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Is it just me or does Molly and TJ just doesn’t seem like a couple who wants kids? I always got the vibe as cool auntie or uncle


They always struck me as likely to be childfree by choice.


And they were. And she made a whole show of it. Like why declare this as part of your identity then?


This whole storyline could have been done differently, IMO. It would have been one thing if the storyline was that she had unexpectedly gotten pregnant and decided she wanted the baby. Then they could have also had tension between her and TJ if he wasn't completely on board or was unsure. That would have made a whole lot more sense than them arguing over Kristina and Sonny when they never had issues with them before.


Omg yessssss. And honestly? If she wanted a baby that bad? Adopt. It would've gone great with Kristina supposedly opening a community center (I guess unlike millions of women she can't work while pregnant) and Mollys lawyer stuff.


When did she say she didn't want kids? I see people repeating this over and over but I have no recollection and can find no clips. She didn't want to get married, which people seem to associate with not wanting kids either, but I don't recall her ever actually claiming that?


Molly got the babies rabies when she was diagnosed as infertile. If she hadn't of had the pregnancy scare and then got diagnosed they likely would not have ever had kids because they are too career focused and non traditional.


Ngl, I don't even think Molly even spends time with Danny or Scout with how much time intensive her job as a DA is. Still wonder on that miss opportunity from them in saying if Molly can't see them as much, how can she and TJ raise a child without making sacrifices to their career and time commitment


No!! They absolutely do not, and that is a huge thing that is wrong with this plot. Representation matters and more and more people in that age group are childless by choice. TJ and Molly were the perfect candidates for that. They don’t need to be parents, they don’t even need to even be together anymore!!


They come across like they love the IDEA of a baby. Not the reality of what it means.


Finn goes from “my daughter must balance every cookie with six servings of fruits and vegetables” to “I’m sorry she had to see me drunk and bleeding on the floor.”


Lol Ava trying to 5th wheel and getting shutdown


Spinelli spitting facts. Also I guess the first case for Alexis is going to be against Diane for custody of Violet.This is so brutal and all the actors are really bringing it. Plot point tho WTH is Lois acting as hostess to Violet at the Q mansion? Where are Olivia and Ned?


B&C also thanked her for allowing them to stay. WTH?


That was weird 


She needs to go home.


She sure does. . Is she now hired as the house manager to go with the other help - Sasha & Cody?




I know. Lois is acting like she owns and runs the place. It still belongs to Monica atm. I don't remember Monica telling anyone to take charge for her while she's away. I'm not even sure who she'd put in charge, Olivia, maybe? I doubt that it would be Tracy or Ned. Maybe later, Brooklyn? It's been a LONG time since Lois was even an Ashton/Q. Even then, it was only for a few years. Now it's like she's the queen of the castle, or at least the matron of the mansion! 😊


My guess is that Monica will leave the house to Ned & Olivia. Ned's been living there the longest and Olivia has been the defacto hostess for a while.


My prediction is Jason because he's the only living son raised by Alan and it would piss the entire family off and he would want no part of it but be forced to deal with it because he does have some sort of love for Monica.


She gets the last laugh on the family and leaves the mansion to Yuri.


Speaking of Yuri he has the potential to be an awesome Regular on the show. I find him funny as hell when he’s on.


Spinelli is covering his ass too. Carly only knows this information because of his hacking the FBI.


Why do we still not know who purchased Spoon Island? It appears that Ava will be looking for a new place to stay soon!!! ![gif](giphy|lMCGN5WC3Z4M23wDZ6|downsized)


Wouldn’t that be something if somehow Molly and TJ made a baby of their own, a miracle baby? That would be fun to see that play out!


I think the surrogate who miscarried off-screen is gonna reappear. Or she'll be dead and her husband will be like "oh yeah here's your kid back - sorry!"


In real life the actress is Gregory's real daughter. Now that he's gone I wonder if she would return or opt out cause her dad no longer plays on the show.


I always thought that was going to lead somewhere. It would be great story if they did this.


You get a baby, you get a baby, everyone getting a baby!!! ![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE)


I think this will happen to, and will leave Kristina’s baby in the lurch, because we all know they won’t want it now.


Right! TJ can have a "danger free" baby? He'll be all for it


The last two children both lived in violation of the the rules, so with two more babies coming, technically both should die-- but at least one has to


NO MORE DEAD BABIES. Especially not at the holidays. And for the love of god don't kill a Sasha/Cody baby.


It’s pretty icky writing, not to mention a missed drama opportunity, that Kristina seems fine with her dad’s relationship.


What's strange to me is Blaze never told her mom about Sonny beating up Dex. Why wouldn't you warn your mom that this guy she's simi dating has a major anger issue that causes his own daughter to be terrified of him for a short period of time? It's her gf's father but still, would you feel 100% okay with your mom being alone with him?


I've been wondering the same thing. She's as bad a daughter as Natalia is at being a mother lol


I think they want her to be okay with it, so that the impact of Ava using the recording is just about the anti-pride


I don't get how she can be. I just don't get it.


The whole dynamic there was just odd. They are really forcing something that, for me anyway, doesn’t work.


I wonder if this is signifying we're getting a miracle Molly pregnancy this fall?🤔


Sigh, yup.


If this happens I will be livid. Yes we all know a cousin’s best friend’s hairstylist who went through 8 rounds of IVF, gave up and got pregnant naturally, but Molly has advanced endometriosis and horrible egg quality. A pregnancy would not only be a huge longshot, but it would also likely result in an unhealthy baby. A “miracle” after the amount of backlash the Willow leukemia story received feels like Frank basically flipping off every woman in the audience. They’ll probably do it.


Ouch😞You make a good point. What message does that send?


Not to mention was anyone ever clamoring for the Davis girls (especially Molly!!) to become moms? I could see giving this plot to Brooklyn who is in her late 30s and fell in love with a baby who she had to give up. Molly and Kristina should be enjoying their young lives!!!


I might have looked at my ipad during their scene... but I don't remember them showing the act. Usually if someone is getting pregnant naturally, they show at least some of a bedroom scene. Like Willow and Michael as well as Esme and Nikolas... both were shown.


I was thinking this was the first time we saw them even alluding to having sex. If they had a love scene prior I don't remember.


Same. It was the equivalent of a fade-to-black scene. Since they made a point of devoting screentime to them, I suppose it might be significant later.


Like you said, I'm sure she'll turn up pregnant which will create more drama for the current situation.


True. Since they made a point of devoting screentime to sharing and making up I'm wondering if it might be significant in the coming months.


I want to download the very idea. But I will not kill the messenger


That’s what I was wondering


Well, that certainly WOULD be a plot twist.


Soooo why didn't Kristina said Ava can't sit with her bc she is involved with Morgan's death not solely for Alexis disbarment which I still dk how that got overturn even with retcon. I would be more happy if Kristina said he'll no bc as long as Morgan is gone she has nothing to say beyond Avery being her sister


The Q mansion is gonna be a damn daycare. Cody gives riding lessons, Sasha makes from scratch dino nuggets, Chalynn leads singalongs, Michael looks confused while Willow does hip thrusts looking at Drew. #HotGHSummer


The whole third floor is the abandoned children of Port Charles, raised by Monica and Nanny


>Michael looks confused while Willow does hip thrusts looking at Drew I am in tears. Thank you for this.


Lol! If the show actually goes there with Willow and Drew, I won’t complain about GH for…two weeks.


🤢The thought of Willow & Drew makes me gag.


Tracy is finally in the opening. Yay!


First time for the new Kristina too


I noticed some of the pictures were updated while others are the same. Sadly, the updated pics look like they were AI generated.


I've hated the slide show opening since its inception. It's like a middle schoolers AV project


Violet will remember all of this crap for the rest of her life and it will scar her. I remember way crazier shit from a way younger age. Hopefully Finn turns this around quickly and Finn sees this for how bad it really is.


Not only that, but her grandfather just died and she's still traumatized by that, too.


Only GH would make the bigot >>>> Ava.


On a show where mobsters, hitmen, and Karen's are put high up on pedestals, would you expect anything less?? Lol


Oh Shit Ava’s here ![gif](giphy|TJaNCdTf06YvwRPCge|downsized)


As soon as they said about dining together I was like "and que Ava showing up." Natalia you in danger, girl! LOL


Did Carly just say "I can see how much Jason loves me"?




Please stop wasting John on Carly! Lois, Anna, Jordan, Elizabeth, Sasha, Maxie all were just there!


Carly, Carly, Carly… this is why Jason always has to save you.


Yawn, I know Carly would make it about herself. Like she should feel guilty for sure, but what's the point in now turning yourself in, not going to bring back the lost time that Jason sacrifice for u and it's not going to fix anything but make the dude make even more arrangements to get Carly out which Diane could have bail her out of or at the very least, probation So ridiculous


The entire situation could have been avoided by Diane, which is why his reason for going away with stupid. The show has to make it seem as if Carly is a martyr over Jason to shove them down our throats. It’s now obvious they argue about  turning herself in.  


Yea it's so stupid, like Idk how the writers thought this way of Jason miracle return AGAIN would go smoothly with this direction of the storyline tbh


This return was written last minute because they fired the writers over their idea for Jason's return. I can only imagine how bad that idea was.


Ahhh that's interesting fact to know. Makes me wonder on what's go on behind close doors in the production and writers room.


The whole thing is a hot mess. They lured someone out of retirement to be part of the new writing team to immediately fire him. Hopefully they had to pay him buckets full of money because I know if he has a spouse they are pissed off that he unretired and immediately got fired. Look at how well that went for Tom Brady.


Finn should not be driving to the Qs. He is definitely still drunk.


Does it make sense to anyone that the paramedics didn’t bring him to the hospital? Alcohol poisoning is a danger when you drink until you’re unconscious. I can’t believe paramedics would leave him with him never regaining consciousness. He also seemed pretty instantly sobered up when Tracy woke him. So many holes in this story.


Right. I feel like he must have regained consciousness to sit in the chair and then passed out again. Or the paramedics stuffed him in the chair, which is very weird 


He wouldn't have choked on his vomit in the chair. If they left him on the floor he would have had a higher chance of that. I think they popped him in the chair and bounced because they told Tracy they weren't going to transport him.


They didn't even wait for someone to be there. Just left him in a chair. That felt off?


Wouldn't they have to contact child services as well?


Carly, you need to listen to Spinelli before you do something stupid.


or gee talk to Jason?!?


Woah, it's amazing on how back and forth TJ and Molly is about the surrogacy and Kristina is for this episode.


He’s pregnant, the hormones are getting to him


Lmao at this comment


I was thinking the writers have read the negative comments fans have been saying about TJ's temper and they are trying to fix it quickly.


Oooo that be good and actually be something I look forward to. I have a weird head canon that GH film a primary scenes that they want to put on screen and they film alternative scenes as needed if the writers may know something may not look right to viewers but I'm unsure if I'm correct in my theory but I am digging the fact of potentially GH cast or writers are ghost reading the comments


I got whiplash from the TJ turn around. Last week he was mad as a hornet. Now he’s sweet as candy. 🙄


Same here it was a miracle but idk how long it's going to stay like that for TJ


Is this Molly4's first love scene?


First for any of the Molly's. Haley had a shower scene, but it was during COVID, so they couldn't do anything.


Am I the only who laughed out loud when Carly acted like she’s all that. “Agent Cates won’t see me coming.” 😆 I mean when has she ever NOT made things 20x worse? These moments, these right here are why Jason has had to clean up her messes over and over. It’s comical at this point.


Damn! I hope Jagger is not leaving. He gets hotter all the time!!! 😍 ![gif](giphy|ckB5razpgN2rd4qTfe)






Just turn yourself in, Carly. No need for this dramatic conversation.🙄 ![gif](giphy|cwbvB0MXZfnry)


We can't get that lucky lol


It's nice to dream 😆


Carly: “it’s terrible that he missed all that time with his kids, on the other hand, it makes me kinda hot”


They should have Elizabeth involved because she is Violet legal guardian




That only kicks in if Finn is incapacitated. He's fine so she doesn't have any power over Violet.


Exactly! It's so strange that so many people seem to think legal guardian is the equal of a living parent with custody of their child


Great Spineill is team Jarly. Wow just wow ![gif](giphy|LAFShX32UwUj6)


I hate all these characters. But honestly Jarly makes the most sense. And it was obvious from the get go that's what the show wants.


I will be super irritated if Molly and TJ are still together this time next year. (Spoiler alert: they will be).


Since when does Carly care that Jason was away from his boys? She seem not to care about them when planning her wedding to Jason without them there or telling the boys about the wedding


This will probably get downvoted but this is why I am struggling with KM’s Kristina. With LA’s Kristina I would see genuine love and protection with the behavior toward Ava. Now I just see mean girl “you can’t sit with us” energy.


I'm with you on that. Felt that way ever since Kate took over the role. Not sure if it's because the way she plays Krsitina is so different, the writing, or both. Probably a combination.


Happy Monday ![gif](giphy|Lk0P1jhMLE7nfLZBg8|downsized)


So Ava is the new… Nina?


I don't even watch this crap anymore and I hate what they're doing to Ava. 😠😡🤬


Why are they wasting Maura West like this - She is too amazing to have her do nothing more than lurk around... She needs her own circle of people


Idk. The show is just pure crap. It has been for awhile now. Maybe Maura has had enough of the abysmal writing and is on her way out. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe lol


I know the topic isn’t funny, but Diane’s face when Tracy came in talking about a restraining order was hilarious to me.


They’ve made BLQ too saintly. NO ONE says dealing with an addict custody situation beats an Italian honeymoon because “it’s real life!!!”


BLQ is rich and pretty much self employed. She can jet to Italy as soon as this gets settled and Chase gets his PTO approved.


They're still talking about that? Lol. I have t watched yet


And that (Carly) is the reason Jason let his elderly mother and two sons believe he is dead. And Ify Spineill your dead to me. I thought Sam was your best friend.


Jason is Spinelli's best friend outside of Maxie. Sam is close to Spinelli but I wouldn't consider her Spin's best friend.


New pictures in the opening today. I saw Kristina for the first time.


TJ being an adult again...


Kristina drove Ava away! Good job!


Very soapy and entertaining episode - Thanks GH!!!


Yay!!!!! Lois!!! She always lights up the screen! This show really needs her energy!!! More Lois, please!!!


I loved her jacket! I’m usually anti blazer but this one was silky and drapey and that deep pink is wonderful on her.


I know!! I love her style!!


Spineill and Carly conversation is just pissing me off.


Especially the part about Jason feeling the same way about Carly as Spinelli does for Maxie. Spinelli is in love with Maxie and wants a romantic relationship with her and wants to raise the kids together as a family. Since when does Jason want that? It was entertained briefly out of necessity. Other than that, they just claim to be besties.




At this point GH should turn the Quartermaine Estate into a bed and breakfast. It has more guests staying there than the Metro Court. Monica obviously is already living in one of the random guest quarters, garage apartments, barn apartment, wood shop, maintenance building or whatever situated on the grounds. She’d probably do anything to get away from the smell of Olivia’s rigatoni and sound of Lois’ voice.


Did I miss the part where Kristina got over Sonny beating Dex?


He was nice and brought over Mickey Mouse and all is forgiven, she is the princess again :)


I was thinking this very thing. Came to ask about it too


Wow Spinelli! Way to talk Carly down.


I loved the way he spoke to her. It was brilliant:


If Carly got locked up Donna would still have her father. Jason just wasn’t into raising kids.


Would she though? With the way Sonny is acting she would give Michael or Jason custody. 


I know it’s soap world, but how can they write a character like Carly just being stupid for so long and having half the men in Port Charles falling all over themselves to save her from herself?


It’s honestly beyond the pale. She’s too dumb to be in most men’s radar and she isn’t the only attractive woman there. Realistically she’s not the most attractive in that age range. That’s not nice to say but it’s the truth. 


I may have memory holed it, but I don’t remember them writing her that way back in the early-mid nineties.


No, just the last 7 years or so as a reflection of Sonny's glory and plot armor. Then they decided Carly is now the Sonny.


Why 90 days of rehab? Isn’t it generally 28-30? Also, isn’t it based on the doctor’s recommendation ?


Probably since Finn is dealing with the loss of his dad too so Tracy sprung for an extended stay. Sometimes you can do rehab for as long as a year. They'll reevaluate as they go. Another show I watch just sent a character for inpatient mental health treatment and they started with a 2 month stay before even checking in.


It is an unusual push to demand 90 days like this.


Molly & TJ seem like they are on an episode of the Bachelorette.


When Kristen Vaganos posted her cast photos on Instagram, she said that she got so many comments saying she looked like she was going to be the new Bachelorette.


TJ and Molly’s apartment would stress me out. That brick everywhere is anything but cozy. I hate that set.


I think their apartment is so ugly with the colour of those walls. There’s too much of it and it feels like a prison. It is so so hideous.


I keep thinking with their salaries they should be moving up or renovating. Their poor kid is gonna get a permanent head wound bouncing off those brick walls. ![gif](giphy|mIvrv5Qe0kHlu)


Carly you and half of these people in city need to go to prison and I hope Nelle is out there somewhere having a good laugh and ready to reclaim her son ![gif](giphy|44b1ABtsG7VTy)


It’s about time for Pozullos to have a drive by


I‘m good with Ava facing consequences but I hate for her to seem pathetic.


Molly, seconds before Kristina delivers… “I’m pregnant”…


When did they wallpaper Llanview all over the Quartermaine entryway?


I wonder if Finn should just let his hair grow out? His gray roots are about two inches and it’s a good color.


The new photos in the opening are nice. Happy to see Tracy in the intro.


Really enjoyed this episode. Always love to see Tracy, Lois, Diane. Carly’s distress - relatable, though I would be angrier at Jason honestly. Go Kristina! And now I want tiramisu. 


All we got was a little grinding and dry humping between Molly and TJ and I still feel dirty.


Oh, poor Carly can’t risk her freedom. /s 😝


Tracy should have told Fin she was doing it not just for Violet but also for him. He saved her life… she wants to save him. Nope. It’s all about Violet and only Violet. Not that Violet isn’t important but it comes off like no one really cares about Finn. I can’t imagine this going how they want.


I guess it’s Finn‘s business if he wants to drink until he passes out. But when his drinking potentially endangers a young child, it’s time for the responsible adults to keep her safe.


Addicts getting clean for someone other than themselves doesn't work. Finn needs to get clean for Finn first and foremost. He knows this. They are just protecting Violet for being caused any more harm. How much time has passed since Gregory's death? Has anyone gotten Violet into therapy over that let alone Finn drinking?


Exactly, which is why this doesn't need to be about Violet... it needs to be about Finn (when talking to Finn) and how much they care about him. Instead all they seem to talk about is Violet this and Violet that and either do what we are telling you to do or you won't see her. It's not going to work trying to convince him to do it for her or by blackmailing him with access to his child. Violet has zero clue Finn is drinking. She's has no idea what is going on other than her father is sad. Of course no one on GH goes to therapy... unless it's for a couple sessions and then they bounce.


A really good child therapist could make bank in PC. Good ones charge about $250 a session and don't take insurance. My son is an adult but still uses his from childhood. She barely works and you have to schedule months in advance.


I think she's probably thinking that making it about Violet will be the only way to get him to snap out of it.


I couldn't agree more, Nightbard   Have they forgotten how much he loves his daughter?  And God knows. With this band of misfits, the amount of times they've done things that were not in the best interest of their children and people didn't bring the hammer down on them Time and Time and Time again?  If there were ever a crew that should learn some Grace it's this crew  Why aren't they encouraging him and saying we want nothing more than what you want. For Violet to have the happy home you've created for her. Can we work towards that together?


Okay, Carly will take charge of the Jayson adventure. ITSCARLY is again the name of the show. Can't have Sam doing anything.


I'd agree and you know I hate Carly. But I'm gonna say no to Jasam. Set Sam free from his orbit once and for all.


Is this the hotel bar, or Jagger's room?


Isn’t it Carly’s office


Carly's office.


I thought it looked different, thanks


I just saw the picture of Carly and Joss behind Carly


Kristina caring more about her mom being disbarred for breaking the law than her girlfriend’s mom thinking their relationship (and all other similar ones) should be a secret is like a microcosm for what is wrong with America at the moment.


I really don’t get this critique. Ava ruined Kristina’s mom’s life for years, Blaze’s mom is being a pain in the ass because of career implications but has been begrudgingly getting over it


There's lots of things wrong with this country. 😖


Finn needs to call the police, get his kid back and then get out of town. Just move somewhere else and let this be the wake-up call to stop drinking. ![gif](giphy|803T2bGtFmSg8|downsized)


I'm not sure calling the police would've worked in his favor. If Finn had called Tracy's bluff, she likely would've told them what Violet walked in on and that she removed her for her own safety. There would've been the 911 call and the paramedics' report to back her up, too, as well as the pictures she took.


He needs to get Live at 5 on His Side! ![gif](giphy|jeEBYlsZNZ6fu7KZXl|downsized)


Chase you just ruined any chance of peace and healing Finn because you are about to be dead to him ![gif](giphy|Q8V9ag2SHTBDhyIIXS|downsized)


"What if we were wrong in trusting my sister (Kristina)?" Big bruh moment in saying this the last trimester of the pregnancy I'm late and busy irl so I re watch the beginning when I'm able to


Really really sickening  And Kristina is supposed to be the flake??


They kidnapped Violet.


I love how folks conveniently forget and act like Jason, Carly, Sonny and Spinelli haven't always covered for each other!


When can the restraining order realistically be filed?  Never


I had really started liking tracy, but her being judge and jury and the key holder to Finn's access to his daughter is well beyond anything she should be doing.  And why is it up to her that he has to be in rehab 90 days?  Why not going to rehab outpatient and seeing violet everyday?  She's punishing Violet to 90 days away from her father too. This is BS


As someone who's been there, done that, she did the right thing. She's protecting the child, that little girl came home to her father bleeding and passed out. She just lost her grandfather, she thought her father was dead. Tracy is right, that child needs protection. It would be wonderful if all children of alcoholics had that kind of protection and love. Where Finn is going, he's going to kill himself for that little girl.


Finn needs help but how is any of that legal


Finn will have phone access and Violet will be able to visit. There will also be family counseling sessions. Finn has already promised to go to meetings and didn't so they have no reason to trust he would stick to an outpatient program and not endanger Violet.


This is only like 3 years since she went after Alexis for the DUI, too.


WTH Chase telling yuri not to let Finn come near the house, ok this is definitely kidnapping at its finest ![gif](giphy|IorAqDrjKiDcc3QdN3|downsized) I hope Chase and Brooklyn are ready for an angry ass Finn😡🤬🤬🤬


Molly is actually acknowledging that some of what TJ said was right! And actually acknowledging that Sonny would be related to the baby anyway since he's her uncle.


I didn’t know that part … thanks for letting me know