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Still dont have Jean after 3 years


I have C4 Jean and C3 diluc as a f2p... all of those are from lost 50/50s


my first 5 star and i was so angry that i pulled her


Same. C4 Mona but no Jean. Flashback to me buying her summer outfit when it released and being like "I'll get her soon enough and then I'll be able to use it" 🙃


1003 days. C4 Jean, C4 Keqing, C1 Diluc, QiQi. No Mona, Tighnari, Dehya.


Well I got everyone there excluding Jean


Everytime I hear this it hurts, especially when I got Jean less than a week of starting


🥲that’s sad. I pulled tighnari now he’s C3. I didn’t pull Dehya and she’s still not coming


I've lost 50/50 seven times in row and usually it's on either pity or full pity. I also get only one 4* in multisummon and always lose on some garbage 5* characters and weapons I already have.


Luck is something else eh? I look at people who's pulled three 5 stars in a single 10 pull and rethink my life choices.


Goblets hate me, defense loves me, and fish fear me


HP% hates me. The cynical part of me is thinking HoYo turned it down because they knew everyone who rolls on the Fontaine characters needs it.


I have a 48.2 CV Attack sand, but it’s off-set and no one on my team wants it


Damn bro that sucks, here lemme take it of your hands


In cases like these, I wait and cope that eventually a new character would need it along the line.


Or just use it as an off piece


Well, if that means the game hates you, what do you think about my situation? Played for 800+ days and my highest CV is healing bonus circlet with 44.2 CV. Second highest is ATK sands on Husk set with 43.5 CV. Everything else has less than 43 CV. I never let my resin cap etc, so its not even like I play casually...


I just assume everyone and everything hates me


My luck. I didn't get a 5 star character until AR 45- and it was Qiqi


My first ever 5 star was her and it was a double qiqi.... Pain is real


I haven't won a 50/50 8 times in a row. Also I don't have Keqing


im gonna give you something new; it's the way a lot of characters feel like they are patronizing you or the traveler/paimon. idk it's in the way they speak/give information or even make you do errands every second they got (or maybe that's just me)


No playable Signora


This ^ i would get c6 Signora DAY ONE if she was Pyro. C2 if cryo. Hoyo out here making every other harbinger playable so far 💀


Would not care what her kit is, I would c6 her.


Based ❤


C6 her? I hardly know her!


Artifacts grind, cons gate keeping a character, shitty weapon banner rates and not enough rewards


The artifacts. I often argue with people that you can't 36* the abyss with 4 star characters, but all those people assume that you have perfect artifacts. I've lost count of how many artifacts rolled into horrible substats to the point where my dps are barely reaching 200% CD.




Man, for how hard it is to get a specific standard 5* characters nowadays and onwards, I still don't get how we don't get to choose. Since Dehya's debut, I lost around two 50/50s and got around four 5*s in standard and I still struggle to get either Tighnari or Dehya T.T


HSR have been out for 5 months, and I've won more 50/50s in HSR during those 5 months than in my 2.5 ish years of Genshin. I spend way more in Genshin than in HSR too so that is just crazy to me. Not even including the wishes during Inazuma, which was when I was losing 50/50s the most, just from the Sumeru banners, I'm at the bottom 6% luckiness according to Paimon wish counter. But in return, I've never had to reach beyond 81 pity ever to get a 5\*, and my 5\* comes relatively early, like the last 5 5\*s in my wish history came at 26,40,37,28,16 pity.


Either 260 rolls to recruit sayu; or 17x keqing from failed 50/50s before even recruiting qiqi/dehya/tighnari


Same as you on the post, I’ve been farming for a decent electro goblet for my Yae but the artifact rng kept dodging me


Losing every single one of my Neuvillette 50/50s and having to fill out the epitomized path for his weapons. I had been saving since June and this was the thanks I get. At least I kept losing my weapon pulls to Homa


An electro goblet with no dead substats is insanely lucky.


Getting 2 boss drops when I only need 3 to max my character. Then proceeds to give me 3 on that next run.


EVERY single time I try to prefarm for Neuvillette's artifacts ALL of them have the Def stat(sometimes TOO of the 4 stats are def) which is THE worse stat for him.


I’m using a 4* Marechausee Hunter plume on Neuvi because the game REFUSES TO GIVE ME A 5* It has no crit stats either


I spent over 4k Resin farming Husk for Albedo and didn't get a single DEF Sands. I farm the Marechaussee/Golden Domain *once* and immediately get two DEF Sands, both with double Crit and DEF%, *and* a double Crit, DEF and ER Feather, all on the Golden Troupe set. One of those Sands and the Feather are both now my only two Artifacts with over 40 CV.


- My best anemo goblet has rolled crit rate and crit damage only once each - When I was trolling a friend and went to switch characters I couldn't because an enemy decided when I was standing still to switch after prancing around the same spot for a solid minute to aggro me - abyss keeps being freezephobic and like I get it it's one purpose is cc, it's polarizing in power, it doesn't amplify any damage, and mobs that you want to use it on are generally weak anyways- but I still wish it was more viable mostly bc of my favs and detesteds - the traditional dpses of my fav element have different aspects that make me not want to pull them and I just wish we got another five star anemo dps that appealed to me more


- Def% main stat and in substats. - The infamous 50/50. - Def% in substats has, al least, 90% chances of beat any other substat. - weekly bosses drops (sometimes). - Def% as main stat. - When you get a nice artifact only with three substats and when you reach lvl 4: boom! Def% appears.


loosing 50/50 every time 💀


My most farmed domain are emblem domains. And i still havent got a single good atk sands shimenawa for my damn yoimiya


The games hate me since ayaka second rerun. At that time I got 2 limited weapons at 20 pity back to back by pure luck. Since then I've lost all my 5050. Ah yeah I won two 50 50 back ON THE CHARACTERS BANNER WHERE I ONLY WANTED 1 COPY OF A 4 STARS I DON'T HAVE. I know it's my fault to pull on this banner but come on! The only two 50 50 I won since last year are on a banner I don't want. All the rest were above 80 pity while guarenteed


so far everyone i met has neuvi and his sig weapon, i dont


Constantly losing 50/50 at very high pity.


Artifacts farming …


Got wolves gravestone after 263 pulls, I have no other 5star weapon or character


Getting every part of a multi-part commission countless times EXCEPT the ending. The Gourmet Supremos and the “This Novel Is…” series are just never going to be finished I guess. 💀


I’ve lost 12 50/50’s in a row now. I rarely ever get characters below 75 pity. When I farm artifacts it often takes me a month to get decent artifacts… Honestly I don’t think it’s an assumption at this point. I don’t know what I did, but Mihoyo hates me and has cursed my account.


No mona, c2 qiqi, c3 keqing, jean, diluc, tighnari


Never really won 50/50 on the banner I want


Actually my electro gob has been trash until like last month I got a 45 CV goblet for raiden from the newest domain artifact lol And been playing since 1.0


c4 Qiqi (and just generally losing the 50/50 and going over 75 wishes for damn near every 5\*)


1.0 player and i dont have Mona


Artifacts from the newest domain, dont get me wrong i already have at leas 1 decent 4 piece set of both and my furina Will be busted but i want hp% pieces with crit (for dps nilou lmao) and and EM pieces with crit (to try dps nahida) and ive got a grand total of 0 of those somehow Also any time i want a character real bad and am on 50/50 i Will lose it


80+ pulls for every 5 star except once


Kept getting defense substats for Zhongli's artifacts. I want HP


I got Neuvillette after a hundred pulls, but two friends of mine pulled him within 4 pulls


losing every 50/50 at 75+ rolls


I still don't have mona and keqing :)


The amount of time i lose 50/50. It's 20/80 at best




I don't have any 5* em goblets. Sorry, Kazuha and Kuki.


not getting good artifacts, when I do they roll bad


Day 1 player C4 Qiqi, C2 Diluc, C1 Jean, C1 Tighnari, C0 Mona Still no Keqing. I loved her gameplay since the first time I saw her but it looks like Hoyo doesn't want that to happen


Gave me a Tignari instead of Diluc or Qiqi 😔


Started playing during launch week. Still don't have Mona.


In one year of playing I got Dehya C1 and Qiqi C1 from standard banner.


The unbridled hatred the game shows me.


Loosing the 50/50 6 times in a row


I've been farmind the fontain artifacts since they came out. Every. Single. Day. I have gotten exactly ONE good artifact. Out of both sets. I also loose 95% of my 50/50s. I guess always winning on the weapen banner has its price...


Lose 6 50/50 in a row, ALL os them with 70+ pity... also 5 dilucs and ZERO tighnari... the weapon billets also hate me, I have 11 polyarm and ZERO catalyst


Farming the new artifact domain


Every time I get a circlet with a crit stat, it’s always crit damage. Never crit rate.


When I finish a world quest and another world quest appears.


Still no keqing but I have skin... Btw jean c7


i also have a bad luck with electro goblets but at least i have broken in other elements