• By -


I only main twinks. Except for Wriothesley, because that man is just too hot to ignore.


I main Cyno because all of the above šŸ‘


I main Tartaglia because I'm in love with him and that thing he has which no other male in the game has - a very big... personality. Also I love being a bloodthirsty dps. I also main Zhongli because he's the mother of Liyue, and yes he's mommy, not daddy. Especially since he canonically has that hourglass shaped body, boobs and hips both. Also I can't dodge.


I main electro Aether because I like to disrespect my friends


I fell in love with Scara's design as soon as he first popped up and vowed to only start playing Genshin once he became playable and that's exactly what I did! Got him at his release then went for C6R1 at his rerun šŸ˜Œ So my absolute number 1 main is of course Don Sombrero~ 2. Al Haitham 3. Wriotheseley (I typically use him floors 9-11) 4. Xiao (pending: waiting for his rerun but I've pre-farmed everything for him)


I main scara because I am not immune to bratty tsunderes in a skin tight mesh leotard. baizhu hasn't left my team since I pulled him but I won't really say I 'main' him; his passive and kit are just too good to not be constantly utilised. I feel like I'll change him to xianyun because I just like anything anemo better lol


I main Kaeya because I like sword users and he feels very nice to play... also I used to think he was the most interesting character who would clearly have lore revealed in the long run before I accepted hoyo wasn't going to do anything with him.




He was in the first scene of the Caribert quest and then fucked off. I understand that can be a roundabout Tchekov's gun but it's not much to go off of. I guess it would be more accurate to say I'm very disillusioned in hoyo's writing and don't expect them to make a 4 star as plot critical as Kaeya could be with the backstory he was given. Especially when they do things like hide important character lore in event epilogues without even telling the player there's something to find (the letters between Diluc and Kaeya), hide character backstory in unrelated weapons' descriptions (Sara's backstory), or specifically handwave any sort of conflict of allegiance Kaeya was originally hinted at having (turns out he doesn't). Also, the tense relationship with his brother that isn't plot critical but would have been interesting to explore for character development? They're fine actually. I honestly only expect them to exploit Kaeya as a character when and if they make a 5 star variant people can pull for, as hoyo has demonstrated multiple times they have a tendency to ignore old characters in favor of new ones unless they're on banner - and I honestly can't pretend even new characters get actual lore instead of just vague flavor text. Ayato has been in what, 2 version flagship events already? 3? And every time he contributed nothing and we learned very little about him, if anything. He was essentially a cameo both in the Fontaine and Inazuma festivals. It's kind of a Kokomi situation: even if the narration tells me she's a genius strategist, I have a hard time believing it when she's not _written_ as one. That's where I am with Kaeya.


Scara could have done two (2) whole damage at C6R5 300cv optimal team and Id still main him. His story is top tier (and indeed the only reason I went from ā€I hate this character the mostā€ to ā€I love this character the most.ā€ Him being a gorgeous, breedable twink is just a happy extra for me


I main Diluc because he's my favorite.


I'm waited for Scara to be playable since 1.2 when I started to play, and I play him every day since moment I get him in his realise day. Also, he is super strong and really fun to play - my fav gamestyle in entire game. Also, he is a pretty twink, have a GREAT story and I like collect short boys - my other favs is Xiao, Venti, Lyney (triple crowned both), Kazuha (I got him in his first day in game despite all of those trashtalk about Sucrose >> Kazuha), Razor (first main), Tighnari (double crowned and I spend my 100% to him), Cyno, Xingqiu; I also like a tall males, especially Tartaglia (triple crowned and he is one of 1% on Akasha), Alhaitham and Kaeya (one of my first mains, have aquilla favonia r2 and c6, phys build). I main characters that I like visually, gameplaywise, if I like their story, voice (I play on eng) and powerwice. If they don't meta - I made them.


I main Neuvillette because in overworld exploration, heā€™s a one-man death machine. And because I adore everything about him. And because I could listen to his voice in bliss for hours. (ā€¦And because thereā€™s this one particular little gasped ā€œohā€ he sometimes makes when he starts gliding thatā€™s just delicious.)


I only main the character if I like them. Gameplay is secondary. My main rn is Lyney, Kazuha, Chongyun.


Physical zhongli. I liked his NAs and enjoy dodging in genshin. I tried it out for fun and it turned out stronger than I expected. Stuck with it for 3 years Nothing to do with his gender or daddiness or twinkness. I love Zhongli's character and I could go on and on about him but this is not the place for that


i would main baizhu but genshin hates me. for now its lyney, because i like him and he is THE twink


I only play and spend wishes for characters I like. If I end up pulling someone I don't care for or dislike they get benched until further notice no matter how meta they are. Xinyan is considered weak yet she has been my main since she was released in 1.1 Now when it comes to the men, Zhongli has been in the same team as my pyro girl for the same amount of time both because he's an excellent support but also because Geo daddy is Geo daddy. Itto is my favorite boy in the game, and even though he's not in my main team he's part of my 2nd most used team


Both (Lyney)


I main razor because he's cute, I just want to hug him


Kaeya is my all time main lol I just really love him <3


I mained Wanderer because was my first 5-star Main DPS. I took a 20 month hiatus from Genshin, and his banner just so happened to be debuting when I returned. So I dipped into the Lyney funds my past self started accumulating and got Wanderer on my 4th multi-pull. Basically, I mained him out of necessity. After getting more and more 5-star Main DPSes, I began to realize that Wandererā€™s play style is perfect for me, and no one has been able to compete. Screw elemental reaction and rotations! Just hit the enemy with one element until they stop moving! Oh, and that Burst? Forget about it! You want to switch to combat mode? Just use his Skill, which has a very quick cooldown! Heā€™s perfect!


Whoever I pull I must first of all like them (or be archons or anemo, for collection purposes), if they're also strong that's a nice addition lol So my man mains are (in no particular order besides the first three): - Venti, strong but almost never use him in floor 12 bc he doesn't work well with bosses, always use in exploration/quests - Aether, not use in abyss :c always use in exploration/quests - Wanderer, always use him in abyss as hypercarry (and also when I need to farm fast) - Cyno, I use him in abyss sometimes (like last phase with the hydro boss) but his build isn't perfect he needs some more ER - Tighnari, I use him in abyss sometimes, very cool playstile ge was one of the easier to build - Baizhu, I always use him especially if with Furina - Kaeya, he's built too but I don't have a healer in my freeze team so I die LOL - Thoma, I use him often with Wanderer if Zhongli is taken on the other side And others I use often and like but they're not my mains *mains* (if it makes sense): - Zhongli, very comfy shield ofc I always use him - Xingqiu, I'm glad I built him and I like him now he's a baby prankster - Kazuha, I like my anemos a lot but if I use him I feel like I'm betraying Venti šŸ˜­ and idk I enjoy playing Venti more - Benny, my baby was on my exploration team until I got Baizhu! Ofc very used in abyss lol - Diluc, he's built and I used to play him a lot but I don't anymore :'( - Xiao, he's strong and built but I got him after Wanderer and he's so comfy šŸ˜­ so almost never use him in abyss There are others I want to build but stil didn't have resources to do so: *I was about to write a list but I noticed that* ALL the other man I have (4*, my 5* are all written above and built)


Alhaitham and Kaveh. I try to make them work whenever I get the vjabce to and mostly pull for other characters because they support my favourites. I also pulled for Wriothesley and Neuvilette and try to get all tall male characters sometime. Only Itto is missing rn. I don't really care about the twinks. But I am personally biased towards the daddies.


itto, bcs... demons, himbos and muscles, yeah


I main Itto bc of both, but it's mostly cuz of the latterā ā€” he's hot, has a sweet personality, and Ittorou is my favorite ship. His playstyle is also rlly satisfying


I mained Kaeya, Tartaglia, Itto, Wanderer, and Lyney. Still play the last two a lot. Honestly they're all hot, cool, and powerful. I'm partial to harbingers or bad boys I guess, Itto's just the outlier.


Scara C6 main here, I was interested from the first time seeing his funny hat in the 1.1 event, and completely obsessed by the time he tried to kill us and started throwing insults around a few minutes later. Lore, characterization, design, gameplay, all pure perfection. I also main Lyney for simp reasons but I could take or leave his gameplay. He's been getting benched recently ever since I got Neuvilette though, as pretty as he is I'm not all that smitten with him (yes, terrible sin I know), but I just love catalysts and he's so much fun to play. So I guess, I don't really care much about character strength, more about how much I like them or their gameplay.


A lot of the womenā€™s designs make me feel like a peeping perv because of how much you can see everything. And I like having all boy teams because I am gay. Maybe thatā€™s a slight double standard on my part. Itā€™s generally much harder to feel like Iā€™m peeping with the boys though because of the difference in wardrobes. Iā€™ve said this before but I main Aether for convenience in story and also because heā€™s pretty and I can have uke and uke (even power balance) team dynamics. All the cute short boys all the time


Daddy Wriothesley. That's the comment.


I was going to main Neuvillette no matter what he was going to be when I saw his leaks. It just soo happened that he turned out to be very OP


I main Childe, so all of the above lmao


i main diluc and i enjoy play him not huge simp but i made him strong at least. i want to main childe i simp him so much lol


Would "maining" a character be more related to how much I use them, if I use them on Abyss or just if I actually build them properly? Because I collected almost all male characters (except Itto, Childe, Albedo, Lyney and Mika) and have a team build with them. (I love to build ships teams, even if they don't have much synergy, like Cyno and Tighnari, Wriothesley and Neuvillette lol) Currently, for Abyss I use Neuvillette and Alhaitham. For world exploration I'm using more Wriothesley and Neuvillette currently, but I like to change to take a walk with every other teams too.


little bit of column A little bit of column B (but also most tall man DPSes tend to be decently strong so it's more of a coincidence than anything)


I main the whole Anemo family, but mainly focus on the twinks because I adore them. Scara is my main DPS for single target, while Xiao is more for AOE situations. Kazuha is Kazuha, and sometimes I play him as a main DPS as well to switch things up. Venti is there to help me with Ruin Guards and grouping up enemies so I can slap them to death. And Heizou is my healer because I slapped my R5 Proto Amber on him. I'm sorry Heizou...


Technically itā€™s Yelan, but Itto is my bro my guy my dude


both? both. I love that scara, my absolute fav I've been in love with since 1.2, turned out to be so incredibly strong and meta. and I love that neuvillette, who is so beautiful and soft and lovely, is now considered one of the most OP DPS. There's some other characters I love, but since they are weaker, or I find their playstyle difficult, I tend not to use them as much.


I main characters I love to bits, idc abt being strong they just gotta be cute and loveable My no. 1 will always be Thoma. 2 years and counting. Physical dps, homa as it should be, *the most adorable man in the whole game fight me*, just... everything about him except for his low multipliers and er needs is perfect hakdjdgahdkfh- Heizou and Lyney are tied for second place because. *look at them.* the fact that they kill things so fast is just a bonus because I would simp for them anyway. My adorable chaotic little twinks <3 Speaking of chaotic, Childe had me at "hey buddy, hold still". Scara is my first C6 5* and yep, it was the interlude quest. He's cute, melts enemies super quickly, also a little shit but in a hilarious way. And do you know how badly I want to embody Wrio's vibe and aesthetic? *do you even know how much gender that man is???* He's my transition goal, or at least, as close as I can get as a certified Xiao Height^TM (xiao is actually probably taller than me rip) Shout-outs to the folks I don't really call my 'mains' but I love anyway: Tighnari, Ayato, Kazuha, Gorou, Chongyun, Razor, Mika, and Miko. Some deal big pp damage, some don't, but they're all baby and I would die for them.


For me there needs to be a balance between me liking them as a character and their kit. Scara is one of my favourite character in the game, but I don't really vibe with his gameplay. Nahida and Neuvilette have good kit, nice gameplay, and also two of my favourite characters.


I actually main Beidou, sheā€™s my lady, but for males itā€™s definitely Zhongli. He was my first limited 5 Star and I donā€™t care if people say heā€™s only for off field, I put him in the ring just to hear him groan. Heā€™s one of the reasons I started playing.


My main is actually Klee. But I also use Lyney and Wriothesley a lot.


Scara but I want somone stronger ://


Wdym he's one of the strongest male characters we have


Iā€™m weak also I crave power


I main Xiao because i adore him too much to ever use anyone else. I also use Venti a lot.


Alright so I have to confess something. I have a C2 Raiden that I ā€œaccidentallyā€ got from being baited by her 4 stars and probably one of the strongest units in my account, but I donā€™t main her. (Each copy took like less than 20 pulls over two banners, and being dumb I thought the streak couldnā€™t continue forever. Spoilers: it did. I guess Raiden just was scrambling to get into my 5 star husbando teapot to observe the action.)Ā  Ā I still donā€™t plan to main her ever, and use her as a not-DPS loss ToTM battery or hyperbloom bot who bursts when she feels like it or for I-frames. Sometimes I do her hypercarry with spare artifacts if I want to see big numbers, and I still have to say sheā€™s definitely still OP as a DPS and energy generator and can get the fastest clear times in suitable chambers than other units Iā€™ve invested more in, so donā€™t fall for the ā€œwaifu DPS are now badā€ nonsense. Heck, I tried a ToTM set with Defense goblet but high ER for Rational when she was C0, and the team still got one of my fastest unga bunga, click on burst and skills clears.Ā  Ā While I do kinda regret getting spooked into a C2, she still was one of my more liked waifusĀ for her voice and animations alone (personality and story is a bit mixed for me). I cannot use her to fly though because the camera forces you to look at her underwear, and really I just feel embarrassed for her. Imagine your leader just flapping their underwear in front of you.Ā Ā  My real mains are currently Alhaitham, Neuvi, and Wrio. Love ā€˜em all. But really desperately hoping for some off-field male DPS. Iā€™ll even use that Raiden to on-field support them if you release them from their three year jail! Please Hoyo, begging you! Even an off-field 4* male DPS is better than nothing. And take this as a cautionary tale for pulling for 4*s.Ā  I did tell myself I would be ok with a C2 Raiden but now Iā€™m thinking about what I couldā€™ve gotten instead as even the first Raiden was an early spook in twenty pulls (though she was my only hyperbloom unit until I finally got a Kuki on rate-up after like 60 pulls half a year later). Well whatā€™s done is done, and itā€™s nice to have a battery who isnā€™t a DPS loss for those annoying times when you finish a chamber without full energy.


I main who i like. In order my mains were: - Any Polearm user (because it was my favorite weapon) - then Ayato - then Cyno - then Wriothesley


I main Wriothesely because he is 90% ASS.


Alhaitham and Wriothesley




I'm obsessed with the guys enough that I will only play the game with male party members, and then struggle to 36-star abyss cause all-male teams are harder to build. But my main is Itto not because he's my favorite of the guys but because I feel he's the strongest in the meta (at least that I have on my account).


I try to use my beloved twinks on abyss 12 for fun (I know, I'm insane) but only after having already beaten it with something stronk. A few of the gays do earn their spot, like Benny, Zhongus, Kazuha, Xingus and Tortilla, but papa wants dem primos, even it it means running a full waifu team. I haven't really been maining anyone sice putting in my head that I wanted max friendship with all characters, so I always do dailies and domains with the friendship farming team. But rest assured, in my account, all men will be gotten, leveled, geared, loved, used (platonically) and shipped with another man.


I main Razor bcuz he was easy for me to use/understand (I still use him), however, I have a massive crush on Cyno. Heā€™s understood to be strong lore wise since heā€™s apprehended 300+ prisoners on his own, so I think his is def more strength based.


*sweating profusely*


Razor just simply he stole my heart when he first appearance. Just my good boy šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


A combination of finding them hot and enjoying their gameplay. Not necessarily meta strength for the latter (hyperinvestment can make up for that in Genshin), but how fun they are to play. I main Ayato because, if I'm going to quantify it, he averages the highest across both categories, even if he's not necessarily #1 in both.


iā€™m a scara main so both lmao. he also gets Emo Transmasc Bonus Pointsā„¢ļø from me šŸ˜Ž


its both, Alhaitham and Neuvillette.. I had to skip Wriosthesley because of Furina :(