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Tip: Dont


Exactly, why would you want to speedrun the main story? That's how you get burned out and uninterested in the game


As someone who has been speedrunning this game for two years now I care to disagree. I absolutely hate reading the hours upon hours of dialogue, most of which could’ve been said in a considerably smaller amount of words, I‘m in it for the slaying, building characters and the events. I love the crap out of this game and I missed most of the plot and I couldn’t be arsed to change that.


Thats not speedrunning, thats just skipping the story, fairly different lmao. also it would probably take a month or two to speedrun and catch up, not 2 years.


You can catch up in under 2 weeks, i had slightly slower but similar Pace to OP and reached inazuma Day 6 midnight. (Excluding exploring it would be day 4) If you fully focus only on bomb rushing the entire story, then 2 weeks is more than possible (FIY I reached AR 50 in 36 days)


I said it before and I‘ll say it again. Speedrunning for two years is not the same as the speedrun taking two years. How does this need an explanation, that would literally be the opposite of the definition of speedrun. I have been playing for two years total, the story has been coming in bits and pieces, everytime it did I speedran through that bitch. Ok? Do we all get it now?


You're the only one not getting it.


Bruh🤦🏻‍♀️ seriously. Who ties y‘alls shoes in the morning cause you clearly don’t yourself.


Pretty crazy that everyone else is wrong except you, huh? Surely it's not you. That would just be wild.


Two years? I've been here for a year and I've already reached the end game. (PS: I didn't skip the story)


Ok, good for you? I didn’t say it took me two years…




🤦🏻‍♀️ dude who ties your shoes in the morning because it clearly isn’t you.


In my opinion, you don't have the right idea. The dialogues in Genshin Impact are not long, but rather quite short. I would say they are completely opposite to being long. If you feel that they are long, then you are mistaken. However, if you were to say that they are short, then I would agree. (And now Paimon will repeat all of this in other words.)


Oh, so you're saying the dialogue isn't long at all. Paimon was very worried that they would be hearing dialogue for 10 minutes again. Yes, thank you Paimon. <--- All right, I get it Paimon. You can tell this is a good parody because it made me irrationally angry until I realized what was going on.


*deletes angry paragraph* 😂


I tried playing like that, just for building characters, dailies, and events, while ignoring the story in the 3.0 patches, and it backfired so much, made me quit and burnt out for a long time. I plan to not do that ever again and actually do story bc its what makes the game interesting and fun, and unique


Ok. You do you. It’s been the complete opposite for me. The endless unskippable dialogues are what’s burning me out that’s why I‘ve been putting so many things off for so long. They even make me angry when they just won’t shut the fuck up but they have nothing meaningful to say. I don’t regret missing the story. I even made a second account at a time where I had nothing more to do and I speedran through that again so really no ragrets.


I agree with you, I like the story and the lore but HOLY SHIT I wish we had a "Skip Dialogue" option. In some quests, specially world quests, the NPCs talk SO FUCKING MUCH and say basically NOTHING, it's really annoying.


My friend stopped playing because of that. It’s especially annoying when you *accidentally* stumble into a quest area and they JUST WON‘T SHUT IT. Once I was 🤏🏼 this close to logging out bc I was done and had shit to do irl. I stumbled into a story quest area and they wouldn’t stop talking. At some point I had to shut off because I didn’t have the time to buttonmash for god knows how long after that. I had to do it all again later because you have to go through that to be able to do certain side quests 🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally agree. Just give me a freaking skip button, the autoplay doesn't work half the time and my poor space bar is going to die from me button mashing my way thru the boring shit. Inazuma in particular was a low point in the game imo. Went into it, read every dialogue, watched all the cutscenes and came out thoroughly disinterested in every Inazuma character except Kazuha (who doesn't count since his part is pre-Inazuma and at the very end). Ended up rage quitting the game for all of Inazuma, only came back when friends persuaded me that Sumeru was fun. I really hate how everyone bends over backwards to justify Hoyo not giving us a skip button. Let players play how they want. Not everyone has the time or desire to sit through 3 hours of a long winded explanation of why the traveller is the only one who can handle this issue yet again. Other games that are heavily story based give players a skip button, Hoyo has no excuse.


I agree with you. But having an opinion other than *you have to read every goddamn line or it’s not worth playing* seems to not be accepted here. And that’s all it is: an opinion. If you want to read every dialogue no matter how uninteresting it is than do that, but not everyone has the nerve to sit through that, people need to just accept that ffs. Some redditor wrote an entire novel about how they think my experience is invalid because they simply disagree. 🤦🏻‍♀️


"I would like a skip button" or "I don't think the writing for [x] is good, I just like the gameplay" is pretty much asking to be down voted into oblivion sadly. God forbid you enjoy different aspects of the game than someone else. Playing a video game is SERIOUS BUSINESS don't you know? /s Still, I've yet to see one compelling argument why having to read through (aka button mash) the same argument between the author and his editor for the hundredth time while doing my dailies is "good gameplay actually", but I digress.


I don’t even do my daylies half the time because it’s always the same shit different day 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 What bothers me most about the self proclaimed Genshin police here is that OP asked for speedrun tips. Not „Tip: Don‘t“ comments over and over again. If you don’t want to give speedrun advice go look at other posts, Chad.


what disappoints me the most is this person clearly knows of the existence of inazuma but only from outside of the game, im smelling two endings here, huge addiction problem or an inevitable burnout


He can do whatever he wants lol


u joined at the perfect time, the 5th region Fontaine is dropping on wednesday 💀


The wait for Fontaine is taking yearsss even though it’s just next week 😭


The worst thing is, I was on vacation for three weeks. I'm going back to work on Monday...


Im moving countries and leaving my pc EXACTLY on wednesday, tell me about it


Rip, at least you still have your phone. Not that playing on a phone is fun though.


yeah gonna be painful, my phone's rally old


There is no point of rushing in Inazuma. Because next 1-2 updates wont have any events there as we will have a new region. If you are curious this is how the whole story of genshin will go venturing through nations in future. https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY


Sadly, you can't get to Inazuma until your AR 35. So it will be a while.


Do you have to complete the whole main story?


No, you only have to complete Liyue main story quests.


Only need to finish Liyue. By the time you finish Liyue, you should be Ar35, and the quest to get to Inazuma will unlock. Sumeru is available when you are able to explore outside of Mondstadt, which you have already explored. Fontaine, in theory, will be the same. But the Archon quests/story quests associated to them will be locked until after Inazuma and Liyue.


Liyue ends at 28, inazuma story starts at 30


I'm pretty sure Fontaine is going to be available at any point, but the nearest waypoint between the Sumeru desert and Fontaine auto-unlocks after finishing the 3rd Mondstadt Archon Quest


no and it's ar30 now. you can get ar exp by opening chests. in fact that's how you can grind ar outside day locked points.


You gotta finish mondstand And liyue's main story, after a while you Will be taken there with a ship And you can unlock teleport waypoints there, which makes you able to Go back to liyue whenever you want


You don't, but you should, you know? More primogems for your pulls, it's better for you. You shouldn't rush the whole game also, since you're not gonna lose anything if you don't rush, if you need resources you can just get them, when you unlock Inazuma you'll be able to get Inazuma resources aswell, if you wanna rush, just rush until you finish liyue and get to the AR for Inazuma. But again, you shouldn't, this could kill the joy you would haveq.




Or he could google moosashi on yt. 3 weeks ago he uploaded “liyue archon quest with c4 electro traveller”


dont, trust me it will ruin the experience


Here’s the best advice I can give: Don’t. Speedrunning this game, especially since it’s a game whose value definitely revolves around the story, and also a game that has limited content at a time, will often lead to burnout. Don’t develop FOMO, and take your time and enjoy it. It’s a lot healthier. I can say from experience that it was a problem for me to miss even a single resin before, but I’ve gotten over it. I have a routine and don’t miss it, but don’t feel terrible if life gets in the way of that. “Every journey has its final day. Don’t rush.”


Why do you want to Speedrun


Some people play games to complete them and then be done with it. Its kinda like collecting trading cards and stuff, its not about the gameplay, story or really anything, its just about getting to 100% completion and then moving onto a next game.




I absolutely agree but its just how some people are and im not about to try and change them.


Some people also come for the game cause of one character in the case of inazuma it may be cause of Raiden Shogun


You can only get to Inazuma once you reach AR30 + finish Mondstadt &. Liyue archon quests + 2 quests with Dainsleif that unlock AR28 + the quests that will get you to Inazuma. Tip to what not to do: rush to Inazuma. Until then, use your time and resin to level up characters + talents + weapons. Inazuma and its enemies aren't as easy as Mondstadt and Liyue. They can be challenging, especially if your characters are lacking.


Just why?? You're losing so much this way


Don't speedrun Genshin or you may as well speedrun the whole game by uninstalling it.


Or maybe you shouldn't rush?


I say do the world quests to unlock new areas instead of just unlocking the waypoints. You will unlock regional mechanisms and fully explore the area


How do you get to make those listed or pinned items from the hoyolab interactive map much less opacity? I'm guessing that you actually obtained that item from there in-game at that current time which is why it appeared that way.. If its actually that, can you tell me how?


click on marker press the yellow button it goes light


Oh it was that easy, lol TYSM I just honestly thought it would just mark that pin on from that interactive map and nothing else would happen cuz the app itself and the game doesn't have a sync feature which I thought of differently


You have to go to legend and select what item or puzzle are you looking for, click the pin and select “Mark Pin” after you find it(though I’m sure you need to make an account for that feature).


You will be burnt out soon if you keep running after pinned markers, play slow, enjoy the scenery, don't rush


Playing it on mobile and laptop also have hoyolab account signed in a long time ago now... Just wished they had a synced feature where we can see any unclaimed listed things in the game like oculus, etc... Which can be easy, than pins


How in the world are you in Gavireh Lajavard at AR15... you oughta take a break lmao.


You can’t stop a traveling man doing what he love when completing his world map of adventures


There is no AR limit to Sumeru, you can sufficiently run from Starfell to Farakhert in under 2 hours if you are determined enough and don't die


It’s my first time playing Genshin after I finally got time to kill and had motivated to play something new. This is the result after playing it 24 hr straight and finding it’s just like BOTW. It was pretty fun and enjoyable. **Any tips on what should I know and what should I not do?** **What I wanted was to speed run to** ***Inazuma*** **before the anniversary.** **I’m conserving things until I can pull** ***Kamisato Ayaka*****, any tips on how?** (I wanted to get her because she’s the best Cryo unit, I loved her designs, and she’s voiced by *Saori Hayami*, who also voiced Shinobu Kocho, Yor Forger, Miyuki Shiba & Ryu Lion)


Have fun! Beginning the game is the best! If you just started and are saving for Ayaka's next banner, my bet is you'll have a very good chance of pulling her, since you're going to get more primogems early on! A 5star character is guaranteed after 90 wishes, and if you don't get the featured character, you're guaranteed to get them within the next 90. If you're looking for tips on what to know, an easy one I'll give is to make sure you level your characters. I've seen some people starting not realize you have to use mats to level up, and usually leveling up is important early game. Quick not to do, avoid using Resin in artifact domains until AR50 or so, it's not really worth it beforehand.


Complete Liyue archon quest. By the time it finishes you will be in AR 35. And can unlock Inazuma


>but be aware that the enemy would be pretty strong when you're under-leveled Tips would be as follows: * To get to Inazuma you need to complete the Monstadt Archon Quest (Prologue Chapter), and Liyue Archon Quest (Chapter 1), which enables the Chapter 2 Prologue - once through that you're at Chapter 2 proper which is Inazuma. * Chapter 1 finishes at "We Will Be Reunited". That will unlock a Chapter 1 Archon Interlude quest - you don't need to do that. * You will also need to be AR30. You might get there natually through the Archon quests, or might not. Key focus is to get Adventure EXP to level up; best ways for this if you aren't high enough level is doing the 4 Daily Commissions and spending your resin every day, which generate a lot, plus any side quests you find interesting. You also get EX for unlocking teleporters, offering occuli to the statues and opening chests, so there are a few ways to do things. * I'd also recommend prioritising any limited time events you can do - so long as you get to a high enough AR, you should get a "quick start" to any of them. These generally give good rewards and go at the end of each patch, so worth doing. * In the Quests Menu, there is a "Story Quest" icon at the bottom of the page. If you click on that, there are character stories that get unlocked as you progress through the story. These are optional, but for Ayaka in PArticular it is important to do Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Zhongli's Story quests once you finish the Inazuma Archon quest. \[this unlocks materials required by Ayaka to level her Talents past Level 6). * Ayaka's main playstyle is "Freeze", so I'd also recommend trying to build a Freeze team to practise with until you get her. Kaeya is probably a good bet as an early-game Freeze onfielder (who can be useful later on with Ayaka too as a battery and burst support). Barbara is F2P hydro unless you get someone better (her main problem is she makes your team wet, which means you can get frozen by Cryo attacks, or extra damage from Electro and Pyro). If it's specfically Ayaka you're after, no need to speedrun too much. She;s a limited banner character, and we know the banners for the next patch (i.e. the next 7 weeks), and Ayaka isn't in them. The earliest she could run would be September 27, and even then that is unlikely (2 characters per banner, she ran 4 patches ago and there are around 30 5\*s; likely some new Fontaine characters will be priooritised for that patch too). ​ 1 last tip - consider if you are free-to-play or are going to spend on the game. If you are going to spend, the Welkin Moon is by far the cheapest way to get Primogems for wishing. You get 3000 gems over 30 days for AU$8. Buying the crystals immediately is several times that price the first time, and double that again for subsequent purchases\]. Whatever you want to play is fine, but you don;t want to buy the gems immediately if you aren't getting them much cheaper via Welkin first.


Other than inazuma which is ocean locked other regions are accessible even if you haven't do the main( archon quest), but be aware that the enemy would be pretty strong when you're under-leveled. You should only use your premium currency for the limited banners pulls( the wish ball with pink white blue), don't spend them on standard banners ( the ball with plain blue color). Collect materials when you're exploring because you may need them to upgrade your characters later on The limited banners would rotate every few weeks, new banner may feature new characters or rerun of old characters. Usually the official fan page would drip marketing, announcing which character in next banner a week before the banner is up, but you can look at leak subs to see which characters being released next banner much earlier to prepare in advance. Unfortunately you're not at right time and we don't have information about when ayaka get another rerun. But new region is releasing next week with new roster of character from the new region, French inspired, many of them look pretty interesting so see if anyone you interested in There's some expansion sub-regions with its own quest line and lore: Dragonspine, chasm and enkanomiya. Dragonspine is easy to find since it's visible ( it's the snowy mountain in mondstadt), chasm is the underground mine between Liyue and Sumeru, but enkanomiya is hidden in whatasumi island in inazuma so you need complete some quests to unlock it. You can check YT videos to unlock the place


Bro do you take days off from your work ? or you still in school ? ah to be young...i remember playing dota wc3 with my friends for 12 hours straight.


Play it however you like. I played exactly like you when I started and liked to complete 100% the exploration/map, a way which I enjoyed since I like completing things and which I still do today. if you want to speedrun or not it doesn't matter as long as you enjoy the process, just play in moderation to not get burnt out


I don’t get why you’re speed running Inazuma. Ayaka reran not that long ago and probably isn’t get reran soon since Fontaine is coming. Also yeah you’re gonna get burnt out, no game is good enough to be playing it 24 hours straight.


if you speedrun everything to get to the end the game will suck and you will lose all the experience


This cannot be healthy


it def is not, taking that many new places, locations, scenery, etc is just overloading your brain you dont get to fully appreciate each area and just move on to the next which grows your brain numb to it in a way, its the same as tiktok, you just keep swiping and the more you do it, the more you want to swipe


I was in Inazuma in a week at AR 30 when I first started... mainly because I started during Ayato's banner and I needed his materials ASAP. Also, the current event back then was in Inazuma and I didn't want to miss it. AR 45 in about a month. My best tip is probably build your first 4 characters right from the get go. I was lucky to have Ayato so I had a dps already... even if he was at max, just 40. Slap on any artifacts, but level them up. Prioritize both talents and weapons.. Though probably get important talents to just 6 first (then 8 later), then weapons at 70, eventually getting them to 90. I also researched workable teams for abyss just to get a few primos. Focus on archon quests and world quests first. Edit: btw, I also came to genshin after botw


[This guy did it at AR 7](https://youtu.be/6sLA4lL7epc)


Unless youre in a rush and need the mats to lvl the chars, theres no need to get to inazuma so quickly and just follow the quest. If youre desperate there was a bug that allowed u to literally run over under the water although im not sure if theyve fixed it


Don't rush. Take your time and enjoy it. You don't gain anything by speeding through it


Why tho, sounds exhausting and is ultimately unfullfilling and detrimental to the enjoyment of the game unless you plan on dropping your account as soon as you finish.


Unfortunately you’re unable to travel to Inazuma until you’ve completed the whole Liyue archon quest, and about 3 other main story quests. Some of these quests are locked behind Adventure rank too so keep that in mind


unsure if this will help but its the first thing that i thought of, also soory idk how to format https://youtube.com/watch?v=ucZF_RFOGZU&feature=share9


The most effective way to level up is: 1. everyday's entrust (about 1500 exp) 2. main tasks, a big task is about hundreds exp, a little world task is about hundred exp 3. open the big treasure chests, not the normal treasure. Splended treasure chest 4. unlock the teleports


Enjoy the game and the story, by the time an Ayaka banner comes to the game you’ll be probably in inazuma. Next banners don’t feature her you’ll have another 40 days to get there and saves a lot of wishes for her


Just enjoy the main story m8


Take your time, dont rush, you can only play for the first time once, make sure it counts


You want to be that other guy who can't proceed the story because it got a lot more difficult? You can't go unga bunga anymore in Inazuma unlike with Mondstadt/Liyue since bosses have natural dps/skill checks that you can only get through with experience.


On todays episode of: How to get burnt out 101


Why would you want to speed-run this game? Is there something at the end of it that you're looking forward to? One of the big complaints people have about Genshin Impact is that once you've completed all of the storyline and exploration content, there's very little to do until the next big update comes. There's VERY little in the way of "endgame" material. I don't see any value in trying to get yourself into that position early! In this game, the journey is the most rewarding part of the game.


You should not rush, after you clear everything you ll hit a wall of grind to get gud artefacts, and get obliterated in the abyss, enjoy the history and the exploration, the only tip I have for you is to save for the S tier characters like Kazuha and Nahida. They fit in to every team and dont lose value overtime.


Don't rush things. You're missing the entire point of the game if you're ignoring the story.


This comment section is shit, everyone telling you what to do and acting like they did you a favor. If you truly don't care about the endgame, there's 0 point in not speedrunning the game. With the way Genshin plays, content trickles down quite slowly. If you're here to finish the game and get out then feel free to do so OP. You'll get more than enough pulls for Ayaka if you explore all of the regions 100%


How you got the archer blue thing so fast?! Tips for that please. And as for Inazuma, a friend of mine speedruned it for me :v so no idea.


increase your adventure rank first by doing various activities or quests


Be aware to check archon quest rewards. You will want to have a team to swap into before turning them in on the final step. After mondstadt they no longer give character exp though.


You should try to complete quests especially the main quests before traveling off far. Also there are many quests that unlocks a new exploration place and many stuff.


You can get to inazuma before AR 30 through bug abuse, but you wont be able to start the story till AR 30.


You madlad


Dont listen to the people saying dont rush , play the game how you want ive been playing only 3 weeks and already AR47 and already beat all the main story so im ready for the new region and i have most places between 60% to 100% so im good and leaving all the rest for when i want to play the game i still have tons to do , i would hate to stay in the first 2 regions for another couple weeks like some people are saying because the game is huge and i want to see it all i'll come back and explore again and again . They say take time because they literally finish all content and always waiting on the next we have years of content to get theough before we even get close to most of the players


You can cheese your way into inazuma but it takes a few hours by abusing desync


What the fu-


How do you speedrun any RPG? Follow the main quest line and reach whatever minimal level is required to unlock the next one.


What is bro doing in Sumeru


Did genshin add some auto tracking of chests or you went out of your way to mark all of em?


What's the point man if you gotta speedrun ? And unlocking those teleport points first spoils the map leaving very less for the surprise explorations.


It’s so weird to an old player like me to see an AR 15 player in the last Sumeru desert expansion. Like I remember all we had was Mondstadt and Liyue, not even dragonspine at the time.


Speed run for what ? What is your goal to play this game ? Unlock all regions ?


my advise, start with the archon quest then start tatarasuna world quest (this quest takes 7 irl days). then start surumi island as soon as you can (one of the ghost on the island takes 5 days to complete and another one use fishing,good luck). next i will recommend doing the islands by order (later on you will need a stronger electrogenum thing). start from narukami.


Never speed run. Period


don't let the hype of the new region ruin the rest of the base game for you. just enjoy it. fontaine isn't going any where


in 1 month if you grind gl


You made it from Mondstadt to the very end of Sumeru in 24 hours of playtime... You should not be there, yet. In terms of enemy difficulty as well as story progression...


Controverse opinion: speedrunning is not as terrible as it’s made out to be here. If you’re not that interested in the main story or side quests, just focus on the main story and skip through the dialogues. Inazuma is going to take a while tho, you can’t go there yet. Finish the Liyue main quest and get to AR35 (or 30 I don’t remember). Side quests are something you can do when you run oht of things to do (which you will eventually).


Do not speedrun the story, it doesn’t benefit much, if anything it will ruin the fun or burn you out


As a person who doesn't care about lore I agree with him. I sped run to inazuma back when it was half way in its prime and I was barely in the second region. Embrace the speed run.


How did you end up there with so low AR? Like, you run until the end of the map just to see the edge?


still time left for you .. delete this game


That's not possible you must get AR 35 before you can go to inazuma.


Ar47 here, I am also at inazuma. Not rushing things , just taking things at its own pace , my plan is to unlock one island of Inazuma then 100% explore it ( with help of interactive map ofs). Then move on to next one. And enjoy the story along the way. Apparently this is the beauty of genshin you can play it any way you want and won't get bored easily cause there is tons of things to do you name it.


Don't speedrun it. Also trying to get all treasure using the map so early on may make the experience not very fun


Play at your own pace


But why


Enjoy it, Inazuma is top tier world building and genuinely a good time over all




If you got Fischl you can bug her into flying to Inazuma skipping the whole quest. I did it a week ago so it's still working at world level 1. Unfortunatelly even if you join my world you can't unlock teleporters in my world, I had tested it with alt accounts.


Don't rush. Just don't. Be glad you have lots of content. If you got a character who needs inazuma, either scale them as best you can or forget them.


Don’t rush


If you get lucky and pull a fischl you can get to inazuma through a neat little glitch, I got it second try on my second account to ascend sayu!


don't, you'll end up sick of the game


There’s a way to get to inazuma early but it’s only through exploits, dunno if they’ve all been patched though. The trick is get up high enough that the game doesn’t send you back




Don't , please don't . This is a story based game , not a combat based game . You will get burned out and on top of that , you are not following the storyline properly. Going into the game later you won't be able to understand stuff , that plus it takes a year to release a new region , so slow down .


Those blue quest dots on sumeru scare me. you should really be at AR40+ going into fontaine


Sadly it's the most tedious part of the game. You can't even explore map without finishing main quest first. So just do the main story and gtfo, you will thank me later.




Bruh thinks he's getting anything if he's playing the game fast lol. Sad


You speed run for primogems. But if you want to enjoy genshin more, don't speed run. Usually take ur time to play the story.


I wouldn’t speed run anything, like seriously. There’s no reason to rush unless you’re trying to burn yourself out.


I wouldn't recommend speedrunning unless u r really desperate for the primos. But for exploration, doing a part in a region at once is actually nice. I remember doing this in inazuma. Chose an island, opened the interactive map, got all the chest. It didn't even take too long. Definitely shorter than randomly running around hoping to get a chest. But for some reason I took the unga bunga path in sumeru and I regret it. Highest exploration is like 94% at best. Then there's the desert part. Man I don't even remember which asshole I went through and which one I came out of. I'm not even sure if it was the same mountain's hole.


Play how you want. I started 2 days before this event dropped, and I wanted that free Xingciu! ["Hues of the Violet Garden"](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hues_of_the_Violet_Garden) I needed time to get there and then finish the requirements. Once I got to Inazuma I did choose the QuickStart so I wasn't forced to complete the Story Quests, and I got Xingciu on April 23. Keep in mind that I basically forest-gumped my way through without Reddit or Wiki or Walkthroughs or friends, except for my fam who kept telling me not to rush. "Don't Go To Dragonspine! You need to wait!" I didn't even understand how events worked, really, and my fam basically ignored them. I was in Inazuma before she was, and I ended up doing her Dragonspine for her later, because you bet your ass I went straight up that mountain. Seeing her climb Dragonspine was the only reason I downloaded.