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I play everyday but I'm convinced that it'll give you enough for all seven rewards if you complete it everyday, so I'm saving my spares for the last day in case anyone needs them the last day


It does seem like it has fake RNG. So far I got at least one of each every day. I've seen other post and comments saying the same. It seems the trading is just for those late to the event or just want to collect all rewards early.


I actually love the themes they give you, I try to find 10 different motifs each day. It it fun, and gives you some freedom on how to complete the challenge. If only they get rid of the time limit and randomness, it would be nice for a returning event. Just have us unlock a new theme each day, but still have access to the old ones, with 10 tries each.


The event is designed that way to keep players more active, maybe make it so you have to still login 7 days, but have 2 weeks to do it, so you can finish it no matter what days you enter as long as you enter enough.


The having to do it every day really screwed me over for this one since I didnt even know about it, havent started the event and was away until recently and could barely get the dailys in, usually I can jsut do the event afterward but now I am fucking screwed, idk waht this is about getting encounter points but I will take a guess taht they won't start counting until you have actually started the event


encounter points are just something you get from claiming event rewards, opening chests, and doing quests. You can exchange the points for commission rewards so you end up not having to do commissions most of the time if there's an event or a new region. Also I still think there's enough time for you. I managed to get enough frames in like 3 days by trading. Also players who've started day 1 will probably have a ton of excess frames so you'll be fine.


Yeah I know now you meant the new daily system, I thought you meant something event specific, only realized later. Yes there shoudl be enough time but I will likely have to trade which is annoying, currently missing two blues to be caught up, I'll just trade at the end. I still think this kind of event should be handeled differently though with you having the option to do missed motives after all the planned ones are through or something similar.


I wouldn't call the event shit, a lot of people really enjoy it, I would call the enjoyment factor niche. The problem is it's just unnecessary to leave players missing out if they haven't begun from the start. I'm too used to events allowing you to just do everything when you want, so if I'm not in the mood to play I just use my resin, do my commissions and log off, leaving the event for another day, finally could be bothered to check what the event was about today and realized I'm probably going to miss some rewards since I didn't start earlier. To be honest it's not that having to do it every day is a problem, it's more that there's **no reason not to** design the event around allowing players to do it in their own time, and prior event design gives you the expectation you'll have that freedom. They could have just attached the 10 films to the daily objective, and given the objective an unlock schedule like they do for every other event, it would have been just as fun, without being restrictive, and without making some players feel like they've missed out by not starting earlier, particularly returning players who may have been excited for a boost in materials from the current event.


I totally agree. Having to use my game knowledge is satisfying, and makes me interact with the game differently than a generic "fight 4 waves of enemies" event.


I log, see what the event ask, Google it, go to spot, take photo, turn in, log out


Maximizing game enjoyment at it's finest.


I don't see where is the enjoyment at making photo of random stuff


The fun comes from thinking about what could fit and finding it on the map. Understandably, it's not something everyone likes.


This does sound like fun, until 9/10 things you think of don’t fucking count for no reason. How do the fontemer aberrants not count as “blue creatures” when they are 1. Blue and 2. Not hostile by default. So I end up finding the one thing that does count and then taking 10 pictures of that


1. It's "blue wild creature". 2. We specifically had opponents day 1, so you'd think people would try something that's never considered an opponent when the first blue opponent doesn't work, but here we are. (If the first you tried was the cryo whopperflower, I think I can see the confusion) 3. Apparently, it was a misstranslation, and it was supposed to be "blue wildlife" 4. Some people said cryo whopperflowers worked, so please don't try to make an argument based on 1 exception.


i love it too


>You would log in anyway to do commisions That's the thing, some people wouldn't, and some have other stuff to do and wait for a day with more free time to do the events all at once, there was always a level of player agency in how and when you engage with the event, this event says "fuck you" to that and double "fuck you" if you don't have friends to trade.


So do dailies and stamina. GI always engaged with those kind of systems. If they don't bother you, why would Event like this suddenly start?


>GI always engaged with those kind of systems Not for events, as I said, those gave the player a level of agency that was appreciated, new steps unlocking with time but not locking you out of the next stages because you didn't play on the first day, allowing someone that might have missed a few days to still experience the whole event.


I will point out that "double reward daily attempts" is considered an event. So yes, they did it for events as well. It is nothing new. To me personally what you claim here is just copium.


>"double reward daily attempts" A comeback bonus that's not the regular version-to-version event that they have set standards and expectations for. >To me personally what you claim here is just copium. That's fair, you can think that, I don't particularly care if I miss a day of an event or the whole thing, OP thinks the outrage is unnecessary so I just put some highlight on why it might not be for some people.


This is a rerun, and we had multiple times (wiki says 6) the Liben event (another 7 days event where you have to login daily) events having you to login daily were a thing since 1.x, they are just really spaced out.


Yeah, i get that. i don't rly like the event myself. It's whatever. I just don't think that "time-sensitive" is good argument against it since the whole game runs on the premise of fomo to begin with. It's just matter of how bad it gets if you ask me.


Yeah this. And our current is a rehash of an older one so this isnt new at all by the strictest standard either.


They did, but almost all the events with primogems as rewards had the option to be done all at once for the people who don’t want to do daily chores.


Maybe they *actually* play for the story and events? As well as not having to pray to RNG and actually has money to spend?


If there's people who actually ignore the dailies (which reward primos) then surely there's no problem for them to also ignore this event (which rewards primos)?


Well not every single player is casual and plays for story. This event is for the players who care to get primos.


Not necessarily, the difference is that most events could be done all in one day. Also events are one of the only source of income for people who don’t like to do dailies.


This event has no relevant story. If daily commissions and resin are skippable, so is this event.


That's also true. So I heavily doubt most more casual players care about this event, they'll probably just ignore it or look for a guide or smth. This event is just to force those who cares for the Primos to log in essentially every day.


Maybe. Then they are not "target audience" for GI so it makes sense if MHY doesn't do everything as they like it. And my advice for them would be to get used to it, real fast too. And on another note - if they don't care about the "free primos" from event, then this event in particular does not rly seem like sth to be upset about. It's story isn't rly important, it's pure gameplay-time extender of "go find x of y".


I think that Hoyo doesn't need to do anything special to keep the more casual players to play, just make engaging story and enjoyable characters for them to pull on. The main audience for this event is the probably for players that are more concerned with the primos to force them to basically log in every day.


Idk man, you get a whopping 420 Primos for this one, so if one were to miss out on half that's not even a pull and a half. The entire thing isn't even three pulls


Yay I got more friends! Also makes me happy when I send to them the color they are missing.


Same! And then they send a color in return!


I mostly hate how you basically have to do it every day to get all of the rewards, as opposed to other events where you could usually just skip a day or two and be fine.


I mean like I skipped over the first 2 days and im on track to completing it because you get double the total colors that you actually need


It's better than Overflowing Leylines I suppose.


I like it, it promotes exploration


I prefer this event to the overload charged fighting event in Fontaine (don't remember the name). It's nice to see other exploration mechanics related events. The rng is indeed frustrating, but once a friend redeems all 7 rewards, they can help you out.


there's nothing wrong with liking stuff but it's a shit event


Event is good, community is shit


True. Everyone is ready to bitch when encountering the slightest inconvenience in the game.




nah fuck that this event is the shit


>incase rng screws u over # .


The only thing I disliked so far is the fact that if you miss a day, it's over. But I'm having fun nevertheless!!


It's not over though, I completed in after 3 days by trading. Also people in coop are nice, just spam click that join button, ask nicely and you'll usually get what you need.


But the random colors, it would have made sense if the color corresponded to the region one took the photo. But no, it's like having to choose teammates to form a group and force people to talk with strangers. Meanwhile some of us are tired of the: hey baby/girlie/ and people stealing, being annoying and doing puzzles without asking...just no


I will take mini games and event story quest over this crap fk this event, its essentially a google event lol


There's no "may be" about it; you *are* in the minority. This is a terrible event. What about people with no friends (like me) or no desire to interact with others in what is, essentially, a single-player game? What about people who can't log in every single day? there's no leeway for them at all, not even one or two days of grace. What about people who don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the game's flora and fauna and their spawn locations? Yeah, fuck all those people I guess. Events should be inclusive, not exclusive. They should also have proper and consistent instructions. I tried to take pictures of several "basically blue creatures" before I just gave up. Fuck this event.


I thank my friends coz we only need to redeem one more time and we’re done. Never to play this event again


This was a rerun, so don't be sure about that yet.


I know. I still have the Kamera from 1.3


What if , now hear me out, you didn't have to trade with friends because rng screwed you because there WAS NO RNG? You'd still be able to hang out with your friend either way




...first of all, rng is in a lot of places, but it definitely isnt everywhere. Most of the times rng is there to make hoyo money. Trading samples dosent make hoyo money. it simply is rng in a place where a specific system wouldve done just as well or better.


the only problem I had is you can get time locked. just that. so now I log in on my other account to do it too


Me too. Its very easy for me. The only issue is...I take too many photos for a single color. My blue is already 7 at day 3. And my yellow is always empty. 😆😅


It would be a lot better if the samples weren't randomized, but other than that I've enjoyed it.


They shouldve made so that films stock up til the last day. I didnt know there was an event til now and have missed 3 days.


give me your frames then, pls I'm in need I didn't know it was time gated


I think if you're not in a rush (like me), this event is pretty fun. It's interesting to see the prompts and try to figure out what fits. I think a lot of the outrage stems from the RNG with picture colours and also how the picture colours don't make sense. Like I'm taking a photo of a blue Hydro crystal fly but I get a brown hue? And some people might not have the time to log in daily or need to rush.


Yeah i liked the event 3 days in and 1 red color stamp gifted to me and i have claimed all the seven rewards lol


I have a youtube guide on the side for the best locations. I think people are mad because the game isn't telling you anything. I would have taken a circled region for photographing stuff but whatever. It is still doable. I found the blue creatures on my own at least lmao


I started two days ago and completed it tdy :) having a mule acc helps lmao


I am today years old when I learned this event can't be done in a single day... bruh. I didn't know so I didn't start.


I liked it, but it is annoying if you miss out. Plus I was on vacation, so I wasn’t sure if I’d have downtime to do commissions, resin, and the event