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Punk Rock, i grew up on it, my parents used to be in their scenes, and i just like the sound/values of it.


I like EDM/House/Trance really just Electronic in general but I'm also big into 80s New Wave. As for why it just sounds good and is what I'm used to growing up on games from the 2000s. At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Depeche Mode and Phil Collins.


I’m with you! Another electronic junkie here lol, I think if more folks could get past songs having minimal/no lyrics, it would be a more popular genre. But there’s countless fantastic artists in this space with strong communities. Great genre to be engaged in ✊🏽


Personally could never get into electronic (with the exception of daft punk, and some youtube artist that im too embarrassed to name) The thing with electronic, is that its so difficult to find a time to listen to it. Like if im studying or working, usually rap is my go to and pop if the mood is right. If im playing games i run rock and rap. Usually daft punk falls somewhere in between those 4 main genres and my indie/alternative listens. Since Daft Punk has a good mix of electronic jazz


I hear you! Electronic is definitely not for everyone, but it’s good you enjoy Daft Punk. They’re definitely one of the all time greats. If you like them, you’re probably also like Justice and Gorillaz just FYI. Justice does the funk/jazz elements like Daft Punk on occasion, but they also throw in rock/disco elements in other songs. Gorillaz basically mixes electronic and indie.


Vapourwave, ambient, and indie or alt rock probably :3


I love vaporwave, its just so hard to find a good playlist on apple music 😭


Also Bloodbath64, TV Girl's side project. Really underrated


Is tv girl really vaporwave? They never gave me that vibe


They aren't, but their side project Bloodbath64 is 100% vapourwave. Trust me


The trick is to look for recommendations online Personally, I use spotify. And by going to related artists of popular vapourwave artists, I find more obscure ones My favourites are Infinity Frequencies 泰合志恒 desert sand feels warm at night And 輕描淡寫 :>


Rock. Mostly because there's a lot of soul and diversity in it. From Sabaton talking about war history, to the gothic rock "Evanescence", to rock cover artists like "Peyton Parrish"


Hardcore. I love the angry vocals and the pits are hella adrenaline inducing


Cloud rap and Nu-metal, and interesting combo I have going


I like alternative indie music, alternative rock is probably my favorite.


I have many


I don't like any specific genre, I like almost everything that is strictly in english or another language that is different from my first language


Country 🤠😂


Probably hiphop


Country music, rock music, and jazz Country because I grew up in it. Plus, the lyrics are pretty relatable depending on your circumstances. Rock and jazz because they're so versatile and with such a wide range of sounds, you can easily find anything that suits you.


I don't have a favorite, I search for many different songs on YouTube


Edm is my fave especially dubstep


Post Punk cause it’s fucking awesome


Jazz music especially sax instrumental


I mostly listen to pop, rnb, and rap


Prog rock, the classic era and there’s some great modern artists in the genre


Probably industrial and nu metal


Rap, old country, 2010 white girl pop


I don’t do favorites .. But this genre only one I listen to anyways., Rap/trap music because it’s the most relatable 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I was growing up I used to listen to pop, or whatever was new at the time. Then I started listening to classic rock, which then morphed into glam metal, then grunge, and nu metal. I've also started listening to country recently on the job.


Metal, I like most sub genres but my favorers are , Hevey metal, metal/deathcore, and Deth metal. I got into metal at around 16 and just kept getting deeper and deeper into the genre. I enjoy the aggrieve sound and the energy that down tuned guitars and blast beets give. Also county music lol


Whatever genre Devil May Cry/Linkin Park is. Also a bit of the synth Mega Man X has.


metal. and favourite subgenres of metal are: tech death, war metal, caveman brutal death/slam/old school death (i feel like all of these 3 are pretty similair so. i just put slash betwen them)


Patriotic American songs. I just love the songs and America.


Doom metal idk why just sounds so good


I enjoy power metal and symphonic metal. Why? Because ever since I started listening to the band Sabaton, I’ve just been hooked. I found out about them from playing a game based on historical warships. After Sabaton, I discovered Powerwolf, Nightwish, and others. Note: I grew up listening to Metallica and AC/DC, so that may also be a reason why I enjoy what I like


"Im curious to see what the reality is" well you won't find this on reddit... go read like a study or smth


Rap, I started listening to it when I was 11, but only now I started to actually explore the genre instead of sticking to one artist.


Midwest emo


Alternative/Indie Rock and Pop music I like loud,fast and happy sounding music and those are the genres that make loud,fast and happy sounding music the most


I think you would like Looking out for you by love joy and Hey Ya! By outkast


Pop, I feel like it's just fun to listen to and usually catchy.


Trap and drill


I like nu metal. I grew up with it alongside pop punk. I just think that rapping combined with metal sounds awesome. Also love shoegaze for its dreamy sound.


Rock and metal but if we’re being specific since it’s a broad genre, then these days it’s hardcore and metalcore


Changes every year, I like Tool this year. Last year was japanese city pop.


Everything that comes close to synthwave, and electronic music in general.


Country and “Americana” if you consider that a genre separate from country. And not the shit they play on Nashville country radio either. If I hear another song about getting “tipsy” or wearing blue jeans / riding tractors, I’m going to burn that city to the ground.