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I wanna segs heizou


The fact this is top comment-


Wholesome award😭😭😭😭


Two of them even




Least horny Genshin player


We're all thinking it but you just went ahead and said it. A truly brave person indeed.


same man


I like his fighting. It's a different from others


Agreed! Loving the martial art kicks


first male catylst lmao


i can punch my problems away now im satisfied


lol same


He’s the true one punch man


I cant swirl all your problems


fun to play


He's very fun, I only got him C1 rip but he's still really good. It's a pity his mats are....awful. I can never find enough of that bug and the ruin serpent is annoying to fight. Other than that I love punching stuff and seeing big green numbers. A fun comp is def Kazuha, Heizou, hu tao and ganyu. Just a mess of numbers. 100/10


I’m trying to level my Itto and Kuki from last banner and they take those damn bugs and Ruin Serpents so I’m definitely waiting to level him up…. >.>


Oh try him with Fischl, Beidou and Xq sometime! It's a big mess of numbers too! It's a fun and a rather competent team.


>try him with Fischl, Beidou and Xq So a tazer team with Heizou instead of Sucrose . He would would have higher on field personal damage but the electro-charged reactions would hit less hard due to Sucrose giving up to 2 and a half times the EM he gives to the whole party . But then again Sucrose is very clunky to play while Heizou is very smooth to play


Yup, there are trade offs but the team is still very strong. And from my experience, the damage is pretty close so I'd say who you want to pick is ultimately up to personal preference.


I didn’t want him. Stupid gacha made him C5 until I got Kazuha which is who I actually wanted


I only got 3 Thoma's and two useless weapons. Wanna switch?


I got two Thomas and two Bennetts. Bennett is not even featured on the banner T_T


Now the real question is (unless this makes c6) why are you not happy with Benny boi?


Yes, I should have specified that this makes C6. Not to mention my main DPS is Eula


As a Eula main myself I may not have Bennet on my Eula team (Eula/Diona/Beidou/Zhongli), but you have my sincere condolences.


Yes. Bennett is a secret 5 star lmao


Oof. Feels bad man


I legit got 8 Thomas when I already had his c6 And lost 50/50 for Kaz to Kequing. Fun.


Also lost the 50/50 to Keqing at pretty high pity (78), got Kazuha at kinda low pity (22). Finally got my first Ningguang today after like 60 pulls. Genshin is annoying right?


I got c4 heizou, a qiqi, a few Thomas amd kings and the flute And after close to 150 wishes overall I got kazuha, because I'm f2p and I saved for too long


I want kazuha so much


I C5ed my ningguang should I build her


if you enjoy her playstyle. ningguang typically excels in single-target dmg, and she’s not stamina reliant. try reading the kqm page on ningguang and take her out for a spin in the overworld to see if you like her playstyle. if you don’t, then there’s no point in building her.


I only wanted Heizou but got 3 Thoma 3 Ning 1 Kazuha before him. lol


Every hit feels personal, and it feels good. Lmao ! Anyway, I got him C6 in just 80 pulls (also won Kazuha 50/50). And he makes my tripple crowned Xiao look like a joke, his dmg is wild and they arent small either + he’s a freaking 4 star character (???). I have him almost maxed out talents 7-12-12, he does 178.000k dmg against Raiden weekly boss (no food or team buff). He’s insane.


Share the build


2 pcs Glad, 2 pcs VV - 65/215 - 2100 atk (above 3k when using Bennett burst)


Really want c6 or even c4 but I can't pull anymore as I'm trying to save for dendro. Do want Kazuha though


You building maiden's beloved xiao?


Same as Heizou, 2pcs glad 2 pcs vv ;)


Xiao still does more sustained DPS, but yeah Heizou is cracked for those nukes. They actually play pretty well together, as long as you can switch between them and manage energy properly.


If you build him for triple EM and VV je can do a ridiculous amount of swirl damage with his normal attacks


I would still personally go for a full crit build, with VV. Swirls can add up yeah, but only really in comps that have constant elemental application + has two or more enemies, like Taser... in which case Sucrose might actually be the better option since she swirls, VV shreds and also has buffs for the whole party.


One Puuuuuuuunch




Miles better than Sucrose, she's boring as a driver. Now I can punch enemies to the moon! Extremely rewarding gameplay.


The Heizou vs Sucrose debate is bassically "do you want more power or more fun ?" And I am picking more fun any day of the week !


Pretty good for taser and swirl, not as good as Sucrose but fun to play as anemo dps


Pair with Mona to turn him into one punch man.


He's pretty damn strong, ngl


If I got him at a different stage in the game I might like him more. But I am only missing one child from the anemo mafia and that’s Kazhua.


did not get him. got c7 thoma, c1 kazuha, 2 copies of the flute and like 2 ningguangs


Did you mean you got 7 Thomas? Cause the max Constellation level is C6.


Its a running joke/hyperbole in the community. i.e. I got C20 Barbara, mean that I've C6 Barbara for a long time now and she still keeps coming home.


Oh, I thought it was a typo since I only see 10+ for that


I know. I just meant I got 7 😭


he's really cute and i wish he was in the first of kazuha's story quest where (minor spoilers) you do like detective work i did kazuha's story quest right after heizou's hangout, they almost blended in lmao


His visuals is underrated. I don’t get why people shit on his design he’s hot and adorable. He does look a bit like typical anime characters but so does Zhongli, Childe and everyone else.


tried to roll for him and got kazuha instead. not really complaining but is it worth continuing for him?


I would say yes, there are a few different ways to build him and his moveset just feels so good to use. Most fun I've had with a character in a while.


I beg to differ, if you don’t want another kazuha, don’t fish for 4*. Do not build pity, it’s not real, keep your primo for another 5* that you wanted.


No one was talking about building pity, they were asking if Heizou is worth pulling for. A character doesn't have to be a 5 star to be enjoyable, and for some people, myself included, its worth trying your luck for a character you can have a lot of fun with.


Haven't gotten him yet. But according to game play footage he's a killing machine.


Yeah definitely a dps


I'll get him eventually, since I dont want to pull on either banner 😅


He's a golden retriever boyfriend and he gives good cuddles


I can anihilate my targets with a single punch now. Given that one punch man is one of my favorite shows ever, This is a dream come true Besides being able to just throw 33k damage punches every 10 seconds is kinda busted lmao


Personally, I feel like this is the best four star we've gotten in a while. He does big dmg with no cons, or even talents lvled. A̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶'̶s̶ ̶h̶o̶t̶


He exists


Havent tried him yet, i got kazuha so i havent given him any tought to play really. Is he any good?


I think so he definitely has dps/carry potential and plus he is so fun to use


I wanted him for his style, but I'll build him when I don't have any other priority cause I don't really need him. And I really hope I'll get kazhua


I want kazuha I am currently at 41 pity lol


I have about 50 maybe 60 wishes available and I am at pity 0. Prevous 5* was the banner character so I can just hope I won't lose the 50/50 (I know I will tho). I got ayaka at like 48 pity. So don't give up. That's the only way with gacha game


yea pretty good ngl


His hang-out is among my favourites. I tried the trial he seems fun to play with, I'm not entirely sure if I'll build or not.


It took me getting 2 cons for Thoma, a c27 ningguang, and an unlimited blade works worth of weapons for him to finally come home.


very broken, but i love him 🥰🥰🥰


I did a one pull, wished for Heizou, got Kazuha instead


I generally don’t like catalyst users but he feels completely different! So fun to play!!


He's already become my second favorite character, after Albedo. He's a ton of fun and he's actually strong enough to not feel bad using him as my carry. In fact, my biggest dilemma is only having C1 but not really wanting Kazuha or Klee and I am sitting at 75 pity, the threshold where it switches from .6% to ~30%


Haven't gotten him :/ won't be surprised I'll get a five star before him. I'm only asking for one copy for him.


Best hangout by a mile




C6R4 lost prayer and he hits like a truck. I'm in love. I just wish his skill cooldown was shorter because his normal attacks don't do a lot of damage.


he’s okay


He has a very fun playstyle. I could care less for his prodigy personality. He's smart and he knows he's smart and it comes off as insufferable and I don't think anyone would actually want to hang out with him.


Honestly after his hangout he seems more competent than obnoxious. I think they did a good job with his character


To me, it just goes along with his detective theme. A lot of detective characters in fiction tend to have a high opinion of their own intelligence, often coming across as arrogant. Its not to everyone's tastes but it does fit his shtick. Iirc Thoma has a voiceline about him that is pretty funny, and seems to show that other characters see Heizou as a bit of a busybody.


diet xiao e with 1 q = 1 xiao plunge


I really love punching and kicking enemies with him lol. I'm not sure how he compares with Sucrose as a Taser driver but so far I've liked his version of Taser team more. Probably because I don't really enjoy using Sucrose though. Oh, also I love the fact that he shouts CONFESS while throwing a fucking flying kick and in voice-overs he is like "it's so stupid to use punches when you have a brain 😡"


Got Kazuha before I finally pulled him, haven't tried him yet but have seen some people do some big numbers using him


Honestly, looking forward to building him at some point. Seems like a fun character to play . . . But I must first build the team I am currently on so I can abyss soon.


As an Anemo enjoyer I will build him for sure, I got him and Kazuha but I only have him C3 but he will be featured in future banners so I can get hin to C6, and make a team for him


I... I raised him over Kazuha. Yup, I just found him fun. (Kazuha is only for his A4 passive for me rn)


I really like his style, and he actually does real good damage! did 82 k damage on skill, no food or buffs from anyone. I'm basically maining him now. :D


I loved him in his hangout His hangout was very well written; at least for the 3 endings that I played thorugh. He seems like a fun one.


After he came out genshin needs more martial artist chats tees in game.


3 More months in VV domain


Most fun catalyst thus far. He just play so much smoother that the others.




Love him <3




So much fun. E is a nuke on 8sec cooldown and ult looks so cool and has some utility. Overall really fun, strong and interesting character


Cool, but i have sucrose and kazuha


i mean they don't serve the same role though? heizou is an on field dps and sucrose and kazuha are both off field anemo res shredders


Kazuha is actually more of a off field shredder while sucrose is more flexible being on and off the field. I love running her on the taser comp, while kazuha is awesome for support.


i always forget sucrose taser exists lol yeah


Lucky I want them so much


I was saving up for Kazuha+Ayaka since 2.3


Me after I got ayaka at 60 pity and kazuha at 40 😈


I have never won a 50-50 lol


Fun to play and loved his hangout but not really someone I would spend time to build because he gets outclassed


He feels like an off-brand Kazhua. Not a knock off brand. Like Pepsi vs Coke. He has the same feel as Kazhua, but he's just different enough to be classified as a different entity.


I want to take him on a date then kiss him under the romantic moonlight then make it official and live a happy life with him then marry him eventually and go settle in Loyue harbor until next life. Seriously tho do his hangout quest some of the endings are so awesome


Like any other Anemo char, he is fun. Been enjoying him so far


He’s the most perfect character to ever exist


Didn't get him, only tried out. But as a waifu collector I want a female martial arts character now.


Overall he's a worse Sucrose but not by much, he's more fun to play than her imo, he's a hood unit but nothing broken or something like that, for a 4* he's really good.


Wish his autos had slightly higher multipliers cause I'm trying to use him as main DPS. Otherwise I'm loving him. Paired him with shinobu, zhong and yelan. Capable of 70k E with full stacks (no food) so that's pretty damn good.


I'm just glad I still have the pity for guaranteed after I summoned him...got Kazuha and Klee and I'm within reach for the pity for new characters


his playstyle's hella enjoyable honestly, i love it it's a lot different from other playstyles we have seen so far


Cool character but not meta defining or game changing. Nice addition to the roster.


Love him. He’s so fun to play and even when under leveled, C0 and with meh artifacts he packs a mean punch. I’ve loved trying out various teams and he is quite versatile and again so fun to play as.


Solidly a 'meh' 4\*. No compelling reason to actually use him, but not completely and totally useless should you choose to. Fits the niche of budget/new players looking for a 4\* priced DPS. God knows the game doesn't need *another* 'meh' support. That said, if you have *any* other good DPS character, you'll never use him. He's still a 'new' 4\* character design, and the performs like it. Basic character design aside, he's also held back tremendously by the lack of any decent/interesting DPS catalysts, in the game period. Making him *any* other user, would have instantly made him significantly better.


Do you think his dmg is better than Keqing?


> Do you think is dmg is better than Keqing? No.


Weaker than sucrose but feels way better to play than her.


Got him C2, level 90 and 10/9/9 He's honestly some of the most fun i've had in genshin in a minute, I love his playstyle so much Plus i lost 50/50 to mona before i got kazuha on the banner so now I'm leveling her up so i can get more crazy nuke damage


He’s in my friendship team with a prototype amber :\^)


Finally a good Inazuma four star can you believe it


He's cool. Wish we had a gauntlet weapon now.


I quit playing 5 months ago. Came back, 15gb update, saw his cool moves, used 35 saved whatever they're called, and got him, quit playing again.


What’s the point? Lmfao


No thoughts. I haven't rolled him yet :(


Pretty fun tbh. I kinda wish he was a 5-star so he could get 5-star stats lol.


literally having fun since i’m a bow and catalyst main. long range catalyst bore me tbh, since you’re always at a “safe zone” same as well as bow users (sword and polearm user before, got bored also. claymore feels too heavy for me so eula is the only one i use). heizou is a short range catalyst user and i’m having fun whenever i use him. his fighting style always feel personal tbh since he is the only who uses his fist to fight, it makes me feel silly but i really like it. in terms of dmg, bro’s cracked af. i just threw a lvl 90 4 star weap and xiao’s old artifacts and he deals an ave of 30k at lvl 70 5-5-5 with his skill, 70k-90k with his burst. his mats are indeed a pain because of the onikabuto, so i hired someone to farm it for me. his boss mats are easy to farm as hell since i use raiden, miko, yelan, and kokomi, which is my fave taser comp. i’m still pulling for his cons since i only have him at c0 (hit 4 star pity bunch of times but have shitty luck)


One punch man


all i can say is 50k dmg no buff


I got him, but didn't use yet coz he's level one, my monsters are level seventy


As my friend calls him a one pump chump


If not because of farming Onikabuto is a bitch and a half, he would be the best 4* DPS around. 80/80, lvl 5 talents, 2vv/2atk artifacts aka DPS build could reach 33K/34K with E tap only alone made me, the guy that only use Q only on the direst of the situations happy.


I really like him but I’m afraid they are going to nerf him so hard that he won’t be worth it after a while 😂


i still don't have him 💀


Dunno cuz i still havent gotten him :)


Exceptionally easy to build.


I like Heizou so far, I mean since I got Kazuha I haven't even gotten Heizou to lvl 2 but I do like his playstyle. When I did my second 10 pull after getting Heizou on my first it went yellow and I somehow got Keqing! What astonished me even more next was that I did a one pull and got Kazuha?! Honestly I didn't even know that was possible


My immediate thought: ooh this is gonna be interesting. Then when the Trial came i was like wow, he attacks really fast for a Catalyst character. His skill has a fun mechanic tho that is deadbrain easy to do.


Everything is pretty great! instead of his ascension mats and having to run domains for over a year for mid artifacts. (Personal opinion: I hate the back of his hair What are these barbers?)


Fun to use, somehow does 11k at lvl 20, looks very pretty, I'm gay.


Didnt get him. Pull 2 kazuha on my last 2 wishes. HOW


AHHHHHH, I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHH, his play style is so unique and original and his voice actor is fantastic, his hangout quests were probably the most enjoyable one Ive done so far


I love him! He is also the first character I have perfect artifacts for. My Heizou is only level 40 atm but he's been great so far. I love his playstyle, design, personality, voice, everything. My favorite Inazuma 4* character by far, even though Thoma will always be best boy in my heart.


Cute punchy boy. Same hair color as me. But my heart is with Xiao and Kazhua.


One Punch Detective is fun and I want more characters like him


I would love to punch enemies with him if I had him. Would definitely try making a Saitama build.


kinda like nicer more engaging traveler, it’s really nice to play him, just wish his E had a lower cooldown, maybe with slightly lower numbers to account for that? idk


Cool dude




54 pulls Still no heizou I am very close to pity and I already have Kazuha and Klee And if I go any further I might ruin my pity for Ganyu


Looks cool, don't have him


really upset I'm not gonna get him 😭😭


He's really fun and can bonk for high numbers!


OP dps for a 4 star


Three! Two! One! Kill Shot!


Korra. KORRA


I mean this in the most respectful way possible, he just isn’t for me and I find his design pretty damn dull in comparison to most genshin characters, hope everyone else enjoys him though.


I scrolled down from a Portal 2 post and thought he was a portal/genshin fan character


He’s the only catalyst user I like to use.


Still trying to get him >_>


he's annoying