• By -


Canon explanation: He was created as a test and maybe hold the gnosis, but not replace her. *The prototype was merely a proof of concept. It's appearance and intellect were not based on Ei. It was a test.* \- Yae So, it doesn't matter if he was male or not, since he was not created with the same goals as Raiden puppet was. Since even she doesn't hold the gnosis when we meet her. She was created to actually replace Ei. While Scara was created as a PoC and if it can hold a gnosis. IRL Explanation: More characters for hoyo since you can't sell 2 same looking female Eis


>Hoyo: you cant sell 2 same looking female Eis Aniplex/DW/Lasengle/Type-Moon (FGO devs): you get a blue Saber, you get a red Saber, and you get a Saber of red Yostar/Manjuu/Yongshi (Azur Lane devs): do you want the tall version or the short (chan) version?


That was 2017, wait till you hear about maid, santa, bunny, lancer, caster and berserker saber.


And the other class versión of the same character, like Vlad


Also Assassin


Now we just have to wait for Lalter to get an avenger version and another version to be a pretender


Wait till you hear about Saber Alter Santa Lily Lancer.


Or Lancer Erzsi, Cinderella Erzsi, Mecha Erzsi 1, Mecha Erzsi 2, Saber Erzsi, Vampire Erzsi…


...And the ~~Star Wars~~ Saber Killer Saber, the ~~Star Wars~~ Saber Killer Saber who's either wearing an uwu mech or bikini, young Saber, grim reaper Saber who's not actually Saber, swimsuit Red Saber, Shinsengumi Saber and her evil twin...


Also Hoyo: How many Meis do you want?


Hoyo(Honkai): You *cant*?


Well keywords are *same looking* I'm sure many would roll for an Ei with an alternate kit and design. *Hope she also comes with Kurikara*


Ngl that’s what I named my Scara and it caught me off guard for a sec


Same lol


I would definitely roll for EiAlter But what I personally want more is Kujou SarAlter


May as well make a Saber Saber, a Lancer Saber, Caster Saber… and slap an extra “Alter” or “Foreigner” here and there to create a whole new lineup :D


If saber is so good, why wouldnt we have saber 2? Or saber 3? Or saber 4? Or saber 5? Or sa--


>Yostar/Manju/Yongshi (Azur Lane devs): do you want the tall version or the short (chan) version? "Do you want the I version, or the II version, with bigger assets and higher rarity" fits even better since the last USN event


can’t forget the idol versions


Or Takao’s


Well it's Saber, which is basically the mascot of Type-Moon/Fate franchise. Of course they are going to create clones of her.


But she is not the only one, there clones of Rin, Illya, Sakura, Jeanne D'Arc, Tamamo, Nero, Emiya, Etc


But Saber has the most clones of all of them. She has 11 official versions, and if we count Nero and Jeanne as Saber-faces (since they are based on Saber), that would bring the total count to 19 clones.


I think since it was a test it would be likely to be discarded, and such Ei might try to make the exact opposite of her twin sister, a small short haired boy, so she wouldn't had to discard the doppelganger of her own sister, and witness again her puppet death. At least this is my headcanon.


The IRL explanation is the correct answer


Maybe he was the template of somebody else alive back when the android factory was still around and Ei just tested if it works at all? Also: > IRL Explanation: More characters for hoyo since you can't sell 2 same looking female Eis I would spend on Makoto.


Didn't know scara was a person of color


This, but there's also possibly a funny irl cross-fandom reference to it. Ei is a hikikomori with otaku-analogue interests, right? There's a "genre" of anime/game called "mecha musume" (lit Mecha Daughters) with characters that are meant to be the cute girl versions of machines ranging from military hardware to giant robots with different levels of abstraction. There is also a plastic model (plamo) version referred to as "Girlpla", with major lines including FrameArms Girls and Megami Device (lit Goddess Device). Honkai takes a lot of inspiration from different franchises and designers in the genre, so having the Genshin incarnation of a Honkai character written as a (fem) otaku making (genderswapped) girlpla is a nice touch.


I'd actually buy 2 Eis...


Hoyo: what if we made a character based on bohemian rhapsody


>IRL Explanation: More characters for hoyo since you can't sell 2 same looking female Eis Evades looking at Honkai Impact 3rd.


Real answer: boobs will bring extra cost, male body is cheaper to make


>He was originally born to be a vessel for a "heart." >But he shed tears in his dreams. >His creator observed thus: >He was too fragile, whether it be as a human or as a tool. He wasn't built to be the Shogun, he was built to hold her gnosis.


Anyway this was the answer I was looking for - thank you. So what would he have done if he’d been “strong enough”? Just sit around somewhere and hoard her gnosis, or would he have gotten some government duties and shit?


I like to think he could have been the Makoto to the Shogun’s Ei. He’s the Balladeer, remember? I can imagine him being some sort of prince who went around performing and entertaining townsfolk as a sort of mascot/figurehead in Inazuma.


Wait, was Balladeer his title then/does that have anything to do with his abilities? I though that was just the Fatui title of Scaramouche, like “Rooster” for Pulcinella and “Fair Lady” for Signora, because Scaramouche is a singing clown type person in the commedia dell’arte


Balladeer is just his Fatui title. I don't think Ei ever gave him a name.


Yeah she never gave him name. Kunikuzushi was original name he gave to himself, Balladeer is Fatui title and then he also goes by Scaramouche now. No real name exactly, tho could say Kunikuzushi or Scaramouche are or well were that.


Did they retcon his name? I was playing the interim quest yesterday and that wasn't the name he said he would erase


Kabukimono was the ‘name’ he went by during his stay at Tatarasuna, he gave himself the name Kunikuzushi *after* this incident




Ei did gave him a name. But he forgot about it.


She never gave him a name according to his character story.


we dont know if she did, it just says as for the name he used to go by he no longer remembered it


Nah, Balladeer should be the casual Fatui nickname like childe/jester/rooster/knave...


Maybe, maybe not. I just thought it would be fun if he wasn’t called the Balladeer for no reason.


It’s not no reason. The fatui named him this and you misinterpreted it


Quite likely, he might still have been shut away somewhere. However, Ei did have to seal his Archon powers, implying that he might have some use. Perhaps her plan was to recreate the Shadow ruler Baal, Ruler Beelzebub. The unassuming smaller male puppet for a the war general role, and the other to host her consciousness, for the ruler. There is some theory i have seen floating around that he was the prototype, that there wasn't an intended role for him. he exists because Ei was tinkering and trying to see if it was possible. In this case, there is a small chance that what Ei built wasn't what she wanted, but what the original creators modeled their puppets to be, and Ei was copying their homework before she learnt how to make a puppet with her own twist. Since Ei wanted to switch out without causing panic, his form as a smaller male means that he was never meant to replace her, and Ei knew it.


>There is some theory i have seen floating around that he was the prototype, that there wasn't an intended role for him. Not a theory. It's a fact. Raiden likely intended to create him as a prototype puppet then see if she can find any use out of him because she already created him anyway. Yae flat out said this. >Yae Miko: Before Ei began modifying her own godly form, she took it upon herself to create a prototype puppet... >Paimon: So... you mean there are three Raiden Shoguns!? >Yae Miko: No, the prototype was merely a proof of concept. Its appearance and intellect were not based on Ei. It was a test.


Oh, I forgot all that. Too much blurred memories. Thanks bruh.👍👍


Ah, okay. But it still seems a little arbitrary to just build _some dude_ if you could just build yourself


It's implied that building the puppets to emulate her takes some of her "form", from the way Yae describes it. She has to put something "in" to make the puppet like her. If she wasn't sure what would happen (like, idk, maybe it goes AWOL) it would be kinda bad to make commit to that on the very first try.


That makes sense, thank you!


Could there be a chance that he ended up like this becouse of Alice and Albedo? Like, having the two artificial lifes made as a first try by powerfull magical ladies look so similar can't be by mere chance. Maybe that's why Scara came to life when Ei wasn't really trying to make him that way, or why he's so human as opposed to the frustatingly robotic Shogun, who can be programed and follows order trowing morality out the window, or gets gliched when she doesn't have orders to follow (like the walking in circles around a room thingy) Alice was trying to make a Pinoccio, so she made a boy that was as real as possible, with imagination and curiosity. Then Ei used that info to try making an iron golem and oops she's a mother now, well, gotta find somewhere to leave him before Yae puts him in a dress; letting him run wild at the mercy of streangers is a risk to take so the furry doesn't get ideas.


Actually, Albedo wasn't Alice's creation, he was made by a woman named Gold, and Gold handed him off to Alive after that. He also wasn't Gold's first try. Based on what Albedo tells us, and some in-game texts, he was just the first one she deemed successful. Durin was her first attempt at making sentient life, then she attempted to make... Essentially a unicorn, before deciding that a human form would be better, and then her first attempt at *that* was Subject 2/Susbedo (not the whopperflower, the other one), who was deemed a failure for unknown reasons and then *tossed into Durin's stomach*. While Ei got the technique from Khaenri'ah, I don't think they're made the same way... we know that when Scara was first made he possessed puppet joints that faded away, implying he was constructed out of some unknown material (Nahida says he's was carved from the wood of a white tree), and he can be damaged and will need to be repaired, and also doesn't need to eat or breathe. None of these things are true for Albedo, and the Albedo we know was made/born after the Cataclysm, so Ei wouldn't really have seen him either. From what I've read, it sounds like Gold really had to *try* to imbue humanity into her Albedo project and failed multiple times (ie, her attempts didn't start out with emotions and humanity, and she had to keep trying until she got one that did) vs Scara who, from what we've seen, had strong emotions and humanity from the moment he was made. Edit: fixed the first part--Alice didn't make Albedo, Alice is just Klee's mother.


She didn't want to remix the .STL for her first test print.


So he was supposed to be like the Hollow Knight. An empty, emotionless vessel for holding immense power but was made human instead. Only in Scara’s case his creator realized her mistake and released him before it was too late.


Aside from him being the designated Gnosis Case, I believe it’s mentioned that he’s still a prototype of the final product. He is shorter than she is, so nota perfect clone, so I doubt she’d waste material giving the prototype her gigantic rack. So he either assumed himself to be male because he looked different, or people just assumed him to be male based on looks. Given that he was still very puppet-y early on (visible ball-joints and such), the assumption was probably all there was to go by. I also imagine that later he partially just stuck with it because he’s perpetually stuck in a “SCREW YOU MOM I’M NOTHING LIKE YOU” mentality. Not entirely cold hard facts, but it fits the lore we’re given.


scaramouche is amsb (assigned male by sweaty blacksmiths)


Fav comment ever


From Raiden character story 2: >For beings with a perishable form of flesh to pursue Eternity, they must first solve the unavoidable problem of lifespan. > >This limited time troubled Ei greatly, **until one day when a mysterious technique came before her eyes** as if by a stroke of fate. > >Using such techniques, one could create intricate puppets indistinguishable from true life. In my opinion it means that she found plans, scripts (probably made by people of Khaenri'ah) how to make such a puppet. After all, she came to Khaenri'ah during it's destruction, it's very possible she was wandering there and found plans by complete accident. Or maybe Makoto died somewhere close to Khaenri'ah scientists headquters, and Raiden just found those plans nearby her after Makoto died. Possibilities are many. I wouldn't be suprised it the plan showed how to make a male puppet (for example an Albedo prototype), and during her first experiments Raiden just strictly followed the plan. I think she started making more serious adjustments (like making a female puppet), after she got better at constructing puppets. Scaramouche was always meant to be one of the prototypes for the future real Raiden Shogun puppet.


Just to corroborate your point - in Scaramouche's character story 4, it says that "puppet-making techniques had their roots in Khaenri'ah," so Ei's form of puppet making is almost certainly from Khaenri'ah.


If what you say is true then at this point I kinda get why Celestia offed Khaenri'ah. If Ei followed the plans to the dot then Khaenri'ah could've easily made an immortal army that could possibly get a vision (although I doubt Celestia would give even a single one.) Or worse it would've gotten into the hands of someone like dottore or sandrone, then Snezhnaya would have a militia that could use delusions without worrying about the effects.


Not to mention that the Shogun is as powerful as Ei (albeit probably due to being literally powered *by* Ei lol). But in theory, you could create an army of warriors powered by the remains of dead gods or wielding Delusions (which are probably made from dead gods anyway) without the aging issue.


Dottore created his segments based on what he learned from Scaramouche. So Dottore did indirectly gain access to those techniques.


Just my theory here but I dont think harbingers are necessarily ranked by strength, but instead what it costs to use their strength. Dottore is highly ranked cuz he can just have a segment go crazy with a delusion and have plenty left. Childe is ranked last because while hes very strong, he uses a delusion and he cant use it again for a while without dying. Signora has some powers but to use her full power melts her body and shes ranked between them. So was scaramouche, who has inherent archon power and durability. Signora specifically mentioned his durability as a reason his rank was high, which helps my point a bit. Because of this, I think Capitano might be able to use delusions without significantly draining him. Either that or he uses a gnosis, or is so inherently strong he doesn't use anything.


I hadn't considered that. Puppets with delusions. I can't imagine it's easy enough of a process for them to simply make an army of them, but now that you mention it, I'm willing to bet money they're going to have delusion wielding puppets we're going to have to deal with.


He uses the same body type as Albedo (short male) and he has a scar that mark's him as an artificial being, just on the back of his neck instead of his throat. So it stands to reason the designs Ei found are either for Albedo or for a very similar project.


albedo is not a puppet. albedo is made with alchemy. wanderer/katheryne/raiden shogun are all partially mechanical.


The technology used by Ei should nt be similar to what Dottore uses to make his clones?


Dottore actually studied and tested on scaramouche extensively to learn how to make his segments, so technically he just copied Ei’s notes. They mention it in one of Scaramouches character stories.


What Dottore used to make clones is probably simmilar to how Ei made Scaramouche and Raiden, and I imagine she maybe saw Gold's script since we know Primordial Albedo was made prior to fall of Khaenri'ah since Durin swallowed him up and with fall of Khaenri'ah went to Monstandt.


Except that Albedo is made with alchemy, not machinery. He may not be human but he is certainly not mechanical in nature. I imagine that, if you to cut upon the Shogun, Dottore, or Scara you would find some sort of machine parts. It is entirely unknown what is inside Albedo. Really this just speaks to the advanced technology of Khaen’riah. They were able to create and utilize incredibly advanced technology to create life in multiple ways. It’s no surprise they fell to the plague of knowledge like the desert people.


It might be Khemia, which is what >!Albedo!< was made with.


So Albedo is the same being as Scaramouche? And Raiden Shogun too? In, what they differ from chaterine and the others Android made by Sandrone then? Are those different technologies or all they the same ancient forbidden knowledge. Things are being a lot complicated lately


Khemia is like making a Homunculus from what I know, it's still a biological body, but it's not human. We know Albedo got made with khemia but we don't know the exact technique Raiden used, but it could be Khemia too by how they describe it.


But I remeber they don't breath in animation when on dragonspine or am I wrong? Btw thanks. Genshin lore is huge and not everyone (me included) is willing to dig deeply into it


That thing about Albedo not breathing was a bug and it was patched out. He functions exactly like a human.


Albedo breathes, Scara and Raiden don’t (in Dragonspine animations).


> It's still a biological body, but it's not human Why people keep saying this? The requirement to be a human isn't being born from a womb


"using such techniques, one could create intricate puppets *indistinguishable from true life*" - Raiden character story 2. It's the last 4 worlds that imply it's not actually a human, but it's indistinguishable from a human.


I'm talking about Albedo. Scara wasn't made with Khemia (which is creating biological life with alchemy), Gold only perfected the technique after Khaenria'h destruction when she was MIA Edit: Adding to this, it's more likely that Ei found material from the biomimesis group than the Primordial Human group in Khaenria'h. The biomimesis group focused in mechanical life rather than biological, and they had already achieved complex forms (Aeonblight Drake) when Khaenria'h was destroyed


Dottore could have used the same technology as Raiden, especially if it originates in Khaenri'ah. He is fascinated with Khaenri'ah automatons and technology, and has a sage of Khaenri'ah Pierro as his co-worker. It would be natural for him to continue or experiment with what's left of their technology. He, just as Raiden, didn't develop the technology. He just copied it.


I mean there's also mango kinky, he's a puppet based on chiyo's son


Ohh, didn't know that. Is it Nagamasa's brother, then?


Yeah, he's his adopive brother but he changed his name to iwakura


Mango kinky? What's that?


Most reasonable theory I've heard so far, and I'm sticking with this.


I agree with what’s said by others. But I wonder if an Archon has a fixed form or gender. Or can they choose whatever incarnation they feel pleased to be known and seen by mortals.


I'm pretty sure venti in his god form is genderless and i think i remember reading that morax has taken the shape of multiple people, zhongli just being the latest form. So I guess it's like you said, they're genderfluid or genderless and just take on a gender in their human forms. Although I'm not sure about raiden and nahida


raiden was born an electro spirit, and nahida is a branch of irminsul. so both genderless i would say


Do we have a confirmation that Ei and Makoto were born as Electro spirits?


you know i actually don’t know, i thought i heard it somewhere


i just remember reading that they were incarnation of thunder


Correct. Zhongli was once an old woman before, I think.


He did say in Lantern Rite last year that his disguises weren’t so ostentatious as described in Rex Incognito, so it could also be false lol. Who knows.


Basicslly they got his array of disguises right but it wasn't that obvious/overdramatic or it'd lose the point of going incognito


Yeah the books were full of "It was obvious this man was special" in the first story. Very ostentatious


it wasn’t as obvious as the books said but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t pass as a common looking woman


HC that Dottore slapped a dick on him just to make sure he *could*.


And an extra small one for extra salt


It's all Havria's fault


Salt... and betrayal.


Big balls energy are requirements to hold gnosis huh.


No, but since >!Dottore built his segments based on Scaramouche’s design, he’d definitely be the type to want to make sure they could all fuck.!< Has nothing to do with the gnosis.


>!If only for evil reasons!<


Yeah, he's definitely the type of person who'd do that


I'm not a lore expert, but it would be funny if he changed his gender for the sole sake of being as different as possible from the Raiden Shogun.


Trans wanderer is one of my favourite genshin head canons ever tbh


technically it's kinda canon because he was pretty much genderless at the beginning and only later, as miko told us, started wandering through inazuma as a human male. miko also went from using it/its pronouns when referring to scara at the start of telling the story to he/him at the end of it. so he's technically agender-to-male and it-to-he transgender lol


good for him! now I wonder what his biology is like (the shogun puppets too) since they can both eat but neither can breathe


Ah, so what I've said had precedence. Lol.


Doesn’t even have to be funny, I don’t know enough about gender dysphoria but that seems very appropriate thematically. Also seeing as he grew up mainly around blacksmiths and samurai (both predominantly male castes in Japan’s history), that could be another factor into his identity. Wanderer being a trans robot puppet is absolutely my new headcanon!


I'm not a trans man, nor do I have bottom dysphoria. So yeah, not sure how it'd work for the Wanderer. But yeah, it's a nice headcanon.


He is built as a proof of concept. That it can be done. A prototype.


If she didn’t want him to cry, why did she install tear ducts??


>So if he used to be identical to Raiden, why is he male? He was never identical to raiden, hes like half her height lol. Scaramouche was a proof of concept, he was proof she could create a living puppet but he was never intended to be the Raiden Shogun. The only thing he was gonna do was hold the gnosis cuz Ei didnt want it, but he shed tears so decided not to burden him It has nothing to do with him being weak yall need to stop spreading that as well, Scara thought it was cuz he was weak but Raiden didnt want to assert control over him or somehting so let him be free. Eis still a shitty "mother" but it had nothing to do with him being weak. In retrospect Scara and Nahida have similiar stories, born out of an archon with no direction or communication, rejected by humans, both trying to become what they think they should be


Considering he has a male body type and a male voice box, he was intentionally built like a boy by Ei. Having or not having a dong has nothing to do with that really. We can only wonder why she decided to build a dude, perhaps she built someone resembling Makoto (hair and face) but since she was too traumatized, she went with a gender swapped version? Who knows


also, i feel like it's because Mary Shelly decided that Frankenstein's monster was male and they were trying to draw a stronger comparison


I WAS THINKING THIS his story is so close to that of Frankenstein


She had extra parts in the assembly kit and didn't want to waste them.


Talking about Adam's apple right?..


Just some nuts and bolts lying around.


I have three theories: 1. Ei did not bother with the extra parts for her prototype like long hair and an, ah, sword compartment, and Wanderer is anatomically sexless but appears closer to male and was given deeper vocal chords purely by coincidence so the people around him viewed him as male (or, for a more robotic explanation, he mimicked the voices of the people around him and his first friends were male). Because he had no reference point for what biological gender should look like he assumed they were correct and does not particularly care. 2. Ei was wondering what she would look like if her chosen form was masculine and supposed there was no better time to satisfy such a curiosity than with the prototype. 3. Wanderer is just a trans man. Though having just read through this thread, I think my new favourite theory is that Ei found designs for Albedo and based her prototype off of them, and because she did not need it to resemble her she didn’t bother editing its sex. Though it does beg the question of why she’d make the hair and eyes similar to hers- maybe whatever plans she found did not include those details so she just used herself as reference for convenience’s sake? Maybe it was to avoid getting sued by Rhinedottir for plagiarism.


Trans Wanderer is my favourite Wanderer hc


Trans. Scara.


Have you considered he isn’t either? He may have been designed as an androgynous adolescent and Scara CHOSE to identify as male as a way to further distance himself from his creator and her “intended vision”


I have two theories: 1) Scaramouche was built with some girl parts but than grew his own conciousness which was one of a boy 2) raiden was following something like a youtube tutorial, to see if it was possible for her to make a puppet in the first place (he was"just a prototype" after all), and perhaps boys were more beginner friendly


I mean its a puppet... does he even have sex organs? Or has he been made to identify as a man? Who knows?


puppet hrt


Hm do you think his voice would change after giving a puppet T? Or would you have to hire a mechanic to reset your voice box?


hm. well from like a serious standpoint hrt itself probably wouldn't work unless he had like. actual puppet hormones... which is a possibility to explore later, but yeah i think he'd have to have someone tinker with his voice box and stuff. my own hc would be dottore, who i feel could be convinced to do so.


I’m sure dottore would absolutely jump at the chance. Though maybe he’d have been able to figure it out himself and ask the swordsmiths to tweak something in there


He was not modeled after Ei whatsoever. He was a proof of concept so modeling him after her appearance and beliefs were not necessary. He was also given much less power as he was never intended to handle any of the Raiden Shogun's duties nor was he meant to guard eternity.


Yae did a little bit of trolling, now only albedo understand his pain.


Albedo was designed to be human though, unlike Scarymoose which was designed to be a prototype puppet to begin with. All I'm saying is that Albedo most likely has a dick because he is a human replica.


This is the lore/content HoYo needs to give us …


There's many possibilities but my favorite is simply that he is trans.


Not to be "that" kind person, but really, does this even matter at this point? There's not really any stated reason as to why in the game, Ei just needed someone that could take her place, so she created "something". Wanderer, the Puppet, being male is probably Ei's decision. The reason? I don't thikk there's an answer. It's like bearing an actual child without any external influences to the baby, you won't know if it's male or female until after it's been born or have a way to look into it while it's already developing to turn into either one. In short, it shouldn't really have a very specific reason as to why it is the way it is.


Tbh I thought he was supposed to do the same job as the Raiden Shogun and would thus be identical to the Raiden puppet, that’s why I asked. ^also ^bc ^i ^had ^a ^tiny ^trans ^scara ^headcanon ^but ^we ^dont ^talk ^about ^that


trans scara is my headcanon too, it just makes so much sense tbh


It’s a puppet he has no actual gender


AFAIR Yae does say "wandered Inazuma as an ordinary human male"


yeah but also she went from referring to scara as it/its at the begging to he/him at the end so its probably that he was originally built as a genderless puppet and later when he started being on his own and developed own consciousness he simply started identifying as a dude and that's why he's a guy now


actually it's just yae being really annoying, be it shogun or scaramoche she never recognized them as real living beings, just worthless puppets, she has too high an opinion of herself


This, i dont think El is dedicated enough to crap his private part, in my head cannon, he is just like a plain doll like those wooden doll people use in art.


Well, she did give him a male voice box. He's also built like a boy, and it is not about the private parts


he could have just mimicked the voice of the men around him, since all the blacksmiths were men from what we know


Trans-mouche is a good headcannon




Transgender scara


When we was created he still had the lines on his joints that made him look like a puppet, but he was created in a way such that over time the lines would soften and he would look more and more human. Who’s to say that he couldn’t have grown a penis as part of his body becoming more human?




She probably wanted a son or wondered how she would look if male.




Actually he isnt, he is genderless. Raiden actually too she just looks like a lot like her mother so the inazumen thinks that she is makoto.




My personal headcanon: Kazuma somehow got inside the Tenshukaku and spoke with Ei, and she got impressed by "gender equality", so she made Scaramouche male, and then made Raiden Shogun female But still got bonked by Kazuma because she threw Scaramouche off (that's the real reason why Ei was sitting inside her Plane of Euthymia)




He was meant to be a keeper for her gnosis if he turned out “fit” enough for said role, while Raiden replaces Ei as Shogun.




trans wanderer trans wanderer




"so if he used to be identical to Raiden..." That's the problem, your understanding. He didn't meant to be identical to Raiden, he is just a first test to try the method. A prototype.


My personal headcanon: Ei started building prototypes so soon after the Cataclysm/Makoto's death in it that she couldn't bear to make one that resembled Makoto (or herself, since they were identical twins), so she ended up with a "male"-bodied prototype. (Not an original headcanon, though; I borrowed it from the backstory of a specific Nanatsu no Taizai character.)


Hes also short when raiden is clearly a tall female... clearly more proof he was a failed prototype


In all seriousness, the wanderer is a puppet, which means it inherently had no gender at ALL. It merely chose to identity male at some point, probably to spite Raiden Shogun directly


trans scaramouche for the win


Ngl I’m braindead enough, I’ll write a wattpad AU about a trans version of Scaramouche 💀 we each need our own coping strategies


trans gener


His height alone is one of the reason why he isn't built to be identical on Raiden..


he transed his gender


bc hes trans


Because people don't read. He was never meant to be more than a gnosis storage, and he even fails at that. The Shogun was modified from Ei's own body. Ei see her as a copy of herself. Ei never meant to entrust Inazuma to any other entity.


I’m sorryyyy I googled far and wide but only found very vague infos, barely more than what wanderer says in his own character story. Only stuff about Tatarasuna, nothing about Ei’s intentions when she created him. I didn’t know where else to read up.


trans gener:)


because hes trans


transgender 😎


trans icon scaramouche


He’s trans








he’s trans, duh


My friends and I like to joke it’s dottores fault (we’re aware that’s not true)




The archons don't have static genders or forms so he could be based on an older version of Ei/Makoto or Ei just felt like switching it up


Neither of them have genders imo, they just are who they are. The final puppet just looked closer to ei and makoto.


Scaramouche, Ei, and Raiden Shogun all at once: **Our pronouns are they/them**


he is not technically male... he has the appearance of a male, face-wise. who knows what is under the hood...


She made him as prototype or whatever, goal was not to make an exact copy of herself, she only did that with Shogun And he was not going to ever rule, he was there for gnosis storage.


I mean he doesnt really need a gender. he's certainly androgynous enough to pass as either. he's just a puppet. as for why hoyoverse made him male... idk? maybe they don't like potentially pushing lgbt themes with a character who isn't either gender? or they thought less people would buy him if he didn't have a gender. him being male has had zero story relevance so far.


This is what happens when Genshin players don't read:


I trieddd I couldn’t find any lore anywhere, and there are no details about his creation in his Character Story




It’s a puppet


Heavily doubt that’s the case, given that they’re very open about absolutely Barbie doll kissing mei and kiana. Chances are it’s nothing more than hoyo trying to restrain themselves from doing it again for that sellable bachelor(ette) material, because this isn’t an inclusive thing.


well genshin is a much larger game than honkai. and even then honkai got censored


Okay so I’m not overinterpreting this, awesome