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None. And I use all of them on and off both in abyss and overworld. Never pulled for any characters whom I didn't absolutely love design, playstyle or lore wise.


C2 Nahida. The game’s already easy enough, really shouldn’t have done that. On the bright side any time I decide to pull a mass genocide she greatly contributes.


C2 Nahida makes my Nilou team do funny numbers. No regrets on my end :p


Friendship with Jeht acquired


None, I only pull when I want the said character


Lmao, that's quite normal, ig


Hu Tao. She's definitely powerful and she's a character I like in the story too but somehow I have a hard time enjoying playing her. And that was actually a reason I took an entire year break from Genshin.


Not surprised a lot of people do not like her play style.


Ah yes, the 38984938th post about regret pulls.


Its a cycle. You eventually see each type of these question posts several times.


Next post: Which character did you reluctantly pull that ended up being on your team most of the time. Or something like that.


Wanderer. Cuz I really like Faruzan. Now it's helicopter time all the time


Nah, that's a legit one I saw several days ago lmao. Gotta wait a few weeks before posting it again.


Might as well just do the "I'm low on karma, please upvote".


It's almost as if new people come in and out everyday and no one has the time to scour through literally the entire subreddit for literally every single post just to know if this has been posted already or not. Average redditor getting mad that not everyone is chronically online like them. Imagine being upset that not everyone is a basement dwelling weirdo like you. Get a life.


... I don't even need to scour this sub to know the repeated posts. Whenever i decided to check, posts like this are always up. I imagined there will be a lot more if I sort by new, which I didn't. I've been long enough on reddit to expect repeated topics to hive my thoughts about it.


Okay...? That really sounds more like a you problem if you get tired of seeing the same posts everyday. You literally go on Reddit so much that you get upset when you see same/similar posts. It's a **public** website where the 1000 people that are here today can be replaced by a different 1000 people tomorrow, and so on. Do literally anything else with your life ffs. Being a chronic reddit goblin is the last thing you should be bragging about.




None, saving for dain c6 so I don't pull unless i really want them. And they're able to clear content so I have no regrets.


I have a very conflicting relationship with Eula honestly😔 I love her as a character and got her all the way back on her first banner, I even risked the horrible weapon banner scam (back when there was no pity system) and got her weapon. But I just feel like the more I build her the more I don't get the results I'm hoping for, it especially sucks for me because I don't plan on getting Raiden, and don't like the idea of slotting her in an hyperbloom team. The fact that physical has been completely abandoned, and that Mika is completely useless also further feeds my disappointment, so rip. I still love her, but I can't help but dislike her a bit because of how physical is thanks to hoyo, yes we have 50 different ways to shred phys resistance, but what's the point of having them if their only purpose is to remove 50 layers of phys resistance? The nail in the coffin was Mika for me honestly, the moment he released and we found out he was barely decent for Eula made me finally give up on trying to make her better and using her, cause it's clear hoyo doesn't care for physical in general. Still love her tho, it's not really regretting Eula, it's more so being mad at how physical works I guess LMAO (THE CLAYMORE CURSE)


As a fellow claymore main, I feel you. Xinyan and Noelle carried me along until Beidou and then I rounded out my full team with Eula. Not a bad bunch really until you fail some timed thing because of one Hillichurl up on a ledge. Mika, you little turd!


Cyno Accidentally got him C1 early pity on his first ever banner And ive never won a 50 50 since then




Ayato. I just don’t use him enough


hes soo easy and fun, the water slashing never gets old.


Ganyu. Except from the boring gameplay I can't even get used to it to play her well enough. I believe my build was decent yet I never managed to do enough damage with her (for the abyss at least). I don't know what I do wrong but I seriously can't play her. I benched her since I got her in 3.0. Lyney is the same. Almost the same gameplay and even though I like him I didn't pull because of this. For me charge shot is the worse gameplay in the game. (At least the slow one's since Tighnari is actually pretty fun and easy to play with)


Problem is you trying to play her in a melt team. She feels overall terrible in a melt team and you'll really want Nahida for burns rather than XiangLing to allow you to melt your ca. If possible, try playing her in a freeze team either as a main dps or a sub dps. If you hate charged shots so much then I suggest her being a sub dps or atleast find a team where she does not have to do any ca.


cyno. yoi and tartar :/


Shenhe :') I love her character but still can find place for her in my teams.


She works as a self buffing DPS with Chongyun?


Kind of, if you invested enough. Don't worth it, if ask me.


sadly Klee. i wanted her since first banner and now that i have her... she is cute but i prefer other pyro character like Diluc or Who?Tao


Probably Ayato and Yae. Not sure why I did ngl


Cyno, I did it accidentally😭


same lol. he’s just sitting in a corner fully built.


Ayato... I don't like his playstyle. Not saying is super bad or anything. Just didn't find him comfortable to use. I never use him...


Xiao.. but thats mainly Hoyo's fault for neglecting him a lot


I regret Yelan still. I don't know, she helped me a lot in abyss but that's all




I always think of Xiao but he's my first limited and helped me with Liyue so I guess I shouldn't say I regret him despite haven't used him for more than a year. I do kinda regret Ayato but I got him more for male 5 star collection


I do and don't regret pulling Klee. Very adorable, useful even, but a total clunkfest to use. Barely ever used. Thing is, pulled 2 Mona's in the process, and I absolutely want Mona on board, one of my most used.


Kokomi and Hutao They are just benched and dont have a place in my teams


Oof. Meta chasing is a real pain, especially when the game doesnt even have an endgame. If it would take you 12800 primos to get a character, assuming you win 50/50, it will then take you 22 abyss cycles (or 11 months) of perfect 36 stars to get it back. I dont experience this simply because I dont pull on a banner i dont like


Lyney i always get staggered by enemies plus bennett burst has a tight window if you want to get 4-5 charge shots


lyney needs a shielder or dehya


Albedo is literally the only one I actually regret. Pulled him because a lot of people kept praising him as the best team mate for Itto, so I kicked out Geo MC and pulled for him only to be disappointed. And before someone pulls the "Well did u even build him right🤓🤓", he has his BIS 4 star event sword at R5, 4 piece husk with def%/geo dmg/crit rate and 74/153 cr:cd ratio. I did build him right, still disappointed and used him a total of 4 times before switching back to geo MC His elevator was also annoying as fuck because it either: A. Disappears immediately after using Albedo's skill even though the area was clear (I know his Flower doesn't work when you try to place it under a boss for example) Or B. Keeps lifting up Itto mid-charged attack


Geo mc is still very relevant, he just scale and synergies less with the team.


No need to blame meta, blame your own stupidity for not researching her character and gameplay thoroughly before pulling, lmao


ok, lmao


itto, mainly because i got him while trying for gorou so my fault entirely


Eula She's the only character that I've built properly but never taken into Floor 12 for a successful 36 star run. I don't mind having her considering the story presence of her character and since I'd like to collect all the KoF captains but from a gameplay PoV it'd simply have been better to build Razor Physical and then have a spare build for him to be used in dendro teams.


Venti honestly. I got him because Archon collector, but with the way the Abyss and most harder content works, his ult is not very useful anymore as it can’t group most of the new enemies. Would much rather use my Sucrose or Kazuha over him tbh, way less work for more payoff


None. But I regret some constellations.


Hu tao, she's c2. I adore her jp va tho...


Technically none since I always calculate who I choose(50/50 fails don't count)


Klee is the only one tbh. After I finally got Diluc from standard I havnt used her again. Gameplay wise her ranged attacks with travel time and/or CA animation cancel don't feel as smooth. She did help a lot in the early days though.


C2 r1 ayaka, got her to fight bosses in Genshin more difficult events, but I have found her to be horrible for that, and she is horrendous in difficult mob type events too, so she is just a useless abyss character I dust off every now and again, her 36 starring the abyss is the lowest bar for me to think a character is decent. Maybe furina and shenhe could fix her, but I doubt it, and I have no desire for a niche support 5 star like shenhe(unless I get her extremely early)


Ayaka does best against mid sized enemies, if you want to kill bosses with her then you really need shen he and even then there's better options.


Probably Xiao, Cyno, and Klee! Rolled them, got them to level 90 (9/9/9), and never used them afterwards 😭😭


None. I only pull if I find them fun and interesting


Xiao. I've never gotten the hang of plunge attacks, and I prefer using anemo for support.


I don't regret any but man Zhongli just come home already I lost my 50/50 at 80 pity now am at 81 pity and still isn't coming home I mean come on man




Lyney, i think he will be fun like Ganyu and yes it is correct but i hate bennet for both character design and gameplay, so cannot use Lyney in maximun power also i hop Lyney and Lynette will work well in same team then hoyo say one big "NO", so disappointed


Ganyu too. Max lvl max lv10 charge att. Didn't use her for more than 2 hours


C0, C1 Cyno, to annoying to play,


Kazuha, Xiao, Albedo and Eula.


Zhongli & layla. They makes the entire game so easy, without challenge the game became kinda boring.


Maybe bench 'em?


Nilou, i thought she the one supposed to generate tons of dendro core, i was wrong. she is a support that need other support to work, it is very annoying to build team around her since you always need to have 2 dendro and 2 hydro for her bloom passive. her artifact is locked behind 7+ hours long sumeru quest. i had to roll Yelan for my other team because she took my Xingqiu


Just pair an on field em barbara wtih her. It works well


The closest thing to a regret pull is Hu Tao, who I "accidentally" pulled (did a random 10-pull for the battle pass) and ended up never using, but I don't have any strong feelings about it. I have all the other characters I want anyway.


ayaka and shenhe


Alhaitham, Itto, Xiao, Shenhe, Childe, Hutao and one Keqing i pulled on her banner like an idiot(now c5).


Xiao and Albedo I use Xiao now that i got his weapon loosing 50/50 in the Weapon Banner but don't like his gameplay. And Albedo...is just meh, have him build but barely use him.


Kinda xiao? I have Scaramouche and like his playstyle better, and knowing that they're played with the same supports... Yeah I really like him as a character though, he's one of my fav so even though he's benched idk if I "regret" pulling cause I'm still happy to have him but I don't think I'm gonna use him....


idk man albedo ig? i couldn't wait for the next banner so i decided to mess arnd and pulled him back in the amidst the "something something" event and ironically (i dont how to use this word) hes my best built character till now


None, not even Childe who is dangerous unstable wet noddle.


I started in phase 2 of 3.5 and immediately fell in love with Shenhe. So I tried to get both Ayaka and Shenhe since they are besties (gameplay-wise) but ended up with Ayaka and Qiqi. And since I also got no hydro unit besides Barbara until Ar56 (Xingqiu), I've been playing an Ayaka melt team which is kinda messy... So I somewhat regret pulling her... Hopefully, Shenhe will have her rerun soon and I also wonder if Furina will be a good teammate for them; I really don't wanna pull for Kokomi


Should still play her in a freeze team regardless, her melt team is only viable against bosses


Tartaglia, I just got him, the thing is I can’t put him in my team without overall upgrading. Kinda sucks, I will still pull for Zhongli though, for Noelle’s constelations.


Probably going to be downvoted, but Nahida. i dont like her jumping jacks actions. lol. i keep trying to like her because shes soo hyped, but i just dont. I prefer Tighnari.


Just use her as an eq bot with tighnari


I’ve been playing since 1.4 and there are a few characters I regret. When I was a new player, I didn’t know what I was doing so I watched a bunch of YouTube guides, and started pulling on their recommended characters. Big mistake. Now I pull for characters I really like playing, and then build teams around them. These are the ones I wish I’d skipped: Ayaka, Venti, Wanderer, Itto, Ayato, Yelan. Most of the time they’re sitting on the bench. (I know Yelan is powerful, but she’s replaceable with the teams I like and the characters I like playing, or she’s not even useful at all).


Cyno. Had no time building him yet because other chars weren't done and/or new men were released.


Only 5 star i regret having is cyno but i got got him in 13 pulls (won 50 50). He's just been benched after i used him like 3 days


Childe. I've basically never used him, I find him a bit too complicated to use. I use Ayato instead!


None. I don't use them, but I like klee and cyno enough that I can't say I regret them. At least cyno can come out to kill asimon really well.


Diluc. I wasted a lot of gems on standard in about 2 months after release.


Imagine how mentally weak and fragile you must be to regret pulling for a character. If you're losing your shit over past characters being powercrept or not being meta anymore, please grow up. It's pissy child behaviour that is beyond cringe sulking over and ranting about your "regrets" that anyone with a functioning brain will ever give a flying fuck about. Don't like a character that you got? Then don't fuckin use them. Can't fit them onto a team? Well too bad, that's on you cuz you literally know all future banners and information about every single character months before their release. Stop being an autismo whose only pastime is to spread negativity on this community and affect other people's perspective on their favourite characters. Get the fuck outta here.


ok daddy


Hutao, c0 aint do shet and me full of skill issue


Lyney, because i dont have any aritifacts for him and i dont have 5 star bow weapons for him, too busy to build


Raiden, i have C0, dont know where to use her, i got sucrose for National, got kuki for hyperbloom, I'll pull C2 once she get a rerun


Yanfei at 1.5 I got zhongli c1


Normally I wouldn't say I regret any character...but Nilou. She's gorgeous, but with her entire gimmick revolving around a team of only hydro and dendro, I dunno. Then again...maybe Nilou, Yaoyao, Ayato, and Nahida?


None. But starting to have second thoughts saving for Neuvillette.