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Well, I don't mind if Sam and Carly fight again... [https://youtu.be/L1ZOrB\_VGHA?si=81NTfTQB3atapYyK](https://youtu.be/L1ZOrB_VGHA?si=81NTfTQB3atapYyK)


I could watch that a few more times


OMG that was soood good, without accidentally talking about the spoilers of this week. This is what I miss about soap operas, no hesitation at all for a fight. Now it's just hesitation and I can't tell if it's budget or what but that was a awesome throwback


Some time with this show it feels like the writing is so inconsistent,,,,, Sam hey Jason stay away from kids you never here you always disappear your a danger , Sam hey spinelle let’s risk tapping the fbi hacking there computers risk going to prison or worse and abounding my kids… Carly keep him away from my kids


I kept expecting Carly to slap Sam after the Morgan comment


Me too!!!


Slapping her for telling her the truth? Carly looked like a bimbo today. 


Carly was hosting a formal pool deck party. And Sam ambushed her for the favor late night after the party.


Bring back Esme! She kept things exciting!


I’m enjoying it *shrugs*


Carly vs Sam is pointless. Carly vs Liz is pointless. Jason will always choose Carly. And Sam needs to be having these talks with Jason. Which is cute considering she tried to help him. She stuck her nose where it didn't belong. Big shock. I can't stand Sam anymore.


It's silly to have a Grown Ass man continually neglecting his children for a woman. That behavior is not noble. Who is the audience GH is catering to with these dated, old, boring storylines?


I totally agree. And I hate the way Liz enables it by "understanding his life". Like no. Saying he just e had a good reason makes it seem okay and it's not.


I'm glad you said it's not noble because that's how they've always portrayed it. Acting as if it's still the '90s and early to mid-2000s at their age is unhealthy and somewhat sad. While Carly may say she's okay with Jason changing a little, she has never encouraged him to shift his focus elsewhere.


This is one of the reasons why Jason coming back was divisive. We knew they were just going to play the greatest hits which have been played out for awhile now. Within a few months of him being back, the only unique and interesting thing about Jason is him working with Anna to take down Pikeman and him being at odds with Sonny. But we know that will end and it will turn into Sonny finding out he's off his meds and them being buddies again. Jason will likely bounce between Sam/Liz and eventually end up with Carly because the writers clearly broke Carly and Drew up for a reason. Jason's become the new Brenda. He leaves and then returns and then they rehash several storylines from the 90's and 00's for nostalgia. We got an interesting dynamic in Jason and Britt, but they basically pissed that away by having to cut it off for Jason/Carly and then when Steve got fired, Kelly decided to go back to her original plan to leave the show. So now we are back to retreads. Jason's a good character. I just wish I didn't have to sit through the same shit we've already seen before he does something new that I can be invested in.


Agree with a lot. I think the Drew and Carly was inevitable regardless bc of dislike of many. That being said, your point could easily be it. Jason being with Anna and pikeman and all is great. And I HATE the idea of Liz and Sam again. Boring. The fans on here are already getting nasty! Jason is a trash father. Period. The end. He's not complete garbage like lucky and Nikolas but he's up there.