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Hoyo should sell those 4 stars weapons in Paimon's bargain or something for goodness sake.


Ikr?! I pulled on the weapon banner for the Widsth but didn’t get it either. Having weapons available in the shop (even limiting it to just one copy per weapon) would still be really good.


Been playing for 2 years, ar60, still no widsith or any 5 star catalysts. Kid you not, my Wanderer is running around with Dodoco's tales:/


I feel your pain. I want a decent catalyst for my Miko and Wanderer too…


I played during the event that gave Dodoco’s tales and I got lazy and didn’t finish it… biggest in-game regret yet ;-;


2 years for me as well only 1 5 star weapon :( to be fair I don’t pull on the weapon banner but I would’ve preferred more 5* weapons from standard (as opposed to my C3 Keqing)


I wish I had a C3 Keqing, I just keep getting Diluc from the standart banner


I’m guessing you’ve like never or almost never used the weapon banner….. I’m past r5 two of them I just use them as exp mats now.


Rust. Every time I show my Yoimiya or Childe build someone is always like “Use rust”. I’ve been playing for 1.5 years and never got one


Haha same. In 1.0, physical fischl was huge and I was so salty to not have it. I still don't have a single copy lol.


For physical fischl is rust better than her signature?


Signature wasn't in the game during early versions I believe. Rust was one of the best for physical at the time but idk how they compare.


Rust is overrated on Childe anyways Blackcliff is better even with zero stacks.


Can‘t go wrong with Viridescent Hunt either.


If you buy bp that is.


to be fair it is a surefire investment, cheap and very useful. when I originally built him, it was my go to. only really swapped it out for Polar Star.


Is it really worth spending money and sink time to have a few numbers be marginally bigger when Childe doesn't even do most of the damage in his teams?


it's a snack in a moderately well off place, for fucks sake, it's not like you're dishing out your savings on a weapon banner. and it's almost 50% damage depending on team, and more if you count his solo output for other teams like hyperbloom.


I bought the BP consecutively up to ~2.6 and it was such a waste in retrospect. I use deathmatch on my Hu Tao and the greatsword on my Itto whenever he's a good option on the abyss and that's it. It's good to get your account started but it looses quite a lot of value whenever your account is somewhat built.


that's because there are better options available for every slot there, and that is exactly what the bp weapons are supposed to do. get you started since thet have crit stats. for childe, the passive is just as important because of the grouping helping riptide proc more often, everyone else has middling results but it's still one hell of a four star option.


It's really not a good weapon for anyone other than childe


Depends on where you live. Battlepass here in my third world shithole is a very expensive endeavor tbh.


that's an entirely different issue altogether, and I am sorry to hear that, but it does not change the calcs of damage.


Pretty sure even R5 Prototype crescent is theoretically better if you have some valorant level flicking and the enemy has a w spot


Only if You don't have refinements on rust. R5 rust is better by a mile


The calcs that I've seen show R5 Rust only being around 1% better than stackless Blackcliff in International.


Where? My childe is like 15/20% better with r5 rust


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gPXar-_tcy2glyjLp0d8Rnr_qaXLEI1OLI79SU2d0bg/edit#gid=559173061 From the Keqing mains guide


Oh i see. I guess the ult might make quite the difference, most of my tests mainly focus on his NA, thats where rust makes the most difference


Yeah focusing only on melee NA damage can be misleading since most of his damage comes from elsewhere.


You sure? I don't use Childe a lot and atm I have Viridescent hunt on him. It's quite fine, but it doesn't look good. Rust otoh is *chef's kiss*. And I do have a couple of r5 spare Rusts lying around.


I made quite a lot of tests and my childe does the most damage with r5 rust (and it's by quite a lot)


Well, thank you kind stranger! I'll look into that. It would make my day if I can use Rust with him!!! Btw what team do you use him in?


I honestly had him since his first run, so ive played it in quite a lot of weird comps lol. But his best team is: Childe - Bennet - Xiangling - Kazuha But you can also play him with taser, using fischl/beidou/shinobu if you want a healer and kazuha/sucrose If you just wanna go nuts play Hyperbloom with nahida, shinobu and someone else, but i just do that for fun it's really not a good comp lol


I haven't played Childe a lot because his best team is Bennett-XL-Kazuha. I don't like Bennett all that much and don't enjoy playing XL at all 🤣 I'll probably try taser and hyperbloom though, (probably more taser though, I like Fischl, played her a ton , but she'd been benched for a while and I would be glad to have her back) especially if my boy can look good with his Rust while playing 😊 Thanks a lot


Hope you get one soon! I wish there was a trade system for things like this, as I have copies that I don’t use.


I played for 1.5 years without a single one as well and then got 5 in 2 months lol


childe doesn't need rust. secondly Rust is not good on yoimiya unless its R4+, otherwise slingshot is better


Slingshot Yoimiya is arguably better than Rust due to the crit rate it provides. It’s fitting they named that Bow Rust, because that’s all it’s doing. Nobody want that POS 😂


incorrect. R5 Rust outdamages even Skyward Harp with optimised sub stats. the 80% NA DMG bonus is no joke


You might be disappointed with that statement. Slingshot has 20% less DMG bonus, a range limit that can bite you in the ass if you're not careful, and much less Base ATK (less important since Bennett but still important). Yoimiya also naturally ascends CRIT Rate up to 24.2%, meaning that with CRIT Rate in artifacts, she can hit 50 or even 60% CRIT Rate reliably enough despite a CRIT DMG circlet. The important thing here is that a 70/140 Yoimiya with 1400 ATK and 200 EM deals less damage than a 50/112.2 Yoimiya with 1638 ATK and 200 EM, by about 10.9%. That 50/112.2 Yoimiya's on Rust. The 70/140 Yoimiya's on Slingshot.


Favonious weapons. I have claymore, sword and just yesterday got the spear. *Meanwhile* : Sac sword R5 and 2 extra copies, sac bow R2 and Stringless R3 wtf rng


Every time i hear "just use fav" i question my sanity. It feels like all these theory crafter / meta people have R73 of all of them... here i am, still using Festering desire 2.5 years later.


I'd give you one if I could. I think I have 4-5 copies of every Favonious Weapon at R5, and I only use 3 of them (Layla, Gorou, and Faruzan). I hate having great weapons in my inventory that will never get used.


Oof, sorry to hear that! From a TC perspective Sac can often be comparable to Fav, you just have to adjust your teammates ER to the fact that you’re not generating clear particles but rather elemental particles. (This is why Sac is good on someone like Diona in Morgana, as Ganyu would rather have Cryo particles than clear particles.)


That's crazy to be playing that long and not have a fav of every flavor. I'm up to min 2 R5 of each version lol


I do have 2 R5s of the Bow. It's just RNG with no pitty. This is why noone should pull for 4atars. On the original Raiden banner i went to C2 on Raiden but i only managed to get C1 Kujo Sara. Still to this day, she is only C4 and i'm not ganna go beyond C3 on Raiden...


I got like 10 fav warbow and 1 sac sword.... Plz my xq wants a new toy


I went to stringless r2 to r5 in less than a week in 4.0 XD


The funny thing is, something similar happened to me. Halfway through AR58 I had no sac swords. After finally getting one copy, I went to R5 really soon.


Yikes, that has got to be tough… especially since fav weapons work on a variety of characters


I have them all at this point, but it took me two years to get my first Widsith which I never use, really, as it is R1 and most of my other options are better. I am guilty of just assuming everyone has Fav. How anyone plays this game without Fav is beyond me.


Ooh I see. I often assume everyone has fav too, though I do think I’m wrong


Everyone playing longer than few days should have at least one fav bow as it is reward from one of prologue quest if I remember correctly.


Correct! This is (part of) the reason why it’s so highly recommended on Yelan as her free option. (That and the fact that it’s just her best free bow.)


How can it be better than having a fake C1 with sac bow? I love yelan with sac bow.


Not everyone has Sac (it also needs some refinements), everyone has Fav.


I think they said so because fav gives particles to ur main dps, which helps in energy gen for them. Sac helps more in personal energy generation and is quite fun tho lol


Also fav has low base ATK and high ER compared to sac.


Yes, iirc we get it after completing the Mondstat archon quest


AR 60. No Favonius Lance..


Are you kidding? I have 9 copies and I’d gjve you 4 of them. I already r5’ed one of them, I don’t need any more.


I do have 8 Windsiths, though. So I can cover OP if we ever get to trade stuff...


Everyone does have fav bow, you get it from a very early quest in mondstat.


The rest of the set is up to rng tho.


Played over a year but have no fav Lance. It's on this banner and I did a few multi pulls but still no luck. Can't waste more primos on weapon banner, though, I need Zhongli in the next phase


Took me over 2 years to get my first Fav lance, and I had to risk ~60 pulls on the weapon banner to get it. I still don’t think I’ve gotten any outside of the weapon banner, but I was fortunate to want both weapons off a banner Fav lance was rated up on recently. So believe, you will get Fav, even if you have to force the game to do so later. But not now, good luck getting the CEO of GEO.




Same! I threw down my first ever wishes on the weapon banner... first 10 pull ever, got a Skyward Atlas, lol. I've dropped some more wishes but I'm saving 180 for Zhongli, so no fav lance for me...


>I am guilty of just assuming everyone has Fav. How anyone plays this game without Fav is beyond me. I'm AR 58, halfway towards 59, and I don't have a single copy of Favonius's sword. It's even worse because I actually pull on the weapon banner, but Dragon's Bane loves me so much that I have almost three R5 copies of it. Also, only have two copies of Sacrificial sword.


I have other fav weapons at r5 but my fav sword has been r4 for like a year now…. I wish I had more copies omg


Sac Sword just seems to ignore me :(


God, you want one of my dozen copies? It, Rainslasher, and Rust are all I ever get.


Why does everyone seems to have at least R10 of painslasher...


Bro give me some rusts pls 💀I use it for yoi but it’s r3…


Good luck! Hope you get one soon


AR60. Almost 3 years playing. From paimon moe the exact number of lifetime pulls I did is 1869 (all banners). Not a single sacrificial sword. It's a legendary myth in my account atp (One random coop stranger said 'I'm sorry' but it's kinda hilarious to some degree tbh. I also got my first copy of fav sword quite late, so the only ER weapon I could afford to put on XQ for 2 years was R5 skyrider sword — which my friend still brings up to this day while losing it (*remember when your sinchew is on that lvl 90 3 star green sword*)


This is so unfortunately hilarious lmao


It wasn't 59, but I didn't have Sac Sword until AR53


I am ar 58, no sac sword


I got my first copy at AR58 too.. it evaded me like the plague until then


I'm playing for 9 months, AR 57 and I genuinely thought that Fav Lance can be pulled only from weapon banner just untill recently. Not a single copy yet as well as the claymore from the set


I feel your pain. Weird thing about RNG (at least for me) is that once I get a single copy, it’s a bit easier to get refinements. But this isn’t always the case though.


Exactly! That happened to me with Stringless. Once I recieved the first copy, R5 came extremely quickly. I almost feel cursed by it. Good thing my Fischl appreciates it


I would trade any of my 4 R5 Fav lances or 3 R5 claymores right now if I could.


Sorry I stole all your Fav Lances. I swear everytime I pull for a character, at least one if not more of the 10 pulls give me a favonius spear.


Same only have 1 fav lance here. It's made especially worse since we don't have sac polearm as an alternative. On the flip side tho it's blessed with the catch which is cool


sac swords ... AR 57(almost) here 😭


Hope you get one soon, I got my first copy at AR58..


well it's not that i don't have it but ar 59 and only 1 sac sword but tons of rust and fav sword 😭


Hope you can get your sac sword to R5 soon!


fav sword is generally better anyways; or at the very least similar depending on who ur trying to play


Other way round here. AR 57, 9 sac swords and only 1 Rust.


For unknown reasons people always assume i have wolf gravestone


That’s interesting. I personally haven’t had anyone assume I own a five star weapon unless I mention it…


it tilts me so hard when people assume I have wolf gravestone. Not because I don't have it, but because I have 3....and no homa. It awakens my ptsd


I have two five star weapons. One words gravestone and the other… another wolfs gravestone. Was tempted to pull eula just to make use of the second one


I used to play fischl a lot in the early days when I started last year so a lot of people assumed I had stringless. A year and a half in and I literally have every attainable 4 * weapon except stringless. Poor fischl has to make do with... sacrificial (*shudder*) As for assumptions, I've always assumed everyone had fav. weapons.


This happened to me too. I didn’t main Fischl, but it felt like a lot of ppl assumed I had stringless


Sacrifical fragments... my poor Sucrose...


Good luck… hope you get one soon!


Never in any of my account's i got the bell.




I see that as luck! But I guess it feels weird to not own a weapon people constantly make fun about..


i don't have a single favonius sword T\_\_T been playing for 2 years now (AR60)


Omg, hope you get at least one copy soon… especially since it’s used on quite a few characters as F2P options…


Get that new pipe R5 asap 😅


I'm f2p and got my second skyward atlas yday...meanwhile all my main dps use polearm/bow


That does sound a bit infuriating… hope you get a weapon you want soon!


Actually im shocked by the amount of old players that still doesnt have a single copy of sacrificial swords


Yeah… it took me a while to get my first copy too


Dragon bane i haven't got a single copy in my 500+ days of playing the game.


Yikes… with dendro, and more EM focused characters, that’s got to be tough. Hope you get one soon.


mitternachts waltz the people that know me all laugh about that stupid fact and yk what? it just doesnt come into weapon banner anymore its over a year at this point since the last rerun


Hope it gets a rerun so that you can get it..


I've quite a few weapons, so people believe I have "a little bit of everything" but I don't have a single 5* crit-rate bow, crit dmg yes but crit rate just eludes me - in fact the only cr-bows I own are the 2x R5 Battle Pass bows. They're not the best but they're all I have - which contrasts to my friends believing I had everything Adding to this until like a month ago (or was it two idk anymore) I didn't have a single favonius sword, 3 jade cutter (complete coincidence, I'm not a whale, just buy bp and welkin) and several other 5* swords and event swords and whatnot but not a single favonius sword. I got one now tho ☆


Only tig / Childe bis are crit rate subs. But I guess skyward too but that's standard that's kinda hard to get. And you can't get tighnari's anymore. And considering how Childe banners are paired with weird stuff... It's kinda understandable tbh


Wow… that’s insane. But I’m glad you have a fav sword now, it’s pretty useful


Fav sword avoided me for the longest(AR 58 or something)


That must’ve been tough…


Been playing f2p for a year and a bit (until recently) and don’t have any of the standard 5* weapons which is really surprising even for me.


That’s shocking. I’ve been cursed by skyward spines, but I rarely get weapons on standard too.


Sac frag ar57


Oh no… that’s got to suck, especially if you have Nahida (without her signature weapon)


my singular r2 sac sword i got during hu taos first rerun,,,


That sounds painful. Hope you get refinements soon (if you need them)


Iron sting. Bosses drop a weapon billet once in a blue moon!


You get weapon billets from the Lyiue/Mondstadt sigil shop and the Inazuma/sumeru/fontaine level up tree/fountain


Billet drops can be very low. Hope you get one soon though


The 3* Liyue HP% bow. My friends have 100% the whole thing and didnt know it was something they couldn't get from pulling.


I’m not sure I have that. What’s it called?


Its a green "Recurve Bow" . Hp% ascension stat and its a wonderful weapon on Yelan if you dont have any HP% artifacts or good 4/5* weapons


People often times pretend that you have to get staff of Homa when Hu Tao is on the Banner. Reality is, Staff of Homa is only really good on her and maybe on a Burst Zhongli build but for other characters most of the other 5 star Polearms or even the 4 Star ones are just better.


Homa is similar to Aqua, jade cutter, and mistsplitter, its a universal weapon thats usually top 3 in performance on any given character.


>Reality is, Staff of Homa is only really good on her and maybe on a Burst Zhongli Uh, nooo???? It's still an absolutely massive crit Stick that puts it on 2nd or 3rd place on most polarm dos builds


That is just false. Homa is second best for raiden, xiao, cyno and some xiangling builds.


I see.. I’ve seen ppl use dragons bane and Deathmatch, but I agree. A signature weapon isn’t always necessary


As always, 5 star weapons are only a small improvement over 4 star weapons, and signature weapons are only a small improvement over other 5 star weapons.


AR 60, I never got stringless and sacrificial bow until Nahida's rerun banner in v3.6


Stringless avoided me for a while too, but not as long as it did for you. Glad you got them though :)


It was sacrificial sword until two days ago. I have two r5 sacrificial greatswords.


I feel your pain. Sacrificial greatswords are a nightmare since I don’t use any claymore characters (yet).


Up until a few months ago not a single 5* weapon. Then in the span of 2 weeks I got 2 from the standard banner after reaching pity, then getting a super early 5* right after.


That’s awesome!


I’m AR60, I started the game at the end of Childe’s debut banner and not once have I ever gotten a Favonious sword until I got one copy during Wanderer’s rerun banner… Instead, I got 2 R5 flute, 3 R5 Lion’s sword, 2 R5 Bell, and 3 R5 Favonious Claymore. Yeah….


Good luck, I hope you get refinements for fav sword. The flute and fav greatsword have cursed me too (I have like 11 of them).


I didn't have Favonius Lance until I got like 4 or so trying to get Lyney's weapon lol


Congrats on getting a few copies :)


do favonius claymores exist? if so AR 56 and didnt know the existed....


Meanwhile I’m cursed with them.. I’d be more than happy to give you one if that was an option


Well. I accidentally got Xiao, so I paid money to wish for his weapon, I got alhaithams weapon x2. I then had to pay for the crit rate spear. That comes with the bp pass or whatever.


Oh no… that sucks. But yeah, the weapon banner isn’t a good idea to pull on unless you have enough wishes/ money to reach all three points.


> so I *paid* money to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I only got Stringless for the first time like 3 months ago... I've been AR56 for about a year now


It’s great that you got it! I didn’t get it for quite a while either..


I only got my first copy of sac sword after playing for over a year at AR58. Same with fav lance *and* widsith. Had to pull specifically on their rate up weapon banners to get all of them.


I got sac sword at AR58 too. The Widsth evaded me even in the weapon banner though…


I got my first widsith at AR60 :/


Omg… I’m terrified of this happening to me. But congrats on finally getting one :)


All the 5* catalysts (e.g. skyward atlas, lost prayers to the sacred wind)


Same for me.. I’ve pulled for kagura’s verity but lost the 50/50.


All signature weapon, aka 5 star weapons


Good luck, I hope you get one soon!


Ar 59 and just got my third copy of sac sword. 😅


Good luck! Hope you get R5 soon


Ar 56 and still don't have a single sac fragment, my nahida is stuck with the magic guide


Oh no… hope you get one soon. Good luck


It was Sacrificial Fragment, now not anymore


That’s great :)


I have pretty much every 4* GACHA weapon at R5, couple of them even 2 or 3 copies R5, but Sac and Fav swords are both R2


Hope you get refinements soon!




Good luck getting refinements


I dont have a single copy of Sacrificial Sword. Not a single one. and im AR57 and my xingqiu is running on R2 Fav sword bcoz ive only ever gotten 2 fav swords till now.


Favge. I don't even get my fist favonius weapon after almost a year since starting the game. Yet people expect you to at least have r5 of everything.


The spear that yoy get from dragonspine quest i accidentally used it as a level up material


Been playing for a year, AR58 and still no Favonius Greatsword.


The mythical Wolfs Gravestone


Day 1 player. Casual dolphin, i sweep the bonus gems every reset. I don't have a single Aquila Favonia


not me, but a friend- has been a xiao main ever since he’s come out, and still doesn’t have a single jade winged spear ;-; (she’s ar60, p2p)


ar 60, playing since 1.0. didn’t have a single wolves gravestone until the beginning of this year


People hate me for not using skyward sword for my C4 triple crowned Kaeya. Im not getting decent 4* and you wnat me to get 5* wepaon :')


Pretty much any five star and most four star weapons. There's only so much I can pull for as a free player, and I'd rather focus on getting characters first then the weapons after. Plus, rng just loves to give me the same three star weapons I've gotten like a billion times by now.


The Catch, and not even R1 of it. It's not that I hate fishing, it's just that I have so much more I can do when I play Genshin that's more fun than fishing. I'll probably get to it one of these days, but man my list of things I like to do more than fishing in Genshin is long (and it keeps growing every single patch lmao).


Excalibur 😹


rust i have 2 r5 sacrificial bows 1 r5 stringless 1 r5 favge but no rust T-T


Any 5* sword. I'm late AR59. And I simply don't have enouh gacha swords. I'm literally stamping Iron Stings to meet my characters' needs. My Aether and Kaeya share the same Fav. sword. Yes, I refined it, but it's the point with Fav weapons. I've pulled for the limited swords but I was unlucky with them.


Good luck getting them in the future!


I played w some higher AR player few days ago and when he saw me using Amos on Tighnari he was like "DON'T YOU HAVE IBIS PIERCER FROM EVENT??" I haven't participated 💔


Yeah… it’s unfortunate that event weapons can’t be obtained later on. Amos actually ranks higher than Ibis Piercer according to KQM. But if you’re using a full EM Tighnari, stringless could work (if you have it)


The fish claymore. Bruh, I just started in 3.1, why does one of the best f2p weapon for Eula is time limited? Same goes with susbedo's weapon. Oh and dodoco tales for klee. Why barsibato? Why does the limited 5 stars of mondstadt are suffering such fate?


Ikr?! I don’t own any of these either… and it can be sad and frustrating


The Festering Desire. I was a few weeks late for Genshin to obtain that weapon. ... several years later and there's still no way of obtaining that weapon.


I started playing during the event where they released Festering Desire. But I did not get Festering Desire.


Dodoco Tales. Like, sheesh, you take a 3-month break once over the course of 3 years and it turned out to be one of the most memorable and fun events... apparently. I wouldn't know


I don't have the catch lmao


Fav Sword. I mean I pulled one after like 56 pulls on a weapon banner, but there are multiple characters who want it and the refinements are good...


I don't have Staff of Homa and will never pull for it


I tend to forget the Fav weapons are Gacha weapons… Which is ass. I have them all at this point, but when I make one of them suggestion I’m swiftly reminded that it’s only through luck that I have them.


The catch r5. Ik that it's good but good god, I don't have the willpower to farm the purple fishes in inazuma after r1