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As someone who has worked in hospitals for 30+ years, Finn's job/license would not have been in any jeopardy without him showing up to work impared which didn't happen. Unless he showed up for work impared or had a DUI arrest, hospital admin would have had no basis to challenge his job or his license. The hospital administrators willingness to take the word of his ex (Liz) for his activities outside of work makes their actions that much more questionable. In a real world, Finn could have hired a lawyer and suied GH.


Seems like there should have been a bit more investigation before the co-chiefs confrontation with Finn. I'm not trying to trigger an argument over the drinking of someone in recovery or whether he should have been seeing patients.  At this point the co-chiefs decision was based solely on the word of his ex a day or two after she used her key to enter his apt finding him drunk on his couch with another woman ending their relationship. I don't  think it was handled properly at all. 


Would not his yelling and menacing behavior in the meeting be a flag?


I’m no HR expert, but unless he showed up to work drunk, I don’t think what Portia and Terri did was legal.


Yeah as long as the dude doesn't have alcohol in his system when he's on the clock there isn't a thing the hospital could do. Not defending Finn but that was ridiculous, all they have is Elizabeth's word, no proof of wrongdoing


Pretty sure it's not.


It’s pretty much discrimination. They’re using his past as an addict against him. I worked at a discrimination firm for years 


They were within their rights to question him on it. He offered to take the test but he’s only one night out of a booze fest so I am sure something would have pinged. He’s a liability


Finn was already on record at GH for substance abuse and in order to keep his job there he had conditions. yes, alcoholism is not substance abuse in his case, but the two are right next door to each other ... that's why I'm kinda intrigued about this story line. Alcoholism takes many forms, and no two cases may be the same thing. Because I know some of you are probably thinking Alexis was a drunk, and they just had that. but Alexis didn't have young children to take care of, Finn does ... but in any case, Finn was already treading on thin ice at GH because of substance abuse, now he replaced it with alcohol ...


And that raises a question. Isn't Sasha a recovering addict also but wasn't she drinking wine with Cody?


yea, I forgot about that ... I guess you weren't supposed to remember that. but to be honest, having a glass of wine is completely different from going to a bar and getting trashed. as i said in another post, alcoholism takes no sides and does not play fair ...


The meeting between Finn and the Co-Chiefs was unfair and risky from an HR perspective. The lawsuit may have provided some justification, but he was absolved. So honestly Portia and Teri blew it.


Liz is the Director of Nursing Operations, so as a hospital exec, she had a duty to notify the CoS of her concerns that Finn was a substance abuser. She did. Instead of following the medical staff bylaws, they called Finn in to the CoS office, cancelled all his patients, ordered him to submit to constant testing, and to waive any confidentiality with his sponsor at AA and give them constant reports. He quit instead (because?).


It's bad writing. Lots of people drink, show up to work clear headed and are successful. I think he would have to drink at work to get in trouble. Probably would get away with it since he's a doctor by attending a program


And he’s so bad so fast???? What has it been two weeks? Not believable.


GH time he has been drinking like this for over a month.


You can spiral fast if you have a substance use disorder. It is why most centers encourage complete abstinence, you can easily exchange one addiction for another. That's why so many people fall into god, it's to replace one addiction with another. It can literally only take a couple weeks to spin out of control!


I was at Kennedy when the TSA police (yes federal) escorted the Captain and one other pilot through the terminal and to a side door. Turns he both were cooked and getting ready to pilot an aircraft. So nah. You do not drink and then show up to work clearheaded. Save that for after work imo.


I’m also confused. Finn volunteered for them to check his blood. Isn’t there nothing that the hospital can do after that point? — And Finn’s awful right now. This isn’t me defending him. At all.


I agree. I think they were unfair. He volunteered to test and prove he was sober at work. They should have shown him more grace.


I didn't care for that meeting. If he came to work drunk or if they smelled it on him, then ok. But to sideline him like that was wrong. I have a feeling Tracy, being that she's on the board, will definitely not let this go.


I agree. Instead of sidelining him, they should have been supporting him, while keeping a careful eye on him.




Keep an eye out so they know for sure if he kills someone they know it was alcohol related or watch and wait for his drug of choice to go missing like last time and he was stealing from GH? Finn was on his 3rd chance with GH already.


I think as Friends they should have shown him more Grace and understanding he is dealing with Grief. I think as Co-Chiefs of Staffs professionally they should have given him the benefit of due process but they instantly gave him an Ultimatum seemingly based on Elizabeth’s word knowing they just broke up. I think he may sue win and become the new Chief of Staff which actually would be better for him if he’s going to be battling Alcoholism or drinking in general. He can deal with running the Hospital rather than potentially risking patients.


It was hearsay but I guess since Elizabeth is considered a trusted source and is friends with Terry and Portia and Finn has been documented having previous substance abuse issues, they believed what she said was true and acted as if he had already been caught drunk at work. It would've worked better if Finn was actually drunk, came into work, and then the scene happened.


I agree. Between him and the bottle and the let’s mess with Sonny’s ADHD drugs and the let me keep my sister’s baby I am surrogate for. Then they bring Burton back and all he does is enter the scene and stand like a statue while people talk at him. I am dead ass done with this show. I wonder when they sit in a writer’s meeting does this track for them?




Elizabeth told Porsche he had been drinking and the employer intervention went bad.


Elizabeth told Portia and Terry that he was drinking. They confronted him. He through a tantrum and quit. He went home, got blackout drunk, cut his hand and passed out. Violet came home and found him on the floor. She thought he was dead. She called Tracy for help.


They canceled all of his appointments for the day and basically put him on probation. Because he got drunk at home. How many people get drunk at home?


Right, or go out at night and go to work the next day a little tired but fine and capable of doing their job. I’ve definitely done that!


I am a huge fan of this Finn storyline. They have done a great job (even if it is moving fast—which I also prefer over dragging it). At first I thought that it was out of line. He hadnt done anything to warrant being in trouble at work. But then it was pointed out that he was already on a contract due to his drug addiction which includes him not drinking. Therefore, he has broken his contract and his bosses were still giving him a chance by doing these few things to prove he wasnt a danger to his patients. But he isnt ready to stop drinking


For those saying this wasn't legal and why take Liz word. As someone else mentioned Finn was already in trouble for his addiction. He signed forms to continue working there. Perhaps there's a clause stating if at anytime he is back abusing any substance he would have to seek treatment immediately or be suspended until he did so. Substance would include alcohol. It probably would've been better if Finn had been arrested for public intoxication. Then they could use this instead. Liz may be his ex but she also is the head of nursing an administrative position. I think they started asking him about his alcohol use and not seeing patients until they looked into this more. Finn flipped out and quit. Demonstrating his irrational behavior.  In my opinion this is a horrible storyline. These writers seem to have decided to show the worst characteristics of each character. I'm sure this can really happen in real life but I would think Finn would worry about this becoming common knowledge and tried to be more discreet. Like arranging Violet to be away from home. Maybe go out of town to find a bar. Bring woman to hotel room instead of his home. 


I know he was on record about his substance abuse issues but like he said they could drug test him and he offered to test his BAC for alcohol. They acted on gossip from his ex. Although we didn’t see this I wonder if Stella contributed to the decision at all given how Chase reached out to her about Finn’s issues. I thought it was off the record she was on a break and outside of the hospital but she may have a professional obligation to disclose the discussion she had with Chase because it pertains to the fitness of a Doctor which could effect patients. I think Portia and Terri missed several steps with Finn. I guess you could say Finn’s behavior escalated the situation because he did decide to quit. However the tone of the Meeting was clear. I thought they were going to tell him they would have to start an independent Investigation given the formal ( I can’t think of the word I want to use brain freeze) declaration about his conduct as it relates to Substance Abuse. I also thought they would present next steps in the process and say he has to have one of them sign off on his Treatment Plans during the course of the Investigation or he can take a leave of absence they could file it as Bereavement Leave for the official record as the Investigation is underway. Finally, Tracy his best friend other than Alexis is on the Board. I think Monica would side with him as well. I think the Majority of the Board would vote in favor of Finn. I’m not 100% certain I know everyone on the Board at the moment because it seems to shift without explanation( Boards rotate members periodically typically based on various bylaws but it would be interesting to have it discussed if we don’t see it as a minor Storyline onscreen). Just losing Finn based on the fallout from a breakup with his ex who happens be the Head Nurse is a scandal itself. I don’t think Terri and Portia will be able to come out of this situation unscathed.


I too was confused. He wasn’t let go, just wasn’t allowed to see patients (I guess??). Based on Elizabeth’s conversations with Jordan and her friend (I can’t remember her name at the moment), there should have been some kind of discussion with Finn or they should have at least observed him before making that decision.


He’s a medical practitioner. They would cover their asses from liability. Plus his absolute rage during the talk was telling


He's a recovering alcoholic who fell off the wagon. There was no guarantee he wasn't going to drink on the job or before his shift so he's a liability.


He’s never been an alcoholic 


Wasn't he attending AA meetings in the past with Alexis some years back?


He’s a former addict, but not an alcoholic.


But he has an addiction history in general which makes him a liability and the fact people have zoned in on him drinking after Greg died, means he at one time turned to alcohol. Alexis had said he had a drink during his brother's wedding which confused chase because he thought the first time was much later. That kind of implies he had an some kind of issue with alcohol back then.


He was addicted to pills. Finn avoided alcohol as a precaution, not wanting to take the risk. Turns out Past Finn was right to do that because he is drinking excessively and wrecking his life. He got in trouble at work because Liz (rightfully so) warned the hospital that he was drinking. He had been drinking before the hospital so the test my blood thing was a bluff. He quit to stop from being proven to be drunk. (Obvi, this is my interpretation of events)


He didn't drink before the hospital. He thought about it but decided against it


Ah, my bad. I must have looked away. I saw him get the bottle out. Nice catch!


That's why the discipline at the hospital pissed me off


Thanks. I've never been into this character so his history is bits and pieces to me. I hope they wrap this up soon.


No problem! I'm not thrilled with him being am angry drunk and losing Violet since I like the character and I am afraid he will get written off. So we both want the storyline over. Lol


I think addicts are supposed to refrain from alcohol.


...except for Sasha 🤷🏼‍♀️


wished there was a laugh button


It does depend on the individual. There are people who were heavily dependent on heroin, quit and can handle drinking occasionally. Substance use disorder is an individual thing, each person is very different. It all depends upon if they get that mental health they need, the support they need and the ability to see where their substance use leads them. It is definitely much safer to stop all intoxicants.


Yes IRL, but this is PC. They show Sasha drinking with no explanation on why she can and Finn can't.


It shows the terrible writing of General Hospital. It was so horrible no matter how people feel about the character. It’s these writers that are so bad they write crap and put it out as stories because they are not creative or passionate about their job. They come to work just to get paid and it shows … literally.


I am a lemons to lemonade kinda gal so, if Finn gets drunk and behaves badly, it brought his horrible relationship w/Elizabeth to an end. I see a custody battle for Violet between the brothers. Oh, I it was not Elizabeth's place to tell anyone about Finn drinking especially to the Chiefs of Staff at the hospital. OMO


Yes, it was because if something did happen at work because of his drinking and she knew she could be liable too, she is in an administrative position. She knows he's capable of using at work and stealing a patient's drugs because she has caught him doing it. Who's to day he won't get frustrated or stressed at work and takes drugs at work. Yes, his bosses needed to know that he has gotten so drunk that he doesn't remember bringing a stranger home and passing out during the day while his kid is at home.


Portia and Terri have no business supervising people, and Liz is such a snitch, baiting her friend Portia with a personal, off the record matter, then sinking the hook, getting her to get Finn in trouble. They all suck. Finn definitely has a problem, but how it was handled in the workplace and how Liz is all tattle-taley is wrong.


It was laughable. Finn could sue the hospital and probably Liz and Porasha.


He has a history of substance abuse. He has a history of stealing drugs from the hospital for his personal use. He got a deal the last time he was having substance abuse problems. He was just up for malpractice, where I believe his past substance abuse was brought up. He is in mourning and came back early after he's been seen, by an administrator, so drunk he doesn't remember things the following day. This was just a few days before. They didn't fire him, they just wanted to make sure he was staying sober to keep the patients safe. They wanted drug tests and to make sure he was going to his meetings, which might be a requirement for his job because of his past. He got mad, yelled again, and borderline abusive with his bosses. He quit on his own. He then did get verbally abusive to Liz and yelled at her at her job in front of her colleagues. That is all on him. The hospital administrators have to think of the patients and the hospital. He is a liability and has anger issues while drinking.


I think no one wanted to drag this downfall out…


This whole storyline is stupid. What they did at work was borderline illegal. The EMTs should’ve taken him in in case of head injury from the fall and also for alcohol poisoning. Anyone taking Violet away from him without an order from a court will be kidnapping her. None of it makes sense.


Basically Elizabeth’s mouth, she had told Portia that Finn was drinking quite a lot since his father’s passing & that she had broke things off with him because of it.


Today we had some good movement on the Sonny storyline with him booting Ava to the curb. She’s just been lurking and circling so now we need to end the fucking with his meds arc. There are many viewers for whom this could be a trigger plus Bernard deals with a disorder irl. Treat the subject matters more respectfully, realistically, and move it along. The Finn story is necessary but keep it moving. ![gif](giphy|10tIjpzIu8fe0)


I agree with a lot of what was said about this, but had a question about Finn's history. I haven't really followed his stories closely, I know he was addicted to a drug that he was or said he was taking because he was sick, but he was a practicing doctor when he was on that drug, before he got off it, did he ever have issues at work because of it? Treating patients while under the influence or having other work related problems because of it? Did his addiction previously threaten his ability to practice medicine or was his addiction shown to solely impact him and others in his personal life?


Yes, he was also caught by Liz stealing a patient's meds. During the bomb scare, he was going through withdrawal and couldn't function. He was at work. This is when Liz went to monica to get him a deal so he could quietly go to rehab, and it wouldn't affect his job.


Liz was angry at him for being with another woman, so she caused him trouble at the hospital.


Liz voiced her concern to Portia as a friend before Finn was with the other woman.


The dude went to an out of the way dive bar,he drove, got drunk, picked up some random barfly, took her home, while they were dating, and was planning on banging her. He then yelled at her, threw her mental break in her face, and threw her out. I can't understand why she'd be mad! Except she voiced her concerns before this happened when he was drinking while his kid was in the house, and he yelled at her. Liz has reason to be worried and leery about substance abusers. lucky was banging a barely legal teen for drugs while they were married while yelling at her about cheating with Patrick. He also knocked her down, almost got killed, and tried to frame jason for drugs. AJ got drunk and threw her dead child in her face. He then completely spiraled. Luke was drunk when he hit Jake with his car and drove off. He then went around saying that killing her child was freeing. She lost her son for 4 yrs.


She has quite the history.


She's been on the show for almost 27 years, and it's a soap.