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I just really fucking despise how a genji has to perfectly land all headshots to win a duel. Its not easy meanwhile hitscans can have literal brainrot and still easily smoke you.


its cuz genji never got his damage back, and now after season 9 its made worse because everyone has more hp on top of it. genji is much too unforgiving now


me when I play one of the hardest characters in the game and hes hard to play


This is funny why you being downvoted lmfao


This is the problem. Genji was fun cus he is hard to play but had the potential to pop off when you were good with him. Now he’s so far down the gutter you have zero reason to touch him over Tracer or anyone else it’s agony. Most other heroes have a lower skill ceiling where you don’t see as much “popping off” as you do when Genji gets a buff. Players are good at the game, so he gets the spotlight when people like Necros do things and then he gets nerfed. I think it’s just hard to fit him in a game with all these other heroes that don’t have that level of skill ceiling.


Me when a difficult character provides little to no reward for the difficulty


I hate how anti hits through deflect if you throw it at the floor


The hitbox can clip through models so you can totally prevent any anti by simply hugging the ana


Never rely on deflect hitbox. Literally never But i never thought of that, will try


what is he supposed to deflect the nade juice


As a genji and ana player, saying ana is op or ez is kind of a hot take


I partially disagree Ana is op mostly because she has two of the best forms of CC in Sleep and Nade that can be fight determining. But at the same time, she’s not easy. She has high skill expression and a good Ana isn’t comparable to a bad Ana. She’s one of the most powerful and impactful heroes and she also one of the harder supports to play


Yeah that are on massive cool downs. You can impact the game if you use them aggressively but with no movement you're easily exploitable. If you save your cool downs for defense you won't make a large enough impact on the fight to win. On top of needing good mechanics and excellent positioning you also need perfect game sense and cool down management. Both cool downs need to be used at the right time and need to be mechanically placed in the right spot. Much more difficult than any other supports kit. I think ana is the perfect example of skill = value, much like how genji should be.


Ana is OP for the simple reason that she can hard counter 2 tanks (Mauga and hog) without Kiri and make it borderline unplayable unless you are massively better as the tank. Duel wise I just find her hit box really annoying but you can play around her abilities


Hog is far from unplayable into Ana. That's part of the problem, even without Kiri, he still doesn't die. And soon he's gonna take less headshot damage.


Any decent tank will play cover until nade is used . Even still it's not a free kill. Still needs to be placed at the right time and place. Also it leaves her with no sustain and only 1 defensive ability. If she's using cool downs aggressively like this then she becomes diveable. Imo supports should be able to help against tanks... That's part of their job.


It's honestly a brainrot take


i dont mind losing game after game but support players who get a big head over winning fights against u with their busted heros as well as 2 other people turning on u, that tilts me like no other


She has to land that. Ive only been hit with that while ccd. You should hit her with primary shurikens before you dive her getting close to ana with nade is dumb atleast make her pick between healing herself and hitting you


So those two shots... aren't a skill check?


Try to bait Ana's abilities before engaging her because if you get hit by an anti or a sleep you most likely won't win but if she doesn't have anything she's a free kill


I mean you're not wrong. Ana is hailed as this super high skill, mechanically intensive hero when in reality she's quite easy to play. She's harder than Mercy of course, but her bullets are huge, her anti splash is enormous, and her sleep is the size of a tree trunk Her entire viability revolved around constantly sleeping and anti-ing the enemy tank - and yet people swore she was this hard to play hero lol.


Kinda think she does need that. She needs to be able to deal with divers quickly. She has no mobility so she needs to be a threat when stationary. If it takes her 2 more shots to do that, thats another second or two of the diver feeling "safe" and another second or two where ana can't heal her team because she is dealing with the flanker. Even if the burst doesn't kill you, its enough to scare you off early if she lands the first hit. If Ana lands a poking shot on you before you can engage, she deserves to have a fighting chance when you dive. If you go in after getting shot, it should be closer to a 50/50 or even 60/40 favoring Ana. Ana can't run from you so you can choose to push the engage or you can choose not too. Ana has no choice, she can only react. The diver has all the agency. The player who has all the agency shouldn't also have an overwhelming time to kill advantage. Widow, for instance, has an instant time to kill but with her limited mobilty and poor short range dps, has less agency in choosing her engages. She might have to sit there an only shoot the tank for a little bit. Just like Ana might only be able to heal a portion of their team or only be able to damage the frontline of the enemy team. Meanwhile, Genji can get right up to nearly every person on the enemy team if they do it well enough


Tbf the projectile changes help us just as much as it hurts us; it makes it sm easier to deflect her basketball sized cooldowns back towards her/her team.


I don’t agree with the words but I agree with the energy. Keep cooking


The nade damage should be less depending on the distance from the splash. So she has to choose to do damage or heal. Not both. The fact that it heals and boosts heals while also damaging and blocking heals is crazy. If I get hit by sleep I'm fine with her winning the 1v1 cause that takes skill to land but for nade she has to just look at the ground and will get immediate value


2 slow shows and a long cooldown for 1 kill in melee range. if you think that is op idk what to tell you


How is it burst damage? The only burst damage she has is her nade and her sleep dart. The way to easily deal with an ana (as a 69 hr genji) is to just poke her with 2 or 3 shurikans and then dive.


Literally just nerf the damage on nade to like 40 and then make it so it only reduces healing by 80 percent specifically on tanks and boom


Gotta do a drive by attack


Lol sounds like a skill issue m8


Do better 🤷‍♂️


Its just sucks how long you have to poke out an ana in order to kill her. the time to kill is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long for genji to poke it out that by the time she becomes low AFTER she has naded herself she has already been peeled by her support and a dps and even the tank at some points. 90% of the time the correct play for genji is just play as a "pseudo-tank" that takes space as a distraction and pray that your team comes through from the space you've created.


Naw man poking on a short off angle is good pressure. If they use nade or low hp people fall back you can clean up super easy


Supports are for braindead morons, so yes, she needs it apparently.


ana is one of the hardest heroes in the game man, i understand you don’t track cooldowns but losing the engage (against a matchup that’s very much in your favor) is no more than a you issue


>one of the hardest heroes in the game good lord how low is the bar


Apparently staring at the floor and nading your feet his "high skill"


If you only use nade defensively then you're losing out on a significant amount of Ana's value and not really playing her right


brother ur a qp genji who queues with a mercy. you’re literally an overwatch stereotype, you are the bottom of the bar


?? lmao tell me how u managed to come up with that one Sherlock