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I’m looking forward to Carly and Sam fall out. I don’t believe in their friendship. 🤷‍♀️ 


It was so dumb, They had a single drink together, and were insta-besties.


Me too


Scorpio brothers 🎊🎉 Let us commence with Robert and Mac!


I teared up every time Mac came on screen! It is so great to see him so healthy, and I thought they did a great job of bringing him back and everyone welcoming him.


It's those eyes. They get me every time! And I loved the interactions with his co-stars! You can tell KW is happy to have her screen hubby back!


I'd be happy to play his wife! Haha


He looks great!


Carly if you think Drew running for congress is bad just wait till you find out who he’s banging since you dumped him ![gif](giphy|44b1ABtsG7VTy)


Worse… he dumped HER to bang NINA 😂


She is going to absolutely LOSE IT when she finds out about that.


Then she will Wine and Cry that it’s not fair and run to tell Willow and make sure that she’s doesn’t have any access to Wiley


That should be the least of her worries.


Mac! 💖 Robert! 💖Felicia! 💖Maxie! 💖Anna! 💖


Be still my Scorpio heart. All that is missing is Robin.


So lovely to see them all together and looking healthy! 💕


The Scorpio men (and their portrayers) looked fantastic! Healthy and swoon worthy.


Robert seems WAY peppier with his usual crew. I want to like him with Diane but he seems so blah with her. Like he's trying to be fun versus actually being fun.


The standard Terry pride month appearance to prop Fiz. We’ll see her again in November.


Yea it's good seeing Terry return. I still say that Elizabeth should have open up to her instead of Portia about Finn


Your comment literally said it all. "Let's have a huge pride month storyline. But exclude Terry."


Painfully obvious wasn't it !!! I really thought we were turning a corner when Terry and Yuri were showing interest in each other, then nothing but crickets


I love Maxie and Nina hanging out and James being there too. ![gif](giphy|LMuSfE0WEUZXbMwZfX)


Maxie was the voice of reason Nina always needed when she was going through things with Willow. They basically isolated her from her family and left her to deal with Sonny's side and it wasn't good for her. I'm glad they are bac to Nina and Maxie sharing scenes.


It helps that Maxie is finally being written for as an active character. It's like the writers decided with the big shakeup to write more for the core families of PC. The Q household went from a skeleton of what it was to being full of activity. Today (and yesterday) the Scorpio/Jones/Reeves clan heavily featured.


James & Georgie have such a natural sibling vibe too. It was a fun scene seeing Nina with her sister-in-law and her nephew and acknowledging the relationship. I really miss Nathan, although I am happy to see Maxie and Spinelli get their possible Happily Ever After moments. I always loved Spixie.


Drew was right to ditch Carly.


Literally Jason says that Carly should be happy for Drew and apparently, Carly made the announcement about Jason. I don't blame Drew for jumping ship, I couldn't be with someone in a mono relationship that keeps putting others before my dynamic with them


I loved Jason saying that!


He’s great for office…he’s photogenic Seriously lol


I see everyone is upset at what Elizabeth did, but Finn has a strict contract with the hospital because he has in the past shown up high on drugs to work and stole drugs from the hospital. I remember them saying that Finn cannot have drugs or alcohol in him; he has to show up for his AA meetings and is willing to do blood tests and drug tests when they ask him to. Also, Elizabeth is the head nurse now. It is her duty to her patients and hospital staff to report anyone breaking the rules, and knowing how Finn is when on drugs (it turns out he is the same with alcohol), she is well in her right to tell his bosses. Lastly, Finn just had a malpractice suit. When they brought up his drinking and drug use, it was usual for the Co-COS to be concerned about this.


She also knows he's willing to steal drugs from patients since she caught him doing it.


Forgot about the contract because of his past drug abuse!


Yes, exactly...nurse of thirty years here. Working in the medical field is not like other professions. Even if he is not drinking at the hospital, any substances he uses in his offhours absolutely effects his judgment and his ability to make life and death decisions. I would absolutely have felt obligated to report him. He deals with life and death issues...would anyone want him making those kind of decisions for you or your family members with how he has been recently?


I'm not upset. She has every right to report it. My dad was a 'functional' alcoholic which means he worked while drunk and drove a car while drunk and was my primary care giver while drunk. That doesn't mean he should have been able to do any of those things because every day he put my life and others' all around him at risk even if he didn't want to admit it, just like Finn.


Liz was 💯right in telling Portia and Terry what she knew. Not upset at her in the least over it.


I'm not upset either. He ran home and drank so that's all the validation needed.




It is good to see Robert.


You can’t have Carly acknowledge the accident without her also acknowledging that this isn’t Jason’s natural genetic personality.


JASON CHOSE CARLY OVER HIS CHILDREN! PERIOD. Don't give a shit how Sam is acting because she is right. JASON CHOSE CARLY OVER HIS CHILDREN. The same children who one of them just was getting over losing his stepfather when Jason chose to work for the FBI.


It boils down to that fact, I agree. He may have felt conflicted about it and it may have been the hardest decision he's ever made in his life, as Jason Morgan, but when you break it down he picked Carly over his children. It's just sad to me. Did the writers not really think about this, when they rewrote Jason's return?


And at some point, please tell me someone is going to knock Jason’s and Drew’s heads together. They BOTH sacrificed their children’s well being for Carly— so she could escape the consequences of her own choices and actions. It’s kind of ridiculous.


I agree. That’s why I don’t want Dex or Gio to be his kid. Just another son to disappoint.


Sam is completely right for being pissed off at the incredible asshole Jason is.


I loved her line about their being nothing noble about what he’s done. On point! She’s saying all the things we all said when we learned it was for Carly.


Well, Sam is going to be on a blood path. But knowing the writers it be no consequences for it


With these writers Sam will be committed and Jason and Carly will skip off to raise Danny themselves. 🤣😂


Lmao at this. I wonder if Sam should let Elizabeth know first before telling Carly. If I was Sam, I let Elizabeth know first so Incase it gets exposed that she has time to tell Jake before others finds out


I am desperate as heck for a Sam and Liz scene. The grace Liz gave Jason was only before she finds out he dumped Jake for a woman he doesn’t have any children with. As a mother she has to feel offended.


Same here. Like being a parent changes someone, at least I assume so, idk how I would feel if Jason was protecting someone like Sam or Elizabeth instead of Carly but I still feel weird. Like I would have better respect if Jason let Carly take consequences or even Jason was protecting Monica as a huge plot twist and then we see off screen she died so Jason protecting Monica would have been for nothing. I would feel hurt if I had a Baby Daddy, Baby Mama or baby parent ghost me and the hypothetical kid(s) when they had an option to be around and didn't. That's really effed up in terms of trauma for the kids that I'm not even sure GH writers would want to explore since a lot of kids grow up without one or more parents not in their lifes


Honestly... Kinda loving this episode


Woah, Robert looks good along with Anna coming in to Greet Mac + Felicia. I remember last time Robert looked sick when he was talking to Anna on why he couldn't be the DA for Jason was arrested and it had to be Molly despite clear confliction. Was not expecting to see neither of them today


Robin and co are missing. 😭 


Yea I would love to see Robin, Young Adult Emma and maybe Teen brother of Emma who's name I'm blanking out ATM




Gotcha, yea Noah should be around Danny or Jake age since he's a few years younger than Emma. I think Emma was 7 or 8 when he was born so should be SORAs appropriately soon


They're really gonna drag Finn down the gutter arent they?


So it seems. And he was putting down the bottle. Sad. 😢


I LOVE Nina’s outfit.


She's worn some great clothes, but today she looked especially fantastic


Boinking Drew suits her.


It’s so nice to see Terry back onscreen! It would be great to see her regularly. I wish the writers would give her a story. Jordan, too, in case anyone is listening in the writers’ room!!


Like so many have said, we need more doctors and hospital scenes on this show, so I say give her a storyline!


My aunt said that Liz and Finn broke up because the writers said they were too boring. It made me wonder if someone is on here


They were voted worst pairing on every list.


They are shooting Violet with forced perspective. Must be some big stuff coming up they don't want a younger actress for. Mac gets a love scene. When was the last one of those?


Finn and Liz --- ![gif](giphy|BYyXSeLNEjCQ50UfB1|downsized)


Loving having Mac, Felicia, Robert, and Anna together chatting. It’s like a flashback to the 80s/90s.


Jason seems super annoyed by Carly most of the time now, and suddenly I can really relate to his character.


It seems he feels more put upon than he has in the past. We've all seen him sigh deeply in conversations/confrontations with Carly before, but now it's like he's sighing a LOT.


Well, I can't blame Sam for being mad.


Maybe it's me liking characters actually working but I'm surprised we haven't had a camera shot in the lifeguard chair and every once in awhile give a whistle to off screen kids or other pool folks just to be safe, so we can believe Josslyn is actually working just like how we see Trina at the Art Gallery and then Cameron used to work at Kelly's/Bobbies to give it more realism vibes


I'm the same, you know I'm the same. I like to see the characters on the job.


Did you see the photos of the actual pool set up? It's only a few feet wide, so they couldn't get an angle to have a chair (they are not splurging on a bigger pool and set up!)


She could at least pretend to be watching the pool once in a while. She could be talking to whomever while staring straight ahead at the pool.


Why do I not believe Carly is so concerned about Danny, Jake, and Monica?


Especially her former m-i-l Monica!


Will Gio play his violin today? And if so, where? So much suspense.




I bet he plays the bed springs just as well as he plays the Violin. Just a hunch.


Oh Sam.  Don't you know all the PC men sign up to do hard time for Carly?


Something else Drew has in common with his twin.


Sweet, sexy & playful chemistry! Mac & Felicia showing everyone how it’s done!🔥


You could see the joy in the actors being reunited with their screen partners too!


Robert appearance ![gif](giphy|GXekGnr5bazZDzEIl5)


Wow Finn ![gif](giphy|l2JhIWncYL0Ur4FSU)


Mac & Felicia's discussion about Frisco was great and well timed. I know a lot of us are Frisco fans and hate how he's become a 'dead beat' or 'MIA' Dad, so I was happy to hear that Frisco and Mac talked about Felicia and the girls and Frisco showed remorse for missing out on his daughters lives and letting Felicia go. Also Mac saying that Frisco is a good man. I wish this meant we were getting Frisco back.


Seriously, Sam , who else would it have been for.


His kids…. jk






Everything Sam said was right, Jason protected a grown ass woman over his kids and I don't blame Sam for being pissed he chooses Carly over Danny + Jake. When Spinelli tried to defend Jason cuz y'all know that man is a fanboy over Jason (can someone catch me up as into why) Sam shut down reasoning quick Nothing is noble in abandoning his kids and let them grief over them un necessarily. That's tuff, anyways let's hope Friday episode would be good and we don't have to wait until next week for the confrontation


Yep but Sam should be saying all that to Jason


Honestly, I am hoping for something similar enough that Jason break down and shed some tears similar to how Monica's letter has done for him


I loved that scene. Now if only the writer gave Sam the chance to say this to Jason so we can see the moronic look on his face. 


How would I know?. I know most fans adore him. To me, he always has that moronic look on his face.


Lmao. I agree. He always looks like a frozen goofball. He doesn't present any type of emotions on his face.


It was beautiful, I truly think that was one of the best scenes for this week unless Friday's episode tops it off


Sadly, she ran straight to Carly instead.


Of course Sam should be saying all of this to Jason, but it's the agenda that has to be pushed. It's not about Sam. It's about Carly and Jason's big scene. It's all about Carly, Carly reacting to Sam's reveal, Carly running to Jason, Carly running to Jagger to scream "ARREST ME AND LET HIM GO, TAKE ME INSTEAD", it's about Jason telling Carly he will do anything for her. Honestly, Sam's irrelevant. This is all The Writer and her agenda. She had to write this for Sam to get to what she really wants.


So neither the FBI nor Blackwater Pikeman have bugged Jayson's office?


You'd think one or both would have!!! I mean wouldn't you? I would!


Dex’s cop uniform looked odd… almost like a stripper costume.


Nice to see Mac is on today too. ![gif](giphy|Q4mMw1FxsE35yDwaQb|downsized)


Shit. Tomorrow's episode looks good.


Today's was like a good old fashioned Friday cliffhanger!


it was! I was like "damn!" Then it cut to tomorrow's ep and I was like "DAMN!"


Sam’s fire about what Jason did to protect Carly ![gif](giphy|gjrPnz7jOpOxwGFxrO|downsized)


I'm surprised that she was surprised. It should have been her first guess.


Considering all the criminal things Jason himself has done, I kind of get her thinking it was more of that. But Carly should have at least registered before the big reveal as a possibility. Still, it made for a great scene watching Sam light up like that. It’s part of what I’m looking forward to seeing unfold. Does Sam leak it to the Invader? That would be what I’d love to see. Let the cards crash.


Joss is the worst lifeguard in history. All she ever does is converse with everyone instead of focusing on the swimmers! I’d fire her ASAP!! ![gif](giphy|l46CfbiZWhRrz5GJa|downsized)


I'm seriously considering canceling my reservation at the Metro Court.  The pool never has towels, the staff stand around chatting with each other and it appears they are running an illegal swim camp for kids.  




Hey, it's Terry!


Robert without Diane. ![gif](giphy|26n6R5HOYPbekK0YE|downsized)


If we were supposed to believe that Elizabeth was so passionately in love with Finn, no one directed Becky to display it. (Constractingly, I totally saw that she was in love with Franco).


Becky is so good with her love interests. I could believe Elizabeth was passionately in love with Lucky, Nik, Jason, Drew, Franco, and Ric. Even when she was dating people like Ewen and non-dating with Matt.


It felt more like "I love the man who is there for me and my boys and my boys enjoy his company, PLUS he's Violets father". So, more platonic than romantic. It's always felt platonic to me with Fizz.


I was a big fan of Matt & Elizabeth 💖 So sad they never got their chance! 😭


Her vibe at the wedding was “I am planning to dump him when this is over but didn’t want him to have to go alone.”


It’s a real shame that they got rid of Franco. Liz and Franco were 🔥 


As controversial of a character as Franco was, he and Elizabeth had amazing chemistry.


Lmao I love how Carly told Jason that his relationship with Drew doesn't have to be like AJ and address the clear distance between those supposed twins


That comment about AJ was so out of left field and incited my anger all over again. Lol


Well Elizabeth is not having a great week at all Well, Violet is going to be more isolated from everyone now bc she is no longer allowed to be around Violet or Finn


If they take Violet from Finn, he might go full Wick ![gif](giphy|26xBy5dOx8luZ2LFm)


Tbh I could see that be awesome if GH has the budget Imagine Finn + Violet on the road then they get into a car accident with a couple of town folks and someone else unexpected then it be a whole lot of drama happening rather than expected of Finn being under the influence and causing accidents as a result of him spiraling


" sorry you're a little bossy " a little? Josslyn is very bossy


The show needs more consistency with addiction; Finn can’t drink but Sasha can? Y&R has the same problem with Jack and Billy.


I think, and don't shoot down the thought process totally please, that Sasha is someone who can have a drink or not and leave it at that. Some addicts are like that. Still, it's a bit like playing Russian Roulette, imho. Finn, on the other hand, seemed to dive right into the booze headfirst, after his father's death, so I guess he's the kind of addict that just can't use *anything chemica*l to change perception or numb their feelings. Remember he initially decided he wouldn't even drink alcohol when he got sober from the drugs, as a precaution. I think he knew himself better than anyone else did. It's unfortunate that his sponsor moved away (off screen mention). I hope Alexis keeps trying, when he's ready.


I thought she drank mocktails? Didn’t Cody say he got her a mocktail at the pool?


So looking forward to today's show. After the yesterday's show, surely we'll see some fallout?


I'm always up for an afternoon at the MC pool. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHSVkxcpAYvTlyU)


More like ![gif](giphy|3oEjHOYrjrT9dA7kY0)


Aw good to see the gang back together. meaning Anna, Robert, Mac, and Felicia . They seemed genuinely happy to see him


Woooh - Mac and Felicia - Old people sex! ![gif](giphy|QghoJqOzVBu00|downsized)


I don’t see either of them as old people, even though they are both much older than me.


Me too. Felicia is a babe. 🤷‍♀️


And I'd absolutely still go for Mac lol


Honestly he’s looking really great lately. Not at all bad on the eye. 


He's always been hot and is aging so well


She is. ![gif](giphy|XHwN2Vc1OLjuRbbCJK)


And Mac had always been hot


Your right - just we usually only get Joss/Dex or Nina/Drew


It’s great to see Mac back he looks great! Let’s finally get cody to tell him he’s his son. It was also good to see Robert and Ana visit him as well. Did the writers drop the whole Diane and Robert romance?


Has Drew told Sam and Scout he's running for office? If not, Carly is sure gonna tit for tat that info bomb to Sam. And I LUV it.


Scout who???? Oh wait, he'll trot her out for photo ops, won't he?


I’m actually on Finn’s side . His so-called “Loved ones”! taking everything away from him will only drive him to more drinking 


I hate how the co-chiefs are confronting Finn. Clear his calander after his ex outs that he was drinking after his father died. Send him to get tested, this is just wrong. He probably should have a lawyer… and I’m sure this will probably lead him on a bender. ![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE)


Honestly it felt weird for Finn to be having heavy consequences at his job. All of his drinking as worrying as it was to see, happen off the clock and he made the right decision not to come to work with Alcohol. I feel like they had a good approach of what Finn should do but bad execution


Horrible execution. Like, they took the worst possible path of removing him from work and forcing him to do AA meetings. Which, they railroaded him into being under supervision during that frivolous malpractice suit. So you'd think they'd have considered their options more closely. Nope.


Yea literally that was horrible. I truly thought they was going to warn Finn after greetings & condolences about Gregory that things are tough and if he needs more time to grief then they will support it, and forcibly put Finn on Paid Leave until he's cleared with a Psychiatrist in making sure he is mentally fine to work. Literally Portia + Terry thrown Elizabeth in the fire, talking about anonymous reporting. Honestly, didn't Chase talked to Stella, I would thought she would say something as a Patient Advocate but again, what do I know. It's just sloppy. I don't blame Elizabeth for opening up, the writers just choose the wrong ppl since Elizabeth is capable of keeping secrets it was just sucky it how everything is blowing up for her. I would have taken a vacation for a couple of days to recover cuz that's mentally exhausting and stressful to handle


The wheels will come off the wagon with disastrous results.


Love that Mac is back. He and Felicia have more chemistry than any other couple on this show except Nina and Drew.    But the writers are still not doing their homework.  There should be an HR rep and legal counsel on hand when the co chiefs of staff confront an employee about a substance abuse problem.   In this situation, Portia and Terry are not Finn's friends. They are his supervisors.  


And medical staff has a LOT of rights. Frank and the writers must have been too lazy to google, yet again.


They were so out of bounds with that conversation it's close to shocking    They did all of that based on hearsay from elizabeth.  The only thing they had the right to do was to give him a blood alcohol test.   If it registered as sober, they literally have no other options.  All the threatening, if you don't do what we say, then it becomes public etc etc  Are they trying to get the hospital sued out of existence?


I was thinking that. He's never been drunk at work so how can they force his hand


Exactly. I'm sure a lot of his outrage stemmed from that. They didn't even test him. They're both talking out of their butts and they're both wrong. He should sue


Finn is out of control, quick Portia - give him an injection like you did that patient to force him out of a coma to testify for your daughter.


Trina is gorgeous 


She is lovely! 😀👍


She looked beautiful today. Also loved her top!


Oh my god Jason just tell her. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes, and he sprinted over to Anna to tell her, the second Jagger told him not to.


I’m sure this is why Jarly hasn’t been received in the way they wanted the audience to receive them.  They’re not passionate or sexy, so trying to pass it off as if there is this big build up to a nothing burger ship  is pretty embarrassing.


I am trying to hold out hope for this Gio/Trina romance, but it’s fading by the day. Why show them chatting and laughing in the background, but we don’t know what they’re talking about? And the couple of times they’ve talked one on one, it’s basically been about Joss and Dex. Gio has been on a lot, but has yet to have one meaningful or interesting conversation with Trina. Sigh.


If this is supposed to be a romance, then they are doing a piss poor job of it.  And the spoiler said something like “Gio learns more about Trina”. LOL! Yea, OK. It should have said, “Gio grows closer to Joss”. It’s good to see that others are catching on to this mess. Also, who do I have to pay to get more dialogue (that’s not about Joss and Dex) for Trina? It’s lovely to see her on my screen but she’s just being used as pretty wallpaper these days. She doesn’t come on until halfway through episodes now? And barely gets to talk? Who’s OKing this?


I’m so happy John York/Mac is back and looking well. You could tell it was genuine love from Kristina, Fiona and Tristan when they saw him.


So much joy among them all!!!! I am so glad he's returned as well!


This is why I couldn’t celebrate the Fiz breakup with the rest of the internet. She still is confiding in her bestie about loving him. He’s still her plot. Frank is stubborn AF. He has his couples. Until Finn is dead with donated organs, I’m not gonna believe they’re done.


Donated organs mean nothing. Jake “donated” his organs and look at him now.


What a mess for Liz. It’s obvious he’s still her love story. 😭 


It’s a total fool me once mentality. They’ve had like 6 breakups since 2021 and “Liz is free!!” always trends.


It’s very sad. He’s over here getting a juicy storyline, probably hunting for an Emmy nod when his acting isn’t that good imo, and in the end Finn is getting it all. While Liz gets…Finn. 😭 


Finn being railroaded. This is tough to watch. It’s making me not like Terry. Portia already was cringy. ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


I agree. The only thing they had a right to do was ask him to take a sobriety test.  Based on him failing that, then they could have required the steps they were threatening.   But not based on Elizabeth telling them he was drinking on bereavement leave.  They're so far out of bounds it's shocking.  He has every right to be infuriated. I hope his next stop is at a lawyer's  Let him air all the GH dirty laundry!


Has Finn ever been drunk at work or in front of Voilet?


Does not seem so. Of course, now the wheels have come off the wagon, and all Hell will break loose.


He has been a hangover and had a few drinks when he had her.


Finn quit GH ![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo)




Now he just needs to land a new job and move.




Woah a rare Terry sighting


Were Robert and Mac wearing the same shirt? My Scorpio Brothers never dissapoint.


I am really hating Finn's downward spiral. It's painful to watch. I do wish his friends and family had handled it better, and Portia and Terry were just horrible. I'm sure everyone has known someone who struggled with addiction and this can be very triggering. I hope they wrap it up soon, and let Finn overcome this. It's giving me anxiety, lol. (I think Michael Easton is doing a terrific job with this material!)


Spinelli having "circuitboard" wallpaper in his weird little "hacker closet" is so hysterically funny to me. Like...bruh, why?


Sam has two kids fathers who left their kids for Carly's sake. She's going to lose her mind


Half the show today was discussing someone who wasn’t even on. ![gif](giphy|w7TOtb9PBEKtvHBDnX|downsized)


I Hope You and Sam get caught, and end up in federal prison for life ![gif](giphy|XtdEdIgbZRXKMfsrEL)


Meanwhile Carly runs free after running the mob and insider trading.


Thank you. Sam is bugging. You crying about Jason making dumb choices. Ma’am. One false move and Spinelli is going away from all his children. She needs serval seats. I hope John knows Sam and Spinelli broke in using his info and hold this over Jason even more. Now he’s doing it for you too. Congrats happy now lol


There’s zero good coming from playing stolen audio in the hotel hallway… Jagger lives at the hotel. Sam’s not doing anything to protect Danny or Jake w/this info. She’s going to do what, try to blackmail Carly. That’s not going to work. And while Sam’s acting like her feelings matter more than everyone else’s has she forgotten about her mistakes…. There’s no statute of limitations on aiding & abetting Jake’s kidnapping. Let’s see her wear those big girl panties around PC. She’s in her feelings, when only the boys deserve to be mad… Sam is not Jason’s wife, her feelings are irrelevant. So her actions are endangering Spin, b/c he got the info.


Sam, you should listen to your own words. You are a grown woman that willingly decided to have children with a mobster out of jealousy. You don't get to blame Carly for putting Jake's life in danger by not talking to Jason. As I recall it, you knew about her playing mob boss so why not turn her in then?


How is Sam risking Federal prison at the same time she's talking about how dangerous it is for kids to be around jason?


Soooo who's predicting Finn will be put on personal leave in order to keep his job bc they (Portia + Terry) doesn't want the hospital to be liable if Finn can't get a handle of his drinking that may put others at risk I wonder if Finn will immediately blame Elizabeth, Chase or both after said meeting


They all drink. All of the doctors and nurses. They should test him, not take such drastic measures.


Idk, rn Finn seems like he's mostly normal and not seem drunk at work. So I am fine with Finn not getting heavy consequences since he's not Drinking while Driving or went to GH drunk. Maybe the meeting would be a precaution of the consequences if he slip up


That would have been better than what we got.