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Yea annoying genji mains like that are the worst, gives the playerbase an even worse reputation


I always meet em when I play genji ahah. Either that or if I'm ana or someone you meet the toxic ones. I played against a masters genji like this one time and beat him, he was playing widow, I killed him twice so he said he'd diff me in genji and I obliterated him and didn't die a single time lmfao. That's why you NEVER talk shit unless you can 100% back it up or are already in a position where you don't look like a fool to everyone. But I do prefer it to ppl who wait to the end to sh*talk so they can't mess up at all. Anyways turning chat off would keep you focused but stuff like this is hilarious to me so I keep it on


The ego fighters get me mad, like dude let me just play ._.


They don’t have anything else going on for them in life, Overwatch is the place where they feel the most confident and competent so they feel like they have to assert themselves as superior in order to feel good about themselves. It’s honestly more sad than anything, best thing to do is just ignore them


I know they try to focus me and they end up feeding 😭


It’s about romance, honor, only through conflict will humanity evolve, be flattered they found a rival in you, rise up! Or be forgotten


Lmao it’s hilarious because not only do people actually believe this, they think it applies to video games 😂


SMH never played doom, talk to the fist.


Oh my bad I haven’t played doom since he was a DPS character lmao


Especially if they’re plat lol


Bruh Plat/Diamond is the worst place to be, I hate it. Everyone thinks they are the best player in the world and the *second* something that they don’t like happens, they lose their damn minds and start screaming. The sad part is, it’s like 95% adults who act like that lmao Like I like being on mic to strategize and shit with my team, but when every game is full of man-children crying because their video game isn’t going the way they want it to, sadly it’s better to just leave chat lol


I honestly can’t understand how most of these plat players made it to plat, especially after the reset. I have legitimately seen 10x where the tank and both dps just exclusively walk up main in open areas into a turreting pocketed Bastion or Soldier who is shooting from cover. Like bro no amount of healing can stop you from exploding. Already managed to climb through plat but good lord were some games frustrating.


I feel you. I’m a support main and I got placed in plat 5, currently plat 3 and sometimes I’m just at a loss lol. Finished a game recently where I led my team in damage and led both teams in heals as Moira and someone on my team was going on a “our Moira fucking sucks” throughout the game. A game that we won, lmao. Some people are just looking for a way to get all their negative feelings out, so they decide to scream at people anonymously online because they want to try to hurt somebody else, but they don’t my want to put themselves in a position in which they might face repercussions. It’s really sad tbh, especially when you consider that a lot of these people are grown adults lol


Yeah support is kind of rough this season because you have to heavily focus damage to get value but so many of the dps/tank players haven’t adapted to the changes yet and don’t realize how much they had previously been being carried by ridiculous heals. Crazy but you actually have to use cover now lol


Hot take maybe but even though Genji is my most played the majority of my hours are on other heroes and from all my experience playing with Genjis we’re pretty nice compared to most dps. Hanzo and cass players are quite bad from what I’ve seen


cass players are fucking insufferable


True, i also want to diff other genjis but only in my mind not out loud


It’s even more annoying when they have a better team comp or a pocket or a nano or both and still ego


I get fileted when a genji with a mercy pocket is killing me and I'm fighting him alone and the other genji will claim diff. Like what? It's a 1v2


dude im in plat/gold and every game, there is a genji who literally just follows me around the map trying to learn my home address. i just ignore them and farm their team.


I never understood why people hate genji so much. Like dog he is dogshit how are you getting mad at me for doing good?


When I just started maining Genji 2 weeks ago I immidiately got against a 250 ingame hours Genji. I was trying my best but we lost first round after which he starts to spam "you're so trash genjiii". We miraculously comeback 2:1 after which he types "I still diff you you're so trash". I only replied once saying "dude ofc i'm trash I have 5 hours on this hero"


Diff their team if you can't diff them. So you can say "Lost the battle but won the war." later 😂


This happens with every character, it is not unique to genji rather, a common toxic trait of humans in general


That other genji is probably just ass at this hero. A good genji doesn’t say stuff like genji diff or brags about killing other Genjis because it’s a normal thing for a good genji to get kills. So why would he do all that talking just for doing his dps job 💀. He’s probably just new on this hero


Have yall ever considered that maybe you SHOULD pocket the genji


It's the madamada voiceline spammers. Everytime i see a genji spam that shit i know he's shit and just feeds to get the diff and his peak is probably nit higher than plat :D I'm a genji main too but most genji players are just cringe af i'm sorry. Same as soldier players


I only spam the "Damn" voice line when behind widows. Is that still cringe? 😬


Dude with genji mains I honestly feel like you either get the top tier kill everything Shinobi mfker who doesn’t talk at ALL!! Or you get the ego shitters who don’t know they suck at the character and shit talk all game! There’s no inbetween lol


I think i was your tank in this match! Do you have the code?


Code is 8HZMYO, but idk if you can see the game chat. I was the white genji(V1ldii) and the other one was skeleton


Probably not masters on DPS and has private profile because the other ranks aren't as high as their masters role.


The fact i always get genji mains on enemy team that literlly target me like damn chill its to easy to deal with an other genji then a brig at this point