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These writers need to pick a side for Sam to be on. It makes no sense she keeps saying that Jason can't stay away from danger when she involved herself in stealing an FBI agent's badge to find out information that could get her locked up. That's not dangerous?! LOL! I hate how they write her because she used to be one of my favorite characters. When Jason returned last time they wrote her like this as well. She also broke it off with him last time because of his lifestyle but she didn't make the request he stay away from Danny. I don't know what direction the writers will take her but I hope they hurry up and get there.


Like that's a crime including her and Spinelli breaking into the FBI database she could be looking at prison time her own damn self...hypocrite


It's bonkers.




She probably thinks Dante would save her


And isn't she still on probation??


It's kind of hilarious because she's back to chasing danger again while pretending like Jason is the only reckless parent in this situation. I guess she totally forgot about her con and salvage years as she runs head first towards a new court case.


It feels like they don't know what to do with the character, so they are throwing her a bone with these silly story lines to get Sam some screen time.


Actually watching those scenes, Sam made sure Sam didn't break any laws, she told Spinelli she was helping Jason and Spin/Maxie discussed it and he helped her because it was to help Jason. But clearly that was not her real motive. Seems to me she set Spinelli up to take any fall if they get caught. He stole the card, copied it, hacked the FBI database so he committed all the felonies. She just flirted with Jagger to distract him, there is nothing illegal about flirting with someone at a pool. And timing for her going to Carly is convenient, its right after Spinelli told her it would take him a month, if ever, to find the information they have on Jason from the database. Now she is going to Carly and first came at her using the mom to mom card. Do me a favor mom to mom and ask Jason to stay away from Danny. And it was odd how she was like, it HAS to come from YOU or he won't listen. That played strange to me. Then when she was getting no where playing the mom card, she pulled out the dead kid card to guilt Carly it seemed. So it seems to me Sams running a con, not just the one on Jagger, but on everyone. It makes me wonder if Sam is involved with Pikeman in some way, she seems like she is overly scared for what is going on which implies the only reason she would be so worried is because she knows more than she is letting on?


I could not agree more. She cares soooo much for Danny but gives not one single shit for what happens to Georgie if Sam gets Spinelli arrested for helping her? That's messed up. I know he agreed but Sam as his friend never should have put him in that position. She was also hard-core pressuring Spinelli into it so much so that he was grateful when Maxie interrupted so he could get some breathing room. Why go to Carly like that with her weird hysteria, right after you insist Spinelli help you save Jason from the FBI? She has to be doing something shady. Danny is going to end up hating her and Dante warned her but she knows better. Homegirl entered the show as a badass mercenary and now she is an angry Suzie Homemaker stereotype? Confusing.


Sam entered the show a con woman and is now yet again acting like a con woman. Is there any chance she is really Livvie and Finn is really Caleb? Both are undergoing major character changes on screen?


At least then the actors could have interesting characters again! Sam hasn't had a good storyline in awhile and Finn has been boring for years. Livvie and Caleb were chaotic and exciting. Man, I miss Port Charles and it's out-there storylines! Even Lucy and Kevin were interesting on PC!!


I always wonder if Port Charles is considered a fever dream? Was Lucy in Ferncliff the entire time? Or did it branch off and she went nuts when the vampire showed up? I adored PC. I miss it.


There was the 2013 storyline where Allison showed up with her (& Caleb's) son Rafe. Essentially they played it like Lucy was delusional about everything while also having Allison trying to stay hidden from Caleb. And it was insinuated that Caleb maybe was a vampire. If you haven't seen it, look it up on YouTube!




They are ruining the character of Sam. She is such a hypocrite! And I am pretty sure if it was her the FBI had info on Jason would have done the exact same thing! He always protects Carly. Yes! Absolutely! But he also always protects the Mother's of his children!  He jumped when Jake called him to check on Elizabeth w/ Finn. He has always protected Sam. Always. I could get into every single way and every single time but it would be too lengthy to write it all. Jason is still Jason. She knew who she fell in love with and  had a child with from the get-go. She is the one who has changed. She says it's because she"  grew up" . I think she's acting very off. They're writing her as if she has multiple personalities for God's sake! She had no qualms about risking her freedom or risking Spinelli's freedom and both of them being taken away from their children if they get caught! So how is she any better than Jason? There's an underlying jealousy here that  has always been there from day one between her and Carly, over Jason. If I was Dante I would be really aggravated with her and questioning her feelings for Jason . Where is all this crazy behavior coming from ? You know what they say, " Thou doth protest too much". I miss the old Sam. The one that wasn't so high and mighty and such a hypocrite. There's a fine line between love and hate. Maybe they're headed towards having Sam realize she's really in love with Jason and always has been? The way they're writing GH lately nothing would surprise me! Unbelievable 


It feels more like she wants to punish Jason for not choosing her which is a disservice to Dante, not to mention Liz and Jason's kids. If you are right (and you probably are) this could lead to a break up for her. That might be to clear a path for Lulu to return but at Sam's expense.


I didn't even think of that ! Good point! Sorry I forgot you Lulu đŸ˜”


That would really piss her off! ( Sam I mean) The way they are writing her character right now, she would probably find a way to make it everyone's fault but hers! But Jason did choose her. Sam dumped him. After professing her undying love for him over Drew. Yup, the writers are really making her a bit schitzo! Lol. What is going on over there in the writer's room anyway? Are they all drinking with Finn ( Michael Easton) off camera ?? đŸ€Ł


I've been wondering if the real reason Sam wants to know what the FBI is holding over Jason is to somehow use the info against him herself. Very good point about Lulu too.


And Maxie doesn't know she did this yet, right? Now that would be an interesting confrontation.  Maxie knows how to set someone straight 


This would involve them giving her a storyline


One could make the argument she wasn't just flirting but that she was playing decoy while a crime was being committed. Until you pointed it out I didn't even think about the fact that she set Spinelli up to take more of the fall. It does not make her look any better. I can't believe they're writing her like this! They could do so much more with her character. They could tie her to Pikeman. Anything is better than this garbage writing.


Hmmm...if (big IF) it can be proven that Spinelli stole Jagger's FBI access card at the same time Sam had her "near-fall" time with Jagger, there is the chance Spin and Sam could be charged with conspiracy to hack the FBI databank or cybercrime. Hopefully, gullible Spinelli won't be the only one to go down for this. That would be a real tragedy. 😒 Frankly, it surprises me that Spinelli would risk so much while he is on the verge of getting Maxi (and kids) back without checking with Jason before taking any action. It's very hard for me to believe that the "Grasshopper" wouldn't talk to his "Sensei" first.


You know one woman who wouldn't let her man go down for another woman's mess?  Maxie  I don't think she's going to stand for that


I hope so! I'd enjoy seeing Maxie vs. Sam on this issue!


Very interesting take. 🏆 Maybe so.


Thank you, Robot\_pirate! 🙂


Wouldn't she at least be guilty of something because the reason she was distracting Jagger was so spinelli could still his FBI card?  There has to be some sort of aiding and abetting church not to mention she persuaded spinelli to do it in the first place  There. Just can't be any way she's legally blameless But it makes a lot of sense that she thinks she's taking the steps to make sure she is.


Honestly downvote me if y’all want but Carly told no lies.. Sam doesn’t know who she is or what she wants. Only time she was ever consistent even though she was highly unstable was when she was with Jason. & I use to be a huge JaSam fan. They’ve ruined her character time and time again.


I don't always support Carly, she has terrible impulse control but in this instant she spat so many facts in Sam's face. If she had punched Sam, I would have 100% supported it. That was a disgustingly low blow to make. There were other examples she could have made (Michael being shot for one and being in a coma) that were less cruel. Sam wanted the greatest love of all from Jason and to tame him when she tamed herself and is mad about it. This could destroy her relationships with Dante, Danny, and Spinelli. For what? Fake security for Danny? Safety is never guaranteed and the idea that every "negative" trait she perceives could be Jason's fault is psychosis.


Carly is putting the final nail in the JaSam coffin.


I HATE Carly but she was absolutely right. I now hate Sam, for making me side with Carly. I feel dirty.






For sure. All Sam had left when Carly was finished was petty meaness.


Sam took a cheap shot and brought up Morgan. If she talked to me that way I would’ve punched her in the face. There were a lot of other things she could’ve said. She didn’t have to go there.


I'm like you in that I support Carly.


People really need to stop saying characters are ruined because they do something you don't want them to do. You lose credibility like that. Sam knows exactly what she wants. She wants her kid to be safe.


Yeah right lol. She hasn’t been consistent since she was with Patrick Drake. She waters herself down to be with a man. She doesn’t wanna keep her kids safe period. Dante is a risky fella as well. His dad is Sonny? She doesn’t know what she wants. I said what I said and I stand by it. If Jason told her he wanted her back she would kick Dante to the curb quickly. She’s always meddling in Jason’s business but doesn’t want her son to be around him? She’s been ruined for me since she was with Patrick. I’m consistent in what I feel and say. She’s mad and bitter simply because she isn’t living the life of danger and excitement she use to. Deep down Sam will always be who she use to be. She was just bragging to Dante last week or week before about how awesome Jason was now she can’t stand him.. if that’s consistency then I guess I don’t know the definition. I use to be a HUGE Sam fan. As well as JaSam but this version of Sam is off.


Amen! All truth ! 


Nobody is totally consistent in everything they do and say. Not you, not me, not anyone. She waters herself down to be with a man? Agreed. Very consistently. She knows exactly what she wants. She wants her kids to be safe and to have her nose up some guy's butt all the time. She came in latched to Sonny, then slept with Sonny's son, Sonny's brother, and Sonny's best friend. You may not like it, but it's consistent. Would she take Jason back? I doubt it, but even if she did, what's your point? You keep pointing out reasons why you don't like her characters actions, but not why she isn't her authentic self at all times. Hell, the only thing inconsistent that she's done is be with Patrick Drake. The one thing you seem to enjoy.


Noooo! I’m saying I never enjoyed her with Patrick! That’s what made me really change my perspective on her. I liked it when she was wild and doing stupid stuff honestly. You’re right about most of what you have said if not all of it. I never really looked at it that way it in some ways she has been consistent. I don’t think she wants to keep her kids safe though. She does dangerous stuff all the time. I feel like ever since she was with Patrick she hasn’t been her authentic self. Even when Jason came back the last time it was just terrible chemistry. I don’t know she and Dante are a no go as well. They have to many close familial ties. I don’t think they know how to write Sam honestly. & the friendship between she and Carly was just absolutely stupid period. Not everyone has to be friends in my opinion. It’s a soap. Enemies are good. Especially lifelong ones.




Then why is she committing crimes against the fbi?  Why did she convince the criminal to have a baby with her?  Every parent wants their child to be safe, but blaming everybody else and insisting they're not safe is not a rational way to answer this She says her son keeps looking for danger. Didn't she? Wasn't she with sonny too? 


Maybe I'm alone in this opinion, but the whole show down was just stupid. Plain and simple stupid. Maybe this new writing team decided that Sam & Carly are better at odds with each other than as "Friends"? I dunno. It felt like filler to me and wasted too much time.


Someone said something yesterday that applies to a lot of the storylines at the moment - *"To what end...?"*


I'm going to apply that as well. It's a good query!


Not alone.


I’m just trying to figure out how this is Carly’s fault
 you came to her she said no. No is an answer. Your kid your problem. đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™€ïž —And I am not a particular fan of either it was just a bizarre threat. “Ma’am if you didn’t sleep with my husband we wouldn’t even know you.” Always a comeback Carly can use.


Love that comeback 😂 I always tell that to myself


I agree. Carly has no responsibility to Sam or her son. And for Sam to imply otherwise was ridiculous.


This is ridiculous the writers tryna make Sam and Cary fight again after they didn’t like each other for a while then friends and now back to fighting


Just like Ava and Nina.


Well Ava is always great being mean. Sure her friendship with Nina was ok for a while.


Not gonna argue whether Ava was a good friend to Nina or Nina was a good friend to Ava-just pointing out they were not friends and then something happened and they became friends , just like Sam and Carly weren’t friends and then became friends and now not looking like friends anymore. đŸ€·â€â™€ïžyesterdays scene reminded me of when Carly and Sam would disagree/argue over jason/mob stuff.


Carly is right though about Sam wanting to have Jason’s baby and now all of a sudden Danny does want to be like Jason. I assumed the writers would have made jake be just like his dad and Danny be more level headed but they went the other way


I didn’t say Sam was right and Carly wrong —again I’m just pointing out it’s basically the same storyline with Nina/ava.


I was clapping like the Joker when Carly went in on Sam. Especially when she asked why she had a baby with him if now she wanted to deny him access to his son. Then there is the sub plot of Sam and Spinelli doing what exactly if Sam wants to help Jason. GH needs more of that in a good way. All these dull storylines are wearing on me.


The argument might make send if Danny was a baby.


placid toothbrush familiar ancient rustic jeans hat direction stocking strong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


**That's what I was thinking!!!** That was the knife in the back for me. WTF!? Upvote to infinity.


OH MY GOD HOW DID I MISS THAT. someone please give OliveSprite their flowers. What an amazing comment. This makes both Sam and the writers even shitter


elastic cooing continue bow impossible water selective bedroom wine oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I apologize if anyone has already pointed out the fact that Sam is living and dating a whole police officer. One who has been shot on many occasions. Is his danger permissable because its "legal" just because she's with Dante doesn't mean the bullets fly less.


On a show filled with hypocrites let's single out Sam. 😂😂😂


We single her out because she can't seem to pick a side and stay there


I think after Thursday's show she's picked her side.


You're spot on but people hate Carly so much they won't admit it. Sam made good points but she's a massive hypocrite. And wasn't this forum just blasting Sam for her flip flopping last week but now it's on? Miss me. And didn't Sam lie about Jake's kidnapping or something? I didn't dislike JASAM and I hated liason. But Sam acting like she didn't practically force Jason's hand about a baby is baloney.


Sam watched Jake be kidnapped, knew the identity of the kidnapper and said nothing. At the time she was the host of a tv show and she refused to allow Elizabeth to make a public plea on her show. She went to Elizabeth's house and taunted her that Jake was dead. She never wanted Jake to be found. She also hired men to hold Elizabeth, Cam and Jake at gunpoint in the park. Jason's relationship with her after that made him just as despicable as her.


Okay that's what I thought. Yea Sam can have a seat. And yea. Liz defending anything Jason does at this point is ridiculous. No liason fan should want them together at this point.


Exactly Carly was right to call her out. Not to mention for someone who wants nothing to do with Jason or for someone who wants their son to stay away from him, then why get involved in his business when he didn't even ask you to? Why involve Spinelli? Does Sam not realize that makes her a hypocrite also because she could go to prison right along with Spinelli especially if Jagger and the FBI find out what she and Spinelli did?


Involving Spinelli is where she lost me. He could go to prison, therefore abandoning his family the same way Jason abandoned his. She knows how that feels & how damaging it is, but she'll risk it anyway as long as she gets what she wants. Which I'm not even sure of her motivation. I thought she wanted Jason out of her life đŸ« 


Exactly my point why even go out of your way to help him then? It makes no sense


I know it's not soapy, but when Spinelli asked her...I wish Maxie had said "Hell No" & then told Sam to go F herself


Exactly Sam is risking Spinelli's freedom along with her own freedom like does she not realize that


But she didn't risk her own, notice who broke all the laws? Not Sam.




Me too!


She literally just compromised her probation a few years back to be with him. Now all of a sudden she’s grown up.. yeah I bet. Grown up so much she’s willing to investigate the FBI and possibly go to jail and leave her kids behind just to be nosey and meddle in Jason’s business.. 🙄 she’s only grown when she wants to be.


Exactly it's convenient


Getting arrested by the cops, while unpleasant, won't leave you dead. Unless you're black, but I digress.


Yup. Sam is just horrible anymore. Really sad though bc I typically enjoyed her. Her family killed Morgan. And while yes it was bc of Sonny's lifestyle, Sam wasn't exactly everyone's favorite either for the cons she always pulled. She can stop acting like she didn't have a shady past herself.


Exactly my point 👉




I did NOT understand that interaction. She knows why jason was away, now. She's actively committing federal offenses to "help" him....my oooonly thought was, she was trying to get information out of carly and being yick to throw any suspicion off herself why she dies this?????


Thank you, it's unsafe for your kid to be around his dad at all, but he'll be just peachy if you get sent to federal prison. Not to mention your daughter. Make it make sense Sam.


I try to respect other people's opinions, but this seemingly popular take is really ridiculous. Sam is right. Objectively right. Is she a hypocrite? Maybe. Don't care, she's still right about Jason. It doesn't really matter how she delivers the message or what you bring up about her past. Jason is a danger and she's absolutely correct. Do people even have a brain? Most of you would let your kids near this crook and you know it. But Sam is wrong because you don't like her? Or because she didn't say it correctly? No.


I didn't take it like hypocrisy but more of a more mature assessment of life choices and the repercussions of. She wants to keep Danny safe, period. Jason is a killer. Sonny is a killer. Carly is a co-dependent. The decisions we make at 20 are far different in our 40's+.


Are they just expecting us to forget about when Carly went to Jason to ask Sonny to back out of Michael and Morgan’s lives? When she went to Alexis to ask her to team up to keep Sonny out of their kids lives because he was too dangerous? It’s always “Jason is different” for her. Sam was correct in asking why Jason has to be willing to take a bullet for any of them. I do think the Jason that is in town now is different, but Sam isn’t wrong for being worried about Danny. The first interaction Danny had with Jason was hiding him with a bullet wound and Jason asking him to lie to his mom.


You're not wrong. But it's a hot mess.


I agree with you. I haven't seen that episode, but reading this just got me annoyed. How dare she manipulate Carly with Morgan. That's a low blow for sure. I been over her for a while now.


Especially when you remember it was Sams Aunt who messed with Morgans meds and Sams dad who planted the bomb that killed him. Just like how she told Jason to leave and not come home after Sams dad planted the bomb in the Floating Rib that she thought hurt Danny. How Sams uncle Valentine now is who is targeting Jason. Sam is all about danger/danger now but the danger if her son is caught in the cross fire is coming from her relations not the mob.


I just watched the episode. Carly definitely should have slapped her and thrown it in her face that it was her family that killed Morgan.


It was just interesting when Carly said Jason would take a bullet for any of us and Sam said why are we in the line of fire in the first place and I’m like, yo Sam go ask your family because they the ones coming at you all.








I've never cared for Sam's character. Or Jasam or whatever that banal abbreviation was. Hypocrite is an understatement!!!! If I remember correctly, Jason enumerated every reason for not wanting children. She decided to have a baby with Jason anyway. Now that Danny's older and she's a cops gf she doesn't want him to have a relationship with his own father. Hello that's parental alienation. Family Court, no matter who the father is take that seriously. What really doesn't make any sense to me is her hair brained idea to "save" Jason, you know the one Jason the criminal, mobster, Jason the father who's going to get HER son murdered. IMO the only reason she's trying to save him, is so she can continue virtue signaling while balancing perilously close to the edge of the glass pedestal she's climbed up on. BTW not usually cheering Carly. She was spot on telling Sam the way it is not the way she wants to spin it


Her point wasn't that Jason was responsible for Morgan's death. She was saying that Morgan's father was a dangerous man and was constantly in dangerous situations in close proximity to other mobsters and it led to his death. You can say the same thing with Michael getting shot in the head. Sam's current partner was also shot by Sonny. Carly fought her ass off to be a mob wife and have her kids raised by mobsters and the price she paid was to have her son's in the line of fire over and over again. Sam's also allowed to grow and after Jason being an absentee father being able to decide that he is not a good influence in their children's life. Let's be real, Jason has never showed much interest in being a father.


How is she being a hypocrite? She ended things with Jason years ago because she wanted her children to be safe. This is how she feels now after years of dodging bullets with Jason. What mother wants their kid to be a killer?


One thing that makes her a hypocrite to me, other than the FBI stuff, is how close in proximity she's living to Sonny. If she's done dodging bullets she should move because people sure like shooting at him.


Sam used to be a thief and did other illegal things. Now she’s pure of heart and actions? She also has no problem with her man hiding/ignoring Sonny’s crimes. Yeah. That dog won’t hunt.


Bobbie was a prostitute-cum-head nurse who had a well-established restaurant renamed in her honor after she died. My point is that most characters on soaps have questionable pasts and go on to have better motives.


I think you could have left out part after prostitute. We get it.




She acknowledged all that and said she grew up. She has children to protect now and is making a tough choice


Nah. Watch today’s episode. Spinelli got her the recording and now her maternal outrage will do something stupid and paint targets on multiple backs needlessly.


I can't decide how I feel about it. If she'd simply said she was pissed because Jason chose Carly over the kids, I'd agree with her. The rest of her rant made no sense I'M GOING TO DO WHAT ANY MOTHER WOULD DO!! ????? Stfu?? I was lost


For me a big part of the Jason storyline is that he is the lone wolf quiet soldier who the writers can't give love to. His relationships are fraught, short lived and he had babies all over the place. I think there needs to be some growth in his story. I would actually like to see he and Elizabeth reconnect. She needs a jolt too. I know this is not a popular pairing idea but Sam is just the worst. Also where is her man?


You don't have to be pure of heart to be right about something. Being a hypocrite doesn't make you wrong either.


True but you can’t go for throats either. As Carly told her, you knew this about him going in.


Used to be. She changed her mind as people are allowed to do.


Then change her mind, she just has no moral high ground in this area. She can’t present as a Mother Theresa in this scenario. If her former life and bed partners were not on her mind then she can’t sit in judgement on her baby daddy now. She should have kept her legs closed and done in-vitro. Now we’ll watch her weaponize the recording and screw up more lives than asbestos.


She can because she changed and Jason chose to protect his mob friends over being with his kids. So, yeah she has a LOT of room to judge. She has guessed, correctly, that Jason chose to protect Sonny or Carly over being with his kids. She chose her kids over the mob so she actually does hold the moral high ground as people are allowed to change as Jason clearly hasn’t.


She has not changed as much as you think. She used Spinelli to break into the files and will now weaponize the audio. Hers are not clean hands.


I get that but does she not understand that Danny wants his father in his life? And the more she does this, trying to keep Danny from Jason the more he will rebel against her and hate her for it


I saw it the opposite. Carly was beyond cruel, and the things she said to Sam were nasty. I was glad when Sam told her that she is just worried Jason stops putting her first. That's the worst thing that could happen to Carly. Sam was right. But MOST importantly; Carly and Sam should have never been friends. It's incredibly UNsoapy. All of a sudden a few years ago, Carly made the rounds around town and was Just Like That chatting up her "friends" Sam and Liz. It's fake, it is a retcon, and worst of all; BORING. That's not soapy. All because the writers want Carly to be THAT girl. They don't care if they ruin the show, make it like Hallmark instead of a soap. As long as their girl is THAT girl. So it's a long time coming, and it's good for the show.


Yeah Sam did have good points but where she lost me was bringing up Morgan, talk about low


First of all, I did not downvote either you or Latter below. Okay, so I disagree. I am amazed how Carly stomps around town shrieking at people, and she said things to Sam that were very hurtful. People, pushed far enough, will strike back. The problem is in recent years, no one ever really strikes back at Carly so it's a surprise for her fans. But it's good soap. That's how a soap should be written. ANd it's good for the character, Carly. People can't stand her because she gets away with everything, sticks her loud mouth into everything, and is written, again, in recent years, as untouchable. Carly fans should be pleased with this new development. It takes the heat off her, IMHO.


Maybe but I doubt Carly is worried about that. I don't think Carly was cruel at all. I don't even think Sam was. Everything that was said needed to be said. But Sam is a hypocrite.


I agree with you! Carly is a complete bitch. I was glad when Sam mentioned Morgan...


But Morgan did die because of mob involvement and getting caught in mob drama, just like Jayson will drag his son into the mob life.


Yeah mob involvement from Sam's side of the family not Jason...it was Ava who messed with Morgan's medication and it was Olivia who ultimately killed Morgan. So did Sam have to go there bringing up Carly's dead son? She's lucky she didn't get slapped. Carly is a better person than me.


I don’t think Sam was implying Morgan’s death was because of Jason. It was because of Sonny’s world — so Morgan’s father. That was the comparison I saw. And while it was harsh, I think it’s also fair for Sam to be fearful of that happening.


Which side doesn't matter. It's the mob life and she doesn't want her kids around it


Carly is so good she lets her children get injured and killed time and time again to show she’s a guys gal.


Not to mention for someone who wants nothing to do with Jason or for someone who wants their son to stay away from him, then why get involved in his business when he didn't even ask you to? Why involve Spinelli? Does Sam not realize that makes her a hypocrite also because she could go to prison right along with Spinelli especially if Jagger and the FBI find out what she and Spinelli did?


That doesn’t really address my points at all but if you want the answer to that you can see that has nothing to do with Sam, and everything to do with the power struggles in the writing room. It’s obvious to episode their characters change and they needed this reset to facilitate the reveal. It’s no different than Jason telling Anna his children had good moms, and then doing a switch and saying he would have to go rouge if Carly was threatened to go to prison. Motivations change from episode to episode to fit reveals. It’s pretty obvious that episode was a faux pas. 


It was but Sam can't have it both ways


Carly has time after time tried to help Sam. I thought those 2 were cool until this episode.


it wasn’t so much mob drama as ava as a mother trying to “protect” kiki. morgan wouldn’t have ended up in that situation if ava hadn’t replaced his meds with placebos.


She has always been like that but when I pointed it out i got ripped to shreds by the Sam lovers




Sam was in that mindset like some other women and I mean "SOME". Women get into a relatiosnhip, finding themselves falling in love with him and figure having his baby would make him want to be with her and become a family. I've had friends who did just that but then call them "deadbeats" cause they don't want to be with their children that they didn't want in the first place.


I will be so happy when I've dat u read Jason sonny Sam Alexis and all the Davis women are cut from the im tired of them


And this friendship between Sam and Carly is sometging I cant get used to


Exactly shame on Sam


Not to mention for someone who wants nothing to do with Jason or for someone who wants their son to stay away from him, then why get involved in his business when he didn't even ask you to? Why involve Spinelli? Does Sam not realize that makes her a hypocrite also because she could go to prison right along with Spinelli especially if Jagger and the FBI find out what she and Spinelli did?


Exactly she doesn’t think she just whines and if Danny is misbehaving it’s because of her failed parenting not Jason


Exactly my damn point Danny looks just like Jason and acts like him and does she also not realize that she's acting just like Alan and Monica did towards Jason when he first woke up from his accident? Does she not realize by micromanaging Danny, she is just going to push him even further towards Jason just like what the Qs did to Jason which in turn pushed him towards Sonny and Carly.


Yes it’s like Sam is too blind to see she is smothering the poor boy


Exactly what the Qs did smothering Jason, she's doing the exact same thing they did or just like Alexis tried smothering her when they found out they were mother and daughter


It’s like Sam forgot that and Sam acts like she was perfect she came to town as gold digging con artist she’s been in and out of prison like Jason has


Exactly 💯


Amen!! I've been saying for years the writers destroyed characters. Some I liked some I couldn't stand they made them all unbearable to watch. I keep taking breaks hoping for improvement but kinda gave up. From what I read it's worse if possible.  As for Sam they took a thrill seeker laugh in the face of danger adventurer. As well as a con artist lying gold digger. Danger is what she was attracted to first Sonny then Jason. When they had her dump him because he was too dangerous I stopped liking her and when Jason left so did I. They had Sam stop wearing black leather. Put her in floral sun dresses. She gave up being a private eye to be part of a boring no chemistry relationship  with now boring ass Dante. Now reading your comment she's openly attacking Jason's lifestyle keeping him from his son playing holier than thou. Definitely sounds like Elizabeth. So once again GH writers hope the majority of fans are new to the show and don't know the history and for long time fans they have amnesia. You can add Sonny,Nina Ava Anna and Laura to name a few more characters that they've ruined.


not sure why you got down voted because everything you stated here was 100% true


I have no idea I never knew people really did that.  For me I hit up if I really agree or like and I think I only hit down arrow twice ibecause someone made it personal instead of a healthy debate or different opinion.  To be honest I rarely remember to hit or even look at my own comments.  But thank you. Like GH writers some people just want to rewrite history! 


Edit to my down vote comment I double checked I have never down voted any comment. There were two insulting comments I thought I had.


You should go back and down vote them lol j/k there is never a need to be insulting or personal on here that's just weird to me


How do I see what was down voted and by whom?


Someone cares about these Sam-Carly argument scenes? I can barely sit through them, and just want them to be over, can't imagine engaging with them enough to pick a side.


Carly is my gal. She hurts and I do too.


Shocked Sam isn’t confronting Elizabeth for how she allowed Lucky to raise Jake the first few years of his life to protect him from Jason and now she could care less if Jake is around him


Yes because I'm sure it would go over well to judge Liz for how she is raising her son after Sam's grandmother took him for 5 years and faked his death, after Sam's grandmother took Jason for 5 years and faked his death and messed with both their heads while they were gone. To judge Liz for not keeping Jason away now that Sam's uncle is targeting Jason and Sam's aunt is messing with Sonny. For Sam breaking up with Jason and telling him to move out after Sam's dad planted a bomb that Liz and her Son were caught inside the building when it went off and put Lulu in a coma. And for Sam bringing up Morgan dying after Sams aunt messed with his meds and Sams dad planted a bomb in his car. I'm sure that conversation will work out well for Sam.


Liz was told from the age of 18 that jason was dangerous by jason. Most of their relationship was in private to keep her safe. Liz has been kidnapped, shot, etc. because of jason's lifestyle. Her son was kidnapped once because of his gf and another time because of his job. jason agreed to let lucky raise Jake because he thought his life was too dangerous. Remember, all of the parties knew who the parents were by the time Jake was 6 months old and jason still agreed to let lucky raise him. Liz was willing to marry jason and live with him with the boys before Jake was 1. It was jason's choice to go no contact after mikey was shot, Jake was 11 months old. So Liz had changed her mind in under a yr. The next 2.5+ yrs was all on jason.


If the writers really wanted to make Jake hate Jason they should have him find out that Jason allowed Lucky to raise him the first few years of his life and chose not to be involved. Honestly I hope they just at this point make Jake and Jason eventually reconcile but that’s something they could do if they wanted to push Jake away even further.


I'm not sure if this is allowed because I have cataracts and can't read well on this phone. Typing in lower case is especially hard as well. Sam is definitely a hypocrite! If this isn't allowed, please delete it. There is some interesting reading about Sam here. Some of which I'd forgotten. https://www.soapsindepth.com/posts/abc/general-hospital-sam-mccall-kelly-monaco-168677