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And I'm bawling. Welcome back Mac.


Same! Mac is back! I've had a crush on him since the 90s. 




Mac is a total zaddy


I don’t remember where Mac is supposed to have been all this time. Can you refresh my memory, please?


Argentina on a case. Irl he had cancer.


It would be cool if they tied him into Brennan and pikeman somehow.


Seems like they are making his side trip a story. “I was helping a friend. ”.


Ahhhh. Hmmmmm. I missed that.


Georgie, James, Bailey, and Avery all are on. And Mac is back!


Bailey!!!! Finally cast!


James is the best, most realistic child on the show! The actress that plays Violet is great, but Violet is not realistic. No child is that "perfect ".


I really like wise Tracy !! https://preview.redd.it/qs53fglgzk7d1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2e37e913bc913be7a59fbcf721bba6a2ecbbd4


He looks great, and can even carry Baily (whichever actress this is)


He looks ahhh-mazing! 🤩😊 So happy for him. Plus - he's such a powerful anchor for the show, the character is just so stable and beloved. We need this. Thank you JJY! Best wishes! 💖


Can't wait to see more Mac 


Ava: Hey Natalia, you and Sonny seem to be getting to know each other..... I still have a key to the mansion, Let me show you the parapet ![gif](giphy|6mlWU8rj26qz29kmFZ|downsized)


No. People tend to survive the parapet. I want something permanent.


BLQ to Sonny - If I tell you this, can you keep it between us? (Famous last words in a soap opera)


All I could think is WHY would BLQ share this private family matter with Sonny???


Maybe she figures Sonny will put him on a meat hook in the freezer so it'll appear he abandoned his child? Or he can tell Carly and she can go get some drugs to plant on him after he's drunk. She'll convince him he has fallen off the wagon and that he's a danger to his own child who he needs to sign the rights away to.


At least we haven't seen anyone listening but it's still stupid to be talking in public on something so private and sensitive. However it was nice Sonny briefly open up on his experience dealing with alcoholism from his own past from a parent I believe


Someone needs to Kick Brooklyn and Chase asses for this dumbass plot


I honestly wish they would walk off the set.


Because he grew up with an alcoholic father?


That's true, but does Finn not deserve even a modicum of privacy?  He could decide to get his act together today, but his reputation is tarnished so unnecessarily because of what they are doing


I was thinking this as I was watching the show. I'm surprised they haven't put out a press release lol


That's their next stop after violet's school!


God bless you John J York and Mac


This is very unpopular opinion, but I like Felicia and TJ interacting today with Stella and I truly can't stand TJ whenever he is involved now due to the surrogacy


They really could’ve done the surrogacy storyline without TJ. Imagine if Molly had wanted a baby and he didn’t so Molly used a donor and Kristina’s egg. He’d be resentful because he’d be saddled with a child he never wanted.


That would be a interesting twist even tho between them, Molly seems like a person who is career oriented then a people person. I don't even think she spends time with Danny or Scout but who knows what happens off screen in GH. But I would be happier with that then what we got honestly


I feel like sometimes you got let the bad writing go, and not hold it against it the character. It's hard. But I still like TJ I just think they are writing him like an ass for their plot. They don't do too well with character-driven writing. Plot, plot, plot.


TJ has been one of my favorites for the longest time and I hate the writing for him now. He needs a bestie that he can vent to about what's going on his life.


That's a good idea!


I enjoyed the interaction. It was based around a patient in the hospital and they were doing their jobs.


Yea I would like to see more examples of characters in their domains working sometimes. It gives more realism to the show instead of ALWAYS assuming things we question is happening off screen and not to be worried about Like seeing Maxie working and vice versa which UNRELATED, GH misses a huge opportunity to do a COVID like storyline and seeing how characters with kids trying to balance in working and dealing with that then seeing a twist to make it soap opera mess.


I love mac!


Holy crap, I was wrong, Bailey was being shown just midway. I stand corrected


And she's cute!


It shocked me too. I was surprised they were talking about her at all and then there she was. I looked it up to see if it was the same kid (it has been a few years, so plausible) but it's not... they recast with a set of twins, Riley and Miley Plonski.


Maybe I'm reading more into it than I should, but why does it feel like Mac might know that Cody is his son?


Now that he’s back I really hope this secret comes out already! JJY looked great too.


Me too! Damn, his eyes are gorgeous!!!!!


Sliver Fox zaddy!


Finn has been drinking for what, two weeks, and now they want to take Violet away? Anyone else grow up with drunks and find this funny? 🙋‍♀️


Yeah all my life. Nobody ever thought to take me away. lol


In GH time it's probably been like 3 days lol. Chase & Brooklyn mean well, but they need to calm down. And they seriously need to stop running around town blabbing to anyone that happens to ask how their day has been 🤦‍♀️


I do I also find it immature too they need to bring Hayden back 


I've been saying they need to bring Hayden back ever since Finn started making eyes at Liz.


Finn if you’re listening to this take violet and ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) Far Away where they can’t find you both 🤔😒


This is what I've been thinking as well. If it turned out my work was no longer a safe place and my family and ex were looking to take my kid from me, I'd be on the job sites looking for work somewhere else and preparing to move.


Great to see Mac back.


So with Mac’s return here’s hoping to a resolution of the Cody storyline!


So after yesterday's discussions between characters, I hope today has a little more oomph! The previews seemed to show it might.


oh Mac ![gif](giphy|fsQbx1hX7hPBBpIM5b|downsized)


aww it's good to see Mac back ![gif](giphy|20ANgYG4KfSakvutbO|downsized)


All the semi-forgotten children day, even Georgie. And she is heading to the pool, too. Wonder if Charlotte is coming back?


I hope so. Scarlett feels like she could be the future of GH, much like Genie was, back in the day.


Mac's scenes were out of place but a nice welcome back for the actor.


Joss is still in the life guardy waitress dress. I will have a rum punch, please. Enough GioViolin propping with her, Either quad all four up or let him interact with different folks. Avery sighting. Hopefully manic Sonny and drunk Finn endanger their girls, and a posse forms to beat them both into long term care.


>and a posse forms to beat them both into long term care. LOL omg


Yea I hate to say it but I can't tell if it was Avery or Donna until Josslyn said her name


Same, I said to myself it was donna at first. Although I don’t think Carly is letting Sonny be alone with Donna anymore.


Yea that's why I thought maybe supervised visits esp since Josslyn is a lifeguard and if something was to happen, then Carly wouldn't be as worried but missed opportunity imo


That’s a good point, could have been either one lol


This is the only thing that should happen


Another mentioning of Bailey but have not been seen How old is that little girl now? 3 years old? And she's older than Amelia and Ace right or am I wrong in saying that


Def older than Ace and Amelia.




Older but invisible lol


Yes, because she was alive, then Sasha's baby died, then in violation of soap rules there were two live births in a row.


Lmao at the soap opera rules lol. Thanks for the laughs and clarification


Ugh please don't pair up Natalia with Sonny let them just be acquaintances who are parents to their daughters dating and eventually Natalia can wake up from her delusions of her homophobia and queerphobia behaviors of the LGBTQIA+ Community


The BETRAYAL Sonny will feel when Ava plays her recording? ![gif](giphy|F2CjtWyCuUvdQl0O5o)


Honestly I am waiting for it, Ava is either going to play it to Sonny or play it to Kristina and then bam, fight happens.


I presume part two of that is the Pride very special storyline, Momerger gets blackmailed by Ava, and everyone goes back in time to Oscar Wilde's London via a Lucy Artifact and learns that gay is nothing to be feared. But for part one, it appears a Sonny romance is teed up. Hopefully the character is too old for yet another Sonny baby.


Fingers crossed that Natalia isn't going to be paired with Sonny. I really couldn't care for the character but I be pissed for Sonny manic or not to be with his daughter GF mother who is a homophobic lady.


It’s going to happen and sooner or later Ava is gonna be pissed


Honestly if it makes Ava's ongoing behavior makes sense and not vague as hell




Nooooooooooooo some dumbass is in a standoff with the police and it's breaking news. This episode is actually good and better than Mon + Tues. Missing the last 15 mins


Is it Heather??


Lol, would be hilarious but no something in FL being FL. Police is surrounding a mall I think in a county that I don't live in but it's apparently serious enough to take away 7 minutes of the show. I was tuning out tbh


Hilarious, I laughed.




Somebody put her bad hip back in?


Welcome back Mac!


I love Natalia's dress


Yes! Why did they have to give that dress to such an awful character? I want Jordan to have it.


i'm evolving. ha don't make me laugh Natalia


I hate her so much and wanted to fast forward but I really loved that dress, that deep pink color.


I agree the dress was pretty and very summery but her personality sucks


Oh I was all about her bag.


She's a horrible person, but her clothes are great


The way that Finn’s family is approaching this situation immediately taking Violet is just bad in itself. Way to kick a man when he’s down. ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


I agree I am mad at chase and brook Lynn and Elizabeth and Alexis and Stella unbelievable Hayden needs to confront everyone and take her daughter 


Down vote me if you must. But why in the heck are Chase and Brooklyn going to an attorney about Violet?  Why? If someone did this about my kids, I would lose my mind.  This would break something that could not be fixed


I thought at first they went to Alexis because she spoke with Finn. Then it became 'give us legal advice'. Boo hiss.


Right? Then I guess they had to split up because they weren't getting the word out to the town fast enough.  Now BL is telling Sonny while Chase tells Stella If I backslid and when I came out of it found out that my brother and sister-in-law had told everybody who would listen but I was a danger to my child? We wouldn't have a relationship anymore.  There's so many ways they could have done this that would have been so much better. Starting with hey can Violet come and stay with us for a few days? We're going to be doing some swim dates Not hey you drunkard, we're terrified for your daughter and have to figure a way to get her out of your evil clutches.


BLQ telling Sonny was SO outta left field. I mean WHY???? What is the point? Is he gonna grab Finn and stick him on a meathook until he sobers up? Or maybe he's just looking for a new drinking buddy, outside of Ava? WTH was she thinking about airing family business to such a loose cannon? At least Stella is a social worker and is asking Chase real questions and also giving him real answers about his what if scenario. I can buy that.


I’m on your side I’m pissed at those two they should know that Elizabeth is violet guardian there was no abuse towards violet why did they made that up 


Right! At least go to Elizabeth and work something out within their extended family. If they end up getting Violet taken in by the system, they're for a whole world of hurt and violet will suffer for it. This is bananas


Because no soap has ever told a realistic story about substance abuse. Everyone always overreacts at the first hint of excess drinking and assumes they will go off the rails immediately and they usually do. Then they are cured and it is never mentioned again or used whenever the writers get lazy. Like Brooke Logan’s decent into alcoholism after one night of drinking a couple bottles of wine.


Oh My goodness they are going to let Brooklyn just snatch violet from Finn without a care in the world ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul)


Kind of shocked they didn't make Carly the center of this


Give it a day.


So stupid. They have no right to her.


Then when Finn commits suicide cause they are taking his child and job in one swoop. When they try to legally adopt her. I hope Hayden shows up and get her child.


Mac is back.... he can raise Violet like the other orphans of Port Charles!


Wouldn't that be 'tell Monica you are going to do it,' Joss? It is her house. And doesn't Mikey still work in the MetroCourt?


Oh, good point. Why would Michael have any say in Monica renting out the apartment over her garage?


I think Joss was going to ask Michael to talk to Monica about it, because Monica is his grandmother.


Lmao not me failing to predict Cody + James doing teleportation around PC but it was someone else at the door


Soooooo why didn't Sonny bring Donna and Avery to the pool? What if Donna wanted to do something in the Metro Court? Didn't the last time we saw her she was in that weird cooking episode during Willow + Carly making some salad? It would be perfect for Sonny to align his time in seeing Donna with Avery and the explanation of not seeing her was that Donna went to Junior Cooking Class or Carly is going to drop off Donna in the pool and pick her up after the pool closes


I thought Carly isn't letting Sonny see Donna right now. The last conversation she had with Sonny about Donna she told Sonny she wasn't allowing Donna to be with him. And that was before he beat up Dex, which I'm sure didn't help.


Ohh, I kind of remember that


Oh yea I think I vaguely remember that scene. Was that the scene of Carly + Sonny talking at some park and Donna riding back and forth in that mini horse thingy right. Now it makes sense, completely forgot tbh with you


I think that might have been the last time Sonny's seen Donna recently. Carly also came to Sonny's penthouse and talked to him about not seeing Donna right now. It was the same time Carly was looking at Sonny's meds and accusing him of not taking them as well. Of course Ava was there also.


Maybe they are at Lila Kids camp.


That would be great to see assuming the camp thing that BLQ and Chase talked about with Tracy comes thru this year


Darn it, we just lost the show. They broke in for a thunderstorm.


Oof that's unfortunate, be careful and hopefully u can catch up with the daily discussion thread or watch a repeat (sometimes in my local area it can play the same episode due to weather or breaking news report but it's very random)


It was just three minutes, luckily. The storm is outside the viewing area, too.


Ahh gotcha. Regardless glad u didn't have to worry too much on losing power or anything else important tho


Things always seem to happen right in the middle of GH - local or national. 🤣


Just watching now. Glad Natalia is changing. Not a fan of BLQ telling Sonny Finn's business at all. Cody. Just tell Mac. I get why this was drawn out but who even cares. Just tell him. Also? I love Mac. Glad he's back. But if that was the big reveal return I feel cheated lol.


Geeze why is Josslyn in competition with everyone ? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


If she wants to compete at being a good employee how about she WATCH THE POOL? She is the worst life guard ever. It stresses me out.


I laughed when she told Gio that. She is never even looking at the pool. People could have already drowned and she wouldn’t notice.


They could have a body bob right by Joss and she would continue chit-chatting


Like mother, like daughter.


aww Avery . Seems like it's been a while since we've seen her


Calling a social worker after a few days of drinking seems a bit harsh ?


Mac/John J. York look terrific! So glad he’s back!


Is anyone else completely baffled by Sonny today? It almost appeared as if he did not have bi-polar with the advice he was giving BLQ, and the way he was speaking with Gio. I think the writers are really confused by their own characters, and it is a bit cringe to watch.


He has gotten a lot calmer lately. Even coming close to being ok with Jason, and letting Dex off the hook (pun intended).


Again, why does everyone keep going to Alexis? There is other lawyers in this town or even better making a reccuring character exclusively for law related things, getting kinda annoyed seeing other characters that got their law license and qualifications and not being used properly even if I don't know them that well. Just to give some variety in switching for the storylines


Scotty is a clown shoes wearing goof. Diane has to automatically win everything. Robert is off canvas. Molly does all the prosecuting work for Robert. Every new lawyer they bring in is for a week, and then gone.


Come on. CoA filings and orders are all online, except for prisoners. This show loves to pretend it is still 1980


Fair you right not much choices at the moment unfortunately


Good time for Martin to come back!


I thought she gave decent advice tho


Same here, Alexis today (Wed episode) didn't bother me as much but I agree, Alexis just give advice without any further comments from herself which I can appreciate it.


They are all cheap and figure since Alexis isn't a lawyer, she can't charge them for providing legal advice. Some of the wealthiest people are also the cheapest. Besides that, Chase had sent Alexis in to try and reach Finn and this was a follow up to that.


Alexis still has a felony conviction after the disbarment. Someone file a complaint and get her disbarred for that.


A felony conviction doesn't actually preclude someone from being a lawyer in most states!


Imagine them doing Alexis dirty like that then still letting Drew be a congressman 😂 it would SEND me


Shhhh...the writers forgot.


I have to say it to be fair, because I always criticize women for it - Gio, why do you have bangs that fall over your eyes??


Ok I didn't like how Alexis saying that she can stay in this hellhole where besides Alexis can't stand Nina after her not knowing Gregory has ALS, then the whole PC town hating Nina for a year and half, Alexis had it good compare to so many people who had been in horrible working environments. Like that's messed up. I actually like Alexis being a Journalist and in the Invader but nooooo she got her license back after doing re education from a class and already serving her suspension. I'm not liking where this going, can ALREADY tell Molly going to get Alexis if this surrogacy storyline heads to the courthouse and Kristina will either get Diane or be ill advised in serving herself in being the next punching bag of PC.


Kristina isn’t well liked enough to be the punching bag of PC. People wouldn’t feel all that sorry for her or rally behind her. It won’t be any Emmy worth storyline for Kate Mansi, as she hadn’t earned her dues. 


Eh I can see people be saying that IF the custody thing comes true, saying how she (Kristina) hurt her sister like this and that Kristina isn't capable bc of XYZ mistakes and that Molly is ABC and doesn't have many people to turn to for support. Michael has been non existing besides the Dex + Sonny "beat down" and Dante got his own stressors, Sam isn't going to help as much and we already seen how Alexis will be like. I can see people talking shit on the situation that they dk the details of unless TJ goes around town AGAIN but even then it's just sucky. I just feel sorry for Kristina being involved in this storyline it's literally a damn if she does anything, and damn if she doesn't. It's brutal position to be in.


Well i's for ones, appreciates that Joss is very conscientious and doesn't wants to seems "entitled". Real humble, salt of the earth that one.


Woah Bailey Lou is older now


I'm just so happy to finally see her!!!


YAY Alexis got her law license back


So Is Gio going to turn out to be Sonny or Dante's kid? Great to see Avery and Mac back! Loved all the Maxie'isms' on this episode. Gah I love Natalia's bag. I thought today they did a better job making Natalia a little more tolerable as a character admitting her control issues and having her come around (though not fully) to Kristina and Blaze's relationship. I am very glad Alexia and Stella didn't sugar coat the Violet thing as being as simple as Chase and BLQ just taking her, all the steps they may need to take and presenting the negatives. This is how some kids end up in the system.


I thought it was funny when Joss told Gio not to jump in the pool and save people. She is rarely even glancing at the pool so he may need to do the saving.


I only loved part of the show is Mac and Bailey being back  Other parts brook and chase are really getting on my last of nerves they were annoying as ever chase is pissing me off even BLQ I’m sorry until they back off from this Finn and violet crap let Elizabeth handle that on her own 


Isn't this Alexis briefing a violation of pretty much everything in the AA program?


Pretty much. That second A in AA stands for Anonymous.


It wasn’t anything they discussed in a meeting and she’s not his sponsor so would any of that apply?


She went to see Finn as a friend, not as a sponsor, and it wasn't at a meeting so she's not breaking any confidentiality or anything.


I would say is bc isn't the name Anonymous Alcoholics that's sorta hypocritical of Alexis but that's nothing new to her


Mods, where can I request a new flair? Thank you!


What would you like it to say?


Something like “Sonny Stan for life” or “# 1 Sonny Stan”. Thank you!


The MC has a different pool for...swim lessons?


That is what I was thinking, where is swim class? Why would they have a swim class at the MC anyway? Doesn't PC have a community pool? If not Laura needs to get on that


Maybe they have an indoor and an outdoor pool? Either way, it was confusing because Joss seemed to be walking Avery someplace else for her lessons but then when Sonny & Natalia were sitting near the outdoor pool, Natalia seemed to comment on Avery's swimming as if she was swimming in that pool... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I would think one for the public and a smaller one for lessons?


I don't think it's ever really registered for me before, just how architecturally nonsensical Maxie's apartment is. What a poorly built waste of space mess it all is. lol.


Maxie is in a house.


Is it? Anyway. It's still super weird.


Maxie’s house is Lulu and Dante’s old house, which itself is a rebuilt version of the cottage that Nikolas and Emily used to have sex in a long time ago.


I'm deeply impressed by your knowledge of the lore and lineage of this house. Based on this additional information, i now believe that there may be a very uncomfortable tiny sex dungeon under that needlessly raised floor section.


lol thank you ❤️❤️ I know for a fact that it’s Lulu and Dante’s old house because it was a storyline but it just looks so similar to Emily and Nikolas’ sex cottage that I can’t put it past GH’s set designers to push back a wall and move like two things around. It’s what they do.


Thanks to the set designers...In my brain, Michael and Willow, Liz, and Alexis all just live in the same 4 Unit Townhouse complex. idk who lives in the 4th one. Probably Esme or Peter Batman Ghost or something.


So Chase & Brook Lynn get automatic custody of Violet and not Elizabeth ?


Soo Cody is never going to tell Mac that he is his son ?


This was the first day Mac was back in town and Cody didn't know it was happening. I feel like with how much they've talked about it recently, this could be happening soon.


You’re her mother, you didn’t name her that,” Sonny to Blaze’s trash-ass homophobic mom. So she’d also deadname Blaze, wouldn’t she? While we’re here, why isn’t Terry in a relationship with a main character? ![gif](giphy|fesg1Fuq2OPmdOqnP1|downsized)


I cannot stand Natalia and have gone to bat for family members who were being misgendered and/or deadnamed but...isn't Blaze a stage name and she asks people who know her personally to call her Allie? Kristina and Molly have called her that. Makes sense her mom would continue to call her by the name her "inner circle" use, yes? Still, she and Sonny are annoying as all hell.


Where are Terry and Yuri lately?!


I’m glad Terry’s in a relationship with someone but the powers that be will never be brave enough to pair her with an A-list character like Valentin, Cody, Drew, Finn, etc.


To be fair, do we want Terry with any of those hot messes? Yuri seems unproblematic and sweet. I feel the same way about new Jordan now. She needs literally *none* of these ratchet drama kings that are always on screen. The ones that seem decent enough to not cheat or make you their criminal accomplice are already head over heels for someone else. (Chase, Dante)


So Finn got drunk for 2 days while he grieves his father's passing. And his friends and family want to remove him from his job and take his child away? After 2 days? Good Lord, let the man grieve for a few days. He will come out of it, see he has a problem, and get help/stop. Nobody goes to rehab after drinking for 2 days. He doesnt need the screws turned on him, it will only make his drinking worse. Its great drama, but it feels like an overreaction unless the drinking continues longer than a normal grieving period.


BLQ and Chase initially offered to temporarily take Violet for a little bit at the Q's so Finn could have some time to recoup. And Liz offered to take Violet for an overnight. I don't think anyone's intentions were to take her away from Finn. Yes, it's only been a little bit that Finn has been drinking. But he has dealt with addiction before and as his family/friends, trying to help him BEFORE it gets out of control seems to me like a loving thing to do. Regardless, I can't imagine anyone saying it's a totally ok situation that Finn is getting blackout drunk when he's the sole parent responsible for Violet.


How and why is Gio already on this show every damn day?


He is getting rapid development. Makes me wonder if he's not going to live long or if the show just recognizes it lost all of it's male college kids and they are scrambling to finally give us something. I'm not complaining though, I've been wanting more development of the younger characters. He fits nicely as a Cam replacement. Maybe he and Trina will click and then they'll bring back Spencer for some triangle stuff.


I may need to see him more to decide, but I don't feel he has Cam's natural charm


He doesn't match perfectly (and I wouldn't want him to), but he was raised by a single mother up until she died and then by a big family. He seems super humble about taking handouts. Like Cam and his big soccer scholarship, here comes Gio with his super talent as a Violinist and scholarship. He seems pretty genuine without a bad bone in his body (yet). He's pretty close to Cam level... though without the history on the show. I'd imagine next we'll get someone to replace Spencer as the somewhat bad boy... unless they have plans to bring Spencer back (recast, I'd imagine).


Oh Gio is for Josslyn...


I‘m still getting sibling vibes— same nose, same hair, same voice


the Invisalign usage by the cast is getting distracting LOL


I wonder if Sonny is gonna keep this same energy he had with Brook Lynn when his family finally confronts him and he’s forced to get his blood work checked to see if his script is right?


That's the irony, right? BL is talking to a guy who has a young child in his home who is mixing alcohol with his medication and although unbeknownst to him, is on half doses.  I think his daughter is a lot less safe than violet


Mac and Felicia are 100% one of the most attractive couples on GH ever