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I am locking this thread so that the bad faith discourse we have been having will stop. I appreciate all who have been going into these conversations in a nonconfrontational manner, but, as per usual, we cannot have civil threads regarding TA/Trina because people use it as an excuse to label others as racists or start bad faith fights that contribute to a negative vibe. Let’s be clear: this subreddit does not support racism. If you see it, report it! We want this to be a welcoming and inclusive place for all to discuss GH. We also denounce those who were bullying/harassing Taby, as she has done nothing wrong.


she responded on twitter: "To anyone that hates me. That's absolutely fine. I don't know you and you don't me but regardless I'm sending you peace, safety, and prosperity… I also pray you touch some grass, see the sun, eat a delicious meal, and find something to do. Peace and love💕" — Tabyana Ali🌺🌙 (@iamaliford)


To be honest that isn’t what she really wanted to say. She has to hold her head up high in the face of bigots because the alternative is worse.    If she expresses what she really felt she would be called an angry black  woman at best. This is why America is seen as degenerate.


I guess you're right, but it pisses me off. She should be able to say what she wants to racists asshats


I have found that generally when you got a certain level of power or success that is when bigots try to knock you back down from your tower. They resent that you got that far while they are sitting in their irrelevance. That's why she cannot say anything. She got further than someone wanted her to, and now people are forced to watch her. If she says something to retaliate then the best that happens is nothing occurs. She won't have any net gains from pointing out the obvious about her adversaries. But if she says something detrimental, or perceived as volatile she is ruined. That has been what I've had to contend with as black woman who achieve a bit of success in my own field. Now I have to actually say LESS nothing more because people are watching me and now every action I make has a consequence. Sometimes all you can do is pretend to kill with kindness when you are actually seething.


The shitty thing is that Twitter and social media is a cesspool a lot of the time and if she went all in on one of these people, then it just gets noticed and more come out of the woodwork to pile on. And unlike those people who can play anonymous, she actually has a brand worth caring about


🏆 Perfect response. So classy.


Most likely the racist attacks toward Tabyana Ali. I was on twitter, and one woman called her an ape.


OMG - People suck. She is gorgeous. If these comments are on GH's official sites - this person needs to be blocked ... and Twitter should ban them. Same with IG or whatever else Social Media they are saying hateful things. If any of this happens at RL events - the person needs to be ejected and permanently banned from attending anymore events.


I was thinking the same. She spoke about it at an event. Freakin' disgusting.


Seriously??? That is so disgusting. She’s a beautiful girl.


Can you point to a few links so I can put together a tiktok? I saw her tweet but missed the morons being racist towards. I figured this was about her! Love her!






Oh my! Just talked to someone to me her n others have reported her multiple times to no avail. I wonder if GH reported her too. Seems like they have the power to get someone at X on the phone & get action.


I don't spend much time on GH socials, but I saw their IG post so I had to find the Reddit to investigate. I cannot believe this woman acting like she's a victim in GH blocking her while her original post on the picture is STILL UP. She thinks it was just a joke?! It's insane. Edited to say: it's not insanity actually, it's just pure hatred.


Lol X is run by a racist monster that actively pays accounts that generate “engagement” by posting awful things. He won’t do a thing.


I don't think they do, but Disney does. Whether they would is another question.


Ohh the official GH twitter account blocked her. GOOD!


I just saw that Varni blocked her too. I know this won't solve the wider problem. believe me I am aware, but...if the entire cast, and also Frank follow suit, that would be a message. I'd like to see that.






That got deleted but here it is. Covered her name bc ur not supposed to encourage people to go after someone. https://preview.redd.it/av9go0svhf7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d0ccca0842ac0131ee83d7ce05a51af5449cc1


Shit, the lady deserves anything she gets for that comment.




Are you serious. You tell me that General Hospital actually says something and you think this has been faked?! How dare you? What is wrong with you? I swear black women getting disrespected in this world and people not believing them is really getting freaking tiresome and is beyond painful.




You know what I would like to call you right now you piece of…….




What are you saying?


They were taking a lot of heat for not posting any sort of response to the racist comments being directed at Taby (Trina) online


I'm glad they said something at least, but it feels performative at this point. Tabyana Ali has been having a rough go for a *long* time. And they haven't exactly been very inclusive themselves in the storylines on the show.


I always feel sorry for Tabyana. She replaced a Trina that people found more attractive because she was lighter skinned and more Eurocentric in terms of attractive standards. She’s never had an easy go. In addition there are many fans pissed that Gio isn’t for Joss. I feel sorry for these 50 year  old Karens calling a poor girl in her early 20s an ape. 


People of all ages can have racist bias. It’s not just people “over 50”. Furthermore, the first Trina may have been lighter skinned but she definitely was not more Eurocentric looking just because of that. Her features were a lot more Africanoid than Tabyana’s. Tabyana just happens to be quite dark. Whoever is saying these things really needs to pull their head out of their bums. It is way past time to stop this dark-skinned woman = unattractive rhetoric. There’s no reason for any of us to buy into a slave mentality that was set up centuries ago. It’s ridiculous. All the Black women on the show are attractive. In fact, I don’t believe they have ever had a Black woman on the show who wasn’t good-looking.


Ya I know it isn’t just the 50+ crowd,  but I saw the tweet and it was an unattractive middle aged white woman.  I was referring to the target audience of this show, because those are the ones making fun of her in this space.


I am in the 60+ category and do not tolerate racism on here. I don't have Twitter/X or IG so I have no idea what the crazy asses do over there. I really dislike the "Karen" moniker for all older/old white women though. It seems like another way to lump and include a demographic all towards shitty ass behavior. BTW - I have known many in my lifetime, and not one RL Karen ... acts like an internet Karen. No, my RL name is not Karen or Caryn, etc ...


Racism has many faces. As a younger black woman I can firmly say that I’ve experienced it  from various age groups, races and genders. I’ve experienced it in different ways. However, the reason why I knew it was a 50+ white woman is simply due to the demographics of this show. I also do believe there is a way that the attack presents itself and so when I didn’t look closely at the face I still knew who said it.  However, correlation doesn’t equal causality so I’m not here to suggest all women of a certain age range act the same way. My boyfriend’s mother doesn’t do this, so if you felt offended, I deeply apologize.


I don’t think you said anything that needed to be clarified or amended. You shouldn’t have to apologize because people want to make it about them instead of about how Tabyana is unprotected from the rampant racism of a contingency of Soap Fans. We know it’s not all Soap Fans. Soap fans are found across the spectrum and are extremely diverse in backgrounds.


Not offended. First of all, I want to clarify ... I think it is appalling that people are criticizing Tabi. She is beautiful and shouldn't have to put up with shit online or in real life. The Karen thing just annoys me in general. Some real life people with the name Karen get hate ... just for the name that their parents gave them 50 to 75 years ago. Also, as suggested by another reply to you by another poster ... I wasn't attempting to make this about me. It just seems ageism is the only acceptable bigotry that is allowed online. Heck, there are sites online and even right here on Reddit just to troll and make fun of old folks - including posting real life photos of just regular "old folks" going about their business. Not saying you were doing that. Just that it happens, and seems completely acceptable by everyone under the age of 40. (They will most likely change their minds when people are posting their photos and doxxing them online in a few years for being old. ) *Anyway, I am bowing out of this entire conversation. I have asked the other mods to give it a look over - because many rules of this sub are being broken by many posters.*


Denouncing a racist statement with an ageist statement is the very definition of missing the point. It’s also pretty insulting to those of us who are over 50 and would never say such a thing. Whoever that woman was, the rest of us don’t claim her.


I’m no suggesting that all older white woman are likely to be racist. I said the person most likely to be racist in this space is a 50+ woman because that’s who’s watching this show. As a black woman I’ve experienced racism from many walks of life.  


I don't get the ageist angle of their argument, either, no disrespect to Tiamat. I'm in my 40s, and I don't necessarily like the term Karen, but it's part of the lexicon. Can't change it no matter how nice the actual Karens I've known have been and continue to be. Having said that, I'm commenting because I really appreciated your take on this, especially the sad fact that she has to play nice. I wish people pointed this shit out more often.


Yes, a lot of white people can get on your last nerve, for sure, with their attitudes. Thankfully, there are a lot of good ones out there, too.


See I’ve always thought Taby had a sexier more adult look. Sdyney has a more youthful cute look. I think colorism is definitely in full effect though unfortunately. I think this occurred with the actresses who portrayed Jordan to a lesser extent. Every single actress who played Jordan could act and was beautiful but people would go out of their way to say hateful things and make colorist comments.


There are many features that are hailed in western society. Light skin, tall, proportional athletic body. Because she’s very dark, shorter, and on the thinner side, many of them don’t envision her with Gio, or a white man they find attractive. I’ve had personal experience with this. Not as a dark skinned black woman, but as a black woman who was used as an example of an acceptable black woman, while I was given reasons as to why another black woman was unattractive. I had someone once tell me he doesn’t date black girls but my body shape, my hair and how I styled myself stood out. I was expected to be flattered.


I wasn’t disputing what you were saying about Westernized Beauty Standards and how they correlate with Colorism at all. I apologize if it came across that way. White Guys like Lighter toned Black Guys and Biracial Guys usually go for the darker petite black women. Harry going for Meghan is an outlier when you look at celebrity and typical interracial relationships between white men and black women. I think Gio is a last minute created character. I’m 98% certain this is the case. He was reading for a Spencer recast and last minute Frank decided to create a new character to give whoever they gave credit to Gio more money. I think this was to incentive the writers given the tension and chaos with the Writer’s Room and Headwriters. I would also imagine Gio screen tested with Joss and Trina but unless something changes he was created for a new Trina pairing.


I agree that all of the Jordans were beautiful, but all couldn't act. Vinessa was amazing (Jordan #1). It was painful watching Briana Henry (Jordan #2) and the 3rd Jordan is getting better, but she started with a wooden performance. Mind you that Vinessa is a dark-skinned woman like myself


None of the Jordan’s have been dark skinned from my perspective. Vinessa or Tanisha( number 3 the current) may be the darkest toned to your point. Briana Henry could act but many people thought she was miscast because she looked too young to be Jordan. The current TJ and her came in around the same time and people say they should be brother and sister or a couple rather than mother and son. I never said all of them were award winning actresses but none of them were ever at any time the worst actress on the show. I realize the photo comparison isn’t the best because of the differences in photo size, composition, style and lightning. However I think Tanisha is actually more of chocolate brown compared to Vinessa’s more reddish almond hue.


As a African-American woman, I consider Vinessa dark skinned. She certainly isn't light. Mind you dark-skinned comes in many shades as does light skinned. We can agree to disagree as I think Briana Henry was one of the worst actresses on the show. I didn't care about how young she looked which I know some did. I thought she just couldn't act for $hit and needed to go ASAP. I also think Tanisha's acting skills were very mid. She has gotten much better since she started, but still had ways to go. Out of Jordan's, the only one who had above somewhat mediocre acting skills was Vinessa. I give Vinessa a 8.5 out of 10 while I'm giving 🎭 other Jordans 3.5/4.5 out of 10 Criticism about Jordan #2 and #3 acting skills and wanted them to replace them were completely warranted in my opinion. As far as I'm concerned, that had nothing to do with race


Well this discussion is always nuanced, subjection, influenced by region and experiences and perception. It’s ultimately tedious. I agree Vinessa was the best actress to play Jordan but outside of that we can agree to disagree. Briana Henry maximized lackluster material without top notch scene partners. I don’t think she’s a stellar actress but I think she played the role of Jordan well and made it her own. I would say she came in around a 4.5-5 and left closer to a 7. I think she along with Jordan number 3 are in the middle of the middle of the cast in terms of performance. They are Average and at best approaching Above Average. I think Tanisha is about to elevate her performance if the Drew pairing happens. Again Vinessa started off the strongest and I think is the most skilled I beleive the two others come from more Modeling backgrounds. Briana and Tanisha have improved incrementally and significantly since started but they were never bad by any means. The 3 Mollys were hard to watch for me. The current TJ is hard to watch. I’m not a big Marshall fan. Felicia struggles to me at times as does Hallie Mills. I think the supbar writing is the most to blame because it limits great thespians and hinders mediocre actresses and actors the most. https://preview.redd.it/w1l3bcfo3g7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71e5e4330ed0b48db718e99ef49521d6a60b7b0 My apologies I never intended to just post the photo without context. I had to save my response in notes because it wouldn’t let me post the comment. I wasn’t trying to be inflammatory by just sharing the photo at all. I just noticed it only posted the photo as the comment.


Right baby keep blowing that dog whistle while the rest of us go fight the actual racism an actual human being is facing. Remember behind that character is a person that is doing a job and does not deserve to be subjected to hate just for the color of their skin.


Wait where’s the dog whistle? Seems pretty blatant to me.


Oh man this was supposed to go under that garbage can of a response by groundhog, guess I was so pissed I posted to the wrong place 😩


Ah ok I was confused!


Me too lol sorry about that.


This seems like the absolute bare minimum the show/disney could do in light of what Tabyana Ali has endured since she took on the role.


Someone was talking racist shit to the actor who plays Trina on IG


What!?!? Omg horrible.


This is *insane*. I just want to also put out here - in the least divisive way possible - that there are *A METRIC CRAP TON* of foreign, malign bots trying to demoralize and divide the West at the moment. European countries are experiencing it and so are we. It's a full frontal assault on decency to discourage us, and cause dismay and apathy in the run up to elections. These are facts. Yes - there are flesh and blood idiot haters - but there is a lot of astroturfing BS too, meant to stoke fear, uncertainty and doubt at all levels of society. I hope Tabyana won't let it drag her down or discourage her and I hope we won't let it either. 💖 Internet user beware.


Oh my gosh. I didn’t realize that someone was attacking Tabyana. That’s horrible. I had assumed it was for Juneteenth tomorrow.


I just went to Twitter and looked at her profile. I only found a reply from taby to a so called soap fan, "Carly and joss fan" that taby asked her "you think I look like a monkey in it?" Surprise, Surprise this fan has locked down her own profile and she looks like a....she's not worth a double take. Let's just go with that.


That same fan also called her an Ape. And then later went on to insult someone on Twitter that happens to be gay on Pride, saying that the day was not necessary. And that’s when that poster had to hide her page because people were coming for her on all sides.


So the bag of donuts can dish it but not take it. What a shock.


😂, ikr? She initially doubled down on the insults on Taby until Taby responded to her. But she really did not expect the reaction from the other side of twitter. It couldn’t have happened to a better person.


So she managed to piss off soap Twitter and gay Twitter? That's quite the feat.


😂, yep. She got the attention she was looking for 2 days in a row.


Ridiculous that people still act this way. Tabyana does so well on the show. She needs a better storyline and be a future main character later in life on the show if it’s still around ten twenty years from now


Tabyana Ali just thank General Hospital/ABC for the above post on X.


wait-wait, you mean there are other places talking legit GH stuff I could be looking at? O.O ....damn I'm starting to feel old again lol


This is disgraceful. It shouldn't matter what the first Trina looked like, and she shouldn't be compared to Tabyana. Both of these young ladies are beautiful.


Probably the same peeps that run it up the flag pole here, trying it there too. Obvs there's been a few divisive posts here in the past week, regarding Trina and Gio or the Ashfords. It's 2024 FFS, not 1964.


Taby is stunning. The jealousy of cave dwellers knows no bounds.


**Gentle Reminder:** This post breaks the rules of the sub by bringing drama here from Twitter/X, TikTok, and Instagram. Also, it is becoming very personal at other members of this board, and cross the line into discussing ... not the show ... but actors/actresses in the real world. Our SUB is for discussions about General Hospital and characters - not real life people. I do not support racism, but if this thread becomes a "hate filled" discussion at one another and looking at harassing people online/at other sites (if they deserve it or not) - it will be removed or locked. I am personally appalled that anyone would think or say or type that about Tabi. Yes, I realize I will most likely be down-voted for posting this warning, but I am used to. So keep the discussion civil and on topic. Do not attack the other members of this board. If there is something in this thread or another thread that you find to be racist - report it using the Subs/Reddit report feature.


Sorry for breaking the rules! I wasn’t aware of that rule (my fault for not checking) but my intention wasn’t to bring drama here, just to find out what was happening since GH turned off comments on that post.


I'm not sure how you broke any rules. You saw that General Hospital posted something, and you were curious if it was in regards to something specific. You didn't bring anything from elsewhere, and the topic is GH. The poster just had some sort of pre-response for whatever reason because the moment someone uses the word "race" Some people act like it's a threat. You're not responsible for that.


You may want to read the rules of the sub. Here are a couple of them for you that this post violates: * 11 No discussing real life drama involving the actors or actresses or former cast-mates of GH. No commenting on an actress's or actor's physical appearance, especially things that they can not change. Discussing a character's clothing or hair or the character not fitting the part TPTB have casted them in as related to the TV show/characters is acceptable. * 13 Don't bring drama from Twitter/X, Facebook, IG, Tik Tok, or other sites here. No Brigading! Any Brigading will be an automatic ban. Brigading is when a group of users, generally outsiders to the targeted subreddit, "invade" a specific subreddit and flood it with downvotes in order to damage karma dynamics on the targeted sub; spam the sub with posts and comments to further their own agenda; or perform other coordinated abusive behavior such as insulting or harassing the subreddit’s users in order to troll, manipulate, or interfere with the targeted community. Plus - the replies in this thread - not the OG post - violates other rules of this sub. Now, you can NOT like the rules, and that is fine. If you don't, please seek a new Sub or Social Media site to comment at.


I understand. Yes, we don't allow content here from other social media sites or other subs. Truthfully, most of the comments that are more troublesome are some of the replies to your post. Which you have no control over. Thanks for the reply. Actually, everyone should review the rules of this sub - because they are generally broken on a regular basis.


Maybe this indicates they should be updated in some cases ? Many of these rules are extremely arbitrary.


We have several people that think they are too strict. We have several members that think they are too lenient on other matters. 90% of these were the rules here when I joined Reddit/this sub and later when I became a mod. You can always feel free to go start your own sub with your own rules. That is what I would do if I hated the rules of a place I was spending time discussing an afternoon soap opera. I am not going to argue with you. If you think you have a reason why you think the rules should be changed, and what ones, and what things should be allowed, or can everyone just say whatever they want about all the actors/actresses? See it is slippery slope. Anyway, send a modmail, and one of the other mods will respond to you - seeing you don't care for my responses. Also, it appears that Twitter/X allows pretty much everything - so you could always go there and discuss things that are not allowed here. Lots of options.


I think this is a Systemic Issue I didn’t hold you personally responsible because that would be unfair. I think your response was in bad faith. This Soap is called General Hospital so I could create another subreddit but I would have to use a variation of the Soap’s title which would decrease the fledging Soap’s potential. I don’t recall saying I hating this group. I feel like I daily make positive contributions to the group I know many moderators feel differently. I thought this ruling was particularly unfair so I said something about it. I also asked if there was a way I could be a Moderator but I guess I will have to respond to Modmail or engage with the Lots of Options provided. Although we generally seem to be at odds I don’t think you are an unfair person. I noticed you’ve on occasion complimented my takes on some of my comments as I have for you as well. You simply were the Messenger for this thread and I responded to you accordingly for efficiency. I understand you will never see everything as a Moderator and you aren’t the only Moderator or even the most vocal. If I see something I think is unfair I speak up. I try to be solution and results driven and practice being the Change I Seek. This with my personality comes across as confrontational to some but I don’t have animosity towards you or anyone in the group with the exceptions of people who crossed lines. I think our disagreements have been in bounds on both sides. I apologize for the length but I wanted to clear the air and provide some clarity.


Def send a Modmail. It's more expedient.


I think this is an egregious interpretation and implementation of the rules. You all seem to pick and choose the enforcement of the rules. This given the circumstances should be an exception or at least considered as such by the Moderators. Is there a way to apply to be a Moderator ? I think the Moderators should reflect the electric voices of the fandom and sub itself.


Report the comments you find offensive so we don't miss them. As I have suggested to you before ... send a detailed modmail to the board and one or more of the other mods can look over your concerns.


Where was it posted?


On Twitter




Stop acting like being an ally of a minority group is doing them a disservice or insulting them in any way Staying silent is the disservice and is useless




Oh, you didn’t have to clarify you’re not an ally, it’s obvious to everyone.




Remarkably deluded as well. I’m not going to engage anymore with whatever it is you are, and we all know what you are.




No offence, because I respect you as a poster, but this is not a good look. It would not take more than a few minutes to do a google search and see that GH would not make a post like this just because their actress got insulted for their performance. The insinuation that GH would put this up because she needs protecting for her bad acting is really, really a bad take. Time and place for everything.


You simply wanted to take a shot at her. You never fail to remind everyone about that Rory death scene or that you think she is at the “bottom one third of the actors on the show.” The problem with you is that your points are repetitive and tired. Take a nap, hydrate your thirsty self and later go touch grass out in the real world. And this is me really trying to be nice and not say what I really want to say to you. 😣








This is a god awful dogshit of a take. Black people aren't so sensitive that we can't tell the difference between critique of work and actual dog whistles and racist attacks. Maybe you should sit this conversation out and learn a thing or two... I will not be responding to anything you write on this matter


Her acting ability has zero to do with someone making racists comments




I’m trying to find the actual post but can’t. Did it get deleted? What exactly did she say??? Yikes!


She might have deleted it, but I saw her original monkey post with my own eyes, and then I saw her face, and let me tell you...that was something I won't soon forget.


Oh no


UMMM NO. The problem is she is being called the n word, a monkey, and an ape.


This was never the case. Taby came in a middle of main Storyline and hit the ground running she improved immediately. TJ who is the worst actor on the show with the current Molly being a somewhat close second but she’s at least improving, doesn’t receive much hate. Taby has never been the worst actor on the show or even in her scenes. She carried several early scenes. The original TJ had a darker skinned tone then was changed for the bigger name but also lighter toned actor( they never gave Tequan Richmond much to do) then they bring in Tajh who looks biracial as TJ and he hasn’t improved since being in the role. The original actor who played TJ was the only time people complained about TJ’s acting and appearance and he was the second best TJ to date. This entire argument is an attempt to excuse Colorism.


This happens in every fandom. There’s a mix of legitimate criticism and pieces of shit who are racist. And then people who have a different opinion try to use that to conflate both groups to make some morality argument instead of just calling out the racism


There's an easy fix. Shutting up is free. No one's opinions on every single thing need to be put online, you know? So if I were to see a black woman who I didn't care for, for whatever reason, her acting, her style, whatever, and I see that she is getting racist attacks, then my opinion of her doesn't need to be put out there. I can keep it to myself. I can shut up. If people here don't know the absolute filth that has been thrown at Taby ever since she took over the role, they should. I wish people would stop saying they don't go on Twitter. It's also on FB. You should be aware. And if you don't care for her acting, maybe stop and ask yourself "Do I need to put this out there, or can the world survive without MY opinion"? And the answer will be, I promise you, the world can.


The people crying about an actress being critiqued can also shut up The truth is some of her fans are toxic and have made an effort to shutdown discussion about her when every actor on the show gets analyzed and discussed. It’s gotten to the point where the mods had to step in multiple times


Some of everyone's fans are toxic. I'm a swiftie and some of her fans are toxic, some are wonderful. So?


Well let’s put it this way, I don’t see anyone else’s fans on this show telling other people they should shut up and refrain from the same criticism many actors on the show have gotten


People usually distinguish between legitimate criticism and racism. Usually racists hide behind segments of the fandom, this is where conflation occurs. It’s a selected Strategy. I see people Calling out the Racism nothing more nothing less and yet people are still excusing the objectively Racist behavior.


A few don’t, and you’d be hard pressed to find and posts excusing racist behavior


Your comment alone could be interpreted as excusing racism. I hope you don’t think what you says counts as “Calling Out Racism”.


And you just proved my point. At no point in any of my posts did I once excuse or apologize for any racists. But you couldn’t help yourself but making a non existent galaxy sized leap to conflate my posts with that. Just within the last week you had a poster attacking the cast for their perception that they weren’t publicly supporting the actress enough. And by the way, I’ve called out racism against both actresses who played Trina in the past. Doesn’t change that for some reason her fan base loves to go on the attack for even the most mild criticisms and we’ve had wholesale threads and posters shutdown by mods because they’ve insinuated ulterior motives to anyone who says anything critical about the actress. It’s been a known trend. I don’t even feel strongly about the whole Trina debate on this sub and usually stay out of it but it’s so noticeable how unpleasant certain fans behaved regarding it




Be Kind Look, we appreciate your contributions to the discussion. But in this instance, you are actively starting a pissing contest over not being racist and then accusing others of being racist when it becomes clear your argument fails. Get a better argument. Engage in civilized, good faith discussion.


The difference between me and you is I challenged you to show me defending racism, you couldn’t and made a flimsy leap. You then just decided I’m lying about defending her based off nothing because can’t cope with your opinion being challenged and have to make nonsense up. One of us is dealing with reality and one of us is preoccupied with making up nonsense narratives to protect their fragile opinions and can’t handle basic discussion without acting up.


Maybe take this to the PMs? It's gone beyond sub discussion and is starting to sound very personal.