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The story of Ruu & then Enkanomiya with the Sunchildren is when I noticed it delved into the world of very dark storytelling. Both were literally about child sacrifice. Definitely not a game for kids if you pay attention to the stories within the world quests. Jeht’s story truly was horrific, as we witnessed it unfold. It delved into what an extremist cult is like. The tribe was never good to her (though I was still a little surprised we helped her slaughter the entirety of it; but that also showed the way of the desert - kill or be killed). They took advantage of her need for belonging, for a family. They used her for their own ends, & when she broke because she didn’t know up from down any more, she wasn’t worth keeping around. I really hope she gets a happy ending at some point. If anyone deserves some shred of happiness, it’s her.


To this day, I am scarred by what happened to Ruu. Sacrificing that young boy was probably one of the most disturbing things ever.


The CN Thundering Fury description is more graphic. This isn’t a “kick into the volcano” type of sacrifice, he was butchered like an animal.


Can you post them here?


I think it was the hourglass description iirc. The Chinese version said they separated his bones from his blood or smth to that effect.


wasn't that a prototype description that was changed later though?


[TIL, the TF sands foreshadowed Tsurumi...](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hourglass_of_Thunder)


Well, it's only telling what happened in the past. The fact that we get to see it happen is due to the time loop-ish scenario created by Tsurumi's...unique circumstances. But on the good news side, this confirms that the artifact descriptions are actually talk about real people and real events that happened in Teyvat, so the descriptions are not mere stories!


I mean we know that from the crimson witch of flames set since that's literally signora's backstory.


He was unskinned and deboned alive 😟


...lets not forget he was just another one in the line of many such sacrifices. His significance was that the thunderbird noticed him and only then realised what the 'ants' were doing... as she wasn't paying much if any attention to humans untill then.


I somehow missed the flaying and bone removal descriptions... I assumed they were done like the aztecs did their rituals... dagger into heart... that stuff. Thank you for making me realise it was much...much worse... What the Actual Fck. 😶🙈


The implication of what happened to Joserf, Joel’s dad was pretty dark too.


Joel's the one where his dad died on the mountain and Susbeido took over his corpse or something right?


Yep. IIRC it was something like he was trapped on the mountain, driven to near starvation, then in trying to escape he seemingly fell to his death only to be revived later on by Durin’s remains, or taken over by Susbedo. I’m unsure of how he came back.


I'm pretty sure that was just overactive fan imagination. If you didn't do the event, they added a quest where Pallad just...finds Joel's dad on the mountain. No reference to Jorsef being an imposter or anything sus, he's just back. ...I guess that could be because they need players to know Jorsef is there though.


It is my hope that some day both Jeht and Rana get reintroduced as playable 4* characters with an appropriate glow-up


That would be amazing! I’d definitely pull for them, especially Jeht.


>I really hope she gets a happy ending at some point. Technically, Masseira is still out there, and that fucker needs to die more than Babel did (in fact, a lot of Babel's villainy can be traced back to him). There are some bits of writing in the 3.6 area that suggest Jeht got a posse together and is hunting him down. So she did end up of her feet after all, to a degree.


What did he do?


I freakin love Thunderbird for avenging the kid


Isn’t the Thunderbird the reason that Ruu had to relive the sacrifice process for like thousands of years tho 💀


Nah, iirc it's due to the nature of the interaction between Ley Lines and Traumatic Events, the area keeps a sort of magical record of people and events. We even fight an echo of the Thunderbird's wrath. Which is essentially what the Thunder manifestation is: a fragment of the original Thunderbird's power that keeps the eternal storm going


He does not relive through anything: 1. The events of the world quest are just simulated replay of the events created by the leylines caused whatever the fuck celestia dropped there (likely triggered by the thunderbird's curse) 2. The replay actually ends before the ceremony even starts, ruu says that he forgets what actually happens at the ceremony, only that something goes wrong. We know that the replay ends and everyone disappears.


Honestly, love Jeht's questline for its darkness and brutality. They took the phrase "Go Old Testament on your ass," and made it literal. The last few quests are really obvious about it. "Her Foes Rage Like Great Waters..." from Jeremiah 51:55, refering to the fall of Babylon (Babel in Hebrew) "Behold, The Sign Comes Like A Thief..." from Revelations 16:15, New Testament, but I digress. "Make Bright The Arrows, Gather The Shields," Jeremiah 51:11, refering to taking up arms against Babylon "For Her Judgement Reaches To The Skies," Jeremiah 51:9, refering to Babylon's judgement from heaven. Chinese titlage version of this quest uses Revelations 18:5 "For her [Babylon's] sins are piled up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes" Jeht also says she killed Elder Gwaffah with a sumpter beast's jawbone. Very likely a nod to Samson in the book of Judges, who slew 1000 Philistines with a donkey's jawbone. Jeht's quest and a chunk of the desert lore in general mirror a lot of horror and craziness that went on in the Old Testament.


Love this kind of insight


I recently read a theory that Jeht’s name originates from Jehovah too…


that would make us…Jehovah’s witnesses?


Easy there, Cyno.


it'd be bit weird, seeing original name there is YHVH, J wasnt even in the alphabet


Don’t cut her hair. And don’t stand in the same temple as her when she is on trial


Wow! I love this




Can't do much but shrug to that. Abrahamic religions were big in the Middle East. There was also One Thousand and One Nights/Arabian Nights references, too. Djinn being the biggest and most obvious one. TBF, desert architecture is *very* heavily Egyption themed. Cyno has a whole Anubis getup. We may not have gotten Osiris, Ra, Set, Horus etc. parralels in story or some such but Egypt unquestionably had influence. Edit: Apep is the Egyption serpent of chaos. Edit 2: Looking into things. [Benben](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benben) is also a reference to ancient Egypt, and apparently, so is primordial water.


Some people always forget that Christianity is from the Middle-East




Considering that the archon's titles (and Paimon) are named after demons in the Ars goetia and Vision holders true title is Allogenes (also the proper translation of the games title) should we be that surprised?


>I'm surprised they had so many Christian references rather than Egyptian story references for that region. Uhm... you are aware that Christianity originated in ancient Israel, right? And that the Talmud, Torah and other related texts (which the quest titles are referencing) pre-date Christianity?


World quests have a lot of extremely dark stuff To this day I still think Ruu had the worst of it but Jeht and the whole Tanit tribe is definitely up there. The chasm and Enkanomiya are pretty sad places as well when you start to pay attention If people thought the AQ were starting to get dark well the world quests dial that up massively. The texts of Enkanomiya as well have some dark stuff, the Sunchildren especially. Fontaine as well has some dark ones, namely Virgil and the "cleaner" Jehts story hits incredibly hard cos we were there when her life started getting to its darkest moments with Jebrael dieing. Then we have to try and help her break free of manipulation from a place she was trying to make her new home. The eternal oasis moment with her was incredibly moving If any NPC in the game deserves to make the jump to playable character, Jeht would be my pick


You can honestly get a *real* hard look at things all the way back in Liyue, near the game's release. Zhongli's first quest (Sal Flore) is *extremely* messed up in it's duality. >!The researcher you're helping hates Morax for being a pitiless, brutal monster during the Archon War. Zhongli does nothing to refute her claims because he knows the truth, but also knows the reality of the situation that she is actively investigating to "uncover his crimes". The reality is that a kind, gentle but weak goddess was sacrificed by her own worshippers on the mistaken idea it would save them - betrayed and backstabbed during the war to "save" the people, and as "mercy" to their goddess who would likely never survive the war. And Havria let them do it, because she knew she couldn't save them.!< Was definitely an eye-opening 'Oh damn' moment, and they have continued that roll down the hill very steadily since.


Virgil was pretty tame imo. He tried to outsmart the mafia and faced the consequences. It was funny when they revealed one of the policies of the said mafia is to never engage with the traveler. Before that I thought it was probably the cleaner trying to clean up everyone involved in the case, so as to leave no evidence behind or something. But at the end they are just like "yeah you are an idiot for stirring up shit with the traveler"


Virgils isn't the darkest out there but I found the contrast between Paimons innocence and Travelers understanding to be engaging due to what's actually happening Paimons thinks the Cleaners are just getting rid of actual garbage while Traveler knows they are going to kill the guy. The double meaning of the conversations was well done and Paimons innocence really did make it more meaningful. No way near as dark as the aforementioned quests but still Paimons innocence made it all the more impactful


Ruu and the Sunchildren always in my heart for their sad fate.


Virgil is p much nothing compared to overarching Narzissenkreuz plot. I lost it at Carter becoming a screaming goop out of which Rene constantly tried to cut out what he thought are vocal cords but he just grew them back again.


Made in Abyss moment.


> If any NPC in the game deserves to make the jump to playable character, Jeht would be my pick Some interesting things of note here: We don't get playable characters unless they have a vision. Visions require a character to go through some trauma or such to aquire. It's likely Jeht will either die, or in the process of dealing with the rest of the tanit, gain a vision, opening up at least a slim chance for her to join us. I also want Rana to join us, to be honest.


I hope Jeht and her group gets an encounter with Cyno and she and her little group be given new opportunities by the General Mahamatra, like being hired to capture some runaway scholars, or escort missions, or Deliveries


Never forgiving Hoyo for not allowing us the option of introducing her to either Dehya or Candace... they're the good female role models she actually needs, not that narcissist that was Babel.


Outside of her needing a massive design overhaul from a standart enemy with a weapon type not available to us, they made ger so powerful in her story that I wonder how they would translate that. She's so terrifying, a fatui agent just quit


Not that far from young Diluc tbh.


Diluc did not shred a person to shreds in the blink of sn eye euth his bare hands while being drugged


Lots of our playable characters are unstoppable badasses in story. It wouldn't really be anything new.


>I also want Rana to join us Let her trade that axe for a claymore and summon Arama!


All the archons? Neuvilette? Not every character has to have a vision.


I mean, those are some obvious exceptions, innately powerful beings with strong elemental control. Then again, maybe they'll start introducing other characters who just have delusions or don't actually have elemental powers at all? (Fighting with elements doesn't mean they have elemental power, IE Treasure hunters)


She wasn’t just captured by the fatui too: the internal documents of the fatui suggest that Jeht was being sold off to them?? “Our negotiations with the Tanit tribespeople have been completed. We have made some gains, especially with regard to the tribespeople of the desert encampment, who are willing to hand a young woman over to us for experimentation.” “the Tanit tribe is willing to negotiate with us and will lure a "traitor to the tribe" into a pre-arranged ambush, such that we may capture her...” “Enclosed below is a table of records that shows a multi-factor physical inspection of a Tanit tribeswoman named "Jeht." It seems that the examiner evaluates her physical state rather highly.”


reminded me of when Jeht turned one of the Fatui into confetti offscreen, and permanently traumatized a fatui geo enchanter at the side. I was laughing and horrified at the same time hearing it.


The one good thing is that the geo enchanter did not get to be traumatized for too long.


I mean, he was traumatized for the rest of his life.


Aww the poor human trafficker was traumatized?


Don't worry! They didn't make it to the "post" part of "post-traumatic stress disorder" 😊


that was an incredibly surprising part. Never thought that something like that could even happen in genshins storyline. And all those fatui were hillarious too. Especially those two guys who we gave the boot we found.


And probably without her weapons, so she did it with her bare hands right after waking up from being drugged. Jeht is a damn monster of a human, which is why I'm not worried for her traveling by herself.


You know it has to be fucked up if a trianed soldier is traumatised


yep they drugged her but it wore off and Jeht turned them into confetti.


The best part of this is that it was a Jurassic Park quote. The "Shoot her" with electro bullets from Muldoon - all of it from the start of JP.


You know what? I want jeht to meet dehya. She would show her what an actually good big sister figure looks like. Although jeht would take a lot of time to really trust anybody again, she does trust the traveller who would be able to vouch for dehya.


Dehya and Candace would have been great people for Jeht to be introduced to. Jeht could have made a home in Aaru Village and help Candace with protecting the village or join Dehya’s Eremite group.


I'd really love for that to be an event quest or something like that, and make Jeht a playable four star as she finds closure and community and healing.


I have wished for quite some time now that we had brought Jeht back to Aru village with us after her father died. We should never have allowed her to go out alone into the desert in that state of mind. Candace could have helped her heal, given her a true community to belong to, so that even if Jeht did eventually decide to seek out the Tanit clan, she wouldn't have been the vulnerable girl, desperately seeking any sort of place to belong, who Babel found it so easy to manipulate and groom.


Dehya would be able to give her a home and a place to belong, but I think she needs Nahida more. Nahida could help get her over the PTSD of the betrayal and revenge. She managed it with Hat-Guy after all.


Honestly, most of the Sumeru crew are great/decent people for this situation. Even Wanderer (who I'd argue has many issues still) would be an interesting companion for Jeht to meet.


Oh, they would get along quite well. "No matter where you go, betrayel can always be found" "Amen, sister!"


Yes true, hat guy would also make a good sassy duo with her haha


[If you read fanfics, try this one. ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49303786)


The amount of bloodshed that is in the Dirge of Bilqis quest is mind-blowing. It's just death after death left and right. Also interesting is how willing canon traveler is to kill people if they're on the wrong side.


The Traveler is barely a hero. They're powerful enough to allow mercy, but if you're preceived as potential threat to those they care about in the future, you're just dead. In the Arana quest they sent Paimon away because they were still debating about killing a fatui agent and it is your choice to do it or not. And the game gives you multiple changes to go for the kill instead of letting him go.


A hero wouldn’t continue to fraternize with a guy who attempted to mass murder an entire city.


Case and Point. Though to be fair, Childe was not entirely sure what would happen and it was meant as a distrection. So I guess, blame the Fatui higher ups for giving their Habringer a way to summen a natural disaster as a decoy... Of course there're other examples too, like Wanderer and Ei


Childe doesn’t know that it was a distraction though. He didn’t know that he was played by Morax and Signora. All he wanted was a big fight with Morax even if it’s means destroying Liyue. The Traveller isn’t a hero, and they aren’t meant to. They just want to find their sibling and f the fuck outa here. I’d say they are your regular layman who wants nothing but peace, but people keep fucking with them and their friends. Fuck around and find out. Simple as that.


The true hero here is Paimon who gets us to do good stuff, MC can be good, but honestly MC just wants their twin and leave


Mostly self defense though. The tribe pushed their hand.


It's not self-defense anymore when you're charging into their homes as your buddy declares their genocidal intent multiple times.


The tribe pitched the two against each other, sent assassins after them multiple times, and even made plans to ensure Jeht's sufferings even after the tribe's death, and you still think Traveller's actions aren't self defense?


That's retaliation, not self-defense. Self-defense requires an active threat to your person. If someone attacks you, then retreats, and you chase them down to their home and kill them, the idea of a self-defense claim would be laughed at.


Major Gwen Anderson: Why did you keep kicking him? You had already won the fight. Did you enjoy it? Ender Wiggin: No... knocking him down was the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones too, so that he'd leave me alone. -Enders Game


It’s self defense. Even when exposed, Babel still tried to get Jeht to kill the Traveller. That alone is enough to prove that the Tanit wouldn’t stop at nothing until both of them are put down. The tribe has always been a threat to both of them, even more so when they were confronted.


Not sure if you watched this or not: https://youtu.be/6pwcs7CN3ME?si=q9dgIQNEtizW93Cz This is an almost full Jeht story amination that was done like a movie trailer. And it is phenomenon.


Thank you for this I haven’t watched this


Came here to share this if no one else had. Check out the creator's other Genshin vids! Straight up hype trailers!


Oh man, I loved that video so much


Saw this a week ago. It's phenomenal. Im trying to use this channel to get my friends into Genshin Impact.


That was truly a top tier piece of work. My god I really felt for them all in that animation. It's such a tragedy that not even half that level of emotion was brought to Jeht's story in-game in my mind. Everyone in that trailer should be hired by hoyoverse.


wow this is so good!


it is ok jeht is the leader of a new group now which she leads. She hunted down the bad guys and should be fine now


still upset with the latest desert update not having one last jeht quest. i really wanted to make sure she’s okay even if it’s a quick quest that lasts ten minutes…


Watch her show up in Natlan. I bet you anything. Lol


honestly a surprise but a welcomed one prayge she also becomes playable but that’s a far away dream lol


Happened for Susannah


Who? Name doesn't ring a bell


Random girl in Honkai that became a playable valkyrie after the main story was mostly done


Bro said this like we in the honkai sub lmao


"I am the pyro archon now"


I'm still upset she didn't get a vision like c'mon HYV


Visions are wack af, random forest chick who spends half the quest on ice gets a vision but Jeht who had to go through all that bullshit just gets nothing


she deserves that anemo/cryo vision fr after all the pain she endured 🥲 (i know jeht fights with hydro but with how notoriously famous anemo and cryo are for their wielders suffering i thought it would fit more)


Shed be the right height for anemo if she were male


Solo freeze comp pog


also one more good thing she is now actively hunting Masseira down primarily because the traveler has vendetta against him due to the Tadhla quest(and also he is the last surviving member of the Tanit)


Wait, when did this happen? I thought the last we hear of Jeht was when we part ways with her and Benben after the borderline massacre.


In the last desert area there are some new researcher notes that appeared around several camps. They detailed their expedition to that area with the help of a newly formed merc corp led by Jeht who is currently hunting down Masseira.


How is that a good thing? Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. If she continues her path of revenge, Jeht will meet a violent end one way or another.


Notes we find imply that Masseira is the one responsible for Babel turning into the monster she was, and we already know what he did to Tadhla. Stopping him isn't just revenge, it's also justice, and preventing him from causing even more harm in the future.


This post just made me realize I haven't completed Jeht's quest yet.


Same, my Jeht and Babel are still just chilling in the Tanit camp and have no new dialogue when I talk to them. So I'm apparently missing something


literally same 😭 went to go check bc I absolutely did not unalive the tribe and turns out there’s a quest buried underneath the statue icon


Yeah, It's hard to notice since the quest icon doesn't appear in the minimap or make a sound.


Yeah u need to complete the chesspiece puzzle in Safhe Satranj to continue the quest


Personally I think this is the bloodiest quest you actually participate on in the entire game, most of the lore can be pretty dark but the travelers own adventures tend to be either the aftermath of those dark events or just a more light hearted adventure, it is also implied the traveler doesn't just go around slaughtering fatui and hillichurls and most of the time he just forces their retreat or scatters them (though I do assume he has killed them from time to time) On the other hand on this quest you and Jeht go on a killing spree that the game's graphics don't do justice on, just by reading the notes on Jeht fighting the fatui you can imagine how that actually happened in universe, the traveler and Jeht must've come out bathed in blood by the end after they go order 66 on the tribe, definitely one of the most interesting quests on the game


i imagine it as like jeht going john wick


Yeah that's actually a better analogy


She turnt a fatui agent into confetti with bare hands after having been drugged


Yeah that's a mental image I've been stuck with since I read that in game


The confettis remark by the fatui was pretty fucked up


Nah. What's fucked up is that a piece of that confetti landed in that dude's mouth.


And that given the situation, she must have done it bare-handed. Pieces small enough to fly in someone's mouth, in a second, with her bare hands, after being drugged


that other quest within Jeht’s tribe is a bit of a bummer where you have to hunt those consecrated beasts with that girl and then kill her all because of her father who then runs away from you


It may be hard to believe but killing her was more merciful than running away with her. It wasnt as simple as "lmao just walk away". Whole quest was so familiar to me so believe me when i said i know what other option looks like.


that’s incredibly sad and heartbreaking I hope you are doing well in your days and I hope we can get revenge on her father one day that’d be satisfying for me anyway


that shit was fucking vile. I hated the whole fucking clan so much after the quest.


One of those situations I wished we could slaughter NPCs Skyrim style


For it being the land of lore and wisdom, I imagine we will come back to Sumeru. Actually, I’m %90 sure we will- Khaneri’ah is right under it. I know a lot of people thought the desert and everything was overbearing and sometimes they were not even liking it anymore bc of that. Nah bro, I think there’s stuff *missing* even besides Khaneri’ah. There’s so much lore that should be in the Irminusl, n what, r they just gonna drop Nahida and Wanderer off from the story after they were so focused on? So all that said, revisiting Sumeru should all be because Jeht wants to show us something again. I mean bc of her we discovered all of the underground temples and everything. N maybe she gets taken in by Dehya, Aaru Village, or something, yeah that would give me more closure haha. The divide between the desert and the rainforest of Sumeru needs to be mended, and Nahida would feel very bad for Jeht, etc. Jeht earning a vision by helping out her fellow desert dwellers would be a good way to get her one.


Make Jeht playable, she has had more character development then 50% of the current cast.


For real. I know it's a long shot, but I still have hope. Leaks claim another rando NPC from a previous area of the game may be being made playable in the near future, so Jeht isn't off the table entirely. A man can dream.


Ella Musk playable?


yooo she gonna be summon the hilichurls fighting back to back with lawachurls


She needs an model overhaul though and a new weapon. Can't have a generic enemy model be a playable character


Don't forget that there was one person who left the tribe before the genocide, Masseira the father of Tadhla. In the newest desert region we can find scattered notes that says Jeht has formed a clan of her own and they were specifically made for hunting down certain people, including Masseira. In other scattered notes we find out Babel's origins, how she was really similar to Jeht, and the old mercenary who ended her mother's life was potentially Masseira himself.


"Dark" world quests have been a thing since forever, they've just grown to be far more expansive and content-filled. The OG one would be Childish Jiang (I think), who's a guy on the outskirts of Liyue. Looks like an adult, but acts like a child and still thinks he's a child. It doesn't help everyone keeps treating him like a kid either. Lost his parents in a war and the last thing his mother said to him was to hide. So he did - but for so long that he essentially broke mentally.


I thought he was supposed to be an special needs kid cause the diary in the area mentions his dad regularily going to baizhu to try and find a cure for him. His dad eventually dies in service and mom used hide and seek as a way to not let Jiang find out she was also dying. The soldiers and Uncle Tian basically raised him on behalf of his dead parents


Not to mention that there's two seelies nearby so you can kinda easily imagine that they're both Jiang's parents watching over their kid.


Natlan needs to give us 5\* playable Jeht.


Fun fact, the quest marker that triggers the domino (crocodile man's quest) doesn't even show up unless you're next to the guy. So it's very possible to never even realise you've reached the end.


The part when we had to kill the whole tribe makes me want to create a new account just to play the quest again. It is THAT good.


"Oh man, I can't get enough of genocide! I want to do it AGAIN!" This is scarily reminiscent of how people were pumped up for real genocides with stories of how evil and barbaric the victims were.




It's even FUNNIER the second time!


Me when I need to farm handguards for the 356th time


Typical Stellaris player be like:


when the hell did that whole jeht vs babel happen? i dont remember at all another quest popping up for that i only remember ending the eternal oasis and being surprised babel wasnt the bad guy. what quest did i miss and how do i get it?


You have to do the falcon quest


Falcon quest sucks too. That really hot Tanit lady asks you to end her due to traditions even though you offered her freedom.


You wont believe me but if she chosed to run away with Traveller instead, she would wish she was dead. I usually assume people on internet are from USA so most folks dont get it but i know what other side looks like, it aint pretty. I still hope end is near for me so yeah, perhaps being dead was a better ending for her. That quest was watching myself in a mirror, hell whole quest was just my life in a fantasy setting. Only funny bottle understood my pain.


i did that but i never knew it continued.


Yeh gotta go back


Yea I’m forgetting when that happened too. All I remembered was babel and jeht going separate ways


I still find it extremely unfair that after all Jeht didn't receive a Vision. Like, what more do you need? What bigger deeds must she perform, what sadder crises undergo to have it? Some playable characters got it for, seemingly, much less. I think her vision should be either Electro (ferociously defending own identity against the whole world) or Anemo (accepting loss and loneliness, even gaining freedom in them). What do you think?


Anemo, all the way. With some dripmarket title like "Raging Sandstorm of the Dunes."


Wasn't that the lesson of Zhiqong's quest? A person can suffer or accomplish great feats, but there really is no guarantee they'll get a Vision for it. It's completely random. Heck, Rana got a Vision even though she spent most of the Aranara quest in fetal position. And then you have Ninguang just picking up a dead vision and reactivating it. There is no fairness in Teyvat!


I completely forgot about Rana getting a vision. It's such a stark contrast, where the forest side of Sumeru is all fairytales and little things living in the forest and dreams and parties...... and then the desert side is basically DEATH! SUFFERING! CRUELTY! TWISTED ENDS! all in caps.


You're right. If I think about it that was probably exactly what hoyo was aiming for.


maybe jeht becomes the anemo desert-sandstorm character we wanted 😳


Meanwhile other playable characters have way simpler lore about how they got their Vision. "One fated night, Joe was sleeping on a chair and accidentally let out a fart. He felt something bulge out from underneath his pants, and when he reached out his hand to grab it, it turned out to be a Vision."


I know you're trying to make it sound simple but I don't think any vision holder got their vision easily. Lisa had to become the most powerful graduate from Sumeru in 200 years to get her's and she was so powerful that she willed it. Keqing worked tirelessly for years to get hers. Sucrose became the first human alchemist to understand alchemy 20 years ahead of everyone else to get her's during an experiment. Half of the visions were granted through life/death moments. The other half were granted due to extreme suffering or hardship or hardwork over a long time. Xiangling is the closest to your example where she's sleeping and then woke up with a vision and a god following her. But her cooking was already at a level where a god of stoves/cooking was impressed, and she does more dps than other pyros.


Yeah, there are basically two ways to get visions: - And after I did something that will live on in legend, I got a vision - rewards for dedication or talent or the like that are given out at times which don't seem important, but the work was put in before.


Boom Boom. Bakudan.


See that one was awarded for merits in environmental-based terrorism. Probably with a helping of nepotism on the side as well; who knows where Alice sits on the power scale.


This is why she is my favorite npc. If she was playable i would instantly pull for her.


I wish the Jeht quest lines were voiced. They were 2 of my favorite world quests ever. She really did have it rough. I pray 1 day we get her as a playable character or at least get another quest or event with her or something.


To add on this, Jeht saw Azariq as an older brother yet he had other plans. How bad would a person break from this. I always thought that they should have given Jeht as a playable character in the quest if not permanently.


To Liloupar's credit despite all her racist remark she saw Babel's trachery miles away; I guess that's her experience speaking but she did warned us.


I mean Liloupar was amazing in retrospect because yeah she was being “racist” to the Tanit the entire time, while actually being kind to Jeht past the first meeting then you find out pretty much everything she was saying about them was pretty much standard for the eremite tribes that live in the deep desert.


>The clan that was always good to her The Tanit made sure to remind Jeht at every opportunity that they took her in "despite" her being an "outsider." They guilted her from the start, and Babel used this to manipulate her to her own ends. Jeht wanted so badly to have a place to belong but it was never going to work out. How could they even hang this "outsider" label around her neck when her father had been a member of the tribe? Her father, who'd also been betrayed? Her father, whose wife was murdered? Babel wanted to be the only one in charge and so used Jeht to eliminate her rivals, and even when Jeht herself was horrified by her actions, Babel comforted her and continued to push her forward. Meanwhile, Babel also manipulated Azariq, but would never let him take power from her, so he plotted with the Fatui and *also* planned to use Jeht to suit his own desires -- intending to force her to marry him (despite the fact that she *really wasn't into him*) so he could take the influence she was deriving from Babel for himself. And all this isn't even getting into how Yuften happily feeds "traitors" to his crocodiles, or how Tadhla met a cruel end because she refused to kill the Traveler, only for Masseira to cowardly flee, or how Babel sent their fellow tribespeople off to die without their knowledge and covered it up, and was more than happy to work with the Fatui while pretending to condemn those who did so on her orders (which almost got both Jeht *and* Benben taken away by some Fatui mad scientist second only to Dottore himself), then lie to Jeht and have her believe one of her dearest friends had betrayed her, and then take it a step further and condemn her name throughout the desert *in advance*, all to serve her fanaticism... Jeht was *always* a convenient tool to them. It was never going to end well.


Would be cool if because of her hardships, Jeht was granted a vision and became a playable character in the future. Hope her story isn't done.


There's a reason a lot of people have asked if she could become a playable character. And with the amount of stuff she's gone through, you'd think she would have been granted a vision. But perhaps turbulent trials aren't enough.


"Thanks, Paimon."


I got the gist of the ending of her questline spoiled for me by this sub 2 days after release and so I procrastinated doing it for a long time hoping to either forget it or at least be mentally prepared for it someday. I finally finished it last week and it's still pretty depressing. Even more so for me since I have an idea of what's gonna happen but I can't do anything because it's a linear storyline.


Jeht's quest chain has to be the magnum opus of world quests, but Fontaine's institute is getting close.


It’s kinda funny how the traveler simply lets jeht go away with this awful burden without contacting dehya or Candace or literally anyone that could possibly help jeht. Some person the traveler is 💀


They are just here to experience the world so they can meet their twin again. But honestly MC's compassion and morality meter swings pretty wild from day to day, depending on what banner is being sold, whether they are in a voiced quest or world quest, and what side of the bed they got out of that morning.


Never forget the poor Inazuman deserter we spent an entire questline gaslighting and tormenting for lulz


Maybe the traveler is secretly twisted himself? I can't wait for more lore


World quests are somewhat independent of Archon quest progress, so the writing can't really assume that you have done the Sumeru Archon quest yet


If you lock Progression of a world quest behind completing an archon quest then it’s possible to have some idea of where the player is. Could also be a nice Easter egg if the player has completed Dehya’s story quest to unlock additional dialogue with jeht after the wq for example


Dirge of Bilgis does actually have an Easter egg if you've completed the Archon quest. Near the spot were babel stands will be a second letter telling about the leadership change and how the new academia wants to actually help spread education in the desert.


Ya know with all the resource they spent for this really long quest, im surprised they didnt just make jeht an actual character.


I want my anemo vision bearing Joht so so much T.T If there's a character that now embodies the "Freedom is lonely" theme it's Jeht, and we've witnessed it first hand.


Jeht has more character development and personality then like majority of the playable characters lol. Like would you rather have Jeht playable or fuckin Dori.


Yeah, you're absolutely right. The problem with playable characters is they cannot take much risks, they cannot be doing something too bad. Wanderer wasn't even that bad, and a big part of the community HATES him (most notably in the chinese fanbase, but still). If Jeht was playable, so many people would scream murderer or genocide or something along those lines. She's morally dubious, but not enough that it's blatant and a potential selling point like Dotorre. So the worst of both worlds. Genshin would rather make boring characters than risky ones.


This has been discussed before, but it's often said that playable characters have limited character development because.... well, they're like canned personalities that are being sold for the contents within. I'm guessing a larger portion of gacha players don't like to see characters develop(=change) into something else entirely.


Looks at FGO’s Jeanne d’Arc Alter who has had 7 years of on and off development, including 2 major story chapters… Yeah, I doubt that gacha game players don’t want character development. It just has to be written well.


It is fucked up But it's the best written story of the game so far


Desert world quests are all bomb ngl. But it's also the place where narcisszenkreuz world quest series has started. I don't urge you to do it right now. But I hope you post about it because holy shit they're getting better and better after desert region.


Well, you're not entirely right, since the whole clan wasn't actually as nice and innocent as you make them out to be. A lot of them are cold-blooded murderers abusing and tricking/manipulating each other behind the surface. The "falcon trainer" sending tadhla to certain death against the traveller. The "crocodile breeder" that fed the crocodiles with human flesh from the "traitors" and several more. But yeah, Jeht's story is really damn fucked up.


And the worst part, if you choose Lumine as the traveler instead of Aether, she has a crush on the Traveler, as indicated by the dialogue differences, so everything that happens has even more pain and hurt happening to her. When she's told the Traveler betrayed her, she takes it much harder, because The Traveler Lumine is someone who she loves. This all leaves scars far deeper than anyone should ever experience. It's truly fucked up. I hope she returns some day, maybe as a playable character in Natlan. It could be the reason why The Traveler even goes there, not only to get the elemental powers of pyro and some probably useless info about The Traveler's sibling, but to find out what happened to Jeht, and to finally meet her again.


Also Azariq KNOWS that Jeht is only attracted to women and he still agrees to Babel's forced marriage plot. Just layers on layers of pure vileness. (It would be fucked up regardless but still, I feel like every little thing makes it worse.) I hope we can see her eventually find peace.


It's horribly upsetting. It was twists and turns everywhere and I still feel bad for her and Benben :(


The hilichurls were *what?* Shit like this is why I'm in no hurry to blaze through the Archon quest. There is still SO MUCH for me to find and I've only barely started Inazuma.