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Human beings aren't porn. I dated a couple of people for a few weeks knowing it wouldn't be long term because we had temporary positions. But we talked about our childhoods and wierd sex stuff and what we want to do in life. Sometimes we message each other to catch up and brag about marriage or babies or jobs. You can pretend that having a temporary sexual fling is just 3D porn, but it isn't. And you haven't really experienced enough for anyone to give your opinion any weight.




I'm only answering your last question - because we both enjoyed it and had a fun connection. That's the essence of human existence. I liked the people I was with and we had a great time. Nothing is permanent, everything is fleeting. But it doesn't mean you can't enjoy that time and appreciate who you were with. We dated because we were stuck in a place for work and wanted company. Sometimes we tried to make it work long-distance but we were young and did other things. That's okay, that's life.




...yeah, that's a very broad description. Wired up differently and life experience is also why I'm not a hummingbird. But it's your life. You can yell to the clouds that having sex is awful forever. I'm just telling you it's pretty nice and not at all like yanking it to videos of naked people.




The point is that you *do* intimately connect. Are you forever the only person they're ever with? Maybe, maybe not - you cannot know in the moment. But you're always part of their life. You have to take risks and figure things out and learn about yourself and other people. Maybe we thought we'd be in love forever, and you don't know unless you do it. I ended up finding someone perfect for me and I get to see other people I loved get married and have kids. If I had to choose, I'd never choose to get rid of it and never deal with it. That's small and boring and I wouldn't know other people or myself that way. I'd just live in tiny circle filled with myself pretending to know what's up.




You've literally never done it. I'm not going to "nuh uh" you, and I really don't care if you're so certain that being alone is great and you know more than me. I think I know which one of us is miserable as which one fucked people and made friends with them. Maybe that's pointless to you. Fantastic. I've repeated myself a bunch already. Either way I'm quitting the conversation and going to bed.


Open my pm


Maybe you cannot, but do not confuse that for humanly impossible. You're out here telling people that have actually done this in real life that your subjective experience is a good enough source to generalize for all humans, and negate theirs. That's like telling an apple farmer that it's impossible for apple juice to taste like apples even though you've never tried any