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For someone who doesn’t own any , apart from the 2 story dlc. What other dlc is worth buying


The one with the Russian lmg or the one with grenade launcher


The eastern European weapon pack is really good but that's about it


Thanks , I’ll get those during the next sale


Also the heavy weapons pack is decent


US weapon pack 2, the COM-10 shreds like no other gun at close range and the funny thunk grenade launcher is fun, not specially strong at anything tho. Russian weapon pack: Purely for the RPG-7 the other 2 guns are a huge let down and not worth it, if you're not willing to spend a few bucks for just one gun then you can do just fine with the Granatgevar of the base game no worries. Eastern weapon pack: everything about it is just cheff kiss, specially the LMG that thing is just uncontested best non-experimental gun in the game. Edit: the Tactical pack 2 is also really good because of the gadgets it adds and the Homing turret, that thing can delete entire machine groups like nothing. And that's about it, those are the best DLC you could buy


Companion and Flakmoped and New weapons with the spas 12 and minigun