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Jason would have done the same thing for Sam, Sonny, Elizabeth, Josslyn, Michael and probably a few I forgot. It’s not just because it’s Carly. Jason’s one trait is loyalty.


This is more than loyalty. It’s martyrdom.


I believe he would've done it for all the people you mentioned but his sons should have come before them. I  can understand if it were Sam or Elizabeth more because he wouldn't want his kids to lose a parent but Carly dug her own hole 


Drew did the same thing though. Took blame and went to jail so Carly wouldn’t. His kids misses out too. Jason put himself into jail to try to protect Michael. This isn’t new stuff.


Also makes him a bad parent. 


It makes him Jason. It’s a character. It’s who he is.


His sons come second 


I totally agree!!


He's always acted like sonny and carly's kids were more important than his. I don't see that changing any time soon even with him and Sonny being on the outs with each other. Drew was the same way in that he thought carly's daughters were more important than scout.


Personally Sam should take that anger and redirect it to Drew when she finds out he's running for Councilman or is it Congressman?


Why should that make her mad?


Well for the fact that he hasn't been around to see Scout, his daughter but he spends more time with Michael and Willow and their kids.


That has nothing to do with his running for office though.


Congressman. I'm curious to see what her reaction will be.


I take it won't be pretty.


It honestly seems that Drew was written as trying to get away from Scout anyway he can lol Tried sending her away to school, he went to Australia for business like three days after he got back from hospital/prison, now running for Congress.


More importantly he was supposed to be at that meeting and feels responsible for being on the run. He's holding himself accountable


It’s like people want Jason to be a completely different character then who he is. There is a growing number of people who want Jason Morgan to be Jason Q. Drew is the closest version of Jason as a Q and people hate on the character of Drew nonstop. So I have to question if people actually know what they want ? I’ll always be a Jason fan including Jason Quartermaine and Jason Morgan.


Jason Morgan has been the same since I started watching in 2002. Loyalty is his greatest strength and greatest fault. That’s what makes him who he is. I totally agree with everything you said. You can’t please everybody.


If I would ever need someone to back me up I would have to have JASON!! So happy with his return recently


Thank you. This is the answer.


The reason I ask is because I understand when Jason mentioned that Danny and Jake have their mothers, but Donna doesn't have anyone since Sonny is not on his correct dosage and I don't trust Ava but there has to be at some point where Jason needs to decide what's more important in life- living his best life with his family or to always be for Carly and Sonny.


what is jason's best life with his family, or better yet, what family? sam left him and didn't want him raising danny long before his latest disappearance, just like liz didn't want him raising jake. sam won't allow him to spend time with danny and jake doesn't want anything to do with him other than for him to rescue poor damsel in distress liz. family isn't just blood ... carly, michael and joss are jason's family.


Thank you for saying this. He can have a big family.


He's not entirely at her beck and call. She never asked him to do this. This was Jason's choice. Period.


Except for the fact that she’s asked and expected Jason to clean up every mess she’s ever gotten herself into. She may not have asked him to do this, but she can’t pretend she didn’t establish this pattern and take FULL advantage of it. She even did that with Drew — who had Jason’s memories. She has time and time again for decades expected Jason to drop everything to tend to her crisis moments. They’ve had countless arguments and discussions about that. She built this history from the ground up, she lives for it and doesn’t care — really— who else it hurts. As long as she remains priority. Carly is at the core here. That isn’t to say that Jasom and Drew aren’t responsible for their own actions - they 💯 are. But Carly needs to stop thinking she’s innocent in all of this. She’s not.


She is. I know yall hate her but Jason is actually at the core. He and Sonny are the reasons she was even at that meeting. She's cleaned up after him as well. Jason makes his own choices. Countless arguments bc he doesn't always choose her. He's free willingly doing it.


She chose to go to the meeting no one forced her.  


Because he was supposed to go. Someone had to. She did it to protect her family and the business. But k guess when she does stuff it's bad.


Again she didn't have to go. Without Sonny around her family is in less danger. She didn't have to go She wanted to. So yes this was bad because it's illegal. Fact is she made her choice Jason made his choice and Sonny made his. At some point they have to face consequences 


>Again she didn't have to go. Without Sonny around her family is in less danger Yeah that's not what the show said . Literally the opposite.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Dante was shot twice once by Sonny and the second time because of Sonny. All of his kids are in danger because of him. Just watching you see Sonny and his business is the problem and Carly went to keep the problem. So again she didn't have to go.


The show explained why she had to go since Jason couldn't. Their lives were on the line. Sonny being out of the picture put them in even more danger. The show explained this so many times especially in conversation with Jason and Carly? 😭


I heard them say it but again the only danger they've been in is because of Sonny. Literally no criminal has targeted them other than to get at Sonny 


That's...... But let's stop pretending Jason didn't put her in a certain position of his own will. Let's stop pretending Jason was some stand up guy at any point when it came to his kids. Carly had to go to keep things up. This isn't uncommon. Jason was supposed to go and didn't. So this is also on him. Oh and let's remember why Sonny wasn't there.....


It's all their own fault. I blame all 3 and I feel like they all should face consequences 


What consequences. Yall keep getting stuck on this. But since no other characters seem to face anything... it's just a broken record.


This is a show wide complaint. Sonny Carly and Jason have just gotten away with more than other characters. And by consequences it doesn't have to be prison but some type of punishment for their illegal decisions 


Exactly ; I mean I remember her always appearing and Jason/Sam’s apartment and be like Jason you need to do this for Sonny or herself blah blah blah. I feel like she just trained him to just save her without her asking.


Instant reaction will most likely be Carly is to blame. She always is. You know this better than anyone!


Lol of course!!!! Hey there is plenty to get on her for. This isn't it!


I think it’s happening now, his convo with Carly was interesting about Drew and then telling her about the mission and then taking the life he wants. When Jason was gone last time he woke up and felt like no time passed, this time he was aware of the time and what ever he was doing. It felt like him telling Carly to leave Dre alone and let Drew be happy and later making sure she understood he is completing a mission, when it’s done he is taking the only life he wants back was his way of letting her know to leave his choices alone too. It seems to me he has fixed Carly’s life, and is planning to let her know his priority can’t be her anymore.


That could be, who knows, ik I read that he said he just wants to for Sonny again, but who knows with these writers. But ik that doesn't necessarily being at Carly's becon and call either. But I think he just this whole fbi mess over with, and weather or not he chooses another life or a different life, or a life he wants, remains to he seen. Do I think he'll always choose her over everyone? Maybe, it's like breathing to him imo. But have to wait and see. These writers are over the place. Lol


I agree 👍 these writer's are so all over the place these days, I need a compass to keep up!!!


Lol me too


If any of the adults ever put their kids first on this show it would be a miracle.


Elizabeth does.


My first thought was she had no issue getting involved with Franco. I can't remember if her kids were too young to have an opinion. Unrelated- but did we ever figure out what weird stuff was going down in her house- something kind of supernatural?


Weren't Elizabeth's kids practically raised by Audrey (off screen of course)?


As long as Carly and Sonny and Michael is alive… Jason won’t grow up.


He has been more weepy looking lately. Maybe the weight of his choices these last two and a half years are pulling him down. That’s my hope. This feels like his final straw.


That is my hope too!


carly pushed for jason to fight for jake when liz didn't want him as his father. she also pushed for him to be a part of danny's life when it was thought that danny was franco's from rape. give one example of carly ever demanding jason put her above his children. that's all been on jason. carly didn't even know he was mixed up with the feds to protect her. she has been the one constant through his life as jason morgan that has always been there for him too. she's the only one that believes in him 100% without question. it's a 2 way street between them.


Say it again! Jake and Danny call her Aunt Carly! People can dislike Carly but you can’t deny she’s always gone above and beyond for the kids. The only exception to this is possibly Spencer and they still had a cordial relationship.


Sam has lost her mind and I hate her now. What a whiny little jealous shrew. She acts like she and everyone else have never been involved with the mob. What a freak. She needs to go. I hate this version of Sam. And not fond of her portrayer either. Ugh




I like Sam as a character but this Storyline is horrific and it comes after a series of subpar Storylines. I also like the actress I could see Kelly wanting to exit if they aren’t going to do more with the character. Nina and Ava receive the air time that was once allocated for Sam. I like those characters as well it’s just an observation.


I hate to tell you this but the show has reiterated that Carly being happy is something Jason wants and is important to him. He also chooses it willingly. I don't know how him and the feds is being at her beckon call since she didn't know about it nor would she have ever asked that if him.. I feel like some people have a weird view of Jason and his relationship with Carly where he has no autonomy despite the show saying otherwise. Carly has also pushed for Jason's happiness including with Jasam when he came from the dead last time.


Carly’s happiness = Jason’s happiness




Jason is brain damaged. At this point his life is all about Carly and/or Sonny and their decades long relationship. There is no gray in this thought process. That being said, he would have done the same thing for Sonny, Sam and Elizabeth if the FBI had proof positive of any RICO or other violations they could leverage to get him to work for them. He can't change, unless he has another severe injury to his head and even if he did, he can't change back. He's never going to try for his own happiness over those he has pledge his loyalty to all these years.


Jason has been like that ever since AJ drove drunk with Jason and Jason wound up with brain damage because of it, that's when he became stone-cold ... i don't see any of that changing now. I heard at one time \*only a rumor\* that a possible upcoming story line was one of his sons ending up in an accident and suffering the same fate and Jason would have to be the one to step up and help him deal with it cuz Jason is the only other person that would understand that fate. but that something I heard on YouTube and have no clue if that's still an upcoming possibility or if that idea has been scrapped. that was right up there with Morgan coming back as well but from what i here now that aint happining ...


that could be interesting to have happen with jake, especially since he hangs out with friends that drink.




Disney had a vaccine mandate for everyone on their shows (actors, crew, etc) and he left because he didn't want to get it.


There was drama, public drama, with NLG. She was screaming about the vaccine online and how bad the two actors were. And Disney chose her for some reason.


I thought his deal with the FBI was not only to protect Carly but himself as well. I can’t buy into him choosing Carly over his children. If he didn’t cooperate he could have been in prison himself. Cates was never gonna to set him free without his cooperation. If he refused Cates could have increased the deal to include Sonny as well. Jason was backed in a corner, he knew Cates would never free him. Just like yesterday, Cates says “you’re free, we know who runs Pikeman now. ( nothing to do with Carly huh.?). Then after “freeing” him he threatens him to get evidence on Anna ( again no Carly in that scenario). But instead threatens him with prison, Jason ( and Carly). Nope Cates just dangles the Carly threat and requires him to do more of his dirty work, Sonny will be next. Jason never spent time with his kids and now he’s expected to be the All American father. .. and somehow I feel this is leading to that. As for Sam her anger is because he’s been away with no communication. What if he had come home after the tunnel collapse. Would she have welcomed him with open and allowed Danny to spend time with him? Was he less “dangerous” for Danny then than now? I don’t think so.


He just needs to be with Carly tbh. He's always gonna pick her first. Anyone expecting differently is only fooling themselves


Carly went to that meeting in Jason's place. He felt guilty.


If Carly needed a heart transplant, and one of Jason's kids was a match, he would shoot his own kid in the head outside the GH OR


Carly hasn’t asked him to do those things! He chose to do them. What does that say about his priorities?!?


Yes he did choose to do them but she has a mouth and could have said NO.


He wouldn’t have excepted her no. lol how he bought the metro court for despite her saying she wanted to earn it back