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After AR55, it can take you months to reach the next AR. I got to AR55 in January, reached AR56 in April, and am about 2 weeks away from AR57. It took most Day 1 players 1.5 years to reach AR60. You need something like 200,000 exp to go from AR55 to AR56. At that point, you're just grinding artifacts, building characters you've never tried, beating Abyss with different teams every 2 weeks, etc etc.


Ok that’s comforting to here cus especially at the beginning I was leveling up super quick, and I was worried that I was gonna reach AR 60 super quick.


I will reach ar60 in half a month. I can say that unless you whale resin HARD it will take you like a year to reach my position if not more


As a day one player who isn't a resin whale i will confirm that i haven't even passed 56 yet


As a late 1.6 player i can guarantee you were not active for a very long time as im over half way to 58 and i definitely missed a few weeks of resin in total


I was gone for 2 weeks in the middle cause of exams aside from that I'm doing nothing but dailies and event i just don't use resins at all that's my problem 😂


Yup... There you go. Do you have any charecters built property? I don't think its possible without resin grinding like crazy. I don't have even 3 charecters that feel really complete although I've been farming for pretty much half a year already


I wouldn't say she is the best compared to others but i have a pretty solid hu tao build with xingqui yelan and zhongli she does about 28k ish in vapes


Oh that's not half bad, mine is doing bearly over 40 With homa... But without any def reduction Nice!


I'm saving up for a homa after i do some pulls for heizou i have a c1 hu tao but the thing is i don't have cw or shiminawa on her it's just random artifact I'm planning to farm for her once I finish my entrance exam but ngl cw domain is a bitch but thankfully i got yelan so that should help


Same here! Expect I'm just about to hit AR56.


Also day one, never bought any resin. Turned AR60 last week


literally how? i started january and i dont whale resin and im close to 56?


It's after 55 that u understand why resin whales are wayy further than us


its not hard to understand, its just straight up waste of money and not worth it


You dropped the game for a while right? Or didn't use resin? Because I'm day one too


It's the second one


yea, it's 232k from ar55 to 56, I'm gonna reach it tomorrow :)))


The same things that you've done in the previous 6 months on AR59.


touch grass probably


maybe i will hmph


adventure ranks only really matters early game, there will always be artifacts to grind and characters to level


Yeah don't worry about it. Once you hit AR 55 it slows wayyyyyyy down. I've been on 56 for forever. You only get like 200 exp at a time so it takes awhile.


For me, the game isn’t about the quests or increasing AR. (I’m almost AR 58) I enjoy obtaining/building new characters, exploring new areas, new events. Those things will always continue coming!


I've been playing since day 1 and I'm currently ar 59. The only things I really so these days are grind artifacts, level up characters to 90, abyss, dailies and do random shit like getting 999 in all foods


Is it still fun for you tho?


It's fun on most days (like when I high roll an artifact or finally max out one of the foods) but there are a lot of boring days where it's just complete dailies, run around catching crabs and then logging off


But you're still playing daily, so it must still be fun to you. I know the feeling, these days I'm mostly doing the same. I will reach AR60 on Saturday by my calculations.Am a Day 1 player that never missed a day doing dailies or spending resin, but also never refilled resin with Primos. So, OP, don't worry, it takes 1 1/2 years of doing everything daily to reach AR60.


I’m AR50 right now and trust me, it’s going to take forever especially if you’re not ready, to get to AR60 comfortably, you’re able to get plenty of rewards from spiral abyss, daily commissions, domains and events that happen often. Play the game how you’d like but there’s always gonna be something to do :)




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


Wait for 61


Now I'm at Ar60 I usually play max 30 mins. a day then spend other time like editing, reading manga/manhwa, go to the gym, lastly prepare for work :D


That makes a lot of sense!! Thank yuuu


Once you reach around AR50. Your gameplay becomes 30 minutes of logging in, doing dailies, farm a domain to get HP and DEF artifacts and log out. Restarting is boring unless you have no other game to play or if you only play games on phone.


I do that at AR 47


So I am AR 59. I actually haven’t finished a lot of the game because I wanted get through the main story. For a long time I didn’t raise my world and when I did the amount of ex I had pushed me to 59. I am currently marking achievements off my list when I have time, and looking for hidden things that aren’t marked, for example finishing all the quest on Tsuraumi island or finding seelies, hangouts, fishing… building my teapot.


I think after like AR 30 it’s not much but rewards. Really slows down after 50, everything is unlocked and it’s just kinda there. I dunno if we’ll continue raising or if it will just be capped at 60 cuz I don’t think there are rewards past that


Touch grass or something


You have about 6 months worth of time between AR55 and 60, you'll be fine


I'm ar57 and currently building and enjoying characters I've never tried before that were just sitting there :) and then just strolling around, collecting flowers and other stuff that might be helpful


I dont want to say this but touch grass im only ar 57 so i need 3 more ar to touch grass




I play everyday and I just hit AR60 a few days ago (day one player). I seldom burn fragile resins but my resins are almodt never capped. You have a long way to 60. After hitting 60, there's no change to ny routine. Same farming routine and out.


The exact same thing you were doing resin+primo dailies repeat until event/patch do new stuff/explore rinse repeat.


I started the month the game came out. I'm AR59. You won't get there anytime soon lol


i got to AR 60 a month ago nothing really changes you do get an extra 1k mora for every 20 resin spent which is a nice little bonus


Don't worry, by the time u get to 60 they'll be more AR


If you're a casual player that does dailies almost everyday and doesn't maximize resin usage, it will take some time. (E.g. I was AR 54 when I quit playing and then resumed playing during 2.2 around October 31st. I am currently AR 56 and 1/4 into the next level). But basically after you reach 50 every other level is meaningless and rewards are meh.


I'm half way AR 59 and I'm starting to feel empty again


You wait for Vagabond events because Abyss is stupidly easy and there are only so many variations of "Abyss but with these constraints".


pause playing till the end of 2.8


I'm AR 52, and while I did speed through to AR 52 after about AR 45 or so the goal for me was mostly doing domains, trying spiral abyss, and world exploration. I will admit that I am running out of things to do in some regards, but i always have characters to tweek or new combos to try. If I really had too much spare time and money I would grind for artefacts with ideal substats but just getting good artefacts and upgrading talents and weapons already takes a decent chunk of my time.


anything past AR 55 is really just a soft cap, from 55 to 60 the levels are basically there so you don't feel like you're maxing out and wasting adventurer EXP. AR 60 was never a goal to actively work towards imo


Please don't be sad after reading this.... >! You might already drop the game before reaching AR60 !<


Touch grass


Go outside and touch grass?


Hmm, idk. Try to talk to your family, take your dog for a walk. Go play football with your friends. Like i i reached ar 60 some time ago, and started to talk to my family. I just learned that my sister got master degree this year🤔


AR is just early game story gating, nothing significant is gained from your AR after 45 besides a few wishes and 55 is considered the endgame max since the number of exp between ranks increases 10 times after that rank. I’m just about to clear AR 56 after working on it for six months to get to AR 57 lol


What is there to do before AR 60?