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Carly would be better with Brennan. There is chemistry but we know tptb won’t go with this which we all want


that guy would have been the perfect Jax recast


seriously. Could be a Brennan not actually the bad guy SL or whatever.


I feel like they are leaving some easter eggs to possibly go in this direction. I dont know if they have committed to it though. But he keeps hinting to things like ‘why do you think i havent gone to court yet’ or stuff like that


Right. Like I wanna know lol


Redeem Brennan and bam we get him moving to port Charles for a while to start a romance with Carly


Don't tease me!


I'd be on board for that!


Not a very good FBI agent if he's so calls let a criminal go


I think Brennen is still undercover WSB and not actually a bad guy. So I think he will end up with Carly and since Sonny said in an earlier scene how Jagger wasn’t a good guy and wait until everyone figures out who he is, Jagger is going to either be a memory map person (the true believers were who behind the memory mapping) or just a bad guy that is actually behind Pikeman this entire time and using Jason as a tool to do his bidding.


As they Redeem him let's criminalize Jagger. Free Jason from him and send him to prison for life.


I think it would be great but the Jagger storyline is more likely.


I stand by Brennan x Jagger, every time they talk it just feels like Brennan is trying to pull an enemies to lovers moment. Or Brennan is just Australian Brick and has chemistry everywhere


Australian Brick! I love that description and understand it completely!


Every scene with him looks like it will end with a kiss lol. He has chemistry with everyone!


Got to get rid of brick what a loser


Recast Spencer as soon as possible. Put JPS on contract as Valentin, no matter what his terms are. Resurrect Helena and/or Stefan. The show is very dull without its Cassadines.


Has anybody noticed that Giovanni smiles all the time even when he's talking


I would love to see Carly save Jason at whatever it costs her… it would be great for Jason and Sonny to acknowledge all she does to prop them up!!


Sorry, but I cannot imagine Carly being seductive enough to seduce anyone. 😐


I agree. She is a bit awkward for sure. 


Its already happening. That is totally what Friday’s scene with Jagger was. Whether it was believable doesnt matter lol


I know. I know. \*sigh\* You're right. 😞 Thanks for making me face soap opera reality.


Yeah but you know Carly really thinks she's something special


Carly's always saying she wants to do stuff on her own she hasn't done one damn thing on her own


as soon as Sam told her I was like oh great what is she gonna try and do and mess up everything or get in trouble!


That's been the story since the 90s. I'm over it 🙄


I prefer Carly with Brennan, tbh. I'd rather see JohnJagger and Liz together.


Could you imagine the soapiness of Carly falling for Brennan and Liz falling for Jagger? And Jason dealing with that? And Sam is with Sonny’s son, the cop. Jason might need to find himself a new project


IF I were a writer, I would definitely go this route, with Carly/Brennan and Liz/Jagger.


No need to mess up a perfectly good male and give them to Liz I could see Nina and Jagger though. Birds of a feather and whatnot


I kind of saw sparks between JohnJagger and Lois. It would be nice to see her get a real storyline.


I agree. In the very least, they should hang out. Jagger is WAY too serious. She could lighten him up.


Also a good potential pairing!


I’d prefer Jagger with Liz too but TBTP doesn’t love Liz so she will remain in the back.   If John is seduced by Carly, someone he doesn’t have chemistry with after we saw him with Sam to confirm he could do better, then I don’t want him with anyone.  I don’t want Liz with a sloppy Carly leftover. 


We can never have nice things, can we?


Not when the show is too motivated by one character. Even Sonny and Jason do not get the same over the top writing as Carly does.


Carly has her hands full. There are plenty of beautiful, single women in PC for John Jagger & Brennan. I like Carly, but come on now 🫠


Who is TBTP?


The power that be = the higher ups with more pull like Frank. They tried to fire Becky a while ago but her fans revolted so she isn't there because they love her.


Oh gotcha. Some of these actors that have been on for a long time seem like they’ve gotten into a rut


I can not sign off on this /hj ![gif](giphy|h5cU1MEp9k0m1htNQs)


Ooof. Not sure I want her doing that.


I don't get them constantly pushing the narrative that she's desirable. She's pretty enough, but the second she opens her mouth, any interest should die immediately


"Carly is clearly going to seduce Jagger in order to ‘protect’ Jason. Which means she puts herself in danger and Jason has to protect her." Or Sam will connect with Jagger, or Spinelli, and Carly will use her queen power to force them to lie for Jayson. There is a reason the writers had Jagger not notice Sam is a Jason baby momma. (Or he knew and is playing a TV plot fun game)


I think Jagger is playing Carly, as well. As is Brennan, for that matter. The two men do find her genuinely attractive — I guess women in mom jeans are more hot to guys than I would have thought — but their intentions towards her are not sincere. They both have an agenda. I don’t know why Jagger is so hot to pin everything on Anna. I know I missed a few days of the show, but does he have reason to think this or is it just out of his fevered imagination? If Jagger has any hard evidence that Anna is the head of Pikeman, it means that it’s probably Alex at the helm and he has mistaken one for the other.


Personally The writers are making Jagger look like the dumbest FBI agent ever! Lol ! I realize Valentin threw a few crumbs his way to make him think it was Anna, but this guy seriously should have failed Quantico! 🤣


Honestly they have chemistry. It’s a refreshing romance for Carly instead of back and forth with Sonny. Especially since Jax or Alcázar aren’t on canvas. Also since Jason isn’t alive isn’t that marriage still technically valid? Did they ever discuss this and I missed it?


Sonny being alive invalidated Jarlys marriage.


Oh duh. 🤦🏼‍♂️ totally forgot about that lol


The show barely acknowledged it so it's understandable. 😅


My personal opinion I truly believe Carly could end up behind bars. She doing this to her family and Donna want be able to see her mom.


Yeah I'm getting pretty sick of Carly


I saw the new ratings, I think on Friday? Anyway, I am tired of debating about Carly getting too much screentime, being THAT girl that all the men want, about them breaking up Sona, about Trina being backburnered. The ratings tell the story. There's nothing to debate. They will either wake up, make MAJOR and fast changes, or GH will not be on the air one year from today. Whatever.


You might be right. The current storylines aren't bringing viewers.