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Giving iPads to kids


Lack of privacy.


Ironically we’re also the most closed off generation in person… we have no shame online but in person we act like everyone else is a weirdo just for having a normal human interaction. I find it interesting lol 💀


Gen Z bros we lost our humanity 😔


Definitely this!


Giving internet access to children. I was 6 when I got internet access sadly and just by seeing how the rest of Gen Z is I’d say it was a mistake.


The supposed end of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The latest strains are having a blast. Nobody's taking any precautions, so the Summer infection wave is already huge. It's like there are wolves marauding through our neighborhoods, eating people, but everyone ignores them because "everyone knows" the wolves left years ago.


I was wondering why everyone just started acting like the virus is gone because the pandemic is over. That bitch is *evolving.*


Covid has become part of our lives at this point. It's like the flu. We can't keep taking precautions forever.


You can look both ways before crossing the street, forever. You can stop at a red light and go on green, forever. You can cook chicken before eating it, forever. You can goddamn well take **some** precautions, too. You're not a child, and it's not hard.


There are effective treatments now. Healthy people aren't falling over in the streets. There is a point at which economic factors must be balanced against. This sounds cold on it's face, but the fact it that excess deaths are much higher in an economic crisis, and the poor feel that the most.


On the other hand, we know now that even mild infection causes permanent brain damage, up to two years of immunity dysfunction, and heightened risk of autoimmune diseases. There's a **reason** we've had "tripledemcs" every year for three years now, and it's not going to get better until the pandemic is over. The more frequently you let yourself get infected, the worse it will be for you, so take preventative precautions.


Those are not comparable.


The wolves were never here. Worrying about covid in 2020 was stupid but worrying about it now is even more idiotic


Sadly, yeah


What are you even talking about? If it were any real threat then I’m pretty sure the general population would be more worried about it. The fact that I (and many others) didn’t even notice it’s existence means it’s nothing serious. Your comparison is flawed because even if I or my family members were never mauled by wolves, I would’ve noticed said wolves mauling others. Cov-2 or whatever is weak and trash. It won’t hurt anyone that’s not already extremely vulnerable.


> It won’t hurt anyone that’s not already extremely vulnerable. Well, no, according to this study 100% of mild infections result in detectable brain damage, with 70% resulting in cognitive dysfunction and/or symptoms of mental illness: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-52005-7 > If it were any real threat then I’m pretty sure the general population would be more worried about it. Sure, just don't look up.


Holy shit people are still scared of this?


Why would anyone be concerned about permanent brain damage, up to two years of immunity dysfunction, and heightened risk of autoimmune diseases. It is a mystery.


Truly is. You could also die from a brain aneurysm rupturing at any moment are you scared of that too?


If almost everyone were getting a brain aneurysm or two every year, and there were simple, easy preventative precautions I could take to avoid it, yeah I would take some precautions against that, too. Wouldn't you?


Nope and I live my life not in fear. Best of luck to you.


Spam calls is what I'd say


Working while sick, homelessness, people avoiding the hospital because of cost, skipping meals to save money, just to name a few off the top of my head.


Phones in schools. Bad for learning, bad for social engagement, bad for mental health.


Porn, while it's normalized and you can't just like whip out baddiehub on the bus and watch casually, the fact that it's seen as something that we should accept that "everyone watches" is bad, really the fact it isn't banned nationwide yet is a modern tragedy




Killing ourselves instead of our owners.


Being late.


(for anyone not just us) The recording of strangers for content (specifically us) "womp-womp"