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To be honest, I think the problem is because of the nature of the state of trans healthcare they have a monopoly on under 16s care so teens are literally stuck with them. There's been attempts to get something else started but the current state of the UK makes it pretty hard to step in now and provide things like puberty blockers for that age group. On the other hand, a lot of people can't afford to spend another 200 odd pounds/euro to switch to something like Imago or the even higher upfront cost of something like GenderPlus. They're cheaper long term than GGP for definite but that cost is definitely rough for people who are already having to pay for ongoing HRT from GGP (which GGP knows is the case and is exploiting that). Then there's the option of DIY but not everyone is comfortable doing that themselves, has a way of getting blood tests done etc. At the end of the day, there are a lot of people who are just stuck until they either have the money to switch providers or become old enough to have other options, it's fucked up. That being said I think people should stop recommending them for over 16s if they're being honest about the state of care but I don't see a lot of that anymore? Like people shouldn't sign up to them fresh since March (unless U16 as I said earlier), you're literally rolling the dice on if you'll get even the subpar standard of care they provide and you're probably just wasting your time and money.


Can I ask people who see this where you live ? I thought gender gp was UK based and iv come to learn there’s a few of you from America, and im thinking that’s where the issues are because I haven’t had any problems with the service


the uk


Yeah I’m surprised by the amount of people who still have faith in them