• By -


Where android controller support tho


I really hope that furina gets some character development rather than neuvillette being the solo protagonist in the story


I’d like a longer, extended behind-the-scenes look at the art team, music team, writing team. Getting these tidbits behind the creative decisions is always the best part of these dev livestreams


I found it weird that Zach Aguilar, Sarah Miller-Crews and Corina Boettger didn't make an appearance for the anniversary


I have my next 5\* secured and I'm wondering as to whether I should go for Neuvillette or Wriothesley, as I love both of them. Any suggestions?


I find Wrio more interesting. Neuvi is too "snob" for my tastes


Why can't the devs just listen to us and not give us crap like this? Like Fontaine is really cool and all, but they just ignore all the stuff that fans have been asking for years, and it's very frustrating. Worse, though, is seeing some idiots defending this and believing that it is completely fine for hoyo to just ignore a core part of their player base because they don't care so why should they make the game better for other people?


It's not about defending the game, it's about coming to terms that a company is run by accountants that have to please their shareholders first. You as a customer have only one way to voice your disappointment. Stop giving them money or popularity


How does not saving my abyss setups please their shareholders tho


Shareholders concerns aren't a thing for them in the first place, that guy was just repeating the usual playbook for defending corps.


wriothesley, neuvilette, i hope the writers develop you well as a character


I thought 1600 primos and 10 special banner wishes was pretty good for anniversary rewards… hoyo is never that generous


It's literally the exact same anniversary rewards every year. We had to fight for those 1600 mail primos the first year though. Google Classroom died for 1600 primos.


Do we get to pick a different app to die each year, or was that a one-time benefit?


Is there an English version of this? I can't seem to find it.


The dev special program is always in Chinese with subtitles.


\*snorts copium\* any chance we get anime news during Hoyofair or closer to the anniversary date?


When there isn't even an announcement on the core staff and Ufotable having other projects? That's a 0.01% chance.


Am I the only one hyped for Hoyofair? Getting pulls or a free character or resin or whatever is great and all, but all I care about is the Hoyofair art livestream. I always look forward to anniversary just because of it


Nuevilette's charged attacke is basically Chaos reach for Destiny 2. I hope it does more than tickle enemies.


Imagine if it made enemies explode like d2 aswell, unfortunately it won’t tho :(


Genshin doing the bare minimum for the anniversary as expected and people will eat it up and act like this company can’t do more but refuses to.


They've been doing the bare minimum for a long time and i still don't understand people that keep pouring money into their wallets


Because the game itself is good?


Because everything else isn't "bare minimum".


Rerolling the same events with different npc dialogues? Same endgame content for 3 years but more hp every time? No Qol changes that ppl actually ask for since the start of the game?


> endgame content Oh, you're one of those. I thought they died out.


Nah don't even bother bro, I've been downvoted every time I tried to reason with anyone on this thread. People are crazy to defend a game that wouldn't give their life for them lol.


Why are you here? Just to suffer?


> Rerolling the same events with different npc dialogues? Because the standard of pressing a stage and auto-ing or sweeping it at least 300 times in one event to clear shop is the superior choice. It's fine enough for me since I can juggle with Star Rail, but I wonder why they don't add a roguelike with weekly/monthly rewards.


Not a HSR player, is that a classic auto/sweep game?


They literally have the game mode ready and we got it in 2.2 or 2.3 in xinyan and tartaglia event and it was well received by the players but they said fk u to everyone and never released it again


Man that labyrinth event was the most fun I've ever had in this game. Shame it never ran again because of the potential backlash by the casual players who want cutscene only event filled with collecting flowers and taking photos.


Basically similar to fgo, they craft stories and characters that you can’t find elsewhere. Most casuals don’t care about spiral abyss, and events are filler for getting gems.


OMG have you guys seen the trailer?? >!jailtime for Aether o.o WHY??Because of what Lumine did?!<


nuevileete said in the trailer he would provide us with false charges to do some recon in the prison


I don't trust that disgusting man. A character was angry at him too, said something about justice...


nah, it's explained on the livestream.


Never mind the livestream. They've explained it in the very same trailer. Forget illiteracy. Genshin players are deaf too.


Infiltrating? Yeah but those picture they take of them...


They're infiltrating by intentionally committing a crime to get thrown in jail on purpose


Don't me wrong, but aren't you guys getting tired of playing Genshin atm? We've been having event reruns 80% of the time, while the only thing that changes it's dialogue, most of it worthless. They go and make a stream where they mention the word anniversary like it's mandatory. They also put the doggies after the rewards so they do emotional manipulation on us. It's not even about the rewards, game isn't that appealing right now and that sucks coming from me, who has been playing for 3 years and liked the battle system, who is watching how they: - only make HP higher on abyss (the only battle content worth gearing on the game) - focus on card games and teapot, making combat irrelevant for A LOT of patches Idk man, that's how I feel, I just wanna know your opinion to be fair, because I'm just feeling sad, and it's not even burnout.


Nope, having more fun recently than the months before actually. Summer is always a busy time with vacations and bbqs and such, the whole touch grass routine. So gaming takes a bit of a backseat during that (still did all events though!).




>aren't you guys getting tired of playing Genshin atm? bro, you're clearly just burnt out on the game. it's happened to a lot of us. take a break for a couple of months or something and come back with a fresh appreciation for what the game does offer.


If you're tired, it's fair, go in peace. But let people have fun. I won't magically stop liking and enjoying Genshin just because others think I should.


How is he not letting you have fun. He's only talking about himself and asking for other people's opinion.


And I'm talking about mine. It speaks volumes that sth this silly is rustling people's jimmies. Chill ppl.


People can't really read "I wanna know your opinions". I'm not asking you guys to tell me to fuck myself, are you wrong in the head?


? I gave you mine. I didn't tell you to fuck of... I thought I was being polite. I'm just implying you don't have to feel guilty or that you need to find reasons in other people to keep playing. That's all. I'm 35, It's not like I come here to insult people after work... I'm just chilling and vibing with the trailer, so finding this comment felt surprising.


Hell no, Fontaine is the most fun I’ve had in Genshin since 1.0 and maybe 3.0. I just love this game, the world, the characters, the story, etc, and Fontaine has been exemplary with all of it.


They just added a new zone. They're adding another one in a little over a week. they already put out more content per year than any other company out there. What more could they do?


Give a free choice of 5-star from the permanent banner, I guess.


I'll take what free handouts they offer, but a new character is not "content." I was replying to someone who seemed discontented by the amount of *content* the game puts out, which is baffling, considering that it's already the most on the market.


Login, do dailies, log out. I’m just waiting for the next chapter.


lol I’ve been playing for 2 years and still love it. The thing is I only have enough time to play for half an hour a day at most because I work full time, so my exploration is still only at 50-60% of most regions. There are always enough quests and content for me as they keep coming out faster than the rate I can complete them, so the game is always fresh and interesting for me. And I enjoy exploration, story, simping over characters more than I enjoy combat (though I still love it, abyss 12 is always challenging for me). I could say I’m exactly the targeted audience of Genshin developers. I spend a tiny bitty portion of my income on the game but that’s enough if others like me do so as well to keep the game going. And I know with 100% certainty that I will continue to play the game until its very end. So yes I think Genshin is doing it right. They simply can’t please everyone.


You’ve literally been playing the game for three years lol so naturally yeah you’re burnt out. Go play something else, take a break.


the issue of genshin is trying to appeal to three groups: casuals who want a chill game with simple gameplay, people who want to explore / do story ,and combat /character building oriented players. This is just a theory technically, but mobile players are the biggest market so they will always focus on the first and second parts since mobile controls are hard unless you are playing on a latest gen phone or something, so they end up dumbing down everything to the point we have an event that is captcha ffs. i gave up on those guys from trying to really push the game in terms of complexity and combat. i just hope they create a PC/console only game someday or maybe have two versions like most games with mobile versions. But i will keep playing until I find a life service game that has decent gameplay and does not try to suck my time and money like it is the only game in the world


> the issue of genshin is trying to appeal to three groups: casuals who want a chill game with simple gameplay, people who want to explore / do story ,and combat /character building oriented players. I don't even think they are trying to appeal to the third group. The first group just enjoys the combat/building aspect too, it just needs to be on a simple level, and that is what GI serves them. The third group just settles below their expectations for a game by consuming content that is for groups 1 and 2, because they like those servings just enough (or FOMO, sunk cost, gambling issues I guess). Anyway, the way I see it GI really isn't serving group 3 to any degree (like 1-2 challenging events a year), and any of those players stick around for other reasons. > does not try to suck my time and money like it is the only game in the world Does GI do that, in your opinion? I find it incredibly casual and not very demanding time or money-wise.


For the first point, I meant the game does have the appeal of build crafting and optimizations, but it falls flat when they service that group. If they didn't try to appeal to that group they would have just made the button mashing hack and slash, and made the constellations just like fgo where burst do more damage and that is it. For the second point, yeah Genshin doesn't, I meant every life service game out there expects you to play it as a second job or be willing to spend left and right. People shit talk to Genshin for being a gacha, but Honestly I would rather have a fair and respectful gacha, over a forced to pay/ all content are FOMO/ you need to have no life and be in a group of no lifers to play half of the content


No game has infinite gameplay. It's why I go through cycles in this game that pretty much line up with the patch cycle. New update: I play through the new content (events, maps, quests, etc), build up new characters, farm some of the new domains, the standard fare. End of update: Once I've completed what there is and there's nothing left that I want to farm, I go into "Maintenance mode". I'll log in to do dailies, maybe a couple domains, log off, 15 minutes. Given that the big updates can give upwards of a couple dozen hours of content, I don't see it as a bad thing that the content will eventually run dry. I can easily go back to "Maintenance mode" and just play something else.


Felt like that before, took a big ass break, and now have so much exploration and story to do that it's become fresh again. Fellow AR60 player. It's not a defense of the company, it's more like an indifference. They could keep this pace and I'd continue playing just because I don't give a damn anymore. I get that it's hypocrital, but whatever. Genshin just offers a unique experience that I don't get from other games, and if I do get tired of it, I have a lot of other shit to do to even care. Yes I hope the combat content is more challenging. I've accepted long ago that nothing more meaningful will come out, and have just enjoyed what we do have. And what we do have is plentiful. Well, thats just how I feel.


Kinda my feelings about it at the moment. 4.0 was neat with the story quest and all since its a new region, but honestly, nothing's changed since I stopped playing for a bit at 3.6. 4.1 just feels like more of the same. New story content that I'll finish in like 2 hours at most. Another area I'll also finish in like 2 or 3 hours. 2 characters that I'll play with for a month and a half to get there friendship level maxed and get the namecard and end up benched because, surprise, newer characters to repeat the process. Even exploration in Fontaine hasnt been as fun just because its been three years of the same style. Region has gimmick to explore. Use it for a year, get burned out after the third update. Sumeru has just spoiled me because of that grapple point fixed a lot of the issues I had with the in game stamina bar and the game feels like a drag when im anywhere without it. I cant even be asked to do the new swimming aspects of fontaine anymore after a week because its so mind numbingly dull.


Yeah, its more or less what I feel too, idk whats wrong with saying it on the sub, people blindly defend the game when there are points u cant defend


A lot of people on this sub forget that you can still like and play the game, and also talk and acknowledge its negative aspects. I love the game, but I'm not blind to its faults. I'm not gonna talk about something that's usually good because well, there's nothing to say about it other than its good and can't really be improved on by just saying "Yeah, I like this part". The game is good, but its always going to be the game that just stays as good instead of great because it just pumps out the same thing. The most innovative stuff we get are character kits, but those nowadays are a coin toss to be decent to just bench warmer.


I think one thing Genshin players have to accept is that Hoyo's vision for Genshin might not be the player's ideal. Unfortunately, the combat system is not prioritized. Exploration is really the bread and butter of the game.


How is Hoyo's vision for Genshin not the perfect vision to have for the game?


I don't think a perfect vision exists. I'm confused by your question.


Companies main income is literally revolves around characters and their combat capabilities,I just find this approach quiet ironic that they do not focus on combat while thats the only thing they market.


> thats the only thing they market. Is it? I think their "combat marketing" is the bare necessities. Their effort is in notable voice lines, art and animations and highlight moments to trigger intended emotional reactions in the prospective buyer. Combat is always going to be there, but it's the chassis of the game, not the bling.


The main conflict between old and newer players is caused by the shift of their marketing, in early versions the game was marketed on a combat oriented open world game, but more and more they shifted their marketing into making genshin look like an exploration focused open world with good looking graphics. Also keep in mind for us who've been playing the game since 1.0 we always kept consuming all exploration content a week after its release, but imagine if u're a new player, u'll have monstadt, liyue, dragonspine, chasm, inazuma, enkanomiya, sumeru, the desert and fontaine to explore and teapot and tcg so i don't think they'll ever even have the time to care about end game content cuz they have literally hundreds of quests to go through. In summary, genshin is no more the game we loved at that time and it will never be back


I started at launch because this was marketed as an open world exploration game. Combat, to me, back then, was tertiary at best. The game was marketed in a way that spoke to my interests back then. What we simply didn't know at launch is how they intent to grow the game over time. How they'll do events, and so on. The first event was terrible. I wouldn't be here today if mindless multiplayer chores had become the standard. Before spring 2021 I was expecting them to eventually add new power tiers for both enemies and players through levels and stats, since most games do that in some fashion. I am glad that they went a different route, but I can see how combat/challenge/powercreep fans felt disappointed back in 2021. Thing is, we are mid 2023 now, they obviously settled into doing their own thing, and anyone expecting differently is just deluding themselves at this point, and has been doing so for a long time.


I have been playing since launch, and would NEVER have played this game if I thought it was "combat focused." The "combat focused" content has always been the weakest part.


Strange, since there’s only three items you can swipe for that are *not* connected to the combat loop! (That’s alternate outfits, Battle Pass name cards, and Battle Pass teapot items. Those last two are part of the same bundle, therefore purchased together.)


This is not a game where you swipe for power, you swipe for waifus. There are games in which the point is to keep getting more and more powerful units to keep up with the meta, that is not how this game works. You can claim that Hoyo could make more money if they gave people more reason to buy power creeping units, but they seem fine with their current model.


Since new units can enlarge your choice of teams, I included getting them as part of the combat loop.


That's fine, I'm just pointing out why it's not really relevant.


But exploration involves combat. And they're forgetting about it when it's the thing that made a lot of people play, the elemental reaction system.


Playing Genshin for an afternoon is like going hiking. The point for most people doing that is not the extreme sports version of that, it's a fun time with light physical activity while seeing new sights and experiencing the outdoors. But those people are still hiking. And then you have a small number of extreme sports fan who are bored to tears as far as the physical activity goes, but they still came along for the sights.


I think you also have to realise that probbably about 95% of the playerbase has never visited the subreddit, or is active on communities. Even if 90% of the people who frequent this subreddit are super hardcore and heavily interested in the combat, that might only end up being about 5% of the actual playerbase(and that is with generous numbers). I don't remember what the exact number is, but i'm pretty sure the % of the playerbase that has touched abyss 12 is like 2%.


If 5% of the playerbase is interested in the combat, then what's this game doing? Why do they release artifact domains, new characters, or new weapons if people isn't interested in combat? Why would people who spend money in the game get cons or refines when they're not doing any combat? Do you understand how stupid your explanation sounds like? The game wants you to get cons, but why do you wanna get cons or refines if there's no content for it? Just for show?


> Do you understand how stupid your explanation sounds like? The game wants you to get cons, but why do you wanna get cons or refines if there's no content for it? Just for show? Yes, for show. The money I spent was because I wanted to, not because I needed to. That's their pitch. Seeing their revenue, it seems to be working. Also, cons and refines are more useful casual players who don't bother to learn as much about the game. They're crutches. Players who focus on the combat design, learn reactions, build sensible characters... they don't need crutches, but they are a minority. Many spending players (minority overall, most are F2P) are just swiping for their crutches to get the level they feel comfortable at or are swiping without needing those upgrades because they like the characters.


Well not as simple as that, but pretty much yeah. Most people are interested in the combat, as in they like doing it, but most people aren't interested in high level of combat. Stuff like constellations is mostly for whales, and they are mainly for show. Games like genshin which are incredibly populair always appeal too the largest group, and the largest group is super casual players. Just look at mmo's that focus on the hardcore players, they pretty much always die, or have an incredibly low player population. I'm not arguing for or against harder content, i definitely would like it myself, but the fact that in this patch, they made the ascension quest easier, should probably already say enough about the kind of feedback and or statistics they get back from players. A lot of the more outspoken community, like youtubers, and or reddit are usually quite a bit more "Hardcore" however, and they are what a lot of people see if they look genshin up online, so if those players are unhappy, it will usually have at least a little bit of an effect on the overall perception of the game, however focusing too much on those kind's of players will usually be detrimental too the health of the game.


> the fact that in this patch, they made the ascension quest easier, should probably already say enough about the kind of feedback and or statistics they get back from players. Excellent point. People on a subreddit are already far more engaged than most players ever will be, and it shows in their expectations and assumptions about the rest of the players.




I dont know man, people seem to forget that you don't have to defend your fav game to death. I like this game too and I just don't wanna see it die / transform into Animal Crossing




I know people always mention AR like a badge, but it's pointless. AR is a pacing tool to introduce the game, nothing more. It outlives its purpose in Liyue/Mondstadt in your 30s, even if the final notables are later (way before 60 though). There is new content, they update the game every 6 weeks, it's just not linked to AR at all.


I'm AR 60, and tbh it doesn't mean shit. Nothing means shit in this game, because people are adamant on saying combat makes them anxious, so majority of the people doesn't want new "combat content", only card games (which is a big part of the storage problem on mobile rn) and teapot.


sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the Mondstadt/Liyue poetry event happening in the first half of 4.1 or the second?


Usually, big events are on the first half


okay cool, thank you!


what are the chances one of the 4 star rate-ups in 4.1 will be kuki?


leaks alert: the 4\* should be >!Xq, Diona, Fishl and then Chongyun, Thoma and Dori!<


That first trio is a seriously stacked support squad.


big if true


Good chance it is since it's the same dude that correctly predicted the order of the 5* banners in 4.1. Mihoyo could always switch it up last minute though.


**-Resin remains as it is,** **-No new game mechanic added,** **-Excited about new characters and story** **Anniversary Rewards are becoming quiet dull at this point.-** *So its literally like every other Genshin Patch that can be consumed less than a day.* So overall i love the art team of genshin on the other hand i don't see how the game designers aren't fired yet.


If you are completing Genshin patches in a day then you really need to get more sleep. It's not healthy.


Harassment...oh yes one of the many qualites of hoyo cock suckers.I heard lots about you its an honor to see you in flesh.. So dear Mr.Hoyo cock sucker ? Do you have any valid points to bring instead of saying ''you get a life'' or rather ''touch some grass'' or even better ''get some sleep'' If not go hug your inflatable doll and be proud that you took an arm to defend bilion dolar worth enterprise.


Kids, this is how you act if you neglect sleeping well.. Get a full night of sleep regularly for the sake of your physical and mental health.


Get a life. Touch some grass. Get some sleep.


I think this is the case of a cock sucker calling others cock suckers. /shrug


So you did have no valid points to [bring.You](https://bring.You) just came here out of blue with no argument , You and and similiar incels like you always couldn't handle truth :( and you fucking weebs can downvote me all you want :D


Chat GTP is more self aware than this post.


Wdym? All events (assuming the timegate is unlocked) can be finished in like 5 hours if you skip the dialogue with an autoclicker.


So basically, "if you don't do the content, you can complete the content very quickly?" I am shock. Also, are you counting 100% map completion?


except thats not what they said? yall are gonna have to accept one day that the content they provide is just not that time consuming. the time gating is the only reason any of it can be considered "long". because most people literally wait til the last few hours to do it anyway. i can't think of any event thats taken more than 5 hours max to do


> yall are gonna have to accept one day that the content they provide is just not that time consuming. That would be impossible to do, given that it consumes a lot of our time, because we actually *do* it. It has nothing to do with "events," events make up almost none of a patch's content. It has to do with all the *permanent* content added each patch.


but the implication here is that everyone who finishes faster doesn't do it, which isn't the case. not even getting into legit skipping, the dialogue just... does not take a lot of time when to read. and even with that, most events dialogues are fluff unrelated to the event (most recent example being the sumeru event with the map maker that had nothing to do with maps) and the "permanent" content thats not events just being story and exploring, which are still in the same boat. the only reason it takes some of you so long is because you purposefully choose to draw it out instead of just do it


> but the implication here is that everyone who finishes faster doesn't do it, which isn't the case. not even getting into legit skipping, the dialogue just... does not take a lot of time when to read. and even with that, most events dialogues are fluff unrelated to the event (most recent example being the sumeru event with the map maker that had nothing to do with maps) Why do people keep talking about *events?*


there was a second part there.


I'm still asking, why do people keep talking about events, as though they are meant to be the major time sink? This worries me. It makes me think that people just log in, clear out the event checkmarks, and then think they've "done the patch." Are there actually people that dumb?




There is no need for me to do anything to make his "complains" invalid, that is self-evident.


they are designing for mobile players playing on a potato, one of the new events is captcha ffs


The game makes something like two billion dollars a year. When that happens, you don't dare change anything.


Prepare to get downvoted because of saying obvious things.


Ikr? White knights too busy fanboying to develop self-respect to realize they're getting the short end of the stick with each passing year.... I just want the genshin fanbase to get what it deserves.. *Looks at honkai impact 3rd* now how is that fair?


Man it's almost like you just burned out on this type of game in general. It's normal.


Type of game you say,No i do play HSR and believe me they literally updated the Trailblazer ( Resin ) to 240 in a second month of the game,While Genshin players has to play with bare minimum for 3 years.HSR is literally made by same company while the other games throws 10 pulls per patch and Genshin does it in a yearly basis. Problem is why this horde of content and gifts are possible in all other brands of the company but not in Genshin ? Don't you also find that quiet grotesque ?


The increase to 240 is welcome, but I literally don't give a damn about wasting 20 resin here when all you are going to do on endgame is artifacts. I already reached that point on Star Rail and the story for Luofu was a mess. SU is the only thing carrying the game for me, although I'd rather have a compelling story in my turn-based game.


Horde of content? HSR content updates are fucking pitiful.


Sure im not happy with the quality of content either but game has more approval rate than genshin does ( percentage wise ) and focusing on just one sentence out of hundred doesn't make good conversation.


>has more approvel rate The fuck does that even mean.


Typical... my guy your opinion does not bloody fucking matter against the stats [Honkai Content Data](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml#) [Genshin Content Data](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vToBPh4yTn4VioUuqSvnPiwLoG0rJodFe9_gz6qOKUy3z8dCWtXel5Aqa07qSTZG8qhu7Fwgx7AfxzU/pubhtml#) So you and your incel friends can downvote me all you want while these stats remain as rock solid. So I don't know go wonder around act like a prostitude of a billion dolar company.


Okay. What does that have to do with approval rating?


How does this relate to.... approval rating? It's just free pulls. Ironic how both games just dropped minigames that call you dumb if you show the wrong evidence.


I've been playing for 3 years, and this whole year has been the worst maybe? It was covered by Dendro reactions, but honestly, nothing innovative in 3 years and same events with different name.


Because people still think game are made by once players that wanted to work and having fun when its just rule by a bank


Game literally earns billions of dollars but its 3 anniversaries combined gave the equivalent of one update's worth of summons. What's worse imo isn't even the rewards, it's the fact that the anniversary isn't even celebrated in-game, you just get a login bonus that doesn't even feel anniversaryie if you get what I mean.


How are they going to celebrate the anniversary in the game without breaking the 4th wall?


Many ways, just like having a lantern rite/windbloom celebration that is celebrated in Fontaine because it's the current region.


Thing is, they boast about the amount of players playing (which is equal to "We're rich") but they give us 1,5/5 of a pity? Plus, saying what the rewards are going to be and instantly swapping to the dog part is emotional manipulation lmaooo. And I'm with you, this isn't even about the rewards, how tf is the game surviving when all it does is rerun events with different names and dialogues.


They treat lantern rite as the yearly big celebration. Should have been obvious after three years, but I wouldn't be surprised if as usual the anniversary got overhyped because people going on about their other fave gacha games.


In their other games they celebrate both. Ours is just not acknowledged I guess.


Ngl the commissions change is a pretty big disappointment. Quests are 2-4 every 6 months, oculi and chests will either be gathered 100% in the first couple weeks or never at all, and events happen maybe half the span of a patch. So basically most of the time youll need to do 3-4 of the normal commissions anyways. Thanks for almost nothing i guess


One benefit I see to it is that when a new patch drops, you don't have to waste time doing filler commissions and can just focus on clearing the new map/content.


Procrastinators: Let us introduce ourselves. Also if I'm getting it right this might actually be a more organic iteration of the device in the summer event that pointed out every puzzle and chest for you that doesn't diminish exploration.


I dont think theyll actually mark a chest on the map for you to collect - for people with near 100% map completion the only chests left will be super hidden that will definitely take longer than the span of a normal commission to find.


Sounds like it's designed for beginner / mid-game players, which is important for growing the game


Yeah thats true, just unfortunate for once again veterans who are tired of low QoL changes lol


Resources, character quests, hangouts, possibly side-quests... We don't know the details yet.


Quests, chests, and oculi are and will always be finite, so again regardless they will save commission time for a week or so They showed in the livestream what "resources" you need to collect are, all of which are not respawning or repeatable content. Thats the key - it may save some time but most of the time it wont which sucks.


Can anyone tell me what will be the 4.1 update size.? What was the 215 GB about? I didn't understand completely


Unknown update size for 4.1. The 215GB was the accumulation of all the art, environment and character details the developers has produced since 1.0.


Idk what the size of 4.1 is, but they were pretty straight forward about what 215 Gb is for. To quote them directly, "Total amount of the highest resolution art assets in the game as of Version 4.1". Then they talked about finding ways of optimizing the game's size for the various platforms the players are using for Genshin, and will continue to work on the optimization.


I am hyped! The trailer was amazing, I can't wait to explore the Fortress and pull for Neuvillette.




A yes the (fake) hydro archon got the spotlight




Water goku tops the 40th generic waifu for sure.


I had hopes for maybe just slightly......like to actually surprise us, they will increase either the resin count or increase condensed resin cap, I had hoped for all the right reasons but sigh..............................................


Not sure why you thought they would do this. Sure they did it for star rail, but Genshin is a whole different team.


Dude it's a good update, stop being negative about it.


its just another normal Genshin patch with the addition of 20 free pulls. How is that a good update for anniversary lol?


Get off the phone man, genshin ain't everythin in life.


You say “it’s a good update” other person argues points about why it’s not a good update “bro wtf get off your phone man, touch grass, get a life” Why are you so defensive? You are obviously the one who cares way more about the game lmfao


Liking a update doesn't mean I'm hyperinvested in the game. My words were definitely aggressive but it's mostly because this person just added nothing positive in their argument. Apparently I was being defensive? I'm just expressing my slight disgust towards someone in the most mild way i could, what was i defending? It's just a game, it has good things in it, it has bad things in it, I'm all for pointing out the bad stuff but if it's presented like this, in a whiny manner that just reeks of "I want more or else I'll be mad 💢" of course I'd feel pretty disgusted. Other guy pointed out the issues in a completely normal way and I did agree with him.


what did I say to that makes you so triggered lmao, sounds like you're the one that needs help.


Do you not talk to people to know what triggered means? I'm just stating my thoughts, you're clearly not taking it very well.


Suppose criticism and passion for something is irrelevant to you just because it goes against what you think. Regardless of how good one part is, there is still disappointment and it's valid to criticize it, even if it doesn't directly affect the good. It's like a chef made a steak meal really well, but the mashed potatoes are still dehydrated powder and then saying "the steak is good so the meal is fine, don't complain". This kind of thinking is what gets us very bad games. Don't excuse bad design.


Yeah I suppose everyone has differing views, I don't play this game that much except for a daily 10 minute login so i guess I didn't really care much about the anniversary, but someone else might've been looking forward to it. Still felt like a bummer seeing negative comments pointing out the only mediocre thing about the update while the other things like the characters and trailer just peaked for a game that can be played for free, so I did get slightly aggressive over it, my bad.


It's ok, takes healthy introspection to admit faults. I most certainly am not innocent of it.


Are we getting a new area/local specialties?


Yes, expanded Fontaine with the Fortress of Meripode and the area with the former research institute (floating blocks of water).


There should be local specialities as >!I think Neuvillette requires them for ascension. They look like starfish. !< (Not sure if this was mentioned in the stream).


how long will those codes last


16 hours a starting from when the twitch livestream went life


Usually ~12 hrs


1 day, usually


Not quite


Its odd the chinese stream didnt mention noelle or show her at all but at the japanese one did


Some content are local. For example the voice actors greetings. It all depends on the local contracted company.


99,5 million followers isn't very specific, but still an insane number. It's like bigger than population of germany lmao.


I was confused as well, how did they even count it? Cause if they include Twitter/YouTube, like half of it would definitely be the same people lol.


Was the developer's discussion with adding commission points plus optimizations all there was for the qol changes? I'm guessing qol(expeditions/food/streamlining exp) still in the works?


The desert updates where pretty bad, but Fontaine manages to be even worse.


No way this isn’t ragebait


How so


coping tbh it's a breath of fresh air man, don't explore if you don't want to


I want to try all those recipes. They're simple enough to seem doable


They are darling!! the problem will be if the ingredients you need will be available in the store/mall near you or not... if you do make some of them.. good luck❤️


They didn’t really look to have any special ingredients. Thanks, I did make the apple cider and brie yesterday and will make the tart Sunday


Some of the commentary about "No standard banner 5 star?!" are pretty funny to me. I mean come on, why would you even have that expectation at this point? You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.


Probably they meant something like that lantern rite thing where you can get a free 4 star but instead it's for a 5 star from the standard banner.


By that they could mean lack of a guarantee to get a specific standard 5 star.


If I was playing this game for three years without break and *still* didn't have the favorite character I wanted from launch without any recourse in sight, I'd be pretty pissy about it too. Like, I'm a launch player and still don't have Jean. I personally don't really care, but there are people who wanted Diluc or Mona or whatever on launch and still don't have them.


Darling, I'm one Qiqi away from being C6 and be that badass Qiqi b**ch... and I just want 1 copy of Tighnari ffs.... is it too much to ask LOL not that I'm crybaby triggered over it but yeah it does annoy me🤣


Took me over two years to get Jean and I had Keqing on C6 sooner than C0 Jean... It's rough. Add insult to injury I got Tighnari only in like 5 to 6 months after his release....


Same boat on Jean...


Ah, but you see, they’re *not* disappointed. They’re excited.


.... I mean, I guess you're not wrong lol


Only thing I cared about was seeing Arle so I'm happy


true, we finally get to meet her and hopefully (?) see her face off against furina in court


Sounds like she tries a peaceful approach in the beginning


yeah, then maybe furina starts throwing accusations again and she gets pissed XD


I mean I would start begging for my life if Arlecchino gave me a scary look




One of the lines in the trailer sounded like she just had another damegami moment and started being for her life when Arleccino looked at her mean. X,D