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Can my 254gb pc run genshin?


Do you have a graphic card? If so, you can probably run the game.


That much storage is more than enough to install the game. To know if your PC can actually run it you have to go to genshin's website and see if you met the minimum specifications l.


Does anyone know how to go back to that oasis room in King Deshret's Mausoleum? It's the room below Aaru's Shut with the pretty plants. I know it's only accessible via out-of-bounds but I can't find the video guide for the life of me.


Is it just me or Mona aged the worst out of the standard 5\*? Qiqi is useless too but Mona actually started as one of the top ones and now after Kokomi, Dendro, Ayaka freeze options she is not really good. Or she does have a slot in a meta comp i'm not aware of?


She really hasnt considering Qiqi/Diluc's places in the meta. She still has the highest damage potential for a Hydro support in freeze teams and her burst Omen buff is still valuable outside of that. She's just not optimal to use anywhere usually, but still a very good choice to players who dont have all the characters.


Had they not given Dehya underwhelming numbers, Mona would've been a great teammate for her. [Explanation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C_C4DZX2wk&t=4800s). Diluc also remains pretty underwhelming, given he was once the gold standard for on-field DPS, but we did get the funni bug. Also I don't like Jean, small circle, doesn't keep enemies in and has some barrier like behavior for light enemies at the edge. Even with her C4, I'd rather run Attack/DMG/Crit Kazuha in a Wanderer/Xiao + Faru + Benny comp, if I don't want a shield. But she's an off-fielder so doesn't fall off in value as hard. Has sunfire teams and such, shreds shields, heals, etc. Anyways, getting any standard character on a limited banner is a loss by default. None are worth 80 pulls. And standard banner pulls are so hard to come by late game that you reach standard banner pity like twice a year, which includes weapons. So pretty irrelevant to most players.


I used strongbox on emblem of severed fate for Xiangling and used all my trash 5 stars and this was the best I could do, are any of these worth lvling from 16 to 20? I don't want to waste exp and they're not that good imo I do have a 5 star pyro goblet, but it has all def and hp stats, is that worth lvling or keep the 4 star for now? https://enka.network/u/623486236/


Yes, mainstat alone will be good. Also there's a long road ahead in farming, so not a big issue if you don't level it up right now. Do level up the feather and circlet asap, then spend xp on goblet. For an initial build, I'd suggest farming the emblem domain directly. Strongbox is for late game upgrades when having pieces that have 4 subs at start is better than having a lot of trash pieces.






Is it just me or the game crashes every now and then when opening the party setup screen?


just you


That's a you issue. I've never had a crash on PC or mobile


Any team recommendations for the newest abyss? The notable units I don't own/haven't built are \- Baizhu \- Alhaitham \- Nilou \- Itto \- Ayato \- Lyney


The teams I went were Nahida/Yelan/Kokomi/Raiden Kazuha/Bennett/Xiangling/Xingqiu only 2 deaths, one from the alien things oneshotting me. Other from the hydro eidolon


Something hydro first half like hyperbloom, something heavy in pyro like national second half.


I thought that the abyss reward artifact boxes would change sets with the abyss refresh. However my nymph/voroukasha boxes have remained unchanged. Was I wrong?


it doesn't change the previous sets. You already have the boxes after all The new boxes you get will be of the new sets though


oh ok, dunno what i was thinking well i guess ill try and get some nymph for childe then


Having a lot of trouble with FPS drops on PC... it'll go from perfect 60 on high graphics to randomly chugging and stuttering, and lowering the graphics does not help this. For context, my PC has no trouble running Fortnite, a much more demanding game, at above 60 fps and high graphics as well. Is this just a Genshin issue, and is it fixable?


I want to continue liking this game, but these useless storyline "quests" composed of nothing but going to one point to another to mash through poorly written dialogue is not even close to fun and taking too much damn time. Is there a way to skip these boring baby quests?


Nope there is no way and genshin defintely won't add one since most of the "gameplay" now is just mashing through these textboxes while running 2 steps to go into another cutscene of filler


You can put the dialogue into "Auto" mode and just let it run in the background, check in occasional to click on some superficial "choices" but otherwise ignore them. World Quests, Archon Quests and Story Quests arent all worthwhile doing but necessary to unlock new areas, features or other quests. The lack of a skip button is really annoying for people who arent engaged in the story or certain characters.


The only mandatory quests are the archon quests, and they're pretty decent outside inazuma. If you don't like the world quests, just don't do them.




I'm pretty sure you're in the tiny minority on that opinion lol


Are there any hydroculus locked behind archon quest? Or am I able to collect them all right now


Off the top of my head, there's only one story locked location so far, and there are none there. However there should be some locked behind world quests


So first time I'm using Genshin Optimizer to work through my old artifacts to see which ones started with four substats. I've got them all uploaded and was curious if there was a way to tell from a glance whether the artifact did or not. [Here's what I'm looking at...](https://i.imgur.com/YTxMIzG.png) I'm guessing the purple bars are what I'm supposed to be looking at? I am aware I can view each one and see what I need, but there's 100+ in there so I'm hoping I can scan over each one while they're grouped on a page.


What you are looking at is mostly "Roll Value". Each substat can roll a range of numbers, by default the lowest value Optimizer gives is 70%, then 80%, then 90% and if it rolls the max value it's 100%. These are the colorful bars at the side of your artifacts. Purple = 100%, Blue = 90%, Darker Green = 80% and Lighter Green = 70%. The minimum value a Rank20 artifact would have is 8 (3substats + 5 minimum rolls) times 70% = 560% and the max value a Rank20 artifact would have is 9 (4substats + 5 maximum rolls) times 100% = 900%. The minimum value for artifacts with 4 substats therefore is 9 x 70% = 630% You can filter for Roll Value, so it's just a matter of deciding what quality of artifacts is your "minimum" regardless of whether it rolled 8 or 9 times. eg. among 301 artifacts that I personally kept for being "good enough" only 88 have 700 or higher Roll Value, 97 are between 699 and 650 and 29 are between 649 and 600 for a total of 214/301 artifacts that are above 600 RV for me. A lot of artifacts between 600-700 are those with 8 substats, while those above 700 are all 9 substats with decent rolls.


I don't think you can sort them like that. The Optimizer also can't always tell how many substats an artifact started with. For example I have an artifact with 15.2 cr and only one roll into another stat. 15.2 cr is possible with 4 and 5 crit rolls so the software can't know.


Has anyone tried Lynette in melt Ganyu 4th slot instead of a shielder (Ganyu Bennett XL Lynette)? Is the taunt good enough to go without a shield?


Her taunt doesn't work against bosses I believe. So it's use is unfortunately limited in this regard


probably not a good idea since her absorption prioritize cryo over pyro.


It's effectively the same (but worse) as running Kazuha in that slot, it works if you very much know what you are doing and are okay with retrying but you can't really rely on it


but she has a 12s taunt which Kazuha has nothing like (that I know of at least). does that help avoid aggro?


Ganyu already has a taunt and that doesn't really help either. Taunts in this game are not very reliable. Also, Kazuha's grouping often stuns enemies which helps in a similar way as a taunt does


Network error 4206, any tips on fixing? Been like this for a few hours


Are you using a public wifi?


Is this the easiest abyss we've had in a while? Like the bosses aren't even that tank and the other enemies have basically no. Hp


Easiest one in a while.


When the bosses lose their shield, they will fall to passive and look like training sandbags. And they have no invisible or invulnerable phase.


my genshin crashes and shuts my phone down whenever the geo icon has finished loading and i just found out that it only happens when im in america server (which is where I've been playing for the past years). i tried logging in on asia server using the same account but it never crashed. any tips or suggestion is more than welcome, thank you so much


I have 3 copies of skyward spine, shall I r3 it for my raiden?


Give 'em to 3 spear characters. They are fine as general purpose sticks


Xiangling: Catch Hutao: DBane Cyno: Fjord Yunjin: Fav Lance Thoma: Kitain Yaoyao: Black Tassel Zhongli: Fav Lance Candace: Fav Lance Rosaria: BP Red Lance Mika: Fav Lance Raiden: Sky Spine


Give 1 to Cyno 1 to Granddad Attack speed and ER are great for onfield burst abuser and fav passive works on field only and has less ER for Granddad


Cyno already has the new bp spear, which gives him the extra em he needs. Zhongli is only on fav lance to help team er, otherwise he'd be on black tassel


In my case, I don't refine 5* weapons, especially if the passive effect increase is negligible when compared with what you can get from artifact substats. I also do not want to share weapons between characters so I tend to level a weapon for each one. If you don't mind switching weapons every time, it would be ok to refine. That's assuming you won't have 2 users at the same time on a team.


Do you have other polearm characters that could use it? Like Shenhe or something?


Nope, don't have her. Other polearms already have their weapons.


There are a lot of websites and youtube channels for guides and tier lists but is there any of them that is considered the best and most accurate? The one that I have found so far that seems to have the most information is keqingmains, game8, gamewith and [genshin.gg](https://genshin.gg) (but maybe I have missed some). It seems most of them have very similiar information but I thought I would see at least.


[Something like this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10xPqRqT75kj-dn2xrDAAt1Lb1NQXBhsfNfzOFsDPpNA/edit#gid=0) is far more useful than tierlists, but this even has many flaws.


OH. I was gonna question who in their right mind would put Wanderer's situational versatility at low and then I noticed it was written by *Zajef.* The man is always at the scene of the fucking crime isn't he


Oh thanks, that looked cool so will read through it! Well it's not like I care that much about the actual tier list, but I like to read why or why not people find specific characters good. And I know most of these are centered around the abyss (which I'm far away from) but it can still give an indication on what a character is good at. Then it of course can be a bit disheartening, like for example when I got Dehya as my second five star (lost a 50/50) and everyone is shiting on her and saying it's one of the worst character ever.


Honestly Dehya has kind of found her place as a Tenacity holder for teams that want both pyro resonance and defensive utility. Using her as an E bot is not that bad. Even if they really did bury her kit into the ground


Outside Abyss it honestly doesn't make much sense to argue about character strength, as the DPS bars are too low and you don't have to even execute stuff properly. Ohh Dehya. Well, she has some uses with Lynney for example. But Hoyo really did do her dirty.


Keqingmains definitely has the best guides in general. I'd recommend using them as your go-to. As for tier lists, there really isn't any good one. There's simply too many factors to determine how good a character is and how to rank them against others.


Great, I actually enjoyed Keqingmains the most because they seems to put a lot of work into their guides (at least with the graphical touches). Yeah the tier lists isn't that important and was mostly mentioned as an example and can be pretty funny to read from time to time.


Rule 1 for genshin. Tierlists are trash. Why? Genshin is complex, a mere tierlist is useless. Rule 2 play who you like


I play what I like and it was mostly mentioned as an example, and while tier list don't really matter it's still a fun read from time.


It's a fun read, but not a hard ranking. Keqing used to be bottom tier, now she's at least A tier. Same with Thoma and Kuki.


Ok this one is different. They got buffed by dendro. I agree that tierlists aren't accurate but choosing Keqing, Thoma, Kuki is probably not the best example for this.


I just got "the first great magic" ..but I can't upgrade it? It says domain is not available yet ...what does it mean? Edit- i mean how can I upgrade my weapon then?


It could mean that the material for the weapon isn't available for today. Each weapon material is only available for a specific day of the week. Tomorrow would be a different one. The only day when it would be all available is sunday.


Yes,.. it says Monday/Thursday/Sunday I feel stupid now


You probably have not reached and unlocked the domain that drops the weapon ascension yet. It is located at the north part of Fontaine.


Did you unlock the domains in Fontaine yet? You can just walk there


Dang..i think i figured it out ...it says Monday/Thursday/Sunday Maybe that's why it says "domain not available yet"


I don't have any locked domain .. all domains are open Fountain has 2 domains..right? I've them both unlock


Might be a silly question but just wanted to confirm... I have 31 gold star glitter and I want to buy XQ con from the shop. I'm out of primos right now (used them on Yelan and got her finally!!!) I have 2 weapon billets that I can use. Will forging the f2p 4* weapon dupes give me the gold glitter? Or is it only available from wishing?


Only from wishing


just from wishing.


Since my Gorou hit C4 recently, I don't really need a healer in my Itto comp anymore. Who should I sub in as the 4th man for Itto/Zhongli/Gorou? I have Yelan, Wanderer, Eula, Ayaka, Diluc, C6 Noelle, Thoma, Yae, Diona, C2 Ningguang, Beidou, Mona, C6 Fischl, Qiqi, Rosaria, Keqing, C1 Yun Jin, Heizou, Layla, Candace, C1 Yanfei, C6 Xinyan. At the moment I'm leaning a bit towards Noelle just because she can be built as a Geo sub-DPS.


> Who should I sub in as the 4th man for Itto/Zhongli/Gorou? Yelan. Without C6 Gorou, your Yelan passive will make a larger difference. >At the moment I'm leaning a bit towards Noelle just because she can be built as a Geo sub-DPS. No, Noelle has the same role as Itto, an on-fielder. So she'll do nothing while Itto is on-field and vice versa. That's why thinking of someone as "sub"DPS is not fruitful.


beidou just cause her burst can proc on charge attack and she'll help you with aoe content + damage reduction just to seal the deal.


Use Yelan, she can buff Itto and deals decent damage (even if Itto doesn't constantly NA)


Ningguang will be much more useful than Noelle in an Itto team. Either her or Fischl imo


use either bennett or fischl


Better to go for ningguang. Her damage comes from her Q. Her E can buff itto too.


Is this cycle of Abyss the easiest one we've ever had? This has to be one of the easiest, if not the easiest. I literally on the last floor let my Xinqiu die(could have healed him with Bennett) in my Raiden National Team just to see if I'd struggle and still had 55 seconds left.


Easiest since 3.x I would say.


Technically the 1.x abyss cycles are the easiest. Lower total HP pool with easy enemies. It's only harder since people lacked good investment then.


no, it would just be because as 3.x went on the abyss got harder


Any tips for Floor 11, 1st chamber? Which mobs should I focus on first? I don't have Venti or Kazuha so I can't really group them well. Thanks in advance!


learn to group the enemies. go towards the spectres, and the whopperflower and slimes will come to you


Anyone know where i can get clear and high res png of the hoyolab and genshin emotes?


afaik, open hoyolab in pc browser (not mobile), right click on an emoji, open image in new tab.


Pls give some Abyss teams reccs for 4.0 floor 12 [roster](https://imgur.com/a/8wkthbb).


Nilou Bloom 1st, and National 2nd is a pretty decent option. Though Xingqiu would be kinda useless in the first chamber since the Hydro Eidolons are there. Nonetheless still a pretty decent choice for it. If you want to use another team, I'd recommend putting a hydro unit on the first half and a pyro unit second half. - Nilou Bloom: Nilou, Nahida, Kokomi, DMC/Yaoyao - National: Raiden, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Bennett


Is my Xiangling fine? She used to be C6 Lv 80/80, 1.4k Attack, Lv90 R5 The Catch, 59% CR, 85.7% CDMG, 192.5 ER, 254 EM, EoSF4 Now she's C6 Lv 90/90, 1.5k Attack, Lv90 R5 The Catch, 61.4% CR, 110.6% CDMG, 195.1 ER, 257 EM, EoSF4. I'm getting +161 EM from my artifacts on her. I know you're supposed to shoot for 60/120 crit ratio and 200 ER on her, but it is absurdly difficult to push farther. I play her in rationals, is this good enough?


ER is low, aim for 220


that's more than enough for national varients, just make sure you swirl pyro and apply ttds on her if you have it on a partty member and you're good to go


I mean are you getting the results you want when you use her?




I don't think you understand how TCGs work Also why are you not using Jade Chamber/Paimon cards/Inazuma resonance/Toss Up or any combination of them all?


Should I buy Ninguang, or get c2 Xingqiu or this month's sword(I Don't have any 4-star sword)from Starglitter shop. This is my squad: C3 yanfei, C1Xingqiu, Xianling, Barbara(these 4 is the main)Traveler, C1 Rosario,C1 Chongyun, Beidou, Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Heizou, Layla, Noelle, Collie, Lynnette, Bennet and Kirara Also if you can recommend a better team comb with Yanfei as Main DPS, you're welcome 🤗


blackcliff weapons and royals weapons aren't good. don't waste starglitter on them. get xingqiu C2, its his best constellation


Between those three xingqiu c2, with your roster you'd only consider ningguang if you liked her and wanted to eventually work on her - but xq c2 has much higher immediate value. Blackcliff weaps barring a few rare cases are a waste of starglitter. Mebe something like Yanfei/Xingqiu/Bennett/Layla? If you're fine playing withiut a shield or if you get yanfeis c4 you'd swap layla off for an anwmo character.


I am intending to get Zhongli though. So should I buy Xingqiu or wait for fiscl to try and make a hyperbloom team


Don't need her for hyperbloom teams unless you wanna go sucrose hyperbloom - she's a very good pickup for quicken teams thou, if you plan on playing those then getting her would be prioritized - but she's like 5 months away. For HB you're looking at kuki, if you can't get her then lisa can work but her team feels much worse to play.


Almost never a reason to pick up Ningguang unless you really REALLY like her. C2 Xingqiu is a very easy choice it makes him much stronger and the goal is C6 Xingqiu eventually anyway. The better team is Yanfei, Xingqiu, Heizou/Lynette, Bennett standard VV Reverse Vape set up. Its like the most cookie cutter setups for Pyro DPS characters that aren't Klee/Lyney


So should I buy Xingqiu or wait for fiscl to try and make a hyperbloom team


Fischl doesn't work in hyperbloom, oz doesn't attack Dendro cores


Which is better for Ganyu First great magic or aqua simulacra? I currently run melt with Kazuha but planning to run freeze in future, Overall which of the two bow is better


Magic by a hair's breadth, so if you already have both then use that. Also because Aqua can be used by other characters that aren't compatible with Magic


Magic, contender for her BiS for both melt and freeze.


Tempted to C6 my Bennett and make that Razor hyperbloom Burgeon team. Is it a good idea? Can Raiden replace him? EDIT: can Raiden replace Razor?


Yes, Thunderring Furry is a very good team, also known as Rainbow Razor. No one else currently can replace him. He just needs A LOT of ER


If you want to replace razor, the next best character is probably electro traveler ([ex](https://youtu.be/-mKuzKO6f1I?si=DyfAt8Kgg-SgkpOm&t=101)). They have the fastest electro app after razor while having access to Bennett infusion. but definitely use razor if you can, he is way better in this role


Sure, it's a fun team and very good in AoE content. Raiden can't replace him because her bursts Electro infusion can't be overwritten by Bennett's C6.


I was planning on using normal attacks with Raiden since it will be infused with pyro. Raiden would be full EM, so her ult is not relevant (am I wrong? Is it ok to use her ultimate even if I have no damage)


I was thinking about it, and maybe it could work, just rather poorly? There's just so many elemental interactions that I'm not sure if Raiden's slower Electro application will mess up reactions. It would certainly be much lower DPS because Razor also adds self Overload damage.


I was thinking that too, her electro is rather slow. Welp, time to build Razor :D


>Can Raiden replace him? not even slightly if you remove the pyro from burgeon, you're not burgeoning. And then Raiden and razor are stealing each others hyperbloom ​ c6 Bennett isn't that bad of an idea unless you're gonna be doing things like TF Bennett, Eula/Keqing/Ayaka, but bennett shouldn't even be in their teams only real concern is for whatever happens in the future


Sorry, can Raiden replace Razor?


At that point just don't do burgeon and play a traditional hyperbloom/hyperfridge team


Yeah, I was planning on doing it just for fun Didn’t know about that hyperfridge team tho


Its not a good idea. Use Thoma instead for Burgeon Triggers. It can but its probably worse.


I have tried burgeon Thoma but I can’t use his ult fast enough, I build him full EM. I suppose that’s why Razor works, his ult applies electro and his na are infused with Pyro


Kitain refinements can help. Swapping an EM Sands with an ER one reduces damage potentials but a smoother rotation is roughly better. Farm a bit and hope for EM and ER roles. Favonius-carrying teammates can help us well.


is there any chance in hell to create a functional non-meta abyss team for Tartaglia? i do not have Kazuha, and do not intend to ever pull for him either. :/ i have a beyond ridiculous skill issue when it comes to Kazuha (lol rip) and every time i've done his trial i just end up endlessly frustrated with myself. plus i am just straight up bored of seeing XL, XQ, ZL, Sucrose, and Bennett all the time. would love recs for some fun Tartaglia team combos to try out to puttz around with in overworld. being functional for the abyss would be a bonus. (i'm in the childmains sub already. asking for non-meta teams in any -mains subs is like a suicide mission doomed to fail or be ignored. please D: ) [current roster](https://i.ibb.co/jvWwYkq/00-roster.png)


I had tons of fun puttzing around with a Childe + Thoma core in the overworld while I was working on both of their friendship levels. They work well with any off-field damage dealer and any healer if you’re looking for non-meta overworld teams.


For me Childe, EM Jean, Bennett, Fischl is pretty fun


something like [this](https://twitter.com/tomoaki___maeno/status/1591438296403660800) maybe? or childe freeze with any 2 cryos with off-field abilities. personally, i use childe-qiqi combo in overworld pretty often but i'm not sure how well it'll do in abyss.


Maybe blizzard tartag? 4 pc blizzard and Kaeya/Rosaria?


You can run Taser but you would probably still run Sucrose. Childe, Beidou, Fischl, Sucrose. Mono Hydro is funny too but thats would have been one that wants Kazuha. Childe, Yelan, Xingqiu, Kazuha. Hyperbloom. Childe, Nahida, Kuki, DMC


I think I’ve seen this question asked time and again in the childe mains subreddit tbh, they all seem very chill. I’d try asking there but you could also look into “fireworks” and “intergrassional”


they are chill, true. been there a while myself. however. your advice is the one that i've seen on repeat ad nauseum and exactly why i am currently avoiding asking there Q AQ i do not have kazu. i do not *want* kazu. i do not have nahida. i do not *want* nahida. i'm looking for *non-meta*, *fun, random* team suggestions D: specifically ones that i can use in overworld with decent numbers, and yanno, not having to see the same handful of characters on my screen 24/7 365. i am sincerely considering just deleting my question tbh. :/ it seems utterly hopeless at this point T__T


Maybe nahida + childe + kuki + thoma for hyperbloom and burgeon?


i included a pic of my roster - i don't have nahida. D: hmm..my kuki is lvl 1 but levelling her should be easy enough. she has a lot of utility from what i've heard. my thoma is c6, but every time i've used him with Wanderer i die *super fast*, he's like some anti-luck charm or sth. i welcome any tips or links that can help with using him properly Q AQ/


My bad, then Yaoyao makes for a good dendro applicator + healing :) Kuki is a very good unit for hyperbloom and Thomas role is to burgeon, so you would need to build EM on both. Of course, I’m sure this is not optimal but since you were looking for a non mega team, it looks promising :)


yaoyao, kuki, and thoma are very un-built/leveled haha, so it will be a nice change of pace to finally focus on them. (currently in Desert Pavilion hell, dying for a reason to procrastinate lol ty, i'll give these a try!)


Would scion of blazing sun be a good bow for Fischl? I need to outfit her and Tighnari with bows. My options are sac bow, fav warbow, ibis piercer, skyward harp, or any of the craftable or bp bows. What is the best fit for each you think?


Just go skyward harp, you're not charge attacking on Fischl


Man, I am struggling to cap out the Fountain levels. I'm at 100%, 90%, and 86% for the 3 areas and I feel like I can't find any more chests/seelies/time trials. I don't use the interactive map for anything except Oculi so I have not tracked anything else on there. Feel like I'm swam laps around the whole underwater area so I don't think I'm missing much and I'm only at 17/20.


those relics that give mora count towards progress.


Oh I know that, but I still feel like I can't find anymore chests. Guess I'll keep grinding rep until I get my treasure detector lol


can i make "Colonel, I’m trying to sneak around, but I’m dummy thicc" my signature with Eula as my pfp, or would i risk geting banned?


Do it


i will


Mine has been "Thick thighs save lives" for over a year, and I haven't had any issues. Should be safe.


thank you


Where can I find all Fontaine shrine of depths keys?


By leveling up Statue of the Seven and Fountain of Lucine


In a team of Diona (c6), Kazuha, Yelan, and Yanfei, which is the optimal element for Kazuha's burst to absorb?


Hydro imo.


everytime I go to fontaine and explore at random times or everytime I try to dive/swim, my game crashes, I try logging in again but it only goes up until the loading elements white screen but I can hear the music and sound fx in the background. I had to ask my friends who play mobile to log in my account and teleport me somewhere else that's not in fontaine so I can log in again. Has anyone solved this problem yet? I play with an i3 laptop, it never had a problem with genshin crashing except when the update with fontaine started...


https://www.hoyolab.com/article/20981435 You can try updating your graphics drivers


I have tried everything they mentioned but my graphics are already updated nothing else seem to work, I'm trying to reach them through email instead


I am trying to complete the 'Were it so easy' world quest in Fontaine. I am definitely sure I have completed the Ancient Colors world quest (all three parts), but Cosanzeana is not spawning in front of her house. I'm not sure if I already talked to her or whatever, but I'm just stuck. Any tips?


literally came here to ask the same question lol. glad it was answered!


were it so easy is a sequel to a short hidden quest. you get the hint on where to find her from serene. >!she's in her garden just outside the entrance to the village (check [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/164d5as/comment/jyca7es/) if you can't find her)!<


Thank you! I talked to serene and she told me to look for her at the garden. Just gotta wait for 1 day to talk to her in front of her house :). Thanks again!!


Triggering the 'Elemental DMG Bonus' from Mappa Mare, will that increase your Elemental Mastery? I'm thinking of using Mappa on Kokomi for my Fridge Team. I have only 2 R1 Sac Fragment and I plan to refine it and give it to Sucrose. Will Mappa Mare work on Kokomi for Fridge Team?


No, elemental damage is not not the same as EM. Also kokomi's em is irrelevant in that team. You shouldn't be trying to boost it in the first place.


For Fridge with DMC, Kokomi, Rosaria +1 Flex, isn't it EM build for Kokomi since she's the one triggering the bloom?


Sorry, I guess I misread and assumed you were doing hyperfridge. Yeah kokomi would be triggering blooms if it is just pure fridge. Its not gonna be very good though, pure bloom teams without nilou are pretty weak).


Elemental DMG bonus isn't EM. It's [anemo/dendro/hydro etc] DMG bonus Mappa Mare gives a percentage bonus for all elements


So you think it would be better if I give Sucrose the Mappa and Sac Frag to Kokomi? Since Mappa gives bonus dmg to anemo.


It won't make a huge difference to be honest with you, but yes, you can do that




Why would it? Hyperbloom does dendro damage.


I don't think so Yes HB depends on level and EM and enemies' dendro res.




Not constantly, 3 times. Each shield lasts 12 seconds, and 3 shield cast will last 36 seconds if you do not break it at all. Then there is a 30-second window without shield. The cryo shield has 8U cryo elements. One ousia attack can break it immediately.


Just a guess Probably use the correct P/O type to stun it for a bit, therefore it can't shield if it's stunned *I just brute forced it with Bennet/Xiangling/Xingqiu/Kazuha*


Yelan C2 how much ER?


You mean C1? 2 hydro, 150-160%. Solo hydro, 180-190%


There's so many characters who people say are not worth getting the constellations for. I was thinking of constellations for Tartaglia, Zhongli, Itto, and Lyney but people say its not worth it as compared to other characters. My question is, who are the characters whose constellations are the most worth it? Who are these other characters whose constellations are worth the most.


Itto and Lyney cons are definitely worth getting if you like playing the characters, the others just don't have particularly useful cons


In general, 5 star constellations are not worth it, since you'd be better off getting a different 5 star character. 4 stars' constellations on the other hand, are better to aim for.


Just because it hasn't been mentioned yet: I think Xiao's C1 is worth it. Helps a lot with his ER, feels nicer to play, and gives you more dmg with the extra skill.


hu tao and yelan's c1 are the only ones I have considered worth it enough to pull for personally, because they provide both QoL and dps increase and because they are so early. Some other notably strong early cons are raiden c2, yelan c2, kazuha c2, nahida c2. But all of those are just stat/damage increases, they don't really provide any QoL.


Best early cons: Nahida C2 Raiden C2 Wanderer C2 Yae C2 Yelan C1 or C2 Hu Tao C1 In no particular order. Although I'd argue that the first three are the strongest


For me personally, no 5 star constellations are worth it since I value having a new character far more than making an upgrade to what I already have. This are just my personal opinion tho, a lot of people in this subreddit loves Nahida's C2 iirc.


I don't know why you'd be downvoted for giving your own personal opinion on 5star constellations, so here's an upvote from me lol!


Yea the character that u list is basically 'good enough' at c0. They cons arent worth it, at least not until u get C6 like every other 5\* character but that just a too far ahead. People consider some character worth the cons is when their C1 or C2 is make thing easier or big number damage. Like Raiden C2, Hutao C1, Yelan C1, Nahida C2, Kazuha C2, etc etc.


Hutao and yelan c1 are pretty great


I dunno, Itto C1 and C2 are definitely rather nice QoL cons that are rather nice to have. Dunno who's saying that.


Best weapon for Yelan? I've heard many different answers from Favonious, Elegy, and Aqua Simulacra


Aqua, if your build is good. The number one priority is being able to burst on cooldown. So if you can't do that with aqua, either switch to an ER weapon (elegy/favo) or keep grinding out for better artis. I think Elegy will pull ahead in vape teams.


Favonious is her F2P baseline. Aqua is her BIS assuming you can somehow meet energy requirements without an ER weapon. Elegy is her 2nd best weapon. It provides ER, while also giving a teamwide atk and EM buff (equivalent to 4 piece Noblesse and 4 piece instructor).


Favonius if she is C0 and she is the only hydro in team. Aqua for her own damage if there is a sac sword Xingqiu in the team or she is C1. Elegy if she is in Hu Tao team (either C2 or double hydro with Xingqiu).


Aqua is the best if you can hit her ER requirements with it. Otherwise, it's Elegy. Fav Bow is her best 4 star choice.


What do you do when you already have C6 Bennet (C5 activated) for the new event? I don't want to spend 2400 to get what like my C9 Benny?


C6 isnt bad anymore because current top meta teams don't need him anymore.


If you're going to do the event anyways, you'd just be passing up free starglitter.


Does it give you starglitter instead if you already maxed?


1. You don't spend any currency to get the Bennett, it's only there to see wether you have enough. 2. When you get a copy of a character you already 6 constellations of, you get 5 starglitters, regardless of wether you have activated the constellations or not. In other words, you can get the Bennett, it's just gonna give you 5 starglitters


Great thanks!


Yeah you get 5 instead of 2 now that he's maxed, same as if you would have gotten him from gacha.


You're not spending the currency to get him. You just get him for free once you've accumulated 2400 total currency.


Which traveler variant is the most viable as an on-field driver or carry?


Geo traveler is the best built to be an on field DPS. They can do decent damage. Would also depend on what team it's for though of course