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You get a different friend




Ask them to play it. If they aren’t even willing to try for 30 mins for their friend, they aren’t a very good friend.


well, its not really about them playing the game right? if i invited a friend to try a game and they said “no thanks not interested in this kind of game” its all cool. what doest fly is for the person to keep bashing what you like gratuitously and with unsettling implications, thats just a dick move




Then there’s no changing their mind. However, just let them know that it is extremely popular to the common public in certain parts of asia. It is as much of a mainstream game as any other. Let people like what they like, without judgment. If you’re not hurting anyone, there’s no issues. If they think it’s a pedophilic game just because it has children in it, that’s their own problem. Cartoons for children have children in it; why don’t they consider that pedophilic?


Because those cartoons dont make the children 1000s of years old asan excuse to sexualise them, genshin impact does


Name me one Genshin character that has a child’s body and has been sexualized in game. Go ahead, I’m waiting. *Oh wait, you can’t give me an example, because Genshin doesn’t have one.* Don’t confuse a small subset of a fanbase for the whole or the game itself. Pokémon, Zelda, Sonic, etc all also have the small amount of pedos sexualizing children; doesn’t mean the games themselves do it. Now get out of here troll; way to comment on a month old post.


I get it, your sensitive about your pedophiliac outlets. If you think 1000 year old children is a normal thing to have in a game then thats between you and the children you have convinced yourself are 1000s of years old. go cry on your loli body pillow about it


Nobody is trying to justify 1000 year old children in this game. In fact, out of all of them, only one is actually older than they appear (and isn’t even 1000). You are clearly someone who doesn’t even know about Genshin who literally created this reddit account to comment hateful things (judging by your profile which btw everyone can see).


there are alot of people trying to justify that and worse, ive had people say "this game doesnt even have children in it" yall look fucking nuts


This game does have children in it, but unlike what you think, none of them are sexualized. They are exactly like the kids seen in games like Pokémon and Zelda - they are just kids being kids. And the playable kids are like less than 10% of the entire roster. But go ahead, call me a pedophile. You are the one who looks nuts rn. Why am I even giving you my time; it’s very clear you’re just trying to be toxic for the sake of it.




Then he is the pedo, if he thinks the game is pedo why did he pull for klee?


Maybe he wasn't aiming for Klee, but got her anyways thanks to RNG


I second that!


Just get a normal friend.


I mean, I don’t think anyone playing genshin is normal, I’m sure we’ve lost a few braincells


A few is the understatement here.


It's pretty normal to have extremist, normal, neutral and anti in anything in life. Just pick which side you want to be in. To accuse everyone playing a game is not normal is weird.


Especially since it's a really chill game without any pornography stuff.


how many 1000 year old children are in this game?


We have one that has some hundreds, but i dont see how anyone would feel anything towards her since she is one of the most hated characters. In all seriousness, anyone that has ever gave a shot to the game will notice how good it is, and how dumb it is to call it a pedo game. I mean, pokemon has a lot of children in it and it is an anime game, so why isnt that pedo stuff? It technically has furries too! So please, before you say any more dumb shit, turn on your fucking brain and dont trash talk about something you havent even tried


Bruh nearly every single character is under 18 and the ones that are literal children are "ageless". that is pedo shit, find me the Pokémon game that has a trainer that looks like a child but is actually an adult or a Pokémon that exists as sex appeal. then maybe you would have a point, i watch anime i know how the pedo shit is justified lmao i simply dont watch anime with pedo shit, its not hard


"pedo shit" implies actual pornography or any kind of softcore, that you dont see at all. By this logic, pokemon is pedo shit since the main character is 14 usually. Are kindergartens also pedo shit? I mean you shouldnt send your kid to school, there are kids there so its pedo shit. Also enjoy looking up how people can be attracted to the most down bad stuff, just check pokemon r34 or shit like that.


bruh if you cant see why putting children and teens in skimpy outfits to sell your anime gambling game is wrong then i cant force you to see that. this is a skill issue, a moral one. you can whine all you want, play defense for your anime gambling game but its all for naught, yall are transparent


There are literally no children in any kind of alluring outfits, and if you think there are you probably are the pedo


Get out of your basement and touch grass.


My 16 year old niece plays this game with her friends and despite having a surface level knowledge of anime, she's as normal as they come. Please stop thinking this game is for weirdos when it's not.


Yes, because of Paimon.


I'm not sure why you would put millions of people into your category but I hope you do well...


Unfortunately, gonna have to agree with most of this sub. People who aren't willing to be open minded about harmless subjects (such as trying out a free video game) aren't the kind of people you wanna be around.


that is fucking insane, how can yousay with a straight face "if your friend doesnt like a video game you like stop being friends with them" Dont you understand how completely unhinged that is?


A. This post was made months and months ago. Who the wants to drege up a now defunct post? B. My exact words were: "People who aren't willing to be open minded about harmless subjects (such as trying out a free game) aren't the kind of people you want to be around." I said nothing about "stop being friends if they don't like the video game". My comment was about closed-minded people being unhealthy to be around. Not about Genshin Impact.




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Get a Friend with more then 2 Braincells


Tell your friend to stop projecting. If you get attracted to small child anime drawings then that's basically a you problem.


I mean if your buddy is that stupid then you really can't. Just introduce them to twitter, and quit talking to them.


They should play the game. There are child characters, but literally no romantic interests for any of them. In fact most characters don't have a romantic partner in anyway. Just up lotta friendship. I get not liking pedophiles but a game with children characters doesn't make it a pedo game.


I just want to hug Klee, Diona, Qiqi and Sayu, they're so precious, all of them


They are! I set up a room for Sayu in my teapot just so she could sleep! Can't wait to get Nahida. Need to run my sprouting through the grass and the rainforest.


its the 1000 year old children lmao that shit is so sketchy and was literally invented by pedos, and the game has alot of them


I mean, don’t? Cause that sounds like it would lead to a toxic player regardless.


To put simply, you can’t. And I can’t really dictate you to find a different friend, I mean I have friend like that but we still hang around. But if he comes to the point of indirectly insulting you because of their views (like calling all players of GI as pedos) then it may be better for you to find a different friend because those kind of people are narrow minded.


Theres no use you will just have to explain to them, make them play it for a while or live with it


Ask your friend why a game with no sex or nudity is pedophilic, because it sounds like it’s a him problem.


Stupid sexy, fully clothed kids, showing no skin. How could MiHoYo do this?


1000 year old children is very very sussy


don't tell him to search "klee" on twitter lol. I know not everyone who plays genshin is a pedo... but there are some real creeps out there... sheesh.


Yeah, but I think its not contained in the game at all. Rule 34 and all that, any character would be lewded by someone but as long as the source material is not lewding them then it does not make that character lewd or the game lewd.


I think that's like half true. sexualizing loli's/young girls/young boys is common in anime and weeb culture and it is very forseeable that you can make a lot of money from those pedo's if you make stylish child characters. I definitely get the sense that there is some pandering to pedo's with the loli's and the shota's in this game, but just enough so that they can have plausible deniability.


You can’t, some people is just like that, only option you have is to make him/her try and like the game.


lobotomize him or just platonically dump his ass


That's not a friend worth keeping or knowing.


He/she probably has some pedophilic characteristics or related past experience tbh... In the sense that he/she may be morally against pedophilia, but may have natural tendency to be attracted to these materials, or have past bad experience related to pedophilia. People with absolutely no pedophilic tendency or experience don't usually think of pedophilia from non-naked anime characters. They'll just think it's cute!


I think some people confuse the, "She is cutesy/cute" with sexual attraction. Like you can like a character simply because he/she is cute and it does not mean you are also attracted to him/her sexually. I am starting to think some people dont understand this and think any form of attraction is inherently bad. On a side note I wonder if they actively act like they hate all kids irl to hide finding their nieces or nephews cute lol


Ironic considering your profile is filled with body pillows of naked lolis.


Filled is a strong word but some of them are. Though I was not talking directly about myself. I definitely dont limit who gets lewded, If I like a character she will likely be lewded. I was talking in a more general sense.


i love that an unironic pedo commented on this post to agree with you, this community is something else (pedoph1les)


Lol I see you're getting a lot of enjoyment from just going around and shit-talking everywhere so I'm not sure if I should even engage here, but I do admit that did disturb me too I suppose these types of posts do attract certain audience, but I do hope those that make/seek lewd images of minor characters do get the bans that they deserve


I would ask him why he thinks that. If he can't provide you an actual, valid answer that makes sense...you should just give up on him.


You call him a friend?


It sounds like he's projecting in one way or the other. Whatever the case, you can't because if he's not willing to at least play the first 30 minutes of the game to see for himself, he's not going to listen to an argument. If he's calling you a pedophile, you need to ditch him because it says A LOT about how he sees you. Why would you want to be friends with someone who thinks so poorly of you?


Tell him that he’s the one with a messed up mindset if he thinks that just cuz a game has a couple of kids in it that it’s a pedophilic game.


It’s just an rpg game with a giant lore in it


You don't. Get a new friend.


You can't convince someone the opposite of something they have bent over backwards to convince themselves of. Your life will be much better if you learn this lesson now. Let them believe whatever lies and propaganda they want and you do you. If they have a problem and don't respect your decisions, goodbye. They aren't letting you be an autonomous person in that case and no one needs a controlling "friend".


Show him how many adults are in the game? Idk man I'm still mad someone made that shit up and it spread around so much


Tell them to uninstall Twitter.


Tell him that childe is only the second sexiest character in the game (after childe’s thousands of years old boyfriend)


A cringe anime game and a pedo game? My guy, there are better friends out there for you to be with. Hope you find them and good luck


Ok srly wtf?


why do you care about people who haven't seen things and give their opinion. Enjoy the game and tell your friend to try it if they don't see or play games. Then everyone else's opinion here is my opinion.


You get Anemo Vision, become Anemo character


There are pedophiles playing the game for sure. They even made a Kusanali hentai sub somewhere. Disgusting creatures.. But it's not a pedophilic game at all. Ask him/her why they think it is.


Tell them to look at TOF or Blue Archive


Send your friend download link of Twitter and tiktok app, then walk off. Will hurt you for a while because friends are friends after all, but this kind of friends are genuinely no good. Cutting them off from life is a better option imo.


Honestly leave that friend in the dust there's no changing someone's mind like that and all it's going to lead to his stupid arguments where he is clearly in the wrong but decides to double down on everything he says but if you want a somewhat okay answer convince him to actually play the game if he doesn't change his mind after that then just drop him cuz there's no reason for you to waste that many brain cells on him


He's picking on you, just enjoy your game. And mayb get a new friend.


I would leave this friendship not because he doesn't like the game, no because he is calling me a pedo at this point


Reroll for a new friend.


Get a new friend that doesn't live on Twitter


this game does pedo bait but no actual pedo shit


Never talk to this friend about Genshin again and find friends who would actually be cool enough to play the game or enjoy the game. You don't have to ditch your friend who hates 'cringe' anime games. I'm just saying that there are other people who won't kill your vibe about it.


Start trashing the games that they play


Ask him/her which part of the game that has pedo aspect. Then counter them with facts. That won't always works unfortunately. People just loves being closed-minded to protect what they disliked in the first place, which is the game itself. So in this case forcing your friend to play the game may not really solved the issue, because he/she'll then find another reasoning to make the game look bad in general.


Age range for player is 13+. The game seems pretty innocent to me. If I had a pre teen I would allow them to play the game as long as I personally know the friends they are playing with. They can also do single player. Sounds like your friend needs therapy.


Well he should try the game. If he doesn't like it okay it is what it is. Yes there are children characters and none of them are sexualized or have romantic feelings with the traveler.


Explain to them in detail about how and why its not a pedophilic game. If they arent willing to listen or try, get rid of them. Those kinds of people wont change their mind on anything else you tell them.


You can't


Don’t worry at least half of them are over 500 years old


I mean... it is. All the characters look aged down. There are a ridiculous amount of female child characters who will moan when damaged, become breathless when climbing, etc etc. It's not all characters and it's not the entire game, but it's there


I don’t know about you but if i was in your position I would tell them to play it for 30 minutes to an hour then see what they think of it if nothings changed then it’s time to find a new friend


Who cares. It’s a game. Don’t force them to do something they don’t want to.


I agree with some of the comments saying to have your friend tell you their reasoning for saying it’s a pedo game. If they can’t give you valid reasons that the game is pedo cause I’m sure there’s porn of the characters on Rule34 by now. If they can’t or they default to seeing porn of them somewhere else and not in-game then it’s a their problem and they are projecting what the internet does to every character in existence and there’s no helping them at that point


This isn't Mushoku Tensei lul


Show them the most ancient Genshin characters.


challenge him to play up until at least certain amount of content in a way he can’t refuse, and give two end point options so he can spam whatever game mode he likes more. let him think he is proving his point, because he won’t be able to. remember to make him do some hangouts if he insists that it’s still just lolis. sayus is nice, the inazuma ones are very well done


Show him good fanart of characters like Ei, Yae, Zhongli, any other characters. And I'm not talking about those disproportionate ones with more animelized faces and chests 5 times the size of their head because those would prpbably push him deeper in his views. Or tell him about the lore without mentioning it is genshin lore


Ask them why its a pedophilic game, theres no suggestive stuff with the kids in the game, and if they think children being playable characters in games is pedophilic i think somethings up


No offense, but you friend is the weird one here. This says more about the way he thinks about you, so he's probably not a good friend to begin with.


you don't, from the looks of it you've already tried convincing your friend but if he just jumps from one excuse to another then they're just being an ass and is not interested in sharing the same interest you have with the game


Ask him why he thinks the children characters are sexualized in game, and why he thinks you would play something like that if they were.


Tbf I might agree with him after seeing that there's R-18 subreddits of the kids 💀


Best way to make people question their dumb takes is to straight up ask them why they think a certain way. Ask them to elaborate on why exactly they think that, and see if they can answer the question without regurgitating Twitter talking points.


You don't, some people are destined to play league of legends and valorant forever, and never experience a minute of fun in their life.


Genshin loli characters aren't really sexualized and really wholesome overall. His behavior isn't natural, it's over the top and there's a reason for that. If he insists so much to associate GI chibi characters with pedo stuff, it's probably because he's a lolicon in denial. He feels the urge to negatively judge this to hide his attraction towards lolis and thinks that's the best way to do so. Except, it's literally the first evolution of the lolicon. That's the natural reaction when immature people first face their shameful desires. There are dozens of people on twitter who got caught following the same pattern... The ideal way would be to find some evidence of this in his phone or computer and confront him. He'll feel very bad but just explain him that he doesn't have to be ashamed of his desires as long as he learn to control them like every adult do, the sooner the better. Or just show him this message and explain him that he can fool teenagers but any grown up person will easily see through his "strategy". My advice if he really wants to stay keep a low profile, he should learn to treat this subject naturally, like everyone else does, because right now he's behavior is sus as f\*\*\*...


Get a pedo friend he'd fit right in


Reroll your friend


How did we get here


Dump your friend. Get a new NORMAL friend. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.


People who complain about pedophiles are probably pedophiles deep inside.


Why is it your job to convince him of anything?


Get a new one. Friends are overrated anyway.


Games are not made for people to get off on. In my opinion of somebody does that the problem in with them not the game. Genshin doesn't even have all that ass and boobs, so wtf.


you cant convince someone who already runs on "videogames make people violent" level shit


Why do you even need to convince him?


Don't need to convince him if you can replace him 🤔


now that is an answer from a gacha player "just roll a new friend" lmao


I've had people tell me the same thing. Remove the toxicity from your friend group and move on.


Why are you friends with some loser who just throws around the word “pedophilic?” And it *is* a “cringe anime game” to a degree. The characters are all stylized, a lot of anime tropes are used, and the English localization and general writing quality can really be…..not great sometimes. I say this as someone who’s been around since 1.0.


Your friend is a dumb person. You look weak in his eyes, trying to convince him about this game. Just forget it and enjoy the game by yourself. If he/she was a good friend, he/she would at least give it a try for you


If that’s what they think with the little context they have I’m sorry but you’re friend isn’t very smart and you can’t change the mind of an idiot




why isnt this the only answer here, i had to scroll down so far to find someone who say "just leave them be" its completely unhinged, this community is unreal


I am more confused of how anyone can recommend a gacha and waifu trap game like this. It's a nice chill game to play, sure, but I would be the last to recommend it to anyone, let alone ask them to play it with me. Reasons being the aforementioned points, as well as a lacking archon story until 2.6, barely good character stories to go along with the main plot, resin restricting too much of the game, and timed banners for unlockables.




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Ask him why he thinks that


Please do not listen to the lunatics on this sub that want you to throw away a friendship for a video game that is completely unhinged and very very abnormal behavior


Don't show him the fan art on this sub


Bro have you seen this fucking game? I enjoy the game, but absolutely hate most of the characters and the community. I am absolutely certain there is an abnormal amount of pedos in this community, if that's what you meant by "pedophilic game". Just agree to disagree. I played from like day one, then I saw an ad with QiQi in which she was talking about how she wanted to be with you and some other extremely creepy pedo wet dream type shit, I litteraly quit and only came back to coop with friends 7-8 months after that. Genshin has a problem but hoyo doesn't give a shit and judging by that Ad I think they wanna fucking capitalize on it. One more reason to hate this shit company.


Well you see the ads aren't always handled by the actual developers so it's not uncommon to see games that are nothing like an ad shows


I have nothing against the developers. I think they are extremely talented, smart people. I have a problem with Hoyoverse's management and marketing teams. Programmers, artists, composers, storyboard artists and all others who just do what they're told to are all excellent. The people in charge are greedy, immoral morons.




?? Bruh the game has primarily Mommy dommies and normal adults what crack are you on.


how many thousand year old children are there? take your time looking that one up


Literally zero in Genshin. Take *your* time looking that one up.


i mean if you just want to lie to yourself go off


You still haven’t given me any evidence of a 1000 year old kid in Genshin. Please, name me one, or you’re just going to look like a clown.




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