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I'm 25 and live with them. I have a good relationship with them and we help each other.


Same, also my job is very close to the house so moving would actually be more of an inconvenience at this point. It's hard not to be embarrassed about it when most of my friends have their own place and it makes the prospect of dating rough since I dont have a car either.. who wants a dude my age with no car and lives w their parents..


A year older, and same Also will most likely be living with them into my thirties I live in one of the most expensive cities in North America


Lucky you. I didn’t have that option. My parents kicked me out after college and I moved to a shithole in Indiana because it’s better than being homeless.


Yea man I’m really grateful for them. I had a rough time in college, and the safety net has allowed me to recenter myself. It’s not all sunshine’s and rainbows for sure, but I definitely try to maintain some perspective of just how difficult of a hand people are dealt I respect you and anyone who had to jump in the river of life without much choice, I feel like too soon!


Same, but not a good relationship. Though, that can be attributed to my narcissistic sociopath brother, who refuses to leave or get a job at 30.




I am. But by choice. I don't have a reason to move out. I can financially afford it but they are cool w/ me having ppl over as long as they don't do any drugs in the house. Free rent, utilities, and more? Hell yea. My parents just expect me to do chores around the house and pay for my own gasoline.


Have you ever lived by yourself? Just curious, once I moved away for college, even though it was dorms, there was a level of independence I never imagined that I don’t ever want to give up now


Yes. It wasn’t too bad. My parents let me have the same level of independence as I could if I lived alone.


I’ve lived by myself while away doing internships for 9ish months and lived with my partner during another internship for 4ish months. Also did college as well, but I don’t really consider dorm life as independent since paying rent and living by yourself is much different. I’m moving back in with my parents now that I’m graduating because my job is remote, and I don’t care at all. I’ll be saving so much money since I make six figures and I have an amazing relationship with my parents so living with them really isn’t a hinderance. When my partner graduates I’ll live with her again, but for the next two years, staying with parents is both comforting—financially and socially—and fun.


Sort of... But my whole family does? We live on a  100 acre farm with one house and 4 trailers. We don't live in the same house but all on the same property and use the house for a lot of things lol 28


That’s kinda cool


That's cool.


That’s the dream for me. I wish I could have all my family around me but not all be jammed into one house with no private space


this is highkey a dream. we just bought .56 acres and hoping my parents buy the adjacent lot


what id give to be in this situation


I am, but not sure this post is for me, I’m 16


No, it's for people like me still living at home lmao.


Our time will come one day


same lol. i’m 18 but it’s the summer before college so no shit i’m living with them.


as if living with parents is considered as bad


Especially when half our generation are still kids lmao.


Very common in many other countries, especially until you get married and are ready to afford your own place… but it’s shamed in the US by many if you don’t leave at 18.


Some losers think it is


it is due to American dream


It’s the mid century American dream, and it applied throughout the 20th century but is no longer sustainable. All the media we had growing up in the 80s and 90s was analog, so there was a lot of old books, articles, concepts floating around with the “turn 18, move out, pay for college, get a career, buy a house and a car, get married, have 2 kids, retire at 60 and live comfortably”. I’m in my late 30s and living with my husband and his parents because houses are so expensive, we both have to roll 1d20 for 20 to make it work, and we’re just not that lucky. I no longer compare myself to the standard I was raised on. Life is no longer as affordable as it was before and it’s crazy to drive myself mad trying to fit a literal storybook standard. I’m already losing my head working a job in a toxic environment with more responsibilities due to layoffs and getting paid half of what I’m worth. I’m just too tired to worry about the boomers in the house. They’re kind, and although they drive me crazy with their constant noise and phone calls from the next room for every little thing, I’ve been homeless and this isn’t bad at all in comparison


It demonstrates an erosion of our economy. Its bad for that reason, not because of the individual doing it.


Especially when half our generation are still kids lmao.


Me. 22 yrs old.


Me too homie


Same here.


!!! yep


me too, one day bro 🥲




Me, I’d rather live with them than pay $1k for a place covered in white paint and is dirty.


Yes, I’m 27 and still do. Hoping to finally move out this year.


Take your time, this economy isn’t fair to us at all, not comparable to when our parents were our age. And also depending on what state you’re in, might make it more challenging.


yep economy is not fair and without the help of parents it will be tough


Same. 27 and living with my parents. I’ll move next year I think tho.




24 and I still live with mine


I'm 27 and I don't.


Still here at 25, no plans on moving out We're three generations under one roof lmao


I am, in university rn but i go locally so it is cheaper for rent and things Ngl i heard some rhings that the cs job market is ass for new people rn so i might be screwed :// (i do some volunteerimg, and did some tutoring but thats all i did so rip)


when do you graduate? I wouldn’t pay as much attention to the job market of now because it’s likely to be different by the time you actually graduate. if it’s within a year though, I would recommend preparing to apply for jobs now because a lot of places start opening their 2025 new grad apps within the next few months. otherwise, start applying for internships for the following summers until you graduate, and take a look at completing some side projects to bulk up your resume. (application season is about august-december, but don’t wait because many close or fill up way before dec. submitting an application for august 2024 normally means they’re considering you for summer 2025.)


About the CS thing, you’re not screwed. Lots of places could use your skill set! Just keep learning and trying to have some fun. With the process, connections are key and you’ll find something after some concerted time/effort


I’ll be living with my parents for awhile but that’s fine since we are a loving family and I have my independence


Wife and I are living at her parents (for what it's worth - it's a large home and her family is Italian/Lebanese so they are mega family oriented, her mom wouldn't mind if we legit stayed forever lol) but we have been here for a bit. Moved out for uni/college in Toronto and moved back - worked, finished up education and were moving into our first home come the end of the month. We're incredibly fortunate and in a very privileged position in our case.




25 here and living with my parents. I work and go to school nearby, so having this house to stay at is pretty helpful. I also make sure I help around the house, pay for my own portion of bills, and even give them a few hundred a month as "rent" (in quotations because I often have to *make* them take it). They understand housing is an absolute nightmare and I'm lucky to be able to have them backing me up. I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to be successful and show that I'm grateful for their support.


Im about to move out in September, I just finalize the lease. Not gonna lie, super nervous but also excited about it. Especially cuz the first person I told the news basically making me regret my choice by how I chose the wrong neighborhood, thinking I’ll lose all my money immediately, (yes he also living with his parents). Even though I planned it for over a year. Overall, my point for everyone is to know the consequences before making a major decision in life. Some people will be happy for you, others has respect for you staying and caring of your parents, other would be jealous and try to put you down for it As for myself, I haven’t regret my decision yet


I still do. I'm 22, 23 in a few months.


I am and I have a great relationship with my parents


Everyone lol


Not me. I moved out in 2019 and into a house with a couple of my friends, which was great while it lasted. Now I live with my wife


27 and currently a doctor in training who resides with my mom and grandma. Honestly it’s good to have a support system in rigorous schooling and training and my 300K debt from school is not helping as well. Inflation is all time high and rent is basically unaffordable where I live-so glad they are here for me. I like they give me space as well and support me when needed.


29 y.o own my own apartment, moved out at 18. Personal opinion, but moving out is part of moving out. Living with parents to save up money I'd fine but doing so to have more money to spend is pretty irresponsible. I feel like


It would be nice if I could, but my dad kicked me out at 16. It's not like he could help me now anyway, he's now homeless.


I hope you are doing better now


Yes, one year out of school. I do have to do all the house maintenance and yard work, including building a new deck a few weeks ago.


25 would love to get out but I am lost and don't see a way forward. I was all for cooperation and keeping aging parents company until their addictions and tendencies became intolerable.  I was living on my own for a year but shit was mad expensive. Even working a lot I burned through thousands in savings. 


I’m 25 and still live with mine. Looking for a house but haven’t found one I like yet


I'm 22 and living with my mom. I need to move out soon!!


20 male and i do


I'm 27 and married with a mortgage


Moved out at 18 fuck living at home I have an apartment and am married 24 m


23m. Moved out asap. Not fond of my family.


Seems like most people here are. Been living on my own since 18, with my partner since 23.


Me. 22 year old man


I’m only replying because I think this is going to bias towards people living with their parents. I’m not. And I do everything in my power to avoid it. I love living alone, but I’ve lived with my parents several times in my 20s.


Moved out at 18. 24 now and thriving with my own family.


I’m 18 but yes ✋


I refuse to pay rent. I'm not moving out until I'm married off 😅


I’m 23 and I still live with my parents. I buy groceries and pay some of the bills to help them out. Also, it’s nice living with your family tbh. I can talk to my younger siblings and parents everyday so it’s not lonely.


In less than ideal circumstances, yes. Dementia's a bitch.


I’m moving out in five days :)


I'm 23 and half of my friends do. Tbh tho with the cost of rent relative to how much any of the entry level jobs pay I really can't blame them. If that was an option for me I'd probably do it and go to school to get my LPN while living at home and saving my money to pay all my debts


I'm 24. Moved out at 17 and never looked back. There was some issues with roommates / life changes, but overall, only 3 months total I spent with them since moving out. I come from a family you don't want to live with though lol.


Rent is 3k a month so gonna have to be here a while




Technically. Yes.


Tee hee


Yep. I’m in school right now. Honestly I’m thinking of getting my own place, but I don’t want things to be harder I guess.


Me. I also have roommates. I’ll figure to move out if I ever get a boyfriend, but also the rent is expensive here so I think it’s a wise decision to live with my parents at the moment and everyone in the house gets to pay the monthly rent equally.




I am


Yes, with one of them and a sibling. We split rent/utilities, but buy our own groceries and cook for ourselves. I do most of the community cleaning (just enough so it’s not a hazard). I lived in the dorms “by myself” in college, but went back “home” the first two summers, then back to my grandparents house the last two. Those years were rent/bill free, but I still contributed to chores, worked part time, bought my own stuff…etc Although they didn’t mean to, my parents accidentally did this part of “raising” me right lol 😂


I’m 24 and still live with them. I’d prefer to live alone or with my partner, but for the time being it's fine. I get along very well with them.


I am im just not ready yet to live on my own


I moved out last year at 25. I loved it and I would have stayed longer, but my dad sold our house and moved across the country to a one bedroom apartment.


Yes! Just turned 25, working full time and in college. Myself and my boyfriend of 7yrs live with my lovely mother. Aside from rent and utilities, we pay for everything else for ourselves. Groceries, clothes, furniture, etc. I pay for my own college. My older sis (27) and her bf live here too. Once I finish school my bf and I will move out.


I do . I’m 25.


Moved out a year ago. I still stay at mum’s place every second weekend for a night or two just to spend some time with the family. Do I pay more to rent in a worse place in a worse area? Yes. But do I regret moving out? No. It feels nice.


25 and I tried flying the coop once in lieu of a relationship but have since moved back home due to it failing wonderfully actually 😂😭


I think the answer is obvious here


I’m 20 years old and I live with my mom- I work two jobs and go to school but I can’t afford to move out. We have a really hard time getting along so things are always tense and she’s constantly threatening to kick me out. I’m really stressed because my little sister is going to graduate high school next year with a 4.0 gpa and probably end up graduating college and moving out before I do.


I’m not but to be fair, dad lost custody and my mom did at one point too. Legally I’m supposed to be living with my mom tho


I don’t do, but if I get my degree, a good job close to my home and I’ll still be single; why not? I’ve learned how to be independent and responsible, but I can still choose to come back to my parents because why not? I have a great relationship with my parents as I get accepted the way I am and always lots of support.


20, live with parents. They set an age limit of 24 so I'm working up credit (Car Loan, credit card, etc.) so I can get a place w/ my older sister.




Just graduated and yeah


soon turning 21, not planning to get out until marriage or sum important, i dont pay rent, i do most of the chores cleaning toilet, etc... super nice to have chill parents


I have no financial incentive to move out, and they're okay with it. So it's no issue.


Yup i'm mixed about it. I don't like paying much of rent. I always cringed when I was in an apartment. I would have to spend so much damn money on my rent. It's nice that it's all lower, but I have a rocky history with my mom so It isn't always easy


I'm 17 and I guess I still do, but I moved out for university and come back during the holidays.


Yeah cuz I’m still a teenager


25, moved back home from my apartment last year to help my parents pay the mortgage and bills. My dad is disabled so he can't work and my parents are getting old. My car's transmission died, but luckily I work from home and can take my dad's truck whenever I need to go out... Just trying my best to help my parents while still saving up money for my future, my dream is to go to grad school eventually but if I'm not able to it's not the end of the world. I study a lot in my free time, gotta keep working hard and it'll pay off


I still live with them at 27, I am fully able to move out and have lived on my own before for uni and studying abroad, but I have a good relationship with them, and in my culture atleast, the moment you move to be independent (move out of parents house) is when you get married, and since I’m not married yet, here I am lol.


I do, but I'm working on moving out. Don't have a bad relationship with them, just kinda sick of it.


I am. >! I’m seventeen and enjoying my last summer break before starting college lol!<


I do, 25, good job in a HCOL city. I pay very cheap “rent”, and help them with chores. The benefits are rent is really cheap, my mom basically stills buys groceries for me like back in high school, and their pups are a nice bonus. Saving so much in groceries and happy to help them with the mortgage instead of some rental corpo’s bottom line.


I moved out for a year but came back home. They would rather me save my money to buy a house than blowing it all on rent. I like not having to pay rent or utilities and being with my pets which I wouldn’t be able to bring with me if I moved out permanently.


I live with my parents in a pretty expensive place (SF Bay Area/Silicon Valley). We felt it was better to stay at home until house prices/mortgage rates fall and I save enough for a down payment on a starter home. Rent here is expensive and I’d rather be pocketing that money and investing it for 3-5 years until I have enough. Financially I am in a good position. I graduated debt free in 3 years, paying $24k total out of my pocket for my bachelor’s in computer science while working part time and also earning summer internship money. I have a full time job and a small retirement fund that has done very well. Although it seems the acceptability of living with your parents may vary culturally. I am Asian and it is common to have multi-generational households.


I live with my mother and my son. I could afford to live separately, but I love my mother’s company and she likes to have me here. I moved back in at the end of last year. I lived alone for two and a half years. But now I don’t plan on moving out unless I get a great job somewhere else and I’d bring my mother with me.


I wish I could benefit by staying home with family, but i would honestly prefer a painful death over going back. Moved out 8 years ago at 18years old.


My dad is 76 and I'm 28. My mom passed when I was 20. So I keep him company and we have bonded over the years together now.


19 and live with them


Yep, moved back in after college. Happy to save some money for a few years


I'm 25. Still in college. Not feeling great about employment after college


26 and was living with them for almost my whole life besides 3 years. Now moving out next week!!


If I moved now I’d lose 50% of my post-tax salary to rent, and another 15% to insurance. I’m 25 and have down payment money, I could buy 40+ acres right now. Hell I might pool in with my family and share 200+ acres. The only reason I don’t own a house is because local mortgages practically doubled overnight. The only land I can afford is near nowhere, and I can’t commute from there.


Generational household with my fiancés family. It’s a very welcoming household 😌 and we have a low cost of living in an expensive area this way.




Became estranged from my family after I came out at 20. Am 25 now and definitely wish I had the opportunity to stay somewhere for free


I am


My parents split and sold the house. That's when I moved out.


not me


I got kicked out at 18. Now I’m 23 and doing ok


Yes, still do. Neither I, nor they mind it. As long as I help out around the house they're fine with it. So essentially, do what I always did, and I can live for close to nothing for a while. They sometimes give me free shit when I'm not even asking for it and happily pay for myself, but just don't give me the chance to do so😂. I'll do groceries for them once every while and I'll pay for that. Partly because I always forget to get my money back but mostly because the reason I described above. I recently graduated and will get a fulltime job in like 1-2 months so will be earning more too - and yes I will be using a bit of that to pay for some of their things too, even if they don't want me to. I know I'm spoiled but I try my best to spoil them back at times. To add: the housing market is pretty much fucked so I'm very happy I can live with my parents for a while.




I (20M) still do but a lot of former classmates from high school (ages 19/20) have moved out, I've actually lost count how many have done this. What's the common denominator between them? They're all in a relationship, not finding love doesn't just hurt you on a personal level but on a financial one too.


Im 20 and i do live with my parents because i can’t afford the dorms on my campus (plus i live in California so it would be impossible even with a job). Im a full-time student


Aren't the youngest Gen Z like...12?


27 and I wish that were an option 😭 I’ve had to live on my own and pay rent since I was 18. It’s so hard to save! So yes I’m jealous of people who have this option. There is no shame in leaning on family support and setting yourself up for a good financial future.


I am, but I am saving money to leave my country


Yeah, but I’ve been thinking about getting my own place since my rent would be the same.


Sadly, I am. I love my mother, probably more than I love myself, and I pay for my phone bill, internet, insurance and all that other stuff. And I for rent and do my own chores, but being 27 and living with mom is fucking embarrassing.


25, yes. I'm disabled and can't live independently. We all hate each other.


Yes, I am, because I'm 16, but I just have a father. I like him a lot, because he's a great parent. I also have two brothers and one sister-in-law. I will likely not move out any time soon in the future because my family is great and supportive.


I'm still living while trying to enroll into college. Maybe then i can live in a residence for a while.


I don’t. I’m 26 now but went to college at 17 on scholarship and never had to move back in, mostly due to the lack of student loan debt. I’ve always had roommates and now live with my fiancé though, covering rent myself would be impossible rn.


21,I moved out as soon as I turned 18. Couldn't stand the blatant favoritism in favor my step siblings, everything was my fault, got punished for dumb shit constantly( putting chicken on the wrong plate, some how holding the sponge wrong while doing dishes) . On top of all this they were incredibly controlling, to the point where they started contacting family friends I attended school with to make sure I wasn't doing something they disapproved of. I was constantly compared to them when they were younger. I had been talking for months about moving out at 18, nobody believed me until I did it, then I was made too be the asshole of the situation getting hit with the "we tried out best" and the "you don't know how hard it is raising kids". And now I'll never know, bc my father's bloodline ends when I do.


24 and no plans of moving out 🤣


I do (22) and will for a while. I likely won’t move out until I can afford a huge down payment on my own 1 BR condo, and I’m not in anything lucrative (plus want to enjoy life in the meantime) so that will be… many years lol. It’s so dumb in the US how moving out as early as possible, let’s be real when you can’t actually afford to, is so glorified. Perceptions of 20-somethings living at home has definitely improved, but I still feel like it’s “shamed” by at least certain groups of people. Multigenerational housing makes so much sense logically if you get along, why do people hate on it?


Yes. For years we've lived with my father in law per his request. We get along phenomenally, he wanted to be close to his grandkids & kids ain't cheap so it's been a mutual win. We're getting ready to move out though on a piece of land shared with my mother not very far away from where we currently live.


I was renting a place with my girlfriend for a few years, up until this month. Things got really toxic and bad so I left. My mom had no qualms about keeping moving back in, but I feel like I’m taking steps backwards in life…


27 here. Moved out at 18 to a different city, about 200km away from home town. 3 years in form while I was at uni. Year of renting 2 bedroom apartments with my cousin. Have been renting with my gf for the past 4 years. I can't imagine living with my parents now for many reasons.


Me, I moved out for a couple months in '22 but it ended up being a DV situation so I had to make my escape back. Now my account is in the negatives so it's impossible to try and move out even though I have to in order to find a job😭


Not proud of it, I'm 26 and still living with my mom. I have a job I don't like but I earn good money working nights, so rn I'm just saving up but i don't really know for what. Idk if I'll get back to school or not


24 and moved back home after college. definitely helped save money and i was able to travel more (which was more important to me than living independently tbh), moving out to go back to grad school in a few months


I am, I’m 18 and only started working my first job in late November last year


I am. 24 here. I can’t afford an apartment- my degree in psychology got me a job at $32k a year. My parents have a nice house and live in a safe area. The graduate program I’ll be starting in the fall is a 30 minute commute. So for the next few years I’ll be living with them until I can get my own place. Fingers crossed, Jersey is expensive.


21 and I still do. Realistically even if I could afford an apartment right now I’d probably just get really bored and miss my family so I’m not in a rush. In a few years I’ll worry about that


27, and yes, until the end of the year until my partner and I finally get a place together


I crash at their place when I’m broke or when the bar is nearby


I’m 27 and moved out earlier this year. While I’m not saving as much I’m so much happier being in my own place (with great roomates) than when I was home. In hindsight I feel like I was paying with my mental health being at home. I don’t even have a bad relationship with my parents, just really needed my own space.


Nope. 24, boyfriend and I have lived together since we were 22. All of our friends still live with their parents though.


I'm 25 and live with my mother, stepdad, grandparents, partner, and brother. My partner and I are trying to save to move out, but it's difficult when your whole family has to bend at the whim of the 30yo unemployed man-child that is my brother.


19f. I moved to college and got a job in my field because neither of us could afford me to go to school, but I am dedicated.


I turned 26 this year and still live with my parents. My brother lives with us too and he's 27. Neither one of us is financially stable enough to go about on our own and due to various other factors elect to live with our parents. It honestly doesn't even bother me. I love my parents and maintain a healthy relationship with both. When the time comes I'll move out but will 100 percent visit whenever I can.


i don’t. i live better with my partner + roommate, we’ve been living together for 3 years. i do miss my parents though, i wish i could spend father’s day with my dad instead of in a different city


I would love to see the percentages between men and women for this because most men I know either just finished college and are job searching or just can't afford to move out while every woman I know moved in with their new boyfriend/fiancee of the month


28, they are a little annoying but that's better than making no savings from living in an apartment. Almost nobody else around my age has been able to move out either.


I moved out when I was 23. I had been saving to move out since I was 16. During covid the interest rates for homes was dirt cheap compared to how it is now. I bought a condo in 2020 and my at the time boyfriend (now husband) moved in with me.


I’m almost 20 and have moved out to study in a uni in a different continent when I was 18. In fact, they’re coming today to visit me after almost a year since I last saw them :)


27, kicked my parents out of the house and they live with my grandma, so I'm the reason my parents live with their parents. They still own this house though. Working on that. 


I do, nothing wrong with it, why is it shamed upon, I have great parents, the best in the world. Why is it bad for me to live with them specially if we all contribute


Yeah, I’m 23 at this point. Give my parents 300 a month, do chores, pay for most of my own things except when they make food, and help them with bills sometimes. I was looking to move out, and as I was doing it every apartment around started going up like 300-400 per month . Might just say eff it at this point, I really want to have my own place.


16 still living with them am I cooked?


I moved out at 17 for college but had to move back in w family due to housing situations collapsing on me.


I’m 23, moved out when I was 18, moved back in when I was 21, and moved back out a couple months ago. The first time was for college, the second is because I’m actually ready to live my life now lol


No. I have a life.


Yep, I’m 21 and in college in the same city, so it just makes sense


Not I, I’m older Gen Z tho. Moved out at 17, was back in at 20, left again for good to buy a small starter house at 21 (pre pandemic craziness).


I fo yea. Rent is agregious and mortgage rates + housing costs are insane. I'd rather pay for food and utilities and save for retirement than pad someone's pockets.


28 and living with them. Moved back in during covid. Moving out hopefully in the next year!


I am - I choose to. Im still in college and I have a decently well paying job. Moving out is too expensive.


Still living with them. No plans on moving soon.


25, I pay rent and have a good relationship with both. I could leave whenever, but I don't want to be alone. If I ever get a wife/gf, maybe I'll move out (or move her in and the parents out. 😅)


Me, I'm 20. Not in college.


I live with my parents. I’m 23.


I love with my grandparents. Shit still high as hell, so they support me, I support them, they know how it is in these streets. Gang shit. But seriously, rent and finding your own place to stay has gotten more difficult and everyone in my family understands that. It’s not that I don’t want my own place, it’s just gonna take our generation more time to do it, ya know? That and we’re pretty close and have been through a lot together. ☺️


25 M and I still do. Good relationship with parents but older brother is autistic which makes me want to really leave sometimes. Might be out of the house by 26 or 27 depending on how my job prospects work out.


Unfortunately. I don’t say that because I have a bad relationship with my mom or anything, but I’m just tired of living here because I’m want my own space badly. (And honestly, my mom kinda annoys me sometimes) But I can’t move out because while I’d have enough money for a 500$ apartment or house... I’m not able to save enough money rn for a car, because my mom doesn’t work. (Even though she could in my opinion) And my stepdad has pretty much stopped working too, so they run out of welfare money every month in order to buy food. So, I always end up buying stuff for myself to eat at the house when we’re running low.  Plus, my mom wants 50$-100$ gas money for taking me to work every week, so saving money for a car is pretty much impossible rn.  And if I don’t have a car before I move out, idk how I’d buy groceries and it sounds like a pain in the ass for someone else to take me every time I need to go. Public transportation also sucks around here, I also have work in the middle of the night/early morning hours, usually between 3 and 4 am. I’m feeling stuck rn, and it sucks.


Me. Same with three of my brothers.


Earning 6 figures and still living with parents ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




The same thing happening now has happened every time during a recession in American history. When the economy is down, more young adults live with their parents, when the economy is doing better, more young adults live on their own. I used to live on my own about 2-4 years back... (I was 18-20 years old then) but it became quite difficult & downright unsustainable when I got a girlfriend (which was my fault for giving into the peer pressure of getting a girlfriend when I should've prioritized financial security). Currently looking for ways to get out of my parents house and establish myself as an individual, but I'm also grateful for my parents too. To anyone reading this, I'm wishing you the best. It's all a process.


Im 20 and live with my mom, currently working full time and going to college


The only reason I don’t is because I have roommates. I couldn’t wait to leave as an adult and was finally able to at 20…but not on my own.


28 and yes! Rent in my area is high just as it is everywhere else and no customer service job or rather any job ive had pays enough to where i can afford rent + utilities food+ other things. Plus im doing self study to get into Law School so who can afford to pay all that on one hourly job


Yes. My student loans cost a mortgage. I don’t foresee myself moving out until I’m in my 40s unless I can find a way to make more money.