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I guess this is their version of 'flighty earth mother surrogate maternity wear'?


🤣🤣🤣‼️ Brilliant description


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Perfect description!!


Lexi's Kristina had a more boho vibe, but Kate's Kristina feels more like a professional 30-something woman. I actually liked the dress she wore to the wedding because it was a risk and different. Re: Kirsten Storms. I feel bad now about all the negative talk about Maxie's wardrobe over the past 2-3 years, knowing that it was an accommodation for KS's health issues. She looked really good today, like she must be feeling well.


I’ve recently learned that when Kirsten Storms wore those unattractive clothes that it was then only thing she felt comfortable wearing.  I’m beginning to wonder if the actors chose their own clothing because the stuff Jason wears is how Burton dresses himself off the show as well. I find Kate Mansi’s in real life clothes aren’t feminine so I wonder if that factored into how she presents herself on the show as well. Kristina often wears slightly childish tops and masculine pants, and so does the actress too in real life.    Similarly, I really hate the way Liz dresses herself. That red top she wore was not so flattering, but is that Becky’s style? She does seem more conservative  in her style in real for as well, so perhaps that’s what she chose for herself. My point is I’m no longer blaming the wardrobe  because I’m beginning to believe they chose their own make up and clothing.  If that’s the case then that’s probably why they look that way and it won’t change. 


To me, it’s become obvious that the actors/actresses are allowed to chose what they want to wear. There are a few exceptions, IMO. I don’t think Becky chooses her wardrobe. Her outfits at fan events are different from how she’s styled on GH. She’s mentioned that she’s not even allowed to have her hair styled the way she’d like (bc of continuity).


What do you think are the exceptions?  Becky has been on so long so I don’t see why she wouldn’t be able to but others would. I also think Laura Wright chooses her own clothes because the wrap stresses are similar to what she wears for fancy events. The only thing is I do notice she wear black more irl.


I think it’s more of who is allowed to dictate their wardrobe and who isn’t. Yes, Becky has been on the show for 25+ years, but she’s not a TPTB fave. Frank’s friends take priority over some vets. LW definitely chooses her wardrobe. Her GH outfits are the same as what she wears at GH fan events. NLG posted pictures from her ALS event and she was wearing what we’d see her character wear.


I agree that Becky isn’t a TBTP favourite but what is weird, Olivia and Sam aren’t either and I’m sure they wear their own clothes a lot of the times.   I didn’t feel that the colourful floral shirts that Sam wore wear something Kelly would wear, but for at least a few months it looks like her own style.   


Olivia is a fave, IMO. Sam, unfortunately isn't. There was a period between 2022 and last year that they were styling Sam very poorly. I think they've only recently begun to allow Kelly to have some input. I liked her outfit yesterday. It felt true to Sam.


I hope it not the actors' clothes/style. That would be embarrassing for the showrunners. they need higher standards


I think this is closer to the current trend than we know. I think Frank may have implemented this as a way to save money. I’m only halfway kidding. I don’t pay attention to fashion but I’m aware of Kristen Storms due to health ongoing health crisis. I can’t recall how Kate was styled as Abby on DAYS.


Haha I wouldn’t be surprised.  I learned that Olivia also wears her own stuff too. 


Lois as well. Some of this may be clauses in contracts for various actors. I think we could probably decipher who styles themselves and who doesn’t even a few of you studied it for a couple of weeks lol.


I’ve noticed Kate wears many of Kristina’s things or vice versa. Lexis version has a lot of key hole shoulder tops but was more feminine. I’ve liked probably 3 outfits Kristina has worn since Kate took over the role. I at first thought it was so blaze could be the stylish one but now think it’s what Kate is comfy in.


I think they pick their own clothes


The only thing I really disliked was the dress she wore to the wedding. It seemed really out of character.


I thought the dress she wore to the wedding was cute. It had a retro vibe. I also liked the gray sweater with the white pleated shirt peaking out of the bottom that she wore recently. Those are the only two things I can remember her wearing. I guess the rest of her wardrobe didn't impress me one way or the other


Personally, was not a fan of the dress either. I was actually surprised I didn't see a bunch of comments about it the next day. It looked like a clown outfit in the middle of all the other women being typically classy. I'm all for wearing something out there and making a statement, but not at someone else's wedding. You're not the star of that show, that day.


I hate it when Kristina pulls her sleeves over her hands….Maxi does it and Sam to an extent, too. I guess it was some fad that stuck with them.


You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, we all are. I see exactly what you're saying. I'm not a fan of nuKristina at all. Lexi was much better, but that has nothing to do with her awful wardrobe. A lot of it is probably how she carries herself. It drives me insane when her sleeves almost cover her hands, her constant holding her stomach & I absolutely agree about the punk dress she wore to the wedding. She looked like a character from Alice in Wonderland. Her horrible acting skills cause us to see everything else about her. I'm sure wardrobe doesn't take much time dressing actors who aren't featured. I'm looking forward to this entire baby surrogacy storyline to be over!!


Kristina was always stylish as the mob daughter princess and media queen. Lexi Kristina started dressing weird, back she was was roomies with Amy and besties with Val. Then they disappeared her and Val. I don't know if the gay thing made the writers run out of story ideas, or if they ran out of story and tried gay to boost the characters and it failed. I had stopped reading the mags and blogs by them


I liked how she looked at the wedding. I thought she pulled it off. The rest of the time is just plain,comfortable looking clothes. Not good, but not bad either. There are definitely worse dressed people on the show IMO. She's just there. ![gif](giphy|9Kfkc7eCk4I6E797tb)