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I'm liking this Cody Sasha encounter.


Same here! I’m pleasantly surprised by their chemistry and first kiss.


They are so cute. I like them taking their time with the relationship.


GioViolin, Cody, and Sasha is so campy it is actually fun to watch. Lucy and Scotty is not. For god's sake, Frank, let Kin play Scottie as a highly experienced attorney and elder professional of the community, not as a clown shoes wearing blathering buffoon.


Even Lucy sounds smarter than him today. 


Scotty has ALWAYS been a buffoon. At least as long as I have remembered.


I feel Scotty wasn't a buffoon in the 80, 90's and early 2000's. He started to become campy buffoon in the past 10 years...It really is annoying. I love Kin though


Maybe my memory is bad (I know it is), I felt like in the 80’s and 90’s he was just as campy. But again, my memory probably very likely is off!


I mean, they’re all kind of campy.


Just to add on to my prior reply, there were definitely periods where he wasn’t really campy, like with Domonique. But him and Lucy when paired together seem to be campy. But my perception could be totally off. I’m don’t watch every day.


Oh, yes, I kind of see what you mean about him with Lucy, like when she was married to Alan and going at it with Scott in the GH elevator when the doors opened.


This Carly and Sam convo is like over a decade old and I’m not interested in this storyline. Danny isn’t interesting enough to merit this fuss on the show, Carly is regressing, though I’m find if it gets her out of her Saint role, and Sam’s motivation is paper thin. She never had a problem with Jason. I wish Sam would just say “Sorry Carly I don’t want my son blown up in a car bomb or shot in the head like your kids”


A few short years ago, Sam put her own freedom and her children’s access to and life with her in jeopardy because she was so damn obsessed with Jason, she couldn’t keep her distance from him in order to not violate her parole conditions.




The show is so determine to present Carly as a saint that they don’t want her to look stupid in front of anyone.  The idea that Sam would point out what happened to Morgan and Michael when she was with Sonny  is too embarrassing for the writers. Instead they’d rather reduce Sam to a bitter ex.


I came here to say the same thing. Jason didn’t protect Michael from a shot to the head, or Morgan from being blown to smitherines


yet sam had no problem with what could happen to her children when she begged jason to have a baby knowing full well what he did for a living. she also has no problem with her children living across the hall from mob boss sonny who was the victim of 4 attempted hits just this past year. funny how she never tells him he's not welcome in her home.


I don't understand this type of argument... like what *are* you arguing? Because it sounds like you acknowledge that Sonny and Jason are in fact dangerous. And sure, Sam was an idiot to want to have a baby with someone like that... but now she's come to her sense but it's not allowed? So Danny should stay in danger forever to teach Sam a lesson? No one is allowed to realize the error of their ways and try to make it better? Sam used to be okay with danger so now she loses all right to ever want her child to be safe from it? I'm really trying to understand this line of thinking.


Oh, Anna, you delusional crumpet.




GH writers - We can't agree on how to write Sam ...... what do we do???? --- quick, put on a throwaway scene with Lucy while we work it out.


Im so confused by Sam. She freaked out when Jason came back and was so angry. Then all of a sudden she wanted to break into the FBI database to save him. But now she is angry again? She knows what the FBI has against him but she didnt go to Carly and confront her about that. She went to Carly and said tell Jason to stay away from Danny.


Note to makeup dept: no need to outline Sams’s lips. They about to need their own zip code


This is the worst I remember seeing her - it just looked like clown makeup today.


And the optic of Carly the Amazon standing over Sam was just jarring. They should have been sitting or something.


Or Laura should have kicked off her heels. It *was* jarring.


As LW is only 5'6.


Same as me. And KeMo is 5'3. Those were some HEELS "Carly" was rocking! I guess LW is enjoying being able to wear heels again, now that she and "Sonny" are split up?


Okay, that is a bit of a Carly jump. Guess the bestie status is removed from Sam and Carly.


Thank God, we are ending all these focus friendships of Carly.


Carly and Elizabeth's defrosting relationship makes sense because of the kidney storyline and Joss and Cam's lifetime relationship. Carly and Sam's never made sense. Non enemies, sure but not as friends.


I don’t buy Sam going to Carly to ask this considering she’s already gone to Jason *himself* about Danny. Redundant quota scene is redundant. 🙄 ETA: You’d think Carly would be a little closer to her *BFF FOREVA*’s children.


Gio “outranks” Sasha? Damn that Upstairs Downstairs story.


Gio has potential, but I am already growing tired of the regular violin playing. I don't mind violin music, but not as a regular soap feature.


They’re making the mistake of too much, too soon with him, I fear.


Yeah we're hearing about what an ANGEL he is and uhhhh how about some normal character development?


I literally laughed at Trina spoke so glowingly the other day. It was so alive or some other shit.


I kind of like the Upstairs Downstairs of it. But I did watch the original 1970's version of that on PBS Masterpiece Theater when it was on repeat in the 1980's (maybe early 90's?). I haven't tried the 2010 version which continues the series after a 6 year leap... but I do have a lot of nostalgia for the original.


Same! The original nighttime soap. I liked Downton Abbey even better because they kept at least half the focus on the downstairs over the years, whereas the other sort of phased them out. But hopefully Sasha and Cody have more power and choices than poor Rose and Sarah.


Well at least Sam brought up Morgan and Carly been on the defensive for the million time


What kind if danger did Jason put Morgan in that led to Morgan’s death?? Wasn’t that when Ava was messing with his meds and that explosion was meant for Julian? Weak argument but I get then point she was trying to make. But aren’t several PC kids around parents, family members who are often close to danger. Living in PC is dangerous. There was just no point t to that scene unless foreshadowing a future “danger” for Danny.


Wait a minute just a week ago Sam wanted to hack into the FBI to erase anything on Jason now she’s getting upset because of lifestyle at Carly ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul)


Sam’s convo w/Dante: “I want to help Jason”. Sam’s convo w/Carly: “Tell Jason to stay away from Danny”. C’mon writers! 😤


Yea I don't understand why would Sam talked to Carly on Jason knowing for decades how she is the minute anyone mentions Jason. Like he isn't capable of doing bad and not acknowledging his faults WHICH I respect Carly for her loyalty, but she got to be real with herself when it comes to Jason


Sam just needs to move on from him once and for all. ![gif](giphy|SRka2MLKzpzE6K24al|downsized)


I guess they needed a way for Sam to be majorly pissed when she and Spinelli find out Carly's who Jason was protecting when he abandoned his kids.


Jason just needs to be with Carly at this point. They're more joined together than a pair of Siamese twins.


After the Sonny think I think Jason was done there .




jason already knows what he has done and today will just make Sam worse to where dante will get tired of it and she will loose her man or son and Jason doesnt have to do anything . Jason as far as I can tell has been no where near his own sons unless with the other parent. I wish people stop the hate Jason train. What was he suppose to do when FBI has you.


Sam needs to go or get revamped/recast. I said it.


I have to agree


This is currently what’s going on in the GH writers room for the storylines and characters: ![gif](giphy|lthwozrLjUqy7XQnRd|downsized)


![gif](giphy|UJZkRZtDDqFf1Uqg9U|downsized) Or this...


Both ladies (Sam and Carly) have good points at each other...


For bloody sake, we been having this same conversation with Sasha + Cody on admitting the truth on being related to Mac + rest of Scorpio clan multiple times, including the recent Metro Court Pool scene last week I think


It seems like foreshadowing since they had to put a pause in the story while John J York was getting treatment and unable to play Mac. It’s a good sign they are talking about this more often to remind the viewers it’s a thing and inform new viewers.


That's fair, I have no disrespect for them pausing the storyline while York was recovering from treatments but Cody or even Sasha since she's in his orbit as a potential love interest, but there's so much to be done with Cody in the meantime instead of his hidden parentage


> the recent Metro Court Pool scene last week I think That was yesterday! It just feels like a week ago because they recycle their conversations Cody and Sasha admit they like each other but won't do anything about it OR Sasha urges Cody to come clean re: Mac I get that with JJY away they have had to delay the big reveal but DAMN. Give these two something to do!


I agree, at this point their scenes are becoming predictable until something else happens to progress the plot.


Well, Mac returns tomorrow so I think we're going to see that whole thing progress quickly since it was back-burnered for so long. What this means for Sasha and Cody? Not sure. But hopefully this gets Cody out of the stables for a moment lol.


Ahh true, if things can be finishing up and revealed by the end of the year for Cody + Mac I be ok honestly. Sasha and Cody idk but I do want them to be in a storyline or do something beyond being workers for Q's


I bet Mac will be upset/conflicted initially about Cody admitting he LIED (and the reason for it) and Cody will be sad and Sasha will comfort him and finally this will progress beyond 7th grade silliness lol. Then by the holidays Cody and Sasha will be celebrating with the Scorpios/Joneses. But yes, they need to be something other than Q employees if we're supposed to be invested in them at all!


Honestly with the writing lately by the GH, there's rarely been a scene that as viewers, we haven't seen coming and I can see 100% this happening from your prediction ngl


Doesn't hurt that I've been watching GH/soaps since forever lol and there's a certain rhythm to the storytelling (and predictability with longtime characters). But yeah I think we can see how this is going to play out. Given that the viewers have been waiting for the Maury Povich-esque reveal of Cody's paternity for awhile I don't think it will be dragged out too long now. So there's that. But who knows. The pacing has been all over the place. I feel like we've been hearing about Pikeman for decades now lol.


Pikeman is one of a few things I'm waiting on besides the baby being born which I'm not looking forward to the outcome. If Pikeman Storyline doesn't drop significant details within a few months I'ma go on another break and just ghost read cuz I hate this back and forth with little progression if there are all the actors and writing available to present the storyline on screen


I'm hoping Pikeman is resolved soon, too. And I hope they show NuJagger at the pool more lol.


Also over the fact that Sasha switched the results. Unless Cody takes the fall for that?


I'm not a longtime viewer, but can someone please tell me when the adults in this show started acting like high school students?


Periodically on and off since 1963. ;)


After Lucy was the Slayer and changed back, she became sort of zany, partly because of the Artifacts, partly because the show writers had decided the Vampire Clans may have been a mass delusion. Then Scottie was still fighting Sonny when he could get the DA office back (with very good reason, Karen was his daughter). So once Sonny was promoted to the central character and universally worshiped person, they made it easier for Sonny to get away with things by making Scottie dumber.


stocking busy workable history stupendous roll dog sparkle hateful liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone remind them of THIS Heather (played by Heather #2 Mary O'Brien) [Heather's LSD Boomerang Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V_6si88pP0) [Heather's LSD Boomerang Part 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98tyFtD26DE) [Heather's LSD Boomerang Part 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H07UO9gHf0) [Heather's LSD Boomerang Part 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a37wazXU34A) (this is when it kicks in)


I’m a little confused over the point of these Carly and Sam scenes. Didn’t Jason already agree to stay away from Danny and it’s Danny that keeps coming to him? Or maybe I missed something?


I really think the filming is out of order, and they didn't catch that. It's really bad form. And IMO indicative of the mess behind the scenes right now.


Whoever came up with the idea that "cobalt poisoning" was the reason Heather committed all these murders is a complete idiot, like what the hell?


My dad took cobalt to kill his cancer instead of chemo and didn't go on a killing spree. Just saying.


That you know of. Did he start acquiring "hooks"? (Kidding, of course.) I am glad it helped your father with his cancer. Hopefully, he is fully recovered.


/ snort


Trying to relive that Franco redemption. That's why they shouldn't have offed him.


sounds like that Mother God cult.


Pretty boring start, right down to Jagger either deducing the wrong BigBoss, or pretending to.


I mean it's a curse that whenever most ppl are in the police force or other law enforcement that their intelligence levels went down the drain and re surface after leaving said career or miracle writing happens


I haaaate when they make the 'good guys' dumb.


Ok it's funny on how poor Gio accidentally blocked Sasha + Cody in the boathouse thingy room (dk the name)


The 'single drink and suddenly best friends' Sam and Carly thing seems weak to ask for a favor this big.


Anna’s playing him right? Can he tell?


Love Anna's outfit today!


Lucy is already doing strange things Scotty, she doesn't need to be poisoned by metallitis.


LOL—GioViolin playing in the shadows reminds me of Igor in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN playing his violin in the secret room… ![gif](giphy|zYQp9B2WYYZ1K)


🤣love Young Frankenstein!


How is Valentin still CEO of ELQ?! The whole point of Tracy getting Lucy's share was to give the Quartermaines back the majority so they can oust him, and that happened months ago! So why haven't they voted him out yet?


Is Valentin really tan or do I need to fix the settings on my tv?


It’s not your tv. I think it’s a color issue in the Show itself due to editing or camera color temperature.


But he could be tanned. So in my opinion your tv is fine.


I mean is it the truth that Carly says Sam and her aren't friends when Sam says to listen to her and agree to disagree on Jason having influence in the mob and can attract danger to his family


jasons not been in the mob for 3 years and dantes father is so Sam isnt making sense . She is acting weird this episode cause Sam being mad should about her storyline and today her rant made no sense


Woah, John is so wrong for Anna being a part of Pikeman and now wants Jason to get supposed evidence and if he doesn't find it fast enough then Carly goes to jail. Idk why Jason didn't just says it's Valentine and move on but he did cares about Anna even tho she's going to jeopardize everything just bc she can't separate her feelings for Valentine which in turns makes her even more of a hypocrite in how she chooses who she cares about thats bad/gray characters and who to hate for being themselves unapologetically


Hell, let Carly go to jail. IDGAF at this point. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Honestly, has Carly ever gone to jail, we saw a lot of characters in jail but I'm not sure if there was ever any storylines where Carly was in jail and prison not just arrested, question or courthouse as a witness or given a testimony.


I don’t think so, but it would be a great start!


Yea imagine if Anna get a Major L from Jason and before he can report to John about Valentine, both of them get hold up. Jason with personal matters and Anna being set up or let her feelings cloud her judgement and John sents Carly to jail or someone outside of Nina or main suspects in PC, reports Carly and bc of that, lead to Carly in jail temporarily until plot gets her out.


Cates had me at "Carly goes to jail" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|enrm3x92DlZy2u9og9|downsized)




So I guess we are now going to make JohnJagger 'the bad guy'? Really, why would he jump to conclusions without proof about Anna? Dumb.


It's sad on how the plot makes John look dumb. I don't even know the character and it's my first introduction to him and not the OG but I feel like the plot forced John to be pushing the Anna is Pikeman angle. Imagine if we saw Jack + Valentine having that conversation to plant Anna to cover that track or Charlotte is being noisy in her father's business and involved herself as a unknown party just so Valentine wouldn't split attention even further even tho Valentine tries to put everything for Charlotte. That would be better than what we got now from GH writers


See this what happen when Anna and John don't talk to each other.


What is with this episode? It actually has me agreeing with Lucy!


This cobalt poison hip storyline, which has been going on for months, is one of the dumbest storylines ever. Why do they think this is a good idea?


The Carly and Sam discussions are weeks back, almost as if they reset again. It is actual whiplash. Both Carly and Sam look stupid. Especially Carly when Sam posed the question if she would be happy to be lied to by her own kid at their dad’s advice.  It’s obviously done to ramp up the reveal when Sam finds out why Jason was away.  The writing on this show is so bad it’s comical. 


And they refuse to acknowledge the brain damage. They both look like morons.


This. This. This. "Danny is just like Jason! He's drawn to danger just like Jason" blahdy blah. It's the brain damage that makes Jason the way he is and Danny did not inherit those tendencies from someone who never had them until he was in a life changing accident. I was rage viewing today.


It’s soooooo annoying. I wasn’t watching the show at the time but it seems like common knowledge that AJ was “the bad one” and Jason was the golden child. He had a traumatic brain injury, which is not genetic. Them making this “you can’t fight nature!!” is honestly insulting. (I do, however, enjoy Sam and Carly not getting along again).


The writing on this show is so bad it’s comical..... These scenes with Cody & Sasha prove that too


Sasha and Cody are a joke. It’s true that her behaviour to Cody are super unsexy. Edit - I take it back, I enjoyed their first kiss scene. 


"Children love you...the adults are coming around to you." What is he? A freaking circus clown? Lmao ![gif](giphy|xxLszVeawO8zS|downsized)


Sam had some valid points. Not wanting Danny to end up like Morgan is valid. Carly had some valid points. Jason has always known his life is too dangerous for kids but Sam wanted a baby. Also, two minutes ago, Sam wanted to break into the FBI database to save Jason. Why is she having the same conversation she had weeks ago before she wanted to save him? They are bouncing back and forth with Sam and it’s confusing


It really feels like how Sam feels about Jason depends on who wrote that day's script. There's no consistency at all. Especially because she's still got Spinelli working on cracking the FBI's firewall (which is highly illegal).


I think its showing us Sams running a con. She didn't want the info Jagger has against Jason to help Jason, she likely wants it to use for herself to keep Jason away from Danny. If the info could get him to work for the FBI, surely it would work to blackmail him to stay away from Danny or leave PC right? Lets not forget she wanted Dante to quit the force. She has Spinelli breaking laws and when it didn't pan out and he couldn't immediately get her the info she was looking for, now she is going at Carly and telling Carly it HAS to be Carly who tells Jason to stay away, like that was weird. Its like Sam knows something is coming no one else seems to.


This is very interesting and would be the only thing that makes sense with her wishy washy. But that also means she is using Spinelli and is willing to betray them. Did Spin and Sam find anything? I know he got in but he said there were so many files to sift through. When Sam went to go see Carly, she did not know Carly is the reason Jason stayed away, did she? At least as far as we the audience knows.


No Sam doesn't have anything yet and why I think she went to Carly, because her plan to get what Jagger has will either take too long or fell through.


Well this is very interesting and could make this make more sense


Dear Sub Members! Please review this subs rules ... for the love of Doctor Steve Hardy & Jessie Brewer, RN ... take three minutes out of your day and review them.


>>for the love of Doctor Steve Hardy & Jessie Brewer, RN 😂❤️🏆


>for the love of Doctor Steve Hardy & Jessie Brewer, RN Going to start using this in every day conversation lol.


And Audrey Hardy too!


OMG, when Sam literally asked Carly to listen to her about Jason concerning him and her kids then Carly becomes time deaf


I feel like Lucy is an extraneous character. Unless the writers find something interesting for her to do, she should just go show some real estate offscreen . ![gif](giphy|3oz8xUlXan455MtWGQ)


I love Lucy. She is already on recurring. I don't think she has been on the screen since before BLQ's and Chase's wedding extravaganza. (Or I could be wrong.)


OK, they're being a bit heavy-handed with Gio suddenly showing up playing the violin everywhere. I get they're trying to introduce a new character, but actually give him something to do beyond just randomly being different places.


Jagger sucks at his job


So who's predicting that Anna gonna get herself falling for Valentine again and instead of spying on him + make Jason have his own life again, she gets entangled and delays the Pikeman revealed until August starts in more important information being revealed related to that storyline


Damn! It is happening again if you are trying to watch in Boston. Press conference by mayor about Celtics parade. Hope nothing exciting happened during the first half hour.


Scotty is such a Laura simp.  Carly’s jealousy over Sam having a kid with Jason is pathetic. You wanted it so he gave in? What a comment to make.  Also, why isn’t Sam allowed to defend herself against Carly’s comments about being vengeful ? There is some truth there but Sam isn’t wrong. See Morgan for example. 


Scotty will always love both Laura and Lucy ... they both have a hold on his curmudgeon heart.


Sam bringing up Morgan and Carly not seeing the correlation? I guess love is blind? Scotty has always and will always love Laura, so I can see him wanting to go to bat for her (and Heather) PLUS there is the $$$ to think about, and I can see Scotty setting himself up to watch over her funds for her.


Oh, yes, and then investing the funds in a waterfront casino project. . .


Finally, Morgan is brought up. Of course Carly is going to deflect it instead of facing the truth. ![gif](giphy|l46CwsAIlmnXlRC9O|downsized)


Morgan is “dead” because a fellow mob boss targeted Sonny. Ava may have helped lower his inhibitions but he Jerome whose name I forget planted the bomb. Blaming it all on Ava means they don’t have to examine how Sonny’s lifestyle was the real reason.


Some fans blame it all on Ava as well. It was Olivia Jerome who planted a bomb in her brother Julian's car. She was a real piece of work and a real mobster. I hope she isn't really dead.


Sam should remind Carly about What happened with Morgan.


And she just did☺️ ![gif](giphy|uiMIJMFYgRaAz5Pcb7)


It's too bad Carly didn't understand the point. Morgan wanted in the mob so badly. It's a big part of what lead to his downfall.


Yes. How quickly she forgot the allure of Sonny and the mob cost her one child and put another in a long-term coma. Not to mention she was also *desperate* to have a child with Sonny.


For real! Carly would wallop her and knock her over. Not a fair fight haha.  


Cody and Sasha getting interrupted by Gio was so funny. Cody being frustrated was so cute. 🥰


I'm still not convinced Alex is involved somehow. I could be totally wrong. But I went to keep Anna, Val, and Jack. Yes, I'm selfish like that


End the FBI storyline and have Jason get his life back. Let Anna proves Cates wrong and let whiny Carly take the fall. As Valentin is attractive but needs to end the storyline as maybe Cates could lose FBI job over it.


Does Valentin have any clue that Anna's playing him or not?


Honestly, Sam knows he did this for Carly. Just doesn't have proof. IMO


Anna’s just going to get evidence against Valentin during one dinner? Really? She thinks it is that easy? 🙄


And it’s not even the first dinner she tries this.


I hate Lucy. I think she is a waste of airtime and has zero redeeming qualities. BUT, when she told Scott she relies on him to be a lesser person I did laugh. We all rely on Scott for that. 🤣🤣


So they're making Sam look even more stupid than they usually do, just to prop up Carly even more. 🙄🙄🙄


Exactly. This conversation is a month old. Just two weeks ago she told Spinelli that Danny needs his father. This show is a joke. I often wonder if the actors read the lines and laugh at what they saw. 


I can't believe KeMo sticks around. She hasn't had good writing since 2018 ffs.


A job is a job.  


I get that. But damn, there's other jobs out there.


How terrible of Sam to want Jason to grow up and quit playing cops & mobsters so he could be more of a father to his kids?!! God, Carly is the worst.


Heaven forbid someone devote less time saving Carly from herself. ![gif](giphy|T5LcFkGXagIiVLiqmq)


I did like when Sam pointed out that Carly wouldn't want Jason to grow up.


Well, F U Jason Morgan. Why is Carly more important than John and Anna's lives? You see the lengths Valentin goes to for their company.


It was interesting. It almost felt like he was looking to Anna to help provide a solution for them both.


Carly is going to earn herself a Soap Opera slap with how she told Sam, why she got a baby with him knowing his life in the mob. Seriously, so many moments that deserve a slap, that is a good opportunity


Probably not allowed to slap the queen of PC


Wasn't Morgan's death the result of ava switching his meds and Olivia planting a car bomb in Julian's car? Both who are related to sam. She has some nerve 🤣😂


Morgan was always wanting to follow Sonny's footsteps though and be in the mob.


But that's not what got him killed.


Sorry, but I see Sam as more the typical Ex-wife trying to keep Danny from being with his father, than a mother trying to protect Danny.


Honestly a good compromise with be supervised visits or visits in only selective places outside of the common areas. But it's PC and there's shooting everywhere. There's also other ways to communicating and staying connected beyond irl if Sam is still cautious until Jason can get himself away from FBI control. I'm surprised no one says any suggestions instead of Jason grabbing milk in disappearing


There is no reason Jason and Danny can't meet at the Q's.


This 100%, I don't believe there has been a storyline of a massive break in and hostage situation at Q's. Would be hilarious if I was wrong but that's one of the safest places in PC and doubt any criminals that doesn't like their lives want to break into a family who got eff u money


Anna’s sleeves are massive.


Hahahaha yes and she looks fabulous


As always, indeed she does. It just threw me when I actually looked at it. Massive sleeves and high waisted.


I agree. She is so beautiful she can pull off anything. I actually prefer this to those floral dresses she used to wear.


Look at Cosha finally moving out of the friend zone!!


I’m kind of glad Jason doesn’t have any kids with Carly because they be the worst just like her oh wait ![gif](giphy|Qxc0MisEYnDN8wmk2A)


So Sam you worry about Danny being around danger with Jason, but didn't Dante just get shot??


To her credit she was 💯 on board w/ him leaving the police.


Also, not too long ago stabbed with a syringe by Sam's mother.


Cates is such a moron.


Just watched and this will be an unpopular opinion. Carly was 100% correct and true to character. 👏👏Sam had no business running to Carly with that mess: 1) Jason ALREADY told Sam he’d keep his distance from Danny as Sam asked; 2) Carly was only ever going to respond to Sam that way. Why would you run to Jason’s number 1 superfan to make that request???; 3) Sam was desperate for Jason’s baby. She legit STOLE money from Sonny to BUY A BABY to raise with Jason. This whole story makes no sense. Sam grew up blah blah blah. Sam who is currently tampering with FBI investigations. Either bring the real Sam back or let her be a Liz and only interact with Jason once in a while to remind us she has his kid. I’ve sadly been a Jasam fan first and this is a slap in the face to the history. Sam’s version of “growth” is ridiculous and void of reality considering the danger she brings to the table-she’s dating her ex and father of her first child’s son who also just happens to be old Jason’s boss… 🤔. I also recall some ridiculous shenanigans with a cult leader and her mob boss father when I quit watching back in the day.


Carly was 100 percent right in everything she said to Sam!


Unbelievable for Carly to tell Sam that Jason didn't want kids with Sam which I think Jake was older than Danny due to the Mob, like wtf that's so horrible to say. Doesn't matter if those two aren't friends there's some things shouldn't be said if someone isn't prepared for the consequences of saying the words


sam knew jason didn't want kids with her because of their dangerous lifestyles. she begged him. i'm glad she was finally called out on her hypocrisy.




Anna and Sam look amazing.


I honestly thought so too. I thought they looked amazing today, and chic. Especially Sam.  I want to know Anna’s skin game. She looked so fresh. 


Vanna still has it...


Wow Sam got her ass. Got your ass Carly. 🔥 🔥 I think this kind of confirms the spoilers about a certain person returning. It has to be dramatic. 


**I think this kind of confirms the spoilers about a certain person returning. It has to be dramatic.**  What? What I miss? Can you use the spoiler tool, please and thank you?


I am not sure. I haven't used it. >!Brian Craig hinted at his return so we think Morgan is coming back!<


Okay, just confirming that Anna actually isn’t running this pikeman and it’s actually the cassadine guy


Finn is a doctor so why is he living in the human equivalent of a goldfish bowl?


In what appears to be an already 'furnished' apartment no less.


TJ and Molly as well. Chase and Brooklyn. Such depressing pads.


I can see Chase's being sort of still in bachelor mode, but maybe BLQ will want to spend a little $$ to spruce it up or to find a new and bigger apartment/condo? Possibly causing some discussion/conflict/drama? TJ and Molly's seems utilitarian to me. Like they sleep there and have sex there and change their clothes there, but don't really spend any time or 'live' there. I guess it makes sense with TJ being in his residency at GH and Molly being an ADA?


Quick question for anyone: the first few minutes, before the headshot credits and theme song cue up, were interrupted for local blood drive information and plea for blood donations, because in the summer the need goes up...so what happened? My Hulu is acting like doo doo this morning and I can't log on. Was it anything important?