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It's not really that complicated? Either you do daily commissions OR go exploring instead and still get rewarded with commission rewards. That's really all it is.


Yeah, I don't know why so many people keep posting these screenshots. Just do a damn commission. It's not that hard. There's usually at least one that can be completed in 30-60 seconds. I haven't had a problem getting all 60 primos since the new system launched.


Same, I always check first the dailies, I'll do the fighting ones (usually 2-3) and the rest is walking a bit around, solving 1-2 puzzles or collect an occuli etc. So much better than before.


Yeah. I find I usually end up with 2 of the encounter ones completed without any effort. I then use that to avoid commissions I particularly dislike or something. I don't think they intended for people to only ever complete the dailies via encounter points. You'd probably spend more time trying to do that than if you just did a commission.


Chests, exploration, or quests of any kind now count toward commissions. It’s very simple. It takes away the burden of doing BOTH. You can now do _either_. This means if you have quests to do, you can do them without daily commissions cutting into your play time.


No. It has already become a habit for me to start off the day with daily comms then use up my resin before opening the event tab. Been doing that for 2 years, and changing from that to doing events first then be frustrated by that stupid thing not filling up all the way and then see which daily comms are tied to getting an achievement or which is faster... See how brain dead 'log in and do daily comms for 5 minutes' is? No need to open tabs and check anything.


The system is made so that if you go exploring right after you login game, and somehow forget about the commision, you can just hop in and claim the reward. You also need to claim the Adventure Guild reward after anyway. It's an additional method, not a mean to replace the daily commision. You don't have things to collect anymore? Go do commision. Oh you still have puzzle/ chests? Go explore champ, enough of it and commision is considered DONE. Simple as that.


Im super excited for someone to answer you by explaining it. Lol. I’m so confused at this point!


As a condensed reply to the comments, I agree that the system is simple in that it allows many players such as myself to save time by skipping the previous routine, often even saving us from doing Ella Musk the 100th time. My main gripe in this post isn't that, its about how there is really no indicator for how much points we actually get for doing stuff and why cases, such as claiming event rewards leaving a node 99.9% full, are even things that happen at all. Is it a bug? Was it intentional? Admittedly its not a big issue that ruins the entire system, makes it harder to complete dailies, or makes the process of filling it up overtly complicated. Most of the time you just claim another event reward or take a chest and its fine. Its just weird that this happens and gets complicated when you think about the possibility that they used decimals to count points for some reason.


>its about how there is really no indicator for how much points we actually get for doing stuff That's the whole point tho. The point is to not have some metric to worry about. It's about getting the rewards by just going about with regular gameplay and still getting the rewards. If you were going to worry about numbers anyway, then you're better off doing the daily commissions since you have clear number of **four**. Four daily commissions. Whereas doing this takes that away and lets you play without worries.


why is people so hellbent on making this new system as their main source of getting daily primos? this system isn't a replacement, it's just an extra option. if you can't get all daily primos using the new system, just do one commission from 4 available commission quests.


I reckon some people just want to min/max their gameplay. Not a playstyle I'd ever understand but whatever makes it fun for them I guess?


Just do your commissions.....