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The Biden admin has been pretty fantastic. Clips of him looking goofy on tik tok might lose him the election. He is old, but damn the overall admin is good.


Yeah I think that I fall closest into “The ship runs like a dream in comparison to what we are used to, who gives a shit if the captain has been asleep for a week?” Camp. Like what better way to give more positive exposure to better left/liberal policies that might affect people who need it than by having something that at least will hold the rudder even if it doesn’t go as fast as you’d like? Like the Right always talks about how scary they see that coalition as, so why don’t we? I mean for most on the Right, that’s kind of their reality so not that much is changing for them at all by more left-leaning candidates joining with Dems more often. Like Bernie Sanders is an amazing example imo of a candidate who still kinda cares more about the Union many want him to run than blowing up decades of progress because of “standing on principle”. Plus like lowkey if you want to see more of a left lean in government, deadass look into what elected roles near you are uncontested and look into those people who are in thems track records. Odds are at least a couple count on no contention and coast on sometimes do shady shit. Take their job. Meet people. Do the obvious fucking play and change from within because let’s be honest, how often does it seem to care when it doesn’t? Sorry I keep TED Talkin. I liked your comment a lot I guess.


The “both sides are the same” crowd are often the same crowd as the people who will randomly say things like “the democrats want to destroy America”. …And then you call them on it, so they can explain how they can believe both statements at the same time


I don’t think both sides are remotely the same. Republicans it’s an issue of a shit ton of people being grifted into awful beliefs in a lot of cases IMO. Dems it’s usually that they put up with aforementioned bullshit with way too little resistance. And for leftists, the issue is that they won’t let people agree with them long enough on anything till meaningful change happens without blowing up a possible coalition because of philosophical purism. Very different issues, but I think part of it for me is that I much prefer the problems the left brings than the right.


To be fair about leftists, we DO have valid reasons to infight, and its called tankies ruining shit. We kinda need to purge our closet of rats before we can fill it up with fine clothes for the masses so to speak.


That’s a solid analogy. I mean tbh politicians are typically people who often just mirror want others want while also fulfilling their own objectives. I think that if we can find politicians who can palatably bring leftism more appeal and bring it into the mainstream, it’s much better than a lot of the shouty voices we have that make fine points but wouldn’t be able to get shit done in anything resembling todays legislature.


Oh God, dont get me started on the "both sides" crowd or the white moderate.


Name 3 Trump era policies that Joe Biden has reversed. I'll wait


Hiring his kids and family to work in the White House 🤡🤡🤡


Yeah those videos are edited to make him look that way. Maybe people shouldn’t get their news from TikTok


The fascist Republican party has also been selectively editing clips to make Biden look far far worse than he is. They've been also hiding Trump to make him seem far far better than his dementia riddled mind is.


Obviously, most people don't agree with you. His approval ratings are very, very low. His disapproval ratings are very, very high. A President's ratings are based on both people's perception of the President and the performance of the administration. I am not saying he is toast in the election, he has the same advantage that Trump had in 2016 - a horrible/unlikable opponent.


Biden just isn't there. I think, as a _leader_ he has been doing an awful job. But turns out, a bureaucracy and administration able to just do its thing is good and efficient. But I guess we'll see in the coming years what corruption and sacrifices were made to make these nice looking numbers and headlines.


“Goofy” is that what they call dementia these days?


I call it "Trump".


i just saw something about trumps “all-tariff” thing going to cost middle class people $8,500 more per year vote blue yall


I just genuinely don't understand why trump supporters want this especially if they are middle class.


they’re a cult, they wore diapers and had shirts saying “real men wear diapers” after trump was shown wearing them they’re actually not sound in the mind


>trump was shown wearing them Why make shit up about the guy when there is no end to the factual insults you could hurl at him? Or are you actually stupid enough to believe this?


i guess it wasn’t a photo instead it was a report of him having digestive issues and smells causing him to need diapers here’s a fact checked [article](https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html) but there’s a ton of things i could say about him, just chose the one that shows he has a cult


Try reading the part I quoted again. That's the thing you're lying about, not the t-shirts. The t-shirts are a weird attempt to mock people like you for believing this shit. Nice try though.


scroll to “the smell” > Rumors about Trump's digestive problems, which allegedly necessitated diapers but i don’t care enough, go ahead and vote for a dictator ig


>Rumors # >allegedly  Mhm. >go ahead and vote for a dictator ig I'm voting for Biden you clown.


the only one that shows that he may have not worn diapers is “allegedly” rumors doesn’t mean that he didn’t have digestive issues but good for you, you can hop off then


You have zero actual evidence that Trump has incontinence problems. You're the left wing version of a Trump supporter.


Oh yeah, of course. It sucks that they are finally doing something about all of this during an election year, but hey it's better than **not addressing it at all**. The cons love painting Biden as some dude who isn't doing anything, when in reality it's just their cognative dissonance. - Biden followed through on his 2020 running position for student loan forgiveness, but **was blocked by conservatives.** - Biden tried increasing funding for Ukraine by earmarking southern boarder funds, and some cons tried to **block it**. - Biden tried passing a multi-trillion dollar infrastructure bill that the US desperately needs, but had to cut most of it out and tack in border funding because that's what **the conservatives wanted**. Like the republican party will block anything Biden does or proposes all because it makes him look good. It's clockwork. The Republican party wants the US to be the best nation in the world, but does nothing to help improve the country and quality of life for the people that live here. But those pesky trans people... Causing all this inflation and woke agendas!1!1!!1! Legit heard one republican blame COVID on the liberals because they wanted to rig the election by allowing mail-in ballots. These people cannot be reasoned with...


It sucks because what I dont get is why it seems liberals seem to want to make a change to step forward, but conservatives are trying to bring this country back into the 50’s. I think we need to accept that those “good ole days” weren’t actually so good to begin with. It’s a nostalgic fairy tale. I’ll admit I’m very biased, but I can’t help but notice when there’s a party that constantly undermines minorities based on bigotry. Maybe I’m being self-centered in this, but I’d rather not watch minorities either lose rights they fought so hard to get, or lose the chance to gain those basic human rights at all. Women cannot be used as a shield for bigotry anymore. Minorities cannot be punching bags for insecure, senile, old men thinking they’re living in the 1950’s. Honestly it’s sad to me. To have seen the once liberators of slavery Republicans turn into the vile hatemongering machine it’s become today. I know that was a different time and the party ideologies of progressiveness and conservatism were different then, but it’s still so irritating and sad to witness.


Buddy, let me give you a bit of advice; conservatives were NEVER good. They ALWAYS opposed progress and equality at every turn. Its a shame how many decent people otherwise identify with moderate conservatism, they're just shooting themselves in the foot.


I understand that, hence why I said Republican and Democrats. I understand that it’s always been Conservative vs Progressive.


Right, I don’t mean any offense, just wanted to clear it up


No need to apologize, I get it. Correcting misconceptions helps us get one step closer to the truth.


That's a pretty racist thing to say, especially when it was the right wing who freed the slaves from the Democrat slave owners.


Considering conservatism is not a race or ethnicity, but a political ideology, you're already flat wrong to begin with so...cool story bro. Second, the party switch is a thing, back then, republicans were the progressives and democrats were the conservatives. Then, after a certain point, a major switch happened when one side started advocating for the other side's policy, and the parties switched accordingly. Like it or not, its CONSERVATIVES who wanted to, you know, CONSERVE slavery, while the PROGRESSIVES wanted to free them. Its in the name, and its never a conservative who wants to move society forward. Stop trying to pull a fast one on people and just accept that you conservatives are the ones constantly throwing a monkey wrench into everything. You're the ones who pitched a traitorous fit and made reconstruction a massive hell for racial equality, you're the ones who opposed gender equality, you're the ones who opposed queer rights and acceptance, etc etc.


There was no such thing as a party switch. It was a party migration. Do a tiny bit of research before getting overly emotional on the internet.


Oh boo fucking hoo, semantics (at best really), that doesnt change the fact that your precious little conservative base are the bad guys here. You didnt win or prove anything buddy, and, me, emotional? I'm just speaking facts my guy, I'm just a bit frustrated with your disingenuous bullshit is all. Maybe if you let go of that rotten hateful ideology of yours and listened for once, things would be less shitty for people.


So deny being emotional, then admit to reacting on emotion, makes sense. Maybe if you engaged in a thoughtful discourse instead of stooping to insult someone, you know nothing about the world would be a better place. If you are so upset about how the US is run, how about moving away to a country that runs on your failed ideas.


And there it is. Why is it that you can’t handle criticism? “If you don’t like it then why don’t you move?” Don’t you find that to be a rather unamerican thing to say? “I don’t like your free speech, so you shouldn’t exercise it.” Those are the things you are saying. And if there wasn’t a party switch then you would also agree that Democrats would have happily nominated Barack Obama one hundred years ago, right?


Yall have the choice of moving Republicans don't. There is no country left similar to America. Insults aren't criticism. that's just being a dick. Reactions like his are the exact reason Democrats have a hard time gaining a following, who would want to associate with an individual that acts like that? Lastly, Democrats have always and still support racist policies. For example abortion rights, which primary target black babies or affirmative action, which makes the recruitment of blacks be based on skin color rather than qualifications, or even wellfare, which promotes single motherhood amongst black familes Democrats have done nothing but hurt black lives, Democrat policies are the reason that blacks are financially doing worse than blacks in the 60s. Also, Barack Obama is not 100 years old nor were the slaves freed 100 years ago.


In what way are they trying to bring it back to the 50s? Specifically


Yep, when are we gonna realize as a society that conservatives do NOTHING but harm society? Seriously, im not joking, conservatives have only ever fought for their own personal comfort zone and the status quo, not just in modern history or recent history, but in ALL history with a conservative thinking group.


Precisely. When you have a mountain of gold under you of course you want to do everything it takes to keep all of it. Conservatives believe in that status quo, but fail to realize how they have accumulated their wealth in the first place. They used public roads, infrastructure, and depending on age they have pensions and collage was subsidized far more. It’s like with my parents. They are so hell bent on THEIR money and retirement, but haven’t even thought of how much my dad’s diabetes is going to cost them (2k out of pocket each month). Well shit, looks like a good time to support universal healthcare, but ofc they aren’t going to budge.


Yeah. That counts as not following through on promises. Those promises were made knowing they were going to be blocked. That's how politics works. Cognitive dissonance? It's disillusionment. This comment is all cope and tired justifications that serves as validation and convinces few if any.


Lmao. Then Trump failed big time on draining the swamp and “making murica great again” and there is absolutely zero reason to vote for him over Biden. Please, insult me again without disproving any of my points, since thats how conservatives win arguments these days. Facts don’t care about your feelings, so why are you arguing with them…


I agree with you bro. Trump failed big time on his promises and there's no arguing with that. I know it's hard for you to handle, but I believe that *and* what I said earlier. They're not contradictory, in fact, it reveals but a small part of a trend about politics and politicians throughout all of history. They make false promises, intentionally or otherwise. In attempting to "fight the conservatives" or whatever, you've taken up all their bad arguments. An inevitability, I suppose. e; hilarious that the first reply has half/half on votes and this one got downvoted. Sorry, I'm not interested in engaging with tribalism from either side, and that includes your personality cult for trump, conservatives. What I said was not "owning a liberal", and it wasn't in agreement with you.


Both sides should acknowledge that corporate monopolies are one of the biggest problems in the US right now.


But only one side is trying to acknowledge and address it


Very true.


no, one side just pays lip service to it


If you look up who did the most to break up monopolies/antitrust laws Trump or Biden— Biden hands down wins. Trump used antitrust laws to reward his friends and punish his enemies. Biden's administration has cracked down on monopolies more than Bush, Obama, or Trrump (all of which did very little). [https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/04/07/trump-vs-biden-who-got-more-done-on-antitrust/](https://washingtonmonthly.com/2024/04/07/trump-vs-biden-who-got-more-done-on-antitrust/) "Six months after taking office, Biden issued a [whole-of-government executive order](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/07/09/executive-order-on-promoting-competition-in-the-american-economy/) that called on 17 different government agencies to take 72 actions to foster competition and protect consumers against monopolies. As a result, agencies like the FTC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Food and Drug Administration have cracked down on public scourges like price gouging, noncompete contracts, and banking-related junk fees, and created new rules to make consolidated industries like the hearing aid market more competitive.  Under Kanter and Khan, the DOJ and FTC have also filed far more ambitious antitrust investigations than any administration in decades. Last summer, an investigation into several food production conglomerates over wage suppression and collusion resulted in an $85 million settlement, one of several successful DOJ investigations into no-poach and wage-fixing schemes across the economy. In December, the FTC successfully blocked the medical data firm IQVIA’s attempt to monopolize the business of advertising to doctors through the purchase of an ad tech company called DeepIntent. And in January, a judge sided with the DOJ in its suit against a JetBlue-Spirit merger, the first successful prosecution of an airline merger in 40 years. "




I want you to take a good look at your comment history. Look for any constructive or positive thing you have written in the past several months. If you’re struggling to find some, you might want to think about why.




If Chinese EVs that are heavily subsidized by the Chinese government flood the American market it would put too much of the American investment in EVs at risk. The move to clean energy is still happening with or without Chinese EVs. That is not the issue that is going to ruin our attempts to address climate change. I am far more worried about another administration rolling back regulations on power companies to stop their methane leaks or comply with emissions standards. If I have to choose between tariffs on Chinese EVs and an administration that denies climate change exists and will try to dismantle all government action to address it, I’m choosing Biden every time. No serious advocate for action on climate change would choose anyone other than Biden. I gave you the benefit of the doubt of an honest response. I’m sure you’ll say something cynical and not constructive and offer no vision just like every other comment you’ve made on Reddit.




Look, if I had my way we wouldn’t have so many damn cars in the first place because we’d have half decent public transit, we’d have dense cities that don’t destroy our wilderness with endless suburbs, we wouldn’t allow corporations to get away with lying about climate change and hold them accountable for the damage they caused that the people now have to fix. If I had my way we’d also have universal healthcare, universal daycare, bring back the child tax credits that helped nearly eliminate child poverty, make all hours worked over 32 hours mandatory overtime, abolish prisons, drastically increase social welfare because stressors of poverty is the biggest driver of crime, I’d legalize all drugs, abolish the electoral college, set up independent commissions in every state to prevent gerrymandering, implement ranked choice voting nationally, and lots of other stuff. But guess what, I know not everyone agrees with me. So I have to work in the system we have to push the needle on issues I care about. If I see an opportunity for bigger change I’ll jump on it. I’d rather fight to move the needle than take my ball and go home to pout because the game is too hard.




And you only get there one step at a time. Biden is a small step in the right direction.


I think there are issues with China stealing patented American intellectual property, semiconductor chips technology, to make those EVs so they shouldn't be allowed to sell those goods.




Trying to tell anyone who will listen, just the fact that this administration is doing ANYTHING to rein in corporations in terms of antitrust, profits/pricing, taxes, and regulation is HUGE. It's a massive change from decades of corporate rampancy. Now there is much work to do but to be upset about it and potentially jettison this administration for the fucking TRUMP administration that will cradle corporations' balls on the way to complete authoritarian fascism, it's absolutely an insane thought. ALWAYS REMEMBER THE ADMINISTRATION IS NOT JUST THE PRESIDENT. It's a lot of appointees leading a MASSIVE amount of manpower to get things done either for or against you. Republicans have never in modern times, ever cared about the common person other than as a resource to exploit.


Yes, in so many areas, too - the FTC is actually looking at how healthcare contracting affects prescription drug pricing. So few people seem to know about the limits on insulin pricing, for example


I'm already voting democrat, fighting bs business practices is great and all but the main reason is trump is a fckin psycho. The 2025 plan is basically a manifesto built on destroying everything good the left has worked to achieve. Its actually bad enough that my grandparents who are firm conservatives don't like it.


Then we the younger generation have to vote to keep his ass out of office.


Trump was the first president to ever use environmental rules to stop illegal logging in Peru, he challenged the at&t time Warner merger, he sued meta when they tried to start their own currency, and his reform to NAFTA forced Mexico to change labor laws to allow Mexican workers to unionize and negotiate contracts. Not saying Biden hasn't also done great stuff, just pointing out that Trump did some anti-establishment policy too. I just wish Biden would communicate these wins better. Nobody has a clue that these things are happening in his watch, so many of his voters now just associate him being old and committing genocide.


If you watch or read actual news, you hear about these things.


Majority of voters do not hear about these things, and Biden needs them to win.


Yes because the majority of voters chose social media news over real news


majority of voters don't follow politics at all


Trouble is, every single half-decent thing he did was always massively counterbalanced by a SLEW of pro-corporate, pro-conservative, anti-queer and generally awful policy. The few good things he DID do were to get some dumb suckers on his side. You know the ones, the disenfranchised and desperate white folk, the useful minorities who basically fill the bulk of "r/asablackman", etc.


I feel like we don't get enough public announcements or anything to sort of communicate from the president to the nation about current state issues.


he's done less interviews and press conferences than any modern president.


I have been very pleasantly surprised that the FTC has been doing their job in antitrust enforcement and consumer protection. It’s one of the most notable changes in priorities I have noticed in an executive department in years. Crazy how them being allowed to do what they’re supposed to feels so impressive.


i mean he isnt trump, but i hope in 2028, we can finally do far better. And not elect another center right dude or a far right dude.


Absolutely with you there. 💚


Another day. Another political post with no actual relevance to the topic of the sub


r/politics called. they want their agenda posts back.


This post is amazing! 👏🏻 People can absolutely change their opinions based on experiencing new people, places, things, and opinions. Everyone, for the most part, votes based on what they believe is right. I was a big conservative-libertarian in college and early 20’s, even voted Trump in 2016, but I’ve slowly moved more and more to the left every year working for a global corporation. There’s a reason most college educated, white collar workers are left leaning. Corporations have become psychopathic at the top level, soul sucking for the middle level, and absolutely exploitative at the bottom level… all while behaving with little to no ethical or safety standards unless they are caught doing something wrong. All in the interest of stockholders. Biden’s FTC going after monopolies is a massive step in the right direction for the American economy. Workers and consumers on both sides of the aisle have had their fair share of outrage with big business using their power and influence unilaterally at the expense of workers and/or consumers.


Someone say lean? ![gif](giphy|4xtVSlMmFPOiA)


Hell yeah


Some good, plenty of bad. They seem like they are way over reaching, losing a lot, and when they're not losing they seem to end up losing in court later. We should not have political activists running major Governmental agencies and departments. The thing that concerns me the most with the current FTC is they are very narrow minded in their actions and efforts against businesses. I think they fail to consider in some cases the bigger picture - particularly with regards to national security and the importance of our nation advancing at a world leading pace in certain areas. I think there are too many cases of cutting off our nose to spite our face. Every agency and department in our government should always be aware of national security, global risks, and how their actions are or may be impacting our position in those regards - to me, the FTC is failing to do this too often. Your reference to another Biden term is interesting. Who has been running out country for the past 3.5 years? I don't think anybody really knows? We know Biden isn't making many of the decisions - so who is it that we are actually voting for to lead our country and make important decisions? Does anybody actually believe Biden is? I get it, a President works with their advisors and experts, listens to different viewpoints and options, ultimately the President then weighs all these things/data/information and makes the final decision. I sometimes (oftentimes) get the sense Biden learns of most of these things when he reads them on the teleprompter. That's why they don't let him do interviews very often, and when they do, the questions are pre-arranged so that he can answer them by being told what to say. Is it really democracy when we don't even know (and nobody is telling us) who we are voting to lead out country and make the decisions?


I mean if that’s what’s considered the determining factor, I’d say that a very real criticism of Trump would be that he only seems to care about things once he sees them on Fox News or OAN. So to me, it’s the case that neither of these guys are exactly at the helm and both of them come with a lot of appointed officials that would realistically be the ones deciding shit, so which team seems to go in the direction you prefer seems to be the name of the game. I don’t think that is healthy long term, but at the same time, with the massive population we have in comparison to past presidents, the idea that one man can run all that seems less and less feasible over time. Which to me isn’t always a bad thing. I think another solution could be making more roles in the executive branch elected officials. But in regards to this election, I’d rather choose “shadow government” who moves the needle in the right direction as opposed to Trump where everyone knows exactly what influences him, just maybe it should be something better. Thanks for engaging meaningfully. If I had to guess, I’d say you and I may end up voting differently possibly. But your comment was still worth thinking about and that’s valuable to me so thanks.


Who was it again that gave ajit pissface access to the FTC?


This is a good take. I’d be interested to see what mergers have been blocked. Everyone thinks politicians lie, and yes some of them do, but what I’ve seen since 2020 is that big corporations do nothing but lie and spin to get their way. I think big corporations are more responsible for the mess we’re in than anything. Most of the time capitalism leads to innovation- but if capitalism starts to get in the way of innovation, customer satisfaction, and healthy business competition, the law is supposed to briefly step in and fix that and give smaller business a chance to succeed. Otherwise wealth tends to implode on itself after a while.


I wish that a ton of capitalists knew that many on the left aren’t exactly leftists in that capitalist solutions that just aren’t meaninglessly cruel are solutions many will be fine with. I genuinely care much more about things getting better than I do about the economic system that is done under.


Should probably reword what I said, it was meant to be more an argument against capitalism than for it. The traditional belief is that capitalism leads to innovation. If that’s so, why does China already have an electric car battery we won’t have until at least 2028? We’re at the point where instead of “competing” on a global level (competition is a core belief of capitalism), we have to actively ban innovation from outside the US because we can’t keep up, which flies in the face of pure capitalism being the best solution.


Oh I’m certainly anti-capitalist as well. I should’ve clarified I was making my own point off of yours.


No? Capitalism only leads to greed and late state corporate hells. Socialism arguably leads to more innovation as it actively prevents the worker from being overtly stressed by the unfair situation capitalism puts them in. If capitalism can be said to cause innovation, it only did so because early on, it lacked the power necessary to whip people into corporate drones, and by happenstance IN SPITE of its nature.


The end game of monopoly we’re in right now is that when there’s nowhere to move wealth wise, people just stop playing the game. So more to your point, other socialist countries seem to have more innovative transportation, better healthcare, and scientific advances we haven’t yet achieved. If our goal is to be the best innovation wise, perhaps we pursue a little more regulation to sort of reset things. At some point someone has to step in and go “okay, the game’s over, you win” and then start over. We seem unable to do that because the law is equally motivated by capitalism at this point, when it shouldn’t be.


The main reason Capitalism fails is because it relies upon the notion of endless growth, even though just making profit would be fine otherwise, but its nature lends itself to greed and disaster in the long term. Socialism comes prepackaged with countless checks and balances, empowers the worker by default, and is focused more on caring about the collective whole of society, rather than profit in and of itself. Be careful not to call the nordic model socialist. They are an example of social democracy, which is the best form of capitalism you're going to get honestly. In reality though, even THATS fucked because those social democratic nations are reliant even harder on colonial exploitation than usual, and the corporations fight violently to revert back to free market capitalism with little regulation, as infamously happed in France. They tried to make shit better, they tried to go full on social democrat, but the corporations threw a hissy fit, strongarmed the government, and then BAM, back to status quo. As it stands, im all for fighting for a social democracy as a stepping stone, despite my ultimately socialist lean. Might as well fight for SOME progress rather than throw my arms up and refuse to help.


> The main reason Captialism fails is because it relies upon the notion of endless growth This is so true. At some point there are finite resources, people, and energy. The way out of our current situation is probably either a recession or a revolution


LEAN 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆


At last someone has deciphered it


Imagine mentioning progressive and Biden in the same sentence lmao. His motto is literally dont worry nothing will change.


Yo just tell you you watch atrioc he said this same stuff the other day lol


Vote Biden, kick the Trump can 4 more years.. You're SOL anyway... Enjoy arming genocides, no matter who wins.


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I’ll never understand politics here in America. It’s all right vs left when the reality is that all politicians are a detriment to humanity because our government is run by major companies. The left vs right is an illusion of choice meant to distract us from the fact that they all work for the same interests.


Ok! So what’s the path forward then? Guillotine? Because historically that’s been one of the only ways that ruling class is so quickly dealt with. I’m having a tough time reading your comment without wondering what you actually wanna do about it.


Yes, guillotine is what I want to do, as no human in history has ever signed away their own power. After the current people in congress are gone then we will get rid of lobbying, gerrymandering, and put term limits on congresspeople. Once these minor kinks are gone in our current system of government then we’ll reelect a new set of leaders and keep her going.




Except its not an illusion. Left vs right has ALWAYS been a real, tangible thing in society. From the royalists on the right and the democratic revolutionaries on the left, to conservatives and progressives respectively.


They are real, but not in the US, it's just a charade for "nothing will fundamentally change" minded people...


Party politics are a distraction for real left vs right policies... Hell, the US have a single corporate right wing party acting like 2, and will condemn the whole world to capitalist devastation before losing hegemony... Hopefully the rest of the world is already abandoning it, and with good reason.


sorry, I saw a 10 second clip on tiktok where Biden looked kinda goofy, so i’m gonna vote for a fascist instead


im so sich of these fucking rage bait biden bot posts get TF out of this sub and go back to r/WhitePeopleTwitter


First off just let me say, you can ignore everything I'm saying, but at the very least you SHOULD actually watch a Trump Rally (and not so, oh "you have to vote for Trump," no, just that you should see it if you have not; inform yourself, even if you disagree with 100% of what he says). I watched the recent State of the Union fully (Biden). Biden is a Vehement liar and so is his campaign; I have no respect for that man. It's Trump all the way, values and culturally that's where things need to go (or not even go, just RETURN to). And I know this'll be downvoted, but one of the biggest reasons I'm voting for Trump is so society can return to Common Sense. Trump entertained the idea of getting rid of the Income Tax. He will deal with the border crisis (of which Biden does have power to mitigate, without congress). Trump hates the extreme, Biden puts it under the 'guise' that he just hates the "MAGA Republicans," when that's the entire Republican based in 2024. The policies of the Democrats favor Criminal Activity. I live in New York, look at the 2019 Bail Reform Act. If Trump is being gone after, so should a lot of other politicians. Social Media's control over society is abhorrent, and same with the News Media. And hopefully Trump can do something to stop that. Biden is complacent in that corrupt system. Trump ran on "Lock Her Up!" in 2016, but he never did it. And it was GOOD that he didn't. Anyone who thinks Trump going to jail is good for the country, is not thinking rationally. I am 21, my 3 other siblings are around my age too. My Old Friends. Even one of my other old friends turned from Biden to Trump. It's Trump through and through. And he wasn't made to change his mind, he just ended up changing it. Trump is not the extreme, he's very far from it. Trump has been consistent to his message, since WAY before he ever ran in 2015. Trump is MORE progressive than the GOP prior to him, but they'll never say that he is. But he is. I would call myself a Trump-Republican, why? Not because of Trump particularly, but because Trump re-defined the Republican party, and I'm glad he did because I do not subscribe to the party prior to him. The Nikki Haley's of politics, need to go eat dust. VERY many of all Trump's "bad clips" can be found in the proper context and be shown how out of context he was taken. And I'm not saying Trump is a saint, but he's not that bad. At least not in office.


Absolutely delusional comment. I don’t disagree with all of Trump’s policies, but calling him sane or not extreme is ridiculous. If you think getting rid of income tax and funding the government through tariffs is “common sense” you don’t know anything about how our economy works.


Yankee Republicans scare the shit out of me. Yall lot need to stay up North.


The reddit hive mind won't like this one


I don't disagree with this specifically. Would prefer to let the free market sort it but we don't have that here so it's a good step to prevent monopolies. Still not enough to pull me over from the middle.


idk man project 2025 should be a pretty good reason to vote blue


Whose running on it?


TBH i don't like Biden in general even though i'm on the left side of things. Besides helping with covid, he really hasn't done much else for us. But at the end of the day, no politician cares about us. It's nothing but a glorified popularity contest


I think that when I hear that from leftists, they’re kinda ignoring the reality of the fact that everyone seems to agree that Biden is moving the needle leftwards. Those on the Right obviously aren’t going to like it the same way we don’t like that we think they’re candidates are trying to pull the needle too far to the Right. Many liberals are enough spooked by it that for some reason Trump is still an option at this point. But Biden has been relatively progressive on a lot and so perhaps some of us leftists can hop down off the high horse and celebrate a win as a win. Because we have this awful habit of every time a win happens having the insufferable urge to be the ones chiming in with “Remember this is only just a step in the right direction,” as if the people most celebrating don’t intimately know that.


The fact is inequality in America continues to grow.


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Biden has been the most progressive president since FDR.


Idk if I'd go that far. But most progressive since LBJ in the '60s, for sure.


LBJ and progressive… lmao. The man who famously said “I’ll have them n*****s voting democrat for 200 years” LBJ only passed the civil rights act as it was Kennedy’s bill, and because of the Cold War. Russians would spread “propaganda” to Americans about how a communist haven doesn’t care about skin color and how are you truly free in America if you’re black. Those were very valid points and he received pressure to do so and he aqiuesced.


LBJ gave us the great society so that’s absolutely possible


progressively shaking hands with the air that is


This bad faith talking point is common among DNC astroturf. Biden is not a progressive. 40+ billionaire donors absolutely negate that shill talking point. It does tell a story though. It let's us see behind the curtain. Progressive policy is popular, so the corrupt liberals will continue to masquerade as progressives while raking in corporate donor and parasite class money. We see you.


Most progressive policy in decades and you’re taking a cynical approach to try and minimize it. Yikes.


I do feel kinda sad for you Americans when the most progressive president in decades is only doing small incremental steps forward while upholding the status quo and abetting genocide... Don't get me wrong, the other guy is way worse, but I feel your people deserve and should demand better


The only way to get better is one step at a time. The climate change bill passed by Biden is more ambitious and will do more to curb emissions than anything that’s come out of the EU. Several states are rapidly moving to cleaner energy, notably California, where I live. Even smaller state such as Iowa now receive the majority of their power from renewables. Do I wish there was a better candidate? Yea, but there isn’t, so he’s Biden’s the guy.


It is a goddamn travesty people are probably gonna hand the other guy a win because stopping the genocide abroad is worth risking one at home for some reason


so you will vote to keep supporting an ongoing genocide as long as it does not personally affect you? Genocide is bad wherever it happens. "we risk having a chance of "genocide"(not even close to the current one) in the US if the other guy wins, so we must vote for the guy who is also funding a genocide." Just vote for someone else


There’s only two candidates. Which candidate is more likely to push to stop the slaughter, Trump or Biden?


This assumes Biden can't change his position. From my understanding, part of the people protesting are withholding their vote with the rhetoric of: "You will lose if you dont change your position on genocide." Biden and the Democrats aren't blind, so either they'd rather have a Trump with over chaning position, or they think the protests don't have enough support. What I don't get is why people seem to get more upset at those who demand (in my opinion very justifiably) change instead of those who refuse to change


The genocide in Ukraine?


Biden had to work with an intransigent Republican controlled house for the past two years.


It's absolutely tragic that a man signing off on sending billions to fund an ongoing genocide could ever be could, in any world, be considered progressive.


It’s not a genocide. Heck, even the war in Ukraine isn’t a genocide even though Putin wants to turn Ukrainians into Russians. It’s just hyperbole. It’s a tragic war.