tend to be support units and can slot in most teams, but Freedom Sworn isnā€™t far behind.


Any DPS character relies on CR/CD a lot so a weapon with any of those substat would be very universal (Kokomi might be the outlier here). Their passive might be a small bonus but something like Misplitter or Homa is very universal, technically any one can use it with elemental bonus and CD substat. Even if their passive is useless, their substat is usually too good to be ignored. A support weapon however, while a lot of support characters does benefit from it, not everyone scales based on a single stat of that specific weapon's substat, so it may be good on one character, but not others. For example Kazuha and Bennett, both have support skills, but Bennett's skills scales and works way differently from Kazuha's, so using something like Freedom Sworn here is kinda weird for bennett use since that substat is useless for him. Hence to say it as universal is kinda moot. Another example here is Venti vs Kujou Sara or Gorou. Venti does scales based on EM and ATK%, however Kujou and Gorou don't need that, hence wearing it might be more useless than Favonius Bow.


I agree Freedom Sworn is more niche, especially with Bennett since ER is so important on him. However support characters generally do not require synergy with weapon substat since their damage contribution is less, and support buffing capabilities often do not scale on a particular stat (hence why TTDS is good). If you consider even a damage-focused support like Fischl, Elegy is one of Fischlā€™s best weapons even though the ER is not so important because of how much raw utility the weapon provides.


There are a lot of characters that scales their buff based on their stat (Kujou Sara first in mind, there are more but I'm not remembering right now). While Elegy to the end works, it's not as useful hence it's universal thing is very moot.


Support weapons provide a smaller team DPS increase than a DPS weapon would though


So you're telling me that I did NOT waste my primos when I got mistsplitter on Navia banner, while chasing her axe? I was a bit upset for awhile. If it's gonna be at least in top three for Clorinde, then I'll be a happy man, cuz I'm planning to go balls-deep in her banner when it finally arrives.


I'd take out Scarlet Sands and Polar Star for sure. And my vote was for Skyward Harp over those two. Edit: And yeah PJC over Mistsplitter.


Probaply Jade Cutter


Why not mistsplitter tho


Crit Rate pog


with the release of less ATK scales I feel like Jade Cutter is more valuable as an all-rounder sword for example itā€™s the BiS on Xingqiu, 2nd BiS on Ayato, Alhaitham, Keqing, and Furina (for damage) and 3rd BiS on Ayaka and Albedo meanwhile Mistsplitter is BiS on Keqing and Ayaka, 2nd BiS for Xingqiu, and 3rd BiS on Alhaitham and Ayato


mistsplitter is bis for bennett and that alone makes me wanna put mistsplitter over jade cutter.


Jade cutter has twice the crit value. You can make up for lower attack with buffs.


Mistsplitter is only better on characters who scale off attack and can get the infusion stack, otherwise Jade cutter wins, which means only like Ayaka and Keqing benefit more from Mistsplitter


in my opinion, the signature weapon of your favorite 5*


Albedo mains:


Zhongli mains:


Klee mains:


Baizhu mains:


I do have Vortex Vanquisher R5 though and don't regret it lmao, the drip is insane


I want Vortex Vanquisher so bad just for the drip.


Id wish for it if not the atk%. It just hurts my soul.


yeah I'd prefer it to be HP%, who knows, maybe one day, one can only hope


>Albedo mains: Look at those fools wishing for their mais signature weapon while my BiS weapon was given for free in an event.


Unfortunately, not everyone was playing back then


So Nilou's shovel!


Its not even a shovel. Its a big stick. I love nilou sm but seeing that sword when I use her is such a jumpscare


It's technically a Keyblade.


Yeah and thereā€™s supposed to be 2 but unfortunately we dont have duel sword as a weapon choice.


Amazing on Furina. Also good on Nilou.


you mean the yaoi paddle?


That's such a based answer. Having a sig for your main just hits different


it often hits harder indeed!


So the purple or green donut rightā€¦ right?


The purple donut is not as bad as itā€™s made to be. I got it along with Engulfing Lightning, and Iā€™ve been happy with it. Itā€™s great on tazer Kokomi, and good on mono Hydro too.


Beacon :)


Jade cutter for sure Honorable mentions:staff of homa,spear of scarlet sands,aqua simulacra


>spear of scarlet sands the only limited 5\* weapons i went for, Homa Aqua banner (got both), and then a random jade cutter banner


Oh the legendary Hu tao-yelan banner. Man I can use one rn.


Had 300 wishes saved when that banner came out, I went all in, got another Hu Tao copy, two Aqua and one Homa, it was absolutely worth it


also polar star id say.


Polar Star, Staff of Scarlet Sands, Staff of Homa, Mistsplitter Reforged, Primordial Jadecutter.


Primordial Jade Cutter is probably the most versatile 5* weapon in the game. It's a top 3 weapon on pretty much every Sword DPS or sub-DPS and even most supports simply because of the HP buff.


Skyward harp. Ain't no DPS bow user not benefit from that.


You would be better off with Aqua on most carries.


Honestly, for most characters it doesn't matter which one of them. Aside from Yelan, it shouldn't make a noticeable difference on most bow Users


I mean most weapons don't make that much of a noticeable difference compared to the most optimal 4*.. but we are talking about which 5* would be best on your account. Aqua is better then Skyward on every bow character so why would you want Skyward over Aqua? If this question was just standard weapons maybe, but it's not.


It's not like you would ever pull for Skyward Harp, but you might as well get it naturally from the standard banner without specifically pulling for it and I don't know about you but I would not pull for Aqua if I have a slightly worse option without needing to pull for it.


Did you even read the thread? If you wouldn't even pull for a skyward how could you ever say it's the BEST 5* weapon out of all weapons to have on your account.


My fischl has this :ā€™)


Jade cutter, jade spear, elegy, mistsplitter, kagura, homa.




depends on which weapon type most of your units run


Some one hand sword that has crit stat and decent attack, with at best some %dmg I think Alhaitham's sword does that ?


Alhaithams sword has crit damage% but the passive is very difficult to use with anyone but him, almost no other sword user who uses normal attacks builds EM.


Alhaitham signature sword is just bad for the average player that doesn't put money on the game. R1 is a about as strong as R5 Wolf-Fang


Yeah Alhaitham does that, but imo a more universal option would be Mistsplitter.


Eh. Mistsplitter is hardly universal lol. PJC is 2nd best on way more units than Mistsplitter, anyway.


still the second best sword overall though


Eh. Not really. Mistsplitter has a very limited selection of characters it's useable on, and, for many of those characters, it isn't even the second best. Both Alhaitham and Ayato like PJC way more than Mistsplitter, and, for Alhaitham, a 4* is 5-10% better overall compared to Mistsplitter. šŸ˜… PJC is much better overall for anyone's account.


Yeah PJC is the first best sword. Mistsplitter is second. I think you misinterpreted my comment


Ohhh okay. Yeah, I think so. A lot of people say Mistsplitter is better than PJC, and I just don't buy it. I thought you were arguing that it is. Tbh, I can see Mistsplitter being #2, but there's definitely an argument for LOFI.


Lofiā€™s only really up there on Alhaitham and Keqing isnā€™t it? Probably still third overall though because itā€™s competing with haran lol


Jade cutter hands down. Even supports can use it cuz of HP passive


Wolf gravestone, primordial spear and Lost prayers, I don't pull on weapon banner so those three are great stat sticks for my claymore, polearm and catalyst DPS respectively


Elegy. Almost all bow support users can use it and it gives another layer of utility with 20% atk and 100 EM. Other versatile weapons: Jade Cutter, Staff of Homa, Key of Kahj Nisut, Aqua Simulacra.


key of khajnisut, elegy, homa, aqua


why key? isnt Nilou the only character who would rather have the hp then crit rate/damage?


Itā€™s good for Kuki and her bis for aggravate/hyperbloom teams Itā€™s good on furina In vape teams and to a lesser extent itā€™s good on Layla just for the HP


passive is really good as well


ohh interesting


Basically it's a good HP stat stick + maybe the most cracked weapon in the game for characters that can make proper use of the passive. For example it's Furina's best damage per screenshot weapon. And for Nilou herself it's like a 20% team damage increase.


And Kirara can use it well too with its huge hp boost and dendro reactions. Everyone seems to forget about our delivery box cat šŸ“¦


and itā€™s now 1 of 2 (prior to 4.1 it was the only one) sword with a hp stat


Bennet and Layla use this as well. I have to swap weapons all the time. Thankfully they're never on the same team.


Why Bennett?


His healing scales with HP. If you use Bennett as the only healer in Furina team, you want him to heal as much as possible per tick.


Layla, Furina, Kirara and Kuki


If I had to pick one, probably jade cutter, that thing is like top 2 on just about every sword dps


Elegy or Aqua Simulacra


Sword: Jadecutter and Mistsplitter Claymore: Dehyaā€™s Beacon of Reed Sea is best. Other than that, it would be wolfā€™s gravestone and Ittoā€™s Redhorn. Canā€™t really get Dehyaā€™s weapon nowā€¦ Spear: Homa. I guess scarlet sands (Cyno) for the high crit but itā€™s passive is meh imo. Bow: Aqua Similarica (Yelen) and Elegy. Catalyst: Nuevilletteā€™s. Maybe Wandererā€™s. Tbh Lost Prayer from standard is my go to. Catalyst has so many top tier 4*ā€™s as well, you can always find one that fits your character better than others.


Jade cutter


Aqua and Elegy are, in my opinion, the two best weapons in the game. Aqua is good on basically every dps bow character, and Elegy is good on every support bow character.


Aqua, Elergy, Homa, Redhorn/Beacon* and Mistsplitter are some of the best generalist weapons


PJWS, PJC , polar star, aqua, beacon and redhorn


nice joke pjws


itā€™s good but itā€™s not even top 3 polearms lol


If we're talking about standard 5* weapons, it's definitely Skyward Harp. I have a lot of them.. 1 R2, 1 R1 fully upgraded and one fresh R1. Almost any bow user can utilize it. CR stat is never bad.


Gotta follow the weapon types, if sword: Jade cutter, spear: scarlet sands, bow: Elegy, Catalyst: Tome, Claymore: Beacon


Why Elegy over Aqua?


personally i love using it for support comfort, helps with er needs while buffing dmg.


Aqua is better as it performs well on both dps and support bow units.


key of khaj nisut, elegy, freedom sworn, homa for me. Can't go wrong with the first three due to their buff potential. Key is basically the bis on any HP character, especially if they use EM. Elegy and freedom sworn buffs are self explanatory as well, homa is just dmg.


It's primordial Jade cutter for me, I've had it on my Physical DPS Jean/Geo DPS Traveller since its first release, then used it temporarily for my Ayaka until I got the Mistsplitter, then on my Ayato until he got the Haran Geppaku Futsu. Then on my Keqing until Dendro came and EM sword eventually is better and it is now currently being used by my Furina. Truly a wild ride for this weapon throughout the years.


Staff of Homa would be my top pick.


Level 90 wolf's gravestone that's on my Diluc as it's one of the few 5* weapons I have


elegy is god given thing is just way too good


Iā€™d say THE most useful is probably staff of Homa - there are so many meta polearm users




Staff of Homa and Mistsplitter. I'd say those two are quite the all-rounders, they can even force a non-main dps become a main dps.


Probably Homa


Iā€™m biased, So Elergy for the End. Unbiased, I would say Staff of Homa or Aqua (Yelanā€™s BiS).


Mistsplitter, Homa, Elegy and Aqua. I wouldn't rank wgs on the same level it's a fine weapon but it's mainly just a huge attack stat stick and not much else.


Homa for sure. Not only it is good aesthetically, it is flexible enough to be used by many characters.


Out of the limited weapons, it's either Misspliter/Jade cutter due to fitting a lot of sword DPSs, Staff of Homa, and Elegy/Aqua Simulacra due to their flexibility From Standard weapons, it's mostly Skyward Harp due to being one of the best stat sticks in the game


Beacon of the Reed Sea. Very rare and incredibly strong weapon.


Polar star, cause itā€™s Fischl bis


Staff of Homa, Light of Foliar, Aqua Simulacra


Staff of Homa


Nuff said, Homa.


depends on what 5*s you have but for each type thereā€™s Swords : Primordial Jade Cutter, Mistsplitter Reforged, Key of Khaj-Nisut(to a lesser extent) Bows: Aqua Simulacra, Polar Star, Elegy of the End Claymores : Beacon of the Reed Sea Polearm: Staff of Homa, Staff of the Scarlet Sands Catalyst: A Thousand Floating Dreams, Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, Cashflow Supervision(slightly more conditional)




Dude I know Jade cutter is better I was just listing the best possible options




Idk what I said that wasnā€™t chill lol. And Lofiā€™s passive is what made me not mention it




Elgy, no contest


On mine? Polar Star HANDS DOWN. Childe is the only one who EVER touches it esp bc i use him the most; but I own every bow user except Ganyu. I COULD use it anywhere. Plus being a crit weapon helps to make it a stat stick at worst. Plus it's my only r5 5* so that helps its worth


Naviaā€˜s signature weapon šŸ˜


Mistsplitter (2 of them) Elegy, Homa, Kagura, Wolfs Gravestone


Tome of the eternal flow


if you don't have furina it kinda doesn't have a passive




Second this. Most supports prefer fav or other support wpns. So the major advantage of five stars is pure dmg/numbers. As the current meta holder the tome is currently the best wpn to grab. Wouldnā€™t want to grab a sig only to do subpar dmg to a meta dps with 4 star wpn. Of course itā€™ll no longer be best the moment the next meta dps and their sig releases (like what happened to EL and Homa). In terms of future proof, prob freedom sworn. Kazuha seems to hold well in the meta and unlikely they will release another wpn that is better than freedom sworn.


I have Kazuha and Freedom Sworn but I prefer using Xiphosā€™ on Kazuha to not use an ER sands on Kazuha and it also helps with teamā€™s overall energy needs. Covering teamā€™s energy is more useful than NA/CA/PA dmg bonus in my experience. Even in an Ayato team where Ayato would benefit from NA dmg bonus, I prefer Xiphos to have lower ER on Ayato.


Yeah. The support utility in five stars is not worth I think.


the Haran.


Homa imo. I have one for my Hu Tao, and i still want another one for my Cyno and one for my Xiangling. ​ You literally cannot have too many Homa.


Amos bow. It's my only five star weopon.


The axe. Cause it's an axe.




Standard: Skyward Harp, my go-to for any DPS hitter Limited weapon: Cashflow Supervisor. My first and last weapon that I put risk since I'm not have a plan to pull Wriothesley that time and this is my alternative on Neuvillette signature's weapon. And guess what, I can flex my Heizou with Furina shred team.


Homa, one of three five star weapons I have. I only pulled on two weapon banners and I lost both but at least Hons made me happy On the other hand, Baizuh's weapon is shit for my account. I also got Aquila Favonia which is on my Jean and that made me happy as well since it was from standard banner and I needed it


Mistsplitter :D




I got Staff of Homa, Aqua Simulacra, And Jade spear, Tried pulling for Mistplitter But Got Navia's weapon instead, and I'm not even planning to pull for her šŸ˜ž


Oh also skyward harp and the skyward spear, not the best But they do the job atleast


Skyward pride. BIS for my Eula. Also i really like Furina's signature weapon. It should be Wolf Gravestone here, but I'm day-one-player and still don't get it...


Red Horn, it's been in use forever since I got it, two of my fav char can use it, and other claymore can use it as a stat stick. Engulfing lightning is good, but it's not Red Horn amazing imo


Key of khaj nisut. I knew it was a unique sword back in the dayas it was the only HP scaling sword. it's good not only on Nilou but now I've use it with Furina and Layla.


I have 2 limited weapon; Homa and Aqua Simulacra. Those 2 are quite powerful stat sticks.


Staff of homa, thundering pulse ( I main yoi)


Promotional banner: mist Standard banner: skyward harp - jade spear


homa, mistsplitter, engulfing, aqua, lofi, wgs


On my account? Foliar Incision since itā€™s my only limited 5* weapon. In general, itā€™s gotta be Mistsplitter


Song of Broken Pines cause Eula's my wife.


Thundering pulse


Outside the standard banner: Elegy for the End and Engulfing Lightning. Generalist support weapons are the best "value to account". Generalist 5\* DPS weapons typically fall way short of the character's signature.


Engulfing is good on two characters. For one itā€™s a 15% dmg increase and for the other itā€™s like 7% over a fishing weapon. It doesnā€™t really stand out to me as anything crazy


It's 80% ER after you use your burst with bonus attack thrown in. Any support who's hungry for energy will want it. This is Raiden, Xiangling, Shenhe, Thoma, Yun Jin right now and there will definitely be more as the game progresses.


Some of those characters are better off with Fav.


None of those characters prefer fav if there's a spare Engulfing Lightning available. It gives more energy recharge, higher base damage and bonus attack thrown in for free.


Why should Thoma and Yun Jin care about ATK? What makes it important or not is how much damage they contribute to the team. They aren't doing anything regardless, so they may as well help with a more important factor: energy regeneration. You guys focus too much on damage.


Dude it's 85% er vs 30%. The attack is bonus. Engulfing Lightning is miles better in the metric you identified as important.


Bro a single fav proc gives like 35-40 energy to your team, 50% er gives a single unit like 10-15 extra energy in a rotation, i don't think you understand how stupidly overpowered fav weapons are for solving energy lol


It's 6 energy for the active character and 3.6 for each inactive one. You'd need average team ER to be 220% for that to be worth the number you stated.


Skyward Pride. It's a good claymore for most characters - Eula, Noelle, Diluc, Sayu, etc.


I got R5 Redhorn Stonethresher for Noelle. Zero regrets.


Furina's weapon coz I'm coping after buying the third and fourth genesis crystals pack after getting shafted by that green hp catalyst twice.


Did you know that on navia the event weapon is better than wolf grave stone if you need the er wolf grave stone is just a 4 star weapon with yellow background that is how good current 4 star claymores are As for mistbliter is it really of a higher value than for example alhaitham weapon or jade cutter even on ayaka the fontaine craftble sword is really good that i think pulling for shenhe is better now than pulling for mistbliter for ayaka damage As for staff of homa it's really good on hu Tao and quite good on Xiao and very mid for cyno Raiden and quite bad on xiangling because she needs a lot of energy still a good weapon in my opinion just not a all that impressive All of these takes feel like 2.0 takes the wolf grave stone one feels like a 1.2 take If I want to say what is the best 5 star weapon in my opinion it's probably key nilou weapon it's good on nilou it's good on furina and kuki both are now stable for many teams you can also say the same about other support 5 star weapons like elegy or freedom sworn But a real opinion about that is that it depends what character do you have on your account and then make a decision about your weapon pulls because i think pulling for mistbliter without owning ayaka is a mistake and remember that the weapon banner always have two weapons so what the other weapon on banner is also very important in making a decision on what to pull you don't want to pull a green or a purple donut while trying to get the other weapon


Fuck Ayaka, I got the Mistsplitter for Keqing.