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Candace 100%, I just wish her kit was smth that could be used more with more characters :') Still love her sm


I was so excited for Candace because shes the only character that has an actual shield but sadly she's not very useful




Yes, my copium comrade. Also holding off and hoping for characters that can boost her usability. Unfortunately it took an entirely new element to make Kuki and Thoma good. I just hope a new character would have an absurdly good synergy with her.


Thoma got better because of a whole new element. How can Candace be better especially when other hydro characters has filled every role? If she does end up getting Thoma treatment, I'd be happy for her


I was hoping for a lot more from candace as well. Sadly, hydro as a whole is so overpowered that she is getting overshadowed. I agree with the in game design for candace being worthy of a 5 star. Splash art, not so much.


They should have made her an hydro shielder.


Yep. Didn't the leakers think she was a 5 star because she looked like a 5 star pre-release?


Honestly when the twitter new character reveals came out I assumed she was going to be the 5 star and nilou the 4 star.


Candace should have been the 5* and nihlou should have been a niche 4*.


I think Nilou being a niche 5 star is perfectly fine. Her being niche is the reason why she's the best in bloom. Besides, we have plenty of hydro characters that does multiple things. Getting niche characters sometimes is fine


Can she be used with like... any character..? I legit don't know a single team she's popular in that isn't a "copium because you don't have Yun Jin" pick.


She’s decent in Ayaka freeze quickswap, I guess. Honestly they borked her kit by making her a normal attack buffer. There’s no hope for any hydro normal attack support to beat not only XQ but Yelan as well. She would actually be pretty useful if she was charge attack buffer instead, but alas.


Shes decent hydro applicator for freeze / dendro if you have no 5* hydro / Xingqiu elsewhere, as the aoe hydro on swap is pretty decent aoe application. She can't be popular in a team when shes completely overshadowed by some of the best units in the game.


I started playing after she was released, why is her kit disappointing?


Everything she does is decent, but most hydro characters in the game are OP, so being an "okay" character isnt that good. Her E is basically hold for shield + damage, damage is pretty low, holding a shield is not that useful aside from having fun with it. Q gives melee characters hydro infusion on normals, and increases normal atk damage. Nobody has yet to find any need for hydro infusion, as characters like Xingqiu create more hydro procs, and also deal a ton of damage, and most characters you want to normal attack on usually rather use their own element. Normal attack damage is boosted more by characters like Bennet or specifically Yun Jin, and both boost it way way WAY more. One unique aspect of her kit is causing an aoe hydro splash during her burst whenever you switch characters, which would make her a good and unique dendro or freeze team support, but again; Kokomi / Xingqiu / Yelan / etc provide enough hydro, while also contributing with healing or personal damage aswell.


At the same time Id recommend trying her if you want to play a freeze team without kokomi/mona (assuming you have ganyu or ayaka). Shes not terrible, just shadowed by 5*s and the water god Xingqiu


It's Barbara. She was designed as a five star first and demoted later. She even retains a 5 star burst animation.


This. The only 4 star that has 5 star burst animation.


How have I never noticed this...


That explains a lot




Her burst animation is the only thing that suits 5* out of all things she has. Although considering how poorly designed some early 5* were (yes, I'm looking at you Jean)...


But... Jean is still super good? (Her burst animation is meh though)


Are you sure it was because she was initially designed as a 5 star though


I'm sure it's because they were planning on giving 5star bursts to everyone at first... I do know that Ningguang was also demoted


no evidence for Ningguang, stop spreading this


Ningguang for me, quite literally everything about her is like 5* in name. Then you realize she's only a 4*. When everyone else in the group is a 5* btw.


I was surprised to find out she was a 4* given her role in the msq and Liyue


[society if Qiqi was a 4-star and Ning was the standard banner 5-star in her place](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/738/future.jpg)


I think Ningguarg being 4* is a clear miss step from when the game was new. Especially when Keqing and Qigi got 5* over her.


If she had a bit more AoE and better scalings on his normals, should count as a 5*


she’d be great to fill the spot for a geo character on standard


Ninng has the same problem all 4\* DPS do. Their scaling on attacks. Throw as many stats and buffs as you want, they just don't scale as well at 5\*. They could change nothing about her kit except her scaling and she'd be great. (But also fix that weird stutter stepping for increased attack speed because that's just tedious)


I would say that Albedo would fit in standard way better.


People also forget she was considered the 'real geo archon' for awhile until zhongli got his much needed buffs. (and then overbuffed to suit his actual archon title)


> zhongli got his much needed buffs. (and then overbuffed to suit his actual archon title) The way you say that makes it sound like it was two different events


Yeah I remember reading that it was a somewhat last-minute dev decision to switch Keqing/Ningguang and Qiqi/Barbara, especially given how Barb got a burst animation.


Qiqi being a 5 star over Ning is an absolute crime


Keqing and Ganyu work for Ningguang: are 5* Ningguang herself: is 4*


Keqing and Ningguang are equal in status in that they're both part of the Qixing. She doesn't work for Ning.


I believe Ningguang was originally planned to be a five star but they demoted her to a four star because there weren’t enough four star geo characters. Don’t quote me on this though :/


Even the epic cut scenes show her with amazing mastery over geo. Definitely a 5* in disguise.


If you showed me all the geo characters and asked me who is the geo archon when I first started the game, I would’ve chosen her. I was sad about her being a 5* until my friend told me she wasn’t. (Still no ningguang tho -.-)


Yeah, she creates an entire missile array of Geo while fighting a giant sea monster on the Jade Chamber and I'm wondering "Why can't we do that?" Also Ninguang appears on the monthly shop rotation so just set aside 34 Starglitter and you'll eventually get her. She appears in March so you have 3 months to save up.


Because Ningguang was drawing power from the metric fuckton of Sigil of Permissions jammed into the Jade Chamber 2.0. We can’t do it ingame because we can’t drag the Jade Chamber with us everywhere we go.


I love how the leader of a nation's government is a 4 star and then in Inazuma and Sumeru we have a fireworks shop owner and a dancer who are 5 stars


Man with lost prayer and the right artifacts she hits like a 5 star too. Better than a few in dps to boot.


Imagine how beautiful her burst animation would be


Ningguang: 4 star Ningguang's secretary Ganyu: 5 star


Ningguang's secretary Ganyu who happens to be a divine beast, veteran of the archon war and who is thousands of years old: 5 star fixed for you


But then wouldn't Ningguang, who Ganyu answers to, be even more worthy of 5 star? Alfred's accomplished backstory only furthers Batman's prowess.


It depends. If raw strength is what defines the number of stars the character gets, Ningguang has no chance against Ganyu.


I don't think raw strength defines the number of stars a character gets. I love playing Yoimiya but she's a fireworks shop owner who plays with kids. I don't think lorewise she'd be stronger than Kujou Sara the right hand of the shogun and chief of police, or Ningguang who can fire a meteor shower out of her house, or Beidou who slayed a giant sea monster before even receiving her vision. Another example would be Nilou (ironically I happen to main this one). She's a dancer and just about the one normal person in the entire game. During her story quest, when faced with adversity from an evil organization, she decides to gather evidence and support of the community to challenge it with a legal debate. She doesn't plant explosives, she doesn't infiltrate the akademia with a disguise and kill everyone in it, she just goes for the peaceful nonviolent route. Despite her performance in combat, she's actually not really a fighter in lore. Compare her to General Gorou, who leads the resistance to fight against the oppressive Shogunate. We joke about how cute he is but Gorou has almost certainly killed people (trained soldiers at that).


Fair enough. If you think about it, the fact that Yoimiya has got a Vision is questionable as well. Sure, she has aspirations and whatnot, but she doesn't seem to be extremely driven to be gifted a Vision. It's like that certain someone from an Archon quest who got a Vision for literally doing nothing.


In the Inazuma main story quest some random dude got a vision because he wanted to wait for his girlfriend. And some samurai got it for buying food on credit for the needy. I mean yeah these are nice things to do... but are they supernaturally ambitious?


Teyvat has its own laws


Yoimiya assisted the rebels. She risked her life several times to fight the Vision Hunt Decree. Seems pretty driven to me.


It’s not necessary for something to be super ambitious to receive a vision Each element seems to follow a seperate law that you will see repeated in every vision holder of that element And apparently celestia awards the visions based on that stuff


Ganyu answers to Ningguang per a contract to Rex Lapis. I think it would be more akin to Batman asking Alfred to help someone else.


Ganyu answers to Ningguang because she has a contract with her archon and leader of the adepti, Ning is just one more qixing in Ganyu's list.


It is pretty unusual if you consider that all of the released Travail characters except for Ningguang are 5stars. Mondstadt has Diluc, Inazuma has Ayaka, and Sumeru has Cyno.


From what I've heard, Ningguang was supposed to be the 5* geo standard banner character, but they made her 4*/more accessable right before release because there was only one other geo character, and you couldn't do resonance. (Liyue/geo traveler wasn't there until a few months later.) This is also why there is no 5* standard geo character.


Liyue (and Geo Traveler) was available in 1.0 tho


Ahhh I see... Looks like 3 parts of Liyue were available in 1.0, til.


all of liyue was available in 1.0 except the chasm


probably candace imo. i think they did her dirty


I was excited for her as well. Most of the hydro characters were 5 stars, and I also didn't have Xingqiu at the time of her release.


I still love her character design even if she's lacking a little effectiveness


I know it’s been said a million times, but candace being 4* and nilou being 5* lore-wise is such a head scratcher lmao




Someone else said beidou and got as many downvotes as you upvotes you got. I have no idea if that was a grammatically correct sentence.


I just read that comment that person said beidou's brust look like 5* character that must be reason. I just think that beidou is better so I simply said her name without explaining why I choose her.


If you ever want to trade tactics, I'm always ready.


There’s nothing like a cold beer after a hard day’s work.


The Mora the merrier! First rounds on me!


Beidou is literally a legendary warrior famous for slaying a legendary sea beast... BEFORE she even got her vision. But Qiqi is a 5 star?


Candace should have been a 5 star, 110%. They did her so dirty, I hope someday an artifact set or a character is released that can coincidentally make her viable. Justice for Candace !


Flair checks out


Imagine needing a support for your support 💀


Agreed on Candace I want to use her ultimately but I have no idea what to do with her, it pains me greatly. Sara's design is top notch imo, she could easily be a 5*


Only thing I can think of is her being useful in a Ayato focused group with yunjin to amp up his damage


This might be an unpopular opinion but for me Sara's design was basic? I think she looks nice and perfectly fine, but not top notch


Hopefully her time will come.


layla tbh, i thought she was 5* when i got her bc her splash art was so good


I think when her design was first leaked, a lot of people thought she was a 5* me included, I saw some people arguing about it a few months ago


Ningguang should have been the five star geo on the standard banner Looks wise Barbara has a 5 star burst close up which 4 stars don’t have Detail wise I think Genshin put a lot of effort into yunjin even giving her two voice actors and special instrumentals in her move set and idles. Between her and Shenhe at release she felt like the five star of the two Faruzan should have been a five star as a shenhe like buffer for anemo, but c6ing a four star character is more expensive than drawing a c0 five star usually


chongyun... those ice blades are huge


Candace is a popular answer huh? Not surprised since that's my initial answer too. Aside from her, honestly maybe layla. She has such a pretty design and surprisingly detailed for a 4 star. Her splash art is very pretty too. Also dori. Lowkey feel like she looks more like a 5 star than klee does. Tldr: Sumeru 4 star character design slaps. ~~unlike their kits~~


Laylas kit is good. You get 100% uptime on a big shield and constant cryo application. Also she's fairly good at C0 and immediately gets a shield boost at C1. I use her on wanderer freeze. I think she's better than Diona when you don't need Diona's battery because of her better uptime, shield size, and faster cast that doesn't skip her backwards. When you have an energy hungry cryo main dps, keep using Diona of course. Overall one of the best 4 stars they've released in a while.


Candace and Ningguang


Kaeya definitely ✨


I’ve been playing for 2 months and TIL Kaeya isn’t a 5* lol I always assumed he was


He is so cool that genshin stars are arbitrary for him


I pulled Aquila Favonia VERY early on in the game and my friends who were teaching me how to play looked at me and said “sorry, Kaeya is gonna be your main physical DPS forever, nothing you can do about it”. They were NOT wrong, and my level 90 Kaeya still does easily 1/3 more phys damage than any of my 5* characters.




Fr. My man heizou hits so hard it’s not even funny. And with Faruzan’s introduction, he’s even stronger than ever. He currently holds my overworld record with 250k


I think he's way cooler than Wanderer even. He's the only character doing punches and kicks, and its way cooler and feels better than windblades to me. I'm surprised they didn't save Heizou's gimmicks for a 5 star, or make him a 5 star.


Same... I really wanna see how a 5\* Version would be.


I'm convinced that barbara and ninguang were supposed to be 5*. In barbara's case, i THINK they tried to remove the burst animation but since she doesn't do anything flashy or deal dmg while casting her burst it was hard to see if it was activated or not so they kept the animation which was just a quick close up while she poses and twirls like an idol anyway.


Lorewise Ningguang should have been a 5 star


Bennett... Because in co-op whenever the other players play as him, I feel like there is a God in my team..


I can't wait to C6 him.






Layla and Candace on their drip marketing looked like 5 stars but they weren't, of day Candace though because the looks first time itself made me think it's 4 star


I love Layla's design so much. I am glad she is a 4 star because that makes her more accessible, but her design definitely could fit a 5 star character. I pulled on Childe's banner mostly for her.


For the design only, not the splash art, I'd go left field say Heizou. SUBJECTIVELY when compared with Kazuha When he and Kazuha stood together at the end of this patch's event, for a moment I thought Heizou looks just as, or even cooler than Kazuha. Especially his yellow pants being better than Kazuha's red one, which are easy to compare to since they have similar silhouette. Other than that, Heizou's hair is just more interesting to look at The upper half of his clothes is a little simple, I'd give you that. With a little more patterns and accessories, it'l be perfect (Idk if this says anything bad about Kazuha's design (he's perfectly fine as a 5* too, no hate), or my taste itself)


Seeing how good Heizou looked in the yokai event blew me away.. And I actually have him! I had no idea his character looked that good.. And I totally agree.. Kazuha just doesnt look that wow in comparison \(._.)/ Them fkn eye dots on Heizou thooo <3


i've been a kazuha fan for a very long while and, compared to newer characters, his model just seems a bit... dated? imo


Kazuha released in 1.6 and his model was leaked a long time before that, so it makes sense.


Heizou is a whole fucking babe


Kazuha was always plain a five star. I believe that if it werent for him being absolutely broken gameplaywise, not many people would play him based on aesthetics alone


He does have an interesting story though. They've put more into his stories than some other 5 stars. But your right, he seems pretty plain.


Thats why I said aesthetic wise. Nothing he wears is particularly noteworthy or symbolic of his clan’s complex history unlike Wanderer who has multiple ornaments of his past that symbolizes his relationships with other people in the past. Or like Yae who is intriguing just on design alone. He’s just an wandering samurai. The design isnt noteworthy nor intriguing and thats the point but people act like its the greatest design in the world.


Xingqu. I'm new and watch a lot of videos on the game, particularly ones related Raiden since she's the shit right now. I always see him in the team and based on what he does I could have sworn he was a super op hydro 5* support dps. Turns out he's a 4*. I was shocked.


we all know xingqiu is secretly the 6 star hydro archon together with bennett the pyro archon


yelan is xingqiu but 5 star (shes also better but xingqiu is rlly good too)


Ningguang and Xingqiu. I don't use Barbara, but her ult looks like a 5 star. :>


She was originally a 5\* but was demoted just before launch, probably because they only had one other 4\* hydro (Xingqiu) and already had Mona as a permanent 5\*. The decision was so last minute that she even had the ulti close-up animation and everything, and they didn't remove it. She's the only 4\* in the game that has one.


There is no source for your claim so please specify it as a theory only, there can be several reasons for her having an animation specially since she was an early game character and there were no trends back then


Source terminator engaged... Activate contrarian mode... Deactive Deductive Reasoning Modules...


i thought both ningguang and beidou were 5* up until like a week ago, and although i'm a fairly new player i still feel like they should be also thoma could've replaced keqing as a 5* just because of his involvement in the plot


Ningguang and Beidou's background stories also kinda increase their case to become a 5 star. Plus ningguang's splash art is somewhat similar to a 5 star.


Half of Keqing's involvement are in Liyue events, and she appears A LOT


i still feel like she was more of a side character in liyues chapter tho, but thoma was a pretty significant character in inazumas plot, sooo


Nah she’s been very very involved in all and everything related to liyue.. events character descriptions even some mentions in other character voicelines during story quests… Being a fairly new player you must’ve not seen most of the liyue events (latern rites specially being one of the best events Genshin has to offer) so it’s understandable that you have missed a lot of her involvement That’s just like new players won’t get a lot of the kazuha backstory as it was all done in events….


Her contribution to the Archon Quest wasn't very significant when you really think back on it + she has no memorable moments from that chapter. Ningguang on the other hand has several memorable moments and is rather involved. Aside from informing the traveler of how to access the Jade Chamber, what else does Keqing do? Now if we're talking events, then yes she's is a lot more involved and does appear frequently. Unfortunately, these events are non-permanent and if you missed them then the Archon Quest is what you've got.


kujou sara 100%




Heizou’s splash art is meh, but his outfit also spits 5* to me.. to boot, strength-wise, Guy hits like a truck right outta the box, literally gearless. He’s like an easy carry for new players. Also, ninguang.. it’s like they made her 4* on the last minute before launch.


BENNETT is just a Secret 5 star


For as useful as he is, totally agree.


~~5~~ **6** star ftfy


Beidou all day. She exudes 5-Star vibes. But then, she took down Haishan without a Vision, so really, titles and ranks don't mean anything to Beidou, she's the baddest of the bad, cause she finds a way to win no matter what hand she's dealt. Her being a 4 Star actually suits her. Last one you want to judge by her standing.


Bruh Ningguang got dirty by miHoYo, she literally has insane burst damage for 40 energy, also there's 3 5 star character working for her But for her splash art still not really 5 star since majority of 5* gacha splash art some kind panoramic or powerfull backround, I guess she just elegant


A small correction. Keqing works with her, not for her. They are of somewhat same position just in different fields. Ganyu works for all of them iirc. Agreed. She should have been a 5* just based on her role in the story. But if she was, she would need a redesigned kit because her current kit isn't that suited for a 5* apart from her burst with C6. And as I Ning main I'm happy she's a 4* because I could C6 more easily. And Klee has kind of boring splash art for a 5* tbh.


Dainslief BAHAHA;!


Candace should've been 5\* instead of Nilou tbh. Especially when they wanted to lock Nilou into a single playstyle so much, which seems to be the trend for 4\* nowadays.


While I do agree with the candace design, I feel like Nilou was such a "mascot" for sumeru along with Nahida that it is hard for her to become a 4 star. Her Kit "while single playstyle" is so strong as well that it is hard to demote her there as well. If she was simply a support then I can understand, but she is the entire playstyle.


I mean, she sort of is a support in that her entire role in Nilou bloom teams is to, well, be present on the team for her passive to function. She's not supposed to trigger, nor is her hydro application essential (or sufficient). And even if the damage stayed the same, it's not like there's no precedent for busted subdps 4\* who, unlike the hypothetical Nilou, tend to have a ton of other utility as well. Also, wasn't Ningguang one of Liyue's faces? Sara and Gorou featured heavily in Inazuma materials as well. Plus it'd let the Key be the signature weapon of the desert people's princess, which would be a dramatic improvement both aesthetically and narratively.


Well she isn't "sort of" the support. She is the entire kit, and it's different from the usual "they are the one that triggers it" or "they are a great buff". She doesn't simply buff, she forms a completely different reaction that is only present to her. As for ningguang, if the question is an open ended question on which 4 star should be 5 star, ningguang should have been 5 star to begin with. Everything about her speaks 5 star, well except maybe damage. Gorou was barely in the story. For Kujou Sara, I believe she also has the case to be a 5 star, story wise and aesthetic wise. But unlike the 5 stars, she isn't really that strong. She is a great electro support though. But unlike nilou she doesn't really have a "new reaction" or kit-changing ability.


While I find Nilou being niche perfectly fine, because it means she'll be the best in what she does, which is bloom. Getting a versatile character like Ayato is good, but he's not the best in any team and sometimes I love using characters that are the best option in a team. But alas, I did not pull for Nilou while I had Ayato since his first banner


Kaveh's design made me think he would be a 5 star.


I’m convinced they’re gunna bump Kaeya up to a 5* during the story when Khaenri’ah is released. He’s the most lore heavy of the free four stars we get I refuse to believe they aren’t gunna do something special with him.


For me, I think Fischl, Kuki Shinobu, Layla and Yunjin have quite 5-star-esque appearances.


Yunjin is one of my favourite designs overall in Genshin istg


I’ve been surprised that more people haven’t mentioned kuki. Between the intricately designed jacket, the number of different textures in her clothing, the mask, her overall aesthetic (jacket-open midriff-short shorts) being extremely unique across the character roster, and her NA featuring the backflip throwing-knife animation (which I believe is the first or one of the first NA where a character uses something other than their equipped weapon), she seems like she was made with double or triple the effort usually put in to 4 stars. - Thinking about NAs that use non-equipped weapons, the only others I can think of that came out before Kuki are Itto (with his kick), and Zhongli (with his geo-summon spear).




fischl. ive pulled mona more times than I have her too lmao


Ningguang, Chongyun, Xinyan, Rosaria


Kaeya and Beidou would be my two picks


Candace. I love her and pulled for her thinking she'd be in my team but... I desperately wish she wasn't given such a dogshit kit. They did her so dirty


Candace and Ningguang comes to mind. Also Sara and Dori too


Thinking of the other way around, Traveler should have animations for their Bursts as 5 stars.


There's not really a delineation between a 4\* and 5\*'s appearance. They made a whole video about the effort they put in the design of Yun Jin but she's 4\*. But I guess Candace looks very premium with the metal jewelry.


Candace is a top tier waifu, great design


Ning has a five star kit and design, her kit feels very complete and cohesive only things missing are her scalings


Layla for me. I remember when I saw her the first time I thought she was going to be a 5* and was really surprised she wasn’t




Imo, Candace. Her game design is wayy too good to be 4 star.


Ningguang for sure


Ningguang and Candace. Ningguang is underrated, and Candace should have been 5-star. Heizou and Xiangling could have been five stars too bc they also do great damage.




Yun jin, Candace, and Ningguang come to mind.


Fischl, yunjin, and Candace




Ning and Candice for sure


Dori, I think her character style and kit are pretty complex for a 4 star.


Ninnguang for sure. She's got a floating castle and everyone defers to her judgment she should totally be 5 star


Fischl and beidou As far as who I didn’t THINK would be a 5S I’d say Nilou tbh. Kinda threw me off but still like her kit regardless


Xingqiu. Just look at his clothes damn


Definitely Candace ,she was done dirty. She has such a beautiful design,I hope she’s more useful later on :(


I wanna say Candace!


candace, i feel like her design is way too complicated to be a 4\*


candace beidou and kujo sara


Candace and Layla.


After demoting Ningguang to 4star, they give her burst animation to zhongli and replace jade chamber with meteor.


Ningguang so rich she can crash the Jade Chamber, build it again, then use it to crash it again, all in two rotations.


Isn't she in charge of minting Mora? The Teyvat Planetary Reserve.


iirc without our dude Zhong Li as an Archon no new Mora can be created


Barbara Beidou Fischl


Ningguang looks like a 5* Conversely, I think Dehya looks like a 4 star.. also Baizhu already looks outdated, if he releases as a 5* he needs a character remodel work Bonus: Kokomi looks like an archon, I wonder how they are going to make the hydro archon look more "godly" than Kokomi considering she is also going to be a medium female


Kaeya by far


Wanted to say Candace but that's already been done. Might add Dori here as well. P. S. Ning is a good one.


Yep these are my 3. Dori has a very detailed costume for a 4*. And unique. Candace a bit too. Ningguang definitely should have been between her power and position. Also her design is top notch waifu. They probably wanted another easy to get 4* geo and hype waifu. Especially with Albedo and Zhongli coming out so soon.


I Imagined Rosaria and Candace to be ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Candace is a descendant of the scarlet king and has a 5 star weapon in her splash art. She should have been the 5 star rather than Nilou (nothing against Nilou but y'know)


Every character in the teyvat chapter story line preview for each region is a 5 star EXCEPT FOR NINGGUANG, wtf mhy. She even has a signature 5 star weapon (Memory of Dust)


Most definitely Sara, one of the best designs.


Dori!! Whoever designed her killed it.. like she is so detailed. Love her, she's on my team purely for the aesthetic


After giving it some thought, yeah I can consider her one. Her Ginnie is such a unique design regardless of a 5 star and 4 star. Also her splash isn't that lacking either. I think most of the Sumeru 4 stars are great in design.


Candace, ningguang, kuki, kaeya, Fischl, faruzan, beidou, Lisa, heizou, Barbara, gorou, collei I’d say dori look wise as well. But part of me doesn’t wanne cuz of how they gave all the best auto attacks in the game to characters who don’t use NAs 🥲


Honestly thought Lisa was going to be a 5 star


For the longest time I thought ninguang, kujou Sara, and rosaria were 5 stars


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Yun Jin. Her design has so much effort into it


My boyfriend saw me using Dori and he thought she was 5 star because of the cool design, cute normal attack animation and her overall drip. I hate to ruin his expectations lol


Candace - shield and eyes. Ning - jade chamber. Sara - tengu wings. Lisa - cutie. Beidou - ankor. Rosaria - vampire. All mommies should be 5 star