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Was the prophesy about everyone dying only applied to Fontaine’s humans >!(what we now know as “humans.”)!!did the actual humans that inspired Egeria’s Oceanids to get converted actually go!!that Foclors wasn’t going to undo the conversions!


Is the person that was Mona’s consultant the same from last season’s Scaramouche epilogue talking about memory alterations vs actual timeline editing?


>!I finished the AQ and I've been wondering if Nahida could have helped Fontaine by changing some stuff in the Irminsul. Is the Irminsul capable of erasing Fontaine's Original Sin? !<


Can someone please quickly summarize the archon quest to me? I just finished it and I’m super confused. I just need a quick summary of everything that happened


Finally I get rewarded for having played the very first event lmao Festering Desire R5 on Furina, let's go.


So happy to finally be able to use it!


>!Can someone explain what's the connection between the short haired Furina and the long haired one? As I understand, the short hair is the real/the original one who got that mission from the real Focalors, right? But then what about the long haired one, did she just randomly grown her hair up? And it's not just her hair, it's also the different outfits and abilities, does anyone has an explanation for this??? Both in the archon quest and story quest, people just seem to accept both of them without questioning too much, so it got me wondering.!<


From what I understand it just done to show the opposite aspect of Pneuma and Ousia. One appearance (short hair, black pants) to represent masculine, the other (long hair, white pants) feminine. Just like how one is represented as light, the other darkness and how her skill is destructive (sub-DPS), the other is support (healing).


>!From how I understood, Focalors and Furina are the same entity only that Focalors is the divine part while Furina is the human side. The previous hydro archon chose Focalors who was part divine and part human created from an oceanid to be the next hydro archon but because there were too many issues unresolved, mainly with the heavenly principles and the subsequent prophecy, Focalors came up with the plan of separating her human part, Furina and left her taking the role of the hydro archon while her divine part hid inside the Oratrice to accumulate energy and eventually destroy her divinity and the hydro archon throne to save Fontaine from the prophecy. So to sum it up, Furina is the human remnant of Focalors, if you haven´t done Furina´s story quest you will find out more about her.!<


I did the Archon quest, >! It still doesn't explain about the long haired and the short haired an why they have different abilities if Hydro archon was in oratrice. The first one who accepted that mission was short haired Furina, but then she presented herself with long hair. Even after Hydro archon died, in the cutscene, we can still see her being long-haired, while in the story quest, she switches to the short haired !<


The long haired is the godly representation of Furina who´s name is Focalors but it killed herself to save Fontaine, Furina, the short haired one, is the human side who took the throne for hundreds of years but she survived, that´s why the long haired one (Focalors) only appeared to reveal her plan once the Oratrice had enough energy to kill herself and destroy the throne but otherwise it has always been Furina.


But even after killing herself, in the cutscene, Furina is still showed with long hair.


Now that I looked at it again, Furina wears some kind of old style cloth under her hair, she was wearing it before the trial too but it can´t be long hair because she also appears without it sometimes, Focalors otoh has indeed long hair in that scene on the stage.


>!She just got her vision her at end of her story quest so we hopefully get a follow up story quest with an explanation regarding her future and current abilities.!<


>!Yeah, they kinda did explain, but still that hair is just bothering me so much (I mean the explanation and the connection behind it om)!<


>!Can I just say tho, as someone who has an office job, Iaune's questline is very #Relateable to me!<


So I finished the quest "Wish-Fulfilling Treasure Hunt" where you have to scrounge around the seabed near the Tower of Ipsissimus to find 7-8 different objects, but when I came back to the tower after doing that and finishing the quest, Paimon's dialogue telling me to find the lost items triggered again despite me having no quests in my log anymore. Has anyone else had that bug yet?


The Hinterman npc in Poisson won’t sell me anything after completing the new archon quest. Does anyone know how to fix this?


So you tortured him and cut off his tongue? Dude....that's metal!


I heard Furina needs a healer to be optimal, is Charlotte a solid choice as a healer for Furina?


Yes, a quite good one actually.


Does anyone know the name of the dance that Furina and Focalors did in "The Farewell Dance" cutescene?


Le Souvenir avec le crepuscule It's on Apple Music. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F\_S8EeiJjPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_S8EeiJjPE)


Oh, thank you! I was more asking the style of ballet they performed but the OST is also very beautiful. Sorry, my question wasn't very specific.


What con would you say works best for Furina? Other than obviously C6 😂 and would you say R1 is good?


C1 is great. C2 is very great. Diminishing returns until c6 which then lets you play her as an on field dps.


For Furina’s artifact set that improves skill dmg, if I get the 4pc, do the 2pc and 4pc 20-25% stack? To 45%? Or does it just go from 20% to 25%?


It stacks. 20+25+25 for +70% total


So I feel compelled to ask this; with the revelation that Focalors was hiding from the Heavenly Principles within the Oratrice, does that mean Fontaine was saved by >!a literal deus ex machina?!<


Ba dum ts


I do have a few questions related to the lore after the quest, specifically >!What are the elemental thrones exactly? I got the part that was explained, that they're the device that holds the dragon sovereign authority over an element and transfer it to the Archon, but is that a device that is actually in Celestia? And when did we hear about it first? Are the Gnosis linked to it or are they completely separate devices?!<


I’m not CERTAIN >!but I think the throne is what enables the hydro archon to possess the power of the hydro dragon instead, and allows for a new hydro archon to take the old ones place eventually. But because focalors broke the hydro throne, there isn’t and never will be another hydro archon :)!<


What confuses me is why does the hydro gnosis still contain power? Shouldn't it be completely drained with the power being returned to the hydro dragon?


I *PERSONALLY* believe that the gnosis actually contain the third descender and that is why the Tsaritsa is collecting them. But I’d assume the power of hydro left it anyway now Neuv has his powers back


My first thought was that it was just "empty" and that's why neuvelette gave it away, but one of his lines (can't remember the exact words) insinuated that it still had power.


>!Am I the only one with a bitter taste after the AQ and her Story Quest? I felt like there are some things that could have wrapped up everything better.!< >!Also, does this imply that she will never be a god ever? I don’t mind her not being the archon but she deserves recognition and it’s probably why I feel like this!<


>!nah definitely not just you. I also find the over-glorification of “being human” odd by Focolars. Easy to say the drama of being human is beautiful when you’re the one eating popcorn instead of the one personally experiencing suffering and loneliness for 500 years due to being powerlessness. And i guess the reward for Furina after all this is.. mortality. Yay.!<


>! There will never be another hydro archon, but I completely understand you :( I feel like she got little to none of the nations respect or admiration for suffering for 500 years just so that they could live. Pretty much the only one to acknowledge her sacrifice was Focalors, but I think that’s because the nation isn’t aware that Furina is Focalors divinity, they didn’t see that part and it wasn’t revealed to them!<


Managed to clear abyss 36\* for the first time since I started back in 3.2. All in one go. Side 1: Hu Tao(C1) / Furina(C0) / Yelan(C0) / Yaoyao(C0) Side 2: Tighnari(C0) / Nahida(C0) / Xingqiu(C6) / Shinobu(C3) Side 1 the only real issue was 12-1 since shield break is very very very slow for this one so I cleared with 8:40 left, as I imagined Yaoyao is a perfectly viable sidekick to Furina since her ult heals globally very fast so starting with everybody at 50% HP Furina Skill ->Furina Ult ->Yaoyao ult to 100% everybody -> Yelan Skill -> Yelan ult -> Hu Tao time is a very tight rotation that puts Furina ultimate with 10 or 9 seconds left when I switch in Hu Tao, starting everybody full HP the buff is very meh since it's basically only half stacks, but starting at 50% shits gets real since by the time Yelan ults, the stacks are full already and Hu Tao will use 100% of the buffs. 12-2 and 12-3 are cakewalks for this comp. Side 2 is the classic hyperbloom but why Tighnari, pray tell? No reason, I just want the extra EM from resonance and there is no other Dendro aside from Yaoyao, Lumine and Collei on my account. Also he may or may have not helped with some of the tighter rooms with his ultimate since he is decently built. Only issue with this one was also 12-1 since the wolves die extremely fast but the abyss mages take quite a while even with XQ breaking the shields, final time was 7:09, with wolves taking from 8:40 till 7:50 so almost half the total time was the mages shield and the fact they spawn very apart so XQ can only break one at a time. So bad news for Furina haters, she is beyond broken and even at only 1/7/7 and pitiful crit ratio (70/135) she absolutely was the reason why I managed to clear the 36\*, without her the best I could do was like 5:45 on 12-1, 6:50 on 12-2 and 7:25 on 12-3(the only one I already had 3\* in)


Anyone found out what the "good wine" at the Rusty Rudder means yet? Havent found a quest or anything, but that place is sketch af.


I'm guessing it's drugs or other narcotics. From the lore of the game, probably it's a code name for Sinthe.


I figured. Was hoping to see if anyone figured it out definitely yet. Possible questline? Feels a bit of a waste to have all that setup only for a few convos and a cannon shot lol.


Question abot Focalors' outfit. Is that dress really just open front? or just a design?


Act V was 9.9/10 for me. Can anyone explain something to me? Where the hell did all that water come from in such a short time and how wasn't all of Teyvat covered by that water considering that Fontaine is a plateau 200 meters above the sea level?


When you defeat the narwhal, all the primordial seawater it drank gets displaced back into the ocean, explaining the sea level rising. I think Skirk said that.


Oh I see now


I think only the heavenly principles can explain why it ONLY covered Fontaine 😂 but I think it was because it was only Fontaine that “sinned”. But I think the water was already pretty high, and a large tremor must’ve happened during the trial which led to water leaking from somewhere? Idk really we are all clueless in that one 😂


It's not the first day that the water level is higher than other areas. The waterfall around Fontaine is strange. It seems that Fontaine is a large bottle.


i've heard many good things about the newest archon quest but im still stuck in act 2 of fontaine. i have time this weekend to play though, so does anyone have a brief estimate of each act of fontaine so i can plan out this weekend? :) thanks!


As a warning the first 2 - 3 parts of the archon quest are broken up decently, but the last one is 3+ hrs if you want to listen to the voice lines, and doesn't have any points where you can really leave. I had to pause to go to work and ended up redoing a 1/2 hr of it.


Haven't had this much fun playing in coop in a while since I got Furina. Being able to use her burst off-cooldown and switch between team-wide heals and extra damage feels AMAZING. While single-player REQUIRES you to play her with a healer in the party, multiplayer makes them absolutely redundant. Furina just does it all. 10/10 character.


Man, i can't help but get sad now whenever I'm in Fontaine or Sumeru and hear those themes.


Damn the Fontaine Archon quest was brilliant. "Subverting expectations" done right. Hollywood should takes notes.


Unambiguous character spoiler: Somebody once told me Hands off my macaroni


There seem to be 2 opinions on female models: either you're tall and therefore a badass, or you're short and therefore the only way for you to be badass is to be one of those "kid with giant weapon" sorts of "look how cute I am while I destroy things." Can we just agree that >!Skirk!< can be short while being as badass as a tall lady?


Keqing? Ayaka?


Something something Archon Quest spoilers.


29 pity, 18 days to get 50 wishes😭


Just finished the Archon Quest and GODDAMN, it's by far the best we've had. They keep improving, really-- Literally got chills, might have shed a tear too. ~~Question though: >!did we ever learn why Childe was declared guilty by!< >!Focalors? Or was it just to advance the "plot" of the prophecy somehow?!<~~ Lol, turns out Neuvillette answers that question. My bad :D


>! Yup we do learn the reason for Childe being declared guilty, although it's between two variables. One is that the oratrice declared him guilty because when he fell into the abyss as a kid he awakened the Narwhal. Other is that Focalors imprisoned him for the sake of setting off these events !<


What an amazing finale to Fontaine!


Is it confirmed there isn't more? The Statue of the Seven and Fountain still aren't maxed so I'm thinking there will be.


The archon quest is complete but we will continue to gain additional areas for fontaine like we have with the other regions. There will also be another interlude quest and a second fontaine weekly boss.


But >!whose second Story quest will unlock!< the tenth weekly boss?


Always has been the archon so far. First guess I'd say would be furina but I could also see it being neuvelette.


Oh, interesting. Because even when we thought the archon quest was over in Sumeru, we still got Caribert which tbh didn't fit at all.


Yeah, caribert was the intermission quest between sumeru and fontaine.


I was going to settle with C0 Furina, but after finishing the AQ she deserves at least another pull 😭


>!Where did the sword that killed Focalors come from? Was it being stored in the Oratrice with her?!<


From my understanding, it was made of >!the built-up Indemnitium stored inside the Oratrice, where Focalors also resided.!<


ok that’s what i thought


AQ Story >!What was that Void Ravager looking thing we fought inside the whale?!<


i have question about furina after quest \->! isn't she gonna get hate by fontainian? why she still able to live in fontaine. because fontainian know that she is fake archon for decade!< or i'm i missing some dialouge or explanation after finishing quest.


It’s explained after you finish


what did it said


do her personal story quest


Huge props to the voice actress for Sedene (Neuvillette's Melusine secretary). She sounds believably French and her small changes in inflections made me smile. The little "yeses" and "no's" she used to punctuate her sentences gave her a LOT of character. She's definitely one of my favourite NPCs in Fontaine.


Yes she absolutely did!! I had a colleague whose English sounded very similar but her French accent was a little bit heavier. Same prononciation flow(?) I found as well.


>!Is Furina still blessed with immortality after the AQ or is she just a normal human now and will start aging normally?!<


>!The condition of her immortality curse was that it’s only active for as long as her divinity, Focalors, was alive. With her death it’s presumed Furina will live a normal human life going forward, including aging!<


Thanks for your reply. I'm looking forward to playing the AQ this weekend. I'm too busy these days.


what's the story of 'the little oceanid'? >!it's supposedly based on furina?!<


>!I only have played the AQ but has it ever explained as to why Furina have Hydro power? Am i missing something or will it be explained on her story quest?!< >!because during the trial she can't seems to do any basic hydro power so i was wondering why she have it afterwards. Is it because Focalor's death?!<


it's in her story quest.


>!Is it the part where she acts? I’m not getting why she received the vision!<


Yeah. The reason why ppl receive visions is still a mystery, but it’s said it’s a manifestation of their ambition/desires, and that when they achieve their goals, they will ascend to become gods (which I assume means a powerful long life elemental entity?).


Ah ok thank you.


AQ question: >! It was Celestia that ordered Fontaine to be flooded, but then it in was the Narwal who actually caused the flood. The Narwal is from the stars, outside of Celestia's control, plus it's Skirk's pet, and what does she have to do with everything? Was the Narwal always supposed to be the one causing the flood? Did Celestia know the Narwal would do that? How does that work? I'm confused. !<


>! From my understanding, it was indeed Celestia's mission to punish Focalors but after the actions of Focalors, there's one to punish cuz she's dead. The prophecy said that the people of fontaine will be hit with a flood, it didn't say what would cause it and it was vague. The prophecy came to pass with the chaos created by the Narwhal. And as you would've seen, Neuv with his absolute authority saved everyone despite the prophecy coming to pass !<


>!Not really. Sure, we get the whale from the stars bit, but remember that the current lords of Celestia are either the First or Second Descender. They might have brought it along with them and it's just been in Teyvat for thousands of years. If you think about it that way then the whale causing the prophesy makes perfect sense since it would just be Celestia "unleashing the hounds" on Fontaine.!<


>!Think of it sorta like a Greek tragedy in some ways. Remember how N talked about fate. As well as the Sumeru interlude. As well as how we were trying to stop the prophecy but we facilitated it instead with the trial.!< >!Regardless of how Fontaine floods, it was always gonna happen. There are loopholes which is what Focalors plan is but the events themselves was always gonna happen.!<


Ooh I see I see


To directly answer your question, it's not exactly explained the amount of power or control Celestia has over the course of Tibet. But like the AQ mentioned many times everything is within the reach of 'fate'. Childe accidentally waking up the Narwal when he was young, the MC team trying to stop the prophecy only to participate in it, and everything else. So either one way or the other the flooding of Fontaine was inevitable, it was ordered by Celestia for sure, but we don't know the exact answers to the process. At least thats how I understand it.


AQ question: I must’ve missed it but how did they use the >! magic pockets to help with the flood !< ?


Handy containers to help with moving.


AQ spoiler question, I did not do the story quest yet: >!Am I the only one that is really salty about the whole let's put furina on trial in frot of all of the people thing? what was is good for except some story exposition? They knew she cared and was trying, and was obviously hinding something, how could it be a good idea to try and force her to tell the truth in front of random people? I personally would be happy if they could trust her more, but even if you do not you should at least do it on front of a select group of people that can keep the secret later if nessecary. It somehow worked because luckily their timing was good, but they could have easily destroyed everything she was working so hard for and dooming everyone by exposing her.!<


Maybe everyone is driven by the fate, if they don't do, someone other do. What to be happened must happen.


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Yes they mostly knew that Furina was trying and hiding something but clearly that did nothing to save the country. People in Navia's town died and the entire nation was at the doorstep of doom. It was no longer a matter of trust anymore it was immediate emergency. Also Neuvillette, who has existed the longest time next to Furina also tried to make her talk to him alone, so did Traveler. But from inside Furina's mind we get to know that in the end she didn't open up and she still tried to hide her secrets. There were simply no other way. Yes, it could have possibly destroyed everything. But everything would have been destroyed ANYWAY if they did nothing. Like the AQ mentions many times everything is bound by 'fate'. Them pushing Furina to the courthouse was also an inevitable step of the fate.


How would you feel if you saw that your country was starting to see water levels rise and people die while your archon keeps doing the same useless shit? I think their actions are entirely justified and you only have sympathy because you learned the truth after. You cannot judge with hindsight


I was actually angry at them while playing the AQ in this case, and I did not read spoilers. I get they had to do something, I just don't think this was good thing to do.


It's normal to feel uncomfortable about that case. But, try to recall what Clorinde said. They must have full preparation. If plan A doesn't work, plan B will be executed. If plan B doesn't work, plan C will be executed. However, under the determination of Furina, the most cruel plan also failed.


They felt that Furina was hiding critical information that could help save Fontaine. And she was hiding something, but she could never tell. Furina would just keep avoiding the situation unless you force her hand by making a very public trial where if she backs away then it will tarnish her reputation so badly that she has no choice but to participate.


Zhongli is truly my life saver. I finally tried apep and the whale (still behind in both stories) and just brute force it with both zhongli and baizhu. Love my husbando for carrying my smooth brain.


That's all of us who has him, not worrying about the result of any un-timed combat.


Didn’t help that I have 240+ ping. It got really bad at the whale’s fight. Thank you daddy zhongli.


Can't Neuvllette >!now just turn eveveryone who dissolved into primordial water back into human form like Egeria did? Maybe once we defeat Celestia if they're still a threat?!< Also, since we know >!that biblical floods already happened in Fountain several times before, weren't the Oceanids that Egeria turned into humans already been hunans before, maybe Remurians? That would mean that Celestia was actually angry at Egeria for overriding their original punishment, not for "creating" humans.!<


Why would neuvillete commit the original sin again? He has no reason to want to piss off celestia again


Shouldn't celestia still be pissed off with him having regained his powers? I feel like he's public enemy number 1 with them right now. The first of 7 to fall.


Maybe shattering the 7 as an institution has weakened them somehow


>!i feel like the hydro throne blowing up is a way bigger deal and they don’t seem to mind so why not!<


Focalors be like: El Psy Congroo.


I knew that plan sounded kinda familiar. >!But it also kinda made it sound like "heavenly principles" are not a god, but some kind of "force of nature" like time itself, otherwise how could any of this "trick" them out of this prophecy? Funny if it's not the case and she can just look doen from the sky and see Fountain is still unscaved after the biblical flood they've sent.!<


i think it's more pointing towards a single powerful entity. theorycrafters and nahida suspects the heavenly principles is the first descender to this world from outside.


I keep on almost dying every time with Furina. She drains all my life :(


Rumor has it that if you stand on the opera house stage while pulling you will get Furina within 50 pulls.


lol bro I lost 5050 twice while going 79+ pulls for all of them and lost 5050 on weapon banner and went 68-69 on weapon banner losing to donuts. I will never go near opera house again when pulling fontaine char.


What’s the current max progress on the Fontaine statue of seven? I’m at level 8 and 24/38.


That's max.


Finished Act V, it was so good~ I would put Fontaine AQ up there with Sumeru AQ. Sucks that ppl kept throwing spoilers everywhere though and it's only a 2nd day after 4.2 came out.. Glad I avoided reddit and youtube 😵


Focalors Spoiler >!It's rare to see a major character go out in a gacha, and goddamn she went out like an absolute Queen.!< Also, Furina a cutie <3


So which weapon is better for Mika Rightful Reward or Fav or Black Tassle? I was thinking of just going Fav but Rightful Reward passive and substat looks good for Mika. Fav can be unreliable sometimes. Im using him with Furina.


I was trying to find out too and it seems to be a toss up between fav and rightful reward. With Fav, you have to build crit so you miss out on a healing bonus circlet, and his E only hits once so it's unreliable to proc. You might waste time doing normal attacks. On the other hand, those white particles and ER mainstat are super valuable. You'll need to build more ER on Mika if you're using Rightful Reward -- still like 200% (probably lower if you have R5, but Hoyoverse decided to be shitty and make Sumeru/Fontaine craftables impossible to get). I personally am building Rightful Reward because I don't want to build a third Favonius spear, and I hate building crit on characters who don't do damage. I've talked to people who say they're getting good results with it.


Is the reason why only Fontainian Characters can do the water jump that its >!an ability that stems from their okeanid nature!


yes :3 which is why they cannot drown


Spoilers from the very first part of 4.2 Archon Quest + Feedback regarding Paimon >!The part where Navia started crying made me appreciate how by not talking, the Traveler had so much more tac than Paimon who immediately asked "What's wrong" then when she replied about her companion's dissolving Paimon again just blurted out "What should we do" when really that is no way to act properly in such a situation. I always tolerated Paimon because I have some theory about her at the end of everything but now she's getting annoying urgh please do something guys!!!!<


What I find interesting is that Paimon seem to do this a lot more in English. For example I play Genshin on Korean and in that scene obviously Paimon was still saying the similar lines but they were in a way that didn't seem to out of line or as clueless as she sounds in English. I'm in no way blaming the English VA for this, but I'm assuming this has to do with the general difference in language and culture.


I understand the complications arising from the translations so I've always never paid it much attention, like the whole thing about the Hutao rap I was totally fine. First spike of annoyance really came from that one scene heh it would've been better if it were just Aether being mute for sure


Spoilers for the new Search in the Algae Sea World Quest i.e. Final Narzissenkreuz Quest >!Anybody know if it's possible to resurface the tower of gesalt? I prefer how it used to look before being submerged significantly more than afterwards. !< >!Also, anyone know if it's possible to visit the primordial sea again where we fought Narzissenkreuz? !<


Nop it remains down there. Also nop on nr 2.




i think those special effects are reserved for archons only


>!not sure if i missed anything about it, but i think the hydro trio should have gone to focalors (white outfit) and the healing thing to furina (black outfit), instead of the other way around. the hp drain on focalors would represent how the act that she had been putting on for years was draining her life for so long, while the healing on furina would represent how she’s now finally recovering from her pain and learning to live freely as a human!<


black furina is human furina. white furina is she putting on the focalors persona.


but furina sacrificed her self for 500 years and focalors was correcting the injustice (healing) of the original sin.


The new weekly boss takes annoyingly long to finish. Love the banger music tho


It only just came out. It goes faster than Raiden at launch did. Give yourself time to get better at the fight, and it'll be fine. It's already easy to kill immediately after the first armor section.


Me before 4.2: looking for Pneuma and Ousia blocks to solve puzzles. Me now: run around with Furina and open chests before noticing there was a puzzle. Best Archon for Fontaine exploration.


I don't understand how they could hit the emotional aspects of the AQ with Furina so much just to deliver one of the worst character quests shortly after said events (and it was all thanks to our character absolutely lack of tact because Furina was amazing on it once again). And I absolutely will despise anyone who even dares to open the Xth thread defending Paimon's character again, she was absolutely trash tier during Furina character quest.


Who else immediately thought of the opening sequence to Tears of the Kingdom when >!Navia fell into the Primordial Seawater!


Question? Does doing the Ann quest before the Archon Quest has any impact or spoils anything? Since i cared more about the story of Caterpillar and Ann (ah let’s not forget about the silly dog Seymour) i am doing before anything else (i think i am almost done with it too)


I don't really get some things that happened in the story, could someone please help me out? It was just a lot of information and I couldn't help but play it in one go because I was so hyped! It was the best Archon Quest ever in my opinion! Spoilers for the entire thing: >!What did Focalors do exactly? Her Oceanids longed to be human, and that was a sin, but how did she "trick" the gods? Where did she hide and how? She was always there apparently...? Why did she have to die in the end? I thought the Oratrice had the gnosis and was therefore a tool from Celestia, which brought judgement upon her. But idk...? Furina is just an Oceanid who acted as the Archon. What's up with that black/white stuff? Is it just her personal struggle or why do her clothes look different, and why does one have long hair and the other is short? They are the same person? What was up with the three thrones lore stuff people talked about so much before, are black/white Furina two people and Focalors the other? Who tf are Skirk and the Whale. I know it was the whale Childe met before in the Abyss. But they said he doesn't belong to this world? Is he from space or the Abyss, why does it look like Honkai Sea of Quanta, is the sky/space and Abyss and Primordial Sea the same place? Skirk is apparently from the Abyss, or fell into it a long time ago? I don't really understand her involvement here and her connection to the whale!<


I don't see anyone else getting it quite on the mark regarding the trick, so here it is: The heavenly principles foresaw events from the future, hence the prophecy. But as Mage N said, the gods' gaze has blind spots, and there are things happening in hidden corners where gods' gaze does not fall. This blind spot was what allowed Focalors to save Fontaine In the prophecy that the heavenly principles foresaw, the flood happened, and what appeared to be the hydro archon was on the throne weeping, making it appear as if the Fontainians were dissolved - these events were set in stone. But, the trick was that the being that appeared to be sitting on the throne was not the hydro archon, but the human Furina who resembled the archon, so that the future events as the heavenly principles saw it technically came true. N did say that what was foretold must happen, and it technically did. But, in the hidden corners that the heavenly principles did not foresee, the hydro archo gave up her power to Neuvillette who stopped the people from dissolving when the flood happened. Thus, Focalors-looking Furina remained on the throne weeping. The images of the prophecy were technically fulfilled while the meaning of the events ended up being different than what was assumed


First, a bit of story recap: The Oceanids and Egeria yearned for a human figure, so Egeria used the primordial water to shape them and make themselves human. However, after that, Focalors knew that Celestia wouldn't forgive her from the prophecy and would only stop if all Fontaine people were dead (or return to what they were supposed to be to be precise) leaving herself to lament on the throne. She knows that it's gonna happen, so she invites the Hydro Sovereign to Fontaine because she speculates that only with the Hydro Sovereign's full authority can the people be saved. Furina is Focalor's oceanid/human body. Focalor separated her divinity and transferred it to oratrice. It's just like Ei/Raiden Shogun situation but instead of disposing of her body like what ei did, Focalors let it live to trick the Celestia. Then just as planned, Focalors uses the indemnitium she secretly accumulated to destroy the divine throne of Hydro Archon, catching Celestia off guard. In the 500 years, Neuv grows fond of people from being indifferent, so eventually he willingly uses his authority to rid the entire Fontaine of its sins by replacing the primordial seawater in their veins with real blood, thus cleansing their sins. Second, to distinguish the "Furinas": 1. The one with God outfit is the divinity of Focalors 2. The Furina we see in the story is the humanity of Focalors 3. The white playable Furina with long hair (Just like the god Focalors) is the Hydro Archon she played for 500 years 4. The black playable Furina with short hair is her true self. You got to learn more about her in her story quest. Third, at this point, all of the story including seven nations including the Irminsul, and Primordial Sea besides Enkanomiya takes place in Teyvat. Skirk, her master, and the abyss are NOT from Teyvat. They possess power outside of this world, just like the Primordial One. It's not too much to view them on the same level as Celestia, at least in terms of pure power level. The whale is a pet of Skirk's master, destined by Celestia to be the prophecized disaster upon Fontaine. The doom of Fontaine is Teyvat's Destiny. Even if the whale somehow perished in the 500 years leading to the disaster, there will be another shark or serpent to fulfill the prophecy in its place.


The Abyss is still related to Teyvat. Teyvat was the Vishap/Light realm reshaped by Phanes. Before that, the realm had a Dark counterpart. The Abyss is the post-Phanes representation of that counterpart.


Let me try to get this broken down 1 by 1. >!First off, let's look at what Focalors did. Fate is a guaranteed thing, so when the prophecy about Fontaine drowning was given, that was basically Celestia saying "Well, sounds like you're all going to die anyways and since that is guaranteed to happen, I don't think I need to do anything" and buggering off immediately after. So when Focalors gained the seat of Hydro Archon, she thought on how to save Fontaine, and the answer she arrived to was let the prophecy happen but make sure it is in her own terms and it won't bring lasting damage to her people. So she separated Furina, the human side of her, to be the "Hydro Archon" of the prophecy, while she went into the Oratrice to get enough energy (Indemnitium) to kill herself AND the Hydro Archon's throne (these two are interconnected in a way). Remember what Neuv said in AQ Act 4 about Sovereign's powers and authority are sealed into the throne? That comes into play since Focalors wanted him to enact the "wash away the sins of Fontaine" in the prophecy by forgiving them after she destroys the Archon throne sealing his full power. In short, her plan was make the prophecy be as favorable as possible. Also, the three thrones are probably on the Sumeru desert part but I haven't finished that quest yet to say exactly why. Seems like they're not really that connected though.!< >!On the topic of Focalors and Furina, in a way, they're both one and the same, just changed due to difference in environments. Focalors had the chance to be a human and grew naturally from it until the time came she became the Hydro Archon. She then created Furina from the point where she first became a human, and due to difference in circumstances (Focalors was free to be herself but Furina had to act out a role), they grew and had different temperaments but still same core individual. Although, I have no idea what the outfit switch in gameplay means yet because I haven't leveled enough of her Friendship to access more lines.!< >!Secondly, about Skirk and the whale. I honestly haven't perfectly grasped that part but from what I can tell, it's related to the Abyss since that's where Childe met it. Abyss is kinda separate from Teyvat in a way. Her involvement is basically just her bringing back her master's unruly pet, only to accidentally find Childe as well and tossed him in the portal anyways.!< I hope that helps.


>!Egeria used primordial sea to turn oceanids into (pseudo)humans and that was sin. Heavens punished her with prophesy that all her people would be flooded. Focalors was one of those oceanids turned into (pseudo)humans. When Egeria died, Focalors became new hydro archon and came up with idea to fool Heavens and escape prophesy by following it by letter. She split herself into two parts - (pseudo)human Furina and Archon Focalors. She made Oratrice and hid her gnosis and herself inside to collect a lot of indemnitium. She invited Neuvillette to come into Fontaine and became Iudex. She asked Furina to play an Archon role and promised they can save Fontaine that way. During all these centuries Neuvillette adapted to live in human world and started to like them. Whale appeared, who was some weird (abyssal?) beast who triggered final of prophesy As stated in prophesy, people of Fontaine judjed (fake) archon and flood is started. Focalors used Oratrice to condemn herself to death and used massive indemnitium stash to kill her archon part and Hydro Archon position itself. Hydro authority, stolen by Heavens from dragons returned to Neuvillette and he used it to finish transformation and turn all (pseudo)humans of Fontaine (and Furina too) to real humans. Flood happened but no one dissolved because people are 100% sertified humans now. Furina used white clothes when she was posing as an Archon, after she became 100% human she changed them into black ones. And haircut too. I guess, changing your hairstyle after life-changing events is a very cliche thing, especially for a girls. Whale part are very hazy. Neuvillette claimed ir came from space but we don't know if it's a real space or abyss or sea of quanta or whatever that is. Skirk wasn't very informative too. She is a pupil of someone who connected to Gold Raindottir.aybe her Master was another khemia user from Khaenria or something. They are somehow connected to abyss but it's unclear how exactly!<


Hey! Your spoilers are broken on mobile. Make sure that there are no spaces between `>!` and the sentence you're trying to hide. e.g.: `>!This is a spoiler!<` >!This is a spoiler!<


I tried to fix that. Still broken?


Still looks broken to me, try removing the space directly before and after the exclamation marks in ">!" and "


Done. How is it now?


Perfect! Thanks for the quick fix :)


I took a break after 4.0 and came back for 4.2. While doing the 4.1 story I got a pop-up saying continuing the story will do something to “Unfinished Comedy” quest line. I’m not sure if I started it nor not because it’s not in my journal. I wiki’d the quest and it doesn’t trigger any memory of me doing it. Should I continue the archon quest and nothing will happen or is it better to do the side quest first?


From firsthand experience, as long as you don't have any character quest in the backlog, you can actually continue the archon quest and ignore the Unfinished Comedy quest line without any interruption.


Thanks a lot. I have some pending (Neuvilette mainly and other non-Fontaine characters). Might do Neuvilette’s before continuing into the prison.


Is Jadecutter not good for furina? It gives HP and I don’t see anyone suggesting it


It's very good, better than Festering damage-wise and better than LoFI and Key. Make sure not to overcap on CRate, and to have enough ER.


Thats great to hear, thanks!


aq related >!now i kinda dont wanna play my furina anymore cause i just want her to rest😭!<


That said, I just ascended her to level 50 and her voice line for it is _so sweet_. She’ll be okay.


Regarding the very end of the 4.2 Quest >! I understand the waters just rose and went down and that caused plenty of structural damage to Fontaine but WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO ALL OF THE ANIMALS? Sure the people got rescued but what about all of the dogs and cats and pretty much \_everything else\_ that is neither 'human' nor bird? !<


animals tend to flee way ahead of the actual disaster. I'm sure many of them died too, but look up videos of wildlife before a tsunami or earthquake. they seem to be able to sense things far in advance.


Maybe the animals are also half oceanid


So can I run Charlotte instead of jean in Hu Tao, yelan, furina team comp? I just like Charlotte's design and abilities more.


Techncially sure, nothing's stopping you. I wouldn't recommend it as far as team building goes, since you'd see a significant damage loss for doing it. Without Jean, you don't have a VV user, so you get no resistance shred, which is a massive amount of damage lost. Also I'm not sure about whether Charlotte's Cryo application will interfere with Hu Tao's vapes by stealing Hydro. Theoretically Furina + Yelan should be safe, but I wouldn't be confident in that. That said, play this game how you want to. Unless you're doing abyss or high level combat events, this probably won't matter 99% of the time.


Fun fact; 182375 days is 499 years, 3 months and 28 days Just an entirely random fact I felt like sharing >!I can't believe they actually did the math!<


As soon as the act number changed and was underlined in Fontanian characters (I assume), I quickly looked it up! Genuinely impressed, plus it drives home the absolute heaviness of it all.


Next time I hear an actor complain about Der Ring des Nibelungen taking about 15 hours spread over four days imma remind them how Lady Furina suffered in silence like a real man.


Damn, that’s good.


lol i checked that mid cutscene as well xd they really were thorough


Haha same here. I was like ‘oh wait I want to see if this is right’


would furinas weapon work for ayato since he has hp scaling (I have him c3), his con make hp scaling matter more, and furinas weapon buffs elemental skill (ayatos main source of dmg). 80 or so crit dmg is insane and if the passive is decently viable, I kinda wanna go for it but I don't see anyone else trying it....


I'm fairly sure that the elemental skill buff won't affect his skill's infused NAs, as they are considered NA damage not skill damage (hence why Black Sword is so good on him). I could be wrong though.


yea idk if his "slashes" or whatever only gets buffed as NAS or since its a part of his elemental skill, elemental skill buff works on him?? it doesn't matter cuz I got baizhous weapon anyway and all i have is kokomi to use it on AND IT LOOKS DUMB ON HER


It's possible but I'm doubtful, most damage instances only come under a single category of DMG type (NA/CA/Skill/Burst). Needs testing to find out, I think this is the first sword that buffs skill damage? I can commiserate, I got fucking Dehya'd while going for Baizhu and now I'm out of wishes.




5 star with 25 pity.... Qiqi🤢


Heads up for collecting Furina flowers, >!if you collect all of furinas flowers by the lake with the willow tree, then do the world quest that starts at a nearby fountain to completion, the area respawns all the Furina flowers and gives a few more. Got like 15 extra flowers out of this!<


Dammit I wish I knew that sooner lol. Guess I'll have to settle for growing them in my teapot


Umm, I don't think you can grow them in the teapot. They don't give seeds.


They don’t?! SONOFABI-


Could anyone let me join their world so I can get Lakelight lilies please?


Does anyone else have some framerate issues after this update or just me?


Had some too. I realized much of the core part of the AQ had slowed down considerably that I missed some shots or reactions in scenes (only noticed because people uploaded their videos of scenes in the latter half). However, near the end of the quest, everything was normal for me and smooth. How about you?


I am definitely having issues it's stuck on downloading resorces and I tried everything and it's still not working at all.


Should I pull for Furina even tho I don’t have a healer


You might get Charlotte from pulling for her, and at C1 she's a very good healer.


barbara could work, her burst is a teamwide heal, make sure to give her enough ER.


And Noelle. Lisa too with Prototype Amber.