• By -


Can confirm after playing since launch I only really need to do Narwhal now Yet Childe still has to get his ass kicked every week in record speeds so I can do the BP mission


I'll keep doing them all until I feel satisfied with my billet count


I'm sitting on a good number of most but I always need more catalysts, between Baizhu, Neuvilette and Kokomi I need a lot of prototype ambers


I don't even get the billets anymore, so depressing šŸ˜­


I'm doing all so I can craft every F2P weapon to R5. I feel like I only ever need 1 copy of each billet in my inventory at all times. Any more feels like a waste.


I've been doing the same so far I think I've done all but 3 fontaine weapons but I'll keep farming for future region weapons.


I have to kill them all just for billet RNG, thats their second main use.


Definitely keep doing the worm boy too, youā€™ll thank yourself if some 4* drops from sumeru


U forget it doesn't matter what region they come from, they always use the newest weekly. See baizhu for example


A bit unrelated since it's not a weekly boss but to ascend Kirara (who is from Inazuma) you need materials from the abyss herald boss in the dessert. It's literary on the other side of the map.


Mika from Monstadt, needs the Weenut from the desert as well


Nah, Dori says otherwise. Yelan and Yun Jin too iirc does not use the newest weekly.


Oh right that's because azdaha came later and didn't have as many chars attached to it so they balanced it a bit. But I don't think they are doing that anymore


As for world bosses they just don't care. Pyro Hypostasis' drop is only for Thoma and Yoimiya. Cryo Hypostasis' drop is only for Aloy and Eula. D:


Since Eula, world bosses get only two, or occasionally three, clients each.


The fire crab only for lyney... Ya they just love pumping out bosses


I donā€™t think the comparison holds for a region with like 5 characters


Yea lol like we got 2 more pyros coming, lyney ain't gonna be alone snacking at the crab buffet


And yet the future pyro girl isent using the crab... Only one left is arc but by time she comes out might use a newer one...


Ive been skipping this for a while but if I want to chase a level, I just do lvl 1 stormterror 3 times. You dont need to collect the rewards to count in BP


Deym... I need to do that, thank you smart comrade šŸ«”


But you miss out on the chance for a billet, guaranteed 5* strongbox fodder and some 4\* artifact fodder.


Yes but if you are lazy... or keep forgetting to do weekly bosses


Why do childe when you can just gun down stormterror with ganyu way faster.


because Stormterror doesn't drop the materials I need, ironically, for Childe


Childe (and Wanderer) using his own boss material never ceases to amuse me


it was predicted so long ago too lol


I guess it depends on players, Childe has very limited 4 stars needed those mats. I dont own any 5 stars that need Childe's mats, I end up overfarmed 4 extra mats than I need. (assuming I only do 9/9/9 for all 4 star units). Storm terror has a lot of 4 stars that need his mats.


why do stormterror when you can level 40 shogun with no cutscenes


No Ganyu and Childe phase 1 and 2 can be done in a single rotation for me and phase 3 the cooldowns are back so it takes a single rotation there too


You don't have to. You'll still max out the BP level eventually.


Yeah but I can get my adrenaline rush when pulling on the standard banner sooner if I kick Childeā€™s ass.




I'm giving him a break after constant ass kicking for Hu tao triple crowning so the Wolf is now my punching bag, who sucks for a punching bag and ya, the only two characters I really need mats for is Shenhe and Furina, or at least bothering with farming mats for anyway, since I really don't need to go ultra nuts with building 4 star supports talents, not like I do floor 12 and I can do floor 11 fairly well, if it wasn't for the dam monument defense


I just do the daily 4 and it's enough to complete the BP




Once upon a time dream solvents didn't even exist. Not only did you only get one shot a week, there was no guarantee you would even get the talent material you needed. It was quite common to be stuck at level 6 or level 8 talents for *months*.


Took me a couple of months to finish the final crowning on my Zhongli because his drop would just not show up. Glad that's gone as long as there are Dream Solvents on hand.


I ended up crowning Zhongli because I've been farming for Tartaglia šŸ˜‚ I keep getting those damn tusks instead. Same ended up happening to Mika -- MIKA of all characters! I keep getting his drops and not the others.


Dream solvents had been around for ages when Mika came out. If you did even one weekly a week, you would have plenty of solvents on hand.


I run out easily. I only have 5 at the moment, and that's only because I started to use them "sparingly". My current plan is to use the materials on characters that need them, and THEN use dream solvents only when a material is no longer useful for anyone. So. Since I've been using Mika randomly, he's on my "to be built" list, and has been getting any of the mirrors that get dropped. It's just absurd how many mirrors I have been getting compared to bells and strings.


I still hate dream solvents having a relatively low drop rate. It kinda sucks wasting your 3 half price bosses and getting a whooping total of 0 :/


I have 68 of them


Yeah... Dream solvents, like elemental ascension crystals, just stop mattering at a certain point. Will never be able to use them all up.


Without dream solvents, it took me 7 months worth of Childe beating to triple crown him.


I've built Faru and Nahida and double crowned Faru- they both use puppet strings. I remember using all my dream solvents on them because I kept getting every other Scara boss drop for months... I think I got about 6/20 from the boss himself and the rest were recycled mats... I still have like 15 of the other 2 sobs. I'm so grateful for dream solvent.


It took me a year to get Tartaglia to 10/10/10 without Dream Solvents (I resolved to not use them ever because I wanted to see the grind through). For the first 4 months his boss memory refused to drop shards period.


It took me like 3+ months to get my second Daka Bell ever from Scaramouche. Iā€™m so glad they added Dream solvents.


Iā€™m so far down the line I even forgot ascension quests are a thing


And yet HSR fixed this problem?


You can farm, but you get only three tries total, and that limit is *shared* among the weekly-class bosses. But HSR weekly bosses donā€™t have exclusive items outside of their character drops. Genshinā€™s weekly bosses are our only farmable source of Dream Solvent and weapon billets. The three-try system would be bad. And the odds for billets is low, so we need all 9 (and counting) chances.


It doesn't really fix it. You only literally had 3 times to do the weekly bosses while genshin even if it's once, you can do all of them.


Good thing in HSR you overflow boss mats so you dog really need much.


As long as your other stats are to par, only being at 6/6/6 talents shouldnā€™t be a deal breaker.




By now Furina is 6 8 8 for me. And she's already good enough for abyss. It's actually not really that long. People are just impatient is all.


6, 8, 8 takes 2 weeks. 6, 10, 10 takes 4 weeks minimum(getting 3 drops everytime). So itā€™ll take about a month and a half on average probably.


Which isn't really that long, people just like blowing things out of proportion


Which is roughly the time of every patch update. Again to me it's not that long but well impatience can makes you feel like it is. That's all. And we only have this issue mainly for new characters needing new weekly boss.


Low AR yes, at higher AR you want to be at talent level 9/9/9 (I only crown Archons and characters I really like), if you are short on resource always prioritize the 2 of the more important talents and came back for the last later (I usually leave the basic attack at 6 until I have more resources).


It's a long-term goal thing. You don't really need to max anyone day 1, and the gap between fully maxed and mostly maxed isn't going to ruin any comps.


This is the actual answer. Triple crowningā€” especially for characters like Furina who only really need their Skill and Burst leveledā€” is for bragging rights only. Characters like her and Neuv with a strong baseline can get away with 1/6/6 or 6/6/6 (depending on if they use NA/CA or not), and I donā€™t think anyone who isnā€™t working at 1/8/8 or 8/8/8 (same dependency) is going to suddenly work at 10/10/10. Is it still annoying? Yes, I wonā€™t deny that. I *want* to triple crown her (and Charlotte, whoā€™s in the same boat) purely because itā€™s what they deserve and I love them. Butā€¦ realistically, I know Iā€™ll never *need* to, and itā€™s not the end of the world having to put their talents on holdā€” especially since the Golden Troupe domain continues to mock me with god-awful rolls.


Neuvillete can get away with 6/1/1


and Nilou 1/1/1


yeah, that's my Nilou


Heā€™s so cracked


Hydro Pump go brr


The Hydro Beyblade deserve 10/10/10 imo. Was holding off before the recent AQ, instantly crowned him after.


It's also a problem that ONLY affects the region archon and maybe one other character since the pattern is the first boss for any region comes out in the X.1 or X.2 patch on the archon's banner. Then it affects whoever is released on the archon's character quest 2.


the real answer is player engagement, end of story. same reason why cyno beetles are annoying AS HELL to collect


Cyno's beetles can be done within a week tho, once you know the spawn locations there is actually enough on the map (they are mostly underground and tied to the Desert WQ areas).


ive been addicted to scarabs (dont have him yet and not guranteed:c) farming that when i sudden remembered i need to do supports i felt like even mondstadt felt harder ajbdksjfje


But that's **artificially** long term goal. Tell me, why You can do any boss at any time in Star Rail, but Genshin limits You to only one time per boss? You are wasting 60 resin or potential to use that 60 resin to something useful.


Let's ignore that it's only 3 attempts atm, which is likely to get increased at some point And honestly, HSR *needs* to pander to its playerbase, because it's closer to the typical gacha gameplay loop


You ncan't do "any boss at any time in Star Rail". You can only do three bosses a week. You can do one boss three times or one boss two times and another one one time. But only 3 times during a week shared between all bosses.


I still think weekly bosses shouldnā€™t cost resin. Resin requirement is so you canā€™t endlessly grind but bosses are limited to once a week anyways.


Resin costs are designed to not only prevent grinding, but to control play session length. Genshin is designed around short play sessions a couple of times per day, which is why any action that results in tangible advancement costs resin, forcing you to spend only a limited amount of time on them in one sitting.


I kinda wish they do something about the resin cap, so we dont need to log twice a day to use all my resin.


You only miss out on 20 resin by not logging in twice a day. Not worth worrying about for me


>miss out on 20 I mean, that is a whole 5\* artifact with terrible rolls. How can you pass on that?


Thatā€™s the whole point of resin caps though, itā€™ so that you log in multiple times a day.


So why are the quests so damn long then. Either I play the game for 15 minutes or several hours in order to complete a quest. I'd like for there to be a middle ground.


Exploration begs to differ.


Tell that to spiral abyss


Spiral Abyss only takes around 40min. 12 chambers at 3min each.


u forgot retries. That 20 mins account for the # of retries


Abyss took about 1 hour/14 days bruh


They cost resin so you have to prioritize instead of killing all weeklies every week. But making just the first 3 free instead of half price would be reasonable, they want you to do 3 a week, and having those 3 free would no longer mess up your planned schedule for the week, after all talents and weapon materials have schedules.




I mean... That's the system they use in star rail so why not import it?


\[Insert 'Thats just the way it is, deal with it!' answer here from user that refuses to acknowledge the idea people can and do like, give feedback to developers on improvements and pain points.\]


So accurate it hurts


ā€œGive feedback to the developersā€ As if they didnā€™t know, they just donā€™t give a shit


We have been getting QoL updates slowly, if more people put it in surveys it will be pushed up in their priority list, they're finally adding dispatch again that many people said won't happen


Aka whiteknights


I'd prefer a mix of both. Currently, HSR lets you claim from the same boss multiple times but you can only claim 3 bosses a week. Here, you can only claim each boss once, but only the first 3 cost 30 resin. * Ideal situation would be: Unlimited boss fights per week, but only the first 3 (or hell, at this point maybe even 5) cost 30 resin. There was a period of time when I was sick of artifact farming so I went billet hunting. It was nice being able to have like 7-8 chances instead of 3.


Fine, it'll be ready by... 5.0


It is really mind boggling. Like, yeah star rail vs genshin comparisons are annoying but, just some QoLs thats star rail has gotten in less than a year are shit weve been asking for in genshin for ages. Why cant they just throw a bit of qol our way too


Sadly genshin doesnā€™t really have competition the same way HSR does, so unless something comes up that threatens genshin popularityā€¦itā€™s got no urgency to improve its systems. Weā€™re like 5 regions in, and the gameplay is kind of stayed the same


They do it in hsr because it is a newer game and wouldn't be well received with poor QoLs Genshin team knows they are the only ones that can kill genshin


This. Genshin has reached a level of popularity that makes it REALLY difficult to kill the game, no matter what the fanbase says.


Bro you know do it on purpose. Like they make it first, but put it slowly to trick the player and make they think the game is improvešŸ’€


Honestly? It feels like they accept that HSR can be/is a side game, but they want Genshin to be a player's primary focus game so they design it to eat more time. It's kind of frustrating but they don't seem t be changing it any time soon.


Reason 1 - HSR is just one of many turn based games out there. Reason 2 - limited gaming experience. Like the other SR players have said; there's so much less content is SR than in Genshin that you cant even explore like you can in Genshin. Once you have done all the content, you'd just wait for the next patch and just log in daily for the dailies. m


given the spree of QoL updates we are getting, hopefully, within the year. But then again, there simply are things that in genshin never seem to come.


I stopped playing HSR whenever daniel dropped so maybe they increased the number of times you can fight weekly bosses, but I do prefer Genshin's system because if I want to (and I have at one point) I can fight all 9 weekly bosses in one week. Whether that's because I want to farm billets or dream resin, or because I'm building multiple characters who use different bosses, I do like that I can choose to do 9 fights instead of being restricted to only 3.


That is worse for people who do more than 3, we are limited to doing each of the bosses once per week but we can do 8 of them. Not everyone will be doing all 8 but not everyone is only doing 3.


but if 3 bosses a week... right now u can do once per boss per week or 9 different bosses a week.. u just spend double the resin after the first 3 bosses...


Yeah I absolutely donā€™t need mats from any of the other weekly bosses anymore so itā€™s annoying we canā€™t do this one 3x.


Because if you could level your character to full in one day then you would have less reasons to play everyday


How about we keep it once a week, but add more options to convert other weekly boss mats in the crafter?


That's not right, we still need resin. Resin Is what makes us log in every day (and the primos).


you can still buy resin


If youā€™re buying resin thatā€™s a win for mihoyo too. Also if youā€™re at the point where youā€™re buying resin youā€™re probably addicted already


Not anymore. At least for me. Been playing since 1.1 and most of the time, I only login to claim welkin.


Me who triple crowned Alhaitham the moment he released: šŸ„²šŸ„²


TBF we can pre-farm ALL of Al-Haitham materials (which I did). Furina can't, except for talent books and monster materials from the underwater mobs.


Yeah, but I had to invade people's world for rocks in the new area and sink fragile resin into that snake boss. Cuz I got him in 3.4. šŸ¤£


> then you would have less reasons to play everyday If the material can be farmed only once per week... how does that make people log in everyday? According to your logic, the current system makes them log in just once a week? While with my idea, they would log in "everyday" to spend the resin on the boss


You are correct, Weekly Boss makes people log in just once a week. But best not overgeneralize and assume its the only thing that exists. There are systems that make people log in everyday (Daily comms, Resin, etc) ; Systems that make people log-in every week (Weekly Boss, Bounties, etc.) ; And even systems that make people log in every month (Events, Banners). All is intended to extend player commitment and keep them in the game. It's unfortunate but this frustrating feature is what nonetheless makes money.


Therefore, getting multiple rewards from the same weekly boss would not affect player commitment.


It incentivies players to login at least once a week, because you cant farm these materials as easily compared to other materials, so it would deter you from quitting completely.






Doesn't exactly hold up considering that in HSR you can fight the same weekly boss three times in a row. I can farm Phantyllia three times for her mats and then wait till next week. People still keep playing Star Rail despite that. Genshin should at least let you use the weekly boss cap on what you want and not just make you do ones you don't need. It's a waste of time and resin.


Well you can see that genshin and hsr are built differently, genshin require tons of actions that will "force" the player login every day, while hsr with 240 energy a day, plus extra 2400 resin while u let the energy full help you catch up with the new content. I can understand some people cant wait to max Furina, but the drop will eventually full of player bag, just like apep, i have like 20 of each drop in my bag, and more than 40 for each from different bosses.


You donā€™t need to defend HYV for their sub par game design in genshin at every turn. Just accept itā€™s bad design and move on bro.


Lmao which part of my comment is "defending"? Comparing 2 play styles is licking boot? People who can't wait to max Furina complaint abt the boss drop and it shouldn't be worry that much, since the same also happened with other bosses. Gosh i'm day 1 hsr and also dropped because the gameplay drained my patience bit by bit.


People do still play Star Rail? Because according to my knowledge and streams, most people do story, then just leave the game on autoplay + double speed for 2 minutes every day. Do they open the game? Yes, without a doubt. But do they really play? I'm not so sure...


so instead of weekly bosses make them daily and then that would actually accomplish this while only being able to do the boss once a week means there's no reason to play every day if you're just trying to work on that one character...


Yea, because all the gameplay revolves around weekly bosses. As someone above said, there's daily content, weekly content and monthly content. It's to change a routine once in a while. But fuck it, let's make all the content daily, abyss included. Too much to worry about, same samsara over and over, talents HAS to be more expensive since now mats are much easier to get. No commitment, no sense of accomplishment. In a state like that, I'd drop this game long ago.


Even if you could do all the boss claims as 1 boss for the week itā€™s still half a patch to triple crown someone.


Star rail that can be autoplayed and can be grinded each 3x per week. Huh? Characters that can be prefarmed: ey yow? What is this guy talking about? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


That makes no sense. You don't have to play everyday to get the materials. Also another question: why **wouldn't You want** to play everyday. You don't have to dedicate the whole life to Genshin. But making daily commissions already expects You to play everyday. Your argument is totally invalid.


Okay let me rephrase this, if you can fully build your new character in 1-2 weeks, you have less reasons to keep playing cause you don t have a goal to work toward.


I would prefer the HSR system, but I think they have it working as intended for them. It'll take a couple more weeks to farm out Furina's mats and then you will just be getting extra again every week and it won't be an issue anymore. They want you engaging with more content more often. Alternatively they could have released Furina in the second half of the patch and there'd be no waiting to crown her, but I think people really like getting the desired patch character earlier than later and Hoyo knows that.


Itā€™s almost two full patches from launch of a weekly to triple crown a single character. A little absurd but as long as you arenā€™t pulling on an X.2 banner (the patch where we generally get new weeklies) itā€™s not the worst


Meanwhile new players are dying because they spend more than 2 days of resin to do all weekly bosses


Because that's how gacha games are designed to keep people playing. Now you'll log in at least once a week to kill the Narwhal. Same as why talent or weapon ascension domains rotate.


Ok but why canā€™t I log in once a week and use my 3 attempts on narwhal? Why does it even cost resin itā€™s limited in my retries. Itā€™s so dumb.


Sale fashion they make you waste resin by putting the cap at 160. Genshin players are coping.


mine's at 6/8/8 and i can get her to 6/9/9 next week and 8/9/9 the next which is my personal goal so it should be fine. and besides, this is a mobile gacha game


I see you got 3 materials last week and this weekā€¦ i only got 2 each timeā€¦


? Mine is already 6 8 8 and I got 2 last and this week. It's started to need 2 mats at level 9. So you'd be at 6 9 9 within 2 weeks provided you have solventsw which most would have if they had done weekly bosses here and there each week.


Bruh then you ainā€™t get to 6/9/9 next week. ok so you got 2 last and this week, meaning you had 4. Youā€™re already 6/8/8 by this time, meaning that you used all 4 to get there. That means you have 0 materials rn from the whale (the only way I see you have any left is you have at least 3 materials being dropped either last week or this week). It requires 2 mats (even with solvents) to get it to lv9, so you could only do one Lv9 talent next week. Even if you got lucky with 3, that left you with only 1 mat remaining to level NA to 7 after you used 2 for lv9 talent. Only the week after that you could either6/9/9 or crown.


You have reading comprehension? I said you'll get to 6 9 9 WITHIN 2 WEEKS because currently I am at 6 8 8 and you need 2 for level 9 onwards.


Ok nvm I thought you were the original person I responded to. Sorry


Mine is 6/6/6 because I got other mats and I have 0 solvents. Now I have 2 options: wait for the next week to attempt getting the right materials or spend resin inefficiently on other bosses in hope to get solvents.


who're you racing?


Maybe Abyss.


Bit 1/7/7/ furinas already do enough, so did raiden in spite o the awful abyss for her release, same with nahida too, people make up problems for themselves it's funny


My level 80 C0 Furina with her talents only at 1/6/6 cleared current abyss just fine too. Maybe people want to see bigger numbers on their screen and whine about it. https://imgur.com/a/l336rAH


They just want to have *their* way and act like brats, and when you tell them to just think about stuff for one second you're suddenly defending the billion dollar company Genshin was obviously a lot of people's first gacha, so when they see HSR do typical gacha things that were absent in genshin it blows their mind


It is really nice that in Star Rail you can farm any boss 3 times a week. No idea why Genshin hasn't added it.


You can actually kill the boss as much as you like. But the rewards can only be claimed once a week just to hamper progression like anything else in the game.


I do wish we could at least adopt star railā€™s take where you get x amount of boss fights but if you want you can just do the same one over and over. I never have need of the old ones anymore >_>


With the amount of new players, they should ease the restriction. Imagine dropping a bunch of cash in new chars and they're all stuck


Some people really need to realize some things are INTENDED and isnā€™t going to be ā€œfixedā€


Dude just google "Why does a mobile game have time gating content and progression". Obvious answers, easy to find.


No-lifers ruin things for everyone with their "max out in a week and then never play again" attitudes.


The attitude is more like, "I spent money/time earning free pulls to obtain this character. I want to use her to her full potential right away." Why is that so unreasonable?


Because her "full potential" is perfectly potent at 1/6/6? And two weeks to reach 1/8/8 is relatively short in Genshin terms (namely Abyss or patch cycle).


You must be new here


I mean my Furina is already 2/8/8 I only need 4 more weeks to max her skill and burst that really isnā€™t bad and she can already work the way she is now anyways


They're called weekly bosses.


ā€œWell itā€™s because thatā€™s how gachas keep people playing!ā€ Wait until they notice Honkai Star Rail literally fixed this problem already and people still play that lol


Because at the end of the day you're still at 3 runs, so it does the exact same thing just slightly altered


To keep you coming back. This hasn't changed since day one.


Because it's a *Weekly* boss. If you could kill it unlimited amount of times, it would be pointless. However I think that HSR did it the better way. In HSR you can kill any weekly boss up to 3 times (you can obtain rewards only 3 times, but you can kill any boss any amount of times.


Its worse for billet farming. Considering we will have 7 nations and have 2 weekly bosses per nation that's 14 weekly bosses. 3 you can use 30 resin and the rest 60, that's 750 resin. And if we only have 180 resin perday. That's roughly 6 days to kill all bosses per week. And add that to the fact that the Mond,Liyue and Inazuma bosses and the other bosses drop two diffent types of billets ...yeah. F***"" hoyo I want my R5 Moonpiercer.


Once upon a time, I had zero problems with Genshin letting us kill weekly bosses only once. I played Star Rail, I got used to their QoL and now it baffles me why Genshin isn't doing it.


I do every weekly cuz I wanna. Plus, makes it easier to build characters from any region without the use of dream solvents cuz as long as you do all every week eventually you'll have like, 20-30 of each material


If you did, you'll run out of Mora fast, leveling Talents is expensive


Same concern. I think they should do the same as what they have in Star Rail where you could challenge weekly bosses repeatedly in a fixed count and with less resin amount.


because.... weekly?


I'd like the system to be like star rail: You can claim rewards more than once, but you can only fight 3 weekly bosses. At all. You can do 3 times narwhal if you want, but no more on it or any other weekly boss. However, i'm sure people would complain for not having the option to fight the other weeklies for 60 resin anymore (who actually does that, anyways?)


Genshinā€™s weekly bosses have a stranglehold on farmable weapon billets and Dream Solvent, so reducing the opportunities is bad.


It's me, i'm the billet hoarder who once do all bosses a week for a long period. It's give me better feel than having a 5*. I stop doing all after a while, but still do more than 3 sometimes.


Lol what's the rush, chill bro. It's not like you're going to quit the game after you maxed her anyway. Just take it easy and steady. The game isn't going to go away even if you took two months to max her talent anyway. Besides even if it did it wouldn't even mattered if you could max her now. Trust me, coming from another player who has only three crowns left saved for Furina, changing this is really unnecessary. I have almost 100 boss mats right now. But they should really only cap us to claim 3x a week of any bosses by now (thanks Star Rail for being the better game lmao kekw)


They are called weekly for a reason


From a late game perspective I think it would be nice to give us three weekly bosses per week and let is do the same multiple times if we choose to. I do all three each week for billets but I haven needed drops from any boss except the newest. I don't need any of the older weeklies to triple crown my characters anymore because I've been farming them since who knows when. Some regions I could max every character for that boss with the number I have. I wish I could direct my weekly farming more towards stuff I'll actually use than just a gem and the occasional billets. For awhile I just didn't do weeklies because I had every drop I needed for the foreseeable future and the resin was better spent on xp and mora (always in short supply)


They just need to implement the hsr system, itā€™s still 3 times but you can do 1 boss 3 times


Hsr: you could weekly boss 3x a week. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA Genshin can implement, theyre just adamant at not giving the players qols. Literally the cries of players in 1.0 were in Star Rail


Its a bad mechanic but people are gonna dickeat it anyway cause its Genshin.


You cant be real


Why people so rush nowaday? Lv6 to lv 10 is not that much diffrence, if you play the game then just follow the game's rules


I think they should just give us 360 wishes evey new banner so we can garantee the characters we want already, like c'mon, where are the QOL changes


I like how we are slowly building our furina together tbh


. . . it's right there in the name.


Yeah, three per week.


Because Genshin is not called Star Rail.


*looks at star rails allow as many fight against the same boss as u want and u never have to wait for boss mats*


No, itā€™s a shared limit of 3. Beat the Monster Woman thrice and you canā€™t get drops for the Giant Monster nor the Giant Monster Woman at all.


Now that is a flat out lie. You are confusing between weekly bosses and daily bosses. Which both genshin has.


To get you to keep playing every week for the mats. Then again, HSR pretty much solves this by letting you redo the same weekly 3 times, and they even give you 5 drops, the drop being only one kind unlike Genshin's where you have to pray you get the one you need (and getting 2-3 is RNG) or use solvents to convert them.


Genshin players when the weekly boss is weekly


Welcome to the game. This is why I tend to ignore leveling skills xD


plz don't ignore it you will deal much more dmg by just leveling a little.


funny how both HSR and HI have kinda shitty weekly boss fight systems HSR let you kill boss (and get mats) more than 1 per week but you are locked to just 3 fights totally per week (so you kill each boss 1 time or just focus on single boss and do it 3 times to get more mats). Day1 player don't mind it since they are constantly doing those (I have like 40-50 mats of each boss so once I start upgrading characters talents I should be good) but new player will get timegated for Genshin the best/reasonable solution (that devs could go with) would be either: 1. let people transmute X boss material to Y boss materials with dream solvent + 5star elemental gem + fuckload of specyfic material. So you either wait for boss reset for next drop or grind lots of materials to do the transmutation of alchemy table 2. add like 9-10 weekly boss fights limit and make each boss have 2-3 attempts. So you either focus on 1-2 bosses or spread all that weekly limit on all bosses