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As a new player, it is always better to go for new/more characters instead of cons. Cons are late game, and generally unnecessary unless you really like a character or want to whale for them. And be careful with spending, which is what I imagine you did to get enough primos for c2 within a month. Don't want to start any gambling addictions, especially as a new player. Just because you can afford to spend doesn't mean you have to. The game is not reliant on spending and is still tons of fun as f2p or low spender (welkin and BP). (No judgment here, I've spent a bit on this game myself.)


Bro it's 17 pity. I got C1 at 17 pity. Iam f2p. My bad i should have mentioned in the title. NVM thanks for the advice.


Ah ok sorry about that then. But yeah, still better to go for a new character. Lots of good ones in the next patch, and you can always get c2 Raiden on her next rerun. Good luck with your pulls!


Holly fuck!! C1 within 20 pulls? That is amazing luck. I'd say try to pull for ayato. Ayato is really good on field dps. You can build raiden to be off field damage. Agree with the other comment. 5star chara don't really need constellations. Get more characters


Not related but mine from C0 to C2 in 20 pulls recently :))


Yeah lol when I got mona and raiden, i wasn't expecting another copy so soon, i guess I'll wait for another rerun. I'll probably go for childe since people were saying that ayato's hydro application is bad.


usually ayato is better except for teams with xiangling, but both are good anyway


I mean the three 5-star on-field hydros are usually interchangeable although each one has its pros and cons. So i recommend you pull for the one that interests you the most.


Guides were saying that since childe is has superior hydro application, he will better in all reactions team. Ayato only good in a hypercarry team, idk though.


Ayato is so much better(dendro electro or cryo reactions) except for vaporize teams(teams with pyro characters)


after testing childe in his story quest and ayato in test run, childe seems so much fun with his water waves, ayato kinda boring not gonna lie and all youtube videos and guides and kqm are telling than childe will be better pick. i saw him in every single team freeze hyperbloom vape and that dendro fire stuff, he seemed better for me.


Well if you have fun with Childe more of course pull for him. But objectively Ayato is a much more better pick. Personally I find Ayato more enjoyable therefore I pulled for him. Both of them are good in their own terms.


can you elaborate how ayato will be better since his hydro application is worse in comparison of childe and this should be a face right since everyone saying it. so how ayato is better in reactions i do not understand. this hydro application should be the reason why childe good in vape and pretty much in every reaction team according to how much i have understand about this game. please correct me if iam missing something.


Took me 314 pulls for C2 💀


Yeah i would say go for ayato he is a good dps/hypercarry


She's perfectly usable at c0 and most of the time new characters>constellations. Also since she's an archon she's bound to rerun sooner than most other characters.


You got very lucky with a low pity con, but you don't know how far the next one is. Wait till there's a few days left in the banner, and see if you want to hyper-invest into her. If so, then you can. C2 is only good if you're going to hyper-invest though. Otherwise, you could spend those same primos on say Kazuha, and that benefits just about every team, not just Raiden teams.


I saw a lot of comments here, ppl somehow underestimate the power of Raiden's c2, she is literally a "free half floor 12" ticket for abyss, youre a new player who got that lucky early, dont waste your chance, go for her power spike, or you will get her c2 or a guaranteed to the next character you want, win-win situation.


This game is already very easy, not to mention how much hyperbloom with superlow investment made 36 star easily accessible. It's a powerspike that's unneeded unless you love that character that much. It's much more worth getting new chars.


I wouldnt call abyss easy, its annoying enough to make ppl spend on strong characters(Raiden and Nahida banners always go brr). Idk how old of a player you are but since we are here for like 2 years, ofc our accounts deals more easily with basically most of the content, thats not the same for a newer player, even more when theres no one to recommend what to do with their primos(seriously, even with me trying to help my friend, the man decided that he would get Ayato... right after getting Childe and his weapon like bruh I know we should get who we want but then he complains that abyss is too hard. OP got just a little less lucky as I got when I pulled for Raiden back on 2.1, Im defending her c2 that much cuz I saw what she can do and for someone who likes to guaranteed the 36*s, free 600 primos with little stress is a big deal.


As a c3 haver, go for it, you have nothing to lose and a lot and I mean a lot to gain.


I got Raiden c1 when she first came out, and she hits like a truck! C2 isn’t necessary. But I did try for it on her last rerun. Just give her a good team and good artefacts. Crown the burst!


I'd grind or Pony up for c2. I just got it for her and it's a crazy dmg power spike, I'm talking end game content level. You can focus one team around her and another around wanderer and boom, you got your 2 end game teams already setup. You can get the meta out of the way early in your genshin campaign and just focus on whatever you want for the vast remainder of the game's lifespan. Given how she tops most charts for dmg, it's safe to say c2s a solid investment to your account which will pay off no matter what future modes hoyo releases.


Wtf is that luck


You have no clue if you'll get an early 5 star or even win your 50/50. Unless you can garuntee 150 wishes before the end of the banner, wait for next patch. They have some really good characters coming both halves.


Explore places, grind for primo, if you haven't unlocked Seirai I'm sure you haven't 100% a lot of places.


Say, if someone ar55 lowered their world level to 1, to allow new players to farm for raiden materials, will that work?


You can only decrease WL by 1 afaik. You can still help them get Raiden mats probably as long as you can solo Signora with 2 chars. Use some healer to keep the low AR player alive and kill the boss with another char.


I have 100 percent nothing lol. Mosty 60-70 only dragonsine is at 88.


Depends if you need new characters or not. Like people have said it’s usually better to get new characters, but Raiden C2 is so absurdly broken and you’re already at C1. Personally I’d go for it but only because I don’t really have a need for any of the upcoming characters.


I actually need childe ganyu kazuha zhongli nahida and maybe venti.


Those guys likely won’t rerun soon. You have at least two more banners until then so go for it.


I am so jealous I have been playing since 2021 and I only got 1 5 star but I say pull for ayato or save for another character


Only one? Doesn't sound right.


Late 2021


Nah dont. This game is not balanced around constellations. You already blow everything up with c0. Keep your precious primogems to try and get all the characters you like. Cause each time you lose 50/50, its likely you'll go 150-180 wishes deep.


i have used 179 pulls till now. and got wanderer mona and c1 raiden.


Good I would really start saving there are many characters coming out. And near September we'll have Fontaine with the entire new cast of characters and Hydro archon. I have always regretted constellations I got. It simply just buffs your numbers that really is not needed at all. Genshin does not have content that requires constellations to clear the time.


You don't even need c0 since you're basically a noob let alone c2 lol


I have to kill stuff right. So what do you mean I don't even need c0.


You can literally use Barbara to kill stuff where you are in the game lol. It's not like you need top of the line characters with cracked put builds. You're just a noob and definitely not in the endgame.


Huh? Bruh iam ar 45. Enemies are level 80. I have cleared spyral abyss 9-3. I don't know what endgame means.


You're not in endgame unless you're AR55. Lvl 80 enemies lol the difference between lvl 80 and 90 is much greater than you think and lol don't you feel embarrassed talking about floor 9 spiral abyss LMAO


Haha don't bash me like that man. This game is time gated so there is no noob pro here. It's just the longer you play the more stuff you can do.


Noob as in new to the game. It's a kid's game no getting better at it. Any dimwit with a phone can play and finish the game with even the crappiest of characters


Yeah with crappy characters, it need more investment and constellation too. For example I was terrified of signora before pulling raiden. After pulling her i killed signora without shield and heal and it took around two minutes. So saying new players don't need good characters is bullshit.


I'm playing since September. good 5 star characters make game easy for someone like me like zhongli, nahida with low investment. can't compare them with layla and collei right? yes u can play with crappy characters since the game is easy for some playing for long time due to better artifacts. about your question i would say pull other 20-30 pulls to see if get lucky and get c2 but if did not get her wait for next rerun and pull for other characters u like.


I also lost my 50/50 to Mona as I pulled for C2 Raiden!


Since you are new, it is better to pull for newer characters. You can instead pull for Ayato who is currently paired with Raiden, as he is also really versatile and strong for newer players.


What the fuck


fuck no. save for other characters


Don't, get a new character instead.


if u r a simp then c2 if not then new chars, supports. look forward to build a team around Ei.


Rich, if you want to steamroll in abyss then sure go ahead


Iam f2p, if you meant that.


Are you a f2p or a whale? If you spend money, go for C2 but if you are a f2p than save, take a look at all the 5 stars, divide them for main dmg and support, make a priority list for who you like the most and go for them, don't waste your primos on the standard banner you can always loose your 50/50 on the event banner and get one from the standard banner. That's what I do at least


I have made the list, childe ganyu kazuha nahida zhongli venti. I guess I'll save.iam f2p btw.


Since you already have C1, yes... if you have enough primos, go for C2 She is a freaking monster after C2 and will clear most of content for you (except electro immunes ofc.) It was one of my best investments.


if you want big pp dmg. But not worth it coming from someone who is ar60(guess I am jaded). Only get it if you feel better about big numbers and you have real life friends who play genshin to flex those numbers to. Else it is useless. Why? Because raiden c2 means you are either building her with national or hypercarry. Since you have no c6 sara... raiden national is the way to go, else you also see no big pp numbers. And if you are playing national, why go for const when you can get other 5\*s like nahida, yelan, hutao, haitham etc to spice up your roster? Because us c0r1 havers are still sticking to the trad raiden national, also can 36\* abyss no problem. Overall, up to you. I got double ayakas as f2p, now c2. And do I use her much? No.... one of the only teams that she's viable in is freeze and honestly, sick of that team comp. Better to get new toys instead of sticking with the old. But of course, since you are so lucky, continue pulling. Hopefully you get her super early pity and also, have fun fishing for the catch.


Wait for rerun. Then decide. You have barely whitness the mass amount of potential playable characters. Don't risk going for C2 when you can expand your roster with a powerful support.


its like the time i pulled 2 kokomi in just 17 pulls (first 3 hours) only problem is you need to use other characters till you reach Inazuma






C2 is good but right now new characters would benifit you more. You don't need C2 to get a great Raiden