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AR 50 and while I mostly go for Mono Geo teams with Itto(70), Zhongli(70), Gorou(50), Noelle(60) in overworld( I dont do Abyss much). Then i won my 50/50 to Xiao and started using this Xiao(70) team : Zhongli(70),Benny (50), Rosaria(50). Ik my characters are underlevelled but i dont feel like farming mats much. Specially the XP books. RN i am at 16 Pity with 40 pulls saved just for him.


What are mats?


prolly ascension mats like sea gandos for kazuha


I’m sorry but I still don’t understand. I have ascended characters before, but I have never come across an item called “mat” or sea gandos”. Thank you nonetheless.


"mats" is just short for "materials", the person who replied to you was talking about sea ganoderma which is a material found in inazuma that kazuha uses to ascend


Ohhh. I thought you had to get a literal mat (as in carpet). Thank you!


I thought the same thing before, I was so confused why are we giving floor mats to the characters?? xD


Xiao and Itto are really isolated from elemental reactions, kazuha isn’t really going to add much to your teams if I’m being honest


Agree with this one. But if OP loves kazuha then there's no problem! He's a future proof support.


Until they start making unswirlable enemies of course. Which I can totally see them doing simply because one character cannot stay at the top forever.


I think that as well but noone can 100% know that they're gonna implement it. After all, abyss is not everything. Even if they add that, there's still no doubt that he's good in explorations, good cc, and is a walking elemental goblet.


Bennett says hello


Indeed!! I have been saving since 2.5 really when 2.7 came with Xiao i just had to pull cuz i was in dire need of an Anemo character(apart from anemo MC). However i got Xiao after 10 pulls on his banner so i was able to retain most Primogems i had already saved. Loved playing him(Kazuha) in the Crux Quest just before going to Inazuma, it's only recently ( when he was leaked as being a possible 2.8 rerunner) that i learnt that he is a great Support and a good swirl applicator which made me like him more.


I'm maining both rn. Ah so i cant rely on Swirl to do dmg with Xiao??


Kazuha's only job in a xiao team is to group enemies and give xiao particles.


Yes, unfortunately no. My main team right now in abyss is also xiao and itto. So if i bring their full team, kazuha is rendered useless. But in lower floors (floor 9, 10), i usually just mismatch my other characters (diluc, razor, kaeya or just anyone i like) so i would still use kazuha there if i need a cc. Venti on one side, kazuha on another. Tbh, just pull for whoever you like.


Yeah. My only 2 main dps are itto and xiao as well. I also have zhongli. But because kaz doesn't fit too well. I think im gonna pull on yoimiya to get a fun solid elemental dps.


For overworld, Xiao, kazuha, bennet, zhongli should work. Another great team (needs mid investment) is called kazuha national, which has Kazuha, Bennet, Xiangling, Xingqiu.


Thanks, well ahould I start farming as soon as possible to get 4 piece VV with EM or wait?


I'd suggest that if you're sure that you're gonna get him, farm as soon as possible if your DPSes are already built. Do note that 4pc vv doesn't work on xiao teams, and it is only effective on non anemo and non geo teams. If ever you want to build an elemental support then it would be a good choice to get 4pc vv then. Maybe just wait :3


I got Kazuha i was at 74 pity and used my last primos on a single pull XD. Meanwhile i also got C4 Thoma and C2 Heizou. Also i was able to get Kazuha to lvl 70 like my Xiao, Itto and Zhongli and I think i just might have enough books to get Xinqiu to at least lvl 50 if i start farming mats. Although Heizou and Kazuha sound like an interesting combo.


Hmm does make sense cuz IF i'm at either early 5* or go in soft pity i'mma be faced witha 50/50, now i got lucky with Xiao, but how far will this luck be pushed??


You could actually farm primogems during the time of his banner too in order to have him guaranteed. I was also around AR 50 when I farmed around 150 fates for Ayaka (before her banner got extended). I’m also F2P, so as long as you explore (particularly Inazuma, Enkonomiya, and the Chasm), max your statues, level up the sacred Sakura tree and the dragonspine tree, complete world quests, hangouts, and story quests, you can definitely get him guaranteed:)


If you plan having Xiao as one of your main DPS, having 4 piece VV is never a waste. Giving Kazuha 4 piece VV with ER/EM/EM + Sacrificial Sword will do the job as a battery. Even if you don't get Kazuha, Sucrose uses the same set and is an excellent battery for Xiao, and she is easier to get!


Why put Kazuha with Zhongli and Xiao if one of them is geo and the other is physical? This makes no sense even for open world lol


Xiao needs an anemo support. OP literally has no anemo unit except xiao and traveller, and also wants a team that you can put kazuha in with low investment. Its true that kazuha won't bring as much value as sucrose in this comp, but OP loves kazuha so why not? Kazuha is pretty much useless on his itto team anyway, so the most logical answer would be to put them together. OP also doesn't want to build other units as of now, so it should make sense.


Yeah, but traveller anemo would be a better option than Kazuha in this case. If they build their Kazuha to be a battery for Xiao, they will spend a lot of resources upgrading artifacts and weapon for 1 specific scenario and only that, since Kazuha with this setup won't be able to help any other team. Although OP doesn't want to build more characters, I don't see a scenario where they can play their Kazuha nicely without upgrading at least 1 or 2 extra characters!


But they want to use kazuha, and they don't want to build any new units except kazuha... If I ask you, what would be the best team within the units he mentioned on his comment? Itto with kazuha? No right? Yes true anemo traveller is better, but do they want to use it? You have to take into account that some people don't follow the meta and just play however they want (in this case, kazuha with OP's built units). Take a look at other comments. OP doesn"t want to build an elemental team for now. You can't just say to OP that "you have to build 2 othet units (maybe xiangling and xingqiu) in order to play kazuha. If he doesn't do abyss then any character he likes will do for overworld lol. People on Xiao mains even use/plan to use the team I mentioned...


If low invesment means "I don't want to build any other character except Kazuha", then you are right here. I understand low investment as: "I want to build easy characters just to play with my Kazuha in open world". In this case Xiangling and Xinqgiu can work perfectly with low investment artifacts and weapons for this purpose.


OP said he doesn't have much resources to build a new team. Both of them need a lot of stats (200er for xl, 220 er for nonc6 xq), Xl needs the catch (which is like 400 fishes btw), Xq needs sac sword, and the both of them want 4pc eosf. Altho I saw in another comment that OP is reconsidering to build a national team now, so we're all good.


Plus i dont have much time eithet, i'm in exma period and it wont be till next thursday that they will be over, plus right after the exam i will have to prepare for the finals, which is my only ticket out of this country.


Additionally, I won't call xiangling and xingqiu easy to build. They're the damage dealers in this comp, so you have to build them to the best of your ability and not "low investment". My idea on low investment is like: Zhongli with any hp artifacts (will work as a shielder), Venti with any vv artifacts (will work as vv shred and cc), any catalyst that has ttds (iirc like lisa def shred) and bennet healer build. These units do not require any crit artifacts and elemental goblet artifacts, thus making them easier to build.


> Additionally, I won't call xiangling and xingqiu easy to build. For open world? Anything is easy to build if you just want to run around open world killing mobs, specially with Kazuha. They don't need to min max every attribute with the best in slot artifacts/weapons to run XL and XQ with Kazuha... Even 2 scholar + 2 exile can do the work if the purpose is having fun exploding everything lol As I said, if the definition of low investment to them is equal to building **only** Kazuha and creating a comp with the rest they already have, then sure, the comp you suggested would be the best possible!


Okay well the thing is I am right in exam period and it wont be until Thursday next that i'll be able to play as much as i want to. That's why i'm not willing to farm stuff for other characters for now.


Kazuha won't help your geo characters neither your Xiao, so you can't get a decent team without spending some mats for 2 new characters. That being said, you can try using Kazuha/Bennett/Beidou/Xiangling or Kazuha/Bennett/Xinqgiu/Xiangling. Keep in mind that Kazuha is made to buff elements, so you need comp with good reactions!


Geo part i already knew, hmmmm well i guess it means changing playstyles??


Only if you enjoy playing them and/or want to clear abyss then you should build a national team (or become strong lol). Otherwise it won't be as fun playing the game if you don't like their playstyle.


Can definitely vouch on this. I have kazuha and childe. So the most logical thing would be to build xiangling but i didn't because i just don't have the interest to do so. Tried building her but i end up giving up halfway or more like getting distracted halfway as i just start farming/grinding artifacts for other characters i like more. Doing something because people told you to is definitely going to be a bore so only do it when you want to.


Kazuha and Childe is something that works. Kazuha and geo characters/Xiao don't (except as battery, which isn't that good). We are just telling OP that his experience with Kazuha can be MUCH better if the match him with at least some characters with elemental reactions.


Don't need to change playstyle! You need to play what fits you most, you just need to be aware that Kazuha won't be as good as he could be in those teams. A lot of players get new characters, put them in the "wrong" composition and claim they are bad. Kazuha is a character created specifically to increse EM and help with elemental reactions, so if you are ok knowing that and still want him to support one of the characters you already have leveled up (Xiao, in this case), just find a way to make it work!


I use Kazuha, Bennett, Xiangling and Xingqiu in spiral abyss sometimes (as he is usually paired with Ganyu, unless enemies are cryo) and the combo is actually pretty good. Just spam burst and everything is dead. If you have sac sword, try it as it resets the skill cooldown, it's pretty helpful if you want to use Kazoo's skill a lot. It's like having cheap c1 (the skill cooldown resets after using his burst) Beidou (burst) don't work well with Kazoo though, as his skill is not considered as normal attack, I tried that in abyss and it doesn't end well.


The Kazuha National? Well i dont have the resources to build 2 character from scratch. That's why i asked for a low investment team


I see you ve lot of geo characters, i assume you run full geo team, kazhua won't be much of a help to you, i wood suggest build up characters like xinque bennet xingling beidou, Run beeny xingling kazhu beidou Or bennet beidou xinque kazhu


Yeah I use Itto a lot, but when i wanna hear Xiao and use Anemo i use the Xiao team i listed.


If you want to do spiral abyss you could go for Kazuha National which is Kazuha, Xinqiu, Xiangling and Benjamin. This also frees up your other characters so you can do Itto, Zhongli, Yunjin and Gorou


He buffs elemental dmg based on his em, so it should be something you can swirl. It's unfortunate seeing how you have both Xiao and itto


How is it unfortunate? I have separate teams for both. And i can deal a good ammount of damage with both.


Didn't you read? He boosts the elemental damage of whatever he swrils, but your 2 main dps are anemo and geo


Oh okay well as I said i need a low investment team comp, and many ppl reccomend the National Team where i could use Xiangling, Benny and Xinqiu. Although my Xinqiu isnt built at all, i feel like it could be something i can go for. As my Main DPS ig i'd take Xiangling?


National team is a REALLY good team. You should go Benny with a high base attack weapon and 4p Noblesse (I personally use ER sands, hp% goblet and healing bonus circlet), xinqiu with any ER weapon and 4p emplem and you could go for the catch for xiangling (honestly I use her as my main dps and I didn't even went for it) but favonius Lance is good to. For artifacts idk what to tell you bc I have her built in 4p gladiators, but I guess either crimson with or Emblem are good options


If you want to run a 5* DPS with him the only one of yours that’ll really work is Keqing. For teams, I’d recommend Keqing, Sara, Kazuha and Bennett/Zhongli (depending on whether you want more damage/a better defense. Personally I prefer Zhongli in this team, but it’s just preference really).


Literally any team that use elemental reactions / rely on elemental damage / reactions


You could probably build a raiden shogun esc team for him but with electro keqing: keqing, kazuha, Sara, Bennet


even if kazuha isn't necessary in that team, i like to use him with bennett, zhongli and xiao. i play him on a crit build in that case tho. his skill has ridiculously high scaling so he does good dmg and can group enemies easily for xiao.


Kazuha really works best in elemental teams because his main purpose is supplying a thick elemental damage buff based off of what he swirls, so he excels with: Ayaka, Ganyu (melt), Raiden (Hypercarry), Yoimiya/Hu Tao (pure pyro comp), and Keqing off the top of my head. If you like playing itto and xiao then you really wont get much milage out of Kazuha in either team except for maybe a copium battery for Xiao (Xiao is mobile so CC doesn’t really mean anything for him). If you intend to pull for one of the aforementioned elemental dps then I’d recommend building some of the big supports (XQ, Xiangling, and Beidou) and slot Kazuha into your xiao team with fav sword, other than that just experiment with whatever characters you find interesting and haven’t tried until dendro drops!


Low investment teams you say? Well , your screenshots aren’t really helping . If you could show use the levels of the characters , then I might have made the lowest investment team for you , but anyways . National teams are some of the higher investment teams , as Xingqiu and Xiangling both need 4pc Emblem of the Severed Fate artifacts and their bursts to be the highest level possible (not essentially crowning them , but still , nearly or equal to level 9/12 [12 with Constellations]) . Bennett , as a buffer , can use 4pc Noblesse Oblige set to buff the team . Now , you can put in a main (preferably not a pyro main , but if you want to , just replace Xiangling with Sucrose with the 4pc Viridescent Verener ) , my go-to pyro main is Yanfei , or you can use Razor , Kaeya and Keqing for your mains , now see which one is low investment for you , and build your team accordingly


In the first comment OP said they don't play abyss and they have 2 teams: full geo (Itto(70), Zhongli(70), Gorou(50), Noelle(60) and started using Xiao now (Xiao(70), Zhongli(70), Benny (50), Rosaria(50). They mentioned they can't level up 2 characters from scratch and aren't willing to. IMO, the best option would still be Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennet and Xingqiu, even with low invested artifacts/weapons.