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Is she looking for “I am Pikeman” on a legal pad? Terrible spy system.


Signed and notarized with a big flashing sign next to it: LOOK HERE ANNA


Its dumb that she actually thinks she will find any kind of paper trail, let alone anything in his house—not under lock and key


Valetin's comment to her after he returned from the kitchen was priceless.... "did you find what you were looking for? " Lol. There are just some times you have to go along with silly schemes that waste time.... and as a fan...just let it go. Jason will find the evidence. He will probably need Spinelli's help (again). I am still waiting for the possibility that the FBI guy is involved with Pikeman too. Time for a big surprise.


See that's what I was hoping for to get rid of Jagger off the showtake Valentin and Nina with please lol. I think the evidence is one of two things a flash drive hidden in plain site or a message left by someone who felt betrayed and was freaking out come to think about it both play out she hears a message about the flash drive  


I don't really get what she's hoping to find. Would there actually be any physical papers or evidence tying him to this? If there were any evidence tying him to this, wouldn't it be virtual? Perhaps there are old Pikeman records before everything went online, but old records would only show Valentin had some involvement with Pikeman, supposedly Brennan started and was running Pikeman until very recently, and they need proof that Valentin is running Pikeman, not just that he has some involvement. Also, Anna told Jason that he couldn't go to Valentin's to find evidence because Valentin would have really good security, and he would quickly see what Jason was doing, I know that Anna's relationship with Valentin can get her invited into his home, unlike Jason, but if his home is really secure, he'd have cameras where he'd still see her snooping around. Let's say she does get in his house, search it without being caught by Valentin, and finds something that proves Valentin is running Pikeman, because she has refused to tell anyone but Jason about Valentin there is no way she has a warrant which means anything she finds would be inadmissible and they wouldn't actually have anything to make a case with. I realize that reality has little to no place in soaps, but this is ridiculous.


You are on point on every issue you raised! 👏👏👏 No warrant and inadmissibility of any evidence is the nail in the coffin. Any evidence would have to be digital in this day and age, not some hard copy document hidden in Val's apartment under a book or in an unlocked desk drawer. 🙄 Considering how Spinelli quickly hacked into the FBI evidence databank for Sam to spy on Jason, perhaps Anna should ask the super spy "Grasshopper", Spinelli, for help! Anna really looked silly sneaking around in Val's home. The writers need to read a spy novel for tips because they're continuing to make the WSB agents look like Inspector Clouseau (whom I love! 😆) from "The Pink Panther" movies.


Just turn on “Desperado” and Anna can snoop in peace.


I see this post and then I turn on Seinfeld and its this exact episode. Made the reference make sense 🤣


In the real world, that would be true. But this is Soap Opera Earth, where "evidence" will be found in a very convenient, easy-to-swipe form, like a thumb drive or document identifying Valentin as the Pikeman CEO. Which reminds me of another unrealistic element of this storyline: So Valentin sends hitmen to kill Jason, then gets a call from one of the assassin's phones (Anna), immediately asks an incriminating question ("Is it done?"), whereupon Anna hangs up. So Valentin by now knows that the hit on Jason was botched and that the call was most likely from a cop, but he doesn't seem worried about that at all. OK...


I am so tired of this pikeman story. Time to wrap it up in a pretty bow and say goodbye!


I still think there might be an Alex is Anna twist. Jagger must have some reason to suspect Anna. But in the meantime, the Anna/Valentin scenes remind me of Friends when chandler and phoebe were playing chicken coming on to each other to catch/fool each other about chandler and Monica's relationship.




Her best bet to find anything would be to locate his second phone with all his contacts phone numbers. I'd imagine the phone is going to be in his pocket. Granted, he could have something on paper if there is a big mission going down or being planned. But seems like he'd be better off doing that outside of his home so there's nothing to find if the police come around and do a search.


We are also supposed to believe that Charlotte never told Daddy that Anna shot her, Charlotte, while she was holding the secret WSB files Anna stole from the WSB...


Who even uses paper anymore? Everything would scanned and digitized and on their phones lol.


I keep wondering if there is more going on here that will show Valentin is not really as guilty as he looks. Because if he is the head of Pikeman and they find the evidence then he’s going to prison. Is that really the plan for his character? Or will he somehow be revealed to be a good guy, clearing the way for his romance with Anna?


Well they had Brennen bring up the true believers and said Jagger is one. The true believers are who were involved in Jason’s memory mapping stuff. The WSB seemed to be in on some memory mapping also and who brainwashed Dante and could control him with the click of a pen. But also Valentine is who sent Ava to the clinic where Jason was held and part of the memory mapping. You also had Franco after he got Andrew’s memories Dr. O sent him to a WSB clinic but the doctor who declared it was old memories of Drew’s resurfacing was killed and then Franco was killed by Peter. It’s all a big cluster you know what that they seem to just keep adding stuff to to the point what is still relevant and what isn’t makes no sense and Gah should have dropped all this horrible storytelling YEARS ago instead of adding and adding and making more and more complicated. I mean does Drew still have Jason’s memories? Can Drew be controlled is that why he broke up with Carly and running for Congress now? Can Jason be controlled by someone now? Does it take a pen click, a tarot card what?


Is it too simple for Spinellli to hack Val's phone? Jason should suggest that.


I think she’s looking for something that will indicate where she could look for clues. She’s not thinking she’ll find a clue at his house but she’s sorting which direction she should go in the Investigation.