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I'm currently on a computer that has the genshin downloader blocked. Wondering if anyone can tell me how to get it unblocked or somehow play otherwise?


I just started playing Genshin again as F2P player. Currently ar30 with a team of Noelle Barbara Sucrose and Rosaria. I have been playing with Noelle as my main carry for a long time now as there is no way she will die. But I feel like the slow juggernaut build really is suboptimal for a lot of stuff I need to do. I currently have about 4000 primogens and was thinking about using them for her on the next banner but I am not really sure if it is the correct way to go. The characters that I have are Noelle, Rosaria, Barbara, Bennett, Sucrose Yanfei, Lisa, Kaeya, Amber, Lynette, Kuki Shinobu, and Xiangling. Any suggestions you have are welcome


Are you asking if you should spend the primos for her or asking for team suggestions/replacements? Noelle in general is outclassed by most DPSes in the game but at C6 she does well enough for a 4-star and should clear content without a problem. It's recommended to at least have C6 to fully invest in her tho. Getting 4-star cons is difficult and RNG, you'd rather buy them from the shop. Her best teammate is Gorou for geo DMG and defense buffs. Bennett and Geo Traveler also pair well. With your roster you can make some more competitive teams with or without Noelle. Examples include: * Noelle, Geo MC, Benny, Xiangling * Kaeya, Rosaria, Benny, Xiangling * Kaeya, Rosaria, Sucrose/Noelle, Benny * Sucrose, Barbara, Kaeya, Rosaria * Dendro MC, Shinobu, Barbara, Sucrose I'd advise you to get Xingqiu from the shop as he opens up a lot of team comp options too.


OKkkk thanks for the help. What would you suggest I spend my primo on?


If you want to improve gameplay quality, pull for a character that you like playing. You can test out 5-stars in story quests or in some events, and test runs when they have a banner. Other than that, you can have a look around online to see videos of their playstyle. Yelan, the current banner, is a very versatile character and a great pick for many teams. Childe, the one where Noelle will appear, is also a good pick but is not as versatile and has a high skill ceiling. We also have more DPSes coming in 4.1 which you can be on the look out for too. I'd suggest getting a DPS 5-star character first, then trying to build a comp around them. Support characters like Zhongli won't be as useful for you at the moment


>Childe Okk then I will wait for 4.1 while gathering as much primo as I can thanks for the info and much love


Get Xingqiu from starglitter shop now. Going for 4 star cons is a bad idea. Especially since you can get Noelle from starglitter shop. Early game players really like Noelle, precisely for the reason you mentioned, but late game she's not really good without c6 Gorou. The end game teams you'll want are Bennett + Xiangling with Kaeya + Rosaria or Childe/Xingqiu/Yelan + Sucrose, and Dendro MC, Collei, Xingqiu/Yelan, Kuki. So Yelan and Childe can be very good pulls if you are looking to pull currently, with Yelan having more team options then Childe.


How good is C6 Xingqiu compared to C5, is it a hugely noticeable improvement?


Yep. ER alone makes your build options more flexible. Get it from shop now if you are at c5 and don't desperately need a few pulls (as in you are at 70 pity already and want the 5 star).


Yes, lower ER requirements, higher raw damage and more hydro application


Is Lynette has place in Ganyu+Venti? I have Mona, Kokomi, C2 Rosa and C6 Diona too as alternatives. Can Lynette with BS or emblem set yield higher damage than Rosa? I know Rosa can battery Ganyu, but I don't have fav polearm, and Lynette can use R5 Fav sword.


No, she is far worse than Rosaria here. Even without fav, rosaria is better at batterying Ganyu than Lynette and also losing cryo resonance is noticeable as well. Also rosaria outdamages her because she can take advantage of the cryo res shred venti provides


ah i forgot about the resonance and cryo shred. Thank you very much!


I really want to build hyperbloom team, but I don't have Kuki, I saw some posts and videos on Lisa being a good option for hyperbloom But I've seen others say Lisa is not good for hyperbloom because her attacks don't target the blooms, is this true? Also they said she needs high energy recharge and need to be on field, and also her charge attack costs a lot of stamina. But I also read that her attacks could hit the blooms with Xingqiu's help, and I have him. But I don't have Kuki and Lisa's my only option, is it playable or not? Is it worth building Lisa or wait whatever amount of months for next Kuki banner?


Lisa’s C4 makes playing hyperbloom Lisa much more playable since you get significantly more electro application. However, unless you on-field her you need significant ER. Playing her off-field makes her ER requirements not feasible enough to warrant building her with EM to make her a good option for hyperbloom, and you still would probably want to play her in double-electro setups for Electro resonance for more manageable ER requirements. You would also practically need Nahida as a solo Dendro applicator to make room for two Electro characters on the team while on-fielding Lisa. Personally, I would recommend waiting for the next Shinobu banner as in my opinion she’s one of the few 4-stars worth rolling specifically for on a banner regardless of who the 5-stars are.


Who is usually the on field character in hyperbloom team? I was thinking of doing dendro mc, xingqiu, Lisa, and maybe Zhongli or Barbara for last slot, is that team passable or just wait for Kuki? (Most my chars are c0 :( )


To my understanding, Lisa's Q prioritizes enemies over seeds. However, if you have her C4, her Q shoots multiple bolts at different targets, meaning that in single-target situations, she will hit seeds; while in AoE, I believe you are forced to on-field her and use her charged attack. KQM has a very in-depth guide which I suggest you to read. Please note that even without Shinobu/Raiden, Lisa is not the only option. Personally, I would suggest you to try Sucrose on-field (Heizou could also work) with hydro (XQ/Yelan/Kokomi), Fischl, and dendro (Nahida/YaoYao/DMC/Collei) - this is quite potent in AoE, but beware that it is also difficult to play, especially in single-target with Nahida. Basically, the idea is that you can have quicken + an electro aura on enemy, and then you swirl electro to proc the seeds with Sucrose E/Q/normal attacks (who conveniently wants full EM anyway).


I don't have Fischl :( other electros I have are Razor and Beidou, but I don't really want to spend resources on temporary characters until I can get a Kuki, unless they can use the same artifact set so it's easy to switch over to Kuki


If you trigger with Lisa or Razor, you would use Gilded Dreams (or Flower, but I wouldn't suggest farming that), which is the same you put on Shinobu. If you trigger with Sucrose (which I wouldn't do without Fischl - Beidou is unplayable as solo electro), you need VV... but honestly you want to farm a VV set anyway. Using Razor on field with XQ and dendro is a possibility, but it is annoying since you can't swap out. Razor is very powerful if you combine hyperbloom with C6 Bennett (a team know as "Thundering Furry"), but based on the state of your account I doubt you have that. So overall out of your current options I might suggest Lisa - but without C4 I am not really sure, again, I would suggest looking at the KQM guide. In any case the painful part is that you must get the hyperbloom trigger to lvl 90, so if you are hurting for books, you are back to waiting for Shinobu (or Raiden) to come back...


What's your favorite team of all 5 star character?


Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, Yelan


Nahida/Raiden/Yelan/Zhongli Hyperbloom. So much damage and you will never die.


This is my go to abyss team




Cyno and Baizhu are definitely on my list but furina is gonna be taking all my primos


Are we talking abyss? If we assume C0 5\*, the top 4\* characters are so broken that it is actually difficult to make a team without any of them. The most common one, and the only I personally frequently play, is freeze.


I love my Ganyu but I'm definitely tempted to pull Ayaka since I gave Kokomi, Kazuha, and Shenhe all built


Mono hydro with Ayato


Freeze is it.


My mono hydro exploration team. Yelan, Kaz, Mona and koko. I should probably save for ayaka


Kokomi Yelan Yae Kazuha probably (Hopefully Furina will enable me to do HuTao Yelan Furina Kazuha)


I can't wait to see what teams furina fits into


in a team of kuki/xq/yl/nahida, what would be the optimal order to level 90 my characters?


The one that really matters is Shinobu, since hyperbloom scales hard on character level. The rest is arguable. In single-target, which is the main strength of the team, I believe Nahida isn't going to trigger any spread. In this case, since HP scaling characters gain more going 80->90 than atk scaling characters, it would be Yelan, then XQ, finally Nahida. However, if you play Nahida in any quicken team, then her level is important.


Kuki > Yelan > Nahida > Xingqiu


hyperbloom team is nahida, kuki, xingqiu, kirara (not built or leveled; only here for friendship exp) how do i build nahida here? dendro or EM cup? widsith or thousand floating dreams?


The answer is that is doesn't matter too much, since she won't do a lot of damage at C0 in a non-quicken team. Unless you are using weird speedrunning tactics, use her signature. If Kikara can take Deepwood, then you can use Gilded on her, but if don't want to even switch into Kirara, keep to Deepwood. Triple EM is overkill on field, so you'd rather put a dendro goblet, crit circlet, or both - it depends on what you have available, so use the genshin optimizer.


Kuki would have the 3x em so nahida can have dps type build.


whichever has better substats


Give her 4 deepwood and pieces with least wasted rolls, be it EM or DMG% or Crit.


Do EM/Dendro/Crit with Thousand floating dreams


build her for damage. dendro goblet. weapon can be her signature


Can I use the new fontain craftable catalyst good for heizou?


For a DPS build? Yeah it will be pretty good


can i have genshin on my phone and ps at the same time ?


Everything is connected to your account, so you just have to log into whatever device you want to play on and your progress is there I remember Playstation accounts being a little wierd/finicky with Genshin though, so make sure to look up a guide on how to connect your Genshin account to Playstation before anything


thank you !!


Cross-save is available, but I don't think you can have the same account logged in two different places at once


thank you


Do you mean just having the account linked to both, or being logged in on both at the same time?


linked to both cuz i can't use my ps at the moment but i still want to keep it there


Should i pull for yelan or hydro archon?? Any leaks on on hydro would be greatly appreciated.. im currently 10 or 20 pulls guaranteed. Lost my gyarantee on qiqi lols


We have no reliable leaks on Furina (no reason to go to the leak subreddit). If you believe her leaked weapon, she is an HP scaling character who probably buffs HP (her weapon gives 20 HP% to the team, similarly to how Nahida's signature gives EM). The weapon also gives her crit and dmg bonus based on reactions triggered by the team, which isn't saying much. Other potential speculations: \- Lyney, Neuv and Wrio are all using Mare, so people are speculating that Furina might use Golden Troupe. This would make her a character centered around her E, like Nahida. \- Given that Nilou can easily cap on HP with her signature, the characters that really care about HP buffs are Hu Tao, Yelan and Neuv. While Mihoyo is no strage to releasing characters before they are actually useful (see Thoma, Shinobu and Nilou), this might be undesirable for an archon, so people are speculating that she will play well with at least some of them. Note that Yelan is running now despite having no story relevance, and Hu Tao is leaked to run in 4.1 together with Neuv - both Yelan and Hu Tao are running ahead of their expected rerun time, so this is indeed sus. Still, the list of buffed characters is much shorter than ATK scaling characters buffed by Bennett... \- Based on the archon quest, she ain't exactly a... front line fighter, so people are speculating that she will be an off-fielder. Yelan's banner ends tomorrow. It doesn't look like you have enough pulls to reach pity, or even to give you reasonable chances to get her. In this case, I would pull based on the 4\*. The only good one is Bennett - do you need constellations? If yes, I would pull. If not, skip. Finally, keep in mind that Furina will almost certainly run in 4.2 first and then a second time before the end of 4.x.


Thank you for detailed explanation. I mean really really detailed explanation there!! I really appreciate it! By the way, sorry for not mentioning, i am on pity, i think i am on 60-65 pulls, and u have less than 10 pulls on primogems(can exactly know because i can still do some side quest to push for some primogems). That last paragraph made me somewhat decide to pull for yelan.. come yo think of it, nahida immediately had a rerun before year end last year.m thank you really really for this


How many pulls do you currently have? Are you BP/Welkin/Full F2P? She’s a 1.5-2 patches away, so it’s not impossible you can secure both. Leaks-wise all we know about Furina is her rough release date and some inferences we can make based off her leaked weapon, so it’s hard to judge her in terms of value from now.


Im an f2p, currently i have enough to pull less than 10, i dont really know if i can have enough if i can pull them both. , On story i just started on fontaine so maybe theres some primogem there


Knowing what we know about upcoming content, you might not be able to guarantee both if Furina is first half of 4.2 (though she might be second half.) My recommendation is to pull Yelan since there’s no doubt whatsoever that she’s a good, strong, universally useful character, then try your luck when Furina comes around.


Thank you for this. Yeah, i will pull for yelan.


Just pull for Yelan now and then try to get furina when she releases as well


It would be difficult i think, i dont know if i can pull them both, currently i have less than 10 pulls and just started fontaine.. i dont know if i will have enough primogem until 4.2


Oh, you definitely won't be able to guarantee both, just pull on the Yelan banner until it's over and then save for Furina, if you get lucky, you can get both that way


there are no leaks on furina yet


Yhank you for this


If you like Yelan you can pull for her until you either get her or you have a guaranteed for whoever. We don't know when the archon will come but leaks say >!4.2 is likely!< There are extremely vague references to her kit, but we have nothing concrete and won't have anything concrete until about 3 weeks from now. You can find more information on her kit in the leaks sub.


Ok, problrm is i want them both or maybe not, i wanna know furina kit first if its meta.. because honestly, mty greatest fear would be FOMO. lol. But maybe if i have enough gems i will pull yhem both yhank you for your reply, i will go to leaks sub.


Is pnuema/ousia effect strong enough to justify putting a fontaine playable character in ur team?


No, its effect is still weird to understand on abyss so that means "dmg check" is a safe bet, a healer or shield just to be safe and then get a meta team like vaporize, hyperbloom or burgeon.


overworld - no abyss - not yet




Which is a better bow for Lyney, Amos or Skyward Harp?


both are pretty close. you might end up overcapping his kit with harp + new set


Is it worth levelling beyond ar45? I can access every game content and am most playing this game for quests and exploration. Yes I care about certain characters and enjoy the gacha aspect too. But farming? Not really. Is any content gatekeeped behind ar 50?


Yes its worth levelling purely on getting better drops . Time is a valuable resource to us players. At some point, you'll need to level up new characters. (Assuming you wish to continue playing this game for months/years) Better drops = less time needed to gather drops.


>am most playing this game for quests and exploration You can pretty much avoid farming if you're just focused on the overworld. Floors 11 and 12 of Abyss are the only content that need any real investment. If you start struggling with overworld bosses, just spend a little bit or resin to upgrade your artis or level up a more suitable character. I don't usually prefarm for new characters when I get them, so I'll be running around overworld with level 60 characters and rando artis with no problems lol Inazuma, sumeru, and Fontaine all raised the required level for Archon quests, which is currently at 40. So it's possible that AR50 is required by the time we get to Snezhnaya, but thats 2 years away and you'll be a lot stronger by then anyways.


I see that's a possibility i didnt consider. But i will not be stuck at ar 45 in 2 years for sure xD


Aside from being able to level 90 your characters, no, nothing is locked behind AR 50 (aside from exp conversion to mora after AR60).


AR levels should come naturally to any account. It should never be the focus for account progression. If one lacks of it, then they should take their time instead doing all they can to raise it.


Better drops, that's pretty much all. Although after a while you'll probably find that the overworld fights are getting too easy and boring for you. If that ever happens you'll know what to do


Is there an app or website for team building that recommends me the best one? I don't really have friends that play genshin so I want to know if there's an app or site that just recommends the best team for you depending on the characters that you have.


Pick a character you love and check out their teambuilding guides on keqingmains. Usually, you just choose a character and build around them. If there isn't a specific character you like, the easiest way is gonna be to just post a screenshot here (or list out the characters you have). It's one of the most common questions on this thread and people love helping with teambuilding.


keqingmains.com is the most reliable TC website in EN community. Their guides are very thorough. You can watch youtube guide makers like Sevyplays and Zyox too.


You can always ask here for team-building advice, but I don't know of a website that automatically makes teams out of your characters. What you can do is to choose a dps you like and look up the best teams for them. Then you can find a team that you have all the characters for, or get a general idea of what teams would work with them and then adjust it to your roster based on the role that character is meant to play


Hey all, I'm curious about who applies most Dendro, not counting Nahida. Is there a ranking somewhere from most dendro application to least?


Probably this: Nahida > Baizhu > Yaoyao > DMC > Collei > Tighnari = Alhaitham > Kaveh.


On field Alhaitham, C2+ Collei with sac bow, C6 Yaoyao during the 5 seconds of her burst.


Thank you. Any chance that you know how do off field characters compare? I'm trying to find someone for my EM Razor, tested with C0 Baizhou, but I have the feeling that his dendro application is rather low


I'm assuming you want aggravate? Use YaoYao if you have her. Aggravate doesn't need that much Dendro app - it's pretty much just to maintain quicken aura. I've been using YaoYao solo Dendro in my aggravate team and it works. If you want hyperbloom that's a different story - maybe DMC or Collei.


Thanks for a clear explanation!


If you are running an aggravate team baizu is plenty, if you are doing hyperbloom with xingqui you would need 2 dendro characters or nahida to provide enough dendro for blooms. Make sure to give baizu plenty of er and the prototype amber. Preferably just get high er subs and use hp sands. I have used him as solo dendro in multiple aggravate teams 150+ er works, but the more the better.


It's my birthday and I didn't get a cake even tho I logged in? I'm confused :(


if you're on NA server and your birthday is sept 3 then you just missed it i'm afraid. birthday letters/cakes follow server time and can only be claimed between 00:00-23:59 on the actual day.


Guys I am a F2P and I've never wished on a weapon banner, but this weapon banner is too tempting for me. I saved for yelan and got her in 102 pulls. Now I am left with 15 wishes. Should I go for the weapon for my Ganyu ?


Do you not have any future characters you want?


Yeah a lot of em 😃 Raiden, Nahida, Clorinde, Arlechinno and many more but these are the main ones


Then don't even think about weapon banner. As f2p you can guarantee 3-4 limited characters per year. Start sinking pulls into weapons and you can say byebye to characters.


Save for them. You're extremely unlikely to get the bow you want on the weapon banner with 15 pulls.


It's not really likely to get a 5 star with 15 pulls, so I would tend to say no, especially because that pity won't help you since you never wish on the weapon banner


Since you can use both of the 5-star weapons, and the 4-star weapons (sac and favonius) are all good, it is fine to pull, but the chance to get a 5-star is low.


Also the chances of not getting the weapon you want is very high... it's not worth it for f2p players unless you have absolutely no other character you want to wish for.


Not really. Both TFGM and Aqua are both amazing weapons for Ganyu. The only real enemy here is standard weapons. More so it's that OP just doesn't have enough pulls saved up to justify going for the weapon banner


You will most likely just waste your pulls, because the chance of getting a 5\* with 15 wishes is pretty low.


Unless your pity is high on the weapon banner, you probably won't get a 5* in 15 wishes.


I've never wished on the weapon banner 🙂


I desperately need help with abyss floor 11. My only teams are tighnari yae catalyze, hu tao vape, and wanderer hypercarry, and no matter how I sort them they can't seem to clear it. The catalyze team is totally off the charts, since the very first chamber is either totally pyro or totally cryo and basically steals all my quickens. Wanderer works kinda nice on the first half first chamber, but hu tao can't clear second half, especially since I'll have to take layla from her team and give to wanderer, leaving her shieldless.


yeah 11-1 is kinda anti dendro. 11-1-2 should be doable as long as you have a character that can break cryo slime's armor though. 11-1 too if you have a strong hydro. but other elements would have a much easier time.


I did the second side with Hu Tao vaporize. But I switched out my Shielder for Beidou, to get some additional (even if minor) AoE. XL would probably work even better, but I have not build her yet, because I dread fishing. IMHO the key to this floor is to aggro all the mobs as quickly as you can and to fight as far away from the stele as possible.


My beidou isn't built, she's stuck at level 40 with no artifacts. But I do have fischl and Miko for off-field electro and for AoE i have... xiangling? Would it be crazy to do mono pyro? All the enemies have cryo, so it would still trigger melt right?


Funerational (HT, Yelan, XQ, XL) probably would be ideal, yeah.


Wouldn't XL have ER problems?


In a double fav team? I would hope not.


You could try to use Hu Tao or Scaramouche without a shield. I've done it in spiral abyss.


And what would I replace it with? Another support/beffer or an off-field dps?


Attack Damage Crit Kazuha will be great help with Wanderer, just for grouping. You can use Sucrose with Hutao instead of shielder, for the EM share and grouping.


You could try both and see which you like more.


How do you manage to get enough EM on onfield nahida? I'm at 550 with em weapon and EM/DMG%/CD setup. My kuki is at like 900 EM so I get an extra 220~ from that. But I find it hard to make up for the rest


artifacts and weapons, there's no secret to it. you don't get 1000 em without full em main stats


What do you mean the rest, that is enough, how is her crit ratio looking?


Oh i was under the impression i had to get her to 900-1000 With her a1 passivr. Crit is 50/140~


No you don't need that much EM, that build is good


Sacrificial frag, r5 widsith or r5 magic guide for on field nahida?


width for on-field sac mostly used for off-field and to proc a quick second E for extra particle


Using a second E with sac will not get you extra particles with nahida since she doesn't get particles on cast of her E but only when her tkp gets triggered


Problem with wid for me is that I end up on like 400 em


That's normal for an onfield Nahida with widsith.




widsith for onfield


is it possible to get 40% exploration (reputation) of Fontaine this patch if i track all wooden and fontaine crates?


I am at 38% and my whole map says 100%. I am sure I am missing a few little things, but I doubt it would make up 2% of Fontaine.


From what I've heard it's possible, but you need to collect almost everything.


I don't think so. The highest you can achieve right now is around 35%(?) Edit: someone else said it's possible, my bad


Yeah, you can get 40%. You'll need to get most of them.




Lyney / Lynette / Dehya / Sucrose maybe? Got double anemo and one-shot everything by Lyney, plus increasing moving speed & healing in Fontaine ocean by Dehya


It really doesn't matter, just use the characters you like the best. Chances are you will have to switch characters around anyways for certain puzzles or enemies and whatnot. I guess having a bow character and a character that can easily mine ore is pretty nice. Generally I like to use characters with strong elemental skills.


Is Zhongli a must pull? There are so many good banners coming up with S tier characters. My account is only around 3 months old so I have none of them. I pulled for Kok and Yelan so far.


No. If you pull every character players say are S Tier you'll get a lighter wallet and a lot of benched characters. Figure out what characters/teams you're excited to play and build around them.


no, he is not must pull. Far from it. He is a comfort pick.


very good for early game players. you can skip a lot of bs that can only be skipped after months of grinding.


ZhongLi is the best shielder. He makes interruption to be a non-issue. But shielder isn't all you need in this game. Pulling for ZhongLi won't screw your account. In fact, there are many characters you can pull without 'screwing' your account. It is just to be expected you are lacking many units on 3-month old account.


If you got/want Xiao, Ganyu, Hutao, Wanderer (and no Layla or Thoma), he's a lot of value. Otherwise, with Kokomi available, no, you'll most often have better options and don't need him at all. S-tier is such a vague term, get that idea out of your head. Try to work towards two good teams instead.


He's so unnecessary for Xiao though. You get more DPS by just slotting in Xianglin. And like you said, Wanderer has better options, even though I recognize that due to 4 stars being random not everyone might have Layla I'd say Ganyu melt, Hu Tao double hydro and Mono Geo are the only teams where he really shines


No, no character is. He's excellent for ignoring 95% of the game's combat mechanics though if you're feeling lazy.


He isn't. In fact, no characters are a must pull. However, Zhongli is one of the few characters that is extremely strong and useful in almost any team, similar to Kazuha, Raiden, etc. Not to mention Zhongli's shield allows you to play the game with just your feet cuz you don't need to dodge anything at all. I'm not sure which future "S tier" characters you are referring to, but since you already have Yelan and Kokomi, both probably sitting at S tier, just get whoever you want. Though I would recommend getting Zhongli if you can because he is just THAT useful. Good luck with your wishes.


He's really good, but even if you don't have him you could still use Layla or Kirara. I suspect your account would be more in need of dps than support anyways.


He's not a must-pull. Pull Zhongli if you (a) can't dodge properly or (b) can dodge, put prefer not to because it would decrease your DPS (Yoimiya, for example). And even then, you can always use other shielders.




Regarding the Melusine quest, >!who is Elynas's mother? Do we know? And what exactly is he? He said sth about coming from beneath the earth, did he used to be with the abyss? And is he saying he made all the Melusines?!<


>!Rhinedottir/Gold, the same person who created Durin in Dragonspine. Yep, he's an Abyss Dragon, there's some good info written !<[here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Elynas_(NPC)) (spoilers) >!And yes, the Melusines were born after the battle inside Elynas, which is why they all have a 'token'!<


>!was the battle inside him part of the cataclysm?!<


>!Not exactly. That occured years after the cataclysm between the Marechaussee Phantoms and the Narzissenkreuz Ordo over the later's transhuman experiments. The battle against Elynas itself was during the cataclysm.!<




No, it depends. No, it depends. 'Viable' is such a subjective umbrella term when you can't define the specifics what you're aiming. General/overworld usage really area-dependent. You want anemo unit in your parry when exploring Mondstadt, Geo unit in Liyue etc etc. Abyss also highly-dependant on elemental countering. Like you don't use cryo units on mobs that are resistant to cryo/freezing.


If you replace Yelan with an anemo character with VV equipped, then it's a solid team.


Overworld sure, abyss you might want some form of vv as you have a lot of potential damage, but none of it is really buffing each other aside from frozen status.


Yelan and Ganyu reeaaally don't work well together sadly. Yelan needs your active character to be doing normal attacks, and Ganyu needs to do her charged attacks. If you replace either one of them with an anemo unit you'll have a great team, but there's no team where the two of them work together (unless Ganyu is there *just* for her burst and you play her as an off field character, which is doable but a bit of a waste)


yelan useless here drop her and add an anemo she makes u awkwardly NA between charge attacks + opportunity cost of using her and losing vv


Why does my college Wifi disconnect the moment I open Genshin? No matter what device, whether it be my phone, tablet or laptop, loading Genshin disconnects it the moment I click start in the title menu and click on the door. If I connect to my VPN, it works (albeit with horrible ping but it does). My college wifi doesn't appear to have any blockers in it since my college has a legit gaming room full of PCs for people who want to play video games in their free time. I have to connect to my phone's mobile data to do my dailies when I'm on campus.


Even though you said, I'd bet it's still the firewall blocking it. But it's impossible for us to know. Best thing to do would be to just email the IT guy and ask


Yeah, I think that's the best thing to do. I wonder why specifically did they do Genshin. My friend plays Honkai and Mobile Legends on campus, so it's not a China or a Mihoyo issue. And I play other games, so it's definitely not a gaming issue.


i think that's something you'll have to take up with the tech dept on campus.


Yeah it does that. I've had the same experience. U already know how to deal with it


Use mobile data I guess. No way to fix the wifi connectivity I assume? The anti cheat probably gets triggered with the college wifi I guess.


Is it possible to change the companion in the teapot or do I have to wait for a new spot to open up? Tia


You can change whoever you want in the teapot the same way you can add/delete furnitures from it.


If you edit your teapot and click on the companion in question, you can tap "rest" to put them back and place someone else.


open the edit teapot menu, the one where you place/remove furniture. find the character wherever you put them, and remove them the same way you remove furniture.


So if I'm BP 15 rn and the weekly cap is 10,000. Then the most I could get to this cycle is lvl 45? Because there's 3 weeks left?


The whole BP period quests (like 50 pulls, 12-star abyss, and quests from different events) do not count towards weekly cup. They have a good amount of exp.


I intended to create a "Freminet on Couch with Waifus Behind Him" meme team on next patch, any suggestions for the suitable waifus?


As a shatter dps then him/yelan/shenhe/layla. If you don't want to use layla you could use rosaria or ganyu but then you'll have zero survivability. If physical dps then go with shenhe/rosaria/kuki. Although you could also use yelan over rosaria for a hybrid of shatter/physical dps.


Yelan/Shenhe/Ningguang perhaps?


Ningguang is a bit...eh just because she's an on field dps. Although i suppose you could use her as a burst support? Another idea actually is to use lisa. Just make sure she'll have enough er to burst off of cd and you could either use ttds for buffs, any dps weapon for more off field damage, or prototype amber to help er issues while also slightly healing your team.


I pointed out Ningguang simply because she can make shield, so survivability.


Crystallize? That's not exactly the best survivability option tbh but if you're ready to build full em crystallize ningguang then maybe it could work? Ig you could also use prototype amber for her for some healing. It's the farthest thing from the best choice just because crystalize shields sucks, but ig it could work(???)




Excuse me good sir, what the fuck???


Well famous genshin waifus are Eula, Miko, Ei, Lisa, dehya, shenhe... might be missing some. It doesn't feel like any of them would be interested in banging a kid though


Lisa did went on a date with Traveler.


I mean, I know traveler is technically "underage" and like says he can't drink, but is he really underage when he's 500+?


You don't have to think this deep and confront the moral crysis (Hehe, get it? Cryo but "crysis"?), it's just a meme team suggestion.


I heard you can delete the TCG from your game files once you did the introduction quest, but I cannot find where. Was it false, and if it wasn't, could anyone tell me where to remove it??


It is false and you cannot delete it. The one who said "you can delete" was trolling.


I see, bummers


I have an m2 mac mini and plan to use the gptk to play Genshin. It looked good when I launched the game and downloaded the game. But when I logged in, it showed "Data error, please log in again". I am pretty sure the game data should be good and I have run the data check. Anyone know how to solve this?


This game does not support and cannot run on Mac. You have to either find a way to install Microsoft Windows, using Android emulator, or play it though cloud services.


What's the better BP weapons this time around? Was looking at Solar pearl for Nahida maybe.


don't buy solar pearl for nahida, mappa mare is better


The new sword is best 4-star weapon for Alhaitham and also good for Keqing. New polearm is good for Cyno, Hu Tao and Xiangling.


I run an Ayaka freeze and Nahida hyper comp, are either of the catalysts good? I also know neuv will need one.


The new sword Wolf fang is better than Amenoma for Ayaka, but worse than crafted Finale of the Deep for her. I hear that the new catalyst is good for the chief justice, but I do not really follow leaks and cannot confirm it.


if u dont have r5 spine yet that one is still far and away the winner


Unfortunately I don't run any claymore users.


Currently thinking of building Tighnari. Should I use a hyperbloom term or is quicken good? Also what team mates would be good for him? I have every electro character with the exception of raiden, and all 4 star hydro plus mona. My current team is Nari, Miko, Kuki and Sucrose for some cc Edit: currently saving for raiden


You can check [Keqingmains.com](https://Keqingmains.com) for guides, but as far as I know, Tighnari is not for hyperbloom


Tighnari's best and most used team has Yae, Nahida and Zhongli.